How to surprise your wife: original ideas and ways. How to surprise your wife in bed? How to surprise a man in bed: the secret tricks of femme fatales

Everyone I had a relationship with knew that me and the kitchen were incompatible things. Therefore, the invitation to dinner of my young man surprised him very much and sounded intriguing from my lips. And everything happened like this. Evening. Doorbell. I'm wearing an apron, hairpins, and nothing else. Opened the door. He did not understand. I turned around ... I don’t even remember if dinner took place that evening.

Maybe coffee?

Once I sent my beloved husband to the store. And she quickly lit the candles, poured champagne into glasses, put on a sexy translucent robe and turned on the music. Having opened the door, my husband was not at a loss, he immediately whirled me in the dance and oh, how wound up! I asked him not to hurry - it was necessary to surprise my man in bed ... In the rhythm of the dance, I undressed him and offered to go into the bedroom to get an erotic massage. I massaged all parts of the body, not only with my hands, but also with my chest, booty, and heels. The husband was delighted. The continuation was in the kitchen, in the bathroom, and even in the hallway.

Holiday every day

Once upon a time, I hit a dead end. It never occurred to me how to surprise a man in bed who is already spoiled for sexual variety. The idea came to me that Monday night in a restaurant while we were having dinner. Then I announced the “Weekly blowjob marathon” and immediately confirmed my words by diving under the table. For a week it was also in front of the open window of our bedroom, in the car, in the office, in bed. That he was surprised is to say nothing.

Will you be with a guest?

Once I came to visit a friend, with wine, as usual. It was hot there, and I was offered to change into a shirt. We chatted about this and that and decided to measure which of us has bigger breasts (remember the wine!). So we stayed in shorts. Then we played kitties, imitating different poses of this animal, improvised on the piano, watched a movie, and then fell asleep ... the three of us (without sex). The situation was piquant - languor was in the air, but the boundaries were not violated. It turns out that a friend came up with everything in advance. The surprise worked.

Noise and hamam

If you have nowhere, then you can surprise a man in bed at least every day. When I was in this situation, my boyfriend and I had to constantly come up with something. Either we find a spacious restroom in the club, or we use for “this” place on the last row of the cinema. And somehow I arranged a surprise - I invited him to a Turkish bath. Everything happened there too. My advice - do not slip out of the wet embrace, not only I liked it.
You should surprise a man in bed not when you “need to surprise”, but when you want to do it. And then your feelings and actions will be sincere, and love will not remain unrequited.

Everything flows, everything changes - a good saying and fits family life more than ever. If in the first year of marriage, the husband and wife are like doves in love, constantly cooing, then after three years or more they begin to live like a cat and a dog.

Love no longer inspires, and passion does not burn. And the couple blame each other for this. But someone will need to take the first step to rekindle the fire of love. And it has to be a woman. It is better to start building your love nest anew from the intimate sphere. So, how to surprise your husband in bed so that passion and ardor return? This will tell 4 ways of temptation.

The first step is to become a mystery again
Often passion cools down and subsides because a woman becomes a read book for a man, when every gesture, every step can be predicted. The mediocrity and predictability are unlikely to attract anyone. Therefore, the spouse must again become a mystery. How to surprise your husband in bed if he anticipates every movement, every breath? Reading books with illustrations of sex scenes, with erotic poses and voluptuous phrases is by no means shameful, it is never too late to learn. Therefore, instead of Sunday cleaning, it is worth taking up not a mop and a bucket of water, but a book with illustrations of undressed men and women. What's wrong with that? Everything happens for the first time.

Second step - Arabian night
Between husband and wife, especially in a couple who have children, there is rarely enough time for beautiful sex scenes. He took off his clothes, sniffed a little and all the romance. And why not think about how to surprise your husband in bed, instead of sleeping peacefully the rest of the night?! The Arab romantic night will return the old feelings, when the wife turns into a strange woman in oriental robes and with her dance, outfit, exciting body movements makes her husband want with renewed vigor. How surprised the husband will be when, instead of the usual pajamas, he sees a silk outfit on his woman from the East. The night of love is guaranteed and not alone. You can prepare a striptease. The main thing is to be confident in yourself.

