How to remove bruises at home. Methods of temperature influence

If your face has become familiar with a bruise, then it's time to take action to remove it! You can get rid of it pretty quickly...

Ways and means to quickly remove a bruise

  1. We take a tablespoon of salt. We dissolve in water. We take a cotton napkin. Wet it with salt. Apply to the bruise.
  2. Eat foods that are high in fiber (pumpkin, chard, sweet potatoes, spinach, popcorn, black beans, peas, cashews, almonds, flaxseeds, rice, nuts, pasta, oats, apples with skins, strawberries, raspberries, dried peaches, raisins, boiled carrots, Brussels sprouts, avocado, beet leaves, orange, banana, pear, zucchini, fresh onion).
  3. Mix water and vodka. Freeze this mixture. We wipe the affected area. We try to do it regularly, not from time to time.
  4. How to quickly remove a bruise? - Prepare the coffee grinder. We are working on six beans in it. We add water. We are waiting for three minutes. We process the bruise with what happened.
  5. Grate one large onion. Add a tablespoon of plantain leaves. Add the same amount of honey and mix. We apply the gruel to the affected area for two and a half hours.
  6. Mix water and potato starch. We wait a few minutes, and apply the mixture to the "trouble".
  7. We eat foods with vitamin C: kiwi, rose hips, horseradish, cabbage (red), lemon, mountain ash, garlic, turnip, boiled corn, chicken liver, canned pineapple, fresh cherries, watermelon, jam, mango, quince, kohlrabi, melon, mulberry , cherry plum, yogurt, figs, kefir (fat), yogurt, cottage cheese, red currants, blueberries, koumiss, cherries.
  8. We rub on an ordinary grater radish (black). We apply the gruel to the resulting bruise (several times a day).
  9. We find a copper coin or a large piece of copper. Apply carefully. Hold for half an hour or twenty minutes.
  10. How to remove a bruise? - Apply a bag of real ice to the bruise. We keep it for at least half an hour on a bruise.
  11. We eat vegetables that will help get rid of the problem that worries us (beets, peppers, broccoli).
  12. We apply pineapple pieces to the bruise. Change sides of the fruit every few minutes.
  13. We take an ordinary heating pad. Keep it on bruises for about eight minutes. We make sure that the heating pad fits snugly to the bruised place.
  14. Carefully knead the cabbage leaf (until it begins to secrete juice). Apply this sheet to the bruise.
  15. Thoroughly mix castor oil and honey. Apply ointment to the bruise. We wait fifteen minutes. Apply this mixture until the bruise disappears completely.
  16. I'm going to the pharmacy. We buy either northern pine bark extract or grape seed skin extract. Apply to the sore spot.
  17. We rub laundry soap into the bruise (not paying any attention to its specific smell).
  18. We recall the contrast shower, which is an excellent gymnastics for blood vessels.
  19. From folk medicine. Three fresh onions on a grater. Sprinkle it with table salt (we take a tablespoon of this “thing”). We take gauze and wrap the slurry obtained by mixing onion and salt in it. Apply a compress to the bruise.
  20. We rub horseradish on a grater. Add a little fine salt to the grated horseradish. We mix. We apply (very carefully). We wait seventeen minutes.
  21. We buy mint toothpaste. We squeeze it onto the finger and transfer it to the place with the bruise. With massage movements, rub the paste into the damaged area and apply a little more of this remedy on the “blue” surface so that it hardens.
  22. We make a compress from tincture of castor oil and propolis. We dilute the tincture with water and apply it to the “creepy place”.
  23. We buy flaxseeds in the pharmacy. Grind them and lay them out in a napkin (linen). We tie. Keep in boiling water (seven minutes). Take it out and wait until it cools down a bit. Apply to the bruise and wait for complete cooling.
  24. Finely chop fresh wormwood. Apply to the bruise and immediately bandage it. We change the compress so that it does not have time to dry.
  25. Choose a medium sized bulb. Fill it with sunflower oil (in a crushed state). Boil over low heat (until the onion turns black). We are waiting for it to cool down. Squeeze onion into vegetable oil. Add one hundred grams of melted wax. We rub laundry soap and add it there. We put a mixture of all these components on the shelf of the refrigerator. Apply it (mixture) to the bruise. It should be kept cool for several hours.
  26. We rub the beets and squeeze it. Add one and a half tablespoons of honey and mix. Apply the mixture to the bruise. We hide it under the bandage. Waiting eighteen minutes.
  27. We find any old newspaper. We apply it to the bruise. We wait seventeen minutes. We take another piece of newspaper and repeat the application. We keep the same. Lubricate the bruise with fat sour cream. We do our business for eighteen minutes. Wash off the product with mineral water.
  28. We make garlic ointment. To do this, finely chop a few garlic heads and pour vinegar. We insist for about a day. We rub the bruised place with the remedy.
  29. We warm the table salt and apply it hot to the “unlucky” place. Let's take thirty minutes.
  30. Mix a glass of vinegar and a glass of vodka. Add salt. We mix. Spread the mixture on gauze and apply to the "blue area". We sit motionless for eighteen minutes. We rest thirty-five minutes after the procedure.
  31. We turn bitter chocolate and cocoa into a liquid state. Dilute with water and stir with a metal spoon. Heat up on maximum heat. Remove from stove and add chopped cucumbers (fresh). Heat the mixture (a few minutes) and apply (gradually). Wash off with mineral water. Lubricate with softening cream or wipe with balm. Wash off the residue with cold or ice water.

