How to find out about your husband's infidelity through your mobile phone. How to find out that your husband is cheating and deceiving: characteristic signs in behavior, an accurate psychological test

In fact, all psychologists unanimously declare that there is no more destructive feeling than jealousy. And before you get interested in the question of how to find out if a guy has cheated on you, you should look deep inside yourself: “Do you need it?” Indeed, if the answer is positive, the girl will face a terrible, sometimes difficult choice between trampled pride and a sense of ownership, on the one hand, and tender relationships, on the other. But if the desire for the truth outweighs, then here are a few ways to find out whether a guy cheated on you or was religiously faithful.

Email is a great helper

Almost everyone these days has an email account, and more than one. This option, based on using an e-mail, is the easiest way to find out if a guy cheated on you during a party. To find the answer to a question tormenting your soul, you just need to get yourself another secret email account. You should be silent about this even with your best friend - who knows what she might do if she learns about your desire to check on your loved one? And so, one evening, you should send your chosen one, who is in doubt, an email with approximately the following content: “I keep remembering our last meeting... And you?” or “I really miss your hands and eyes, let’s meet?” If a guy continues to correspond and does not say anything about the message to his girlfriend, then this is already 50% of the fact that there was real betrayal on his part, or he does not deny the possibility of such, which is also unpleasant.

Evening phone call

What if a young man has neither a computer nor the Internet? Oddly enough, this option may also occur. How to check a guy for cheating in this case? Well, this is more difficult, but also possible! You should buy a new SIM card, ask someone or yourself to change your voice and make a phone call to him with an offer to meet. Closer to the appointed time, the jealous woman should “take a post” in such a way as to be able to observe his arrival. Since it is absolutely impossible to find out whether a guy cheated on you even in this situation, the girl still has at least the opportunity to figure out whether the young man has a desire to commit such betrayal.

Signs of male infidelity

It is not necessary to list here all the signs that indicate male infidelity. Let the speech concern exclusively young people who are not connected by marriage and running a common household. What will these signs be?

  1. A young man's change in attitude towards his appearance.
  2. A change in attitude towards his regular girlfriend, both for the worse (inattention: he began to spend less time with her, often think, remain silent, gifts began to be presented less frequently and became less interesting), and for the better (increased attention as a fight against
  3. Change in habits, manners.
  4. Frequently missed meetings due to being busy at work or going on business trips that had not happened before.

But even if you sense betrayal, you shouldn’t always break off the relationship abruptly. After all, men are polygamous creatures; they strive to prove their worth by conquering other women. Therefore, the best option would not be to sort things out, which will most likely lead to a breakup, but to change yourself. Maybe you should pay attention to your appearance, your inner world, become more attractive, interesting, passionate. Or simply change yourself completely! To become from a blonde to a brunette, from a modest “nerd-excellent student” to a liberated vamp, from a smoker to a non-smoker, from a cheerful laugher to a thoughtful philosopher... It’s better for him to rack his brains over the reasons why his girlfriend changed so dramatically!

A healthy, successful and attractive man is always popular with women, regardless of whether he has a ring on the ring finger of his right hand. A wise wife, of course, will try to prevent the appearance of a mistress, however, it is not always possible to avoid fleeting affairs on the side.

The reasons for betrayal vary depending on the situation in the family, but most often a man is driven to heroic deeds by banal boredom. The former passion cools, the family routine brings melancholy, and the man breaks free, obeying his instincts.

How can you tell if your husband is cheating on you? Whatever the reason for the betrayal, many wives, thanks to natural intuition, sense the appearance of another woman almost immediately. Only vague doubts are not always a reason to sort things out. Before questioning the husband, it is necessary to find evidence.

Cheating always means change. Observe your husband’s behavior and draw conclusions.

Changes in daily routine

Previously, your husband came home from work at the same time, but in the last couple of weeks he began calling and warning that he would be late? And the reasons are often quite dubious...

Maybe he is preparing a surprise for you. But it is also likely that he has another one. Agree, you need to spend a certain amount of time on your mistress, so the husband’s sudden but regular delays can speak volumes.

Changing your attitude

A clear signal that a husband has started an affair is his frequent reluctance to fulfill his marital duty, citing fatigue or stress. But at the same time, the husband does not complain about any difficulties at work and is more often silent.

