How do babies hear at 1 month? White noise for newborns

It would seem that one month is a very short period of time, but for a baby it is a whole life milestone, marked by a number of important changes and the acquisition of new skills. When the child is 1 month old, parents should devote every effort not only to properly caring for him, but also to develop his physical and psychological abilities.

1 month old baby – weight and height

One of the main questions that worries almost all young mothers is how much a newborn gains in the first month of life. If in the first week most babies lose weight (by about 10%), which is due to the presence of an additional supply of fluid in the body upon birth, then subsequently they begin to gain weight. At 3-4 weeks of life, under conditions of adequate care, nutrition and the absence of pathologies, weight increases rapidly and steadily - by 15-30 g daily.

How much a baby weighs at 1 month depends on his initial weight at birth, which increases over a thirty-day period by about 600-1000 g, sometimes a little more. It is worth noting that when bottle-fed, babies gain weight faster. According to the standards of the World Health Organization, the average weight of a child at 1 month is:

  • for girls – 4.2 kg;
  • for boys – 4.5 kg.

As for the growth of one-month-old babies, this parameter increases by 3-4.5 units, and the following are considered to be the average norms:

  • for girls – 53.7 cm;
  • for boys – 54.7 cm.

1 month baby – development

The baby’s nervous system is still at the initial stage of formation, but he can already do a lot, and the child’s development at 1 month is proceeding at an accelerated pace. It is very important that parents realize that one-month-old babies are full participants in everything that happens and are sensitive to the emotional background prevailing around them. That is why if a calm, joyful mother and father are nearby, the child feels comfortable, but if someone is irritated and angry, the baby becomes anxious and cries.

What can a 1 month old baby do?

In order for the baby to adapt to the world around him and prepare for conscious movements, nature has endowed him with important reflexes. In a healthy baby, they are clearly visible, and if desired, parents can check them (the child should not be hungry, tired, or wet). Let's look at the basic reflexes inherent in a 1 month old baby:

  1. Sucking– if any object (pacifier, nipple) gets into the baby’s mouth, he begins to make rhythmic sucking movements.
  2. Search– with a gentle touch on the cheek and corners of the baby’s mouth, he stretches out his lower lip and begins to look for the mother’s breast.
  3. Upper protective– if you lay the baby down with his stomach, he immediately turns his head to the side.
  4. Prehensile– the baby involuntarily clenches his hand into a fist and firmly holds the finger placed in his palm.
  5. Crawling reflex– when you touch the baby’s soles with your palm in a position on his tummy, he will try to push off, as if trying to crawl.
  6. Automatic gait reflex– when holding the baby vertically and bringing his feet closer to a solid support, he will begin to make movements with his legs that resemble walking.

By studying the behavior of a newborn in the first month of life, you can easily learn to understand his needs and desires. Crying is still the only way to communicate with adults, but an attentive mother may notice that it is not always the same, but has different intonations, volume, and so on. So, if the baby does not see anyone nearby, but needs communication and is bored, his crying is characterized by the fact that it sounds for several seconds with small pauses. Hungry crying often gradually increases in volume, and crying from pain is monotonous, continuous, with periodic intensification of the scream.

What many kids at this age can already do:

  • hold your head suspended for several seconds when placing it on your tummy;
  • react to surrounding sounds (blinks or flinches at sharp sounds, listens to the ringing of a bell, turns his head towards sounds);
  • recognize mother's voice;
  • during feeding, focus your gaze on the mother’s face, examine stationary and smoothly moving objects at a distance of 20-30 cm;
  • distinguish bright solid colors;
  • consciously smile when seeing familiar faces;
  • try to repeat the facial expressions of your “interlocutor”;
  • pronounce “gurgling”, sniffling and guttural sounds, “answer” when addressed to him.

While awake, the baby makes uncoordinated movements with its arms and legs, which is associated with physiological hypertonicity of its muscles, which often disappears by the fourth month of life. My favorite sleeping position is the “frog pose” - lying on your back, bent arms raised up, bent legs spread apart. When the baby lies on his stomach, his knees are pulled up to his chest, his arms are bent at the elbows.

Toys for 1 month old babies

When a child turns 1 month old, the development of his psychological abilities and motor skills can already be improved through toys. These should be safe and beneficial objects that develop tactile sensations, visual and auditory perception:

  • a mechanical carousel attached to the crib, with soft music and a small number of different toys in calm colors;
  • rattles that can be held in the handle;
  • soft rattle bracelets for the leg or arm;
  • toys attached with an elastic band (color and black and white).

You can put small toys, strings with knots, and ribbons in the baby’s hands. Having drawn black and white geometric shapes, a smiling or sad face on cardboard, it is useful to let him look at such images. In addition, it is important already at this age to tell the baby poems, short fairy tales, and sing songs. You should pick him up more often, talk, commenting on your actions, and name the objects around him.

Nutrition for a 1 month old baby

Feeding a one-month-old baby is the most important ritual, necessary not only for satiation, but also for close tactile contact with the mother, giving the baby psycho-emotional comfort. Without a doubt, the healthiest thing is breastfeeding for a one-month-old baby, in which the baby’s body receives a maximum of valuable substances, and all senses are stimulated.