Very, very quickly, the bruise will not work out. But you can cover it well! For this, scarves, scarves, gloves, sweaters, dresses with long sleeves, sweaters, cosmetics are used. It all depends on the place where the bruise is located, which is worth hiding.

No one is immune from an accidental bruise under the eye. This is most unpleasant if you go to work in a couple of days or you are scheduled to attend an event. Well, if you are a girl and you have bruises under your eyes, then you don’t even need a reason. However, you can get rid of a bruise within one day at home, thanks to several proven recipes. How to remove a bruise under the eye from a blow quickly, we will tell in this article.

First aid, how to get rid of bruises

First of all, to remove a bruise, put something cold on the bruised eye. An ice cube wrapped in a cloth is ideal. This method will save you from possible subsequent swelling and hematoma formation.

Important! Do not apply pure ice to the skin, especially around the eye, as it can cause frostbite.


If you have cabbage, take one leaf and chop it up. Applied immediately after a bruise, it can also help prevent the formation of a hematoma. Another pretty effective way:

  • take vodka with water in equal proportions;
  • freeze in the refrigerator and rub the cubes on the affected eye as often as possible.

Important! Use ice only on the first day after the injury, then only anti-inflammatory and decongestants are shown. It is strictly forbidden to heat a hematoma under the eye!

We remove a bruise in one day

There are situations when it is urgent to take action to remove the bruise under the eye in one day. How to do it? There are effective methods to help with this.

The first thing you need to reduce a bruise in 1 day is to purchase a badyaga at the nearest pharmacy. The powder is very effective, so be as careful as possible. Dilute the product in one tablespoon of water to make a not too liquid slurry, put it on gauze or a bandage (folded several times) and apply a compress to the bruise.

To remove the bruise under the eye as quickly as possible, alternate badyagi compresses with onion gruel compresses. To do this, finely chop a small onion head, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. When the juice drains from the onion, put the gruel in gauze and apply to the bruise for 10-15 minutes. The procedure, of course, is not very pleasant, but very effective in combination with badyagi.

How to remove a bruise at home

You can remove a hematoma in one day by various means. If you do not have any medications on hand or do not want to take them, your products will completely replace the first-aid kit.

How to lighten a bruise under the eye with starch

  • take ordinary starch and dilute with water in equal proportions;
  • apply on the bruise and leave to dry naturally;
  • when applied every 2-3 hours, the hematoma will turn pale significantly.


