How to wash a briefcase with an orthopedic back by hand. Cleanliness of school uniforms: basic care recommendations from specialists

Most backpacks are made from nylon. They can be safely washed in a washing machine, except for those backpacks that have a waterproof layer or impregnation. By feeling the material from which your hiking bag is made, you can determine the presence of such a layer. If one side (usually the inside) is smooth and the other is not, this means your backpack has a waterproof layer. Backpacks with a waterproof coating should be hand washed following the instructions below and should not be dried using heat.

Where to begin?

Start by completely emptying your backpack. Feel all the corners of the pockets and compartments - pull out everything you find in them. If there is a lot of dust and debris in your pockets, vacuum them. Look inside (in the main compartment or in the pockets) for a label with washing instructions for your backpack.

How to wash a backpack in the washing machine

  1. Unzip all zippers on the backpack, as they may be damaged if washed closed.
  2. Check that all buckles and straps are secure.
  3. If you have a top-loading washing machine, place the backpack in a laundry bag or pillowcase to keep the straps from getting tangled.
  4. If your backpacking bag has an internal frame, remove it. The frame may become bent or damaged in the washing machine and may tear the fabric.
  5. Inspect the backpack thoroughly, checking for any stains, tears or fraying of the fabric. If you find a frayed area, use the backpack's hand-washing instructions as washing the bag will cause further wear on the damaged area.
  6. Remove or pre-treat any dirty stains.
  7. Wash the backpack using cold water and the delicate program. If the backpack is very large, take it to the laundromat (they have large washing machines) or hand wash it in the bathtub.

How to wash a backpack by hand

  1. Fill a bucket or tub with enough water to completely cover your backpack.
  2. Add laundry detergent to the water and stir vigorously by hand.
  3. If your backpack has an internal frame, it's best to pull it out. Although hand washing is a fairly gentle process and the frame tubes will not tear the fabric, the metal can begin to rust from excessive exposure to water.
  4. Place the backpack in the water and gently swirl it around to wet all sides.
  5. If there are any particularly dirty areas, scrub them with an old toothbrush or clothes brush.
  6. Rinse your backpack thoroughly in the shower.
  7. Hang your backpack over the bathtub to allow water to run off so it can dry.

How to wash a backpack in the dishwasher

Although it is dishwasher safe for , baseball caps and other household items, it is not recommended to wash your backpack in the dishwasher. The temperature in a dishwasher is much higher than in a washing machine - it can damage the material or cause paint to fade. Additionally, dishwashers have rotating spray arms in the work compartment, which can get caught on the straps, damaging both the backpack and the dishwasher. If you still want to machine wash your backpack, place it in a pillowcase or loose laundry bag. If your camp bag can fit on the top shelf, put it there. Use a non-bleach detergent and remove the backpack before the drying cycle begins. Hang your backpack over the bathtub so water can run off and it can dry.

How to wash a polyester backpack

Polyester is a very versatile fabric that is generally strong and durable, regardless of whether it is thick or not. If your backpack does not have any special embellishments such as studs, studs or leather trim, it can be safely machine washed using cold water on the delicate cycle. However, polyester is also known for absorbing and storing body odors, so give your backpacking bag a sniff and, if necessary, treat the back and straps using the "how to wash backpack straps" method below.

How to wash a canvas backpack

Tarpaulin is a durable material that can withstand washing in the washing machine. It can even withstand hot water, although this may cause the color to fade. Canvas backpacks can even be machine-wrung at low speeds and then hung out to dry.

How to wash a cotton backpack

It is important to wash a cotton backpack in cold water, as cotton fabric is prone to shrinkage. Even if the label of your backpack says that it can withstand hot or warm water, it would be better to wash it in cold. A cotton backpack can be machine-wrung at low speeds and then hung out to dry.

How to wash a hemp backpack

Hemp fabric can easily be machine washed in warm water. It can be washed often, which only makes it softer. A backpack made of hemp takes longer to dry than one made of synthetic fabric, but it does not require any special treatment and can be wrung out in the machine at low speeds.

How to wash a denim backpack

Jeans can fade, so if you wash your backpack in a pillowcase, be sure to use one that you don’t mind getting damaged. Denim takes longer to dry than most other fabrics, but you can spin a denim backpack in the washing machine on low to speed up drying time. It is better to dry such a camping bag in the fresh air; denim fabric may shrink in the dryer.

