How does a miscarriage happen in a short time. Miscarriage in early pregnancy: signs and symptoms

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy is a miscarriage. It occurs in the early stages, up to 10-12 weeks, and there can be many reasons for it.

The diagnosis of "threatened abortion" put women in position in the first trimester.

But sometimes the prerequisites are not so easy to identify and understand in time that there is a threat to the unborn child.

A large number of miscarriages occur in the first weeks of pregnancy, and the expulsion of the fetal egg coincides with menstruation.

Then there are no symptoms, and a woman may not even be aware of a spontaneous abortion. For a period of 4, 5, 6 or more weeks, it is unrealistic not to notice it.

Knowing about the first signs and symptoms of a dangerous phenomenon, you can avoid the death of the embryo by immediately seeking medical help.

Started miscarriage manifests itself as a sharp deterioration in well-being in a pregnant woman, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, brownish or red discharge. But in some cases, the process is hidden.

The prerequisites that threaten the life of the unborn baby are such signs in his mother as:

  • sudden or gradual weight loss with the same diet;
  • periodic bursting pain in the lower back;
  • cramps in the abdomen;
  • digestive disorders, including diarrhea;
  • profuse mucous discharge from the genital tract of unknown origin.

In the presence of these signs, you can suspect a threat of interruption. AND the appearance of bleeding almost always indicate a high probability of miscarriage. If more pain in the abdomen is added here, then you need to immediately call an ambulance - most likely, the child will still be able to be saved.

Severe bleeding indicates pathological changes of a negative nature, and the embryo has already died. Rejection of the fetal egg can occur in whole or in parts. And sometimes a dead embryo leaves the mother's body a few days after the fait accompli of death.

In any case, the woman needs urgent hospitalization, any delay is very dangerous.

Stages and symptoms

Each stage of the process of rejection of the fetal egg from the mother's body is accompanied by its own characteristics of symptoms.

First stage

Acute threat of abortion. It all starts with aching and pulling pains in the lower abdomen, lower back. Soon spotting on linen is found. In no case should you hesitate - it's time to urgently visit a gynecologist or call an ambulance. Some women are in this state throughout their pregnancy, and the entire period is “on preservation”.

Second stage

The beginning of a miscarriage. The pains become more and more noticeable, take on a cramping character. The discharge of blood intensifies during the movement of the woman. Added to this is dizziness and an invincible feeling of weakness and fatigue. There are still chances to save the pregnancy, but with the condition that urgent hospitalization will be made.

Third stage

There is a process of miscarriage. Pain in the abdomen and lower back becomes very strong and sharp, blood loss is plentiful. It is at this stage that the death of the fetal egg is recorded.

fourth stage

It's already an abortion. After the complete expulsion of the embryo and all its membranes from the uterine cavity, the contraction of the organ begins, and the bleeding stops. A complete miscarriage must be confirmed by ultrasound.

There is also such a thing as an incomplete miscarriage. For some reason, the embryo dies in the uterine cavity, but its natural removal does not occur. The usual signs of pregnancy in a woman disappear, and dizziness, lightheadedness, "flies" before her eyes begin to appear.

This condition is also called a missed pregnancy and is extremely dangerous for a woman. Surgical curettage of the uterine cavity and removal of the dead fetal egg along with the membranes are required.

Causes and factors

Why does it happen that nature itself wants to destroy the newly created life? There are various reasons for this. In particular, these are:

  • Chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus. The most common reason. According to statistics, the most common cause of spontaneous abortions is genetic damage to the embryo, due to which it becomes unviable and with severe deformities. Thus nature makes "natural selection".
  • Rhesus conflict. It occurs when the father and mother have different Rh factors. Due to the immunological conflict, the female body drives away the “stranger”.
  • Hormonal disorders in a pregnant woman. Miscarriage, especially recurring, is a consequence of a lack of progesterone or an excess of androgen.
  • History of induced abortions.
  • Psychological stress.
  • Great physical activity. Pregnant women should not lift a load that weighs more than 5 kg, otherwise the risk of detachment of the fetal egg increases.
  • Poor health of the mother. A weak mother's body is not able to provide optimal conditions for the growth and development of the unborn baby, does not withstand additional loads. Some infectious diseases caught during pregnancy (rubella, influenza, SARS).
  • Medicines and toxic chemicals. Many drugs can pass through the placenta, they can poison the baby. Do not take any medication without consulting a doctor.
  • Latent infections. Many diseases of the genital area are able to affect the fetus, even those that a woman may not know about (asymptomatic carriage).

Any miscarriage, regardless of its cause, requires prompt hospitalization. The expulsion of the fetus that has begun is not stopped if it is a frozen pregnancy. In all other cases, every effort is made to save the fetus.

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy for up to 22 weeks. Medical statistics says that every fourth woman faces this problem in the early stages of pregnancy. Many of them were not even aware of their interesting situation, not to mention understanding that a miscarriage had occurred. On the one hand, this protects a woman from unnecessary worries about a failed pregnancy, but on the other hand, it makes it impossible to understand the reasons and prevent this from happening in the future, when the pregnancy is planned and desired. Therefore, it is necessary to know the main signs by which at home you can determine that a miscarriage has occurred, and understand what to do in such a situation.

Early miscarriage symptoms

Most women who miscarry early in their pregnancy at home confuse it with menstruation. Sometimes you can notice that after a delay, menstruation is accompanied by more soreness and more bleeding.

But, unaware of their situation, women do not associate this with a miscarriage. In order not to confuse a miscarriage with menstruation, and to prevent adverse consequences, you need to pay attention to certain signals from your body. The most common symptoms that accompany a miscarriage are bleeding and pain.

Discomfort begins with pain in the form of tingling in the lower abdomen. Gradually, the pain intensifies and spreads to the lower back.

Pain sensations are periodic in nature and are called cramping. Often a woman may note that the interval between pain attacks is approximately the same and begins to decrease over time.

An alarming signal may be an increase in the tone of the uterus. It is not always associated with the onset of a miscarriage, but only in cases where it causes discomfort to the expectant mother and is accompanied by pain.

A very dangerous symptom, indicating a threat or a miscarriage that has already occurred, is bleeding from the vagina. Even a single drop of blood should alert a woman. If nothing is done in this case, then the bleeding may increase, which can lead not only to spontaneous abortion, but also pose a significant danger to the life of the woman herself.

stages of miscarriage

A miscarriage doesn't happen all at once. By identifying the symptoms of an incipient miscarriage at home, there is a chance to save the pregnancy if you seek help in a timely manner.