Salt has a truly mass of magical properties, for this case it is also useful. So, the recipe for removing bruises from blows:

  • take 10 grams of salt and 100 milliliters of water;
  • mix thoroughly until the salt dissolves;
  • Apply the resulting solution to a piece of tissue and apply to the bruise.


Iodine has a well-known warming effect, which will help get rid of a bruise much faster:

  • apply an iodine mesh to the darkened area;
  • leave to dry.

Important! Before applying iodine, make sure you have enough time to wait for complete absorption. In addition, doctors do not recommend the use of this remedy, since iodine easily causes burns, especially when applied to delicate skin.

Badyaga pharmacy

A fairly well-known way to deal with an unwanted bruise near the eye is a pharmacy badyaga:

  • dilute the powder with water in proportions of two to one;
  • Apply a thin layer of the resulting mixture to the desired area.

Important! Be extremely careful when applying badyagi to the eye area: in large quantities, it can cause skin burns.

In the absence of a pharmacy ointment, you can easily prepare its own home version:

  • take a medium-sized onion and peel it;
  • pour sunflower oil so that it completely covers it, and put on a small fire;
  • wait until the onion turns black, and remove the container from the stove;
  • cool and squeeze the onion into the oil, add a spoonful of pre-grated laundry soap and melted wax;
  • mix thoroughly and refrigerate;
  • Apply to the bruise three to four times a day.


With the help of a pepper patch, it is quite possible to get rid of trouble in one day:

  • apply a patch over the site of injury, then replace with a compress with badyagi;
  • After another hour, apply a warm compress again.


Mother and stepmother has long been known for its healing properties:

  • chop one tablespoon of herbs coltsfoot and wild rosemary;
  • bring to a boil in an enamel bowl;
  • after five minutes after boiling, cover tightly and leave for two hours;
  • make lotions and apply every hour for ten minutes.


If the bruise has formed very extensive and occupies a considerable area on the face, a honey compress will help:

  • mix a full spoonful of natural, liquid honey with any vegetable oil, adding a handful of flour and egg yolk to the mixture;
  • mix, apply to the affected area and leave as a compress for three hours.


Did the above methods help? Try the aloe solution, which has a resolving effect:

  • prepare a gruel from a fresh leaf and add a spoonful of celandine to it;
  • mix the ingredients by adding a spoonful of boiled water;
  • leave in a warm, dry place for half an hour, then apply on the bruise and leave for an hour.


Fresh herb wormwood has a unique soothing property, due to which it is actively used for bruises and wounds:

  • take about a hundred grams of grass and grind in a glass container until juice is formed;
  • soak gauze in the resulting liquid and apply, leaving for an hour.

How to reduce a bruise under the eye by heating

Quite effectively eliminate the bruise under the eye will help ordinary heating, which is performed as follows:

  • heat salt or sand in the oven and, wrapped in cotton cloth, apply for a quarter of an hour three times a day.

In addition to pure cabbage, there is a recipe for cabbage with plantain, thanks to which the healing properties of the compress increase significantly:

  • beat off leaves of the same size with a kitchen hammer until juice is formed;
  • Onion

    The onion recipe with the addition of salt promotes the speedy healing of the skin:

    • ruin a small onion on a grater, adding a pinch of salt;
    • wrap the gruel in gauze and apply for half an hour.

    Important! Be careful not to spill the product and get into your eye, in case of contact, rinse immediately with water.

    Perhaps the easiest way to hide a sudden bruise is to use a foundation or corrector. If you prefer a concealer, choose a peach color to neutralize blue or purple undertones without being too thick.

Bruises appear on the human body due to the fact that blood vessels burst under the skin upon impact. As a result, blood begins to spill over the damaged area. If the bruise is simply "left alone", it will disappear no earlier than in two weeks. When using special means and techniques, it will be possible to get rid of a hematoma faster. However, earlier than a week later, the bruise, unfortunately, is unlikely to completely disappear in this case either.