Breastfeeding at 1 month

Often, when the baby is 1 month old, the mother is already well-established, and feedings occur according to the established schedule or on demand. It is also important to support night feedings, which guarantee stable lactation and the receipt of the most valuable components in milk, produced only at night. How much a baby should eat at 1 month when breastfeeding depends on his needs, and pediatricians advise allowing infants to regulate the duration of breastfeeding themselves.

Artificial feeding at 1 month

Feeding a one-month-old baby with formula is used when the mother does not produce milk or for some reason the baby cannot or does not want to drink milk. If you had to suddenly stop breastfeeding and switch to artificial, the issue of selecting a suitable formula should be discussed with your doctor. When feeding with formula, it is advisable to position the baby in the same way as during natural feeding, without depriving him of body contact. It must be remembered that the amount of the mixture must be dosed. When a child is 1 month old, the daily food intake is one fifth of his weight.

Mixed feeding at 1 month

This type is practiced when there is reduced lactation, a lack of nutrients in milk due to poor health of the mother, and if it is necessary to administer medicinal formulas for the baby. In this case, it is important how much a child eats in 1 month, for which they weigh before and after feeding. The lack of milk is made up for with an artificial substitute, which it is advisable to offer from a spoon, a syringe without a needle, or a pipette.

Baby mode at 1 month

The first month of a newborn’s life, as well as the next few, mostly passes in sleep, but you can begin to gradually accustom him to natural biorhythms. To do this, it is recommended to play and talk with him during the day, and to avoid excessive activity at night. By the end of 1 month, the baby will begin to stay awake longer and sleep more soundly at night.

How long does a 1 month old baby sleep?

Sleep at 1 month is irregular and mostly consists of a phase of shallow REM sleep, which is why babies can wake up as suddenly as they fall asleep. The average daily sleep duration is approximately 18-20 hours, with periods of wakefulness lasting about 30-60 minutes. During the daytime, the baby often sleeps 5-8 times. It is recommended that mother sleep with her baby 1-2 times during the day to restore her strength.

Walks at 1 month

The first month of life should definitely include walks in the fresh air. In good weather, in both warm and cold seasons, you should go outside two to three times a day. The minimum time in the air required to harden the baby, saturate its body with oxygen, and produce it is 1.5 hours a day. When using a stroller for walks, during wakefulness you should sometimes hold the baby in your arms, allowing him to look at everything around him.

Your baby has recently been born, and you are completely immersed in chores, concerns, first joys and anxieties. Is everything okay with the baby, is he developing correctly? Find answers in our Child Development Calendar.

Height and weight of a child at 1 month

During the first month, the child gains on average 600-800 g and grows by 3-3.5 cm.

Normal indicators*. Child's age - 1 month

Bottom line

Upper limit

Boys' weight, kg

Girls' weight, kg

Boys' height, cm

Girls' height, cm

Boys' head circumference, cm

Head circumference of girls, cm

*Data are indicated according to centile tables of domestic pediatricians

Basic reflexes of a newborn:

At birth, the baby has innate reflexes. Some of them are temporary, these include:

  • Sucking(manifests in response to irritation of the oral cavity);
  • Prehensile(the baby unconsciously squeezes his fingers if something is put into them);
  • Search(with careful, gentle stroking of the corner of the baby’s mouth, the child begins to lower his lower lip, tilt his tongue towards the stimulus and actively “look” for the mother’s breast);
  • Walking reflex(if you hold the child, he begins to move his legs as if he were walking).

Some reflexes remain with the child throughout his life: blinking, sneezing, yawning, flinching, etc.

It is by reflexes that neonatologists determine the level of development of the newborn’s nervous system.

Baby development at 1 month

It seems that now the child can only sleep, eat and cry. But that's not true! It is developing at amazing speed. For now he lies with his legs and arms bent, but within the first month they will straighten.

Advice! Place your baby on his tummy more often. In this position, he will try to hold the head and simultaneously train the muscles of the chest and back.

The child's movements become more coordinated, and his vision becomes sharper. Immediately after birth, he sees everything as if through a fog. Gradually learns to focus his gaze. He studies his mother’s face with interest when she bends down or takes him in her arms, and follows with her eyes objects that are no further than 20-35 cm.
A newborn sleeps almost around the clock. His rare waking hours are the most valuable. Use them to communicate with your child. He is an interesting conversationalist. He has a wonderful quality - the ability to listen. The child feels your mood, catches the emotional coloring of your voice, studies the movements of your mother’s lips, looks into your eyes and one day will respond to your kind words with a charming smile!

What a 1 month old baby can do:

Associate your mother’s familiar smell with her voice;

Listen to the intonations of people around you;

Hold the head vertically for a few seconds;

While feeding, gaze at the mother's face;

Distinguish between sweet, bitter and sour tastes;

Grab your mother’s finger and hold it in your fist for quite a long time;

By the end of the first month, he is able to focus his gaze on the face of an adult;


Massage for children at 1 month of life

The mental development of newborn children is closely related to the physical. Even if the child just lies and actively moves his arms, this stimulates his nervous system. In the morning and before bathing, be sure to give your child a light massage. Just stroke the arms, legs, back and tummy. Draw a figure eight on the child’s feet: from the toes to the heel. This simple exercise for newborns has a positive effect on all body systems, because all the functional points are located on the foot.