How to wash backpack straps

The straps and straps of a backpack collect the most sweat and dirt because they are in constant contact with your hands. They can be washed separately periodically, which will reduce the overall wear and tear on the backpack fabric and increase its service life.

  1. Mix a small amount of dishwashing liquid or shampoo with water, then stir the water vigorously to create a lather.
  2. Using a toothbrush or clothing brush, apply the resulting foam to the belts and scrub thoroughly.
  3. Rinse the belts under the tap, or wipe them with a little water. If your belts have filling inside, try not to get them completely wet, otherwise they will take much longer to dry.
  4. To help the straps dry quickly, hang the backpack outdoors.

How to wash a backpack with leather parts

Unless otherwise stated on the care label, a backpack with leather trim or leather parts should not be completely washed to avoid getting the leather wet. Areas of fabric with dirty stains are treated separately.

  1. Rub the brush thoroughly over the treated areas of the backpack.
  2. Dry the fabric of the backpack and then let it dry in the fresh air.
  3. Wash your leather parts following the instructions in our guide.

How to wash a backpack with rivets

The external finishing of the backpack with metal studs and rivets gives it a unique look, but at the same time adds special care requirements. It is best to avoid getting water on metal parts as they may rust. Therefore, such backpacks cannot be washed completely; only dirty spots on them are cleaned.

  1. Mix a small amount of dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent with water, then stir the water vigorously to create a suds.
  2. Using a toothbrush or clothing brush, apply the resulting foam to dirty stains.
  3. Give the dirty areas of the backpack a good scrub with the brush.
  4. Rinse the cleaned area with a sponge and clean water.
  5. Dry the backpack fabric.
  6. Gently polish the studs and rivets with a soft, dry cloth.

How to remove mold from a backpack

  1. Take your backpack outside.
  2. Clean the mold with a disposable wipe, being careful not to spread its spores to clean areas.
  3. Wipe the moldy area of ​​the backpack with rubbing alcohol.
  4. Rinse the treated area with a sponge and clean water.
  5. Wipe the cleaned area dry with disposable wipes.
  6. Hang your backpack to dry in the sun. Sunlight will help kill any remaining mold spores.

How to remove bedbugs and other pests from your backpack

If you suspect your backpack has bedbugs, lice, or other small pests, place it in a plastic trash bag. Tie the top of the bag into a knot. Leave the bag tied for a couple of weeks, or leave it in a hot place, such as a closed car in the sun in the summer, for a couple of days. Once the insects are killed, wash the backpack according to the instructions above.

When part of the school year is over, parents begin to think about how to wash a backpack so that it retains its shape and presentable appearance.

Not only parents of students, but also modern youth are thinking about this issue. Fashionable backpacks made of nylon, suede and leather have gained attention and gained enormous popularity. They are bought instead of bags, because they are light, comfortable and practical.

Not everyone can afford to dry clean an item, so you need to read the information: how to wash a school backpack in a machine or manually at home.


Such a stylish product quickly gets dirty, because it is constantly touched with dirty hands, dropped in the dirt or spilled drinks. Therefore, it is recommended to wash briefcases 3 times a year. But before this, it is necessary to properly prepare the item for the procedure.

How to do it:

  1. First you need to get all the contents. A wet notebook or notebook will not add pleasure, and a forgotten pen can complicate the work and you will have to look for means to remove ink.
  2. Then you need to remove small debris, which especially likes to accumulate in the corners of your pockets. Take and remove dust from inside.
  3. Disconnect removable parts, handles, straps. If the frame is removable, it must also be removed.
  4. Evaluate the quality of the coloring. Run over the product with a damp hand; if the dye remains on the fabric, then wash it should be gentle. You cannot put other things in the car together with such a backpack.
  5. Wipe the outside of the backpack with a damp cloth. This will help remove dust that, when in contact with water, can penetrate the fibers of the fabric.
  6. Look through the briefcase seam by seam. If there are protruding threads, fix them or burn them with a match. During the washing process, threads can get caught in the zipper and tear the material.
  7. If the backpack has an orthopedic back, it is also removed. It may become deformed during the washing process.