Using the ointment "Badyaga 911"

This tool can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. The Badyaga ointment costs only about 80-100 rubles. for a tube. When using it, bruises under the eyes (or in any other place) formed from a blow actually disappear quite quickly. Less noticeable when using Badyagi, the hematoma can become literally the next day.

This ointment removes bruises well. But the effectiveness of its action directly depends on how correctly it will be used. The bruise should be smeared with "Badyaga" at least 5-7 times a day. You should not skip these procedures. Otherwise, this tool may not help. The advantages of the Badyaga ointment, among other things, include the fact that it is very well absorbed into the skin, does not have an unpleasant odor and does not leave greasy marks.

Sometimes this remedy is also sold in powder form. Such a “Badyaga”, in order to remove a bruise, you just need to dilute it with clean water to the state of gruel and use it in the same way as an ointment.

If "Badyaga" for some reason cannot be found on sale, you can replace this ointment with some gel containing the substance arginine. It helps a lot with bruises, for example, a remedy from this Sengara group.

How to quickly remove a bruise: folk methods

Of course, you can use some home remedies to treat a bruise. Compresses from hematomas are very good to do, for example:

  • by means of cotton wool or gauze soaked in a strong saline solution (for the eye - use with caution);
  • with the help of a rumpled, juiced cabbage leaf or plantain, fixed on the damaged area on the patch.

A good answer to the question of how to quickly remove a bruise at home can be ordinary iodine. This remedy for hematomas is used according to a very simple technology. In this case, you just need to apply a frequent iodine mesh to the bruise area at night. For the eye, this method may work, but not too well. But ugly bruises on the knees or, for example, elbows with its use can be removed pretty quickly.

Everyone faced the question of how to quickly remove a bruise under the eye. It is impossible to remove the problem in one day, but it is quite possible to alleviate the condition and reduce bruising.

The causes of bruising under the eyes are different:

  • Severe physical injury;
  • Minor household injuries against the background of increased fragility of blood vessels;
  • Insect bites;
  • allergies;
  • dental diseases;
  • Operations.

According to obaglazaru, a bruise under the eye most often appears in people who are actively involved in sports - martial arts, football, ice skating. This can be attributed to physical trauma. When force is applied to skin tissues, they are damaged simultaneously with the smallest blood vessels that feed them; blood spills into the subcutaneous layers. The site of the bruise swells, and after a while a bruise appears. If the bridge of the nose is injured, both eyes will be affected.

The note
When bleeding from the nose after a bruise, you can not blow your nose - the bruise will only increase.

If no measures are taken, then the bruise will pass within 7-10 days - the period depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. The color of the hematoma will gradually change from deep purple to painful yellow.

Correct actions immediately after injury will help, according to obaglaz, to limit the area of ​​the lesion, to accelerate the resorption of the bruise. If a cold compress is quickly applied to the site of the bruise, the affected vessels will narrow, the pressure in them will decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the release of blood into the tissue. Such a procedure can minimize the consequences, but subject to the application of ice immediately after the impact.

To help, ice is applied for at least 15-20 minutes - placed in a heating pad or plastic bag, wrapped in a towel so as not to frostbite the skin. It is necessary to apply cold to the hematoma under the eye several times for 5-6 hours. The interval between applying compresses should be at least an hour, so as not to cause harm. It is worth noting that the cold is effective immediately in the first minutes after injury.

If the bruise is obtained at home, then instead of ice it is convenient to use improvised means:

  • Frozen fruits or vegetables;
  • Frozen meat or semi-finished products;
  • Metal objects such as a spoon.

If you use chilled foods, then the plastic bag in which they were in the refrigerator must be wrapped in a towel so as not to infect the infection and frostbite the skin area.

To help remove a bruise and reduce its size, according to the site, even a bottle with a chilled drink from the refrigerator, instantly applied to the site of the bruise, can help.

After removing the cold compress, Troxevasin or Heparin ointment should be applied to the affected area. This is necessary to stop the edema so that it does not progress, and to relieve pain. Lubricate carefully, avoiding contact with the medicine in the eyes.