The third step is a gourmet treat
Eating every evening, returning from work, a plate of borscht or pasta, any sane man will make you think: what is so special about my wife? So that such thoughts do not creep into the head of a beloved spouse, it is important to diversify the diet of your beloved. Why not serve breakfast in bed, while spreading the fruit not on a plate as usual, but feed your husband directly from your naked body. After such an exquisite treat, the husband is unlikely to remember that before that there were only borscht. And how to surprise her husband in bed, a woman will understand further: an overwhelmed desire will tell you.

Fourth step - turn everything into a game
Cleaning the apartment, cooking, washing the car, and the division that always goes next to this list: whose turn it is to do all this, as a result, can lead to serious quarrels and quarrels. To avoid quarrels, it is best to compromise - do all household chores together, but not just sweep the floors and you're done, but turn every step into a game. For example, a wife can wash the car instead of her husband today, while dressed in a breathtaking swimsuit and wearing heels. In such an outfit, the car is unlikely to be washed properly to the end, but such a useful and difficult at first glance activity will lead the spouses to a passionate night. And the quarrels about who will wash the dishes or do the laundry today will disappear forever. So, you look, and you want to vacuum in your shorts. But that is another story.

If the idea came to you about how to seduce your husband at home, this means that you have already experienced the joy of having children. Thoughts that it would be nice to seduce your husband come after you have drunk a full cup of all the worries associated with these “flowers of life”.

Seducing a husband: the situation with sex

Sex somehow imperceptibly began to take positions in your list of priority things that need to be done in a day. In the end, you found that he had completely disappeared behind the clouds of daily problems. Only sometimes a thin trickle of light breaks through, which again awakens in you the desire to become a tender object of adoration for your husband. “Everything is exactly the same, except that I never put sex on my to-do list,” you say. Well, we went a little overboard with the list, but that doesn't make the problem any less frustrating.

And if you are not satisfied with this course of events, then you need to change something. Just what to change? The answer, as usual, is extremely simple and banal - change yourself and your behavior. What does it mean?

Stage one: selfishness at home

Selfishness is a good thing. First of all, you must understand one interesting point in this whole situation. If you have such thoughts, then you must come to terms with the fact that you are doing this mainly for yourself and satisfying your needs. And only then comes the husband, his desires and everything else that you could invent, just so as not to seem like a complete egoist to yourself. Oddly enough, in our civilization, egoists and egoists are not held in high esteem. At least, other people want to convince us of this.

For our goal, on the contrary, we need to mentally repeat once again: “Pleasure awaits me!” Only then can you begin to prepare to return to your bed that explosive energy that was saturated with the first months of our joint history.

So, the first stage is over. You feel ready for anything. That cherished spark appeared in your eyes, making you a hundred times more attractive. Confidence and playfulness appeared in the movements! Don't try to skip the first step. It is mandatory, and without it, the chances of success of your venture are steadily vanishing.

Stage two: preparing how to seduce a husband

Shopping. Preparing your inner world is clearly not enough. How else to explain the colossal success of erotic images on the spreads of glamor magazines? And if so, let's discuss the external component of seduction. A mandatory trip to the lingerie store awaits you. There you will have to remember all kinds of panties that your husband has ever praised. After that, choose 2-3 pairs of the most extravagant and "hot" of them and boldly head to the checkout. Down with bathrobes and panties at home. After all, if a woman has beautiful underwear, they behave accordingly.

Stage three: smells and aromas are important in seduction

We bloom and smell. Get your body in order. Your skin should be clean and smooth. How you achieve this is absolutely unimportant, but the result should be excellent. As for the smell, your own is best. To heighten the effect, you can add a drop or two of eau de toilette with a slight smell.

Stage four: a look of temptation for a man

The look is a very powerful tool that must be used when seducing a man. At the beginning, look at your husband as if you accidentally saw him and were surprised. This will definitely interest him, and he will reciprocate. But do not rush to take your eyes off him. Often a man and a woman look at each other for a couple of seconds, and then turn away and thereby make a big mistake. This time is not enough to make the necessary impression.

Therefore, extend your attention to 4-5 seconds, put all your love, kindness and sincerity into your eyes. And then your man will react to a gentle look with very strong emotions. And if you add a blush on your face to your look, which can be awakened. Think of something embarrassing or even indecent and make you look very attractive.

Practice on colleagues or random fellow travelers. We think many will overtake a blush, and you will be given an extra reason to rejoice at yourself.

And yet, when a woman is confident in herself and her beauty, when all her thoughts are filled with light and love. She draws men to her like a magnet. Girls, remember: the impression you make in the first minute is the main one. So let's not miss this opportunity to seduce our prince.

