How to stretch eco-leather shoes at home. How to break in shoes with wet socks? Is it possible to stretch rubber shoes

When buying shoes, it is necessary not only to choose an attractive, but also the most comfortable model. If we talk about genuine leather, it is worth noting that shoes made from this material tend to stretch during wear. The situation is completely different with artificial leather shoes. Therefore, in order for the leg to be really comfortable in it, additional measures must be taken.

How to break in faux leather shoes

Methods for breaking in artificial leather shoes

To break in faux leather shoes, use a special spray (you can buy it at a shoe store) on areas that are slightly pressing or tight, then put on shoes and walk around in them a little.

Repeat this procedure until the desired result is achieved - 3-5 times.

Castor oil is an excellent remedy for stretching shoes. It softens the areas of the shoe well, on which it is applied, and thereby stretches the shoes. This method is best used for dark materials, as the oil can affect the color of light-colored shoes.

You can break in tight faux leather shoes with alcohol-based products, especially if you need to soften the heel area. Lubricate this area with rubbing alcohol and put your shoes on the toe if it presses or rubs hard in the heel area. So wear shoes until they take on a comfortable shape for the foot.

A solution of vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 1 is excellent for stretching shoes. Apply the product to problem areas and wear shoes until the material dries completely.

Another not new means of softening artificial shoes is the use of water and a freezer. Collect water in a plastic bag and put it in your shoes, which you put in the freezer and take out when the water in the bag freezes. When using this method, remember that artificial leather can crack from frost, but absolutely nothing will happen with artificial suede.

It should be noted that all these products can only be used for the purpose of slightly stretching shoes made of artificial materials, since it is impossible to have a significant impact on such materials. Buy new shoes better in the late afternoon, when the legs are a little swollen; in this case, the risk of making a mistake with the size is minimal. In addition, when purchasing shoes, pay attention not only to its size, length and width, but also to its fullness - the foot should be comfortable in all respects.

The new season is coming, and with it the time to buy new shoes. The event is pleasant, but fraught with not very good consequences. So, for example, some time after the purchase, the problem of insufficiently comfortable shoes may arise. Indeed, after the first fitting, it is very rare that you can fully feel how the boot fit. Therefore, many will be useful advice,

Home defile

The easiest way will be when you do not need to use any special means or drugs. So, after the next purchase, any shoes need to be worn at home for some time. After a while, it will be heard on the leg, and the foot will get used to the new shoe. Also, this method will help determine how comfortable and practical new shoes are for long walks. It is worth clarifying that this option is only suitable if the shoes fit in size, but are somewhat uncomfortable, because. just new. Wearing shoes at home will not achieve the desired effect if there is a need to stretch the shoes, for example, a size larger.

Technique to help

A great way to stretch faux leather or suede shoes is to put them in the freezer. But not everything is so simple. To do this, you will need water, as well as an airtight plastic bag. The container is placed in a new shoe, filled with water until it fills the void in the middle of the new one, and then the whole thing is placed in the freezer until the ice freezes. You can leave a new pair in the refrigerator even overnight. When the shoes are taken out of the freezer, do not immediately try to get the ice out of them, as this can tear or scratch the product. It is necessary to leave everything in a warm place for a while, and then take it out without any problems. According to most people, this is a great way to

Wet business

Another way to stretch shoes at home. For this, newspapers or rags, as well as water, are useful. Prepared paper or pieces of found fabric are wetted with water, which are wet tightly placed in new shoes. The method works great, but there is a risk of slightly deforming the shoe if the filler is incorrectly placed there.

Another interesting way to stretch faux leather shoes is to prepare a special solution. To do this, stock up on alcohol and water. They are mixed in a ratio of 50 to 50. Then the new shoes are simply rubbed with the prepared solution in those places that require wearing out. You can approach this method in an original way and make not a liquid, but a spray. To do this, the solution is placed in a bottle, and a sprayer is put on instead of a cap. That's all, now it remains only to spray the shoe and wait for the result. The procedure can be repeated as many times as necessary until the desired result is achieved.

special means

Well, the easiest, but at the same time rather difficult way to stretch artificial leather shoes is to use a stretcher. It is worth noting that it is not so difficult to buy it, you just have to look. You can also borrow it from a shoe repair shop. The principle of operation is simple: the stretcher is placed in the shoe and fixed in those places where deformation is necessary. This is the “dry stretch” that can give the shoe the desired shape in just a few days. This method is also great for those who are looking for how to stretch boots or other winter shoes that are difficult to stretch.

