DIY oxygen face mask. Oxygen face masks and their effect on your skin

An oxygen facial mask is a product for women who do not want to think about wrinkles and want their skin to always remain beautiful and youthful. Such masks are used for facial care and are considered auxiliary, suitable for all skin types.

Oxygen is an integral part of all living things; we breathe it. With its help, the proper functioning of the body is ensured. It has a positive effect on the skin.

To explain how a mask with hydrogen peroxide works, it is enough to know basic chemistry. Cells contain water, which is based on oxygen. But over the years, moisture evaporates, which leads to dullness of the skin, sagging and tightness, and wrinkles appear. If a woman uses an oxygen mask while caring for her face, then:

Without oxygen, we are not able to live, without it our skin is not able to function normally. Experiencing oxygen starvation, epidermal cells sharply reduce their metabolism and begin to age at an accelerated pace.
  1. Oxygen levels will increase.
  2. The cells will regenerate. Thanks to this, you can get rid of various inflammatory processes and rejuvenate the skin.
  3. Hyaluronic acid, elastin, and collagen will be produced. These are substances that provide the skin with firmness, elasticity and smoothness.

If you look at it, there is no oxygen inside the mask. It contains other active substances. Perfluorocarbons or aquaftem may be used. They absorb oxygen, and then contact occurs between them and the skin. During this, the oxygen contained in these substances is broken down and enters the cells. From this we can conclude that the mask has a special effect that can rejuvenate.

Cooking at home

Many manufacturers produce such facial products, so they can be easily found and purchased in the markets. However, there are women who create their own care products. An oxygen facial mask can be easily and quickly made at home.

The main component - hydrogen peroxide - can be bought at any pharmacy.

The most popular types of oxygen face mask that you can prepare at home are chamomile and almond.

To prepare the chamomile mixture, you need to take oatmeal (2 tbsp) and grind it. Chamomile flowers (about 1 liter) and white clay (the same volume) are added to this mixture. Pour water (100 ml), drip peroxide (10 drops will be enough). The components are mixed, after which the facial product is ready. This option is ideal for those women who have inflammation on their skin. Keep the product for no more than 5 minutes.

Another good option is a face mask made from almonds. To prepare it, you should take oatmeal and almonds (2 tablespoons of each ingredient). Add hydrogen peroxide (10 drops), white clay (1 l.), water (100 ml). The almond mask is also applied for 5 minutes.

It is important to follow one rule: you must initially test the oxygen mask. To do this, apply a little of the mixture that has been prepared to the palm, on the back of it. If there is no allergic reaction, then you can apply the mask to your face. It can restore elasticity and freshness to women's skin.

Indications and contraindications

An oxygen mask can be purchased at any pharmacy. Along with such means, instructions are given that indicate how and who should use it. Women who have:

  • the skin ages and fades;
  • wrinkles have formed (age-related, facial wrinkles);
  • acne appeared;
  • oily skin type;
  • There are pores inside which dirt has accumulated - they require careful cleaning.

Such products should not be used by girls who have healthy, young skin, because the oxygen mask does not nourish it.

There are some contraindications to the use of this product. These include wounds on the face, scars that have recently appeared, open injuries, and serious skin diseases. Oxygen masks should not be used if a woman has problems with blood circulation. In such cases, it is necessary to consult a specialist.

Why is it sometimes difficult to get your skin in order? Masks do not help, and massage does not give the expected effect. The answer is simple - it's all about the surrounding air. Our skin simply does not have enough oxygen - the cleanliness of the air in large cities leaves much to be desired. This means that it’s time to get acquainted with oxygen cosmetics, which can recently be found on the shelves of beauty salons and pharmacies.

Operating principle

Without oxygen, we are not able to live, without it our skin is not able to function normally. Experiencing oxygen starvation, epidermal cells sharply reduce their metabolism and begin to age at an accelerated pace. An oxygen facial mask is a new trend in modern cosmetology, which is confidently breaking through to a leading position in the niche of care products.

In fact, there is no oxygen in such masks; it is replaced by the active substances perfluorocarbon (PFC) and aquaftem. They have the property of “attracting” pure oxygen, breaking it down into molecules and delivering it to the deep epidermal layers of the skin.

