How to cut bob hair. Study of the lower occipital region

In addition to amazing discoveries, the 20th century gave the world high fashion. It all started with the legendary Chanel, who popularized women's hats and haircuts. The fashion for short hair walked around the planet, and today it has become obvious that the bob is part of the image of a lady of the XXI century. The elongated bob, symbolizing modern femininity, deserves special attention.

What does a bob hairstyle look like with lengthening

A variety of bob haircuts fascinates the eye. But there is a reference version, which is considered a classic. This haircut combines short hair length with smooth lines. It perfectly emphasizes the oval and makes facial features more expressive. Just look at the photo of Mireille Mathieu in his youth.

The image of the famous French singer Mireille Mathieu was emphasized by the classic bob haircut.

Classic variant

This is a rather complicated haircut that requires high skill of a hairdresser. Her highlight is the short length of the hair at the back of the head and longer - in front. At the same time, a smooth transition between the back and front strands is very important. This immediately emphasizes the shape of the head and exposes the neck.

Classic bob with lengthening

With a bang

An interesting version of the classic haircut. The presence and absence of bangs is dictated by the shape of the face.

The technology of creating a bob haircut with lengthening

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The hair is washed and combed. A vertical parting is made (from the middle of the forehead to the middle of the neck);
  2. The upper strands are collected with hairpins;
  3. Haircut starts from the back of the head. First, the lowest strands are cut, then the upper ones. It turns out a kind of ladder, in which the upper strands are 2-3 cm longer than the lower ones;
  4. After the back of the head, the hairdresser makes a horizontal parting (from one ear to the other) and moves on to the front strands. They are cut using the same technology as the back hair;
  5. The latest bangs are cut. The hairdresser makes a single strand of it in the shape of a triangle in the center. Then - cut to the desired length;
  6. At the end, the hair is dried and styled with a hairdryer. The haircut is finished, you can evaluate the result.

Video lessons

At first glance, the haircut technology may seem rather complicated, but after watching these video tutorials, you can easily understand all the intricacies of this hairstyle.

The technology of the elongated bob haircut has long become a classic. Most masters adhere to it, but often hairdressers supplement it with some interesting details.

Haircut scheme

A haircut can be decomposed into several successive steps that characterize the algorithm of the hairdresser's actions:

  1. Divide all the hair into several sections, as shown in the photo.
  2. It is recommended to start the haircut from the bottom of the hair. From the left section, take the central strand with a thickness of no more than 8 mm, comb it carefully and make a clear cut parallel to the parting.
  3. After doing the same manipulations with the right and left parts of the hair, you will get the first strand to control the length and angle of the cut.
  4. After that, you need to split all the remaining curls in the occipital region, select the strand in the center, pull it at a right angle and make a cut at an angle of 45 degrees. Thus, you will get the second control strand.
  5. Continue to cut all strands from this zone in the same way, maintaining the specified cut angle and tension. Try to pull your hair up to the second control strand, forming an extension in the temporal region. After you can go to the upper occipital region. Pull the strand at a right angle to the surface of the head and cut it at an angle of 90 degrees, focusing on the central vertical parting. The third control strand should be longer than the previous ones. Compare the remaining strands from the crown area with the control strand No. 3 and gradually increase the length of the hair on the face.
  6. The strands in the temporal zone should be cut towards the back of the head. After that, it is necessary to trim the hair in the temporal region along an inclined line.
  7. Divide the hair in the parietal zone into two parts and cut from "short to long" in order to obtain an elongation towards the center of this zone.
  8. Comb and profile your hair, removing mass but maintaining its length along the contour.
  9. An extended bob haircut can be with or without bangs. In the classic version, the presence of bangs is implied, the shape of which can be very diverse.

Photo of various haircut modifications

Bob is one of the most interesting and sought-after haircuts, and in large part because it will look different on every woman. The decisive factors are the structure of the hair, the shape of the head and the features of the face. Consider different options for haircuts.