Exercises for 1 month old babies

1. Fetal position

Pull the child's bent legs towards the stomach, fold the arms over the chest. With your right hand, tilt the little one's head slightly forward. In this position, rock the baby in different directions. This exercise is great for calming and relaxing.

2. Handles to the sides

Place your baby on his back. Place your thumbs in his fists. He will hold on to them. Spread your baby's arms slightly to the sides and shake them gently. This exercise will help strengthen your arm muscles.

3. We sit cross-legged

Take the baby in your arms and press his back to your chest. Bend his legs so that he sits cross-legged. Support his feet with one hand and grab his armpits with the other. Exercise will help cope with colic.

Bathing a newborn

How to treat an umbilical wound


There will be hundreds of months and dozens of years in the life of this person, but the FIRST month is four weeks of special responsibility and attention of parents, thirty days of new sensations and recognition of this world by the baby, new extraordinary impressions and experiences of mom and dad.

Physical development

There will be hundreds of months and dozens of years in the life of this person, but the first month is four weeks of special responsibility and attention of parents, thirty days of new sensations and recognition of this world by the baby, new extraordinary impressions and experiences of mom and dad. This is the month when new life literally and figuratively flows into your home. In the maternity hospital, like the shot of a starting pistol, the cry of a new citizen of our planet is heard. The start has been given, and ahead is a marathon distance of a lifetime.

During the first month after birth, the baby is usually called a newborn. Only after being born, after a difficult first breath and a deafening birth catharsis, the baby’s organs and systems begin to actively adapt to extrauterine life. Immediately in the maternity hospital, according to the rules, in the first 12 hours of life, the newborn is given the first vaccination against viral hepatitis in his life, and within 3–7 days he is vaccinated against tuberculosis (BCG). The next vaccination will be a booster vaccination against hepatitis B at 1 month of age.

The circulatory system is significantly reconstructed, red blood cells with the fetal type of hemoglobin (also called fetal) are rapidly destroyed, now irrelevant for the body, the immune system is activated, the kidneys, digestive and endocrine systems of the child, and his skin, respiratory tract and intestines solve their first problems for the first time they encounter previously unfamiliar microbes.

It is possible that in the first week after birth, the baby will lose about ten percent of its body weight. This is a consequence of the newborn’s body adapting to the extrauterine environment. Parents should not panic or worry about this. In the future, the baby will quickly recover and gain weight. In the first week, the entire body of the newborn works under great stress, and a more stable and calm state occurs only at the beginning of the second week.

Indicators of a child from birth to 1 month

Growth chart and

And a weight chart


3.330-3.530 kg

Head circumference

Chest circumference

The baby spends the first month a significant part of the day (up to 20 hours) sleeping. A newborn, as a rule, sleeps in the frog position, that is, lying on his back, with his arms bent at the elbows and raised up, and with his legs bent at the knee joints and spread apart.

During this period, a newborn has five sleep states:

  • deep sleep, when the baby is absolutely relaxed, breathing slowly and evenly, eyes closed and face relaxed;
  • shallow sleep, when the child has more rapid, not quite even breathing, possible twitching of the arms and legs, you can see how the eyeballs move under the eyelids;
  • a drowsy state that occurs during feeding or before falling asleep, characterized by half-closed eyes;
  • wakefulness, when the baby is active, makes movements with the whole body, arms and legs;
  • Crying to indicate that the newborn is in discomfort, such as being hungry, scared, or wet.

In the first month, the baby exhibits the following motor skills: lying on his stomach, he tries to raise his head, and sometimes he even manages to hold it in this state for several seconds. In the first thirty days, the newborn will add about 600 grams to its initial weight and grow by approximately 3 centimeters, the head circumference will increase by 1.5 - 2 centimeters.

In the first month it is very important to establish feeding the baby

Obviously, the best food for him is mother's milk. In the first days of a child's life, the amount of milk in women gradually increases, but for some (especially first-time mothers) this increase is not enough. In this regard, doctors’ recommendations for stimulating lactation are relevant. One of the main ways to stimulate lactation is to put the baby to the breast more often at the first sign of the baby's anxiety. This method is called “free feeding mode” or “feeding on demand”. Thus, some mothers get 10–12 feedings per day.

It is important to place the nipple correctly in the baby's mouth- it should cover the entire isola. It has been established that the baby sucks out the bulk of breast milk in the first 5 to 10 minutes of feeding. However, there are children who quickly get tired and fall asleep at the breast; they need to be encouraged to suck by lightly patting their cheeks, removing the nipple from their mouth and reinserting it. When sucking, the baby swallows not only milk, but also air, which the baby tries to get rid of, along with the nutrient fluid. Therefore, the procedure of regurgitation, when excess accumulated air is released, is very important. When breastfeeding, burping is optimal every 5 minutes (or when changing breasts) and every 50 g when bottle feeding. This is usually done in three ways - upright on your shoulder, face down on your lap or in a sitting position - and it's a good idea to try all three ways to see which works best for you and your baby.