Medicines to remove a hematoma

A day after the impact, in order to quickly remove the bruise under the eye, they change the treatment strategy, using not cold, but heat. Warming up accelerates the restoration of blood vessels, activates blood circulation, as a result of which the bruise resolves faster. The effect of warming up, notes obglazapy, is possessed by some pharmaceutical products specially created for the treatment of such injuries (bruises). Some of them:

  • Troxevasin ointment;
  • Heparin ointment;
  • Ointment "Bruise-Off";
  • Balm "Rescuer";
  • Balm "SOS";
  • Ointment "Ratovnik";
  • Ointment "Badyaga";
  • Products containing Arnica mountain extract "Arnica gel" or homeopathic preparations in capsules.

These drugs are applied to the bruised area and help remove the hematoma under the eye.

To quickly remove a bruise, it must be carefully lubricated with ointment every 3-4 hours.

We have also compiled a list of various ointments in a separate article that help remove a bruise.

Folk remedies for bruising

Although the 21st century is in the yard, traditional medicine can easily tell you how to quickly remove a bruise under your eye using only improvised means. These methods are no worse than pharmaceutical drugs in action.

We make compresses from a decoction of herbs

A good effect, according to the site, is given by lotions from a decoction of dry herbs of plantain, chamomile, sage and marigold. The infusion is prepared as follows: a mixture of an equal amount of herbs is poured with boiling water at the rate of 2 tsp. herbs in 1 cup boiling water. Insist 2 hours in a sealed container.

A folded piece of gauze or a dense soft cloth is moistened in a decoction, applied to the site of the bruise. Hold until the compress cools down. The procedure is repeated every 3-4 hours. In this way, traces of injury can be removed quickly enough.

Apply cabbage leaf

It helps a lot with the rapid resorption of a hematoma under the eye, applying immediately after an injury, pounded into a gruel of a cabbage leaf. You can use a whole piece, for this, after softening it with a kitchen hammer. The sheet is attached to the site of injury with a plaster, changed every 3-4 hours.

We use salt compresses

Ordinary kitchen salt dissolved in water at the rate of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt in 100 gr. warm water, helps relieve swelling, while reducing pain. For a compress, folded gauze or a dense soft cloth is moistened with a solution, squeezed out and applied like a plaster.

Vinegar with salt and iodine

A mixture of two tablespoons of vinegar, 9%, a tablespoon of salt and five drops of iodine works well. For treatment, according to, you should lubricate the bruise with this mixture before going to bed.

Draw a grid of iodine

Helps to quickly remove bruises mesh applied at night to the site of injury. In addition to the warming effect, such a mesh has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps to remove swelling.

We use badyaga pharmacy

To quickly remove a bruise with a badyagi sponge, you should take a pharmacy powder from a ground sponge, dilute it with warm water to a slurry state, and apply it on a bruise. After drying, the product should be washed off with cold water. More than three times a day, according to ObaGlazaRu, such a recipe is not recommended.

We make lotions from the decoction of coltsfoot

Lotions from the infusion of dry herbal collection of wild rosemary and coltsfoot, mixed equally, effectively remove the bruise. To prepare the infusion 2 tsp. Pour the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water and heat for about five minutes. We insist 2 hours in a sealed container.

Moisten folded gauze or a soft dense cloth in a decoction and apply to the skin for 20 minutes. Repeat every three hours.

Making honey ointment

A good way to quickly remove bruises, the site notes, is honey. It is used along with other means: grated raw onion and powdered plantain leaf. The components, taken in equal parts, are mixed, applied to the tissue and strengthened with a plaster at the site of the hematoma. Keep at least two hours, changing the compress three times a day.

We use aloe

Bruising can be quickly removed using the healing properties of aloe. The leaf cut from the plant is washed, cut in half lengthwise, fixed with a plaster at the site of injury. The compress is changed as the sheet dries up until the traces of the hematoma disappear.