How to stretch artificial leather shoes if the size does not suit you or the shoes are just uncomfortable and tight? Spending a day or evening in shoes that are tight is hellish torment. Of course, over time, the shoes will stretch and break on their own. But the fact of the matter is that for this it must be worn - and it is impossible to wear it.

Do not rush to give an unsuccessfully bought pair of shoes to a friend whose foot is smaller than yours. Leatherette shoes can be stretched at home in simple and affordable ways. A couple of hours of simple work - and a new leatherette dress will delight you, not upset you.

This phenomenon is very common, and it happens with women's shoes, and with men's, and with children's. The size matches and everything is fine, only the shoes or boots have not yet been broken in, and therefore they are very tight in the toes or heel.

Usually the left boot presses harder - this also happens quite often. In this case, the problem is solved very quickly and simply: you need to put on a tight sock, then a problematic shoe and walk around the room for several hours.

It is always better to start with this safe method, in principle, it does not stretch the artificial skin, but only adjusts it to the shape of the leg. Shoes do not suffer at all and there is no risk that the leatherette will tear or burst in the process. If the problem is more serious, you made a mistake with the size and the shoes or boots are clearly small, then you can try the following remedies.

extreme cold

Everyone knows that the skin stretches from hot water and steam. We hasten to surprise - the cold affects the leather substitute in the same way! But you should use its properties correctly.

  1. A problematic pair of shoes is placed in a tight polyethylene bag - if the dimensions and dimensions of the shoes allow, you can use a freezer bag, it is hermetically sealed.
  2. Then the shoes are filled with water so that all voids are filled. Of course, it is undesirable to wet any shoes, even those made of artificial leather. But in this case, contact with water will not be long - it will quickly turn into ice.
  3. Now the package needs to be sent to the freezer all night, trying to put it so that the water does not spill out.
  4. In the morning, the shoes, together with the bag, are removed from the freezer. You don’t need to immediately remove the ice from shoes or boots - it should melt a little. If you hurry and forcibly pull out the ice, you can tear the artificial material.

User reviews confirm that this is a very effective method of home stretching not only for shoes, but also for leatherette boots.

moisture and steam

If exposure to cold and ice seems too extreme for you, you can use the more traditional ones - moisture and steam. Several options are offered, any of them will be effective, tested in practice.

  1. Wet newspapers. You can replace them with clean rags and rags. The prepared filler is moistened with warm water from a spray bottle and stuffed quite tightly into tight shoes. Ideally, leave the shoes overnight. But if you urgently need to put them on, it will be possible to do this in two to three hours.
  2. Hot steam. This is the most popular, although not the safest, way to stretch tight shoes at home. In any container, you need to boil a couple of liters of water and then twist the shoes over the steam. Be careful - if the sole is not stitched, but simply glued, it may lag behind such an impact. Therefore, do not be zealous - a couple of minutes of steaming will be enough. After that, the shoes are put on over the sock and worn in until completely dry.
  3. Wet towel. In hot water, you need to wet a terry towel, wring it out and wrap a pair of shoes. Then put everything in a plastic bag, tie it up and leave for several hours. After that, the shoes are broken in.

In this way, you can increase small shoes by 1-1.5 sizes. If the difference is greater, then they are unlikely to be effective. Yes, and leatherette shoes may not be able to withstand strong stretching and burst.

What else can be used

If neither cold nor moisture gave the expected result, shoes made of thick leather did not stretch to the extent required, you can try to solve the problem on a professional level. For this you will need:

  • alcohol or vodka, as an alternative to triple cologne and the like;
  • water;
  • shoe stretcher - you can buy lasts in a shoe store or borrow from a shoemaker.

First you need to prepare a solution for processing tight artificial leather shoes. To do this, alcohol is combined in equal amounts with water and poured into a container with a sprayer - it is more convenient to apply it. If vodka or cologne is used, then they are diluted in other proportions: one part of water into two parts of the product.

