How to make money on a manicure at home - a ready-made plan from training to profit calculations. How to make money with nail extensions

Every business starts with an idea. And any idea grows out of desire and interest. If you have always cared for your hands, did not miss new care trends and design models, then you can make good money on this.

You may be driven by a desire to change careers, earn extra money or expand your social circle, all of which will be a good incentive to open your own nail extension business, gain confidence, freedom of action and independence.

Your own nail business is quite simple and not expensive.

Let the idea of ​​​​a chic nail salon loom in your head, it’s better to start doing nail extensions at home, and first write a business plan, like in any other business.

It should include the following items:

  • analysis of the market for the services provided;
  • education;
  • materials;
  • advertising, clients;
  • development prospects.

Current market situation

The nail business today is quite well developed throughout Russia.

Gel and acrylic extension masters work at home, open their own mini studios and expensive salons. Despite such a lot of competition, you have a good chance to promote your business. To do this, it is enough to become a very good nail extension master and work with high-quality consumables.

There are enough unscrupulous workers in the nail service market who use cheap materials, neglect the basics of nail design and generally work somehow. This, of course, is an unfortunate fact, but you can make good money on it. So we smoothly move on to the next item included in your business plan.


In teaching, it is important to choose a good teacher. Not a master, but a teacher, that is, a person who not only knows how to work well on his own, but can also easily and intelligibly teach you all the intricacies of gel nail extension, acrylic and the basics of nail design. To do this, it is better to contact professional studios or schools for beginners, where nail service masters are trained.

Training in the studio will cost 10-15 thousand rubles. But if you live in a small town where you have practically no competitors, that is, it will be easier to start a business, but there is nowhere to learn this business. In this case, the Internet is at your disposal! There you will find many tutorials for beginners on nail extension, as well as a lot of ideas for design.

Such training will be practically free. Through the Internet, you can order materials for work, without which it is impossible to learn and open your business from scratch. Reviews on blogs and forums will help you find good sites, which are indispensable in finding quality information.

So, we have come to another expense item that reveals your business plan. There are enough manufacturers on the market for nail extension materials.

You can even become an official representative of a brand, but it will be more profitable to do this already being the owner of a mini studio or salon.

Necessary materials

You should purchase the necessary materials and tools for building, both acrylic and gel. The total cost is about 20 thousand rubles. You will also need various materials for design, their cost is quite difficult to calculate, it all depends on your imagination and the wishes of the customer.


How to advertise a nail business from scratch? First of all, your hands and nails must be in order! The second step is your closest social circle - friends, relatives, colleagues, friends of friends, and so on. This is both training and already the selection of potential clients to open a mini nail salon at home.

Regularly arrange mini promotions with discounts, such an action plan will attract more customers. Give bonuses to visitors to your salon at home who came for the second time or to those who brought you a client, for example, a discount on design services. Such simple actions will help you quickly expand your customer base, cover initial costs, provided that you provide your services with high quality.

Growth of your business

In a year or two, when you gain experience and get regular customers, you can think about opening a mini studio or salon.

This is a matter of business development. If you live in a big city, it is better to open a mini studio, let there be several of them in different areas over time.

It is advisable for residents of smaller cities to think about opening one salon with the maximum range of services. It’s good if you have an original idea for the design of the room and a detailed plan to make it pleasant and convenient for customers to be within the walls of your salon. Let it be the most fashionable and haunted place in the city.

Of course, starting your own business from scratch is not easy, but today we have considered the option of a low-cost, fast payback, creatively interesting own business!

For future professionals

Home nail tech - what you need to know

Many girls, as soon as they learn something about nail extensions with gel or acrylic, will certainly think - is it worth it to do manicure and nail design at home? Of course, there are advantages to such an undertaking, but there are also numerous disadvantages. Let's touch on the cons, since the pros are always more obvious.

The first thing that a novice master of manicure and nail extension at home begins to face is an unreasonably large amount of time spent on one client. If you, in addition to building nails, also work full time, then you should forget about rest after a working day. You may have time to do something around the house after work before the client arrives, but you should not count on the time after nail extension. because you are already tired of washing dishes and cooking and you don’t want to think about it! Shower, sleep or just not move - thoughts after the client leaves.

Do not think that after a year of working from home and combining with the main job, you will be building extensions much faster. This is not so: Faster nail extensions can be done only by honing your skills for a long time and a lot. It's not for nothing that the masters in the salon perform nail extensions for about 2.5 hours, and not 4-5 as in your case!