For such unique abilities, these substances are called “materials of the future.” Enriching the dermis with pure oxygen, regenerating and restoring, destroying free radicals, they rejuvenate it as much as possible in a short time.

Who will get help and where to do it

If you have healthy and normal skin, there is no need yet to enrich such epidermis with oxygen. But in this case:

  • Aging skin with lots of wrinkles.
  • Progressive growth of acne and.
  • Skin prone to oiliness, with a greasy sheen.
  • Heavily contaminated pores.

Oxygen care will be very helpful. After all, oxygen-containing sessions also have a peeling effect, which further enhances their properties. So where should you go for oxygen sessions? You have three options:

Beauty Salons. An oxygen facial mask in the salon is an effective way to tidy up your skin and significantly rejuvenate it. Of course, if you are given the go-ahead for this by time and finances.

Pharmacies. There is a good selection of oxygen-containing masks on the shelves of pharmacies. Already ready and requiring only familiarization and following the instructions. There is a wide choice: restorative, restorative, anti-inflammatory, toning, designed for skin with different problems and types.

Home Recipes. We can easily create these rather expensive procedures and masks with our own hands. This is worth talking about in more detail.

But how can you create active substances at home that can break down oxygen? One familiar remedy has such talent - ordinary hydrogen peroxide.

Peroxide, combining with the other ingredients of the masks, enters into a chemical reaction, which results in the rapid release of oxygen. It penetrates the dermal cells and enriches them. At the same time, metabolism improves and the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and collagen increases. The result is effective healing and rejuvenation of the skin.

This composition cannot be stored - it is used immediately. An oxygen-containing mask should be prepared exclusively in ceramic or enamel containers (peroxide can react chemically if it comes into contact with plastic or aluminum). Masks of this type should act on the epidermis for no more than a quarter of an hour.

Choose your recipe

Before the procedure, do not forget to test your skin for a possible allergic reaction - apply a little of the mixture to your wrist and observe the skin reaction. For homemade masks we need 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Oatmeal nutritious

Grind oatmeal (25 g) to a coarse flour. Add dry chamomile flowers (10 g) and white clay (15 g) to it. Stir the mixture thoroughly and pour clean water (100 ml) and peroxide (16 ml) into it.

For problem skin, replace white clay with green clay; if the dermis is dry, use lavender instead of chamomile.

Almond cleanser

Grind almonds and oatmeal flakes (25 g each) in a blender. Add dry rose petals (10 g) and cosmetic clay (15 g) to the mixture. Then add a mixture of peroxide (10 drops) and water (100 ml) to the mixture.

The mass is applied with massage circular movements onto a cleansed face. At the same time, lightly rub it into the skin.

Protein whitening

Mix together any shaving cream (10 g) and peroxide (16 ml). Carefully pour the entire mixture into the pre-whipped egg white and immediately apply to the skin.

This product is especially good for toning and getting rid of pigmented areas of the skin.

With bodyaga anti-inflammatory

Carefully add hydrogen peroxide drop by drop to the freshwater sponge powder (4 g). You need to mix in enough to get a mixture as thick as sour cream.

Use this product with extreme caution. Here two very active substances interact at once; such a mask is very effective, but also quite aggressive.

You can also do peeling with badyaga, read more about this.

With anti-inflammatory powder

Take baby powder (30 grams) and gradually pour in peroxide in a thin stream until a thick mass is obtained.

This mask has a more gentle effect. It can be used for sensitive dermis. The result will be clear, youthful skin without a hint of acne.

To achieve maximum results, perform oxygen sessions in a monthly course of 2 procedures weekly. Then let your face rest for 14-16 days.

Hello dear readers. If you have already visited my blog, then you are really interested in how oxygen masks can help at home. And what is this anyway? Oxygen face masks... How can masks be oxygen?.. Where can oxygen come from? And I had exactly these emotions when I first read this phrase, which sounded really strange...

So, let's figure it out together with you, what is it and what is it eaten with?