Bloating, intestinal cramps, colic- frequent companions in the first months of life even in practically healthy children. Home ways to help a child with these conditions: light massage of the tummy in a clockwise direction; vertical position in the arms of an adult or the so-called “skin to skin” contact - the baby is placed with his tummy on the bare chest of the mother, reclining in a chair, covered with a blanket on top, the mother strokes his back; using a gas tube, laying the baby on his stomach for 3-5 minutes, taking Plantex (containing dill). All these methods help prevent “colic” by promoting the removal of gases from the intestines.

A very important moment in the first weeks of a child’s life is the healing of the umbilical wound. When discharged from the maternity hospital at the usual time (fifth - seventh day), the umbilical wound does not have time to heal completely.

Traditionally, it is customary to treat the navel with a solution of brilliant green (brilliant green). And this must be done daily, until the wound becomes completely dry in the morning when the child goes to the toilet and in the evening after daily bathing. Until the crust falls off, it is recommended to add a faint pink solution of potassium permanganate, an infusion of chamomile or St. John's wort to the bathing water. The temperature of the water for swimming is 37–37.5°C, the duration of bathing is no more than 5–7 minutes. If your child has discharge from the umbilical wound or redness and swelling of the umbilical ring, you should consult a doctor. You should also consult a doctor if the crust from the umbilical wound does not fall off when the child reaches 14–15 days of age.

Mental development

Innate reflexes contribute to the baby’s adaptation to the extrauterine environment. Some of them disappear in the first months of life, others transform into acquired reflexes, reaching the level of consciousness. Such innate reflexes as the reflex of sneezing, wincing, blinking, yawning, and knee-jerk reflexes are preserved in the baby for life. During the first month of life, a child has seven main reflexes:

  • Prehensile- appears when stroking or lightly touching the child’s palm. Reflexively, the baby grabs and holds everything that touches his palm.
  • Search- the baby turns his head if his cheek is touched or stroked. This reflex is a necessary component of the instinct to search for food and nutrition.
  • Sucking- the baby has noticeable sucking movements of the lips if you run a finger or pacifier around the mouth. The sucking reflex, like the search reflex, is firmly connected with the feeding instinct.
  • Babinski reflex- when running a finger along the outer edge of the foot, the toes diverge in different directions along with the rotation of the foot.
  • Mohr's reflex- the newborn spreads and closes his arms and legs, reacting to a loud and sudden sound.
  • Babkin reflex- when pressing on the baby’s palm, he turns his head and opens his mouth.
  • Swimming reflex- the baby makes movements similar to swimming if you put him on his stomach.
  • Walking Reflex- a newborn makes movements that imitate walking if you support him under his arms so that his legs touch any surface.

How do the senses develop during this period?

By the middle of the second week of life, many newborns are able to hold a moving object in their field of vision, for example, a bright rattle with a diameter of about ten centimeters. If you place a bright toy at a distance of 40–50 cm from a baby lying on his back and begin to slowly move it left and right, the child will fixate the toy with his gaze for a few seconds. A three-week-old baby is usually already able to fix with his gaze more or less large stationary objects, for example, the face of mom or dad. If you approach a newborn lying on his back at a distance of 40–50 cm and attract his attention by talking, and then fall silent, remaining motionless, the baby will also freeze, carefully peering into your face. By the fourth week, the movements of the baby's eyeballs are already smoother and more coordinated.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 15 minutes


So a miracle happened - the long-awaited baby was born! Now mom and dad will need to go through a long and very interesting path of growing up and becoming personalities.

In the first month, all organs of a newborn begin to actively adapt to external life. In the maternity hospital, for the first time 12 hours, the child is vaccinated against viral hepatitis, then, within 3–7 days, against tuberculosis (BCG), re-vaccination against hepatitis B done at 1 month. In the first month after discharge, the newborn should visit 2 times local pediatrician and 4 times- nurse.

Starting from one month, parents must bring their child to the clinic every month for examination. The baby is weighed, measured, basic reflexes are checked, the heart and lungs are listened to, and the tummy is felt. At 1 month the baby must be shown ophthalmologist, orthopedist, surgeon and neurologist. And also, to exclude unwanted pathologies, it is necessary to undergo Ultrasound brain, hip joints, abdominal cavity and kidneys, if all these procedures were not performed in the maternity hospital.

Changes in the baby's body in 1 month

During the first month, the following main changes occur in the child’s body:

  1. The newborn's circulatory system is reconstructed,
  2. The child's immune system learns to produce immunoglobulins necessary to fight infections,
  3. A baby's kidneys learn to perform their functions, but up to six months they are still considered immature.
  4. The child's respiratory system is adjusted,
  5. The baby's movements become smoother and more confident,
  6. Milia, which resemble white “grains of sand” on the baby’s nose, cheeks and forehead, disappear,
  7. The baby’s muscles have already become a little stronger, and he can, lying on his stomach, turn and raise his head at an angle from 45 to 90 degrees. The most developed infants try to raise and hold their heads while lying on their backs.
  8. The baby's posterior and wedge-shaped fontanels are tightening, although this is a slow process. It takes a few more weeks for them to close, and the process of ossification of a large fontanel usually takes about a year.
  9. The baby's skin continues to peel, but it is no longer as dry. Using moisturizers helps 0+ and baby milk.
  10. At one month of age, the umbilical wound is already covered with a crust and does not bleed. To achieve this, you need to treat your navel daily with a solution of brilliant green. When bathing, you need to add a weak solution of potassium permanganate, use an infusion of St. John's wort or chamomile. Bathing no more 5–7 minutes, at water temperature 37–37.5°C. If the crust from the umbilical wound does not fall off by 14–15 days, there is redness, swelling of the umbilical ring, and discharge appears, then you should consult a doctor.