Stage five: studying seductive photo poses

If you want to understand how to seduce your husband at home, photo poses will help you. See the photos below for tips on how to position yourself when taking a photo. It was photographers who long ago developed all the moments how a woman should stand or sit in order to look as impressive as possible in the photo. And this can only be achieved through training. Remember, remember and remember again.

How to stand, how to sit, how to lean on pieces of furniture. We repeat everything until it becomes normal and natural for you. Explore your special angles to show your best side.

Stage six: readiness

You don't have to cook anything special. By applying all the steps above, your husband should already start to notice your changes. Start saying phrases during sex that men love to hear:

Third-party signs of attention will also give you strength and emotions. To understand more ways to seduce a husband at home, video stories that will help you:

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Many people think that women need to be themselves in order to please men. However, the bed is an exception to the rule. In this case, it is necessary to show talent and acting skills in order to please your beloved man. If the wife surprises her other half, makes her intimate life diverse, rich, turning into a beautiful seductress, then he will only love his wife more and make her happy. So, how to please your husband in bed?

How to surprise your husband in bed: what he likes

What men like, women feel intuitively, so there are no secrets here. Here is a list of what your spouse will like:

  • Men love it when women take the initiative in sex, it excites them greatly.
  • They also love to experiment. Sex can get boring and boring. Therefore, diversity in it does not hurt.
  • Women believe that being too cheeky is indecent, but young people like confidence in sexuality, emancipation.
  • Beautiful underwear is a nice addition, but you should not bet on it. It excites more on models in glossy magazines.
  • How to surprise your husband in bed? Talk to him about sex, he will like this conversation. It is unpleasant for men to realize that for a girl sex is something “dirty”.
  • The pose of the rider will also please the spouse. You can passionately bend the body, uttering moans, this will drive him crazy. He will also like the missionary position, a woman on her stomach or legs thrown over her neck.
  • It is pleasant for the male sex to realize that the partner receives pleasure from intimacy when she makes moans of pleasure. Therefore, he is ready to talk after sex, soak up together.
  • All men love oral sex. If a woman wants to please her husband in bed, then this is the best option, which will undoubtedly be appreciated. When a beloved caresses the innermost organ, he comes to a complete delight.
  • Anal sex is also the favorite of the stronger sex, but few people admit it, as they are embarrassed to offer this option to their lady.
  • How to drive your husband crazy in bed? Whisper in his ear about feelings, passion, etc. A whisper can turn anyone on.

How to surprise your husband in bed: erogenous zones

To satisfy your husband in bed, you need to know the male erogenous zones, that is, the places on his body that will give you the greatest pleasure.

Erogenous zones of the head and face. All sexual games begin with kisses, so the tongue and lips are very sensitive. Also, a good effect will be given: massage of the temples, head, sorting out the hair, touching the face.

The neck is also sensitive to kissing, touching. It is necessary to touch it with the fingertips or the palm of your hand, but in such a way that it is not ticklish. The male breast, especially the nipples, has many nerve endings. Therefore, if you gently touch or kiss them, the spouse will be excited.

The back and buttocks are also erogenous zones. To use them, it is recommended to run your nails along the spine, but without tearing the skin. The most sensitive area is between the shoulder blades. Kissing or biting this place, the wife can surprise her husband in bed. Buttocks, sexologists advise, slightly pinch, pat on them. Such actions increase the tone. A special effect can be achieved by pressing the stomach against the buttocks of the spouse. The most erogenous area can be called the place from the scrotum to the anus. However, when touching it, you need to make sure that the partner likes these actions, since this is practically a forbidden zone.

Doctors call the skin on the inside of the arms and legs a zone of increased sensitivity. Gentle touches to these places will bring the spouse into a state similar to nirvana. You can also do a massage of the hands and feet, the effect will be especially effective after a hard day. A man will surely reward the efforts of his beloved.

The genitals are the most sensitive erogenous zone. All men like touching the scrotum and penis. Caresses with hands, with the tongue of this area can bring any member of the stronger sex to ecstasy.

How to surprise your husband in bed: give him an intimate surprise

The relationship between husband and wife in bed should be bright and colorful. The wife in intimacy should be liberated and at least occasionally give her husband sexual surprises.

After a few years of marriage, sex becomes quite boring, and spontaneity can add variety to it. For example, a spouse knows that sex is possible only at night - it is advisable to seduce him during the day, he will not resist.

