How to choose a good live Christmas tree. How to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year? Pros of an artificial Christmas tree

What would a New Year be without a beautiful Christmas tree decorated with bright toys and sparkling lights?
If you decide to buy a live Christmas tree for New Year 2017, then you need to choose it correctly. There are many things to consider when buying a New Year's Evebeauties.

The first thing you need to choose is the type of wood. The most popular New Year's trees are spruces. They are cheaper and have a stronger, more distinctive aroma. The branches of the spruce are thick and symmetrical, and the tree itself is not heavy. Perhaps the main drawback is the prickly needles, and they quickly fall off.
Pine has long and less prickly needles, making it easier to dress up. And its smell is much brighter than that of spruce. But there is also a minus - the sticky resin that this tree emits. Pine also has large dimensions, which is not suitable for small apartments. It does not crumble like spruce and can delight you long after the New Year holidays. Pine is preferred by those who like to take out the Christmas tree by March 8th. Another advantage is that the branches of the pine tree grow upward and it is much more convenient to hang toys on it; they will not fall on the floor.
The queen of New Year's trees, of course, is the fir - it has very soft, not at all prickly needles, which the tree practically does not lose. Also, fir is very tenacious, and can even take root in a bucket during the holidays. A very beautiful and expensive tree. Alternatively, you can buy several branches and decorate your apartment with them.
A live Christmas tree brings into the house, in addition to the feeling of a holiday, a wonderful pine smell. It looks very natural, but can stay like this for quite a while. Therefore, when choosing a live Christmas tree, you need to remember some rules.

Both the prices for gifts and the quality and appearance of living Christmas trees make us less and less happy as we get closer to the New Year. Therefore, it is very difficult to buy a beautiful, freshly cut Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve, because, as a rule, all the best things have already been sold out. If there is an opportunity and a place where you can leave this tree, then buy it in advance and leave it until the holiday.

You can store it on the balcony or in the garage. But you shouldn’t leave the tree at room temperature. In this case, you run the risk of decorating only bare branches before the New Year and endlessly sweeping up fallen needles.
If you prefer a very inexpensive option, then it is better for you to buy a Christmas tree on December 31st. The later the better. On this day, sellers can reduce the price several times and the tree will cost you much less. True, the choice will be more modest.

First you need to determine where your New Year's beauty will stand in order to understand how much space she will need. To do this, measure the height and circumference of the tree. Consider everything: how and where you will install the Christmas tree: on the floor, on a table, in a bucket of sand, on a stand or stool.
The height of the tree is measured not from the top of the head, but from the beginning of the first branches.
In order for the Christmas tree to please the eye for as long as possible, you need to carefully examine it when purchasing. The easiest way to check the quality of a live Christmas tree is to hit the butt firmly on the floor. That is, hit the place where the tree is cut on the floor and see how much the needles begin to fall off. A couple of pieces, of course, may fall to the ground, but no more.
It is very important to check the tree trunk itself for the presence of mold, fungi and other defects that can come straight from the forest to your apartment.
Of course, in choosing a live Christmas tree, a big role is played by how long ago it was cut down in the forest. The Christmas tree that arrived at the store recently has strong, elastic needles of a beautiful color that do not easily break when pressed. If the tree was cut down a long time ago, its branches will be dry and lifeless, it will easily fall off and lose its appearance.
Pay attention to the condition of the needles. You can easily find out whether the tree in front of you is freshly cut or not. Rub the needles between your fingers, you should feel their oiliness and a pleasant pine smell. If not, then it is better to refuse such a tree, most likely the tree is stale or sick.

The length of its life will depend on the installation and care of the tree. Most often, the Christmas tree is placed on a stand. Today it is becoming more and more popular to place it in a container with sand and water.

Here are several ways to install a Christmas tree:

Add a little acetic or citric acid to a bucket of hot water. Or you can use an aspirin tablet or mix the acid with gelatin and crushed chalk.
- Mix a bucket of clean sand with a liter of water, glycerin and gelatin. Place the tree in it at least 20 cm deep and water it once every 2 days. This option is ideal for a live Christmas tree. You can also add an aspirin tablet and 2 tablespoons of sugar or just garden fertilizer.
- Using a regular wet rag you can also install a live Christmas tree. Just wrap it around the barrel and secure it in the cross. Just remember to periodically wet the rag, otherwise your tree will begin to crumble.