The second disadvantage is related to communication issues. If you are not too fond of talking about everything and a lot, especially with little-known people, over time, your dream will be a silent client. Clients who come to your house begin to feel quite free and relaxed, they will consider you not just a master, but a friend whom you can tell a lot about, and you will have to listen ... ..

There is one more point in nail extension at home - this is the obligatory dulling of your fantasy regarding nail design. If you can easily, it turns out, repeat the design of nails from the Internet or magazines - you are lucky, but if you don’t know how, then it’s better not to show these magazines to the client. Remember how many nail designs you can offer to one client? Even if you count 10 worthy examples, it still doesn’t mean anything - a client tells you before any holiday that he will wear a bright blue blouse and sand-colored trousers and sandals with flowers - and he would like these flowers to somehow fit into the nail design! Here, your prepared templates will not help you ... And if fantasy stops visiting you, you will be on your own and suffer from your seemingly pleasant work for yourself! In a beauty salon, the client is less capricious and it is easier to work with him.:

If you yourself become imbued with positive feelings for the client - you will lose money - sometimes you will start doing nails on credit, repairing a broken nail for a symbolic amount - although you can spend about 40 minutes on this, as well as on an application - you don’t need to draw anything on your nails, let's just cover it with varnish, you will agree, and as the client’s appetite grows, add a sticker, a rhinestone and a dash here - which in the end will take extra time, but the client will not perceive this as a full-fledged design - he just wanted to cover it with varnish - and it’s not convenient for you will take extra money from him ...

Well, the last most obvious minus that will always bother you is banal laziness. After all, you can call a client and say: “Oh, I’m sorry, I have a force majeure at work, I can’t see you today, come on the day after tomorrow.” So over time, you can gradually lose customers or he will start to behave the same way - being late, rescheduling the visit, knocking you out of the schedule, etc.

Professionals say about nail extensions at home

1. "Working from home" is illegal! It runs counter to the rules and requirements of almost all regulatory authorities, from SES to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, from local executive committees to service companies (Energosbyt, Vodokanal, housing and communal services).
Remember: only non-residential, and even converted for this type of activity, premises are suitable for work as a her-art master.

2. "Fear the neighbors!" This is one of the first axioms that really does not require proof (at least by neighbors in the stairwell). You will have to prove, and possibly even in court, that you are not engaged in entrepreneurial activities at home and do not interfere with the neighbors to live a quiet life.
Conclusion: do not forget the proverb: "A person is good only when his neighbor is bad" ...

3. "Fear the neighbors!"-2 Because it is they who can interrupt your successful home activities, and by no means because of “economic envy”, but simply because of a “sharp deterioration in health status” - which will be reported to the appropriate authorities.
Conclusion:(see paragraphs No. 1,2);

4. "Cockroaches have nothing to do with it!" These beloved pets, or rather, their absence in your home, is not an indicator of compliance with sterility and hygiene standards.
Conclusion: do not forget to use disinfectants and pre-sterilization cleaning, as well as sterilization devices for manicure and pedicure.

5. Big fish? - Not to you!" Forget rich clients. The fact that yesterday and perhaps even today you served wealthy clients from the top ten of the FORBES list at home should not bring you confidence in the future. After all, the days of the predominance of demand over supply are over. The number of legal beauty salons and nail art studios, and with it the value for money, is constantly growing.
Conclusion: if you work in this format, focus on economy clients, they are your bread for tomorrow.

6. "Don't lose your hands!" Always remember that your skill is in danger, because the most difficult thing is to be able to combine daily practice with theory, look at your work and nail designs from the outside and constantly motivate yourself to develop, primarily with specialized education in the field of technology and nail design!
Conclusion: remember that no one is interested in you except you ...

7. "Turn on your head!" It's not enough to just be a good manicurist. At home, it is very important to be able to count money, plan and budget your income and expenses ...
Conclusion: attend courses for salon business managers, do not forget that you are, first of all, a director!

8. "Do not drown in the swamp!" Here is your main motto for every day, it is with him that you get up in the morning and go to bed in the evening.
Conclusion: constantly think and analyze, be self-critical!

This is far from all you need to know. For this, there are specialized seminars for managing a salon business, where you will hear only practical advice that you will need to take into account if you are already going to do nail extensions, manicures and pedicures on your own at home.

When choosing a business niche, you should rely on opportunities, have a complete picture of the demand for this proposal. The type of activity that is in demand all year round is the beauty industry. The beautiful half of humanity, regardless of the season, will seek the services of a beautician, stylist, hairdresser, manicurist. That is why aspiring business ladies are thinking about how to open a nail salon, which will be discussed in the article.