A man loves to see his beloved well-groomed, in full dress. To make intimacy more vivid, you can “dress up” your body: tie a bow around your waist or hang a chain, make a temporary tattoo, etc.

Excites men and resistance. It is recommended not to immediately surrender to him, but to play so that the spouse feels like a conqueror. As a result, a woman will also have a strong desire. The wife at least sometimes must agree to an experiment in sex. You can learn about your partner's fantasy and initiate "updates" in intimacy.

How to satisfy her husband in bed, each woman decides on her own, based on the wishes of her husband and her capabilities. If you use the above recommendations, you can bring it to complete ecstasy.

Just follow our instructions!

Creating a man, the villainous nature ordered in such a way that he constantly gets bored at the most inopportune moment. It would seem that life is settled, there is work, there is a house - a full bowl, there is a woman with whom, in principle, you are ready to live happily ever after ... And then - bam! - boring.

Probably, it was this evolutionary feature of ours that made the monkey once pick up a stick and start a major overhaul in the cave, learn how to cook mammoth meat in ten ways and move from a missionary position to this on a swing blindfolded and using a double-edged toy (as you can see, we started from afar, but decided to quickly get to the point).

In this article, we will offer ten techniques, which you and your girlfriend can try to give yourself an unforgettable vacation in a series of dull everyday life!

Such a way of life plunges us into a depressive and dreary state, because when following a routine, our brain stops producing the dopamine hormone, which is stored up by nature in order to reward evolutionary development: solving a complex and unusual task, changing a place of residence or a partner.

There is, of course, another extreme - dopamine addicts, people whose life consists of constant movement around the world, a series of new projects, strings of beauties. From the outside, they seem incredibly successful, however, as with any addiction, they are overtaken by the need to constantly increase the dose, and most often the body simply can not withstand this stress. Most likely, the truth is somewhere in the middle.

That is why we do not call you to rabid polygamy, but we propose to break the resistance of habit and arrange a small vacation, bringing one of these ideas to life. Most importantly, remember that you should not do anything through force. However, if you approach the experiment slowly, creating a comfortable atmosphere, it is likely that you will discover new ways to get spicy pleasure for you and your girlfriend! In any case, you will have something to remember fifty years later, swaying in rocking chairs.

1. Sharpening of the senses

For two.

YOU WILL NEED: Blindfold, ear plugs (you can use a kit from the plane).

Of course, you know that a person receives basic information about the world around him with the help of vision. At the same time, we have four more senses, and our brain is designed in such a way that they become aggravated if the main channel of information is excluded. The essence of the experiment is as follows: one of the partners completely blocks visual (and also auditory) sensations, and the second plays with his incredibly sharpened tactile perception with the help of hands, lips and tongue. You can start from afar. Let's say you are the initiator. Blindfold the girl and put in earplugs. Take her to a dark bedroom, light scented candles there and leave it for a while. You can agree that she will begin to explore her body on her own, and you will slowly join this exciting process.

2. Cold - hot

For you.

YOU WILL NEED: A glass of ice water, a glass of hot tea, coffee or chocolate, mints.

Contrasting oral kisses are a wonderful bonus to ask for in exchange for coffee in bed! The bottom line is that the girl caresses you and at the same time drinks drinks of different temperatures. The liquid does not need to be kept in the mouth, it is enough to take a small sip from one or another glass every 15-20 seconds. Mint sweets also give an interesting effect. But we strongly do not recommend hot peppers!

3. They dragged our fly into a corner

For her.

YOU WILL NEED: Silk, cotton or nylon rope, silk scarves.

Statistics are terrible. It is she who claims that more than 60% of women lose in their heads fantasies about submission during love. It is not surprising that the opus "50 shades of gray" received such wide popularity among the ladies. And don't think that it all works only in decaying Europe, corrupted by de Sade. Russian girls who were brought up on the best “Fly-Tsokotukha” also do not mind being caught in spider webs. We'll help you learn tricks for an aspiring villain, and if you like what's going on, you can search the special literature on the Internet for "bondage" and weave something highly artistic.

So, first binding rule- agree on everything in advance and come up with a code word, upon pronouncing which everything should stop immediately. The second important condition- never overtighten the ropes. You must leave a distance of two fingers between the rope and the partner's body. If the bedroom is hot, this distance may be even greater. And finally the third is to agree in advance, to which form you will "force" your bound slave. We recommend that you start by performing the set of poses you are used to, but with your hands tied. In the “man on top” poses, the girl’s hands can also be fixed on the headboard with the help of additional scarves. Keep in mind that an unfamiliar environment can weaken the release of natural lubrication, so it is better to use a lubricant during any experiments of this kind.

