Calorie content of food per 100 grams. Learn to count calories and lose weight wisely

A person’s need for energy, which is contained in products, is an important factor in the existence of the entire organism as a whole. Human life is impossible without energy consumption, and in order to replenish strength, a particular individual needs a different set of basic nutrients. Knowledge about the nutritional value of foods will be useful not only for athletes, but also for those who want to lead a healthy lifestyle. The main sources of energy found in any food are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. The right combination of these nutrients will help keep your body functioning at a high level.

What is the nutritional value of food

This is a complex property of food, containing a certain amount of energy that is formed during the oxidation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. It is necessary to perform basic physiological and chemical functions of the body. Any element of food consumed by a person, be it of animal or plant origin, has its own calorie content, which is measured in kilocalories or kilojoules. The complex, which consists of the nutritional value of food, consists of the following elements:

  • energy value;
  • biological effectiveness;
  • glycemic index;
  • physiological value.

Energy value

EC is the amount of energy released in the human body when consuming a particular food. The energy value (calorie content) should approximately coincide with its costs. Changes to a greater or lesser extent will certainly lead to unpleasant consequences. For example, regular accumulation of food energy that exceeds the body’s daily needs is the path to obesity, so it is important to calculate the proportion of consumed fats, proteins and carbohydrates depending on personal activity. This can be done online on most diet websites.

Biological effectiveness

This definition means an indicator of the quality of fatty components in food, the content of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins, and other essential minerals. There are many of these substances in nature, but only 22 of them are needed to build the body. Eight amino acids are essential (they are not synthesized independently):

  • methionine;
  • leucine;
  • tryptophan;
  • phenylalanine;
  • lysine;
  • isoleucine;
  • valine;
  • threonine

Glycemic index

In addition to calorie content, any product consumed by a person has a glycemic index (GI). This is a conditional definition of the rate of breakdown of carbohydrate-containing food. The GI of glucose is considered to be 100 units. The faster the breakdown process of any product occurs, the higher its glycemic index. Dietitians divide food into groups with high (empty carbohydrates) and low (slow) GI.

Physiological value

This element of nutritional value is determined by the ability of products to affect important systems of the human body:

  • Pectin and fiber (ballast substances) have a beneficial effect on food digestion and intestinal permeability.
  • Alkaloids in coffee and tea stimulate the cardiovascular and nervous systems.
  • The vitamins contained in foods adjust the immune system of the human body.

Table of nutritional value and calorie content of foods

By carefully examining all the tables below, you have the opportunity to quickly plan your diet, filling it with healthy foods with a previously known calorie content and composition. The benefit from such an action will be clear: the body will receive everything it needs, but not in excess, but exactly as much as it can use in a day. Dividing into groups is convenient, because you can immediately clearly see what is best combined with what.

  • Dairy and fermented milk products

Food elements of this group are the basis of nutrition for people who prefer a healthy lifestyle. Milk is rich in calcium, vitamins and minerals, and is also easily absorbed by the body. A large amount of proteins in cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk or cottage cheese is the main value of these products. A diet based on dairy products helps stabilize the gastrointestinal tract thanks to the natural bacteria in the composition.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (KCal)

Condensed milk

Low-fat cream

Cream 20%

Dutch cheese

Goat cheese

Low-fat cottage cheese 0%

Fat cottage cheese 18%

Sour cream 15%

Butter 72.5%

Butter 82.5%


Ryazhenka 2.5%

Meat, eggs

Meat products are essential suppliers of proteins. They also contain many vitamins and microelements - taurine, creatine, and others. Meat is the most popular product in the human diet, and dishes made from it number in the thousands. The muscle and adipose tissue of animals do not contain much fat, however, during the cooking process (frying, boiling, stewing) the use of oil or sauces has a great influence, which replace the ratio of proteins/fats/carbohydrates obtained in the end.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (KCal)

Pork neck

Pork ham

Pork belly

Beef ham

Beef tongue

Beef brisket

Lamb ham

Lamb shoulder

Veal ham

Veal tenderloin

Turkey breast

Turkey legs

Turkey wings

Chicken fillet

Chicken legs

Chicken wings

Chicken egg

Quail egg

  • Fish and seafood

Dishes made from products of this category occupy a large place in human life due to their high nutritional value and their taste. Seafood meat contains many vitamins and important microelements (calcium, phosphorus, etc.). Proteins found in fish dishes (river, sea) are easier to digest than animal meat - a big plus for the functioning of the human body.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (KCal)