Place the tree away from heating devices and stoves.
Do not use candles or homemade electric garlands to decorate it.
Our ancestors sincerely believed that spirits live in every tree. In order to appease the spirits, objects were hung on tree branches. For example, eggs, which were considered a symbol of fertility, nuts symbolized the incomprehensibility of God's providence, or apples. Only the evergreen tree was decorated, since the ancestors thought that it could scare away various adversities and diseases.
Initially, it was customary to hang only pine or Christmas tree branches in homes, but only much later it was decided that, apparently, a whole tree was a more reliable amulet.

The very first Christmas tree was erected in the French province of Alsace in 1600 and was decorated with roses made from paper.
Today, the most fashionable toys on the New Year tree are made from unbreakable materials. In stores today, the shelves are bursting with a colossal quantity and variety of Christmas tree decorations; choose any to suit your taste.

And many people do without decorations at all. They create, for example, a “fruit” tree decorated with tangerines, apples, kiwis, grapes, etc. The main thing is to choose the right fruit so that the tree branch can easily cope with the weight of the fruit. You can create any creative design for your Christmas tree. For example, a “ladies’ tree”: with a variety of brooches, hairpins, beads, rings, bows, empty boxes of perfumes or creams, etc. Or a “gentleman’s tree”: with ties, empty beer cans, shoe laces, etc. An interesting option for a “Christmas tree for fishing lovers”: you can decorate it with spoons, wobblers, various floats, jigs, colored fishing lines, etc. Your fantasies can be limitless!

Whatever New Year tree you choose and no matter how you decorate it, let it bring joy to you and your loved ones throughout the New Year holidays.

There is a week left until the New Year - it's time to put up and decorate the Christmas tree. Despite the variety of artificial spruce trees, many still prefer live coniferous trees. The RIAMO in Lyubertsy correspondent found out how to choose the right New Year's decoration - a live spruce, and also how to preserve it until the end of the holidays.

Spruce, pine or fir?

Typically, three types of coniferous trees are sold at Christmas tree markets - spruce, pine and fir.

Spruce is a traditional option. You can choose a regular, blue, Danish or Canadian Christmas tree; they differ in color and needle length. It is worth considering that a felled spruce will last at home for no more than 10 days - this is less than other coniferous trees.

Pine is one of the most popular options. It is cheap, and its needles are softer, so it pricks less. Pine smells very tasty of fresh pine needles. But it has a disadvantage - it releases a lot of sticky resin, which can cause inconvenience. The pine will last in the apartment for about 12 days.

Fir is the most expensive option. She has the most “New Year’s needles” - a rich green color, which almost does not crumble and does not prick. True, fir has practically no smell, the smell of pine needles is very weak. But it will bring joy for at least 14 days.

Before buying a Christmas tree

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It makes no sense to buy a live Christmas tree too early - it simply risks not living to see the end of the New Year holidays. It is best to come for it on December 25-27, and during daylight hours - this will make it easier to see all the flaws in the tree.

It is also worth deciding in advance where exactly the coniferous tree will stand. If in the center of the room, you definitely need a beautiful, fluffy and “uniform” Christmas tree. If in the corner, a “one-sided” Christmas tree will be enough.

Before purchasing, it is worth considering the optimal size of the spruce tree, so that later you do not have to manually shorten the table or move cabinets to place the green beauty in the room.

The best way to buy a Christmas tree is at the Christmas tree markets that open in the area on the eve of the New Year. Another option is to contact forestry and nurseries, where trees are specially grown for sale. Under no circumstances should you cut down Christmas trees in the forest, park or yard - this is illegal.

How to choose a Christmas tree

There should be no damage, dark spots, fungi or mold on the spruce trunk. Any chips or cracks can significantly reduce the time the tree looks nice.

The shape of the spruce is not so important - it is much more important that it is freshly cut. A freshly cut tree will have branches that bend rather than break. The lower branches of the tree should point upward. The trunk must be thick - at least 6 centimeters in girth.

The needles should be a rich green color. To check the needles, you need to rub the needles. If after this your fingers do not become oily and fragrant, it means the tree is frostbitten. Finally, shake the spruce or hit the cut on the ground - the needles should not fall off much.

