How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at home. What if the energy vampire is the boss? Amulet, amulet from the energy vampire

You know who energy vampires are, what types they are divided into. Now is the time to learn how to protect yourself from them.

I. During an energy attack by a vampire:

1. So, you have recognized the energy vampire, how to behave in this case, how to protect yourself from it? First you need to interrupt the process of transferring energy from your aura to someone else's. To do this, you cannot look into the vampire's eyes, and you need to close your energy field by folding the palms of your hands together for this.
2. It is known that silence is a good energy protection. Silence gives a person wisdom, but on one condition: there should be no internal dialogue - reproaches, insults. The only wise dialogue will be your appeal to God: "Lord, forgive him, for he does not know what he is doing." This sincere prayer with pity for a person can stop him, and save you from suffering. Only calmness, only the soul of a person filled with joy can withstand psychic attacks. "Love your neighbor as yourself."
3. Counteraction with the help of coldness. It happens that the energy vampire does not leave you alone, constantly complains about his fate, problems and illnesses, but at the same time does absolutely nothing to correct the situation. It may turn out that this is your close relative. Then you can counteract it with coldness. It is necessary to treat people with sick radiations coldly, not cruelly or indifferently, but coldly. Of course, after such a change in your relationship with an energy vampire, their deterioration or rupture is inevitable. However, believe me - this is the best way out for both of you. You will be protected, and the vampire will be forced to learn how to get energy in the normal way, in the worst case, switch to other donors.
4. To counteract vampires, you can ask for help from God, the Guardian Angel, or use a conspiracy that you can say to yourself when in contact with a vampire: “On the sea on Okiyana, on Buyan Island, there is an Alatyr stone, three old men with iron bars are sitting on that stone , twelve sisters-fever, blood-sucking, cursed, go towards them. Where are you going, sinners, damned ones? We go into the world, break people's bones, drink blood, take away the power. Turn back, sinners, cursed, damned! Mother, you are my evening star, I complain to you, servant of God (name), about twelve girls. Herod's daughters! Repeat the spell three times, imperceptibly spitting to the left side after each time, with the verdict: Where I spit, sinful bloodsuckers do not go there!
5. Special talismans and amulets are very good for fighting energy vampires.
6. Countering with an energy shield. This method is found in some adepts of the occult teachings. It consists in the fact that a person who is confident in the impact of an energy vampire on him should mentally surround himself with a thin energy shield or screen, as if woven from unusually strong luminous matter. Usually it is a sphere or shield of golden color. The brighter your imagination, the calmer and more confident you are at the time of the attack, the more effective the result will be. Don't forget to destroy the screen afterwards, as its constant presence will disrupt your natural energy exchange with the environment.

II. After contact

1. After contact with an energy vampire or after being in crowded places, you need to take a shower, preferably a contrast one, since water takes everything away.
2. Hot tea or hot water intake in the amount of 200-300 ml, which is an excellent tool that cleanses the body and promotes an increase in energy strength in it. It is a glass of boiling water, which is drunk in slow sips on an empty stomach, relieves headaches, reduces fever and improves appetite.
3. a) Herbal tea to neutralize solar vampirism should include: bergenia, hawthorn, peony, licorice, yellowish sophora, nutmeg, astregalus, cranberries, lily of the valley, eucalyptus.
b) Herbal tea for the neutralization and treatment of lunar vampirism should include: elecampane, thyme, tansy, wormwood, celandine, bearberry, gloucester, wild strawberry, white mistletoe, mint, wild rosemary.
c) Herbal tea for neutralization and treatment of solar and lunar vampirism at the same time: yarrow, rhubarb, calamus, marsha dyer, plantain, horsetail, marigold, burdock, blueberry.
4. Stop talking and getting annoyed with vampires, don't hold a grudge against them. As long as you remember your offender, keep anger and resentment against him, while you wash his bones, you will shake, and your energy and strength will continue to go to the offender.
5. If your energy was stolen after all? As well as sucked blood, it must be urgently restored, because blood and energy are the two main life principles of a person. To do this, you need to take the so-called "coachman's position": you sit comfortably in a chair, put your hands on your knees with your palms up (this is how you open your energy channels) and, completely relaxed, closing your eyes, mentally turn to the Cosmos, asking from there for new vitality. The duration of the session is fifteen minutes, during which you feel how prana fills you.
6. Energy storage method. To do this, you need to choose a donor tree, such as birch, oak or pine. Walk around the tree nine times counterclockwise with the words: “I ask you the tree (name) give me strength, heal my wounds.” Then you need to hug the tree and imagine that it fills you with energy.