Shoes are thoroughly sprayed with the resulting solution from the inside. Immediately after that, they are placed on a stretcher and left for several hours.

Experienced users are advised to fix the stretcher in those areas where stretching of the artificial skin is required. With this method, you can stretch not only the toe or heel, but also the bootleg of narrow winter or autumn boots.

Of course, these are not all methods and means for stretching artificial leather products. Some recommend lubricating the shoes with castor oil, without sparing, or with glycerin, and then put it on a sock and walk around the apartment for a couple of hours.

Such a tool will be both caring and stretching at the same time. The oil will soften the faux leather, making it easier to stretch. And at the same time it will cover it with a protective film and prevent creaking and cracking.

You can also rub the inside of tight shoes with a slice of fresh lemon. The acid will also soften the material, and in addition, the specific smell of new artificial leather shoes will be eliminated.

You also need to know and remember:

  • shoes with plastic elements and glued parts cannot be heated over steam, treated with boiling water, wrapped in a wet cloth;
  • when stretching, shoes usually stretch in breadth, and not in length, keep this in mind;
  • The most gentle way to stretch is to lubricate the inside of the shoes with paraffin or soap and leave overnight. In the morning, do not forget to clean off the remnants of the product;
  • winter shoes with fur can be stretched into the shaft with a bag of cereals. It is placed inside and poured with boiling water. The grits will swell and thus stretch the material;
  • after treatment with steam or water, white stains may appear on the leatherette - they are removed using a colored shoe cream or a special aerosol dye.

In the most extreme case, you can take the shoes to the master and entrust such a responsible process as stretching tight shoes to him. But it should be understood that you still risk: even the most experienced and qualified specialist cannot predict how artificial leather will behave under intense mechanical, chemical or thermal impact on it.

Therefore, in the future, try not to rush, and not to covet a big discount, but to purchase only those shoes, boots or boots that you really fit.

  • Probably, every person is familiar with the feeling of disappointment because the new fashionable shoes begin to painfully squeeze the legs. This problem can cause a lot of inconvenience.
  • In the process of walking, the feet begin to swell, burn and blister. Most often this happens due to the fact that we do not choose the correct shoe size.
  • When trying on a new pair of shoes, people pay attention only to their length, but their width and rise are the last thing they think about. And since our feet inevitably swell while walking, the shoes begin to dig into the skin of the feet.
  • And, although these unpleasant sensations do not allow you to think about anything other than the pain that the shoes cause, some people do not take any action.
  • They patiently wait for the material from which a stylish pair of shoes is made to stretch on its own. But since this process is rather slow, it can take at least a month. If you want to speed up this process, then try our tips.

Stretching shoes with frozen water

Leather shoes can be adjusted to the desired size quite easily. Of course, this does not mean that you can change its volumes very much, but still, with the right approach, you will be able to make it fit your foot perfectly.

But before you start experimenting with your new purchase, wait a few days. Usually, after two or three days, leather shoes (if they are of high quality, of course) will disperse on their own and take the desired shape. But if you've been wearing ankle boots every day for a week and the discomfort hasn't gone away, then you need to stretch them a bit.

Please note that all the methods described below are suitable only for genuine leather models. Shoes made from other materials can be permanently ruined by these methods.

Tips to help stretch leather shoes:
Steam. Hold the ankle boots over the steam until water droplets appear on them. Then put them on your feet with warm socks and walk around for at least 1 hour
Newspapers. Wet the old press with water (it should not drip) and fit it tightly into the shoes. Leave them to dry at room temperature. Never dry under direct sunlight or a battery. This may cause deformation of the shoes.
Cold. This method is most suitable for boots or boots. Take an airtight plastic bag, fill it with water, tie it tightly and place it inside your shoes. Place them in the freezer until the liquid is completely frozen.

How to break in suede shoes?

Stretching shoes with wet socks

Everyone knows that suede, whether natural or artificial, is a very delicate material that is afraid of excess moisture and strong mechanical stress. Therefore, shoes made from this material must be chosen especially carefully. But if you still made a mistake and only at home realized that it was not enough for you, you should not get upset much. And in this case, you can increase the size a little.