There are several stages of miscarriage, each of which is characterized by a more pronounced manifestation of certain symptoms:


What to do if a woman, while at home, suspects that she has started or has already had a miscarriage? The most important thing is not to panic, but to seek medical help immediately.

At home, it is quite difficult to assess the state of a woman’s health, so it would be better if she undergoes an examination in a medical institution.
The main diagnostic methods for threatened miscarriage are ultrasound and a blood test for hCG.

Each woman reacts differently to the manifestation of certain symptoms, therefore, based only on visible signs, it is impossible to accurately understand whether she has a miscarriage and, if so, at what stage it is.

Ultrasound allows you to assess the condition of not only the female body, but also the fetus. According to its results, conclusions can be drawn about the possibility of maintaining a pregnancy.

Another method for diagnosing early pregnancy is to measure the level of hCG in the blood. Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that is produced in the body of a pregnant woman. In the absence of pregnancy, the level of this hormone ranges from 0 to 5 mU / ml. With a normal pregnancy, it gradually increases depending on the duration of pregnancy.

It is possible to determine the presence of pregnancy by this analysis already in the first week of conception. This indicator is informative for the diagnosis of miscarriage. In the event of an interrupted pregnancy, its level begins to fall rapidly.

Causes of miscarriage

It is very difficult to determine for sure what caused an early miscarriage. To do this, a woman will have to undergo a whole range of examinations, pass a lot of tests. It is necessary to do this, first of all, in order to exclude negative factors in the future. Medicine conditionally divided all the causes that provoke involuntary termination of pregnancy into two groups.

Subjective causes of early miscarriage

Conditionally considered subjective are those reasons that are directly related to the lifestyle and personality of a woman. To cope with them under the power of the future mother herself.

The first group includes the following factors:

  • Impact of adverse conditions. This can be both harmful production in which a woman works, and living in an area of ​​​​high pollution. In addition, the unfavorable psycho-emotional state of the pregnant woman can also be attributed here - stress, quarrels at home, etc.
  • Wrong way of life. This includes both malnutrition and depletion of your body with various diets, as well as bad habits - smoking, alcohol and others.
  • Age. Doctors consider the optimal reproductive age for a woman to be 20-35 years. With age, the ability to become pregnant and carry a baby decreases.
  • Excessive physical activity. Pregnant women should give up hard physical work (this possibility is also provided for by labor legislation) and active sports.
  • Accident. Unfortunately, no one is immune from this. At the same time, all the body's defenses are aimed at restoring the health of the woman herself, so very often after such incidents a woman loses her unborn baby.

Medical causes of early miscarriage

If the subjective causes that provoke a miscarriage can be dealt with even without resorting to outside help, then the help of specialists is needed to eliminate medical causes.

If you correctly approach the issue of pregnancy planning, do everything that doctors recommend, then you can, if not exclude, then significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage, even in the presence of negative medical factors.

The second group of reasons includes the following factors:

Pregnancy is the greatest happiness for many women. The expectant mother should do everything to protect her unborn baby from negative factors that can provoke an early miscarriage. Proper nutrition, taking care of your health, regular visits to the doctor - these are the components that should accompany a woman on her way to motherhood. By listening to your body and responding to any unpleasant symptoms, you can save the pregnancy even if there is a threat of its spontaneous termination.

One in five pregnancies ends in miscarriage; more than 80% of miscarriages occur in the first 3 months of pregnancy. However, their actual number may be underestimated, since most occur in the early stages, when pregnancy has not yet been diagnosed. No matter when the miscarriage occurs, you may feel shock, despair, and anger. A sharp decrease in estrogen can cause a decline in mood, although most women become depressed without it. Best friends or even family members sometimes refer to what happened as a “bad period” or “pregnancy that was not meant to be,” which only deepens your grief. Many women experience guilt, thinking that something wrong was the cause of the miscarriage. What if it's because of the weights you lifted at the gym? Because of the computer at work? Or because of a glass of wine at dinner? No. Remember that the vast majority of miscarriages are due to chromosomal abnormalities. Only a small proportion of women (4%) with a history of more than one miscarriage suffer from some kind of disease that requires diagnosis and treatment. It is important to find moral support after what happened. Give yourself time to go through all 4 stages of grief—denial, anger, depression, and acceptance—before trying to conceive again. Understand that this is a disease and share your pain with someone you trust. Your partner is grieving the loss just like you, now is the time to support each other. Finally, remember that in most cases, even women who have had miscarriages have healthy children in the future.

Miscarriage classification

Spontaneous miscarriages can be classified in many ways.

Of practical interest are classifications based on differences in gestational age, degree of miscarriage (pathogenetic sign) and clinical course.

Spontaneous - miscarriages are distinguished:

  1. By gestational age: a) early - in the first 12-16 weeks of pregnancy, b) late - at 16-28 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. According to the degree of development: a) threatening, b) beginning, c) in progress, d) incomplete, e) complete, f) failed. If spontaneous miscarriages are repeated in successive pregnancies, they speak of a habitual miscarriage.
  3. According to the clinical course: a) uninfected (non-febrile), b) infected (febrile).

At the core pathogenesis Spontaneous miscarriage may be the primary death of the fetal egg during toxicosis of pregnancy, acute and chronic infections, cystic mole, etc. In such cases, reactive changes usually occur in the body of a pregnant woman, entailing uterine contractions, followed by expulsion of the dead fetal egg. In other cases, reflex uterine contractions occur primarily and precede the death of the fetal egg (secondary death of the fetal egg), which occurs from a violation of the connection between the fetal egg and the mother's body due to detachment of the placenta from its bed. Finally, both of these factors, i.e., uterine contractions and egg death, can be observed at the same time.

Up to 4 weeks of pregnancy, the fetal egg is still so small that it occupies an insignificant place in the total mass of the falling off shell. Contractions of the uterus from its cavity can completely or partially remove the falling shell. If that part of the membrane in which the egg is implanted is removed from the uterine cavity, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, which the pregnant woman either does not notice at all, or takes it for heavy menstrual bleeding. When removing a part of the falling off shell that does not contain a fetal egg, the egg, after the cessation of contractions, can continue its development. In such cases, a slight bleeding from the pregnant uterus may even be mistaken for menstruation, especially since a small amount of discharge, similar to menstruation, sometimes occurs in the first month of pregnancy. Further observation of the pregnant woman reveals the true picture.

If uterine contractions precede the death of the fetal egg and cause its detachment from the bed in the decidua basalis area, where a rich vascular system is developed, a short but severe bleeding occurs, quickly bleeding the patient, especially if half or rion exfoliated.