At different stages of his life, the baby will make new progress, which parents must carefully monitor. It would seem, what can a 1 month old baby do except suck the breast and sleep? In fact, for his small age he can already do a lot. A one-month-old baby is a little person who already understands a lot and requires a lot of attention and care from relatives.

The first month of a newborn's life

It’s hard to believe, but childbirth is stressful not only for the mother, but also for the baby too. At first, most of the day, approximately until 18-20 hours, the baby spends it in his sleep.

Baby's sleep

There are three main types of sleep in infants:

  • deep sleep - the child’s eyes are closed, he breathes slowly and evenly, the baby’s body is relaxed;
  • shallow sleep - the child’s breathing is uneven, rapid, the movement of the eyeballs varies under the eyelids, the arms and legs twitch;
  • drowsy state - occurs during feeding of the baby before falling asleep and is characterized by half-closed eyelids;

A newborn usually sleeps in a frog position, lying on his back, arms bent at the elbows and raised up, legs bent at the knees and spread apart.

However, children at this age do not yet understand the time of day. To help your baby get used to the daily cycles, you can moderately control his sleep during the day. Therefore, silence and darkness should be strictly observed at night. After a certain amount of time, the child will get used to the fact that day is a time for activity, night is a time for sound sleep.

The baby spends most of the first month of his life sleeping, waking up to eat, look around a little, and then falls asleep again. It is thanks to this daily routine that the baby gains strength so that after a little time he can please mom and dad with his activity. When the baby is not sleeping, he is eating.

Feeding a newborn

In the first month, the newborn must eat at least 8-9 times a day, sucking at every feeding 60 ml each milk. The baby is given breastfeeding at the first sign of anxiety; this is called “free feeding mode” or “feeding on demand.” More frequent breastfeeding is also one of the main ways to stimulate lactation in mothers, especially in first-time mothers. In this way it turns out 10–12 feedings per day.

When sucking, the baby should grasp the entire isola and the first 5-10 minutes During feeding, he usually sucks out the bulk of the milk. But some children quickly get tired and fall asleep; they need to be woken up by gently rubbing their cheeks, removing the nipple and putting it back into their mouth. When sucking, air necessarily gets in with the milk, so regurgitation is very important, it helps the baby get rid of the air accumulated in the stomach. Regurgitation must occur through every 5 minutes during breastfeeding and every 50 g when feeding from a bottle. This is usually done in a vertical position on the mother's shoulder.

During the first days of his life, the baby may lose a little weight - there is no need to be alarmed, as this is a completely natural process. When a baby is born, his body contains excess fluid. At the moment of birth the child loses 8-10% of your weight, only then does its mass take on a stable value and begin to increase. After two weeks, the child regains the body weight recorded at birth.

Norms for height and weight of a one-month-old baby

In the first month, a newborn eats well, gains weight and grows quickly. Its weight increases by approximately from 15 to 30 grams per day, and by the end of the first month the child gains about 600-800 grams, its growth increases I'm 2-3 centimeters, girth of head and chest by 1.4 - 1.5 cm.

The physical development indicators of a one-month-old baby are presented in the following table.

If the weight or height of your one-month-old baby is very different from the norm, then the following reasons are possible:

  • Incorrectly chosen method of feeding; breast or artificial feeding,
  • Problems feeding the baby; his refusal to breastfeed, insufficient milk lactation, allergies,
  • Difficulties in pregnancy and childbirth, for example, a child was born prematurely,
  • The presence of a disease in a child that affects height and weight gain,
  • Heredity,
  • Ecology and the presence of bad habits in the mother.

However, it should be remembered that each baby develops uniquely, due to its individual characteristics.

Monthly consultation meetings, which the mother is required to attend, allow specialists to monitor the development of the baby’s growth and weight. This will help mommy get rid of unnecessary and unnecessary worries.

If you find significant deviations from these indicators, then you need to contact a specialist to find out the reasons that led to this.

If your child's gain is less than average, he or she may not be eating well enough. In this case, the doctor will recommend adding formula to breastfeeding. If the baby is bottle-fed, adjust the frequency and volume of milk substitutes.

You shouldn’t be happy if your baby has gained much more than normal. Subsequently, this can result in obesity and disruption of the normal functioning of organs and systems associated with excess weight!

From time to time, the baby should lie on his stomach. This position of the baby will minimize the likelihood of constipation and will encourage the child to perform motor reflexes with the head and limbs.

