How to arrange a romantic girl for February 14. Romantic breakfast on Valentine's Day... or after

Photo: Georgii Dolgykh/

February is on the calendar, which means it's time to prepare gifts and surprises for your soul mates. On the eve of the beautiful Valentine's Day, women are increasingly asking the search engine an exciting question: "How to surprise a loved one?". There was already a romantic dinner, incredible sex too, a party in a club is not an option. What else can you think of? Let's try to think outside the box!

Every year the number of young people who celebrate is rapidly increasing. And all because there is no sweeter and more romantic holiday in the year than. You need to give love to your loved ones every day, you can’t argue with that, but often the crazy rhythm of our life makes its own adjustments to plans. There is very little time left for this bright feeling. Why not take the chance to catch up and succumb to love fever?

Originality is welcome!

Of course, only his significant other can say exactly what a particular man will like. She already knows all his “cracks”, all preferences and, conversely, things that act on her beloved like a red muleta on a bull. Based on this knowledge, we will select the perfect surprise for our MCH in honor of Valentine's Day. There are many options, so there is room for imagination!

1. Non-standard meeting place

Of course, you can celebrate Valentine's Day at home or in a restaurant. Why not try to conquer one of the elements: fire, water or air? Drinking a glass of champagne on the roof while enjoying the beckoning lights of the city at night, heading to and order duet treatments, booking a hotel room with a fireplace or having a picnic with a fire and barbecue with friends?

2. Valentine's draw

Morning, the wake-up call (Friday, the last working day of the week), a man with his eyes still half-closed gropes for slippers, and after water procedures he comes to get dressed. Only instead of ordinary clothes, he finds a tie, panties and heart-shaped socks on the shelves in the closet. Surprise in this way and have fun for sure! True, then you will have to return everything to its place, but you can try to persuade your loved one to wear at least panties or socks to the topic.

3. Computer tricks

Somewhere in a glossy article, the idea was suggested to change your favorite login password. But this is more of a dirty trick than a congratulation, so it's better to use more gentle methods. For example, send a mail to a loved one function
sqrt(cos(2x))*cos(150x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.7)*(4-x*x)^0.001, sqrt(6-x^2), -sqrt(6-x^ 2) from -4.5 to 4.5
and ask him to enter this query in a Google search engine. The service itself will build a heart chart. A trifle, but nice. Skype heart emoticons are also very popular.

4. Platonic love

Well, how can you dedicate a romantic verse or song to your beloved without an idea? To do this, it is not necessary to learn the notes yourself or comprehend the basics of rhythm and melody. You can order a nominal song, and compose a verse using an online generator of rhymes and verses.

5. Surprise bags

An original option for those who have a remarkable sense of humor is to place a love note in one of the balloons, but first fill them with something small, sweet and insanely tasty, for example, small sweets. An option, of course, for the sweet tooth - fun is guaranteed!

6. Stop, moment! You are great!

The option is most suitable for those who have a lot of joint memories and, accordingly, pictures and videos in their personal archive. From these puzzle pieces, you can create one big project: an A2 format collage or a presentation in Power Point, a separate album with the most successful pictures printed out (since today people are gradually forgetting about such a thing as ordinary albums, this gift will pleasantly surprise) or a small a movie about your love. It is easy to realize your plans with the help of modern online editors and other technical assistants.

7. Snow love

We will not write confessions for a loved one on the pavement, let's go the other way. Since winter is still covering our cities with snow, you can build a snowman-mailer, who will send a love message to your soulmate. Another option is to freeze colored ice-hearts with ropes and hang them on a tree near the house, attaching your own among them. Of course, it is better to do this near your private house. Although, if you decorate a tree near a high-rise building, such a youthful trick will cheer up all passers-by.

8. Gastronomic Valentine's Day

Not so much an original version as a win-win. The way to a man's heart lies through the stomach, so let's be our MCH, as the red cat Garfield from the cartoon said, "love, feed and never leave." Better to do something that has never been done before. For example, arrange fruit or cheese fondue, wind up rolls or bake a cake and decorate it with mastic hearts. A “hearty” breakfast in bed is also suitable: scrambled eggs or pancakes, toast, cakes, coffee with a cocoa pattern.

9. Love and dance

Another way to surprise your loved one is to dance a private dance for him. To do this, it is not necessary to go to strip or belly dance courses. There are a lot of master classes on the Internet, the main thing is to connect your imagination and choose the appropriate entourage. Plus some practice in front of the mirror.

10. Game of love

Card games are not the best option for a romantic evening. Only if they are not for undressing (symbolically, up to a beautiful set purchased specifically for the occasion of the holiday). Let the man deserve a pleasant evening! Yes, and you can play checkers or any other board game.