III. After contact with a conscious vampire

1. If the vampire is not very strong and sucked not so long ago, getting rid of him is easy enough with the help of such a simple trick as temporarily stopping the updraft. To do this, as you already know, it is enough just to hold your breath while inhaling. The suction cup will fall off by itself.
2. With a sucker that is not too deeply rooted, if it has been recently installed, it is also enough to concentrate on feeling the boundaries of your etheric body and trace their integrity and inviolability. By focusing on your etheric body and carefully examining its boundaries, you will definitely feel where they are violated, where exactly the outflow of energy occurs (as you already know, vampires connect to the lower chakras - Manipura or Svadhisthana). Feeling the place of outflow, you can direct additional energy there. Do this until the sensations of the restored integrity of the boundaries of the etheric body become clear and distinct.
3. If the previous two methods did not help, then you got a strong enough vampire, and he managed to take root very deeply. It would be better if you are left alone in a quiet room, relax, drive away extraneous thoughts. After that, you have to cut off, cut off or in some other way cut off the suction cup from yourself. Focus on feeling your etheric body, explore its boundaries, feel the place of the suction cup through which your energy flows out. Now feel this sucker in the form of a completely material bundle, rope, rope - as your intuition tells you.
Further, again in accordance with your own intuition, act as you would act in reality if you had to cut this rope. You can use any tools you want - take, for example, a sword, a saw or an ax and cut off the sucker. If neither the sword nor the ax turned out to be able to do this - well, use a laser beam, a flamethrower, a rocket launcher. In general, any weapon that you can clearly and clearly feel can be used - it will be modeled by your etheric body.
Cut off, chop off, cut off the sucker until you have a clear feeling of its separation and the restoration of the normal boundary of your etheric body. But we must keep in mind the following: cut off the sucker - that's not all. Because even after cutting off, it will still reach for you in space, and strive to stick back. To prevent the vampire from re-attaching, one can close the cut tourniquet with the vampire's Manipura chakra, forming such a kind of loop.
If for some reason you fail to do this, you can immerse the cut off sucker deep into the ground - as deep as you can get it (naturally, in your imagination, you don’t need to dig a real hole). After that, the vampire is unlikely to want to reach out to you with his tentacles again.
4. If you manage to recognize a vampire at the moment when he is just installing a sucker (for example, you are talking to some person, and suddenly you feel tired for no reason), the easiest thing to do in self-defense is to do this: immediately create a powerful energy flow from your Ajna Chakra, like a searchlight beam, and with this beam connect the vampire's etheric body with the etheric body of any nearby object.
Suitable for this purpose and a tree, and an animal, and even a casual passerby. You will not harm anyone by this: this connection will be destroyed almost immediately, but during this time you will have time to get out of the influence of the vampire. And yet, this method must be used very carefully: it can be used only if you are sure that you are being consciously being vampirized, that the person understands perfectly well what he is doing, because he is used to receiving nourishment at the expense of others. Otherwise, you will go beyond the necessary defense.
If a person connected to you by accident, simply because he is energetically depleted at the moment, then his vampirism is unconscious. And for such a person, your spotlight beam can be dangerous, since in this case you are doing nothing more than inducing the evil eye. Again, I want to remind you that by doing this you can harm yourself, spoiling your karma with such an unseemly act. Some might get the impression that vampires have a better life than ordinary people - still! - "freebie", on everything ready ...
Dangerous delusion! Do not envy, and even more so do not get in their way. With someone else's energy, information about the illnesses of these people is also absorbed. Over time, you will acquire such a “bouquet” of sores that neither medicines nor the best healers will help. And secondly, the body will soon forget how to feed on nature. Chronic exhaustion and rapid aging are guaranteed to him ...

1. Honestly admit to yourself that you have become an energy vampire and want to change.
2. The Christian Church is the institution that fights against energy vampirism. The commandments of Christ teach weak people who need support to draw the necessary energy not from their neighbor, but from prayers and spiritual communion with the Creator.
3. Engage in energy cleansing, opening the chakras and spiritual practices.
4. Communicate more with nature.

There are people who, intentionally or unconsciously, constantly suck energy from those around them. It's one thing when you can keep contact with such a person to a minimum, but what if you have to work together? Learn how to protect yourself from energy vampires at work from this article.

Who are energy vampires

Now, speaking of vampirism, we certainly do not mean sucking someone else's blood by the light of the moon. Vampirism in its modern interpretation implies any form of borrowing energy, taking vitality from other people - that is, in fact - life at the expense of others. Vampires seek exclusively to consume, while they do not want to give anything.

How to deal with energy vampires at work - 18 tips

Protection from energy vampires at work is the moment that should be given increased attention if you suddenly installed “bloodsuckers” in your work team. We offer you eighteen recommendations on how to prevent them from feeding on your energy.

A person with hypersensitivity focuses more on other people than on himself. In psychology, this condition is called "childhood trauma of the abandoned."

It is important to get rid of this sensitivity, because it does not make you happier at all. Such people very easily manage to connect to the state of others, they are able to feel other people at a distance.

Because of their hypersensitivity, survivors of childhood trauma create their own need for protection, and subsequently begin to look for ways to unhook the “bloodsuckers” from themselves.

How to remove this sensitivity? The most important thing is to realize that you do not need to feel everyone around you at all. You do not need to be aware of their thoughts and state. As a rule, after realizing the problem, it quickly resolves itself. Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

If the energy is at zero? Every day, communication with such people sucks out the remnants of vitality, the body dries up and starts to hurt. How to regain a good state of mind and become invulnerable? How to protect yourself from vampires - find out in this article.

The boss is often accused of energy vampirism.

Here I am sitting at a planning meeting, at the end of the first hour my head starts buzzing, fatigue and yawning rolls in.

The boss, a 45-year-old man, tells me harshly in front of everyone about the need to turn in the work on time, the one that I owe. Derogatory words are used, references to my psychological immaturity, objectively there is a real humiliation. Shame rolls in waves, legs give way. Coming home, I fall on the sofa and lie for an hour without moving. Thoughts run chaotically, I don’t want to do anything, there is no joy.

And as his rude behavior continues for weeks and months, the thought comes to mind that it seems my boss is an energy vampire. No wonder I feel worse after talking with him, and I think how to defend myself. I have already bought the amulet, I hold it in my fist at the planning meeting.