But since suede is afraid of absolutely all liquids, then this method should be resorted to only as a last resort. If you decide to stretch ballet flats with water, then moisten them in such a way that they are only slightly damp.

How to break in suede shoes:
Alcoholic liquids. They must be applied to the inner surface of the shoes and wait until they dry. During the day, the procedure can be carried out 2-3 times
Wet sock. Soak them in warm water, wring them out well, put them on your feet and put on your suede shoes. If possible, walk in them for at least 1.5-2 hours
Paraffin. We rub the inside of the shoe with warm paraffin (make sure that it does not get on the fleecy part) and leave it there for 9-12 hours

How to stretch faux leather shoes?

Shoes made of artificial materials will help stretch the hot air

Ballet flats and shoes made of artificial materials are practically stretchable. This is due to the fact that leatherette is not very elastic and is afraid of sudden changes in temperature. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust them to the desired size quite carefully. In this case, it is better not to use strong chemicals, cold and heat.

All these methods will lead to the fact that ugly stains and cracks will appear on ballet flats. And this, so to speak, beauty, you can’t hide with anything. But still, there are several methods that will help you make such shoes more comfortable.

Lubricate the inside of the shoes with ordinary petroleum jelly and leave it there for 2-3 hours. After the time has elapsed, remove the remnants with a dry cloth and walk around in them a little.
We rub ballet shoes with wet laundry soap and wait 2 hours. We remove everything with a wet sponge, put on woolen socks and walk in shoes until they are completely dry
Berm hair dryer and send warm air inside the shoes. After the shoes warm up well (they should be noticeably warm), put them on and walk until they have completely cooled down. We repeat this manipulation several times.

Can rubber shoes and rubber boots be broken in?

Boiling water will help stretch rubber shoes

No matter what anyone says, but if you are a happy owner of pure rubber boots, then you definitely won’t be able to stretch them at home. All you can do in this case is to give them to a shoemaker. The shoemaker can try to increase the size with special blocks, gradually stretching the rubber.

But even in this case, do not expect a very noticeable result, usually rubber shoes minimally change their original parameters. But boots made of PVC can be stretched a little. In this case, you will only need to be patient and regularly carry out the necessary manipulations.

Recommendations for stretching rubber boots:
Corn. Pour it into your shoes and fill it with water. It should lightly cover the grain. Leave it there for a day, and then remove and let the boots dry naturally
Boiling water. Boil water and pour it into rubber boots. When the water is at room temperature pour it out. Wear 2-3 pairs of woolen socks on your feet and put on still warm boots. Walk in them until they get cold.
Ammonia. Treat the inner surface of the boots with ammonia several times a day and walk around the room in them. But be prepared for the fact that this method will begin to give a positive result only after 6-7 treatments.

How to make shoes softer?

Essential oil softens leather shoes

We all know how hard it is for feet to get used to new shoes. While they take on the desired shape, painful wounds, chafing and calluses will inevitably appear on the feet. Some women, knowing such features of their legs, immediately try to seal problem areas with a band-aid.

But unfortunately, this method does not always help to avoid negative consequences. After all, if you bought ballet flats made of a fairly dense material, then until you make it softer, your problems will not disappear anywhere. How to quickly soften a new pair of shoes, we will tell you a little below.

Essential oils. This manipulation is best done at night. Take any essential oil and carefully apply it to the inside of your shoes. By morning, it will be completely absorbed, and you can easily dress them for work. After 2-3 such procedures, the skin will become softer and more elastic.
Hammer. This method is suitable for shoes made of genuine leather. Take a hammer and gently tap it on the problem areas. This will help make the material more pliable and it will be much easier for it to take the shape of the foot.
Socks. Soak wool socks in alcohol, put on uncomfortable shoes and walk around the house in them until your feet hurt. If possible, then rub the manipulation at least twice a day.

How to quickly break in shoes with a last?

Shoe block

Before you start stretching shoes with this method, be sure to carefully look at what material they are made of. After all, if they were made from small pieces or, for example, there is cloth or PVC under the skin, then a strong mechanical impact can lead to irreversible tears that cannot be restored.

But if your shoes are made of genuine leather or suede, then try to increase its size with the help of special sliding blocks. They can be bought at almost any shoe store or made to order. After they help you get rid of problems, you can use them to dry and store ballet flats and ankle boots.