A small lyrical digression: don’t be lazy, because it’s much easier to buy expensive tubes and jars in stores, although the mixtures contained in them do not always help. I think perhaps you have also been convinced of this from your own experience, my aunt had it bitter... It is much easier, and still more interesting, to make a mask yourself at home. However, let’s return to our “masks”, or rather oxygen masks. Go!

Everyone knows from school that nothing on earth can live without oxygen. And, of course, our skin cannot function without it. Experiencing oxygen starvation, the cells of the epidermis quickly and imperceptibly reduce their metabolism, that is, they begin to remove decay products much worse, and grow old, sad to say... Oxygen masks will help us in preventing these truly terrible consequences. This, by the way, is one of the new trends in cosmetology, which confidently occupies a good position among cosmetic (care) products.

No matter how strange it may sound, there is NO oxygen in these masks! “I mean, how is it not?” - you ask. And so... It is being replaced by perfluorocarbon (or PFC for short) and aquaftem. These active substances can truly perform a miracle: attract oxygen, break it down, and then deliver it to the skin. Maybe for those who studied chemistry at school, these words sound clearer) Although it’s much easier to explain?

Yes, I forgot to write an important advantage: it, that is, the mask, helps to quickly rejuvenate and enrich the skin with useful substances in a short time. Two in one!

Oxygen face mask and where to make it?

Our reader, of course, wants to find answers to such questions. You can answer this way: if your skin is healthy and normal, then you don’t need to enrich the cells with oxygen yet, but if you do:

  • pimples and acne;
  • aging skin with wrinkles;
  • contaminated pores or, in common parlance, blackheads;
  • greasy shine on oily skin, that is, the goal is to turn the skin into normal and healthy, beautiful and velvety.

But where can you buy or do oxygen-containing procedures?

There are 3 options: beauty salons, pharmacies and home recipes, which I will tell you about in more detail...

Oxygen masks at home: tricks, secrets and warnings

As you remember from the above, oxygen is broken down by perfluorocarbon and aquaftem (what complex words after all). You may ask how to make them at home, although it is clear that there is no way, or where to buy such substances? Or maybe replace it with something?.. Yes, exactly replace it! And not something, but something that is well known to each of us. Everyone tried to pour it into scratches and watch how the foam appeared. It can be useful not only for disinfecting wounds, abrasions, and so on, but also as an ingredient for oxygen masks, which has amazing and miraculous properties: it improves metabolism, enriches skin cells by penetrating them, and also enhances the synthesis of collagen and hyaluronic acid. By the way, peroxide for homemade masks needs three percent.

Yes, a mixture containing hydrogen peroxide should never be stored, use it immediately! You need to prepare the mask in a ceramic or enamel bowl; it may react with others (plastic or aluminum). The mixture can remain on the face for no more than 15 minutes! Then don’t say you weren’t warned!

Oxygen face mask with almonds at home


  • hydrogen peroxide - 8 drops
  • oatmeal - 1 tablespoon
  • white clay - 1 tablespoon
  • warm water - 4 tablespoons
  • almonds - 1 tablespoon


  1. Grind the almonds well (by the way, do you know that almonds are famous for their properties of cleansing facial skin from impurities + evening out skin color).
  2. Next, all the listed ingredients are mixed well. The almond mask is applied to clean facial skin for 5-10 minutes and washed off with warm water. For a lasting effect, it is recommended to use this mask once a week for 1.5 months.

Find your recipe:

Some people read reviews before, but first it is much more important to test the skin for the possibility of an allergic reaction. If you don’t do this just once, you can be upset for a very long time when looking at yourself in the mirror... Don’t repeat the mistakes of others! How can this be done anyway? Very simple! Apply a little mixture to your wrist and observe the skin's reaction.

And from these videos you can learn how to apply a Korean mask correctly and why your face needs aloe and how it is used.

You can learn a lot from these materials and figure it out again.

This article will not have a conclusion! But if, nevertheless, if we sum it up, then we can say that sometimes it depends on ourselves what our skin, face and much more, not just the body, will be like. Therefore, don’t be afraid to experiment, look for something new, don’t be lazy. Yes, and don’t forget to check your masks for possible allergies. Remember that my readers are the most beautiful!