And here is another colleague, a woman of 50 years old, divorced. She doesn't like everything in this country, the state. Once again, with a foul language, she says that she would have left the country long ago if she could. “How do you all live here, what are you happy about, you just don’t know life, you still get it from fate”. Words in my head: "Here it will croak!", and now I already feel bad about something, somehow my face turns red, tinnitus, internal resistance to do anything. She seemed to have infected me with her pessimism. Yes, she's definitely an energy vampire, I think.

I bring a photo of my boss and colleague to a mystical grandmother, she groans: “Terrible people, they drank all the energy out of you, how can you still walk?”. She removes the impact of these terrible people from me in 3 sessions. But only the relief is getting shorter, and a trip to the grandmother is required more and more often. And, if not for the training, I would still be walking. I spent 2 years on these trips, but I could have spent my whole life.

Who am I? Why is it so easy to get me out of a calm state, why did I see energy vampires everywhere at work and how to protect myself from them?

With the help of the knowledge gained at the Systemic Vector Psychology training, we will figure out who can become a victim of the so-called energy vampire, who we call vampires at work, whether it is possible to protect ourselves from energy vampires and how to improve our well-being.

In the vast majority of cases, in the vector composition of a person who sincerely believes in energy vampires, in bioenergetic influences with bad goals, in evil eyes, in the real impact of bad thoughts, there is a visual vector. It is he who is prone to the "impact of vampires" - the most sensitive, emotional, subtle person who wants to protect himself from the whole cruel world.

A little something - immediately into tears, everything takes to heart.

Often he is haunted by fears and anxieties. Spectators are wonderful, kind, trouble-free people. They are sensitive, empathetic, compassionate. A person who was lucky to be born with a visual vector, and there are only about 5% of them on the planet, must realize himself in some kind of profession that allows him to show sincere emotions.

This includes acting, performing on stage, singing, medicine, teaching, volunteering, working in charitable foundations. There, empathizing and showing our best emotions, we leave no room for fears. The main task of the visual vector is to create emotional connections. With people. Relatives and acquaintances, colleagues and friends. Sincere, warm relations. If they are not there or a gap has occurred, this can also be reflected in fears of a mystical nature.

A realized happy spectator is so filled with sensuality and positive emotions that no muck “clings” to him, even the most unattractive person does not cause fear in him.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire at work, often a boss

And what are they - boss and colleague? They are good too, why are they like that?

For such a painful manifestation for others, the presence of an anal vector in bad states is responsible. People with this vector, with good implementation in the family and at work, are intelligent, conservative, seasoned, scrupulous.

They have a great sexual desire, which also requires its implementation. If such a person has grievances, plus not everything is going smoothly in his personal life, then he does not just break down on others, but sadizes and mocks.

And if his boss demands results, and his subordinates do not obey, dodge work? Then a person with an anal vector begins to behave humiliatingly, rudely, criticizes, distributes “verbal slaps”.

When you see that such a person lives, you understand that he is tormented and forced to behave this way, then it is simply impossible to succumb to influence. The mechanism for the development of such behavior is discussed in more detail in the training.

Of course, after communicating with such a verbal sadist, it becomes bad. But only not because he is an energy vampire, but because he is an unhappy person with unfulfilled desires, who tries to improve his condition with his aggression.

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire once and for all

We have not burned witches for a long time, we know that the earth is round, we fly into space, thanks to the Internet without wires, we communicate with people from the other hemisphere. And the Middle Ages lives in our heads to this day.

Still would! How you want to relieve yourself of responsibility for all your life troubles, wrong decisions, wrongly built relationships. Everybody! Vampires and evil people are to blame for everything, I suffer from them. It's not my fault, I'm in the house.

I will walk on energetically advanced grandmothers and remove damage from a vampire, I will buy amulets to get rid of his influence. I will keep a fig in my pocket, read conspiracies, fight, fight, fight something outside. This can take my whole life, and I will never accept my responsibility for everything that happens in life.

The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan returns to us our responsibility for our own lives. Communication with "difficult" people is smoothed out, and there are forces to act, to do real things to improve one's own life, instead of fighting the mythical influence of energy vampires.

Step by step, we reveal the characteristics of different people, see why they act this way and not otherwise.

And this surprisingly helps not to react emotionally, not to fall into bad states after communication. We no longer need to think about how to protect ourselves from energy vampires at work. Work becomes much easier.

The results of people who have improved their relationships with others, you can find below.

“... Somehow it happened that I had the ability to be happy for other people, to share their happiness, to feel it as my own. Previously, if they shared information with me about life successes, promotion at work, if a person flew on the wings of love, etc., I experienced outbreaks of painful envy or resentment: why is it all for them? why don't I have it? And I didn't want to be happy. And why? She twisted her mouth in a smile and falsely said: “Congratulations!”.

But recently I noticed one thing: no more negative feelings, no envy, resentment, longing. I feel the joy, luck of another person as my own. I understand what the value of what happened to him is, why he is so happy to get exactly what he wants - and after understanding comes a feeling of shared happiness, joy for him, as for a close relative, as for a loved one ... "

The topic of energy vampirism has long been of concern to everyone, which is why the time has come to cover it.

