How to make a beautiful brooch from St. George's ribbon. DIY St. George's ribbon

On the eve of Victory Day, many begin to prepare for this great holiday, choosing decorations for themselves that are symbols of this celebration. The main symbol is, of course, the St. George's ribbon. The colors of the ribbon – black and orange – mean “smoke and flame” and are a sign of the personal valor of Russian soldiers on the battlefield.

That is why at the Victory Parade you definitely want to decorate your chest with the St. George Ribbon. You can simply tie it to the handle of your handbag or pin it in the form of a brooch on clothes, a bag, a headdress, etc. We suggest you add some zest to the usual St. George’s ribbon - make unique decorations using the Kanzashi technique for May 9th with your own hands.

St. George's ribbon with Kanzashi flowers

A brooch with a St. George ribbon is of a patriotic nature and therefore would be very appropriate at the Victory Parade. It can be made elegant and sophisticated using decorative elements such as stones, rhinestones, twisted metal elements and Kanzashi flowers.

Boutonnieres with simple Kanzashi flowers

There are several techniques for creating petals, leaves and flowers using the Kanzashi technique. Having mastered them, you can make entire masterpieces from ribbons! Beginners in the Kanzashi technique can make a simple festive boutonniere with a flower resembling a five-pointed red star:

He tells the secrets of its creation in his master class. Tatiana Yatsenko:

The red ribbon can be replaced with yellow or pink; this Kanzashi flower also goes well with the St. George ribbon:

Simple boutonnieres with tulips look very elegant!

Beginners can also make calla lilies using the Kanzashi technique. Watch the master class from the channel Hand made by Ludmila K.:

And then collect a boutonniere with a bouquet of delicate flowers:

Brooches with Kanzashi flowers made of sharp petals

From the sharp petals of Kanzashi you can make a lot of elegant and original flowers for brooches on May 9th.

Three small petals connected to each other easily fit into the petals b O larger in size. Play with the contrasts of black and orange:

To do this you will need a satin ribbon of two colors, a St. George ribbon, decorative ornaments and accessories

We form sharp small and larger petals from orange ribbon. We collect smaller petals into a flower:

We make two triangles from black tape, put the larger triangle on the smaller one and form a petal in the likeness of a simple sharp petal. After soldering the ends of such petals, straighten the black corners in different directions.

We put black petals with carved edges into orange petals and fix them with glue:

You should get the following three-dimensional flower blanks:

We connect all the parts together. We decorate the St. George ribbon with decorative elements:

The brooch with a voluminous elegant flower is ready!

You can also make a voluminous ear from a satin ribbon, in which the petals are laid with the back side out. The “antennae” of the ear are made according to the same principle as.

St. George's ribbon with Kanzashi star

By experimenting with the St. George Ribbon, you can model jewelry of incredible beauty, which is in demand and popular today. For example, you can make a five-pointed star out of it! After all, the red star is a heraldic sign and is now one of the elements of the Banner of the Russian Armed Forces.

It is very easy to make an asterisk from the St. George ribbon using a soldering iron or lighter. To do this, make a piece of tape - 8 cm. Fold the tape in half and measure 2 cm from the top corner. Cut off the excess at an angle. The result should be a trapezoid with the following parameters: upper length – 4 cm, lower length – 8 cm.

You need to make 5 such blanks. We turn them inside out.

We solder all the elements together. Cover the wrong side of the star with another piece of tape. We make beautiful corners at the ends of this ribbon. Glue a decorative element to the front side of the star.

You can attach the star to your chest using a simple pin or clip glued to the back of the brooch.

You can learn more about creating such a star in Anna Bartoszyk’s master class.

Using the same principle, you can make such gold star brooches. Here, on the contrary, the wrong side of the golden brocade star becomes the front side. We cover the seams with a decorative element. The brooch turns out to be voluminous, because we connect a golden star with a star from the St. George ribbon.

The tip of the star can be made more pointed, and the angle at which you cut off the excess from the tape, forming a trapezoid, should be greater. A flat order is obtained due to the fact that the prepared elements are glued to the base.