River perch



  • Bakery products and cereals

Cereals are another important element of the human diet. Cereals serve as a source of carbohydrates and vegetable protein. Eating baked goods made from grains has an unfavorable effect on your figure. The calorie content of bread is very high, and due to the fact that its nutritional value is based on “fast” carbohydrates, an unpleasant process occurs - the level of glucose in the blood rises, thereby actively promoting the formation of subcutaneous fat. For people who carefully monitor their figure, eating baked goods is contraindicated.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (KCal)

City bun

Borodino bread

Wheat bread

Rye bread


Brown rice



Pearl barley

Barley groats

  • Fruits vegetables

Vegetables and fruits play a significant role in proper nutrition. These products are the main suppliers of vitamins, mineral salts, carotene, a number of carbohydrates and phytoncides. Vegetables and fruits actively help prepare the digestive system to accept fatty and protein foods. Due to the high water content in the composition, the energy value of these elements of the food chain is significantly lower than that of other products.

Products (per 100 grams)


Calorie content (KCal)


White cabbage

Boiled corn

Green onion

Bulb onions

Bulgarian pepper





Nature arranges it in such a way that a person does not gain extra pounds, even if he eats more than is allowed. With constant overeating, these foundations collapse, which leads to obesity. The person cannot subsequently control his appetite and becomes fat over time. It is possible to prevent such transformations by using a table of the energy value of food and ready-made meals.

What are calories?

Calories are the amount of energy a person receives during a meal. To maintain normal body weight, you should completely utilize the energy received during meals. When the balance of energy “income” and “expense” is disturbed, extra pounds appear, which negatively affect not only a person’s appearance, but also his health.

Today, the amount of calories in food is determined using a special technique, which involves the use of a device such as a calorimeter. It is used to measure the calorie content of foods and already prepared dishes by burning them in an isolated chamber. The data obtained is combined in a table of the energy value of dishes and individual products. After the experiments, the data obtained are fully consistent with the procedure that occurs in the human digestive tract after eating. The energy received after eating is spent on physical activity, heat production and metabolic processes in the body.

Calculation of energy value using the example of Hercules oat flakes

To get a better idea of ​​calories, consider the energy value of Hercules oatmeal. To calculate calorie content, you need to know exactly how many nutrients are included in food. All food contains varying amounts of minerals and vitamins, so you should include foods that have a balanced composition in your diet.

Every day a person needs to replenish the body's needs for substances such as nutrients. The lowest-calorie and healthiest product is Hercules oatmeal.

Vitamin composition of Hercules flakes, (mg):

  • RR – 4.6.
  • E – 3.2.
  • Thiamine – 0.45.
  • Pyridoxine – 0.24.
  • Folic acid – 0.23.
  • Riboflavin – 0.1.

Mineral composition of Hercules flakes, (mg):

  • Potassium – 330.
  • Phosphorus – 328.
  • Magnesium – 129.
  • Sulfur – 88.
  • Chlorine – 73.
  • Calcium – 52.
  • Sodium – 20.
  • Iron – 3.6.
  • Zinc – 3.1.

Nutritional value of Hercules flakes per 100 grams of product:

  • Calorie content – ​​352 kcal.
  • Carbohydrates – 61.8 grams.
  • Starch – 60.1 grams.
  • Proteins – 12.3 grams.
  • Fat – 6.2 grams.
  • Dietary fiber – 6 grams.
  • Ash – 1.7 grams.
  • Fatty acids – 1.4 grams.
  • Disaccharides, monosaccharides – 1.2 g.

250 ml of Hercules oatmeal contains 316.8 kcal, 200 ml - 246.4 kcal. A tablespoon of Hercules cereal contains 42.2 kcal, and a teaspoon – 10.6 kcal. Thus, using the example of Hercules flakes, it is clear how the energy value of food is calculated.

Food calorie tables

Using the calorie table, each person can calculate the amount of energy received from food. These dietary principles help prevent obesity and related diseases. Calories are not absorbed 100%. Experts say that proteins are absorbed by 85%, and fats by 94%. Fast carbohydrates are absorbed best – 96%. Fats have the highest calorie content. 100 grams of fat contains approximately 90 kilocalories. When broken down, 40 calories are released from this amount of fat.