Deviations from the norm that parents can identify at 1 month:

1. Increased or decreased muscle tone or asymmetry of muscle tone child.

2. Jaundice. In some newborns it does not go away by one month. Consultation with a pediatrician is required.

3. Colic. Bloating and intestinal cramps often occur in the first months in practically healthy children. How to help a child? Lightly stroke the tummy clockwise, use a gas outlet tube, for 3–5 minutes place the baby on his stomach, accept plantex, dill water. All these methods will help remove gases from the baby’s intestines.

4. Insufficient weight gain can be associated both with a lack of breast milk in the mother and with illnesses in the baby.

In any of these cases, the child should be shown to a doctor.

Caring for a 1 month old baby

Caring for the physical health of the baby in the first month of his life is as follows:

1. Hygiene procedures,

2. Bathing the baby,

3. Walks,

4. Massage and gymnastics.

Hygiene procedures

  • washing the face, eyes, neck;
  • washing, changing a diaper;
  • care for eyes, nose, ears;
  • daily treatment of the umbilical wound;
  • combing and removing crusts on the head;
  • trimming nails.

Bathing a baby

You yourself choose the mode of bathing your baby, let us only clarify that it is enough to bathe a newborn 2-3 times a week, on other days you must definitely wipe your baby. Add decoctions of herbs or chamomile to the water. Since your baby's skin is very sensitive, carefully select soap for him.

Place your baby in the water very carefully, starting from the heels, taking into account the high sensitivity of babies to temperature changes . If the baby cries and is very worried during the first bath, the mother can try to take a bath with him, lay the baby on her chest and carefully pour water over him.

You can let the child push off with his legs from the walls of the bathtub, or, holding the baby under his arms, tilting him forward, stimulating the walking reflex, let the child walk a few steps along the bottom.

Walking with your baby

The time for the first walks with a newborn is no more than 10-15 minutes and gradually increases to 30 minutes. If it’s warm outside, the duration of the walk can be up to 1.5 - 2 hours. If the air temperature below 10 degrees, or it is raining, snowing or windy outside, then it is better to refrain and not walk with a 1-2 month old baby.

The issue of walking in the cold season must be approached with all seriousness, since the system for regulating heat exchange in infants is imperfect. When there is bad weather outside, you can simply take your dressed baby out onto the balcony for a few minutes or leave him to sleep in the stroller with the window open.

Massage, gymnastics and air baths

How to properly massage a 1 month old baby, watch the following video. Nikolai Nikonov- leading doctor and massage therapist in Russia.

Co 2-3 weeks During the life of the baby, you can carry out air baths, hardening and massage with him. These procedures are successfully combined into one.

The video shows gymnastics - instructions for 1 month old baby:

For a couple of minutes we leave the child in only a vest or completely undressed and covered with a diaper. At the same time, begin to lightly stroke the baby’s arms, tummy, and legs with your hands. Beginning from 1-2 minutes, it is possible to increase the duration of these procedures up to 5-7 minutes. When changing your baby, try not to let your hands get cold, as 1-month-old babies are very sensitive to tactile sensations.

Video about how to care for a newborn.

Exercises for the physical development of the baby:

  • Let your baby lie on his back, take him by the arms and smoothly lift them up above his head, then just as smoothly lower them down, then cross him over his chest and spread them to the sides. You can do it with your baby's feet exercise bike. Don’t be silent, hum a pleasant song.
  • Turn the baby over onto his tummy, place a toy in front of him and begin to slowly lift it up. This encourages the baby to raise his head. You can also lay the baby on your stomach and gently call him by name so that the baby raises his head and begins to look at you. Such exercises develop the baby's muscles.
  • While bathing, touch your baby gently while singing a quiet song. After bathing, wrap your baby in a towel, hide your face behind its edge and then look out from behind it and say "cuckoo".
  • Massage each finger on the baby's legs and arms. Touch it with your hands, a piece of cotton wool, a soft brush and a mitten made of terry or woolen fabric.

How do the senses work in a newborn?

How does a 1 month old baby see?

By the first month of life, the eyeball already has formed qualities. However, the visual function has not yet reached its full development. The baby's tears begin to form by the third - fourth week. Most babies in this period are characterized by a slight wobble of the eyeball and slight squint. There is no need to worry too much about this. This phenomenon is explained by the incomplete development of visual function.

A person is born with an imperfect organ of vision, which still has to develop and mature. A newborn sees objects as blurry and indistinct. A one-month-old baby clearly distinguishes objects located at a distance about 60 cm from his eyes. It is at this distance that he clearly sees the face of mom or dad, recognizes them, begins to react with facial expressions and try to make sounds. He will also notice the bright toys that hang in his crib.

The baby needs to be helped to develop his vision. To do this, you need to take the child in your arms more often or lean over him so that he can clearly see the faces of his parents, examine and remember individual facial features. Don't be lazy to play with him, showing him colored rattles. By the end of the first month of his life, the baby can already follow with his eyes a slowly moving toy near his face. These are his very first games. Just don’t tire your little child; spend a few minutes a day on such games. For his age this is quite enough.