Transporting the Christmas tree

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To bring the Christmas tree home without damage, you need to wrap it in a special mesh or burlap, pressing the branches towards the top. For convenience, you can tie a rope around the tree. You need to carry it with the top backwards, and when entering the entrance, on the contrary, with the top forward, trying not to touch the doors and walls.

If the spruce has spent a lot of time in the cold, it cannot be immediately brought into the warmth. You need to let it thaw and get used to the temperature change. To do this, you should leave the tree in the entrance for at least half an hour, and only after that bring it into the apartment.

Christmas tree installation

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Once the spruce is in the apartment, you can remove the wrapping from it. Next, you should saw down the base of the trunk and clear a few centimeters of the bark. To make it easier to install the tree, you can trim the lower branches.

There are special stands for installing live spruce. If you decide to use this method, you need to wrap the cut area with a damp cloth and wet it periodically.

To keep the spruce longer, you need to place it in a container with sand, which must be watered every two to three days. It is worth remembering that the trunk must be immersed in sand at least 20 centimeters.

How to extend the life of spruce

In order for the tree to stand longer and delight you with its festive look, you should not place it next to the radiator, otherwise it will dry out too quickly and the needles will begin to fall off.

Spruce trees love humidity, so the New Year's beauty should be periodically sprayed with water from a spray bottle. It’s good if you have an air humidifier at home - you need to place it closer to the tree.


The holiday comes to us! Soon on all television screens in the country we will see advertisements familiar from childhood, heralding the approach of the New Year. Meanwhile, the capital's stores have already begun to decorate their windows with festive garlands, snowflakes and Christmas trees. By the way, we will talk about Christmas trees next. So which is better: live or artificial? Let's try to evaluate all the pros and cons.

Live Christmas tree

If your choice is a live Christmas tree, make sure that all the branches of the tree are elastic and difficult to break off. This is a sign of freshness of the tree and a guarantee that the needles will not fall off a few hours after installation. If the branches break off with a dry crack, the tree is old or frostbitten and is not worth buying. A fresh tree's needles should be bright green and slightly oily to the touch. Lightly shake the tree; if a lot of needles fall off, look for another tree. You can also inspect the trunk for mold and mildew. By the way, the trunk itself must have a girth of at least 6 centimeters. If less, the tree is unhealthy.

To make the tree last longer at home and please the eye, it is recommended to keep it on the balcony for several hours, then chop the trunk and clear it of 10 cm of bark. Then put the tree in a bucket of water with the addition of an aspirin tablet, salt and a spoonful of sugar - this will prolong its life green beauty. It is best to install the tree in a bucket of sand, into which you need to add a liter of a special solution (water + glycerin + gelatin + aspirin tablet + 2 tablespoons of sugar). The lower part of the trunk should be closed by at least 20 cm. It is advisable to water the tree after 1-2 days.


. the smell of pine creates a festive atmosphere;
. the essential oils that the Christmas tree releases into the air have a bactericidal effect;
. pine aroma relieves tension and nervousness;
. relatively inexpensive cost;
. You can use spruce needles to make a mask against dry and brittle hair. (To do this, you need to put several branches in a saucepan with water, cook them for an hour. Leave the resulting broth for 20 minutes, then add 1 beaten egg white and a few drops of cognac);
. and if you grind spruce needles through a meat grinder and add 1-2 tablespoons of honey, you will get an excellent paste for colds - a compress should be applied to the chest or inhaled.


. it’s difficult to choose a really high-quality Christmas tree;
. the need for proper tree care;
. gradually dying, the tree turns yellow and loses its needles;
. may cause allergies;
. a live Christmas tree drives away drowsiness (not an option for families with small children - it will be difficult to put the little ones to bed).

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Faux Christmas tree

If your choice is an artificial Christmas tree, it should look so that you like it this year and in five years. Keep this in mind when you see another extravagant model of this season in the store. Would you like to put up such a Christmas tree and decorate it next year or should you give preference to the classic model?

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An artificial Christmas tree can be, in principle, any color: from all shades of green, with the effect of snow or frost, red, blue, golden, silver, white, etc. Absolutely different texture, fluffiness and size. Here the main thing in the choice is the taste of the buyer.

It is very important to choose the right stand for your artificial Christmas tree. If you like to decorate your Christmas tree with many toys, then you should choose a tree with a metal support; plastic has weight restrictions.