If you have chosen this direction, you should not worry too much about competition in the market, because there are many beauty salons, but the quality of the services provided often leaves much to be desired.

Starting to launch the project, it is necessary to analyze the relevance of the service provided. An effective tool for analysis is a sociological survey. If you plan to open an economy-class establishment, you can conduct mini-surveys near large stores, markets, and courtyards.

Ask if there is a need for such services. Dynamics of about 30% is considered positive. Focus should be mainly on girls under the age of 45 years.

Such a survey can also become a preliminary advertisement: invite the respondents to become customers of the establishment, offer discount cards or discounts.

Cold contacts allow you to find the initial customer base.

There are several ways to organize this type of business. A sole proprietorship or LLC form will do. From the point of view of management and accounting, opening an IP is easier and more profitable. It is necessary to go to the relevant state organization with a certain list of documents, submit an application, pay the state duty.

To open a salon, you will need a package of documents:

  1. IP status;
  2. license of the established type;
  3. permission of the SES, fire inspection;
  4. seal;
  5. registration with the tax office.

To facilitate the registration process, you can seek help from a notary office, where all issues will be resolved within a week with little or no participation from you.

According to regulatory documents, a manicure parlor must meet the following requirements:

  • area for each master - at least 6 m 2;
  • employees must have health books, undergo a medical examination every six months;
  • it is obligatory to have a sterilizer and a sink for washing tools, hands;
  • after each client, tools and furniture must be disinfected and heat treated.

If the salon is located in a shopping center, then a cooler can be used instead of a sink.

  1. To find the right place for a nail salon, you need to conduct a market analysis. Possible options: a large shopping center, city center, a place near clothing stores. When a girl buys new clothes, the desire to look well-groomed and neat increases. A nail parlor nearby can satisfy the need to look irresistible in a new outfit.
  2. Rent or buy. Before you buy a property, you should make sure that your business plan is being implemented successfully. You can opt out of rented space. This option is more reliable and profitable for novice entrepreneurs.
  3. Consumables and equipment will require storage space. The footage of the room for the office is calculated at the rate of 6 m 2 for each workplace. The premises must be transferred, if necessary, to a non-residential fund.
  4. To save money, you can find a room that has already been used as a nail salon. If you yourself are a manicure master, you can open an office at your home until a customer base appears that is sufficient to open an individual entrepreneur.

The cost of renting a room ranges from 500 to 1500 rubles. per 1 m 2 depending on the size and location. Repair of the premises will require about 1500-2000 rubles. per 1 m 2.

When compiling your business plan for a nail salon, you need to consider the purchase of special equipment, tools for manicure, pedicure.

It must meet the following requirements:

  1. be comfortable, high-tech;
  2. match the interior design.

The cost of a manicure table is 5000-10000 rubles, a drying lamp - 5000 rubles. Armchairs for the client and the master - 5,000 rubles each.

To perform paraffin therapy and European manicure, additional equipment will be required:

  • paraffin furnace (up to 20 thousand rubles);
  • fraser with nozzles (up to 12 thousand rubles);
  • ultraviolet lamp (up to 10 thousand rubles).

In addition to large machinery, a business plan should include many necessary details:

  • baths;
  • tool kits;
  • napkins, towels;
  • cosmetic, consumables.

It is worth buying these little things in bulk at specialized bases, checking certificates of conformity in order to eliminate problems during SES inspections.

In many ways, the success of a business depends on the successful selection of personnel. Preference should be given to masters under the age of 30 with work experience and a suitable education. Such employees will be the most productive. They follow fashion and new trends. For a less paid position, you can take a promising intern, evaluating the quality of the work performed on your own.

At the interview, it is worth assessing the sociability of a potential employee. Often, clients return to the nail salon because of their trust in the specialist. Such visitors need to find an approach.

Pay attention to the hands and manicure of the master himself. Forbid craftsmen to smoke at work or generally only accept non-smokers. The client and the specialist are very close to each other during work, the smell of cigarettes can greatly spoil the impression.

Diplomas, achievements, certificates of employees posted on the walls will add confidence to the clients in the qualifications of the master.

It is easier to select personnel on the Internet, independently choosing specialists according to the level of work. You should not advertise in the press, as the flow of low-skilled applicants takes time. You can poach employees from competitors by offering better working conditions.