How well the product washes depends on the preparation. Proper preparation will save time and effort, and you can get better results.

Pre-treatment of contaminants

Have you decided to wash your backpack in the washing machine or by hand? First you need to use home remedies or household chemicals.

As a rule, neither hand nor machine washing will remove all stains.

Regardless of what kind of backpack you buy, you can use stain removers. The product can be powder or gel, depending on the type of fabric.

How to clean a backpack from stains:

  1. Sprinkle the greasy stain left by a bun or pie with salt, starch or baby powder. These products have a good absorbent effect. The powders are rubbed into the fabric and left for a couple of hours. The remains are removed with a dry cloth and the briefcase is put into the machine for further cleaning.
  2. You can remove stains with laundry soap. Wash the backpacks thoroughly and leave for 5 minutes. Wash off with water and repeat the procedure if the greasy stain is not removed the first time.
  3. A tourist or school backpack can be treated with an anti-grease gel designed for cleaning ovens, tiles. Somat, Sanita and Blitz are excellent. The products are applied in accordance with the instructions, which are different for each drug.
  4. For portfolios of light shades, onions or garlic are suitable. They are cut in half and rubbed with dirt. Leave for a while, then wash off with water.
  5. You can remove ink stains with a regular pen eraser. Dishwashing liquid and toothpaste will also help. The funds can be used either separately or together. The mixture is applied to the backpack, lightly rubbed, wait 20 minutes and then go over the stain with a toothbrush. If the stain has disappeared, you can rinse the briefcase and put it in the wash.
  6. Use universal products: Vanish, Oxy, Ushasty Nyan, Sarma and Amway - industrial stain removers that remove stains faster than home remedies. It is necessary to select household chemicals according to the type of fabric.
  7. If the briefcase smells unpleasant, soak it in a weak solution of baking soda and vinegar. The backpack is left in it for 1–2 hours.
  8. Activated carbon absorbs unpleasant odors well. Inside each compartment is a bag filled with salt and black tablets. Leave it for 2 days, and then you can wash it.

You can also use ammonia to remove contaminants. Freezer if there is chewing gum stuck to your briefcase.

Tarpaulin, jeans, hemp, cotton

School backpacks are most often made from such materials; they are durable and can withstand more books that a student needs.

Washing such backpacks is easy; it can be done by hand or using automatic equipment.


Can I wash my backpack in the washing machine?

Tarpaulin is resistant to high temperatures and mechanical stress, it is a very durable fabric that can withstand hot water and can be wrung out without fear of being damaged.

How to wash a backpack in the washing machine:

  1. In order to protect your backpack as much as possible and ensure it lasts until the end of the school year, try to wash it on a gentle cycle. Before this, you can put it on the “soaking” mode.
  2. A canvas briefcase is placed in a drum in a laundry bag, the delicate mode is selected and the temperature is set to high so that all dirt is cleaned. Cotton items should be washed in cold water, even if the label says hot water. A briefcase made of hemp fabric should be washed in a washing machine in warm water.
  3. A gel product is added to the powder container because the powder form can leave streaks on the fabric.
  4. After spinning at low speed, the product is taken out of the machine, the laundry bag is removed and the drying process begins.

If a canvas briefcase fades, then it must be washed at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees.

Denim backpacks can be washed in the same way, but they should not be tumble dried. The fabric may shrink.


If there are a lot of rivets and stickers on the backpack, it is better to wash it by hand. This method is more gentle than delicate processing in a machine.

How to wash a briefcase:

  1. Water is drawn into a large basin or bathtub, the temperature of which should be no more than 40 degrees.
  2. Grate the laundry soap and add it to the container with the liquid. You can also pour stain remover, dishwashing detergent or colorless shampoo there.
  3. The backpack is placed in this solution for half an hour.
  4. Then clean it with a clothes brush to remove all dirt.
  5. Rinse and dry without squeezing.

Satchels should not be washed too often. This procedure can be performed no more than 3 times a year; the rest of the time it is recommended to soak them with a soft cloth or remove only the stains that have formed.

The briefcases have a special impregnation that protects against water getting inside. If you wash it more than three times a year, the waterproof properties of the backpack will disappear.