Tips for using pads:
Clean the shoes from dust and dry a little
Insert a sliding block inside the shoes
Using the lever, increase the size so that the material from which the shoes are made is slightly tense.
Leave everything in this position for 24 hours
The next day, spread the pads a little more and wait a day again
Try on shoes. If discomfort is felt in some places, then repeat the manipulation again.

Shoe softener and stretcher

Professional shoe stretcher

But no matter how effective folk methods are, it is still better to stretch new shoes with professional means. In this case, you will definitely be able to avoid unnecessary damage and break the shoes in a fairly short time. All you have to do is regularly treat the leather or suede with special substances and wait until it dries.

If you opt for a tool like Stretch Genie, then you won't even have to break in your new clothes. Included with the spray are sold special spacers that will help stretch the material in the right places.

Professional shoe stretching tools:
Stretch foam. Spray inside shoes, put on socks and walk around the room. After half an hour, remove the remnants of the product with a damp sponge.
Soft stripes. They are glued to problem areas and protect the foot from chafing. They can be used together with a special skin softening spray.
Heels. They are glued to the back and help him get the right shape. In addition, these silicone bookmarks will help protect your feet from calluses.

Video: How to stretch tight shoes and break in shoes?

Sometimes when trying on shoes feel comfortable and fit in all respects. But with further wear, discomfort begins to be felt. If a thing is made of genuine leather, it is easier to stretch it than an artificial counterpart. But it is possible to do this in any case, only leatherette will require more effort and caution. Consider how to stretch leatherette shoes at home.

Artificial leather is often called leatherette (leatherette). It is made from scraps of genuine leather. They are crushed, mixed with water, until a semi-liquid fibrous mass is obtained, from which sheets are created. They are pressed, resulting in a material of different thicknesses. Sheets can be painted in any color. Modern manufacturing methods involve coating the surface of the finished artificial leather with polyvinyl chloride or polyurethane. They give the material strength.

There are several types of leatherette for shoes, differing in components in the composition:

  • Granitol (dermatin). The material is also called nitro-leather. Leatherette shoes are based on a fabric with a special nitrocellulose layer;
  • Viniliskin. Made from thermoplastic polymer. The material is resistant to solvents, acids, alkalis. But he does not tolerate low temperatures;
  • Zhirza. It consists of several layers of fabric coated with special chemicals that create a film. You can create any pattern on it;
  • Stretch leather (stretch vinyl). It is a cotton material covered with an artificial polymer with elastane. This coating provides additional stretch;
  • Nitrocellulose. It is made from long-staple cotton with wood pulp impurities;
  • Polyurethane. A synthetic material that is considered a substitute for rubber. In comparison with it, polyurethane is more durable.

For things from each type of leatherette, special care is needed. Therefore, when stretching the product, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of the material.

Stretching methods

Often the question arises after the purchase, is it possible to stretch shoes made of artificial leather if it is too tight. Before you start stretching, you need to take into account some of the nuances. In order for the thing to take the shape of a leg, you need to perform the procedure several times. It is important to make sure that the material in the manufacture of shoes was of high quality. The methods under consideration are not suitable for lacquer coating, because it may crack. To prevent calluses from appearing when wearing, carefully treat the back of the product with paraffin.

When processing with heat, cover the surface of the shoes with a handkerchief so as not to damage the material

Heat treatment is quite effective. To stretch faux leather shoes at home, you will need:

  1. Put on warm socks, try to put on new shoes on top;
  2. Slowly heat problem areas with a hair dryer. In order to prevent damage to things, an average temperature is set;
  3. Look a little.

In the absence of a hair dryer, heat treatment is used. Hold the shoes over the steam, walk around in it.

You can apply the opposite method - exposure to cold. You need to act as follows:

  1. Fill a plastic bag with water, put in tight shoes, send to the freezer;
  2. Wait until the liquid freezes, pull the shoes out of the freezer.

Exposure to low temperatures is suitable for autumn or winter options. The material on summer ballet flats may crack, especially if the product is of poor quality.