So, you and I know that a person has a protective shell - a biofield. A person also has energy centers - chakras, through which he receives energy from space and from the earth. If a person's chakras are blocked, he will die. Chakras are often clogged with dirty emotions. Our own and others.
When the chakras are closed, we do not have enough energy and then everyone feeds on the energy that they are able to receive.
Energy vampires are of two types: active ("aggressive", where the Sun dominates) and passive ("calm", in whose horoscope the Moon dominates). But their essence is the same - they take our energy in the way that they consider the most acceptable for themselves.
In the event of a vampire attack, we lose a large amount of energy. We become tired, lethargic, irritable. If this happens regularly, we get sick. And the disease can be of varying severity - from chronic cough to oncology. Not immediately, but surely, our body is destroyed.
Not from frayed nerves. Scientists have found that nerve cells are restored. Namely, because of the negative emotions that enveloped us: our own and the aggressor.

Aggressive act openly. They call us to a dispute, a quarrel, they always accuse us of something, they find any reason for a conflict. If we remain calm and do not take part in the scandal, then the vampire does not receive his energy. In order to achieve his goal, he will strengthen his grip. He will insult - will not help - he will fight. He will try to exhaust our whole soul by stepping on our weak points that we have shown him.
Therefore, the best way to never run into an aggressive vampire is to always be calm. Even if the person deliberately insults you.
After all, you know that you are no worse and no better than others. And if a person offends you, then he pursues a certain goal. Offending a person is, after all, an extreme measure. In what cases can a person go to this extreme measure?
- if a person feels that you are above him (in any respect);
- if a person is guilty of something before you, then he will try to equalize you with himself: to find shortcomings or mistakes in you, he will thus try to justify himself, his unseemly act towards you;
- if he is in a bad mood;
- if he is angry that others are in a good mood, if he envies you in some way.
All of these cases fall under vampirism. That is, the negative emotions of a person do not give him energy and he tries to piss you off in order to get a powerful flow of energy during your explosion.
More aggressive vampires use the energy they receive from the victim as a result of intimidation. All sadists who love to torture their victim, people who love to beat others are aggressive vampires. Your fear, your pain, cries, prayers and your weakness for them is a balm for the soul.
BUT. Not every aggressive vampire lashes out at every human. Not for everyone, and not for everyone. Of course, it happens that a hungry vampire ate on the bus. But usually, it's done in a familiar circle. The vampire begins to grope for the soil immediately (automatically) after meeting. Moreover, many, knowing full well that they cannot perform everywhere, always “feed” under certain conditions.
I will follow you two fates of young people so that you can understand well their actions and the nature of their emergence.
Case one. Mom raised her son alone. Mom was hot-tempered and domineering. Conflicts often arose between her and the child. After the conflict (she knew how to offend), she tried especially to appease the child: she was very affectionate, cooked his favorite dish, bought expensive things to comfort her beloved child.
The child has grown. The child could not get along with anyone, except for one girl. The scheme of their relationship was as follows: they lived peacefully for 1-2 days, then they swore wildly, fought, and after that they had sweet sex and reconciliation. Then all over again.
Do you feel the repetition of the relationship? Habit is second nature.
This man has never made a scandal in public. For everyone, he was an ideal man - courteous, charming, polite, diplomatic, teetotaler, calm. But as soon as he crossed the threshold of the house, he began to drink, tear down the curtains, fight. You will say that they say that the wife was bad, she brought it up herself. No. He married 5 times and always repeated everything again. After the storm, he calmed down, and the victim was exhausted to the last drop. When he found himself another wife - a rather calm lady, it became difficult for him, from the fact that there was no one to feed on. With his actions, he began to disturb those whom he used to disturb: his ex-wife, mother. And the new wife no longer felt happy: she married a smart, with a higher education, a handsome intellectual, but it turned out ...
Second case. The boy was always offended by his older brother. When the older sister could see it, she always interceded. The boy grew into a coward and a vampire. The scheme is the same as in the first case. At work, he was a valuable and quite quiet worker. He liked to come home drunk. He always spoke in such a way that they were afraid of him. Analyze: whose behavior is he repeating? In his eyes, his brother remained strong. How did he behave? This is how this man behaves now and feels strong. When the wife had a child. He began to assert himself at the expense of this child. There was always a lot of hurtfulness in his conversations. He offended, humiliated and insulted. When someone from the family began to cry, he calmed down absolutely: he ate.
Do you think that the vampire finds his "breadwinner" right away? At first he behaves very naturally. Well even. At some point, a person shows a weak spot and begins to throw out negative emotions: he gets angry, screams, nags, “why didn’t you come!”, “why didn’t you come then?” and the vampire receives your explosion as a bad, but still energy.
Man is so arranged that he strives to survive. He figured out where to recharge and will try to do the same again. And then it will become habitual for both participants: one - to throw out energy, the other - to pick it up. And the longer such relationships last, the more difficult it is to translate them into a normal course. If a person who has decided to no longer give energy to the "aggressive" will try to remain calm and friendly, then the "aggressive" will take more drastic measures.
Getting out of such a relationship is difficult, but not impossible. The best way is not just to calm down or imagine a wall or a mirror in front of you, from which everything flies back, but try to feel sorry for this person inside yourself or regret aloud. Imagine him as a small child and as if you are his mother (dad). Now pat him on the head and tell him that he - this aggressor - is good. Stroke the way you stroke your child's head. You will be surprised how effective this method is.
And always remember that people with mental illness are always deeply hurt people. Sympathize with them. But don't sit on your head. It is very important. You may feel sorry for a wounded giraffe, but it would never occur to you to take him into an apartment and go out - it's the same thing.