He demonstrates another version of a twisted star from a ribbon in his master class. Kulikova & Co:

Luxurious Kanzashi brooches for May 9

If you have already made simple Kanzashi decorations for May 9 many times, then try your hand at creating truly chic brooches, orders and boutonnieres.

Experienced craftsmen will share their experience.

Olga Masterova brings to your attention a master class on making a very beautiful three-dimensional brooch with carved petals:

Maria Kalugina will show you how to make festive kanzashi marshmallows for the Victory Day:

Another original brooch from the channel « Sisters EM» :

Congratulations to you and your loved ones on the upcoming Victory Day! We wish us all peaceful skies above our heads for many, many years to come! Happy holiday!

We make a St. George ribbon for Victory Day using the kanzashi technique.

Making a St. George ribbon for Victory Day using the kanzashi technique.+6 video master class

Brooch for Victory Day

In order to make such a master class as a kanzashi brooch with a St. George ribbon, we need the following accessories:

  • striped ribbon, 60 cm long;
  • decorations in the form of beads or rhinestones, as well as a clasp for a brooch;
  • ruler;
  • scissors and tweezers;
  • flame of a lighter or candle;
  • glue.

Take a piece of St. George's ribbon and cut it into equal squares, approximately 7 cm each.

Using tweezers, fold one square to form a right angle, as shown in the photo.

Repeat the folding so that the right side is on the left side, and align the cuts at the bottom.

Fold this blank in half again, into the inner part, as shown in the photo.

Bend the bottom edge up and spray it with the flame of a candle or lighter.

This is what the blank for our brooch should look like, from the inside and from the back.

In order to decorate the kanzashi with the St. George ribbon, we need five of these petals.

Take another piece of ribbon, 20 cm long, and cut the edges so that they resemble a flag, but be sure to spray it with a flame so that the ribbon does not crumble.

Roll the ribbon with your own hands as shown in the photo and glue it with glue.

On the wrong side, we sew a pin, which is necessary for the brooch. To be on the safe side, apply a little glue.

Using glue, connect five blanks and decorate, at your discretion, with rhinestones or beads. Also by gluing them.

If you want the ends of your accessory to be of different lengths, then take a piece of tape 25 cm long.

Original St. George's ribbon

This master class is for May 9, there will be a little

Our first master class is over. Feel free to put on your handmade brooch and go to the parade.

This master class for May 9 will be slightly different from the previous one, since the ribbon will be decorated with a different type of flower.

For this work, you will need some materials:

  • St. George Ribbon;
  • black and orange satin ribbon;
  • tweezers;
  • decoration material;
  • scissors and glue;
  • brooch clasp;
  • flame of a candle or lighter.

We cut two types of colored tape into five-centimeter square pieces. We should have seven black ones and 14 orange ones. Treat all edges of the squares with fire.

Let's start making petals. Take tweezers and fold the future petal diagonally. We have formed a triangle, which we fold again.

Fold it again and we get a pointed petal in the kanzashi style. Remove the edge of the tape and spray it with flame so that the threads do not fall off.

The tweezers need to be held along the workpiece, bending it. We cut off the bottom of the kanzashi with scissors and treat it with fire.

Fold the black square twice diagonally and attach it to the orange ribbon. You should have three pieces, black in the middle and orange on the sides.

Remove sharp corners on the petal and use a lighter. Make sure that all the material is tightly connected to each other.

As a result, you should get seven three-layered and pointed petals.

We begin to connect everything together, with our own hands. Using glue, fasten the petals in the shape of a spikelet. We decorate the middle with beads of a dark shade.

Guards ribbon, glued together in the form of a loop. And on top, we attach a spikelet. On the other hand, you need to attach a clasp. Only then will we get a full-fledged brooch.

This master class is also successfully completed, and the guards ribbon is ready. Create such an accessory with your own hands, and it will be appreciated.

Tulips for St. George's ribbon

The brightest and most revered holiday, Victory Day, is just around the corner. To do this, we suggest making a kanzashi St. George ribbon, for which you will need a tricolor ribbon.