The closer to the internal os of the uterus the egg is implanted, the more bleeding. This is explained by the lower contractility of the isthmus of the uterus compared to its body.
Sometimes the fetal egg of the early stages of pregnancy exfoliates entirely and, having overcome the obstacle from the side of the internal uterine os, descends into the cervical canal. If at the same time the external pharynx turns out to be impassable for the egg, it seems to get stuck in the cervical canal and stretches its walls, and the neck takes on a barrel-shaped appearance. This form of miscarriage is called cervical abortion (abortus cervicalis).

A miscarriage in late pregnancy (after 16 weeks) proceeds in the same way as preterm birth: first, the opening of the uterine os with wedging of the fetal bladder into it, then the opening of the fetal bladder, the birth of the fetus, and, finally, detachment and birth of the placenta. In multiparous women, the membranes often remain intact, and after the opening of the uterine os, the entire fetal egg is born entirely at once.

Varieties of miscarriage

Depending on what was found during the examination, your doctor may name the type of miscarriage that you have:

  • Risk of miscarriage. If you are bleeding, but the cervix has not begun to open, then this is only a threat of miscarriage. After resting, such pregnancies often continue without further problems.
  • Inevitable miscarriage (abortion in progress). If you are bleeding, your uterus is contracting and your cervix is ​​dilated, a miscarriage is inevitable.
  • Incomplete miscarriage. If part of the tissue of the fetus or placenta came out, and some remained in the uterus, this is an incomplete miscarriage.
  • Failed miscarriage. The tissues of the placenta and embryo remain in the uterus, but the fetus died or did not form at all.
  • Complete miscarriage. If all the tissues associated with the pregnancy have come out, it is a complete miscarriage. This is usually for miscarriages that occur before 12 weeks.
  • Septic miscarriage. If you have a uterine infection, it is a septic miscarriage. Urgent treatment may be required.

Causes of miscarriage

Most miscarriages occur because the fetus does not develop normally. Violations in the genes and chromosomes of the child are usually the result of random errors in the division and growth of the embryo - not inherited from parents.

Some examples of anomalies:

  • A dead egg (anembryony). This is a fairly common occurrence, causing almost half of the miscarriages in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. Occurs if only the placenta and membranes develop from a fertilized egg, but there is no embryo.
  • Intrauterine fetal death (missed pregnancy). In this situation, there is an embryo, but it dies before any symptoms of a miscarriage appear. This is also due to genetic abnormalities of the fetus.
  • Bubble drift. A mole, also called trophoblastic disease of pregnancy, is uncommon. This is an anomaly of the placenta associated with disorders at the time of fertilization. In this case, the placenta develops into a rapidly growing cystic mass in the uterus, which may or may not contain an embryo. If the embryo is still there, it will not reach maturity.

In some cases, a woman's health status may play a role. Untreated diabetes, thyroid disease, infections, and hormonal imbalances can sometimes lead to miscarriage. Other factors that increase the risk of miscarriage are:

Age. Women over 35 have a higher risk of miscarriage than younger women. At 35, the risk is about 20%. At 40, about 40%. At 45 - about 80%. Can play a role and the age of the father.

Here are the various causes of miscarriages:

Chromosomal abnormalities. During fertilization, the sperm and egg each contribute 23 chromosomes to the future zygote and create a set of 23 carefully selected pairs of chromosomes. This is a complex process, and the slightest failure can lead to a genetic anomaly that stops the growth of the embryo. Studies have shown that most miscarriages have a genetic basis. The older the woman, the more likely such anomalies.

Hormonal imbalance. About 15% of miscarriages are mediated by hormonal imbalances. For example, an insufficient level of progesterone can prevent the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. Your doctor can diagnose imbalances with an endometrial biopsy, a procedure usually performed at the end of your menstrual cycle to assess ovulation and the development of the lining of your uterus. As a treatment, hormonal drugs are used that stimulate the development of the embryo.

Diseases of the uterus. Fibrous tumor of the uterus can cause miscarriage; such tumors often grow on the outer wall of the uterus and are not dangerous. If they are located inside the uterus, they can interfere with implantation of the embryo or blood flow to the fetus. Some women are born with a uterine septum, a rare defect that causes miscarriage. The septum is a tissue wall that separates the uterus in two. Another cause may be scarring on the surface of the uterus, as a result of surgery or abortion. This excess tissue can disrupt the implantation of the fetus, as well as obstruct blood flow to the placenta. A doctor can detect these scars with an x-ray, and most of them can be treated.

chronic diseases. Autoimmune diseases, heart, kidney or liver disease, and diabetes are examples of disorders that cause about 6% of miscarriages. If you have any chronic medical condition, find an OB/GYN who specializes in pregnancy management for these women.

Heat. No matter how healthy a woman is in her normal state, if you have a high temperature (above 39 ° C) in the early stages, this pregnancy may end in a miscarriage. Elevated temperature is especially dangerous for an embryo up to 6 weeks.

Miscarriage in the 1st trimester

During this period, miscarriages are very common, in about 15-20% of cases. In most cases, they are caused by an anomaly of fertilization, which causes a deviation in the chromosomes of the fetus, making it unviable. We are talking about the mechanism of natural selection, which does not involve anomalies either on the part of the mother or on the part of the father.

Physical activity has nothing to do with it. Therefore, you should neither blame yourself for the fact that, for example, you did not have enough rest, nor feel responsible for this. A miscarriage that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy does not require further special examination, except in cases of two or three consecutive spontaneous abortions.

Miscarriage in the 2nd trimester

From the 13th to the 24th week of amenorrhea, miscarriages occur much less frequently - about 0.5%) and are usually triggered by infection or abnormal opening (gaping) of the cervix. For prevention purposes, you can make a cervical cerclage, and in case of infection, drink antibiotics.

What doesn't cause a miscarriage

Such daily activities do not provoke a miscarriage:

  • Physical exercise.
  • Lifting loads or physical exertion.
  • Having sex.
  • Work that excludes contact with harmful substances. Some studies show that the risk of miscarriage increases if the partner is over 35 years old, and the older the father, the more.
  • More than two previous miscarriages. The risk of miscarriage is higher if a woman has already had two or more miscarriages. After one miscarriage, the risk is the same as if there was no miscarriage yet.
  • Smoking, alcohol, drugs. Women who smoke and drink alcohol during pregnancy have a higher risk of miscarriage than non-smokers and non-drinkers. Drugs also increase the risk of miscarriage.
  • Invasive prenatal examinations. Some prenatal genetic testing, such as sampling of chorionic villi or amniotic fluid, may increase the risk of miscarriage.