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A high-quality artificial Christmas tree's soft or hard needles should not wrinkle when you squeeze them in your hands. The branches should be flexible and bend easily. Stroke the needles against the grain; if they quickly return to their original position, everything is fine.

A Christmas tree with needles made of fireproof plastic or polyethylene will be an excellent choice for lovers of electric garlands. Christmas trees with needles made of impregnated paper, of course, look more beautiful, but they will not last long. Material information must be indicated on the packaging.

. no need to buy every year;
. saving time on the annual search, selection and transportation of the Christmas tree;
. a large selection of different models of Christmas trees;
. needles do not fall off, which reduces cleaning time after the holidays;
. forest conservation;
. It does not require special care;
. stay as long as you want;


. it is necessary to allocate space in the apartment for storing the Christmas tree;
. relatively expensive;
. harmful effects of plastics;
. artificial spruce is not real.

Buying a Christmas tree is not as easy as it seems. Before choosing a Christmas tree, you need to decide what kind of tree you want: live or artificial. And if your choice falls on a living tree, it is very important not only to choose it correctly, but also to know how to care for it so that the tree pleases you throughout the New Year holidays.

But first I would like to tell you some interesting facts about the New Year tree. The first mention of a decorated New Year's tree dates back to 1500. The Christmas tree was decorated in Alsace, a German province. In Germany, spruce was considered the embodiment of life, therefore, until that time it was not cut down, but decorated right in the forest. They decorated the spruce with nuts, eggs and apples. Each traditional decoration had its own meaning. An apple is a symbol of fertility, eggs are a symbol of well-being, harmony, and nuts were a sign of the incomprehensibility of divine thoughts.

The custom of decorating the New Year tree came to Russia in the 17th century. Until this time, it was customary to decorate houses with pine, spruce or juniper branches. And only in 1700, Peter the Great brought from Germany and established in Rus' the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year and Christmas. And although such an innovation did not take root immediately, in our time it is very difficult to imagine the New Year holidays without the traditional forest beauty.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree

Nowadays, many people are thinking about purchasing artificial Christmas trees. Yes, this is understandable, because artificial spruce does not crumble, is compact and easy to store, costs an order of magnitude cheaper than a real one, and you only need to buy it once. However, the tree is different from the tree. To choose the right Christmas tree, special attention should be paid to the quality of the purchased spruce. After all, if you want to buy a tall, beautiful and fluffy spruce made from the latest materials, the purchase amount can be significant.

So, let's find out what you should pay attention to when buying an artificial spruce:

  • The very first thing people often pay attention to is the price. After all, as you know, price is an indicator of quality. And if the cost of the purchased Christmas tree is suspiciously low, most likely the materials used to make this product contain toxic substances. And this, in turn, indicates that the spruce will quickly lose its appearance and, in addition, may be a fire hazard.
  • Pay attention to what is written on the packaging, the so-called “ingredients”. If the packaging contains substances such as formaldehyde, resins, methylene, the buyer should not purchase such a Christmas tree. These impurities are quite dangerous. And when heated by garlands, toxic fumes will be released.
  • Look on the packaging for information about the fire-resistant properties of the product. The safest ones at the moment are considered to be those made from polymers with fire retardants that prevent fire. If the packaging does not indicate the materials from which the tree is made, it is better not to buy such a tree.
  • Check the quality of the needles. If the needles are soft, move your palm against the growth of the needles and fluff them up. If the needles are hard, you can tug them a little. If the needles do not fall off, creases do not form on them, and they quickly return to their original position - the artificial tree is of high quality.

How to choose a live Christmas tree

Around the twentieth of December, Christmas tree markets open, where you can buy a live tree. So, what to look for when choosing spruce? After all, if you choose the wrong tree, you can end up with a bunch of fallen needles, and as a result - a bad mood, which is completely unacceptable during the New Year holidays.