Exercises for developing vision:

  • Sew a rubber band onto a small toy and hang it over your baby. Make the toy "jumped" up and down in front of the child. Very soon the baby will not only look at the jumping toy, but also try to grab it with his hands.
  • Place a bright towel on your shoulder while feeding; your baby will look from your face to this bright object.
  • To better focus your eyes , do the following: show your baby a large toy from a distance 25 - 30 cm, wait for the baby to fix his gaze on it, and slowly move the toy to the side, try to keep the baby’s gaze focused on the toy. You can smoothly move the toy, first horizontally, then vertically, and finally in a circle.
  • The same exercise can be done with a rattle, additionally making soft sounds. Do the exercise 1-2 times a day for 2 minutes per lesson.

How do newborns hear at 1 month?

The first few weeks of a baby's life are filled with completely new sounds. Since the baby has not yet learned to detect the place where the sound is coming from, his natural reaction will be to freeze. However, when the child suddenly hears the parent's voice, he immediately stops crying.

At one month of age, the baby can already distinguish sounds well and turns his head towards the sound source. Try rattling a rattle to the side - the baby will definitely turn his head in that direction. Babies of this age love quiet, pleasant sounds. But my favorite one, of course, is my mother’s voice. The child reacts especially actively to the mother’s voice and is able to sense the mother’s mood by the timbre of her voice.

If the mother speaks affectionately and calmly, the baby really likes it, he expresses his emotions with active movements of his legs and arms, and various sounds. At the age of 1 month, you can see the baby's first smile. More often it is addressed to the mother as the most beloved person. If the mother is irritated or offended, the baby also feels her emotional state and may cry or be capricious.

The baby's hearing also needs to be developed and trained. To do this, you need to talk to your baby more often, sing songs to him, and read books. Be sure to involve all family members. It's good if the baby has older brothers and sisters. Communication with them should occur from the very first days of life. Turn on low and calm music and keep the TV on during the day. A newborn must get used to different sounds. Just avoid making too loud and unpleasant noises so as not to scare him.

Exercises for hearing development:

Up to 10 minutes daily You can play classical music or recordings of various musical instruments for your newborn.

  • Place your baby in the crib "mobile" with 3-4 large toys and a pleasant melody. Periodically place your baby on a development mat.
  • Talk to your baby more often and try to make sure your baby sees your facial expressions, this stimulates the child’s hearing and speech development. The baby will quickly begin to respond with a conscious smile in response to the mother’s affectionate speech.
  • Start reading children's poems to your baby, this will develop the baby's hearing and sense of rhythm. You can change the words in any song to suit your taste.
  • If you tie a bell to your baby's booties, then when he moves, the baby will hear the ringing and listen to it.
  • When your child is lying in the crib and you are moving around the room, do not forget to talk. This stimulates both the baby's hearing and his vision at the same time.

Baby's sense of smell

The baby is also able to distinguish smells. He remembers his mother by the aroma of her body, and finds his breast by the smell of milk. Children of this age like sweet smells. To stimulate the baby's sense of smell, you can dip a cotton ball in mint or vanilla toilet water so that the space around the baby is filled with this aroma, and he breathes it.

baby speech

A month old baby is already trying "walk" and pronounce individual sounds. Most often these are vowel sounds. He “talks” in a good mood when he is full and his mother is nearby. At this age, the baby expresses his desires and needs by crying. Very soon, by the timbre of crying, the mother will learn to distinguish when the baby is hungry, sick, needs to change diapers, or simply wants to be held.

How newborns behave in the first month - baby’s reflexes

In the first month of life, the child still has unconditioned reflexes that help him adapt to life outside the womb. Over time, reflexes are lost.

Parents should carefully observe every reflex of their child, because at the moment this is the only means of communication between the baby and this world.

  • If the child feels discomfort or is in pain, he will communicate this by screaming and intense movements of the limbs.
  • Numerous studies have been able to prove that when pain occurs, a child bends his toes and straightens his thumbs.
  • When does it start colic, the baby will do active manipulations of the lower limbs.
  • If suddenly the baby experiences discomfort associated with the ears, he will begin to vigorously turn his head.

When parents pay close attention to their child and learn to understand his every move, this will significantly simplify life for the whole family.

A pediatrician should examine congenital reflexes during patronage, as well as when visiting a clinic at the age of 1 month.

  • The reflex test must be carried out in conditions favorable to the newborn: the room should be warm, the child lies on a flat surface.
  • The condition of the baby at this moment also plays a significant role. He must be fed, calm, diapers must be clean, so that there are no distractions.
  • Mom's hands should be smooth and warm, should not interfere with the examination of decorations on the fingers, as well as long nails.

If all conditions are met, the reflex assessment will be adequate.

A-priory reflexes- This is the body's response to various stimuli.