4. Camera, motor!

For two.

YOU WILL NEED: Camera, tripod, suits, additional accessories.

Shooting a home video according to all the rules of the genre is a worthy undertaking for the whole day! It combines many elements at once: role-playing games, the dream of every woman to become an actress, the final product that you can later use for intimate viewings. You can start by considering interesting scenarios and designing costumes. Then arrange a hard casting (of course with a full test of abilities!) For the female and male roles. Then you can take a short break for lunch, after which you have to act as a director, having determined the shooting point. Hint: a mirror will help you achieve additional angles. For the sake of such an occasion, you can finally drag him into the bedroom! Don't forget to give the leading lady time to get herself ready, you can even bring a glass of wine into the dressing room. It is not a fact that after filming you will still have the strength to watch the material, we recommend stretching out the pleasure and postponing it for the next day!

5. Dinner naked

For you.

YOU WILL NEED: An apron or a set of underwear, aphrodisiac products, products that should be eaten with your hands.

We will not discover America if we say that for most of our species, this and food are closely related. A delicious dinner evokes thoughts that everything is fine, the hunt was successful and whether to start breeding, if everything is going so well. In addition, in the process of digesting food, blood rushes into the stomach, from where it is already very close to the small pelvis. Dinner together can be made even more colorful by asking your girlfriend to cook or serve it naked or in just an apron (depending on what seems hotter to you).

Dinner should not be too large, and in the process of preparing it, you can give a short lecture on aphrodisiacs that kindle passion (even if their chemical action is not pronounced, talking about passion will do the trick). It’s also a good idea to use poultry or seafood for such a dinner, which you have to eat with your hands - this in itself can be done beautifully, and besides, it liberates.

6. Let's go, beauty, ride!

For two.

YOU WILL NEED: Automobile.

Drive to a romantic place and do it in the car when you have a bed and your own bedroom for it? It's a completely different feeling than when they are not! In principle, if the element of exhibitionism does not excite you in this venture, and if, in addition to your own bedroom, you also have your own garage, you can not even roll out the car from there. Well, what if you still decide to roll out and the weather allows, then take a thick blanket with you. The place can be secluded enough to make you want to transfer the pleasures to the open air!

7. Smell, woman!

For her.

YOU WILL NEED: Soap, deodorant and shaving cream unscented.

According to statistics, most men are excited by visual images, while the representatives of the weaker sex, as a rule, want something difficult to determine, and immediately. However, there are still some guidelines. Over the years of practice, it has been established that for women the smell of a man is very important, much more than the smell of a woman for men. Moreover, it should be your natural fragrance, without the admixture of perfume. No, we do not urge to refuse washing at all. However, you may well find soap and deodorant that will minimally change the picture. If your girlfriend belongs to the “dog” breed, after two or three days you will feel an aggravation of attention from her.

8. Call girl

For two.

YOU WILL NEED: A room in a cheap hotel.

And again we will talk about fantasies of submission. One of the most popular role-playing games on this topic is "the client and the call girl." You can sharpen the sensations of what is happening if, firstly, you offer your girlfriend real money for a “job”, and secondly, you take care of the surroundings. For example, rent a room in a cheap "motel for an hour." So that hygiene does not become a victim of the Stanislavsky system, you can take sheets with you. Moans from the next room will help you find the right mood (and maybe even the rhythm!).

Unreal virtual

For her.

YOU WILL NEED: Two computers with Internet access.

Another common female fantasy is peeping. That aspect of him when someone watches her admire herself. In principle, the craze for female selfies in the mirror is based precisely on this. The easiest way to make that fantasy come true in the right way is Skype intimacy. If you happened to part for a long time, you will understand what we are talking about. This languor when you ask her to caress yourself and try to settle down in front of the camera so that she can see to what extent you are not indifferent, ridiculous attempts to stroke her charms on the screen, this is the rustling of clothes in the microphone ... So, all this is completely calm practice in the apartment in the adjacent rooms - as a preliminary game. And then make an unexpected zero-transport to each other in the arms!

10. Kamasutra

For her.

YOU WILL NEED: Indian book with strange pictures.

Open any page and try the first pose that comes across. By the way, the game can go on for more than one round (page).