Valentine's Day is a holiday that every couple celebrates in their own way. There is no single recipe for a successful Valentine's Day. That is why, as is customary with the Japanese, you can give your soulmate a chocolate heart, like the French - with precious cufflinks, or arrange a noisy party, like the Danes. And you can use the above tips and come up with something of your own, even more original and creative.

Happy Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day is celebrated every year on February 14th. According to custom, on this day they give each other declarations of love. The day of February 14 was also the occasion for presenting a small gift. Ready to please your soulmate?

Lovers try to have a date on this day in a special way to emphasize their relationship to each other. Today, the women's online magazine will offer 10 interesting ideas for a date on this day.

Timeless classic: romantic dinner

While cooking together may be an everyday activity for you, on Valentine's Day you can arrange things a little differently.

You can cook some unique dish and aphrodisiacs, decorate the table with lit candles. Don't forget the champagne and romantic music!

Very Hot!: Adult Games

On the night of February 14, you can play the game "for adults". Such games are great entertainment for couples who crave sensual sensations.

If you understand that the fire in the bedroom is no longer burning as brightly as it used to be, if you want to return caresses and re-enter the world of erotic games, rekindle emotions, then Valentine's Day provides excellent opportunities for this.

Idea for romantics: sunset

If you are both romantic, then you can indulge in sublime sensations with a glass of champagne until sunset.

Take your partner to some deserted place, stock up on champagne and a warm blanket. Even during a frosty winter, such a date, for example, in a car, will be unforgettable.

A breath of fresh emotions: a new bedroom

Buy beautiful bedding, pillows, black out the windows with curtains, turn on beautiful music. Decorate the bedroom with flowers (best of all, rose petals), place burning candles on furniture and cabinets, and a bottle of champagne on the table.

A bedroom on Valentine's Day doesn't have to be boring!

Wet Valentine's Day

How about a bubble bath together? Such bathing, combined with a special atmosphere, will awaken special feelings.

Do not forget to remove all unnecessary things from the bathroom so that the space is harmonious. Also, do not forget about bath oils and gels.

Movie Show: Romantic Movies

You can arrange a movie show on the evening of Valentine's Day. Take romantic movies, buy snacks and wines.

This is a very good way to relieve stress in a friendly atmosphere created by cinema.

Body sushi (body sushi)

Or maybe offer body sushi to your partner? Nothing stimulates the senses more than the absorption of food from the body of the second half.

The Body sushi ceremony is the most exclusive form of serving this product. It is very popular all over the world. This is closely connected with Japanese culture and the cult of the female body, which is of particular importance in the Land of the Rising Sun.

It does not have to be typical Japanese sushi (although it is possible to purchase a body kit specifically). An alternative version would be a sweet dessert with fruit and whipped cream.

Love Dessert

Prepare delicious desserts for your loved one. Everyone loves sweets, and if they are also beautifully decorated with hearts and flowers, then even more so.

Such a gift on Valentine's Day will surely be appreciated by everyone, and a joint tasting of sweets can be no less pleasant.


Valentine's Day can be devoted to sports. Ice skating is an ideal form of physical activity for a couple.

Invite your loved one to the ice skating rink and then to a delicious dinner to create a special atmosphere.

Journey into the unknown

You can arrange a spontaneous vacation in another city - buy tickets at the last moment and invite your loved one on a journey into the unknown.

Choose the most romantic city that comes to your mind.

These were 10 interesting ideas for February 14th. How are you planning to celebrate this holiday? Share your dizzying or, on the contrary, romantic ideas in the comments!

Happy Valentine's Day to you! *heart*

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When you want to give your loved one something unusual and pleasantly exciting, it is not enough to resort to generally accepted advice - you must act at the call of your heart, giving all the best that has accumulated in relation to your partner.

In the whirlwind of events of the rapid pace of life, there is so little room for romance, quivering feelings and tender declarations of love. But without this, the relationship will not last long. Therefore, at least from time to time arrange pleasant surprises for your loved ones that will prolong or refresh the euphoria of your relationship.

It's good that a holiday comes to the aid of lovers - after all, it is on this day that you can’t get away from a rendezvous with your soul mate. And even more so, you can’t avoid preparing for this holiday for lovers. We offer you some interesting ideas on how to arrange an unexpected surprise for your loved one - romantic breakfast for valentine's day in an atmosphere of complete understanding and tender feelings.

Workshop for men: preparing breakfast in bed for your beloved

No matter how hard women try to show their love with cute little things and unexpected surprises, they will never be able to achieve the effect that men achieve with just a little imagination and just a few body movements. And the secret is that women appreciate the attention from a man more reverently, and a surprise with romantic breakfast for valentine's day will completely disarm even the most unromantic nature.