Physically healthy one-month-old infants should have all the basic reflexes:

  1. Touch your baby's mouth with a pacifier or the tip of a clean finger. The baby will try to grab the object and begin to make movements with its mouth that imitate sucking. This reflex is called " sucking reflex". This reflex begins to appear almost immediately after birth. As soon as the baby is born, it is placed on the mother's breast. Unconsciously, the newborn begins to suckle.
  2. If you place your finger or a light rattle in a child’s palm, you can see how he firmly grasps and holds the object in his tiny palm for some time. This reflex is called "grasping".
  3. Place your baby on his tummy and watch his head move. A healthy child will immediately turn his head to the side to breathe normally. Pediatricians call this reflex "protective". If the baby has neurological disorders, he will not be able to turn his head to the side. The condition is dangerous because the baby can bury his nose in the surface on which he is lying and suffocate.
  4. In the tummy time position, place your palms on your baby's feet. Feeling support, he will try to push off and make a movement, as if he wants to crawl. It's a reflex "crawl".
  5. Holding the child by the armpits, place his legs on a flat, hard surface and tilt him forward slightly. The baby will begin to take steps independently with his feet. This phenomenon is called "automatic walking reflex".
  6. If you stroke a baby on the cheek, he turns his head, this is how his instinct to search for food is expressed or "search reflex"
  7. We easily run our finger along the outer edge of the foot, the baby’s toes spread out in different directions, and the feet turn. This "Babinski reflex".
  8. Hearing a sudden loud sound, the child spreads and closes his arms and legs - this "Mohr's reflex"
  9. With light pressure on the baby's palm, the child opens his mouth and turns his head - this "Babkin reflex".
  10. If you put the baby on his stomach, he begins to make swimming movements, a reflex called "swimming"

If you notice that some of your baby's reflexes are absent, consult a doctor immediately! This may indicate the presence of diseases of the nervous system.

Video Doctor Komarovsky:

What should a 1 month old baby be able to do?

Let’s summarize and clarify what a baby should be able to do at 1 month:

  1. Recognize mom's voice, turn towards the sounds.
  2. Try to pronounce sounds, " walk".
  3. Smile.
  4. Grasp an adult's finger or small toy.
  5. Lying on your stomach, raise your head and hold it for a few seconds.
  6. Recognize mom's face, follow bright objects moved near his face.

The listed skills are an indicator of the proper development of a one-month-old baby.

The first month in a baby’s life is incredibly long! In any case, this is exactly what it seems to mothers who are next to the baby every minute, and often do not leave the house because of the cold or, conversely, the heat outside. But this period is over and your baby has already changed. Did you notice? What should be the correct development of a child at 1 month, and what useful skills should be developed today?

Every day your baby becomes more and more beautiful. The puffiness has already gone from his face, thanks to which his features have clearly become visible. Now you can compare who the baby is more like, although this similarity may also change several times.

Features of infant physiology

A 1 month old newborn child no longer experiences the discomfort of muscle hypertonicity, which clenched the baby’s fists and forced him to press his arms to his body. They move freely and unconsciously, since the baby has not yet learned to control them.

The umbilical wound has completely healed, turning into a real belly button. And a baby’s sleep at 1 month is so long that it allows the mother to finally feel a little more freedom in doing household chores. During the day, the baby will sleep at least 6 times, the total rest time will be 6-7 hours. The baby will sleep for another 8-10 hours at night, perhaps without even bothering you for night feeding. Even the most active one-month-old babies are awake only 6 hours a day, but real sleepyheads rest for all 20 hours.

A baby's stool at 1 month is extremely individual. Some babies can please their mother with a dirty diaper even after every feeding, up to 10 times a day. On average, the number of poops is 4-6. There are also very restrained babies who empty their bowels every other day (this is especially true for artificial babies). But if the baby feels well, he is not bothered by his tummy, which is absolutely soft, which means that such rare bowel movements are normal for him.

The weight of a child at 1 month is also individual, as are the indicators of height and head circumference.

The first weigh-in in the pediatrician's office at 1 month of the child's life will show the dynamics of weight gain and growth. His indicators are growing, which means that the physical development of a child of 1 month of life is proceeding normally.

Basic Skills

What should a 1 month old baby be able to do? Eat and sleep? Not at all! A baby's skills at 1 month are much more varied! The baby can:

Features of care for proper development

Proper care of a 1 month old baby will ensure its proper development. What do you need to do? Just be nearby all the time that you can afford and respond to the baby’s requests “at the first squeak.” Take him in your arms more often, talk, play. And do not pay attention to the advice of grandmothers and neighbors who believe that such behavior will make a child selfish. Just the opposite. Children deprived of their mother's care often begin to scream for no reason simply to attract her attention. A baby who knows that his mother will come when called will not cry again.


The following will help develop your child’s attention and tactile skills:

  • large contrasting figures and bright toys in colors that the baby can already distinguish;
  • black and white pictures with large spiral patterns or in the form of a chessboard;
  • air balloons;
  • mobile - or a children's carousel with large figures and music. Let the number of these figures be small, 3-4 pieces are enough;
  • a developmental mat or arc - you can simply play with the latter in the crib.


For a 1-month-old newborn, development may well include infant swimming in the pool with his mother and instructor. You can also swim in your home bathtub. Buy an inflatable donut ring for your baby’s neck and fill a bath full of water at a comfortable temperature. Dip the baby into the water and help him get comfortable by holding him under his arms. Already for the 3rd time, the child will be happy to splash around on his own, moving in the water. And you can just be nearby.

Starting from 1 month of life, the development of the baby will be very active. Capture every moment with your camera. In just a year, you will happily look at the pictures, wondering how much your child could do!