Symptoms and signs of spontaneous miscarriage

Often the first sign of a miscarriage is metrorrhagia (vaginal bleeding that occurs outside of a period) or palpable contractions of the pelvic muscles. However, bleeding is not always a symptom of a miscarriage: it is often a 1st trimester disorder (affecting one in four women); in most cases, the pregnancy continues unhindered.

Threatened miscarriage (abortus imminens) begins either with the destruction of the falling off membrane, followed by cramping contractions of the uterus, or with the onset of contractions, followed by bleeding from the uterus - a sign of the beginning detachment of the fetal egg from its bed. The initial symptom of a threatened miscarriage is in the first of these options a slight hemorrhage, in the second - cramping uterine contractions. If the process that has begun does not stop, it goes to the next stage - to the state of an incipient miscarriage.

Thus, the diagnosis of a threatened miscarriage is made if there is a symptom in pregnancy based on one of the symptoms mentioned - minor cramping pains in the lower abdomen and in the sacrum and minor bleeding from the uterus (or both symptoms together), provided that there is no shortening of the cervix uterus and opening of the cervix. In a two-handed study made during contractions, the uterus is sealed, and the seal is retained for some time after the subject has ceased to feel pain from contractions.

A miscarriage that has begun (abortus incipiens). In this stage of miscarriage, cramping pains in the abdomen and sacrum and blood discharge from the uterus are simultaneously observed; both of these symptoms are more pronounced than in the stage of threatened miscarriage. As with a threatened miscarriage, the cervix is ​​preserved, the external os is closed. Consolidation of the uterus during contractions is more pronounced than with a threatened miscarriage. If the connection with the uterus is broken only on a small surface of the fetal egg, for example, less than one third, its development can continue and the pregnancy is sometimes carried to the end.

With the progression of the process, the contractions intensify and become painful, as during childbirth; bleeding also increases. The cervix shortens, the pharynx gradually opens, up to the size necessary for the passage of the fetal egg. During vaginal examination, due to the opening of the cervical canal, an examining finger can be inserted into it, which gropes here for parts of the exfoliated fetal egg. This stage in the development of a miscarriage is called abortion in progress (abortus progrediens). The fetal egg in such cases is born partially or entirely.

When expelled from the uterine cavity, only parts of the fetal egg speak of an incomplete miscarriage (abortus incompletus). In such cases, the main symptoms are: profuse bleeding with large clots, which can lead to acute and severe bleeding of the patient, and painful contractions. With a two-handed gynecological examination, blood clots are found, often filling the entire vagina, a shortened and softened cervix, the patency of the cervical canal throughout its entire length for one or two fingers; the presence in the vagina, in the cervical canal and in the lower part of the uterine cavity of parts of an exfoliated fetal egg, if it was not expelled from the uterus before the study, an increase in the body of the uterus, some softening (uneven), roundness and soreness, a short contraction of the uterus under the influence of the study and others

A complete miscarriage (abortus completus) is said to occur when the entire fetal egg is expelled from the uterus. During vaginal examination, it turns out that the uterus has decreased in volume, is dense, although the cervical canal is open, the bleeding has stopped, only scanty spotting is observed; after 1-2 days, the cervix recovers and the cervical canal closes. However, although the fetal egg is expelled from the uterus as if entirely, fragments of the falling membrane and villi that have not lost contact with the uterus, etc., usually still remain in the cavity of the latter. repeated two-handed gynecological examination. In all other cases, it is more correct to clinically consider each miscarriage as incomplete.

A failed miscarriage is recognized after clinical observation on the basis of the cessation of growth of the uterus, which increased before in accordance with the gestational age, and then its decrease, the appearance of milk in the mammary glands instead of colostrum, a negative Ashheim-Zondek reaction (appears no earlier than 1-2 weeks after death of the fetal egg), minor bloody discharge from the uterus, and sometimes their absence.

One or another stage of the development of a miscarriage is established (which is of great practical importance) on the basis of the mentioned signs of each of them.

Complications of miscarriage can be the following pathological processes.

  1. Acute anemia, which often requires urgent intervention. If a woman who has a miscarriage is healthy in all other respects, especially if the compensatory ability of the body is full, then with timely and appropriate measures taken to combat acute anemia, death from the latter is very rare.
  2. Infection. With a miscarriage, a number of conditions are created that favor the development of a septic process. These include: an open uterine os, which makes it possible for microorganisms to enter the uterine cavity from the cervical canal and vagina; blood clots and remnants of the fetal egg located in the uterine cavity, which serve as a good breeding ground for microorganisms; exposed placental platform, which is an entrance gate easily permeable to microorganisms; bleeding state of the patient, reducing the body's resistance to infection. In each case, it must be established whether there is an infected (febrile) or uninfected (non-febrile) miscarriage. The presence of at least one of the following signs will indicate an infected miscarriage: high fever, palpation or percussion tenderness of the abdomen, soreness of the uterus, not associated with its contractions, as well as soreness of its appendages and vaults, admixture of pus to the blood flowing from the uterus, general intoxication phenomena body (frequent pulse, depressed or excited state of the patient, etc.), if they are not caused by other reasons, etc.
  3. placental polyp. The formation of such a polyp is usually observed in cases where a small part of the placental tissue has lingered in the uterine cavity. Oozing from the uterine vessels due to insufficient contraction of the uterus, the blood gradually impregnates the remaining placental tissue, then layers on it, organizes and takes on the form of a polyp. The lower pole of the polyp can reach the internal os, which is not completely reduced due to the presence of a placental polyp in the uterus (like a foreign body). This process is accompanied by a slight bleeding from the uterus, which can last up to several weeks and even months, periodically intensifying. The entire uterus is poorly reduced. When the polyp reaches a size that causes irritation of the uterus, contractions begin and bleeding increases.
  4. Malignant degeneration of the epithelium of chorionic villi retained in the uterus - chorionepithelioma.

Treatment of spontaneous miscarriage

The main issue that should be resolved at the first examination of a pregnant woman with signs of a miscarriage is the possibility of maintaining the pregnancy. With proper care and treatment of a patient with a threatened miscarriage, and somewhat less often with a miscarriage that has begun, pregnancy can be saved; with the developed picture of a miscarriage, pregnancy cannot be saved. From this follows the doctor's tactics in the treatment of a patient with spontaneous miscarriage.

Having established the presence of a threatening and incipient miscarriage, the pregnant woman is immediately placed in a maternity hospital, where a medical and protective regime should be organized. Its necessary elements are bed content, physical and mental rest, strengthening of faith in the preservation of pregnancy (psychotherapy, hypnosis), normal or, if necessary, extended sleep, etc.