Therefore, when buying a tree, pay attention to the following points: The first is the needles. Its color should be rich, without yellowness, dark green or silver-blue (if you are buying blue spruce). When rubbing the pine needles, you should feel a slightly tart pine aroma, and an oily resin should remain on your fingers. Tree branches should be flexible and difficult to break. After all, if the tree is dry, the branches will break with a bang and quite easily. The trunk should be straight without knots and visible wounds on the bark. When buying a Christmas tree more than one and a half meters in height, remember that its trunk should be 5-8 cm in diameter, and the weight of the tree itself should be at least 7 kg. Pay attention to the cut of the tree; it should not have a dark rim. If such a border is present, this indicates that the tree was cut a long time ago. Do not listen to sellers’ assurances that spruce branches only look frail on the street, but at home, when they feel warm, they will bloom and look different. They will not dissolve and will not. Moreover, some of the needles will fall off, and the spruce will become even more miserable.

To summarize, I would like to say that when choosing a spruce, you should not pay attention to trees with old sawn cuts, with crumbling yellow needles, with chopped trunks and brittle branches. Similar recommendations apply in general to all coniferous species.

Don't put off buying a Christmas tree until December 30-31. Because by this time the choice will be limited. All worthy spruces will be taken away, and you will have to choose from what is left. In addition, the price on the eve of the New Year can be significantly higher. After all, no one wants to be left without a Christmas tree on New Year's Eve. The seller will definitely not miss such a moment and will raise the price of a good tree.

Remember that in the warmth of your home, the Christmas tree dries quickly and its needles fall off. Therefore, in order for the tree to please you as long as possible, you should do the following:

  • When transporting the tree home, try not to damage the branches. It will be better if you wrap the tree with thick material, such as fabric. Soft rope will also work. If at the Christmas tree market you are offered to wrap a tree in a net, be sure to do so.
  • Before bringing the Christmas tree into the house, it is advisable to leave it for several hours in the entrance or on the balcony. A sudden change in temperature can harm the tree. Therefore, if you bought a spruce in advance, it is better to keep it in the cold.
  • Bring the tree forward with the top of its head. Then you will not break off the lower branches, and the tree will not lose its needles.
  • Bring the spruce into the room 1-2 hours before you plan to decorate it.
  • Place the tree longer on battery power.
  • The lower part of the spruce trunk should be moistened by at least 20 cm, so it would be good to put the tree in a bucket of sand and regularly add water there.
  • From time to time, spray the spruce branches with a spray bottle. This way they will not dry out or crumble.

We have looked at various nuances that you should pay attention to when purchasing a tree. However, which Christmas tree to choose depends not only on quality, but also on your personal preferences. Often they are the determining factor when making a purchase. Therefore, no matter what spruce you choose, we hope that it will delight you throughout the New Year holidays.

The traditional New Year tree is the common spruce. But before the holidays, you will also find pine and fir in the markets.

Many people prefer pine primarily because of its low price. Pine, unlike spruce, has thin and long needles. Therefore, it looks fluffier and less itchy. Pine, as a rule, sheds more slowly than spruce and has a stronger pine aroma, which is accompanied by the active release of sticky resin. This may cause some inconvenience.

The most expensive New Year tree is considered to be fir. It has quite long and lush needles of a rich green color, which are also almost not prickly. Therefore, decorating this tree is a pleasure. Fir also lives at home longer than spruce and pine. It hardly crumbles.

But even this seemingly perfect Christmas tree has a drawback. Fir has a very weak smell of pine needles compared to others. So don't forget to buy some flavoring.

Despite some differences, all these trees are called Christmas trees. And the principles of their choice are no different.

1. Buy on time

On this issue, people are split into two camps. Some believe that a live Christmas tree should be put up closer to the holiday, not earlier than December 27th. Otherwise, the tree simply will not be worthy of the old New Year.

Others are sure: there is no point in putting it off until later. The fact is that trees are cut down about a month before the New Year. And after that they are stored in the cold, without water or any replenishment. Therefore, it is better to take your spruce home right away.

Both have their own truth, but we still advise you to take care of buying a Christmas tree in advance. The closer the holiday, the less choice there is. And one more thing: plan Christmas tree shopping in the morning. You will need good daylight.

2. Use a tape measure

Before going to the market, measure the space that you can allocate for a Christmas tree. Write down the parameters and take a tape measure with you. You should not rely on being able to determine the dimensions by eye. A tree that is too small may get lost among the interior items, while a tree that is too large will rest its crown on the ceiling or simply look bulky and out of place.