Energy value of dairy products

Energy value of cereals

Energy value of berries and fruits

Energy value of vegetables and mushrooms

Energy value of meat and offal

Energy value of seafood and fish

Calculation of calories per 100 g. products
Shrimps 85
Crab 69
Squid 78
Trepang 41
Sea kale 5
Gobies 160
Pink salmon 153
Carp 100
Smelt 72
Bream 99
Lamprey 156
Salmon 219
capelin 157
Pollock 70
Perch 89
Halibut 98
Herring 242
Salaka 92
Som 139
Mackerel 158
Horse mackerel 122
Acne 333
Tuna 98
Hake 86
Pike 76

Energy value of sweets

Energy value of bakery products

Calorie table for finished products

You can count the calorie content of food not only before preparing it, but also after it. During culinary processing, the energy value of products changes significantly. When cooking, calories are transferred to the soup, and some of them completely evaporate during boiling. During the preparation of fried foods, an increase in the energy value of foods is observed.

To calculate the energy value of ready-made dishes, you need to know the initial amount of food before starting cooking. Next, you should multiply the calories of the product by this amount, and then sum up all the indicators. Water has no calorie content, so this indicator is not taken into account. As a result, the result should be divided by the number of servings.


In the previous article, we told you about how to properly do exercises at home to lose belly fat, improve the shape of your legs and the elasticity of your buttocks. In addition to physical activity to lose excess weight, we need to properly create a diet with the optimal calorie content in our dishes. To start eating healthy and losing weight, you will need a kitchen scale. You won't be able to get by without them. If you don’t have a scale yet, we recommend purchasing one so as not to “by eye” track the number of calories in the foods you consume (both fresh and dishes prepared from them). Give preference to electronic ones so that you can more accurately find out the weight of prepared meals and fresh foods. Before buying scales in a store, you need to check them for errors. Two or three grams is more or less acceptable.

You definitely need to familiarize yourself with the table of calorie content of ready-made meals and products per 100 grams in order to be able to calculate the number of calories you consume during the day.

You can supplement the data with the calorie content of other foods in your diet if they are not listed in the calorie table. Below are lists of ready-made dishes indicating calorie content per 100 grams. : side dishes, salads, first and second courses, boiled porridges and cereals, cooked fish, poultry dishes, meat and minced meat, sushi and rolls.



You will also need a food diary. It can be replaced with a convenient calorie counting program. In your diary you need to record everything you ate during the day, indicating the quantity and time of food intake.

Consider the number of calories in different food categories to create your diet menu:

Low calorie content (40-100 kcal) In dairy products: milk, low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, low-fat cottage cheese. In fish: flounder, cod, pike perch, carp, pike, pollock. In berries and fruits.

Moderate calorie content (100-300 kcal) in semi-fat cottage cheese; in lean beef and lamb, rabbit, chicken and eggs.

High and very high calorie content (300-900 kcal and above, and these are approximate figures) in butter and vegetable oil, fatty pork, in any nuts, in halva and chocolate, in cakes with fatty creams and similar sweets; in cream and heavy cream.

Do not forget that when preparing foods, they are boiled and fried. At the same time, the weight of the products decreases, and the calorie content increases. How much food is boiled and fried:

- meat (beef, lamb, pork) – by 40%;

Poultry meat – by 30%;

Rabbit meat - 25%;

Fish - by 20%;

Liver (beef, pork, lamb) - by 30%;

Heart (beef, pork, lamb) - 45%.


About twenty percent of the oil in which you fry the dish will be absorbed into the food. The rest of the oil burns in different parts, evaporates or remains unchanged.

For example, let’s take a small piece of chicken – two hundred grams. To prepare it we need thirty grams of sunflower oil. Twenty percent of thirty grams of oil is six grams. Based on this, we add the calories of six grams of butter to the calories of chicken meat.

1) 200 grams of chicken fillet: 116 kcal x 2 = 232 kcal;

2) 6 grams of vegetable oil: 900 kcal: 0.06 = 54 kcal;

3) 232 + 54 = 286 kcal

Let's calculate how many calories are in borscht.