If your husband previously showed a hot temperament, but now he has stopped paying attention to you, and you see no visible reasons for serious stress, it’s time to sound the alarm.

Unreasonable attacks of irritation in your spouse that you have not observed before may also be a cause for concern. A groundless raising of his voice and far-fetched reproaches indicate that he probably feels guilty and is trying to defend himself from this unpleasant feeling by throwing out his aggression on you.

Change in family financial situation

You may notice that your husband has begun to bring in less money, and this is easily explained. Having a mistress requires certain material costs. If there is noticeably less money in the family, this is another signal of betrayal.

Appearance changes

New eau de toilette, bought by the husband himself, shaving more often, carefully examining one’s own reflection in the mirror before leaving - this is the desire to please women.

How to test a guy for cheating in such a way as to find out as much information as possible, get a reliable result and at the same time leave no traces? We offer several options with tips, secrets and instructions.

Surely every girl, even the most self-confident, would like to test her boyfriend’s fidelity. It’s just that some people consider this a humiliation of their own and their dignity, while others are fans of the process itself, because every time the second one is left with an intrigue - yes or no.

The most important thing here is to act using the right methods and, of course, accuracy. Below are current tips for different situations.

How to check a guy for cheating

On distance

You can easily find out the truth even if he is in another city. To do this you need to use a telephone connection or the Internet.


In order for your plan to work and the guy not to recognize you in correspondence, adhere to the following rules, which often simply do not come to mind:

  • it is better if you use a new, unused SIM card, not registered to anyone;
  • change your writing style (for example, if you always write “wha” instead of “wha” or “what”, your boyfriend will immediately think of you);
  • do not use your own speech patterns (it is better if you ask your friend to write an SMS, simply conveying the main content to her);
  • do not mention your name (for example, with questions like how you feel about her, etc.);
  • Don’t screw up on little things that only you know (his preferences, favorite foods, clothing style, music, etc.).

How to write an SMS in such a way as to check IT? It should start with the basics with which any acquaintance begins (say hello, ask how you are, if he wants to chat). You can reinforce your intentions by the fact that, supposedly, you have been watching him for a long time, or one of his friends gave his number (but do not say who exactly, otherwise there is a possibility of a mistake). If the guy makes contact, don’t drag out the foreplay for too long, ask if he has a girlfriend. The answer will either please you or disappoint you.

Through the Internet

If you want to find out the truth through the VK, Odnoklassniki or any similar service, prepare for this in advance:

  • create a page a month before your plan, otherwise a “zero” account will make him wary;
  • gradually add photos there, copied from any first page of a pretty girl you come across (look for a completely different city);
  • add personal plausible information that will be difficult for him to verify;
  • make friends with fifty friends (it is not necessary to correspond with them, but so that you do not get burned by the comments on photos that strangers will leave for you, either hide them or delete those that clearly indicate that you are strangers).

After some time, your account will be ready for the “dirty businessman”. You can start communication by simply writing to him privately, on his wall, or by unambiguously commenting on his photo.


For this you need a good friend who clearly should have entered the acting department. To make everything look believable, use the following tips:

  • let the acquaintance take place in a relevant place (in a club, in an educational institution, at a bus stop, next to his car, etc.);
  • prepare possible dialogues in advance (the friend should not be stunned by his questions);
  • it is better if your accomplice is extremely proactive and relaxed;
  • Give her all the details (age, name, school, etc.).

BUT! You must be 100% sure that your friend cannot betray you by simply telling your boyfriend about your plan.

There is another simpler option that will help you bring your guy to clean water. Here, any friend of yours with whom you communicate should begin to “drive” him: “Why do you need her, I can give you more, if you’re interested, let me know,” and everything in that style. However, there is one “but” here. This game can go too far and you will simply start their relationship by staying on the sidelines.

Scan phone/mail/social networks

His correspondence can say a lot about him. Watch him at a time when you are absolutely sure that he will not catch you.

After you've done your job, don't forget to cover your tracks:

  • erase the pages you visited from your browser history;
  • return everything to its original position (remember in advance which page the tab was opened on, whether the browser was launched at all, mark open messages again as unread, etc.).