This is not how "calm" vampires behave. Why in quotes? Because in appearance these people are very calm and even harmless, but inside they are always burned by anger, envy, hatred, which the “calm” very skillfully hides from people. This person is most likely to show such traits in conversation as nobility, prudence, implicit emphasis on his helplessness or, conversely, his nobility. These people act very calmly (outwardly) and gently. They are very cunning in obtaining energy for themselves. Such people never attack openly and do not offend. They always read morals about how to live, how to do, how they worry about someone, how they pity you, they tell you how you were treated wrongly and unfairly, they pity you, but you suddenly notice that your mood became worse and you began to worry yourself.
Example. This woman believes that the most important thing is to save face in front of people. She also believes that everyone should recognize that she is the smartest, the most beautiful, the calmest, the most noble, the most courteous and the most fair. At the same time, she wants everyone to be the most beloved by her husband, by her parents (who, in addition to her, have 2 more children), by her brother, by her sister (i.e., she believes that for her brother she should be more expensive than his wife and that she be dearer to her sister than her husband). In general, she believes that everyone should see in her the most beautiful song and she herself considers herself very much the same as I described her at the beginning of the paragraph.
With all this, such people are very difficult to recognize. Good ones. The only unmistakable sign that you have a vampire in front of you - after communicating with such a friendly person, it is always somehow heavy on the heart. You feel not only tired, but also angry at someone.
This lady always reported in a conversation who did what, who betrayed you - the interlocutor (interlocutor), who treated you badly (and, often, it was a clear lie). As soon as someone became unhappy next to her, she became very friendly, sociable, tried to help. But if suddenly she saw that other people were fine without her, or suddenly if someone was very happy, she would start her song. Gently, affectionately creeping into trust, she said that so-and-so was bad and acted disgustingly with you, let me pity you. Naturally, she did not behave this way with everyone. But only with those who listened and did not interrupt her streams. She, it seems, opened their eyes to the “truth”, only after that people became angry and took up arms against their friends, relatives, relatives.
But. A “calm” vampire can also be calm for the time being. In his family, where everyone already knows what he (a) is, a vampire can be aggressive.
Another example. She always complained about her life. Quietly, she began like this, and if she suddenly found a good listener, then these howls could last indefinitely. In such cases, when a person begins to complain about fate, it is useful to think to yourself: “It’s my own fault” or “It’s my own fault.” After all, life gives a person what he has sown. The most interesting thing is that when I taught one person this way, he told me the following. “I came to visit. After some time, the hostess came up to me and began to complain about her son. Then I just thought: “It’s my own fault,” and she said something else and moved away from me to another guest.
The main thing is to take a firm stand yourself. Do not let your old mothers, your false friends, work colleagues pour a bucket of dirt on you. Or do you think that your broken state is a worthy price for your “noble” behavior? Then think that the interlocutor does not think about you that he is burdensome to you, why should you think that he will be unpleasant if you defend your moral territory?
Keep in mind that both the vampire and the donor end up with heart disease. Well, let the vampire get sick until he learns to be loving and good-natured. And you?
I noticed that all vampires have one remarkable trait - envy. They are always gnawed by black envy. Hidden or explicit, but it is.
How to protect yourself, I have already written above and I will say more: like is drawn to like. If you like this site and if you feel good from what you read, look at it, then your energies coincide with what is written, coincide with my soul. If you are deeply disgusted to read my materials, then we have completely different energies. If you have the first option - it is useful to meet these energies more often, then you, seeing yourself in the article, will begin to grow deeper and wider, all your positive qualities and self-confidence will grow.
If you have the second option, it is useful to leave from where it is difficult and unpleasant for you, so you will save your energies and your negative traits will not grow and your health will remain at the same level.
Therefore, since you attracted a vampire, it means that he saw a disharmonious personality in you. It means that something is not right in your soul. Maybe you don't like your family to which you have to return, or your job, or you don't like your body weight and go on diets. In general, any irritation of yours that has been 3-4 or more days old is a reason to “find” your vampire or become one yourself. Or at the same time. What happens quite often: two vampires find each other and turn on each other, feed on each other and then calm down mutually.
So the best way to protect yourself from such things is to enjoy what you do, love yourself and love life. These are the main conditions.
And let the quarrelsome grandmas at the entrance find fault with you, and you pretend that you don’t see or hear them. Or say: “And whatever I am, they love me like that.” You can add: "And who loves you?". You just have to be happy to say it. Knowing perfectly well that the vampire from his weakness clings to you.
If a person spends a lot of his energy on scandals, swearing, cursing, then he needs to be recharged in the same way. And only the person himself can open such a circle. Taking myself in hand. And everyone knows how to do it perfectly, despite the fact that some may say that the nerves are at the limit. Nerves are when a person rushes at everyone, not disassembling anyone. And when a person with superiors does not yell at him, but yells at home, throws himself into a fight and beats furniture, then these are no longer nerves, but promiscuity. That is, a person is aware of who he can throw himself at, and who he can’t. Isn't this endurance (at the authorities?). Therefore, it is necessary to forbid such antics in general. Thus, life will begin to order. There will be a balance of energies. And, of course, it would be nice to do what I recommend above.

Today was a completely normal day for you during the working week. You woke up at the usual time, had breakfast as usual, went to work. As usual, they completed the routine tasks of the boss. The day was no different from its own kind, but the evening has just come, and you already feel oppressive fatigue, drowsiness, your body aches, your mood is at zero. And you are trying to understand what is it that has unsettled you so much, or who? There is only one answer - your powers were taken away by an energy vampire.