To open a manicure parlor, you need to hire:

  • manicure and pedicure master - 2-3 people in shifts - payment of 30-50% of the procedure;
  • administrator - 2 people in shifts. The rate is about 8,000 rubles. + percentage of turnover.
  • cleaner - from 4,000 rubles.

At first, you can act as an administrator. If you personally want to act as a manicurist, it is enough to rent a rack in a shopping center or an office in a beauty salon, or take clients at home.

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Well-groomed hands are a must, because they give out the true age! Women and men pay money for a beautiful manicure, but it can be difficult to find a good master.

Manicurist is an ideal job for mothers on maternity leave and for those who want to do interesting things without leaving home. Manicure is in demand at any time of the year, so having studied and gained a client base, the master will be in demand.

Manicurist earnings at home

Before you start making money with the art of manicure, you will have to undergo training and purchase tools. Investments are required, but they will quickly pay off.

Mastery training

Training lasts from a week to a month. It depends on the level of the training master and the training program. Lessons from an acquaintance or from a friend will be minimal in terms of investment, but you will not receive a certificate upon completion of the course.

Clients will be interested in where the master was trained and whether he should be trusted. The level of trust is higher for certified masters. A certificate of completion of training is obtained at the training center. Choose centers that prioritize practical training.

Purchase of equipment

The next investment is the purchase of tools and materials. Choose trusted manufacturers, then the result will be better.

Financial aspect

After completing the training and buying the necessary, train. Invite friends and acquaintances. Temporarily settle into the salon. In the salon, work experience and clients are gained, which then go home for the master. At this stage, it is important to get the maximum experience.

Making money working from home will help:

  • Regular professional development.
  • Variety of services provided.

Engage in nail extension, design. Study fashion trends. Creativity in the execution of the design will attract customers who know a lot about fashion.

Be flexible master. In no salon, the master will not accept a client in the early morning or late evening. This is the plus of the home master. You can adapt to the client.

The ability to travel to the client's home will be a big plus in the work.

How to attract clients for a beginner master

Profit depends on the number of customers and the quality of the service provided. The more people and positive reviews, the higher the income. Here are 4 ways to attract customers:

  1. Advertising

Create a group or page and fill out a profile with photos of your work. You can also provide prices for services there. This will save you unnecessary questions.

Clients who have visited the master are also advertising. If a person likes the approach of the master to work, then he will tell his friends about it. Learn to communicate and find a common language with people. If the master makes many mistakes (cuts, inaccurate coating), then anti-advertising will be inevitable.

Place an ad in the newspapers. Not all women and men use the Internet. Pay attention to older people.

  1. Quality materials.

The more reliable the coating or extension material (gel polish, acrylic, gel), the longer the client spends with well-groomed hands. Covering or building nails with low-quality materials that will crack or wear off will not bring good reviews and new customers to the master.

  1. Client comfort.

It is important that the client, coming to the master at home, feel comfortable. Set aside a separate work area at home so that no one interferes. The client comes for a manicure to relax. In the process of work, do not be distracted by children, husband or animals.

  1. The ability of the master will adapt to the wishes of the customer.

Try to fulfill all client requests. Further visits and profits depend on how satisfied a person is with the procedure.

Earnings of a manicure master in large cities of Russia

Depending on where you live, the price of the service will vary. In Moscow, you will have to pay more than, for example, in Krasnodar.

According to 2016 data, a manicure master earns on average per month:

  • Moscow 33-34 tr.
  • St. Petersburg 30 thousand rubles
  • Ekaterinburg 27-28 tr.
  • Novosibirsk 15 thousand rubles
  • Rostov - on - Don 18-19 t.
  • Krasnodar 17-18 tr.
  • Tyumen 15-16 tr.

This is average data. The price of a manicure depends on the location of the cities and the salaries of residents.

A good master earns more than the average figure. Everything is based on professionalism and efficiency.

At the beginning of your career as a manicurist, to attract more customers, offer people bonuses, discounts or gifts.

  • providing discounts for birthdays or school graduates. To 10%;
  • "Bring a Friend" campaign. A person who brings a friend with him for a manicure will receive a discount on his next procedure;
  • every tenth visit a nail design as a gift;
  • competitions on the Internet.

Remember that the customer is always right. Be patient and hone your skills in dealing with people. Suggest and help with the choice. Follow these basic tips and your home business will thrive.

The profitability of a nail service at home is calculated based on the cost of the service provided minus the materials used. The resulting figure is multiplied by the number of procedures performed during the month, which, in turn, can be roughly determined based on the time allocated for work and the number of clients.