Beef meat on the bone: 400 grams (110 kcal x 4 = 440 kcal);

White cabbage: 400 grams (27 kcal x 4 = 108 kcal);

Potatoes: 400 grams (80 kcal x 4 = 240 kcal);

Onions: 300 grams (41 kcal x 3 = 123 kcal);

Carrots: 150 grams (37 kcal x 1.5 = 56 kcal);

Bell pepper: 150 grams (27 kcal x 1.5 = 41 kcal);

Tomatoes: 150 grams (23 kcal x 1.5 = 35 kcal);

Tomato paste: 50 grams (99 kcal x 0.5 = 50 kcal);

Vegetable oil: 60 grams (900 kcal x 0.51 = 459 kcal).

If we add up all the calories in the ingredients for making borscht, we get 1630 kcal.

Then we cook the borscht and weigh how much borscht we got (without the weight of the pan). This is approximately 3650 grams.

3650 grams of borscht = 1630 kcal

100 grams of borscht = x kcal

100 x 1630: 3650 = 45 kcal

if we assume that your portion of borscht is 250 grams, then you can calculate: 45 kcal x 2.5 = 113 kcal


Hard-boiled eggs do not lose their beneficial properties. The longer you cook an egg, the longer it will take for your stomach to digest.

How to properly boil eggs.

Pour boiling water into a small saucepan. Take a spoon and quickly but gently drop all the eggs into the water. Make sure that the water exceeds the eggs by one centimeter. Then you need to turn on the timer and boil the eggs for exactly a minute. Remove the saucepan from the heat and cover with a lid. Set the timer again and boil the eggs for seven minutes. The white will be completely cooked, and the yolk will be denser.

Boiled egg

Kcal – 160

Fats – 11.6

Proteins - 12.9

Carbohydrates – 0.8


Heat the oil in a frying pan, beat the eggs into it without damaging the yolks. Fry the eggs on the stove for one or two minutes. Then put the pan in a hot oven for three to four minutes. Make sure that as soon as the whites have turned white on top, you can serve the scrambled eggs directly in the frying pan or on a heated plate.

The calorie content of a fried egg is quite high - 358 kcal.

In terms of nutritional value, scrambled eggs are superior to boiled eggs. But it is important to take into account that fifty kcal of the figure indicated above is contained in protein.

The highest calorie content is for dried porcini mushrooms - 210 kcal and for salted milk mushrooms - 201 kcal. Then, in descending order, you can name pickled mushrooms, then fried ones. Freshly prepared boiled mushrooms have the lowest percentage of calories - they lose their value during processing.

If you take a mushroom like champignon, it can be used in various diets. It contains about ninety percent water, carbohydrates, proteins, minerals, organic acids, many vitamins and minerals: phosphorus, iron, zinc and potassium. All these substances are very beneficial for our immune system, are well absorbed and promote weight loss. The phosphorus content in mushrooms is no less than in fish. And their calorie content does not exceed 27.4 kcal. Champignons can be used in salt-free diets, as their sodium content is very low.


Kcal – 27

Fats – 1.0

Proteins – 4.3

Carbohydrates – 1.0


Vinaigrette is considered one of the healthiest salads. It consists mainly of red vegetables: beets and carrots.

Carrots are a healthy root vegetable that contains carotene and has a beneficial effect on vision and blood. With frequent use of vinaigrette, the blood in the body begins to renew. It is saturated with useful microelements, which may not be enough in our body.

One of the required ingredients of the vinaigrette is pickled or pickled cucumbers. They are also very healthy to eat every day. The recipe for making vinaigrette is extremely simple. For the vinaigrette you will need potatoes, beets, carrots. They must be boiled first. After cooling, cut the vegetables into small cubes, add pickled or pickled cucumbers, sour or fresh cabbage and season the salad with fragrant vegetable oil. If desired, you can add boiled beans or green peas to the vinaigrette.

The vinaigrette:

Kcal – 122,

Proteins – 1.4

Carbohydrates – 6.6


Pepper is rich in vitamins that have antihistamine properties, which makes breathing much easier. Pepper has a high content of carotene and vitamins B1 and B2. Pepper contains sugars, nitrogenous substances and essential oil. Pepper has an impressive mineral content: phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, chlorine, sulfur and silicon.