Don't frantically check his phone every day. To reveal betrayal, it is enough to occasionally observe your chosen one in this way.

Interesting information!
You can also find out a lot of “tasty” things about your boyfriend by looking through the history of visiting pages in his browser (on a computer or phone).


This is the most honest, but often ineffective way. It’s just that inveterate cheaters can so easily get out of the most biased interrogations that you will only be touched by his “honesty.”

But, if you are a sensible and wise girl, it will not be difficult for you to recognize deception: inconsistencies will be identified, pauses will appear that he will use to think, and if you lead him into a dead end, he will immediately begin to get irritated.

So, to ensure your conversation is as productive as possible, apply the following tips:

  1. It's worth approaching him with a conversation only when he is in a good mood.
  2. Use a calm and friendly intonation to mislead him about your intentions in advance.
  3. Start from afar.
  4. Have a superficial conversation so that he does not understand that you suspect him, but simply thinks that you are interested in his opinion.
  5. It's better to split your question into several parts.(in a day, a week, two, etc. - the longer the interval, the less suspicion he will have, and it will be easier for you to identify inconsistencies, because he will quickly forget the lies).
  6. Take him for a show-off and watch the reaction (lie that you saw him with a girl, you learned some information about him, etc.).

Bring in the detectives

This method is suitable for the most desperate. You should not resort to it just like that, but only in cases where your suspicions were previously confirmed by various facts (ambiguous correspondence, his disappearance from your life, etc.).

Find out the cost of this service in advance and make sure that the specialists you choose are good at what they do.

However, you should take into account that excessive jealousy will set your relationship up for failure in advance. If he feels a huge crush now, every day it will depress him even more.

And yes, think carefully before testing his loyalty, because if he finds out about your actions, it may offend him to the core so much that he will no longer want to stay with the doubting chosen one.

Every woman dreams of sincere and warm relationships, where there is no place for lies and betrayal. But girls can often feel happy only next to experienced seducers and womanizers. They are able to inspire almost every representative of the fair sex with the sincerity of their intentions, but sooner or later a woman has to take off her rose-colored glasses. Faced with infidelity and betrayal, girls begin to suspect their next partners and conduct interrogations that make no sense. Don't stress yourself out and do unnecessary things. You can tell that a guy is cheating by his behavior.

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Signs of a rival's appearance

Not every man is faithful to his girlfriend or wife. Unlike women, males do not equate physical intimacy and betrayal. Even if they have a permanent mistress, they do not leave their wives and value relationships. For women, this is more than a serious reason for divorce. You can suspect that a guy has another girl based on the following signs:

  • Phone calls. The man picks up the phone in privacy. Sometimes such a need arises in any person, but if your loved one goes to another room every time the phone calls, you can suspect deception in the relationship. It’s even worse if a loved one restricts a woman’s access to her phone.
  • SMS. The man constantly deletes messages from his phone archive. He diligently monitors this and often clears the phone’s memory immediately after a conversation or correspondence. He performs similar actions on social networks.
  • Several profiles on social networks. If he has previously unknown profiles on social networks and hidden messages, then the relationship is far from ideal; the partner is probably deceiving the woman.
  • Refusal to attend family events. A man does not have enough time for family gatherings or communication with children. He leaves early for work and returns late. He justifies his behavior with a new project or other difficulties that did not exist before.
  • New friends. He begins to devote a lot of time to new acquaintances, colleagues or friends. If this is a person of the opposite sex, you need to learn as much as possible about their relationship. Particular attention should be paid if a man constantly offers his help around the house or work to other women.
  • Appearance. The man began to carefully monitor his appearance and dress a little differently. Coming home, he is always in a great mood and somewhat detached.
  • It goes away for a long time. The man began to spend most of his time outside the home. If earlier he walked the dog for 20-30 minutes, now it takes at least an hour, and the journey home from work began to take twice as long.
  • Quarreling. The beloved began to create scandals, after which he leaves. However, no belongings or clothing are found at home.
  • Stealth. The man's attitude towards private life has changed dramatically. He believes that his beloved wife should not know about his location, with whom he talks on the phone and communicates by correspondence.
  • Anger. The partner begins to treat the woman with rudeness and impatience. His ex-love only causes him irritation and anger. In any dispute, he takes an unyielding and unapproachable position and does not want to take into account the girl’s opinion.
  • Changes in behavior. If earlier he was a homebody, now he began to attend parties and various events. He might have acquired a new hobby and interests that completely absorb him. The couple spends most of their time at a distance.
  • Increased attention. Suddenly, he began to pay maximum attention to the woman he loved, give gifts and be overly kind, which had not previously been typical for him.
  • Denial of intimacy. In bed, the woman he loves does not interest the guy as before, or he has become completely indifferent to her. However, he does not have any health problems.