To repeat this master class, let's decide what we need, namely:

  • tricolor ribbon: white, blue and scarlet;
  • St. George's ribbon and green material;
  • fabric for bow;
  • glue;
  • flame of a candle or lighter;
  • pin.

We begin the work by cutting the red ribbon into three 5 cm squares.

Wrap it three times.

We cut off the excess edges and spray them with flame, holding them a little so that they do not separate.
Turn the resulting petals out.

In one bud there will be three blanks that need to be glued together.

Cut an emerald satin ribbon 10 cm long. Roll up the squares, cut off the edges and heat, pressing the ends, as shown in the photo.

Once you have formed buds of different colors, glue them into the inside of the green petal and combine them into a small bouquet.

As a result, one brooch takes approximately only 10 minutes, and tulips take about an hour to make.

Using your imagination, you can make various options for decorations for Victory Day with your own hands, using fabric that imitates the Russian flag. Since in Russia, the most important parade takes place on Victory Day, on Red Square. Handmade accessories will decorate not only you, but also your friends. They will definitely appreciate this work.

DIY St. George Ribbon

Our master class is aimed at making decoration using the kanzashi technique on the St. George ribbon. For work we will need the following material:

  • glue;
  • satin ribbons;
  • scissors;
  • candle or lighter;
  • black felt;
  • brooch clasp;
  • material for decoration.

Take a satin ribbon and cut it into pieces five centimeters wide. We should have eight such blanks. We will make the petals round.

Fold the resulting square diagonally. Then, we bend the corners to the top as shown in the photo below. For those who are just starting out in needlework, do everything in order.

One side needs to be doused with flame, and then the other side must be done the same.

One of the symbols of Victory is the St. George Ribbon. It is customary to pin a braid of an unusual orange and black color on the chest and go to the parade dedicated to May 9th. But a traditional ribbon can be folded into a flower, add colorful elements like flowers, and get a whole decoration for the holiday. In this master class with step-by-step photographs you will learn how to make a flower using the kanzashi technique from the St. George ribbon for Victory Day.

For a flower using the kanzashi technique for Victory Day you will need:

  • The St. George ribbon is 3 cm wide, as a rule, it is made of rep.
  • Satin ribbons 2.5 cm wide, orange and black.
  • Hot melt adhesive.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Lighter and metal tweezers.
  • Black bead for the middle.

Master class “Flower using the kanzashi technique from the St. George ribbon for Victory Day”

1) Cut a 15 cm strip of ribbon and fold it at an acute angle to form the basis for the St. George flower. To make the tape less likely to fray, you only need to use sharp scissors. The edges of the tape are cut at an angle and melted over a flame.

2) The St. George ribbon must be cut into 6 sections 7 cm long.

3) Each element is bent at a right angle in the center and forms this shape.

4) Then the workpiece is bent again to get this shape with a sharp top.

5) At the base of the petal, two symmetrical folds are created in a direction away from each other. Next, hold the bottom of the leaf with tweezers and burn it with a flame from a lighter. The melted tape easily sticks together and takes on the desired shape.

6) It is necessary to create 6 petals of the same shape, they will make up the bottom layer. Due to the fact that rep is denser than satin, the shape of the flower will hold perfectly and not bend even from the wind.

7) The next stage is the assembly of the lower flower from the St. George ribbon. Each element is glued to the base and together the blanks form a six-pointed flower. You don’t need to stick the elements closely in the center, but leave more space.

8) Create similar petals from black ribbon, but use 6 cm sections.

9) All blanks made of black satin are glued into the slots of the petals of the first tier.

10) Next you need to create five blanks from orange satin ribbon. Each element will require a cut of 5 cm.

11) By reducing the length of each color cut, smaller petals are created. And in this case, when assembling the flower, all layers are visible.

12) Orange elements are glued in the shape of a star, that is, one petal is directed straight up, and the others look sideways in pairs.

13) The middle of the flower is decorated with a strictly black bead to emphasize the contrast of colors.

14) Cut 25 cm from the St. George ribbon and create a loop-shaped element. Glue the previously created flower on top of it.