Drug treatment is carried out taking into account the identified etiological factors that caused the miscarriage. But since this is in most cases difficult to establish, medical measures are aimed at increasing the viability of the fetal egg and eliminating the increased excitability of the uterus. Sodium bromide is prescribed (1-2% solution inside, 1 tablespoon 3 times a day), glucose (20 ml of a 40% solution intravenously once a day), it is useful for the patient to stay outdoors (in winter, frequent inhalation of oxygen); with infectious etiology, injections of penicillin (50,000 IU every 3 hours) and other drugs are used; in the presence of contractions - opium preparations (opium tincture 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day orally or opium extract 0.015 g in suppositories - 2-3 suppositories per day); progesterone injections are effective (5-10 mg daily for 10 days). After that, they take a break and, if necessary, repeat the course after 5-10 days. Continuous injections of large doses of progesterone for a long time sometimes have an adverse effect on the course of pregnancy, in particular on the viability of the fetus.

Vitamins A, B 2, C, D, E are also useful. They are prescribed in their pure form or products containing these vitamins are recommended: fish oil, brewer's yeast, etc.

The appointment of ergot, ergotine, quinine, pituitrin and other similar hemostatic agents is strictly contraindicated and is a gross medical error, as they increase uterine contraction, and at the same time contribute to further detachment of the fetal egg.

If these measures do not give the desired effect, bleeding and contractions intensify and the miscarriage goes to the next stage - abortion in progress, it is not possible to maintain the pregnancy. In such cases, in the first 3 months of pregnancy, if there are no contraindications (infected miscarriage), they resort to instrumental emptying of the uterine cavity - removal of the fetal egg or its remains from the uterine cavity, followed by curettage.

After 3 months of pregnancy, the patient is prescribed conservative treatment: cold on the lower abdomen, quinine (0.15 g orally every 30-40 minutes, 4-6 times in total) and, in alternation with it, pituitrin injections of 0.25 ml every 30-45 minutes, total 4-6 times. After the birth of the fetus, the placenta, if it is not born by itself, is removed with a finger inserted into the uterine cavity, and its remains are removed with the help of curettes.

In the postoperative period, bed content is prescribed, application of cold to the suprapubic region, and means that reduce the uterus: liquid ergot extract - 25 drops 2 times a day, ergotine 1 ml intramuscularly 2 times a day, etc. With a non-febrile course of the postoperative period and good general condition and feeling the patient can be discharged 3-5 days after the operation. Before discharge, a thorough general and necessarily special - gynecological (two-handed) - examination should be carried out.

Treatment of patients with synfected, febrile miscarriage is carried out either strictly conservatively (drugs), or actively (surgery), or actively and expectantly (elimination of the infection followed by instrumental removal of the remnants of the fetal egg). When choosing a method of conducting a patient, one should be guided by its general condition and the severity of the infectious process.

At the same time, they distinguish:

  1. uncomplicated infected miscarriage, when only the fetal egg or the fetal egg along with the uterus is infected, but the infection has not gone beyond the uterus;
  2. complicated infected miscarriage, when the infection has gone beyond the uterus, but the process has not yet been generalized;
  3. septic miscarriage, when the infection is generalized.

Complicated infected and septic miscarriage is usually observed with criminal intervention for the purpose of fetal expulsion.

When treating patients with an infected uncomplicated miscarriage, some obstetricians prefer immediate instrumental emptying of the uterine cavity. Another, large part of obstetricians adheres to the active-waiting method: for 3-4 days, the patient is prescribed bed rest and drugs that tone the muscles of the uterus (cold on the lower abdomen, inside quinine, pituitrin, ergot preparations, etc.) and aimed at eliminating the infection ( sulfa drugs, antibiotics). After the disappearance of signs of infection, the uterine cavity is carefully emptied by surgery.

Finally, a number of obstetricians prefer strictly conservative management of patients, without any intrauterine intervention. To this end, the above funds are supplemented with injections of estrogen hormone, pituitrin or thymophysin, giving castor oil inside, etc., in order to stimulate uterine contractions and promote spontaneous expulsion of the remnants of the fetal egg from the uterus. Instrumental emptying of the uterus is resorted to only with severe bleeding that threatens the life of the patient.

With any of the listed methods of managing patients with an infected uncomplicated miscarriage, measures are taken to raise the patient's body's defenses and tone. This is achieved by good care, a rational diet, easily digestible, high-calorie, containing a sufficient amount of vitamins, and other activities.

Having tested for many years each of the listed methods of treating patients with uncomplicated infected miscarriage - incomplete and complete, we were convinced of the advantages of the active-waiting method. We resort to urgent instrumental emptying of the uterus only in exceptional cases, when severe bleeding from the uterus threatens the life of the patient and it is necessary to stop it immediately.

Treatment of patients with a complicated infected miscarriage, that is, when the infection has gone beyond the uterus, should only be conservative, since surgery in such cases leads, almost as a rule, to peritonitis or sepsis. Surgical intervention may be necessary only in those exceptional cases when a sharp bleeding of the patient and incessant bleeding from the uterus pose a direct threat to the life of the patient.

In the treatment of patients with a failed miscarriage, the methods of expectant-observational and active methods are competing - one-stage instrumental emptying of the uterine cavity.

Considering the danger that threatens a pregnant woman when a dead ovum is retained in the uterus due to infection, intoxication, malignant degeneration of the villi, etc., one should strive to empty the uterine cavity as soon as the diagnosis of the disease is established with certainty. In case of a failed miscarriage, treatment begins with the appointment of drugs that stimulate uterine contractions and thereby provoke a miscarriage: within 2-3 days, estrogen hormone injections of 10,000 units are made daily. After that, 60 g of castor oil are given inside, and after half an hour, quinine hydrochloride is given 6 times, 0.2 every 30 minutes; after taking the fourth powder of quinine, 4 injections of pituitrin, 0.25 ml, are made every 15 minutes. Then a hot vaginal shower is prescribed, and the temperature of the liquid should not exceed 38 ° for the first time; in the future, it is gradually increased within the limits of the patient's endurance. Often, the fetus that is retained in the uterus is completely or partially expelled without instrumental intervention, which is later resorted to to remove the remnants of the fetal egg.

Even in those cases when this method of treatment does not lead to the goal, i.e., to the expulsion of the fetal egg that has lingered in the uterus, it is useful, as it increases the tone of the muscles of the uterus. This creates favorable conditions for the subsequent surgical removal of the fetal egg: with a well-contracted uterus, bleeding rarely occurs during and after the operation and there is no perforation of the uterus during the operation.