Waking up in the morning...

To begin with, you need to get up early, leaving your beloved to fill up. If she has already woken up, arrange with your soul mate to soak up a little more in bed, otherwise the surprise will not turn out the way you intended it.

What will we cook?

When deciding what to cook for Valentine's Day for breakfast, start from two principles - firstly, your wife or girlfriend should like the food, and secondly, it should look amazing.

Use in the design and decoration of dishes - most often it is hearts that will help you. Fried eggs and sausage, fried toast or heart-shaped pancakes are the perfect solution for such a romantic occasion. It is very convenient to use a frying pan or a special heart-shaped mold for this.

But an egg in a sausage can be made even in an ordinary frying pan, first cutting a long sausage along, forming a heart from two parts and chipping it with toothpicks once at the bottom and twice at the top. This “construction” must be put on a heated frying pan and an egg is driven into the middle. If desired, you can grate cheese on top and sprinkle generously with herbs.

With the help of a mold, you can fry eggs in the shape of a heart and put them on ruddy toast. And if there is no mold, then the heart can be cut right in the toast, then brown the bread on one side, turn it over and drive an egg into the middle.

The pancakes baked in a heart mold are just great. Decorate them with honey, jam, serve with fruit and whipped cream. For such pancakes, you can cut strawberries into slices, in this form it also has the shape of hearts. For breakfast, you can buy it or bake it yourself.

If your beloved loves to drink coffee in the morning, brew the most delicious, selected varieties, and you can decorate it with cream by drawing a heart. Or make coffee with thick foam, which will look beautiful with a heart painted with coffee granules in a contrasting brown color. However, with foam you can do different miracles.

What else is suitable for a romantic breakfast for your beloved in bed? Croissants, buns, fruits, freshly squeezed juice, oatmeal, cottage cheese dessert, aromatic tea and other goodies. All this also requires decoration and spectacular presentation. Improvise by creating your own breakfast for your loved one.

Where will we have breakfast

Undoubtedly the most romantic breakfast on Valentine's Day succeed in bed. How nice it is to wake up early in the morning from the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, fried toast, fresh pastries and other goodies.

Don't miss the chance to please your loved one with a romantic morning feast, and for this you will definitely need a beautiful tray or a special table for breakfast in bed. You can even find heart-shaped breakfast trays in bed, but if there is none, try to decorate it with flowers, beautiful napkins, serve dishes exclusively on beautiful dishes and festive appliances.

Romantic breakfast for lovers, but not for families

If you are not yet a husband and wife, but are just dating, then you will certainly want to arrange and, of course, spend this night together. In this case, your romantic breakfast can be easily rescheduled for February 15, and it will become a kind of continuation. It does not matter who wants to surprise his soul mate - a man or a woman, the main thing is that such a start of the day will be pleasant for the two of you.

Alternatively, you can organize a romantic breakfast in nature on the morning after Valentine's Day. Take with you all the dishes that we recommended above, symbolically decorated for two.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all lovers more romance and sincere feelings, because to be loved and to love is wonderful. Enjoy each other not only on holidays, but also on any day, just when you feel like it.

Valentine's Day is a time of love and tenderness, an excellent occasion to arrange a romantic dinner for your loved one. So that your efforts are not invaluable, and your mood is spoiled, you need to follow certain rules for holding and organizing this celebration. It's easy to make mistakes here, so pay attention to common mistakes to avoid so as not to ruin such an important event.

Romantic evening for a loved one - possible mistakes

1. Too many colors

As a rule, men are completely indifferent to flowers, so a room turned into a flower greenhouse on the eve of the holiday will not seem romantic to them. On the contrary, it can frighten: what if you now expect flowers from him at every meeting, and he chose this bouquet with great difficulty, and even cause jealousy: where do you get so many flowers in the middle of winter? Who gave them to you? Rivals?

It should be. Put a small low vase with medium-sized flowers on the table and prepare a vase for a bouquet with which the gentleman will surely come. By the way, if he forgets about the bouquet, you will not look stupid with an empty vase on the table, and a low bouquet will be appropriate, as it does not create obstacles to communication.

2. Too much food

Few men will react negatively to a table full of snacks. But a romantic dinner is, first of all, communication, but what kind of conversations can you have with your mouth constantly stuffed? In addition, the abundance of heavy food speaks more of a desire to lull a man than to impress him with his culinary talent.

It should be. Stop at not very complex dishes, the preparation of which does not take much time and effort. It is advisable to cook something that you have not yet treated your loved one, and decorate it beautifully. Just do not experiment, the dishes must be tested. You can go the other way and cook those dishes that your man really likes, just decorate them festively.