Kcal – 27,

Fats – 0.0

Proteins – 1.3

Carbohydrates – 5.7


An excellent alternative to store-bought mayonnaise is homemade mayonnaise - it will contain fewer calories, fewer harmful ingredients and will have an excellent taste. It contains no preservatives, which means it is healthier. Its cost is significantly lower. Plus, you can add various spices to it to taste.

Making mayonnaise at home is very simple, and most importantly, it doesn’t take much time.

To prepare it you will need vegetable oil, water, milk powder, egg powder, sugar, salt, dry mustard and vinegar. Its fat content will be sixty-seven percent.

Homemade mayonnaise:

Kcal – 624,

Proteins – 3.1

Carbohydrates – 2.6


Melon is a healthy product that is rich in vitamins and microelements. The iron content in melon is almost twenty times greater than in milk. Melon pulp contains potassium, chlorine, sodium and calcium. Melon is very useful for anemia, exhaustion, some diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as atherosclerosis. It can enhance the effect of the antibiotic, while making it less toxic.

Melon contains a huge number of different enzymes. It is perfectly absorbed by our intestines and helps it function normally. Melon promotes weight loss. For disorders of the digestive system, this is an indispensable medicine.


Kcal – 33

Fats – 0.3

Proteins – 0.6

Carbohydrates – 7.4

If you have just started creating your diet menu and want to know how many calories are in certain dishes (foods), ask questions in the comments below. There you can share tips, your experience in losing weight, what diet helped you lose extra pounds.

The main source of energy for the body is fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The more proteins, fats and carbohydrates a food contains, the more energy the body receives. You just need to remember that the energy received must be spent so that excess weight does not appear.

Energy is expressed in calories, so in order not to gain excess weight and even lose weight, you need to know your daily calorie intake. You can calculate the amount that you need by using.

And to make it easier to create your diet and count calories, we offer you a universal table of caloric content of foods. The tables are divided by product category and include the main items that you eat every day.

Berries and fruits

In the summer, much attention should be paid to fruits and berries that grow in garden beds and are sold on every corner. This is not only an opportunity to get a lot of vitamins, but also to saturate the body with a minimum number of calories. In the spring-summer period, it is easy to lose weight without knowing hunger. At the same time, berries and fruits do not contain fat, which greatly facilitates the digestive process.

Product name
Grapefruit and orange and lemon 35 and 38 and 31
Apricot 46
Pineapples 48
Watermelon and melon 38 and 25
Banana 91
Cherries and sweet cherries 49 and 52
Grape 69
Pomegranate 52
Pear 42
Strawberries and strawberries and raspberries 41 and 37 and 41
Figs 56
Kiwi 61
Gooseberry 44
Peach 44
Currants (black, white and red) No more than 40
Plum 43
Persimmon 62
Apple 46
Mandarin 38

Greens and vegetables

Vegetables must be present in your diet. They, like fruits, are full of vitamins, have no fat and help you stay full. Vegetables are great for snacking, and most importantly, they can be found in any store.

You can combine them and make salads, the main thing is to add less oil and salt so as not to burden your stomach.

Note that during cooking, the calorie content may increase (for example, add oil), or it may decrease if you add vinegar. But in this matter you need to be careful so as not to harm the body.

Product name Number of calories per 100 grams
Eggplants and zucchini 24 and 27
Green peas (pod) 72
Potato 80
Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, white, red and sauerkraut 12, 29, 28, 31 and 17
Onions (onions, feathers, leeks) 43, 22, 40
Carrot 33
Cucumbers (ground, greenhouse and pickled) 15, 10 and 8
Olives 558
bell pepper 23-27
Radish 20
Radish 34
Parsley and dill 45 and 30
Celery 22
Beet 48
Salad 14
Tomatoes (ground, greenhouse and pickled) 19, 14 and 11
Asparagus 16
Garlic 106
Spinach 21
Sorrel 28

Legumes and cereals

The key to losing excess weight is proper nutrition and the required number of calories. If the body does not receive the required energy and microelements, it will begin to store reserves. Therefore, while losing weight, you should not refuse food. And there are only vegetables and fruits, although these are the best foods for cleansing the body.

Therefore, your daily diet should include a variety of grains. Please note that the calorie content of these products may decrease depending on the cooking method. For example, steamed rice with chicken has 117 kcal per 100 grams.