Who are energy vampires?
First of all, these are people, ordinary people who are unlikely to be frightened by daylight, the smell of garlic and holy water. Energy vampires are somewhat similar to "black holes" - they appear out of nowhere and take all the life energy of other people for themselves. You try to stay cheerful and positive, but your efforts go nowhere. The negative attitude of such people is exhausting, and soon their depression infects you too.
Experts believe that energy vampires can be divided into two categories: the first ones consciously take psychic energy from people, the second ones are not even aware of their disease.
People suffering from unconscious vampirism are called "sappers", their energy field is closed, and therefore they have to "steal" energy from other people.
The latter type is not so socially dangerous. And by the way, anyone can become a vampire without realizing it. After all, each of us, at times, experiences energy starvation, as, for example, during periods of illness or in stressful situations at work. Some of these “hungry” people restore their strength in nature, the other part takes energy from the people around them.
Much more dangerous is another type of energy vampires who deliberately take human energy. A cloud of aggression and negativity always seems to be hovering around such people. They start a huge fire with a small spark. They suck the life force out of the people around them. And only when they sweep everything away in the flow of their aggression, energy vampires begin to feel noticeably better, they even become smiling and friendly.
Energy withdrawal methods
Rudeness is the first, and the most common. Usually used by low IQ individuals. “And put on glasses”, “Take off your hat first”, “Are you the smartest?” are their business cards. Used in public places with strangers.
Jokes are a smoothed version of rudeness. “You are so thin (swollen, tired)”, “Who told you such nonsense”, etc. They try to stick out the shortcomings, to question your statements. Usually applied to acquaintances.
Lies - the recipient is accused of all mortal sins and of deeds that he did not do. The goal is to make you resent and justify.
Aggression is a last resort. It is usually used in the family, in tandems between a boss and a subordinate, or simply to people who are stronger and not amenable to ordinary influences. As a variant of aggression, intimidation is used.
anxiety symptoms:
- during communication there is a feeling of a hidden psychological attack at the level of intuition, you feel insecure, tense;
- you notice with surprise the growing irritation that has come from nowhere, you want to end the conversation as soon as possible and get rid of this feeling;
- the energy seems to be leaving you, you feel sick, cold and tired.
Among energy vampires, it is customary to distinguish several types: “sobbing sister”, “accuser”, “drama queen”, “chatterbox”, “clown”, “eternal misfortune” (a person needs constant help in everything). Surely, by the names alone, you managed to recognize the manner of communication of one of your acquaintances or friends.
Pay attention to topics of conversation. Does your friend always start a conversation about how bad life is for him, complains about life, but at the same time does not take any real steps in order to rectify the situation? Be on the lookout - it looks like you are dealing with an energy vampire.
Yawning, fatigue, discomfort, feeling unwell, loss of consciousness, headaches, dizziness, pressure drops are a typical condition of a vampire victim.
If contact with a vampire is unavoidable for many reasons (work needs, family or friendships), try to find a way to protect yourself from it.

The main thing in communicating with a vampire is not to show your vulnerability and weak points. Therefore, you should ensure that not a single muscle on your face flinches, you can open your eyes wide, raise your eyebrows and freeze in this position for a short time. They say that this tactic is very effective.
After talking with a vampire, it would be nice to drink hot tea and ... forgive the "offender" if he caused your mental and physical discomfort.
Avoid communicating with people who constantly complain about their lives, signing up as losers, blaming fortune, fate and the entire population of the globe for their failures. Do not be afraid and do not be ashamed of condemnation from society, they say, you are indifferent to the problems of other people. The society in this matter is actually a community of active energy vampires who need conflict with you. Take a look around and extend your helping hand to those who really need it, but do not complain about life and smile at every new day.
When forced to communicate with an energy vampire, cross your arms over your chest, put your feet together, so you "close" your energy.
People whose work is constantly based on communication are recommended to learn how to build "barriers" from energy vampires - in the process of communication, you must mentally, using images alone, build a brick wall between yourself and an energy-suspicious person. Build this wall right brick by brick, imagine how you put cement, how you place a brick on top. Such a figurative wall will protect you from the attack of an energy vampire.
Another psychological technique - during the conversation, try to also mentally put yourself in a glass ball, and communicate with a person through the "glass" that you imagined between you.

But the simplest means of protection against a vampire is a smile, laughter, and ... a fig hidden behind your back or in your pocket.
In such a simple way, even grandmothers advised to protect themselves from the evil eye, and energy vampirism is a kind of “evil eye”.
If you isolate a vampire from the people around him, then he will slowly die.
"Energy vampires" will always be present in one way or another in your life. The main thing is to learn how to communicate with them even before they appear on your way. If you cannot keep them at a distance, they will indeed exist nearby, feed on your energy, and influence life.

After contact with a vampire or after being in crowded places, you need to take a contrast shower and drink your favorite hot tea. Take a walk among the trees, they draw off negative energy and process it into positive. But most importantly - let's enjoy every moment, let's see only the best and brightest in life! Let's perceive life with humor and love, and then no vampire can defeat us!

If you meet with an energy vampire, then pretty soon you will understand this. Usually, after communicating with such people, there is a general weakness and depression. Of course, there are ways to help avoid or minimize the effects of an energy vampire.