Bob-caret with lengthening and bangs

The hairstyle looks stylish and original on women with delicate features. A voluminous nape and an open neck allow you to wear large earrings and pendants around your neck. A woman with such a haircut resembles an elegant Frenchwoman of the twentieth century.

Asymmetrical haircut

It differs from the usual version of the haircut by strands of different lengths. It looks spectacular and bright on self-confident girls. Today, young women from 18 to 30 years old prefer to wear it. This is not surprising, since this haircut is ideally combined with country-style clothing.

Extension for curly hair

Girls and women with wavy hair are also eligible for a stylish haircut. The most striking example is Marilyn Monroe, who had luxurious curls and styled them in short hairstyles. An experienced master can easily cut a bob-car for both wavy hair and curls.

Back view

A clear sign of a quality hairstyle is a beautiful nape. Ideally, it should be a continuation of the graceful figure and graceful neck of a woman. Let's see how the reference bob should look from the back.

If you think that it is impossible to make short haircuts on yourself, then look at our instructions on how to make a bob for yourself.

The shorter the hair, the more difficult it is to cut it evenly without resorting to outside help. But using special tools, you can make a bob or short bob haircut in one cut. To make your own bob this way, you'll need a clipper with a level and a clipper. The machine can be replaced with scissors, but it will be quite difficult to make a straight cut with them, since you will need to cut off all the ends at a time.

The hair cutting level can be bought from the well-known Chinese marketplace Aliexpress. The cost of such an accessory is from 60 to 250 rubles, and they differ in the length of the clip (there are short ones, only for cutting bangs) and in shape (straight and slightly curved, for cutting the ends in a semicircle). To make the square itself, you need to choose a long straight clamp, and it is not even necessary that it has an indicator showing the horizontal level, since you will not see it anyway.

How to make a square for yourself - step by step instructions with a photo:

Wash your hair first and comb it well. Practice gathering your hair into a low ponytail at the back of your head, securing it with a hair clip. Under the clip, the entire hair should be collected completely (with the exception of the bangs), if the hair is too short and the individual strands do not reach the clip, it will not work to cut the bob using this technology. In our photo, the haircut is done on an already regrown square, almost shoulder-length. When you manage to collect all the hair under the clip, you can start cutting. By the way, our new bob will be slightly different from the old classic haircut - we will make the front strands longer.

The tail must be formed as low as possible and exactly in the center of the head.

After you have closed the lock on the level, you need to pull the side strands out of it a little. To do this, hold the clip in a horizontal position with one hand, and slightly squeeze the side strands with the other hand. This must be done so that the hair framing the face is slightly longer than the hair at the back of the head. If you need a short bob, then leave the level at the base of the tail, for a longer haircut, the level needs to be moved through the hair to the desired length, but it must always remain in a horizontal position and in the center of the head.

Having determined the desired length, hold the clip with one hand, and take the clipper with the other and cut off all the ends coming out of the clip. Drive the machine touching the level to make an even cut.

Before removing the clip, check that all the hair coming out of the clip has been cut off. If something is left, then once again run the machine along the clamp.

Immediately after you remove the clip, the hairstyle may seem sloppy, it seems that the ends stick out in different directions and the cut line is not even.

But it is enough to take an iron and straighten the tips clamped earlier and the caret will take on a well-groomed look.

We do not urge you to do your own haircuts and refuse the services of hairdressers, but if you have a desire to become your own hairdresser, then you can try to do it!

Bob-based haircuts are chosen by girls and women who want to style their hair quickly and look elegant. Short or elongated curls to the face do not require long washing, drying, curling. They can be quickly combed, give the strands a well-groomed or festive look. There are many ways to beautifully lay a short or elongated square. All that is needed is tools, foam or mousse, and hairpins with invisible hairpins if desired.

Versatile and convenient, it is quite easy to install, does not require time and effort. It takes 10-15 minutes to create an evening or festive version at home with the help of a hair dryer, curlers or curling iron. The hairstyle for lengthening the front strands to the face looks especially elegant. in front with curls allows you to transform the hairstyle into an elegant or romantic one, depending on the situation and mood.