Treatment for a placental polyp consists in its instrumental removal (curettage).

Prevention of spontaneous miscarriage

Prevention of spontaneous miscarriage should precede or begin with the appearance of its first symptoms. In the antenatal clinic, at the first visit of a pregnant woman, a special account is taken of those women who have a history of spontaneous miscarriages or premature births, especially when there were several of them (“habitual miscarriage”, “habitual premature birth”), and women with various pathological conditions, which may be the cause of spontaneous miscarriage. Preventive measures consist in prescribing anti-inflammatory treatment, correcting the incorrect position of the uterus, combating toxicosis of pregnancy, hypovitaminosis, eliminating and preventing mental and physical trauma; in appropriate cases - prohibition of sexual intercourse during pregnancy, transfer to a lighter type of work, etc.

Pregnant women with a "habitual miscarriage", as well as with a miscarriage threatening and begun, should be placed in the maternity hospital, in the ward of pregnant women. Of great importance is the strengthening of the patient's faith in the possibility of maintaining pregnancy, as well as the implementation of therapeutic measures: maintaining rest, prolonged sleep, prescribing progesterone, painkillers, drugs that reduce the excitability of the uterus, multivitamins, especially vitamin E, etc.

If during childbirth there were deep ruptures of the cervix, its integrity must be restored immediately after childbirth. If this has not been done, then in order to prevent further spontaneous miscarriage, plastic surgery on the neck should be performed before the onset of the next pregnancy - restoring its integrity.

Unfortunately, not every pregnancy ends in childbirth. According to statistics, at present, the probability of early miscarriages is 18-22%. At the same time, half of them did not even know about the pregnancy.

Miscarriages, as practice shows, occur for up to 12 weeks.

Term 2-3 weeks: at these times, usually a woman does not yet know about her pregnancy. According to statistics, miscarriages are very common at this time. On average, every eighth woman.

Term 4-6 weeks: according to statistics, the number of such miscarriages increased by 16%.

Term 8-12 weeks: it is worth noting that after the eighth week, the risks of spontaneous miscarriage decrease.

A miscarriage is a big psychological stress. That is why it is necessary to know all the reasons that entail a miscarriage.


Genetic disorders in the fetus

The so-called genetic risk is heredity. This is the basis for the normal development of the fetus. Any deviation from the norm leads to a miscarriage. The genetic stamp is found both in the cells of the mother and in the sperm of the father.

There are many cases when it is genetic disorders that are the main reason for the unambiguous inability of a couple to have a baby. The reason for such deviations is both ecology and viruses. Women over 35 years old are more prone to such diseases, which is why preparation is necessary before planning a pregnancy.

Hormonal disorders

The female reproductive system works entirely with the help of hormones. Accordingly, any failure in the work of one or another hormone leads to irreversible consequences.

Immunological causes

The statistics of the modern world says that this is the reason for 80% of cases of miscarriage. Under this problem, two groups can be distinguished:

  • autoimmune (meaning the "war" of the immunity of a woman's tissues to themselves),
  • alloimmune (there is a "war" of the woman's antibodies with the antibodies of the embryo, which he received directly from the man).

Currently, there are many infectious diseases that can provoke spontaneous miscarriage. The range of diseases is very wide - toxaplasmosis, dysteriosis, mycoplasma, chlamydia, fungi, etc. It must be understood that infections of the husband also lead to miscarriage.

Common infections

Many women, having heard that the long-awaited pregnancy has come, forget about the measures to prevent diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. Do not forget about chronic diseases.


In medicine, there are very often cases when, after one or several abortions, a woman either cannot become pregnant at all, or does not bear a child.

Medicines and herbal preparations

In the first trimester (up to 12 weeks), no medications other than those that support pregnancy should be used. You also need to know that many herbs can also be a threat to pregnancy. These herbs include: St. John's wort, nettle, cornflower, bay leaf, parsley.

Stress, nervous shock

The emotional, psychological state of a woman directly depends on the course of a normal pregnancy and the development of the child.

Unhealthy Lifestyle

In the modern world, women began to smoke on a par with men. And it is very sad that not everyone refuses addiction. All toxic substances have the property of penetrating through the placenta, directly to the fetus. The internal organs of the woman herself also suffer (for example, such as: lungs, stomach, liver, heart, etc.). Proper nutrition plays an important role.

Heavy lifting, falls, sexual activity

Every woman should remember that any fall or heavy carrying can lead to miscarriage, as well as to early childbirth.

As far as sex life is concerned. There is only a general rule that is recommended to everyone: the first two months and the last month of pregnancy are advised to limit sexual activity.

Miscarriage symptoms

Basically, all women have the same symptoms, but the symptoms at different times are slightly different. If you feel something is not right, do not immediately panic. First you need to find out everything: consult a doctor or call an ambulance. With any symptom, it must be remembered that it can be not only a sign of a miscarriage, but also a threat of termination of pregnancy, which allows you to save the pregnancy with timely help. Let's analyze what are the symptoms in the trimesters of pregnancy.

First trimester (up to 12 weeks):

  • aching, pulling pain in the lower abdomen,
  • heavy (abundant) bleeding,
  • severe back pain.

Second trimester of pregnancy (up to 30 weeks):

  • leakage of amniotic fluid (a colorless liquid that drips from the vagina),
  • bleeding,
  • spotting when urinating,
  • severe weight loss
  • weakness,
  • The child has ceased to make itself felt.

4 stages of threat

The stages of miscarriage are divided into four.

1 stage. Under the first stage, it is customary to talk about a threatened miscarriage. Often in the antenatal clinic you can hear such a term as the threat of miscarriage. A woman, having heard such a wording, often begins to panic. But it is worth noting that at this stage there is a very high probability of saving the child. To prevent a miscarriage, a woman should immediately consult a doctor if she feels such symptoms as sharp or aching pain in the lower abdomen, severe back pain, or spotting of any kind.

2nd stage. The second stage of the threat is a miscarriage that has begun. This stage, of course, is more dangerous than the first, but it is worth noting that with timely seeking help, in our time, doctors help prevent miscarriage. Mostly resort to inpatient treatment. In order for a pregnant woman to have time to seek help in time, we will tell you how to understand that it is time to urgently see a doctor. If you feel cramping pains in the lower abdomen, which are repeated at regular intervals, if you start to bleed lightly, call your doctor immediately!

3 stage. The third stage is a miscarriage in progress. Unfortunately, this stage can no longer be stopped, by this time the fetal egg has already died. At this stage, the woman feels a sharp, constant pain in the lower abdomen, which in the meantime is accompanied by profuse bleeding, mainly along with clots. A doctor's visit is also required. So at this stage, the body rejects everything that is in the uterus, and the doctor must fully assess how completely everything came out, if necessary, prescribe either cleaning or medication.