15) To make it convenient to attach the product to a jacket, you need to turn the work over and glue a brooch base or a large pin to the reverse side.

St. George's ribbon for Victory Day using the kanzashi technique. Master class with step-by-step photos

Irina Mikhailovna Redikultseva, teacher of geography and biology, head of the creative studio "Design and Floristry", MAOU secondary school No. 6, Tobolsk, Tyumen region
Purpose and recommendations: The master class is intended for children of middle and high school age, additional education teachers and creative parents. Developed in accordance with the program of the creative studio "Design and Floristry" of a general education institution. The work is designed for 1 hour of study (2 hours per week). The finished product can be used as a gift for veterans and home front workers, as well as at the celebration of Victory Day at the parade.
Target: making an original St. George ribbon for Victory Day using the kanzashi technique.
- introduce the basic elementary elements of kanzashi technique
- improve handicraft skills;
- develop children's creativity, imagination and creative thinking;
- be able to use ordinary and non-standard materials in the manufacture of crafts;
- cultivate and instill interest in creative areas of needlework.


A great date is coming for our country - the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. And the symbol of Victory Day is the St. George ribbon - bicolor orange and black. Black color symbolizes smoke, and orange symbolizes flame.
The history of the St. George ribbon goes back a long way from the ribbon to the soldier's Order of St. George the Victorious, established on November 26, 1769 by Empress Catherine II. This ribbon, with minor changes, was included in the USSR award system under the name “Guards Ribbon” - a sign of special distinction for a soldier.
Wearing the St. George ribbon in the modern world on the eve of Victory Day is a tribute and honor to all fallen soldiers, a sign of special gratitude to all participants, survivors and people who made an invaluable contribution to a successful outcome for our country!!!
In honor of the anniversary of the Great Victory, I invite you to make an original St. George ribbon, decorated with kanzashi elements in the form of tricolor and bicolor flowers.
For this we need:
- St. George Ribbon
- satin ribbons 5 cm wide in red, blue, white, orange and brown
- scissors
- candle, matches or lighter
- hot glue gun
- beads for decoration
- 2 pins

Before starting work, remember the safety rules.
Safety rules when working with a hot glue gun:
1) Prepare the workplace, protecting the work surface from glue.
2) Place the gun in the correct position - that is, fold out the stand and place it on the work surface
3) Plug the gun into the outlet, place the glue stick as far as it will go and wait 4-5 minutes for the glue to heat up
4) To apply glue, you need to press the trigger smoothly, since the amount of glue coming out depends on the depth and number of presses
5) Since the glue dries instantly, you need to accurately apply the part to the surface
Do not leave the pistol turned on unattended!!!
Rules for working with scissors and sharp objects:
1) Clean up the workplace, remove all unnecessary items from the table
2) Do not stick needles into clothing or put them in your mouth.
3) Store needles with working thread and pins in a special needle case, and scissors in a case and place them in their place after use
4) If you are temporarily not working with scissors, you should put them on the table with the sharp edges away from you, always with the blades closed. You need to pass the scissors to your neighbor holding the blades closed, with the rings facing forward.
Safety rules when working with candles and matches:
1) Clean the workplace, remove all unnecessary and flammable items away
2) Place the candle on a ceramic saucer or candlestick to avoid heating the table surface
3) Do not play with open flames of matches or candles, and do not touch the melted wax with your hands.
4) If you receive a burn, immediately inform your supervisor!
Let's get to work. Cut a piece of St. George's ribbon 20-23cm long

Take a satin ribbon 5 cm wide and fold it diagonally, cut off the excess part of the ribbon

It turns out to be a square

We also bend this square diagonally

Then we fold this triangle in half again and in this form you need to scorch the lower edge over a candle or lighter

The first element is ready! We will need 2 of these red elements.
View from above

Side view

We do the same with the blue ribbon, 2 of these elements are also needed

White - 3 elements

Using a heat gun we connect 3 white elements.
Then we connect the blue elements to the white ones

And to the blue - red

We fold the edges of the Geogrievskaya tape diagonally. Using a hot glue gun, we attach the kanzashi elements to the Geogriev tape.