What is energy vampirism, signs of an energy vampire

To understand what energy vampirism is, you should familiarize yourself with its main features:1) Loss of balance. It is the loss of balance that a person most often feels when talking with an energy vampire. Such an energy consumer loves to pester others with long conversations, various clarifying questions, and so on, until the person finally starts to lose his temper and get annoyed. Even seeing that the interlocutor has long been tired of talking and exhausted, such a "bloodsucker" will ignore this fact. 2) Empty chatter. An energy vampire has a positive attitude towards long and "empty" conversations. It is not difficult to recognize such a person. If someone tells you about their troubles with an endless stream of information, and at the same time it is difficult for you to insert at least a word, then you have a clear energy vampire in front of you. As a rule, it is quite difficult to interrupt or round off a conversation with such a person if he himself does not want it. 3) Emphasis on the negative. Such people like to retell the details of some terrible accidents, deaths and other terrible phenomena. With particular enthusiasm, they begin to talk about the details of some unpleasant event, not taking into account the fact that it may be unpleasant for someone. They seem to "feed" on other people's fears and suffering. As a rule, after such conversations, a gloomy mood is provided. 4) dependent situations. Energy vampires like to create situations in which a person feels dependent on them. They like to keep someone in the dark. It can be about many aspects. For example, a person promised to lend you a certain thing that day, but does not get in touch until the last, knowing that you have no one else to ask and you were counting on him. Or you need to arrange a meeting with this person, but he cannot decide on the place and time for a long time, forcing you to return to this topic again and again. In general, there can be a lot of such dependent situations. It is important for an energy vampire to exhaust you with a long wait. 5) Image. Often, people who did not have time to feel the impact of an energy vampire can give him rather flattering characteristics - honest, open, frank. Only later does it become clear that this openness has no reasonable limits. 6) Direct contact. Energy vampires are very fond of close contact with the interlocutor. He can take your hand, periodically clap on the shoulder. Sometimes from the outside it may seem like he is trying to keep you. 7) Irritation. The most obvious sign. After communicating with an energy vampire, a person most often feels irritation and weakness, as well as regret about the time spent.

Types of energy vampires

In general, there are two types of vampires. So let's get to know them! Solar vampires It means people who always try to be in the spotlight. Scandals are a natural thing for them. Often they deliberately provoke others into a conflict, and subsequently seem to feed on other people's emotions. It does not matter to such people who will give them energy - acquaintances or strangers. You could easily observe such personalities in society - in shops, buses, various queues. As a rule, these people are choleric. Lunar Vampires Such vampires do not manifest themselves too clearly, but their influence is not diminished by this. Usually they are secretive and immersed in themselves, however, streams of negativity constantly emanate from them. They are focused on their own or other people's troubles, most of their conversations are reduced to unpleasant topics. They like to complain about their troubles and generally make pessimistic forecasts.

How to behave and how to communicate with an energy vampire, if it is unavoidable

If you unwittingly periodically have to deal with an energy vampire, then there are ways in which you can protect yourself from the influence of such a person. How to protect yourself:1) If possible, try to avoid long conversations with such people. Refer to being busy and the like, but don't let the vampire influence you with his long talk. 2) Try to stand or sit in a “closed” position when communicating with him. Cross your legs or cross your arms over your chest. 3) Do not succumb to various provocations - do not get drawn into the conflict and get annoyed. Try to stay as calm as possible. 4) Try not to make direct eye contact. If the energy vampire is trying in every way to catch your eye, take your head to the side or look at a point behind the object of irritation. 5) If possible, carry a talisman-amulet or pectoral cross with you. 6) Imagine there is a wall between you and the energy vampire that will not allow him to get close to you. 7) Confuse him with a sudden change in conversation. 8) Try not to think about what he says to you, especially if the topic is unpleasant for you. Just wait out this flow of information. 9) When you finish talking, try to find an opportunity to wash your hands immediately afterwards. 10) Replenish the balance of spent energy. Treat yourself to some sweets or small purchases.

How to deal with energy vampires

At work, when the vampire is the boss or colleague

As with any other vampire, it's best to keep all contact to a minimum. If it does not depend on you, and from time to time you are still forced to communicate with this person, then try to remain calm as much as possible and not succumb to provocations. If a person says something for a long time and boringly, mentally separate yourself from him with a wall, and think about a topic that causes bright thoughts in you.

In a family where the vampire is a husband, mother, child, mother-in-law, or distant relative

This case is more difficult and unpleasant, because, most often, we have no choice, and we unwittingly communicate with a person who feeds on our energy. However, there is a way out of this situation:
    According to scientists, an energy vampire can draw strength not only from other people, but also due to proximity to nature. If in your case this is an effective option, then try to relax in nature with family members as often as possible. This will positively affect not only the well-being of the energy vampire, but also add positive emotions to the whole family. An energy vampire can be “neutralized” by positive emotions. Please your loved one more often, and this will have the best effect on your relationship. Redirect his energy in a different direction. If a person has a hobby or some serious passion, he will be able to draw strength from there. If you feel that despite all the tricks, a family member still launched his attack, in no case do not succumb to his provocation. It is better to leave him in another room or even go for a walk.

How to destroy an energy vampire

Eliminate the influence of the "solar" vampire

Remember that such vampires usually feed on your panic, resentment, fears, tears. The described vampires are very fond of starting scandals, and you can always expect a very unpredictable reaction from them. Communication with "solar" vampires can take place as if on a powder keg. The first rule when dealing with them is not to succumb to provocations! Emotions are what they expect from you, what they need to eat in order to feel normal and empty you. No matter how the person provokes you, do not answer him in the same spirit, do not allow mutual abuse. If possible, try to leave the room - this will remove you from the negative impact. When you are at some distance from an energy vampire, being out of his field of vision, he cannot harm you. You should also pay attention to the power of laughter - this is a kind of "antidote". The vampire wants you to feel crushed and oppressed after his screams, but you should do something completely different! Just smile! It will surely discourage him. It is possible, of course, that such a move will inflame him even more, but another thing is important - stay in a positive mood, and your opponent will be left with nothing. He will only make it worse for himself - by wasting energy and not getting the opportunity to stock up on a new one at your expense.