Suede backpacks look cute and stylish. It is better to wash these backpacks by hand, as they require a gentle cleaning method.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Fill a basin with warm water, the temperature should be no more than 35 degrees.
  2. Dilute the detergent; it is advisable to buy a product suitable specifically for suede. You cannot use bleach or aggressive bleaches for this fabric.
  3. There is no need to soak the suede; use a soft brush to cover all surfaces of the briefcase, both inside and outside.
  4. Rinse the product in plenty of water. The temperature of the rinse liquid should also be no more than 35 degrees.

The suede satchel is lightly wrung out, squeezing on both sides with your palms. You cannot twist or squeeze into a fist.


Leather items do not like frequent treatment with water. It is better to wash such backpacks by hand, since a washing machine can permanently damage them.

How to properly wash a backpack made of leather or leather inserts:

  1. For such things they use dishwashing liquid, toothpaste, and olive oil.
  2. One of the products is applied to the stain or the entire backpack, left for a while, and then the residue is removed with a soft cloth. You cannot rub with brushes, the skin is quickly damaged.
  3. Olive oil also creates a film that protects the product from scratches.


It is best to dry briefcases naturally, no matter what fabric the products are made of.

After washing, the satchel must be straightened and the pockets left open, otherwise moisture will remain in them and mold will appear.

You can fill the briefcase with white paper, this will give it shape and at the same time draw out excess moisture. The paper must be changed as it becomes saturated with water.

The backpack is then hung outside on a clothesline, weather and fabric permitting. You can also leave it indoors, but do not dry it in the washing machine; the fabric may become deformed, wrinkled and then look wrinkled.

To make it dry faster, use a hairdryer. Blow warm air into the corners of your pockets to help them dry faster.

Washing a backpack at home is quick and does not take much time. If the backpack has lost its water-repellent properties, treat it with a special spray. Water-repellent products are sold in household chemical departments.

The backpack is actively used by students, schoolchildren and tourists. With daily use, the accessory not only deteriorates and wears out, but also gets dirty. The basic rules for washing a product depend on what material the backpack is made from. For accessories made of delicate and capricious material, use dry cleaning or hand washing; however, the bulk of the products are made from practical fabrics that can be washed in a washing machine. Cleaning your backpack at home is easy.

Before washing or cleaning, carefully inspect the backpack and empty all pockets. Nothing should remain inside. A pen left inside, for example, will spread during machine washing, leaving a difficult to remove stain and completely ruining the appearance. If possible, remove all elements that can be detached, straps, key chains, pockets, etc. It is important to remove them from a backpack with orthopedic elements, as there is a risk of disrupting the function. Before washing, remove stains, stains, heavy dirt, and shake to remove dust and debris.

Pre-treat hard material with a damp sponge or brush for cleaning clothes. A lot of dirt, dust and debris accumulate in the deep folds of hiking backpacks; it needs to be vacuumed.

If the cloth allows you to scrub the surface, use a toothbrush for difficult areas and heavy dirt.

If there are heavy dirt and stains, before removing them, carefully study the product label to find out which washing method is allowed, as well as in what mode, at what temperature and what products will not damage the material.

  1. Before you start cleaning, try an experiment on a small area in the interior. The reaction of the tissue will make it clear whether this product can be used or not.
  2. Do not use bleach to remove stains as this may damage the colored fabric.
  3. If you don’t have a special product, mix laundry or regular soap with water and soak the product for half an hour.
  4. After exposure, rinse off the soap suds and see the result.

Carry out the main wash immediately after removing stains. Washing and soaking is not carried out unless there is severe contamination.

Wash by hand

It is more convenient to wash a school backpack at home in a large basin or in a sink. Choose the water temperature carefully; too hot may cause the fabric to shed.

We recommend a powder or other detergent that does not contain additional components aimed at whitening, fragrance and other additional functions. The use of aggressive chemical compounds often causes a violation of the moisture-repellent properties of the material. Coloring and flavoring components can cause an allergic reaction in a child.

Read the care instructions carefully. If you have a permit, completely soak the product in water. Treat the dirtiest areas with a toothbrush and go over the entire surface with a soft sponge.

Drying in the fresh air will remove unpleasant odors. In the fresh air, exposed to wind and sunlight, all folds and pockets of the product will dry. Residual moisture provokes the development of mold.