    How to check a guy if he loves me

    How to find out about cheating?

    In order not to be tormented by doubts, you can check the man’s phone. It is unlikely that he will keep correspondence with his girlfriend, but new dubious contacts will appear in the list of numbers, for example, plumbers or electricians. The absence of outgoing calls in the list should be alarming. But, without other evidence, it is impossible to say 100% that the partner cheated.

    Changing your password on social networks suggests that the man has something to hide. Objects such as a comb, lipstick or long hair may appear in his car. A man can bring his new lover to the marital home when his wife is on duty or on a business trip, after which someone else’s things can be found there.

    You can find out about betrayal by changes in a man’s attitude towards one of your friends. Because of their laziness, representatives of the stronger sex often find new love in their immediate circle. This could be a work colleague or a neighbor on the landing. In exceptional cases, mutual friends may come under suspicion.

    Before you start exposing a man, you should spend a few days thinking about the appropriateness of your actions. It is important to know what to do if your worst suspicions are confirmed. If the relationship is in its early stages, a breakup won't hurt much. If a couple has lived together not for months, but for years, it will be difficult to make a final decision.

    Most women are not ready to break up, and negative emotions affect their appearance and health. It will be difficult to maintain the same relationship after the fact of betrayal has been established.

    Long and unpleasant conversations cannot be avoided. But even after doing difficult work on herself, a woman will never be immune from subsequent betrayals by a man.

    No cheater admits to his actions and mistakes if he wants to save the relationship. He will prove to the end that he is right and even reproach his wife for infidelity.

    How to recognize betrayal if he is far away?

    Cheating without any relationship can happen in the army, while on vacation in another country or on a business trip. To find out if a young man is cheating, a girl can use the phone by writing an SMS on someone else’s behalf. The text should imitate the desire to establish a close acquaintance with the guy. If a man starts active correspondence or decides to make a phone call, this means that he is not going to remain faithful to his partner away from her and is looking for sexual relations on the side. Similarly, you can check a man by creating a virtual page on a social network, where the avatar will be a photo of an attractive girl. By writing on her behalf, you can convict the traitor of infidelity.

If a guy serves in the army, then his social circle is limited, but the possibility of betrayal exists. Most likely, he will limit himself to fleeting connections to satisfy his physical needs. It is almost impossible to identify this fact. If a guy has started a serious relationship on the side, then he will probably show a lack of interest and be reluctant to answer phone calls, letters and SMS. Such behavior can serve as a sign of betrayal, because a man who is away from the woman he loves experiences completely different feelings.

When a girl really loves her chosen one, she often does not notice obvious shortcomings, she is afraid of destroying an already built relationship, or losing a dear person. Changes in mood can be attributed to fatigue, and prolonged absence from home can be attributed to the costs of the profession. Of course, such situations have a chance to exist, but if changes in behavior lead to bad thoughts, it is worth taking action. When asking the question: “How can I find out if a guy is cheating on me?”, you will need not only to analyze behavioral factors, but also to conduct a real check.

There may be several reasons for betrayal. The most common is an uncontrollable physiological need, especially during alcohol intoxication. A man simply does not realize the consequences of a short-term affair. Often, infidelity is explained by dissatisfaction in bed, the desire to experience new feelings, intense emotions. Jealousy (on both sides) can also push people to act rashly. Perhaps the most unpleasant argument is the fading of feelings for a partner, when passion is replaced by habit, and then indifference.