We apply wormwood

In order to quickly remove the bruise, the crushed herb of bitter wormwood is applied to the affected areas. If the bruise is large, then the layer of wormwood should be thick. Change the grass, do not let it dry out. If there is no fresh one, then steamed dried grass can be used, but, according to obaglaza, it is less effective.

We treat a bruise with onion juice

If you need to quickly remove a bruise, then a fresh small onion is ground on a grater, and a teaspoon of salt is added to the resulting slurry and applied to the hematoma as a compress. Make sure that the mixture does not get into the eyes.

Beet Balm

If you need to remove the bruise very quickly, then you can make a balm from beets, aloe and celandine. To prepare it you need:

  1. chop a small beet;
  2. pour a spoonful of celandine juice;
  3. add a tablespoon of gruel from the aloe leaf.

The mixture is kept for two hours, squeezed out, the juice is poured into a glass jar with a lid.

Moisten cotton wool with balm, apply to the hematoma area for 20 minutes, once for two to three hours. The bruise may go away in three days. This recipe is popular because removing a bruise with it is very simple and relatively fast.

We use heating

To quickly remove a bruise, notes, you should warm up the site of the bruise only if the edema itself (swelling) has passed. As a heat source you can use:

  • boiled hard-boiled egg;
  • a cloth bag with heated salt or sand;
  • fabric folded in several layers, ironed with a hot iron.

The compress should be warm enough, but not hot.

We remove a bruise in one day at home

It should be understood that the body needs time to restore damaged vessels, resolve the hematoma, and that such miracles do not happen. But if you still need to quickly remove a bruise in one day, then, according to obaglazaru, the easiest way to do this is to mask or lighten it.


You can apply a masking pencil depending on the stage of the hematoma. If the color of the skin at the site of impact:

  • green - you need a red concealer pencil;
  • brownish - take a pink pencil;


    All means are good when they are used correctly and at the right time. And you need to be aware, as ObaGlazaRu notes, that a bruise cannot be removed in one day.

    A lot depends on first aid, how correct and efficient it was. Also what actions were taken after it. After all, if everything is done clearly, you can significantly reduce the recovery time and minimize problems. In any other case, only makeup will help.

The cause of bruising on the face can be the slightest blow, and its appearance can spoil the plans. When the foundation cannot completely mask the bruise, a few effective tips for solving the problem will come to the rescue, which are described in detail in our article.

On the face, the skin is thinner, so any injury can lead to bruising. There are several ways to quickly remove a bruise on your face at home. Pharmaceutical preparations and traditional medicine will help to get rid of bruising as quickly as possible.

What is a bruise (hematoma) and what can cause it

Under the skin on the face there are a large number of small blood vessels. In case of impact or other mechanical injury blood vessels burst, resulting in a small bruise, popularly referred to as a bruise. As a rule, after minor injuries, the diameter of the resulting the bruise does not exceed 4-5 cm.

The color of the bruise directly depends on the nature of the damage and the strength of the blow. The stronger the blow, the more intense the bruising. On the first day after injury the bruise can be black, blueberry purple, and dark blue. As soon as the decomposition of hemoglobin in the blood occurs, the traces of old bruises become lighter.

The best ways to quickly remove a bruise on the face at home

In order to remove a fresh bruise in a few hours or overnight, you can use improvised means. According to reviews, the treatment of the affected skin occupies the leading position in the list of methods for dealing with bruises. cold and warm.

To achieve the most effective result, it is recommended to use a complex treatment of a bruise with ice and heat.

Step 1: Treat the bruise with cold

This method is used if the bruise is fresh.

If a bruise has formed in a child, then experts recommend immediately attaching a cloth soaked in cold water to the bruise site. It is not recommended to use radical methods, since baby skin is much softer and thinner than the skin of an adult.

Recently formed bruises on the face of an adult can be removed with ice. Having previously crumbled several cubes, the mass must be wrapped in a layer of gauze or bandage and applied to the bruise. Ice compress it is not recommended to keep more than 15 minutes otherwise, tissue frostbite may occur. Repeat this process every hour.