3. Find the nearest Christmas tree market

The Christmas tree market is an accessible and at the same time quite reliable place. In big cities, hundreds of outlets open before the holidays. The bazaars begin operating no later than December 20, and close a few hours before the chimes strike. Therefore, you will definitely have time to walk through the rows.

It is better to choose the nearest retail outlet because it will be safest to bring the tree to the apartment yourself, without using transport.

You can take a risk and use online services. For example, on the website you can see a detailed description of the New Year tree, photographs and a video review, and also arrange delivery by courier or pickup.

4. Pay attention to the trunk

So, you took your measurements and found yourself at the Christmas tree market. There are dozens of trees around you. The first thing you should pay attention to is the barrel. It shouldn't be too thin. For a medium spruce, pine or fir with a height of 1.5–2 m, the minimum diameter is 6 cm.

There should be no mold or dark spots on the bark. But the presence of resin, on the contrary, is a good sign. This is an indicator of the quality and health of the tree.

5. Smell the Christmas tree

A healthy tree should have a distinct pine aroma. If at the market you are already accustomed to this smell and do not feel it, then take a few needles and knead them in your hands. If you do not feel the smell in this case, it is better to pass by such a tree.

6. Pay attention to color

Deep green color and bluish tint are signs of quality wood. But yellow and orange indicate that the tree is old and dehydrated. This one is unlikely to fall off before the New Year holidays.

7. Pet the needles

Run your hand through the twig. If the needles are not left in your fingers, this is a good sign. And yes, it shouldn't hurt you. The needles of a healthy tree are soft and elastic.

8. Bend the branch

The strength of the branches is no less important than the freshness of the tree itself. The weak simply cannot withstand the gravity and will sink under their weight.

Don’t be afraid of the sidelong glances of the sellers, take one branch and bend it a little. Like needles, it should be elastic. If it breaks, the test fails.

Also pay special attention to the lower branches, they should be directed upwards.

  1. Be careful when transporting. Immediately after purchasing, tie the tree with ropes, cover it with a cloth or bag and take it home. If you can’t live without a car, then a small trunk or back seat won’t do. It is better to transport the tree on the roof of the car.
  2. Under no circumstances should you bring a tree from the street directly into a warm room. Such a temperature difference is destructive. It’s better to leave the tree in the entrance for a while.
  3. You need to bring the tree into the apartment with the top of its head first. This is not a folk sign, you just won’t break anything.
  4. Do not place a live spruce near a radiator, fireplace, or indeed any heat source. This will dry out the tree and the needles will fall off faster than you expected.
  5. Take care of the tree. Place it in a bucket of water or soil and spray the crown so that the needles remain fresh and fragrant for as long as possible.

How to choose an artificial Christmas tree

This option has a lot of advantages. Firstly, with the right approach, an artificial Christmas tree will last you for many years. This is much more economical than purchasing a live tree every year. Secondly, your conscience will be clear, because in this way you do not harm the environment at all. And most importantly: the needles of the plastic tree do not fall off at all!

1. Require certificates

An artificial tree can be toxic. And this is not only a constant smell of plastic in the house, but also harms the health of family members. Therefore, be sure to ask the seller for papers that confirm the quality of the materials used. This document is usually called a certificate of conformity. You can also ask for a fire safety certificate.

2. Pay attention to the material

Most often, artificial trees are made from PVC, fishing line, soft plastic or fiber optics. The price of the product will vary depending on the material. So, the most budget option is spruce made from PVC film. In general, this product does a good job of imitating the appearance of a living tree. The main thing is to carefully fold the Christmas tree after purchase and try not to crush it, as it is easily deformed and difficult to restore.

The fishing line will cost a little more. But a Christmas tree made of such material looks impressive and festive due to its fluffy branches. But don’t expect any resemblance to natural wood.

Soft plastic is more expensive than fishing line and PVC film. But it has all the above advantages. This artificial spruce looks like a real one. And at the same time she is quite fluffy.

The fiber optic tree connects to the network and lights up like a garland. It’s not even necessary, it itself creates a festive atmosphere. The tree is safe for an apartment, as it operates under a minimum voltage of 12 V. This tree costs more than other artificial trees.

Take a close look at the tree in good lighting. There should be no glue smudges or unevenness on it. Stroke the product against the grain and tug at the needles. They should not break off at the first touch. And a high-quality artificial Christmas tree should not smell like plastic at all.