Spring attachments help stretch low-heeled shoes

Water has properties that help stretch leatherette:

  1. Wet the product from the inside. Place damp paper firmly inside to remove excess moisture;
  2. Pull out the paper, put on shoes and walk around until it dries;
  3. To give the correct shape, you will need to repeat the procedure several times.

Note: If you don't feel like walking in wet shoes, you can leave paper in them until they dry.

Alcohol is often used to stretch shoes, as it has a softening effect on leatherette. You can use products with alcohol in the composition (vodka, cologne), as well as vinegar.

  1. Carefully treat the specific area that causes discomfort;
  2. Walk until dry;
  3. Repeat several times.

It is important to ensure that the alcohol-containing product does not get on the outside of the product. Otherwise, spots will appear on it or the color will deteriorate.

Simple physics can help stretch uncomfortable, tight shoes

You can apply castor oil or vaseline oil to the product. Then put on your socks and walk around. This should soften the material.

Laundry soap has been helping in solving everyday problems for many years. Shoes stretch due to its cushioning effect. Consider how to break in leatherette shoes that are tight at home:

  1. Skip the soap through the grater. Mix with water to a paste;
  2. Apply inside the product, wait up to six hours. The thing should not dry completely;
  3. Remove the mixture with a washcloth or sponge;
  4. Put on shoes with a toe.

Important: To maintain the effect after stretching, fill the product with paper and leave overnight.

Potatoes are also used for this purpose:

  1. Peel a few small tubers from the peel, wash;
  2. Wrap in paper, put in tight shoes. When the fruit dries, the shoes will stretch;
  3. Wipe inside with a damp cloth.

You can use the cowboy method. With its help, it will be possible to stretch low shoes or boots at the point of rise. Consider how to break in faux leather shoes:

  1. Pour grain (millet, oats) into shoes that crush, pour water;
  2. Wait a quarter of an hour before swelling. During this period, the liquid will be absorbed into the grain, due to which it will increase, stretching the shoes;
  3. Remove grains, walk for an hour.

For wearing in, a cotton fabric is also used, previously dipped in hot water. You can moisten your socks with beer or boiling water, and then walk around in shoes.

There are store tools that will help to cope with this task. You can purchase special wooden or plastic pads. They will allow you to stretch leatherette shoes in length or in width. Caution is required when using lasts, as cracks may appear on the material. They are also used for storage and drying of the product.

Types of shoe lasts

If there is a risk that the last will harm the shoes, you can purchase foam or paste from the store. Apply it on the product, be like a few hours. After that, the discomfort when wearing will go away. The products contain chemicals that affect artificial skin.

To get the result quickly, you should apply sprays and creams. These funds will make leatherette more pliable. Sprays do not leave marks on the surface of the shoe. The product will need to be sprayed onto the area that rubs. It is important to consider the following nuances when using:

  • Sprays will help stretch the shoes a little. The method is not suitable for increasing shoes by a size or more;
  • Shake the can before applying.
  • Apply only to problem areas;
  • Shoes should be put on immediately after application.

Salton Promo is considered an effective spray. It should be used for genuine leather, but it is also suitable for leatherette. It must be sprayed inside the shoe. It not only stretches the boots, but also makes them even more comfortable to wear.

When choosing a spray, pay attention to what materials it affects

When working with sprays, you must follow safety rules. Wear protective gloves, ventilate the room. Do not spray near open flames. It is necessary to protect funds from children.

Tip: If there is no result from the above methods, you can contact the workshop. Specialists will lengthen or stretch shoes in width on a professional last.

These methods will help stretch the unnatural product on your own at home. If there is no effect, you can turn to professionals. In this case, the result will be guaranteed.

Leatherette shoes can be stretched on professional equipment

Professional help is needed when:

  • You need to stretch the shoes a size or more;
  • Work is carried out with a product made of delicate materials;
  • Couldn't manage on my own.

In order for artificial leather to serve for a long time, it is necessary to provide it with proper care. It is important to dry and clean the product in a timely manner, use a damp cloth or soap solution for washing. Do not use heaters, it is better to dry naturally. After drying, you can treat the surface with a baby cream or a special shoe polish.

In order not to spoil your legs with uncomfortable shoes or boots, you should carefully approach the purchase. It is worth paying attention to the quality, size and material.