  • easily and simply at home, you can lay the strands with a hairdryer, curling iron, wind them on small curlers;
  • to facilitate combing the hair and curling the ends, it is advisable to use a suitable spray, mousse, foam;
  • the finished hairstyle can be fixed with varnish, but you should not splash it too much - the tool makes the tips heavier;
  • the head must be washed, drying the strands a little with a towel;
  • before blow-drying your curls, apply a heat protectant or spray to protect your hair;
  • to achieve the desired volume, the strands at the roots should be slightly lifted with a round brush when drying with hot air;
  • the choice of styling option depends on the shape of the face, the structure of the hair, the chosen haircut;
  • straight strands should be twisted at the ends inward, outward, wavy ones can be straightened with an iron.

Laying strands back to the back of the head

To make an evening hairstyle, you can put the strands back with foam and varnish. Such styling will look beautiful, elegant and festive. This method is simple, you only need a hair dryer, a round brush and hair fixatives. The most popular among women are the options when the curls are simply combed back or complemented with fleece, a hoop, invisible.

Instructions for creating an evening hairstyle based on a caret are simple:

  • apply foam along the entire length of the hair, comb them well;
  • using a round brush, dry the strands with a hairdryer, combing each back;
  • it is advisable to start laying curls from the bottom of the head, gradually moving towards the crown and sides;
  • we fix the curls with our hands, fix the hair with varnish, gel;
  • if desired, we complement the elegant image with a beautiful hoop, invisibility at the temples, a spectacular small hairpin on the side;
  • to create a retro look, you can use a ribbon, a scarf twisted into a bundle or a strip.

This option is suitable there for women whose curls are cut evenly, slightly lengthened, straight or curly. Too short strands will stick out in all directions, especially if thinning is done. Sometimes girls complain to the master: “I can’t comb my hair back, it falls apart.” In this case, you should choose a gel or varnish with a stronger fixation to secure the curls, use stealth, a wide hoop.

Styling with oblique or straight parting

The selection of an oblique, straight or even zigzag parting is possible in the absence or presence of bangs. If there are no bangs, a bob with a side parting to the side will look beautiful. If there is a straight or asymmetrical bang on the face, it is better to make the parting straight. This option is suitable if a haircut is made to lengthen the strands,. To style curls in this way, you will need an iron, a round brush with a hairdryer, hair fixing products.

  • so that the strands lie evenly, you need to apply mousse or foam;
  • for perfect straightening of curls, you need to use an iron;
  • strands should be separated thin, drying each from the roots to the ends;
  • for curling the ends, a curling iron or a hair dryer with a brush is suitable;
  • an asymmetrical lengthening hairstyle with a side parting involves curling the tips inward, with a straight parting, you can leave them evenly hanging down;
  • the roots can be lifted with a brush or fleece, it is recommended to leave the bangs straight or curl with a curling iron.

Volumetric hair styling with a hairdryer

Volumetric styling of any caret looks elegant and festive. It is performed with a hairdryer, suitable for girls who are weakened or. You will need a round brush of a suitable diameter, foam, a heat protectant for hair. If a haircut is made for lengthening, the tips should be curled on a thinner brush than the roots.

The instruction consists of the following steps:

  • washing your hair with shampoo, any suitable balm;
  • pre-drying hair with a towel;
  • applying foam, mousse to give volume;
  • separating individual strands, drying them with hot air from the very roots;
  • correction of hair with fingers, fixing with varnish.

Such a voluminous caret looks beautiful and well-groomed, hides minor facial imperfections. You can give your hairstyle an elegant look or a slight negligence by fluffing the strands with your fingers, curling the ends outward.

Curling curls on curlers

To put curls in an evening or festive hairstyle, you can use foam curlers. This method does not take much time, suitable even for beginners. After removing the curlers, you can correct, fix the curls with varnish.

Curling occurs as follows:

  • mousse is applied to wet strands for volume;
  • curls are dried with a towel, then with a hairdryer with cold air;
  • each thin strand is wound on curlers, dried with hot air to fix;
  • curlers are carefully removed to save curls;
  • the hairstyle is fixed with varnish, decorated with a hoop,.