3. Too much sex

Believe me, not a single man will be delighted if, having barely crossed the threshold of your apartment, he finds himself in a mysterious twilight and will be forced to navigate in space only by your voice. Too intimate atmosphere will rather scare him away, as if hinting at a continuation, than please him.

It should be. Romantically, not intimately, you need to decorate only one room. And the main element of a romantic atmosphere is candles. Dim the lights, but don't turn them off completely. Arrange a lot of candles in low candlesticks around the room. Place a table lamp further away from the table. In this case, two candles will be enough, and the higher the candlestick, the closer to those who sit it should be placed. But it is better to put low candles in the corners of the table, away from those sitting, otherwise they will illuminate your faces from below, distorting their features.

4. Too much silence

Of course, it is accompanied by interesting communication at the table. But in absolute silence, even a small hitch in a conversation seems too long, and in fact, from excitement, you yourself can forget the right words. Yes, and chewing when it's completely quiet around is not very pleasant. And imagine what will happen if, at the most dramatic moment of your conversation, a dog suddenly barks at the neighbors, a door slams loudly or music plays.

It should be. During a romantic dinner, a pleasant quiet melody should sound. It is better if you prepare the compositions you like in advance, so that later you will not be distracted by their selection.

5. Too many expectations

Valentine's Day is a holiday with a touch of women's tears. Someone cries of happiness after receiving a few half-withered roses and a cheap but elegant box of chocolates. Someone is dissatisfied with gold earrings, because they expected much more. “Prove that you love me” is the most popular female phrase on the eve of Valentine's Day. Something like this is said by the vast majority of women and at the same time expects something beautiful and extraordinary. And in return, by their own admission, they get a nice trinket.

And some ladies turn February 14 into a real competition. “Won Tanya from the marketing department was given a necklace by a fan, and you, the legal spouse, only a heart and a chocolate bar ?! You didn’t even bother to come up with something original, most likely you just don’t love me. ” Such statements will infuriate even the most patient of men.

It should be. Many men believe that a holiday organized for no reason and a gift presented from the heart is much more pleasant than organizing a celebration according to the calendar. Therefore, most of them, to put it mildly, do not like this "sincere" holiday of love. Moreover, representatives of the stronger sex are often perceived as sheer torture. Do not build illusions and do not expect too much. Give love to your significant other throughout your life, not just one day a year.

If all the conditions have come together: you are not alone, you really love each other, and both do not mind spending time on romance on February 14, then later this holiday can become one of the warmest memories for both. Here's how it happens.

Electronic Surprise

It was a very long time ago, when this holiday had just appeared and the Internet was still primitive, there were no social networks and personal pages, everything was just beginning. My young man was then fond of programming, and in - I even remember that it was Saturday - in the morning he asked me to go to the computer, check his mail, look at something, and he, like, will do breakfast for now. I go into his mail, and there is a letter with the title “For the most beloved woman in the world”, well, of course, I go into it, there is a link, I go through it, and there a page opens with our photos, with music, all that bright, with declarations of love coming out from all sides. Of course, my delight knew no bounds, I just jumped with happiness. Of course, I understand that now no one will be delighted when everyone has hundreds of albums on Vkontakte or on Odnoklassniki, and then only the most advanced knew about e-mail, well, of course, I there were few. Oh, there was a time when hearts and emoticons touched me to tears.
Larisa, 35 years old

Imp with an angel

Once my husband and I walked along the Arbat, and a huge number of artists offering to paint our portrait prompted me to think about the original celebration of Valentine's Day.

We signed up for a photo studio and on February 14 we had a romantic photo session there, I was in the form of an angel, he was in the form of a devil, with a bunch of hearts and entourage. It was very cool, although we were tired, as we were painted there, dressed, photographed for a long time, put out the light.

We received the photos ourselves a week later, it was very interesting to see. This Valentine's Day was the most romantic for us, and usually we have a candlelit dinner, as there is not enough time for anything else. But still, this year I also want something romantic, I will think, maybe order our portraits and give it to my husband.
Svetlana, 42 years old

All in hearts

We went to an amusement park. We rode on a carousel, can you imagine, I haven’t been on a carousel for almost 30 years, and then suddenly at 40. They rode on cars and trains, fought with hammers and swords, even climbed onto a trampoline.

Then they ate too much ice cream, cotton candy. And the sweetest thing is that we were almost alone in this park. We went to the suburbs and in the morning. I didn't want to get up, it was Sunday. But he persuaded me. In general, now I understand how important romance is, how important emotional nourishment, positive nourishment is for relationships.
Albina, 44 years old