Stage 2: Heat Treatment

The procedure must be carried out on the second day after the injury.

The second step in the treatment of a bruise is heat treatment. Heat accelerates the decomposition of hemoglobin in the skin.

It is recommended to apply a soft cloth pre-moistened in warm water to the site of injury. The liquid must never be hot.

Uniform heat contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and faster removal of blood from the bruise.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers several products that can effectively and quickly remove fresh bruises on the face. On the basis of improvised means, you can prepare lotions against bruises:

IngredientsRecipe Application
Potato, honey1 potato peeled and grated on a fine grater. Add a quarter teaspoon of warm honey to the resulting gruel. To stir thoroughly.A mixture of potatoes and honey is necessary spread evenly over the entire surface of the bruise. It is necessary to repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
apple cider vinegar, iodine, saltPour 2 teaspoons of salt into 0.5 liters of apple cider vinegar. Mix container warm up in a steam bath. Moisten gauze folded in several layers in the solution. Apply to the site of injury at least 2 times a day.
beets, honeyGrate fresh beets on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder. Squeeze the gruel, add a little honey and mix.Wrap the mixture in a clean cloth and apply to the bruise. Repeat the procedure every 5-6 hours.
Garlic, vinegarPass 3 garlic cloves through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Add a little salt to the garlic. Infuse the remedy 24 hours. Juice is used for medicinal purposes.Rub a small amount of juice into the affected skin with gentle circular movements. Do not use more than 2 times a day.
Onion, saltPeel the onion and chop. Pour a pinch of salt into the onion porridge. Squeeze the mixture lightly. Wrap the mixture in gauze or bandage. Apply to bruise 3 times a day

In addition to lotions, in order to get rid of a bruise in 1 incomplete day, you can use iodine mesh. Also good for hematomas. cabbage leaf. It must be applied to the bruise and, if necessary, fixed with adhesive tape.

Purchasable funds

Pharmacy ointments and gels against bruises contain active ingredients that contribute to fast resorption of the bruise. Medicines have a number of contraindications, so before buying, you must carefully read the instructions for use.

Therapeutic ointments for hematoma on the face

Name of the drug Compound Indications for use Contraindications
IndovazinAs an active ingredient in the composition of the gel are indomethacin and troxerutin. Recommended for use with bruises and swelling around the eyes and on the face. It is not recommended to use the gel for pregnant and lactating women, children under 14 years of age and people with poor blood clotting.
express bruiseActive component- badyaga(spongillacustrisfragils extract).It is used for hematomas, sports injuries and bruises.Contraindicated in children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.
Bruise-OffThe medicinal product contains leech extract, pentoxifylline, carbomer, TEA, BOA, ethoxydiglycol.The tool is used to eliminate bruises after injections, surgical operations. It is not recommended to apply medication to open wounds and abrasions. Pregnant women use with caution.

To figure out which ointment or gel will help get rid of the bruise as soon as possible, a specialist will help.

Cosmetic phyto creams for hematoma on the face

For resorption of bruises, cosmetic phyto creams can also be used. These funds include:

NameDescription Compound Contraindications
VitatekaCosmetic cream that resolves small bruises and hematomas. The composition contains mountain arnica extract, cosmetic petroleum jelly, glycerin,Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women, children's age.
Cream with arnica and badyagacosmetic with natural ingredients. Used for bruises and other mechanical injuriesIngredients: mountain arnica (extract), badyaga (sea sponge extract), soft paraffin, glycerinDo not apply to damaged skin, not recommended for pregnant women and children (under 18 years old)
Boro Plus

Cosmetic product for skin care. Can be used as wound healing and anti-hematoma agent.

The cream contains:

aloe extract, ginger lily, neem tree extract, sandalwood oil, vetiver oil

Cosmetic creams can vary by skin type. Therefore, experts recommend choosing the right cream to avoid allergies.

A working method to remove a bruise on the face overnight

In order for a fresh bruise to resolve overnight, it is recommended to use starch compress. For cooking you will need:

  • Starch;
  • Water at room temperature.