If after washing the product once the cleanliness does not return, repeat the procedure several times. If some stains occur, take the item to the dry cleaner; professionals can handle almost any type of stain. Washing in a washing machine is effective; it is more applicable if there is an approval sign on the label.

Washing in a washing machine

You can wash your backpack in a washing machine, provided that it is made of materials that do not have various impregnations. The success of washing will be affected by the correctly set mode and high-quality detergent. Test the powder or gel for aggressiveness in a place inaccessible to the eye. Before putting the item in the washing machine drum, place it in a pillowcase or use a special laundry bag.

To wash your backpack better, pre-soak it for 2 hours in a solution of baking soda and vinegar. The washing time should not be long, choose a delicate drum operating mode, and also choose the lowest possible temperature.

Dry powders do not dissolve well and are difficult to wash out of the material, so it is recommended to use gel formulations; they are easy to rinse and do not leave streaks. If you don’t have a special product, first dissolve the washing powder well in warm water and pour it directly into the drum. Use double rinse mode.

It is important to dry the fabric thoroughly. If the first wash is unsuccessful, repeat the manipulations, but first soak the backpack in a stain remover that does not contain chlorine.

  1. There should be no other items in the washing machine drum.
  2. Choose a detergent that is suitable for each individual type of backpack. For example, washing powder for camping equipment.
  3. If you do not put the product in a special bag, during the washing process the elements will become tangled and the material will be damaged by its own locks.
  4. It is recommended to dry-clean an expensive item made from special materials and not try to wash it yourself at home.

Stains, watercolor stains, dried dirt, wear and tear - all this is familiar to the mother of a schoolchild. The briefcase that the child carries every day is thrown on the floor, used as a seat or a ball during recess, and sometimes it is simply covered in paint. Only washing will help make your backpack look decent again.

First of all, remove all things from your backpack. Carefully check small pockets and folds: there may be a piece of paper or plasticine lying around. If these objects fall into water, they will spread throughout the fabric, severely damaging it.

Using a slightly damp cloth, clean the backpack from dust, stains and dried dirt. Hard, smooth fabric can be rubbed with a brush or sponge. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove any debris that has accumulated in the furthest folds. Work with low power and the narrowest nozzle. If you can't reach something, use an old toothbrush.

Turn your empty backpack inside out. Remove small parts such as removable pockets, straps or hanging decorations and set aside for now. Wash fabric items separately from the briefcase. Special briefcases with an orthopedic insert usually have a cavity where the frame is stored. It also needs to be taken out: you can’t clean it together with the back, because it will get damaged.


Before treating stains, read the information on the attached label. Most often it is located in the largest compartment, attached to the side seam. Permissible temperature range, aggressiveness of cleaning products, washing options - the manufacturer always writes about this. If there are no special instructions on how to wash, then before the main cleaning you can deal with stains.

How to remove stains:

  • Test the cleaner on a small area. This way you won’t ruin the entire backpack if something goes wrong.
  • If the test gives good results, then wet the dirty areas with warm water.
  • Soak the fabric in stain remover and leave it for half an hour. You can scrub these areas with a soft brush. Do not use bleach; too much bleach will leave faded stains.
  • After 30 minutes, scrub the cloth again and rinse it with clean water.

Immediately after removing the stains, proceed to the main procedure. The backpack should not have time to dry.


The best treatment option is to spin the backpack a couple of times in the washing machine. No amount of dirt can stand this. However, you will have to forget about this if the briefcase is made of thin mesh fabric or has non-removable frame elements. Cleaning in the machine is not designed for fragile parts.

How to wash a school backpack by hand:

  • Fill a large basin with warm water. The optimal temperature is 30 degrees, so the material will not fade and will be cleaned at the same time.
  • Dilute soap shavings or delicate baby powder in water. It is better to choose a hypoallergenic product that will not cause a rash in the child in case of poor rinsing.
  • Scrub the entire surface of the backpack, paying special attention to the sides and back. For this it is better to use a sponge.
  • Rinse the backpack several times in clean water. Gently squeeze it out after wrapping it in a large terry towel. The fabric will absorb water and the bath will not turn into a swamp.