4 stage. And the last stage is the completed miscarriage. At this stage, the uterus has already completely freed itself from the fetal egg and begins to return to its usual size. Bleeding gradually decreases, there are no more clots. At this stage, the gynecologist should examine the woman, as well as prescribe an ultrasound examination.

When is progesterone given?

Progesterone is often referred to as the "pregnancy hormone". It helps the endometrium prepare for pregnancy - it helps the uterus grow in accordance with the gestational age, and this hormone is also the "commander" for the start of lactation. That is why it is very important during pregnancy. Many pregnant women are prescribed this type of hormone.

Currently, almost all women after IVF are prescribed progesterone. Other pregnant women according to indications. The initial indication for the use of the hormone is the threat of miscarriage.

The indicators also include:

  • permanent uterine tone,
  • periodic pulling pains in the lower abdomen,
  • small vaginal discharge (brown)
  • a small detachment of the placenta.

But the lack of progesterone in the body can also be seen by external indicators: irritability, frequent dizziness, male-type body hair, unstable blood pressure, increased sweating, acne, constipation.

From the above, we can conclude that, dear pregnant women, if your doctor has prescribed the hormone progesterone for you, then do not be afraid and do not even hesitate to take it or not.

  • with a spontaneous miscarriage, not everything worked out,
  • bleeding won't stop
  • the embryo has stopped developing (missed pregnancy).
  • These figures are related to pregnancy. There are other indicators for curettage for gynecological diseases.

    The process itself takes place under general anesthesia, which lasts no more than 10 minutes. The woman does not feel pain, after cleaning the lower abdomen hurts a little, and therefore the woman is prescribed special drugs.

    The scraping procedure itself implies the complete removal of the mucous layer of the uterine cavity.

    Many women worry, then the uterus is restored? After scraping, the endometrium recovers quite quickly and without consequences.

    Is it always necessary to clean

    This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Because every body is different. One thing is for sure, that if there are direct indications for this (with the help of diagnostics) and the doctor insists on this method of treatment, then you should not take risks and not agree to cleaning.

    Treatment after a miscarriage

    Immediately after a miscarriage, a woman must observe bed rest. Medicines, physiotherapy are prescribed by a doctor, usually antibiotics are prescribed for 10 days. After 10-14 days, you should re-see the doctor, as well as repeat the ultrasound.

    The most important thing after a miscarriage is the restoration of the physical and psychological health of a woman. To do this, you need to remember and follow some rules. Fully fulfill all the doctor's prescriptions, within a month completely abandon sexual activity, within 3 months it is imperative to use contraceptives.

    It can take a long time to restore mental health. A woman simply needs positive emotions, rest, and in some cases psychological help, and it is worth noting that this should not be shy.

    The main thing to remember is that in order for a full-fledged pregnancy to occur, patience and proper recovery are necessary.

    One of the greatest and most long-awaited joys for a woman is, of course, the joy of motherhood. Having learned about her pregnancy (according to the results of a test or with the confirmation of a doctor), a woman already casually looks at the windows with children's things and toys, plans how and where she will give birth, comes up with a name for the future baby, etc. True, no one around has yet notices that you are pregnant, because the baby inside you is very tiny and is just starting its difficult path of development and growth.

    Unfortunately, your happiness may be overshadowed ‒ medical statistics claims that a quarter of early pregnancies end in miscarriages. At this time, a woman may not yet know about the changes in her body. Then it is a little easier for her to cope with the pain of loss.

    How to avoid early miscarriage? To do this, expectant mothers need to know what can provoke a miscarriage, what symptoms and signs it is accompanied by, how to prevent them and whether they can be avoided.

    This problem in medicine is considered quite serious, because it is often encountered, and in most cases the process is almost impossible to stop. If a miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs at the very beginning, then the woman may not even understand what happened.

    Without realizing her position, the woman simply thinks that the menstrual cycle has gone astray or there has been a delay (usually a week or two). Then some feel slight pain in the abdomen, and menstruation begins, which, however, can go much more abundantly than usual. Far from all women treat such women, but only those who were frightened by a blood clot that came out, similar to a burst bubble.

    Nevertheless, worth going to the doctor even if nothing else bothers you. They will do an examination to see if it really was an early miscarriage, and also check if additional cleaning is needed after that.

    If a woman knows about her pregnancy, then she needs to be very attentive to any manifestations of pain or discomfort in the abdomen and back. The slightest smearing character with an admixture of blood or tissue clots is already dangerous. Sometimes pregnancy is still possible so you should contact your doctor immediately.

    Spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs before 12 weeks, which is classified as an early miscarriage. If it happens before 22 weeks, it will be too late. Unfortunately, this also happens for a variety of reasons. Further, doctors already define this threat as premature birth, and with prompt and timely intervention, they can save a premature baby.

    Causes of threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy

    Why does an early miscarriage occur? Sometimes a woman faces this problem several times in a row. Doctors call this recurrent miscarriage.

    The cause of spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage is very difficult to determine, this will require a comprehensive detailed examination, many different tests and appropriate treatment.

    But it may also happen that even this will not help, that is, the termination of pregnancy will be affected by factors that simply cannot be predicted or prevented.

    The main reasons that cause or provoke a miscarriage are a number of socio-biological and medical factors. The first group is purely personal and subjective reasons:

    • unfavourable conditions(place of work in hazardous production, radiation, exposure to environmental toxins, severe psycho-emotional background and microclimate in the family, etc.);
    • Unhealthy Lifestyle and bad habits (if you are, then you should quit smoking, do not drink alcohol, give up strict diets, excessive coffee consumption, adjust your diet and daily routine);
    • woman's age is also often one of the causes of miscarriage;
    • stressful situations, nervous shocks or strong feelings - this is a serious threat to a small life. A woman should protect herself from all this, but in no case do not take sedatives so as not to harm the baby even more. It is better to consult a doctor to find the right way out if stress cannot be avoided;
    • do not ignore the danger that all kinds of physical exercise. Give up hard physical work and do not lift heavy things (even grocery bags that weigh more than 5 kg are taboo for you). Sports should also be approached with caution. Some types, especially extreme ones, cannot be combined with pregnancy. Be careful with hot baths, baths or saunas;
    • if it happened to you accident(unforeseen emergency, car accident, etc.) so that you are seriously injured or injured, the body may not be able to keep the pregnancy going. Even a slight fall due to negligence is dangerous (uncomfortable shoes, ice, etc.).