Bread and bakery products

Even if your goal is not to lose weight, but only to maintain weight, then you need to be careful with flour products.

When preparing food, oil is always used, without which most dishes simply cannot be prepared. Some people don’t skimp on oil, while others try to limit its use.

But even 10 grams of oil will help make food tastier.


Dairy products and products are full of calcium, which is vital for the body. Calcium is especially important during diets and drying of the body, since calcium is washed out along with water.

Product name Number of calories per 100 grams
Yogurt with a fat content of no more than 1.5% 51
Kefir with fat content no more than 1% 30
Homemade milk 58
Milk in bags 83
Powdered milk 475
Ryazhenka and curdled milk 85 and 58
Sour cream 20% -206, 10% — 116
Cream 20% — 205, 10% — 118
Curd mass (cheese) 340
Cheese From 300 to 400
Brynza 260
Skim cheese 86
Cottage cheese from 5% to 9% 156
Cottage cheese from 18% 226

Meat and sausage

Every body needs meat because it contains microelements that are difficult to find in other products. Therefore, you shouldn’t give up meat, it’s just better to reduce the portions.

Turkey and chicken meat are especially useful. But lamb and pork are very difficult to digest.

Note that internal organs or meat by-products have lower calorie content (not listed in the table), but they are difficult to cook and the taste may not meet your expectations.

Product name Number of calories per 100 grams
Mutton 203
Beef 187
Goose and duck 364 and 346
Turkey 197
Chicken 165
Pork 350
Veal 90
Boiled sausage From 170 to 360
Boiled-smoked From 360 to 420
Ham 279
Brisket and loin 467
Semi-smoked From 260 to 466
Sausages 332
Sausages From 220 to 324
Raw smoked Up to 520

For breakfast, it is best to make scrambled eggs or an omelet with vegetables. This breakfast is most useful for energizing for the first half of the day.

Seafood is important for the body, as it is full of phosphorus and other beneficial microelements, and most importantly does not contain carbohydrates. It is on the minimum amount of carbohydrates that the Kremlin diet is built.

In addition, sea fish is considered dietary and satisfying, especially if cooked or baked in the oven.

Product name Number of calories per 100 grams
Pink salmon 147
Flounder 88
Squid 75
crucian carp 87
Carp 96
Shrimps 83
Bream 105
Pollock 70
capelin 157
Sturgeon 164
Perch (river and sea) 82 and 117
Halibut 103
Carp 121
Arctic cod (small and large) 143 and 262
Salmon 219
Herring 242
Mackerel 153
Som 144
Zander 83
Tuna 96
Cod and cod liver 75 and 613
Pike 82
Hake 86

Nuts are good for snacking; the main thing is not to overuse them, as any nuts are very high in calories. And many of them are heavy food for the stomach.

Some sweets

Everyone loves sweets, and sometimes it can be very difficult to give them up. Well, if you want to pamper yourself, then you need to know how many calories you can afford.

To effectively lose weight, you should completely avoid eating sugar and flour, as well as various sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, etc.). These foods have the greatest impact on weight.

Count your calories, and within a couple of weeks you will notice that your weight is decreasing and you feel light and energetic.

Our respect to the dear regulars of our site! We have collected very important information and are in a hurry to entrust it to you.

Its value is primarily for those who seek to reduce their weight, but it is also useful for those who want to maintain a healthy, balanced diet.

Energy value of foods table - what is it for, how to calculate the amount of calories needed and its chemical composition?

Also get answers to how many calories you need for a certain area of ​​activity.

Since school, we know that our body needs to breathe, drink, eat and rest. These are, perhaps, the main points that we cannot live without.

If everything is more or less clear with air, drink and rest, then the daily intake of calories remains an unsolvable mystery for many. Have you also encountered this problem? Let's find the answers together!

Formula for success

Regardless of what reasons or advice, you still decided to lead a healthy lifestyle and

And the first thought that came to you was what and how much I should eat. As for nutrition, we recommend that you look at other topics on our website in the section.

Now we will calculate how much food to eat per day in order to maintain the body’s energy and at the same time not accumulate fat. Back in the 90s, a formula for the norm of calories consumed was derived and to this day it is the most accurate.