Can I machine wash it if hand washing doesn't work? Yes, if the manufacturer does not prohibit it. Otherwise, do a few regular washes or take it to a dry cleaner.

Machine washable backpack:

  • Place the briefcase in a pillowcase or a special laundry net.
  • Place a mild cleaning agent in the compartment.
  • Turn on delicate mode for half an hour.

A clean briefcase is dried in the open air. Choose shaded areas because direct sunlight can cause the material to fade. Before getting your child ready for school, check your backpack: it must be completely dry, otherwise mold or an unpleasant odor will appear.

No matter how durable and wear-resistant a backpack is, over time the thing gets dirty and loses its original attractiveness. How to properly care for the accessory and is it possible to wash the backpack at home?

How to wash a backpack in the washing machine

As a rule, most manufacturers do not recommend washing the accessory in an automatic washing machine. This precaution is due to the fact that during the production process the equipment is impregnated with special waterproof solutions, which are quickly washed out during washing with an automatic machine or simply treating with water. But if there are no such instructions and prohibitions on the product label, you can safely use washing machines and again enjoy the cleanliness and practicality of your equipment (for example, an automatic machine will be an excellent opportunity to clean a city or school backpack from dirt).

To properly machine wash a backpack, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following sequence of steps:


Before loading a product into the wash, you must carefully check it and remove from the backpack all items and items that may become unusable after exposure to water. For high-quality cleaning of dry dirt, you need to turn the product inside out and shake it (to remove small debris, you can use a vacuum cleaner set to minimum power).

It is necessary to unfasten all removable hooks and straps so that the accessories do not damage the machine drum during washing.

Before starting the washing machine, all heavily soiled areas are pre-treated with a damp cloth, and all hard parts (frame, removable bottom) are removed from the backpack.

Washing machine

Proper care of your backpack requires the following steps:

  • elimination of unpleasant odors. After removing obvious dirt, city, sports and school backpacks can be soaked in a weak vinegar solution, adding a little baking soda to the water. The item must be kept in the solution for at least one and a half hours;
  • the treated accessory is placed in a special bag or pillowcase. You can also turn the product inside out and hide fasteners, laces, straps and other non-removable elements inside;
  • after the washing machine is loaded, it is necessary to set the “delicate mode” and the minimum temperature (even if the manufacturer guarantees that the fabric can withstand boiling, it is strongly recommended not to experiment, since the item may lose its original color);
  • if only a school backpack is being washed, it is necessary to carefully monitor the operation of the machine, periodically stopping it and manually straightening the item in the drum (otherwise, an imbalance or skew of the washing machine may occur);
  • proper care involves using only gel types of powders. The substances work well at low temperatures, being completely washed out of the fabric structure.

After the automatic washing of the backpack is completed, you need to remove the product and carefully straighten it, turning out all the pockets. It is recommended to dry the accessory in the fresh air until the slightest sign of moisture has completely disappeared, which can subsequently cause an unpleasant odor and the formation of mold.

How to properly care for and wash items by hand

Unlike school accessories, travel equipment cannot “survive” automatic washing. Products for hiking and tourism can only be washed by hand, since the fabric from which items for hiking are made is “capricious” in care and, if used incorrectly, very quickly loses its positive properties.

To wash by hand, you need to prepare the product as follows: remove the hard frame, disconnect removable elements, cut off hanging threads and frayed fibers.

If the material does not require special care, you can use a regular stain remover that does not contain bleach to remove heavy stains. The product is applied to the stains with a soft brush and left for about an hour (you can replace the stain remover with a mixture of detergent and water in a 50 to 50 consistency).

After pre-treatment, you need to place the item in a container with lukewarm water and add a detergent that does not contain dyes, chemicals or flavoring additives. Harsh chemicals can negatively affect the water-repellent properties of the fabric.

Washing and care are carried out with a damp cloth or soft brush (it is recommended to use a sponge for treating mesh elements). Can the product be wrinkled or twisted? It is recommended to do these procedures as carefully as possible so as not to destroy the fabric structure or damage the fasteners.

After hand washing, the item is thoroughly rinsed in warm water, gently wrung out and carefully straightened for subsequent drying. The material should dry naturally without the use of dryers.

If you take proper care of your backpack, the item will serve you for many years, delighting you with its original appearance and brightness.