In the absence of curlers at home, you can curl the strands with a curling iron, tongs. This method is recommended for a square trimmed for lengthening. The strands must be completely dry, protected by a spray from hot air.

Express styling in 5 minutes

If there is no time to style your hair before an important event, you can use the popular express way to create a hairstyle. It will take only 5 minutes to style the curls beautifully and elegantly. This option is best suited when lengthening the strands of the face is done.

The step-by-step instruction consists of simple steps:

  • washing your hair with a shampoo that gives volume to the strands;
  • applying foam along the entire length of the curls, especially at the roots;
  • whipping the strands with your fingers to give extra volume;
  • in a position upside down, tilting the body forward;
  • fixing the result with varnish without combing.

It is not necessary to spray a lot of varnish, so as not to lose volume from the weight of the strands. This method will allow you to look well-groomed with a minimum of time and effort.

If you need maximum volume, it can be created with corrugated tongs or long-term salon styling. It is desirable that the curls are healthy, there are no split ends.

  • It is generally accepted that the ancient Egyptians came up with a bob haircut. For many centuries, men have worn a bob hairstyle.
  • Women showed particular interest in haircuts in the 20s of the 20th century, when they appreciated the convenience of short haircuts.
  • Over time, many women began to wear a bob haircut. This hairstyle is rightfully recognized as one of the most popular.

One of the reasons for this is that the square is equally appropriate as an option for an office hairstyle, a hairstyle for an evening out and walking with friends. A bob haircut is convenient, practical, and most importantly, it easily transforms from a regular option to an evening one. It is enough to make a minimum of effort, a little imagination 15-20 minutes of time and the evening hairstyle is ready!

Despite the fact that the bob haircut is considered universal, it looks best on straight or slightly curly hair.

Bob haircut options

There are a lot of bob haircut options. It can be smooth and voluminous, suggest the presence of a straight or “oblique” bangs, or even do without it. In the latter case, the hair can be combed back. This type of bob haircut visually “lengthens” the face.

You can perform a short and long version of a bob haircut, however, a haircut is considered to be optimal, classic, at which the length of the hair reaches the middle of the neck. In this case, the strands have different lengths, but a common cut line; the top strands of hair are the longest.

There are several haircut options:

  • It can be a square with strands elongated in front.
  • Kare with curled up ends of the hair. This effect is achieved by grading and pulling the horizontal strands.
  • No less popular is the option of a haircut with an oval contour. However, this option is unlikely to look advantageous on full-faced girls or girls with a round face.
  • Very beautiful, the asymmetric caret looks original.
  • A bob haircut with a short-cropped nape and a lush mass of hair in front enjoys particular success.

Who cares?

A bob haircut looks equally beautiful on both thin and thick hair. An experienced hairdresser will select an individual bob haircut and haircut technique in accordance with the type of hair and its characteristics.

A bob haircut skillfully emphasizes the dignity of the girl's appearance.

Hair coloring and highlighting with caret

You can make a haircut more interesting by coloring both all hair and individual strands. So, for example, dark-colored hair will emphasize the contour of the haircut itself and visually make it more voluminous.

Skillfully executed coloring will make the haircut "playing" and advantageously present the natural color of the hair. Very often, hairdressers dye several strands of blond hair in an even lighter color, this approach allows you to make the hairstyle more expressive.

Bob haircut styling

In general, having made a bob haircut, do not be afraid to experiment.

  1. In order to style your hair with a bob haircut, you need to distribute the styling agent (ideally mousse) on damp hair along the entire length, and then dry your hair using a hair dryer.
  2. Using a round comb on the sides, curl the hair towards the face. You can use your fingers to treat the ends of the hair with a special tool (gel, wax) to emphasize the structure of the haircut.

How can you diversify a bean?

You can choose both a straight parting and a zigzag or oblique parting. For the evening version, you can “highlight” with mascara or glitter varnish.