Many have encountered the problem when it is impossible to get their skin in order using any of the available methods. Neither daily high-quality care, nor cleaning, nor masks help. It turns out that the whole point is a lack of oxygen. The skin is deprived of the ability to fully “breathe”; it requires special oxygen cosmetics. How to saturate your skin with oxygen at home? Let's make an oxygen mask with our own hands. Medvyana's home care magazine has prepared for you a master class on a mask that will help saturate the skin with oxygen.

How does oxygen work?

Experiencing oxygen starvation, tissue cells reduce (and sharply) their own metabolism and begin to age quickly. They require oxygen assistance immediately. We need cosmetics that can saturate the skin with oxygen, stop negative processes, and saturate it with perfluorocarbon (PFC) and aquaftem, which attract pure oxygen, break it down into molecules and deliver it from the epidermis to deeper layers.

Thus, in the composition of cosmetics, oxygen for the skin is a conductor that delivers useful substances, and in this case - natural ones - into the dermis itself.

The skin needs oxygen so that it becomes toned, the cells begin to divide more intensively, actively absorb the nutrients supplied to them and build collagen and elastin from them - something without which the firmness and elasticity of the skin is impossible.

Saturating the face with oxygen means prolonging its youth, giving it strength to fight adverse external influences and free radicals.

Oxygen is necessary for the skin of the face to improve blood circulation. Due to poor blood circulation, the epidermis lacks nutrients that come with the blood, which means it ages faster.

Home oxygen recipes

An oxygen mask is quite simple to prepare at home. You can, of course, buy oxygen cosmetics in specialized salons or pharmacy departments. But enriching the skin with oxygen is possible with your own hands.

In order not to leave the skin without the oxygen it so badly needs, you can create effective saturating formulations at home.

But where can you get a product at home that will break down the oxygen entering the skin? The familiar hydrogen peroxide has this unique quality. Inexpensive, familiar and so effective.

But in order to create a truly effective “oxygen” home mask, you need to decide on one more point: what does the fading epidermis need right now? Nutrition, cleansing or whitening? Or maybe there is an effective remedy that stops inflammation? We offer you a master class on how to prepare a simple but effective oxygen mask with your own hands. Medvyana's home care magazine for face and body offers you a simple, affordable and at the same time effective recipe.

Precautions and preparation rules

1. To prepare any of the oxygen masks, you must use only ceramic dishes, since the finished composition can enter into a chemical reaction with aluminum or plastic.

2. Before applying the finished mask, it should be tested on the bend of the elbow (lubricating it a little) for allergic reactions.

Effective oxygen nutrition: step-by-step master class

To prepare a nourishing skin mask with a noticeable oxygen effect at home, you will need:


  • dry oat flakes - 25 g;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 10 g;
  • white cosmetic clay - 15 g;
  • clean water - 100 ml;
  • pharmacy hydrogen peroxide - 16 ml.

An oxygen face mask at home is prepared using hydrogen peroxide - this is the only available product that can saturate the facial skin with oxygen.

We must remember: any homemade “oxygen” mask is prepared exclusively for one time and cannot be stored for even an hour. That is, it needs to be prepared and used immediately, and the leftovers should simply be thrown away.

We prepare the mask with hydrogen peroxide, which performs several functions: disinfects the skin, whitens, cleanses. In other words, this mask is very good for problem skin: it dries out inflammation and pimples, eliminates acne marks, and cleanses the epidermis. But at the same time, due to peroxide, such a mask should not be used often, so as not to dry out the skin. If you do not add hydrogen peroxide, then a mask with flakes, clay and chamomile flowers can be done as a course to eliminate acne.

White cosmetic clay It absorbs fat and impurities from pores well, has a whitening, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial effect.

Cereals provide a light exfoliating effect and enhance the cleansing properties of the clay.

Chamomile flowers pharmacy have a calming and anti-inflammatory effect.

To create a nourishing oatmeal mask with peroxide, you should:

First grind the flakes to a fairly coarse meal;

Then combine them with the rest of the dry ingredients;

Then carefully pour water into the dry mixture and mix everything;

Then add peroxide and mix everything again.

The oxygen mask is ready for immediate use. You can see the resulting composition in the photo.