A little dry potato starch must be poured with a small amount of water. The mixture should not be thick, slightly watery. Spread the resulting slurry in a thin layer over gauze folded in two layers. Apply the compress to the bruise before going to bed and fix it with adhesive tape.

100% option how to remove a bruise on the face in 1 day

Fresh bruises can be removed in one day with a pomegranate. The active components that make up the fruit have a beneficial effect on blood vessels. Pomegranate juice promotes the resorption of bruising and enhances the decomposition of hemoglobin accumulated under the skin. Required Ingredients:

  • Pomegranate (grains);
  • Voloshsky nut.

Before cooking, all ingredients must first be crushed. Mix pomegranate seeds and chopped nut kernels until smooth. Apply the mixture in a thin layer on the bruise and leave the mask for 15 minutes.. Remove excess with a damp cloth. Wash your face with warm water.

After injections and mesotherapy procedures, bruises remain on the face. The needle deforms the skin and capillaries, after which small bruises with a diameter of 1-2 cm are formed. Bruises left from mesotherapy and injections it is not recommended to remove with special ointments and gels. An allergic reaction may occur. Experts recommend applying ice on the first day after the injection. Pharmacy badyaga can be used for 3 days after the first bruise.

Ointments against bruising can only be used when it is necessary to eliminate traces of hematomas. Experts allow the use of pharmaceutical preparations, for example, Troxevasin. Fights bruises effectively Traumeel and Helaskin. These are new generation drugs, the directed action of which disperses blood clots under the skin.

Small bruises after injections go off on their own, for 12-14 days. They can be easily masked with tonal and matting agents.

When carrying out procedures aimed at combating bruises on the face, it is necessary to adhere to some rules. Here are some tips from the experts:

  1. Before applying pharmacy ointment to a bruise, you must apply herbal decoction compress. For this, it is recommended to use the herb coltsfoot, calendula and chamomile;
  2. Categorically n do not apply ointment to a bruise, next to which there is an open abrasion or scratch;
  3. Bruise do not overheat or overcool;
  4. You can use the foundation only for 3-4 days after the bruise appears;
  5. When treating a bruise with iodine, it is necessary to use a weak solution so that no traces of it remain on the skin in the morning;
  6. Some foods can cause allergies and skin burns. Allergens are present in onion and garlic, and plant sap is quite caustic;
  7. Regular the use of alcohol and nicotine contributes to blood thinning. A complete rejection of bad habits will help reduce the appearance of bruising on the face upon impact and strengthen blood vessels.

It should be remembered that regular use of painkillers helps to thin the blood. This factor can increase the risk of bruising.

Video instruction - 14 more ways

Answers to your top 4 questions about treating bruises at home

A newborn son has a small bruise on his cheek after an insect bite. What to do in such a situation?

To remove small bruises in babies, it is recommended to use BoroPlus gentle cream. This is an effective cosmetic product with a completely natural composition. The bruise must be smeared with cream and left for 15 minutes. Remove excess with a paper towel.

Bruises on the face disturb constantly. Experts say that I have too thin skin and weak blood vessels. Is there any way to deal with this?

There are no special prescriptions for weakened blood vessels. In such situations, it is necessary to regularly strengthen muscle fibers with physical activity. Regular creotherapy will also help strengthen the blood vessels.

For a long time I used badyaga when bruises appeared. Recently, I noticed that there is practically no effect from it. What happened?

Any remedy is addictive. If the usual cream has stopped removing bruises, you need to try a new drug. It is not recommended to choose ointments and creams for bruises on your own, you need to consult a specialist.

Can traditional medicine cause allergies?

They can. Onions and garlic can cause skin burns, honey is considered a natural allergen. It is necessary to use traditional medicine carefully, taking into account the characteristics of the skin.

Thus, now you know that at home from bruising and bruising you can get rid of in several ways. Pharmaceutical preparations, as well as improvised means, quite effectively fight swelling and bruising on the face.