  • You can make a bob haircut with the help of various stylish hairpins or invisibles. This method is especially suitable for young girls. The main thing is not to overdo it. You can stab your hair (right or left) with one invisibility with rhinestones or stones.
  • Headbands are very relevant today. They are very comfortable, with their help the hair will not climb into the eyes. You will not touch them with your hands, which will keep them clean longer. Get headbands in different colors and skillfully combine them with your outfits.
  • In order to make an evening version of a bob haircut, you can curl one strand of hair (right and left), and collect the rest of the hair in a ponytail or shell. Wear sparkly earrings and a necklace. You will be simply irresistible!

Texture caret

One of the latest bob haircut trends is textured haircuts. World-famous stylists recommend wearing a haircut - quads-"disheveled".

With regard to hair color, they do not make any restrictions, except that the hair color must be in harmony with the chosen image and not contradict it. The smooth texture and strict geometric lines are still relevant - the hallmarks of the classic square.

Kare-"razreshki" favorably distinguishes a woman from the rest. Due to the uneven structure, this hairstyle looks very interesting and advantageous. The red tint of the ends of the hair near the face line gives the hairstyle a special zest, and the subtle highlighting of individual strands makes it voluminous and airy.

Bob haircuts - photo

Performing a bob haircut with elongated front strands

A square with elongated front strands can be done in several ways.

1st bob haircut method (for thin hair)

Part your hair in a vertical parting, gather your hair into buns and pin it up.

At the neck, select the lower horizontal occipital strand and, without pulling it away from the head, cut off the hair, setting the length of the strand.

At the same time, pull all strands slightly away from the head (by 10-15 degrees). Each subsequent strand in this case will be 1-2 mm longer than the previous one. So cut to a horizontal parting from ear to ear.

Now comb out the strand of the temporal-parietal zone and direct it not in the direction of growth, but comb it to the vertical parting of the occipital zone.

Cut the hair, focusing on the length of the already trimmed occipital strands.

Then comb this strand according to hair growth and align the cut line of the hair so that you get a smooth line.

Comb the next strands of the temporal-parietal zone with parallel horizontal partings and cut, focusing on the previous one.


In bob haircuts, various shortcomings and violations of the hair structure are especially noticeable. The split ends of the hair are especially ugly and, one might even say, spoil the hairstyle. Such hair needs to be treated.

For the treatment of split ends, there are many preparations prepared on the basis of oils and creams.

They fill the porous places in the hair shaft and align the hair shaft.

The beginning of the bob haircut - edging (definition of the control strand)

Haircut of the occipital zone

Haircut temporal strands

2nd bob haircut method (for thin hair)

Just like in the first case, divide the hair into zones and pin it up. Comb the occipital horizontal strand and twist into a ponytail. Cut off the ponytail and comb the strand. You should get an arcuate cut line. Straighten it if necessary.

Continue to cut the occipital area, combing the strands with horizontal partings after 1 cm.

Having finished cutting the back of the head, move on to the temporo-parietal.

To do this, comb the first temporal strand and cut the strand so that you get a beautiful line that continues the occipital arch. Further, as in the first method, the hair is combed with parallel horizontal strands on the left and right and cut by applying a strand to a strand, that is, grabbing the previous one and aligning the cut along it.

How to create an arcuate cut line

3rd bob haircut method (for thick hair)

Part your hair with a vertical parting in the middle of your head and a horizontal parting from ear to ear through the occiput. Gather the hair of the resulting four zones into bundles.

The bob haircut starts from the lower occipital zone.

Select a 5-7 cm wide strand parallel to the hairline with a horizontal parting. Cut the hair to the desired length, while keeping in mind that this strand will be the shortest. It is also the control for the entire bob haircut. The cut is horizontal.

Select the next strand to the left or right of the central vertical parting.

Comb the strand with a horizontal parting. Direct the selected strand with a comb so that the strand coincides with the control in terms of level and width. Pull back the hair 10-15° and cut with the strand by strand method.

Repeat the haircut on the other side of the head.

So in a row, cut all the hair of the occipital zone to a horizontal parting, passing from ear to ear.