The principle of calculating the cost of services

A qualified master hosting at home serves an average of 5 people during the day. Thus, taking 5 typical services as a basis, we can roughly calculate the profitability of one day of work. Statistics of minimum prices (for an average locality) and the time it takes for an ordinary home master to complete the procedure is as follows:

  • Regular manicure without coating- from 3 to 5 c.u. for 30 minutes of work;
  • gel polish cleaning- from 5 to 10 c.u. for 1 hour of work;
  • Nail extension at home- from 10 to 20 USD in 1.5 hours;
  • Extension with French coating- from 15 to 20 USD in 2 hours;
  • Intricate nail design- from 15 to 30 USD for 3.5 hours of work.

Thus, for 8.5 hours of work (one full working day) you can get from 48 to 85 USD. (US dollars).

From this amount, the cost of materials should be deducted. Since the funds are purchased in bulk, in order to obtain an accurate figure, you will need to experimentally set the consumption per session. In other words, you need to calculate how many clients a bottle of disinfectant or gel polish that you use in your work will last. Then, dividing the cost of the material by the number of sessions, you will find out the price of consumables for one procedure. If several materials are used, their cost is summed up.

An approximate calculation of the cost of a simple manicure without coating:

  • Disinfector (antiseptic)- from 2.5 c.u. for a volume of 100 ml. The consumption of the bottle is an average of 65 doses. Costs for 1 client 0.038 c.u.
  • Cuticle remover (Remover)- from 10 c.u. for a volume of 70 ml. Consumption of a bottle for 70 people. Cost per person 0.14 c.u.
  • Degreaser- from 3 c.u. with a bottle volume of 100 ml. Allows you to perform 65 procedures. The cost for 1 session is 0.046 USD.
  • Cuticle oil- from 10 c.u. for a bottle of 70 ml. The volume is enough to serve 140 people. Price for 1 session - 0.071 USD

In total, the consumption of materials for the performance of the service will be on average equal to 0.29 USD, which is 10% of the minimum cost of the session. The statistics of calculating how much a manicurist at home earns when performing other nail service procedures demonstrates that the maximum cost of materials is no more than 25% of the list price. However, novice craftsmen need to include in the cost of 30% of the cost of materials for the development of technology (correction of errors).

Thus, the minimum actual profit for 5 standard procedures from the previous calculation will be from 40 to 70 USD.

How many procedures per month can be performed

If you are a novice master, you should not expect high profits right away, because first you have to find your clients for manicure at home and try to convince them to become permanent. According to statistics, a woman uses the services of a nail service 1-2 times a month. This means that for everyday work you need to attract from 20 to 100 people per month, which, when performing the simplest procedure, will provide you with an income of 60 to 500 USD.

As the base grows, the income level will be higher. To predict it, you must, first of all, determine how much time you can allocate to work and, focusing on the norms of the time for performing procedures, calculate the number of possible visitors per day. If it is planned to visit the client at home, it will be necessary to add the time spent on the road, preparatory and final operations (preparation and cleaning of the workplace) to the time of the session.

For example, you allocate 8 hours a day to receive clients at home. If you have one set of instruments, you need to subtract the time to sterilize it between sessions. These can be the following ways:

  • Boiling- from 30 minutes in boiling water;
  • Warming up in the oven- from 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius;
  • Thermosterilizer- 60 minutes;
  • Autoclave- 25 minutes.

You should also deduct 10-15 minutes per client for preparation and instrument cooling time. With an average session duration of 1 hour, you can receive no more than 3-4 people per day. To increase the number of possible visitors, it is necessary to have several sets of tools so that a spare is sterilized during the reception. But even with one set, when performing a manicure service with gel polish, your average monthly income (for 20 working days) will be from 400 to 800 USD. In cities with a population of over one million, this figure increases by at least 1.5 times.

Additional Factors Affecting Income

If you are considering a nail service as a way to make money on maternity leave, it is important to understand that you will not be able to allocate a full-time job, which means that the number of clients will be significantly reduced. Demand for services is almost halved in winter (with the exception of holidays).

When calculating how much you can earn on a manicure, do not forget about the cost of electricity, hygiene items (disposable gloves, towels, sponges), depreciation of the purchased tool (it will need to be updated periodically) and auxiliary equipment. These costs are calculated based on the monthly expense and subtracted from the total profit.

Taking into account the data on how much they earn on manicure at home, it is necessary to understand that this occupation is hard work, and it will take at least 6 months, and sometimes 1-1.5 years, to form a good base. On the other hand, the earnings of an experienced craftsman remain relatively stable even during periods of economic crisis.