    Medical reasons or women's health problems

    1. Doctors say that early miscarriage is most often provoked genetic disorders or abnormalities in the fetus. A woman may suffer from a hereditary form of pathology, although there are single mutations that lead to the death of the embryo. This is influenced by a whole range of different factors: radiation, viruses, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc. It is no longer possible to control or stop this process. Thus, nature itself produces a kind of control, relieving you of unviable offspring. However, doctors recommend that couples who want to conceive a healthy child seek advice from a geneticist, as well as carefully prepare for the upcoming pregnancy.
    2. Very often, the cause of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is hormonal disorders in a woman's body. If you detect the problem in time and seek help from a doctor, then this threat can be eliminated. The most common complaints are of a lack, although there are cases of an increased content of male hormones. Problems with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, which prevent the organs from functioning correctly and fully, also cause miscarriages. Usually in such cases, hormone therapy or appropriate treatment is prescribed. It is better to check the condition of your body before pregnancy.
    3. Any pathology of the immune system threatened with abortion. The most common manifestation is considered to be a complication in the form of an Rhesus conflict. This means that your body is fighting a foreign embryo and rejecting it, because its blood Rh factor is negative, and it was taken from dad - positive. If there is such a possibility, then doctors recommend prophylaxis with immunomodulators.
    4. Very dangerous for pregnancy of any kind infections. This includes all sexually transmitted diseases: herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis and others. Due to the fact that the fetal membranes are affected by viruses and pathogenic bacteria, the fetus itself can also be infected, which leads to miscarriage.
    5. Also a serious risk for the baby are inflammatory diseases internal organs and even common infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, rubella, influenza or tonsillitis with complications and fever, pneumonia and others. When planning a pregnancy, pay close attention to your health in order to identify and eliminate any possible hazards.
    6. A huge stress for the female body should be called abortion. If previous pregnancies were interrupted artificially, then there is a huge risk of complications that lead to miscarriage or even secondary infertility. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have had an abortion before.
    7. The first trimester of pregnancy practically excludes the use of any medicines, medicines and even herbs. All this often poses a great threat to the life of the fetus and affects its development. Never self-medicate, because even elementary parsley in the form of seasoning can lead to. Always consult your gynecologist and read the instructions carefully.

    Also cause miscarriage individual characteristics of the body women. So, if she suffers from congenital anomalies in the structure of the uterus, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, oncological diseases of the genital organs or other pathologies, then often the pregnancy simply cannot be preserved.

    The threat of miscarriage in the early stages: signs and symptoms

    How to recognize an early miscarriage and what are the symptoms?

    There are several main stages of spontaneous abortion, since it does not happen all at once. Each of these stages is characterized by its own symptoms of the threat of miscarriage in the early stages, and sometimes this can be stopped or prevented if you seek medical attention in time.

    So, the first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages, which should alert you any symptoms of pain or pain in the back and in the abdomen, which are accompanied by brown or red discharge. Sound the alarm even if a few drops of blood appear from the vagina, because this may already indicate an early miscarriage. Also pay attention to your condition: have the main signs of pregnancy disappeared?

    Not to be missed scheduled visits to the doctor, passing mandatory tests or necessary examinations. So you can exclude any pathologies in the development of your baby and be sure that the pregnancy is going well.

    The main stages of a miscarriage

    1. Threat or risk spontaneous abortion. This condition happens very often, which is why some women are forced to lie down for almost the entire 9 months. It is characterized by the above-mentioned cramping pains and spotting, sometimes even very copious. You can also note the increased tone of the uterus.
    2. The second stage is more serious - it is already classified as incipient miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. The fetal egg has already partially exfoliated from the walls of the uterus, so the symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages will be pronounced. But doctors still consider this stage to be reversible, that is, with prompt and qualified intervention, they can save the life of your child.
    3. With the so-called "miscarriage in motion" pregnancy can't be saved. At this stage, the woman feels severe and sharp pain, and profuse bleeding occurs almost immediately. The fertilized egg has already died, and the cervix is ​​open, so it can come out all at once or in parts, which will be considered an incomplete miscarriage.
    4. The last stage is the completed spontaneous abortion. The uterus, having expelled the dead fetal egg, contracts and returns to its previous size.

    Treatment and consequences after a miscarriage in early pregnancy

    What to do after a miscarriage in early pregnancy? If, nevertheless, it happened that the pregnancy could not be maintained, and you lost the child, then you need to undergo therapy, which is mandatory after a miscarriage. The doctor should send you to body examination to determine the cause that provoked the miscarriage (if this has not been done before).

    It is imperative to check whether the fetal egg has completely left the walls of the uterus, since with an incomplete or failed abortion, you will need curettage. There will also antibiotics are prescribed, which will help to cope with a possible infection, and hormonal contraceptives. This will stabilize your hormones.

    In addition to physical stress on the body, miscarriage is very serious. psychological and emotional test for any woman. The pain of loss can develop into a severe prolonged depression, especially if the pregnancy was long-awaited and desired. Do not withdraw into yourself during this difficult time, try to trust your spouse, parents, loved ones, so that they support you and help you survive grief. Allow yourself to grieve and cry, you can even seek help from a psychologist if you are unable to cope with your feelings.

    Do not be afraid of the same failures in the future and despair. Just be more responsible with your next one early. Remember that the body is still restoration required, so do not rush to become a mother again for at least six months. During this time, you can get rid of existing problems, drink on drink, undergo complex therapy prescribed by a doctor.

    The right psychological attitude and only positive thoughts are also very important, that everything will be fine with you, and after a certain period of time you will take your long-awaited baby in your arms.

    If you find out that you carry a small life in you, then you need to minimize the potential risks that can lead to miscarriages as much as possible. Follow simple rules: adjust your diet, give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not overwork, be extremely careful, avoid stress and nervous shocks.

    Be sure to stand on registration in women's clinic. The doctor can help identify illnesses or problems that you did not know about, but which may pose a threat to the child. Timely treatment or prevention will help prevent the threat of miscarriage. Follow all the recommendations that your gynecologist gives you.

    At the slightest sign of danger immediately go to the hospital. In most cases, the pregnancy can still be saved. If you have experienced the loss of a child, do not despair and do not be alone with your pain.

    Video about miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy

    We invite you to watch one of the pregnancy video guide series, where you will be told about such a problem as a miscarriage, what can be the cause and how to survive the loss.

    Please share in the comments have you faced similar problem: what helped you prevent the threat, what symptoms and signs did it accompany, did you prepare for conception in advance, what kind of therapy did you undergo?