Psychologists identify a number of main signs that can be used to predict the likely end of a happy relationship. So, how to understand that a guy is cheating on you:

  1. Changes in communication style. Previously, he was stingy with compliments, praise, gifts, and suddenly he became unusually caring. Think about it, this is how guys “atone” for their guilt. The same applies to the opposite effect, when an attentive, sensitive man becomes forgetful, absent-minded, and indifferent. This suggests that he has lost interest.
  2. Stealth. If your lover’s phone is out of reach for several hours, he tries not to answer calls and messages in your presence, avoids talking about where he was, what he did, there is reason to suspect something is wrong.
  3. Ignoring time together. The boyfriend most likely has someone else on his side if he is endlessly late at work, his car often breaks down, his friends need help, he comes home late, and when asked to spend time together he replies that he is tired, has a headache, and is not in the mood.
  4. Lifestyle changes. Another way to find out that a guy is cheating is to focus on his perfume, skin care products, even the music selection in the player. “The Homewrecker” can encourage dramatic changes in tastes and preferences.
  5. Reduced financial income. Courting a girl requires a lot of expenses - flowers, gifts, restaurants, entertainment. If a guy’s income drops sharply at his previous job or unconfirmed expenses increase, it’s worth thinking about checking his fidelity.
  6. Lack or decrease in the amount of sex. After a stormy time spent with someone else, he has neither the strength nor the desire for the usual intimacy. A very alarming signal - he does not take off his T-shirt during intimacy, tries to turn off the light, perhaps this is how he tries to hide the traces of betrayal remaining on his body.
  7. More frequent quarrels and discontent on his part. A new passion is almost always perceived as an ideal image with which a man inevitably compares his constant companion. Wrong food, wrong clothes, manners, hobbies, despite the fact that there were no such complaints before - a reason to sound the alarm.

Any of these signs can be explained by real problems at work, in the family, with health, or other completely natural reasons. Before making accusations of infidelity, you need to know how to test a guy for cheating.

Ways to check for treason

To ensure that a test of fidelity does not make you blush, explain yourself, and lead to a breakup in the future, you need to thoughtfully approach the issue of choosing tactics. There are many ways to find out whether a guy is cheating or not, but not all are equally effective in each specific case.

Social media

The most common modern way of communication and dating. You can check a guy like this:

  1. Unnoticedly log into the site from his own account to view messages and hidden posts.
  2. Register under a fictitious name, try to get to know him, monitor his reaction.

The first method is only possible if there is open access to the account on the computer or phone, and the owner of the gadgets is definitely not nearby. The option is quite risky, because in social media. networks displays the “online” status and last login time. The spy can also be betrayed by the guy’s friends, who will start writing when they see that he is “online.” The second option (if you think it through correctly) is safer. If a lover cheats, he is open to new acquaintances and easily makes contact with beautiful girls.


All modern phones support popular communication programs: Viber, WhatsApp and the like. They can be used similarly to social networks. Correspondence histories will be indisputable evidence in case of betrayal. By registering from a different number, you get an excellent opportunity to communicate with a young man on someone else’s behalf. The main thing is to choose a manner that is “not your own” in order to avoid suspicion.

Real surveillance

It is important to remain unnoticed and remember that caution is paramount, otherwise a scandal will not be avoided, and for a traitor this will be an excellent reason for a breakup in which it will not be his fault. In covert surveillance, it is better to use a friend’s car or rent a car. He says he'll go to a bar with his friends? Follow him and see for yourself. Staying late at work? Why not show up in the evening with a “snack”, arguing that you care and worry? You can also effectively appear in a place where he does not expect to see you at all, and perhaps catch him right in the act.

False seductress

This is one of the riskiest and most unpleasant ways to find out if a guy is cheating on you. This situation is more like the plot of a melodrama, but the result will justify all the risks. The main role should be played by a friend or acquaintance whom the suspect does not know. Her task is to get to know him and try to seduce him. Here you need to understand that in the worst case scenario, you can lose both your lover and your girlfriend, but is it worth continuing a relationship with those who openly wipe their feet on you?

There are a lot of ways to catch a guy cheating. It is very important not to arouse suspicion and not to give anything away. If the assumptions are not confirmed, that’s wonderful. If it’s the other way around, that’s also good. Dealing with betrayal and separation is difficult, but holding on to someone you can't trust is even worse.