We decorate the glue joints with beads

Fix the pin on the back side with a drop of glue.

Using the same principle, I propose a second decoration option.

Take 2 satin ribbons 5 cm wide, orange and brown, and form squares using the above method.

Fold these squares diagonally

Then fold it again

We place the orange triangle on the brown one, retreating a few millimeters from above

And fold it halfway again

In this form, we melt the bottom edge and get an element, you will need 5 of them.

We glue the resulting elements together and fix them on the St. George ribbon

May 9 is a great holiday for the Russian people. On this day we thank our grandfathers and great-grandfathers for the victory that Soviet soldiers gave to their contemporaries and laid down their lives for it. The symbol of this significant holiday is the St. George's ribbon. Many people tie a ribbon with a beautiful bow on the holiday. And we suggest making an original brooch out of it with your own hands. This simple accessory will turn into a symbol of victory.

Brooch made from St. George's ribbon in the shape of a spikelet

Before starting work, prepare the following set of materials and tools:

  • St. George satin ribbon. Buy a ribbon in craft stores;
  • orange and black satin ribbons;
  • scissors, tweezers and glue;
  • brooch clasp;
  • lighter or regular candle;
  • decorative details for decoration.

To make a brooch, start by cutting satin ribbons into pieces in the shape of squares measuring 5x5 centimeters. Prepare 7 square pieces of black ribbon and 14 orange squares. Burn the edges of each prepared square with a candle or lighter, and the ribbon will not fall off.

Proceed to the following stages of work:

  • make petals for the brooch. Take the prepared pieces of tape. Fold the orange square diagonally with tweezers. Fold the resulting triangle again. Fold the blank again and get a petal with sharp ends. Carefully remove the edge of the ribbon and scorch it with a flame. Hold the tweezers along the workpiece and bend it. Cut off the bottom of the petal and burn it with flame. Process all the orange squares in this way;
  • take a black square and fold it diagonally twice. We attach the resulting part to the orange blank. There should be 3 parts in the petal - the black one is located in the middle, and the orange ones are on the sides;
    Remove the sharp corners on the petal and treat the ends with a flame. All parts must be tightly connected to each other. You will get 7 three-layer petals with sharp ends;
  • connect all the petals into one whole using glue. Fasten the petals in the form of a spikelet. Decorate the middle of the spikelet with dark beads;
  • take the St. George ribbon and glue it with a loop. Attach a spikelet on top. Sew a fastener on the reverse side. The original brooch from the St. George ribbon is ready.

Brooch made from St. George's ribbon in the shape of a flower

This brooch is made in the shape of a flower. First prepare the following:

  • orange satin ribbon 5 cm wide;
  • hot glue gun or needle and thread;
  • scissors, tweezers and lighter;
  • a small piece of black felt;
  • decoration for the center of the flower;
  • St. George Ribbon.

Let's start the master class:

  • cut small squares of satin ribbon. You need to make 7-8 round petals from them;
  • fold the square diagonally. Use tweezers. Fold the corners of the resulting triangle to the top. Scorch the sides of the triangle with fire;
  • Fold the resulting part in half - with the corners facing back. Cut the corners with scissors. Don't forget to scorch the lower cuts with a lighter flame. Using this principle, make the remaining petals for the flower. Place them all together and secure with a hot glue gun;
  • take a piece of felt and fix the flower on it. Sew it to the felt with thread or use hot glue. Attach a bead or other decoration to the center of the flower. All that remains is to secure the flower to the St. George ribbon and attach a clasp to the back of the brooch.

Make flower petals from the St. George ribbon itself, and do not use satin. Buy a striped ribbon 60-80 cm long from the store. Five petals are made in the same way as above. Cut out the edges of a piece of guards ribbon so that they look like a flag and scorch them with fire. Fold the ribbon, attach a flower and a clasp to it. The result was not an orange flower, but a striped one.

The above step-by-step instructions are a small part of all master classes on making brooches from St. George's ribbon. Even children can make these products and they don’t require a lot of materials. Attach your homemade brooch to your clothes and go celebrate Victory Day.