Eliminate the influence of the "lunar" vampire

These representatives of vampirism have significant differences from the previous ones, and perhaps the most important of them is that they are unable to get energy from their victim "in one fell swoop." They have to work harder to achieve their goal. From the main method - endless complaints, discussion of painful and unpleasant topics, focusing on the negative. “Crying into a vest”, they shift their condition onto you - as a result, you feel overwhelmed and tired. Your interlocutor feels relieved after his complaints, and this is noticeable with the naked eye, while you are immersed in gloomy thoughts. As in the previous case, we again draw your attention to the need to avoid provocations, not to succumb to them. First of all, stop feeling sorry for your interlocutor, plunging into his negativity. In response to his displeasure, tell about something good that happened to you recently or what you watched from the side. In general, add positive to your conversation, it will have a depressing effect on the vampire. You can do it differently - how to adopt his manner of communication, having the same effect on him as he has on you. Does the person complain about their suffering? In response, begin with no less zeal to talk about your own troubles and troubles, as if calling for pity on you. This will puzzle the "lunar" vampire. Limit contact with this person as much as possible. If you can't do this completely, then just ignore his words by thinking about something else and switching the subject. Without getting the desired reaction from you, the vampire will quickly lose interest in your person. If there is at least some opportunity to interrupt communication (distant relative, girlfriend), then it is better not to sacrifice yourself and exclude communication.

How to shut out negativity in your own home

Make a charm with your own hands

Home charms can be a very effective protection against energy vampirism. It is important that in your interior, as often as possible, there is an image of circles. They can be on wallpaper, paintings, tablecloths or curtains. It will be great if you embroider a few circles yourself with a scarlet thread. You can do this on bed linen or other fabric at home.

Amulets or runes will help resist evil

Runes are called the most ancient symbols - our ancestors used them in order to enhance certain qualities, as well as for protection. You can also protect yourself from energy vampires with them - by buying or doing it yourself. There are many techniques on the Web for creating amulets using runes. Choose the most suitable master class for you, and get down to business.

A conspiracy or prayer from vampirism will help to protect yourself

Prayers can also be a good help in the fight against energy vampirism. If you cannot remember them, then it is better to write them down on a piece of paper and read them before meeting with an unpleasant person or immediately after it. There are also many rituals on the Web that help fight this difficult phenomenon.

Which stone serves as reliable protection

It is best for you to pay attention to the stone that corresponds to your zodiac sign - this is your talisman, and it will protect not only from the energy vampire, but also from many other things.

Is it possible to help a person at a distance by putting energy protection

Do not neglect energy protection, which can protect you and your loved ones, helping you stay in the states that are most comfortable for you. If you treat this matter carelessly, then you can spend a lot of effort on recovering. As you know, interaction with an energy vampire can threaten not only despondency and mood swings, but also various ailments. It is important to understand that energy protection is very important, and is not a myth - it is a necessity for many people. Surely, you yourself have noticed that some people around you are very susceptible to the negative influence of other people, but there are those who do not seem to notice it. More often than not, it's about energy security. If you want to stay in harmony with yourself, exclude nervous breakdowns and illnesses that can be provoked by people who feed on other people's energy, then pay attention to the following methods of protection. In this way, you can protect not only yourself, but also a loved one, even if he is at some distance from you. So, what gives such protection? First of all, it is safety even with the active influence of ill-wishers. Of course, protection will have a greater effect on people who themselves will make efforts in order not to succumb to other people's tricks. To do this, you should try to remain calm in any stressful situations. This refers to the training of personal qualities, now we will talk a little about something else:1) You can recommend the first exercise to a loved one or perform it for your own protection. Every day after you take a shower, imagine that you are in the middle of a golden pyramid, as if under its dome. It becomes a shell for you to some extent, protecting you from any negativity. In your imagination, the pyramid should not be large, but you don’t need a small one either - “staying” in such a pyramid should be associated with comfort. Remind yourself of it sometimes, and visualize it around you throughout the day. By the way, it is important to note that mentally you can build it not only around your own body - in this way you can protect your own car. 2) If you want a loved one to be protected even at a distance, give him something made of silver. For many years, silver has been considered one of the materials that can destroy bloodsuckers. Of course, the "energy vampire" is only a metaphor, but this does not change the essence - silver will act as a powerful defender in this case as well. It is best to wear a silver cross, but jewelry such as rings or bracelets will also work. 3) If possible, purchase or order a clover-shaped pendant - such an amulet can protect against female energy vampires. Clover can be made of both silver and gold 4) Do not underestimate the power of amethyst - he will protect his owner if he has to take care of a seriously ill person, and it seems as if he is trying to take away his energy. 5) The pendant, which is made of turquoise, is able to positively influence the well-being of its owner in any negative situations. 6) Attach a pin to the wrong side of the clothes - even our ancestors believed that this could reliably protect against any negative impact. 7) Wrap woolen thread around your wrist, but do not tie a knot. This can be especially helpful when dealing with an unhealthy person. 8) Let a person dear to you be surrounded by young houseplants in considerable quantities - they will fill him with positive energy.