Of course, age should be taken into account (at different periods of life we ​​spend the body’s energy differently); weight (the more you weigh, the more energy it takes to move); how active you are in life and, of course, your gender.

So, prepare a piece of paper and a pen, we will derive an individual formula.

First, we determine how much energy your body spends at rest (metabolism, breathing, nail/hair growth and the functioning of all internal organs).

SP – state of rest.

Women's SP = 9.99 * kg (weight) + 6.25 * cm (height) - 4.92 * age - 161

SP men = 9.99 * kg (weight) + 6.25 * cm (height) - 4.92 * age + 5

After receiving the SP result, depending on your active lifestyle, we will determine how much energy your body spends daily:

  1. Inactive/sedentary lifestyle: SP*1.2
  2. Light loads (training up to three times a week): SP*1.375
  3. Moderately active (classes up to five times a week): SP* 1.55
  4. Active lifestyle (workout up to seven times a week): SP* 1.725
  5. Very active (daily training): SP*1.9

For example, let’s calculate for a woman 30 years old and a lifestyle with little stress.

SP=9.99*49+6.25*162 – 4.92*30 – 161=489.51+1012.5 –147.6 –161=1193.41

SP*1.375= 1193.41*1.375=1641

This means that this lady will multiply 1641 calories by 0.8 to lose weight and get 1312 calories per day. And the weight will definitely come off.

Consuming less than 1200 calories per day is very dangerous for your body and is not recommended without the supervision of a doctor!

However, sometimes there are cases when kilograms need to be gained rather than lost. How much do you need to increase your caloric intake to gain weight? Depending on the desired result, the consumption rate should be increased by 15–20%.

A lady with a weight of 49 kg and a height of 162 dreams of gaining 5 kg. Then the norm of 1641 calories should be multiplied by 15%.

1641*1.15=1887 calories per day.

Three product categories

Naturally, it is not necessary to count every piece you eat - just look at the tables of the energy value of food products and figure out for yourself what exactly should be reduced or even excluded from the diet. Although the trick is that in literally seven days you can remember all the kilocalories from the tables.

For those looking for an easy way, we can suggest a conditional division of food into three categories:

  1. Products that promote weight loss. These are: citrus fruits; nuts; a pineapple; raspberries; green tea; ginger; spices.
  2. Products that support normal weight. These are: lean meat; porridge; cereals; any eggs; fermented milk products; vegetables.
  3. Foods that will add pounds. These include: fast food; sweet soda; confectionery and flour products.

Those who have started eating should definitely think not only about the calories they eat, but also about the chemical composition of the foods they eat.

We are talking about proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Of course, the chemical composition includes macro/microelements and vitamins, but they do not affect the weight loss process.

The most important chemical composition of the product is protein. It is impossible to exist without it. It comes in plant and animal origin.

By violating protein intake, you risk acquiring the following diseases:

  • Dystrophy;
  • Marasmus;
  • Decreased immunity.

Too much protein also leads to certain problems:

  • The body is refilled with protein breakdown products - leading to many diseases;
  • Excess protein blocks the normal absorption of calcium in the body.
  • The norm of protein consumption is calculated based on your weight. On average, there should be 0.8–1.2 grams per kilogram. squirrel.

    The next element is fats. Everyone has deposits of fat in varying quantities - this is a supply of fuel for our life.

    It is impossible to exclude the consumption of fats from the menu, since they are a source of important substances entering the body - vitamins and mono/polyunsaturated acids, which take part in metabolism and more.

    Excess fat contributes to the development of:

    • Cardiovascular diseases;
    • Oncology.

    The daily intake of fat should be 30% of the calorie intake.

    The last element is carbohydrates. They are the main suppliers of energy to the body. An excess of carbohydrates is converted by the body into fats. Most diets are designed specifically to reduce carbohydrate intake.

    Have you already learned the amount of calories per day, depending on your lifestyle? Based on this figure, you calculate your carbohydrate intake per day to be approximately 55-65% of the energy value of the diet.

    Be sure to follow these tips:

    • You can lose weight by 1.5 kg per week.
    • To lose weight, reduce your diet by 20%.
    • On weekends, energy consumption may be less, do not forget to do the calculation correctly.

    Even more useful information can be found on our website - recommend it to your friends and achieve successful victories.