If your skin is problematic, it is better to replace white clay with green clay in your home oxygen mask. And when the epidermis is dry, it is recommended to use lavender flowers instead of chamomile flowers.

How does this procedure work? The peroxide reacts with the other ingredients and oxygen begins to be released. When applying the mask, it actively penetrates the skin cells, enriching them.

The time such a mask remains on the face and neck is no more than a quarter of an hour. Next, you need to wash it off with warm water.

This is a recipe you can easily make at home. After the procedure, apply your usual moisturizer to your face. We hope that this master class was useful to you. Write your impressions in the reviews!

The oxygen facial mask has gained popularity among women who want to look beautiful relatively recently. The fair sex fell in love with her for her ability to work miracles. The use of such a mask leads to rejuvenation of the facial skin and restoration of the natural shade, getting rid of visible defects. Oxygen cosmetics make the skin more elastic, eliminate wrinkles and acne.

This element helps the skin restore its water balance. Lack of fluid in the cells leads to premature fading of the facial surface. The unsatisfactory environmental situation in populated areas, poor health, and low-quality cosmetics also have an impact. The oxygen mask is designed to combat dryness of the face and the appearance of age spots on it. Due to the moisturizing effect, the following results are achieved:

  • There is more oxygen in the intercellular spaces.
  • Increased moisture levels help launch rejuvenation processes and strengthen the body's protective functions.
  • Skin color improves, it clears and becomes smoother.

Oxygen is not contained in pure form in cosmetics; it is formed due to the action of perfluorocarbons. These materials, present in lotions and creams, are able to absorb oxygen from the surrounding space and saturate the skin cells with it. The smallest molecules penetrate them quite quickly and begin their rejuvenating effect. This is the essence of using oxygen cosmetics.

Who are oxygen masks suitable for?

For young girls who have no defects on their faces, using such masks does not make much sense. Women at a more mature age, whose faces show signs of aging, can use various ointments to bring them back to normal.

Oxygen masks will help cope with the following problems:

  • Wrinkles on the face. After regular cosmetic procedures, their number will decrease and the skin will become more elastic.
  • Acne. The compositions have the ability to effectively act on various rashes on the face, including eliminating inflamed acne.
  • Polluted pores. Using oxygen masks you can cleanse pores and eliminate blackheads.
  • Insufficient activity of the sebaceous glands. When it is normalized, the oily sheen disappears.

However, it must be remembered that the use of oxygen masks should be delayed if there are open wounds on the face. A contraindication to the use of masks is also the expansion of subcutaneous vessels.

Rules of application

Today in pharmacies you can purchase any products that can synthesize oxygen and rejuvenate facial skin. This kind of cosmetics is produced by many leading companies. Naturally, before applying the product to your face, you should carefully read the instructions and strictly follow the rules set out in it. Before use, it is advisable to cleanse your face of other cosmetics to increase the effect of the mask. After this, it is recommended to steam the skin.

At the same time, compositions for saturating cells with oxygen, if desired, can be prepared independently. They must contain hydrogen peroxide, since this solution has the ability to absorb oxygen and transport it to skin cells.

Nutritional compositions for the skin should be prepared only in ceramic dishes, since they tend to react chemically with products, for example, made of aluminum or plastic.

After preparing the mixture, it must be tested to make sure there is no allergic reaction in the body. This can be done by applying a small amount of the composition to the bend of the elbow.

DIY oxygen masks

There are a large number of recipes for preparing compositions for facial rejuvenation. Here are the simplest of them, but at the same time quite effective:

Chamomile mask

2 tbsp. l. Mix thoroughly crushed oatmeal with a spoonful of dried chamomile flowers and the same amount of white clay. Dilute the resulting mixture with warm water to a thick consistency, add 10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Almond mask

2 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 2 tbsp. l. Grind almonds and mix with a spoonful of white clay. Dilute with water, add 10 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Apply to facial skin for 10 minutes.

Oxygen face masks at home act effectively and quickly, in no way inferior in their cleansing properties to pharmaceutical preparations from well-known manufacturers. Positive results can be seen after the first procedure. To consolidate the effect, it is necessary to use the product more than once.
