When does pregnant women produce milk and when does colostrum appear? Colostrum during pregnancy: what is it and is there a danger? What color is milk in pregnant women?

In anticipation of the birth of a baby, the happiness of motherhood, a woman already imagines in advance how she will breastfeed her baby. This is joyful anticipation. But at the same time fear appears: will there be milk, will there be enough for the baby? These issues are especially concerning for women expecting their first child.

The woman is anxiously waiting for the first proof that she will still have milk, the baby will not go hungry and will receive the most complete nutrition from the mother. The first evidence is the appearance of colostrum.

This article will talk about colostrum. You will find out when to expect it to appear, how many days it arrives before mature milk appears after birth, and why the baby needs it so much.

What is colostrum and what is its importance for the baby?

Colostrum is the secretion of the mammary gland that precedes mature milk. It is pale yellow in color and has a sticky consistency. The first colostrum appears earlier, before childbirth, but begins to be actively released after childbirth. And 1 to 4 days after birth it is replaced by mature milk.

This valuable product is produced in small quantities and has a higher calorie content than regular milk. Therefore, a newborn baby does not need so much of it.

And mothers often worry that they secrete literally drops of colostrum after childbirth, and that they will not be able to feed the baby with this amount.

Colostrum is rich in immunoglobulins (these are immune proteins that transfer immunity to the child from the mother), proteins, and fats.

The mother's immunoglobulins will protect the baby from infections even before the age of six months, while his immunity is developing. Therefore, early latching of the baby (immediately after birth) and feeding with colostrum is so important.

It is also rich in vitamins and antioxidants. And this is additional support for the weakened immunity of a newborn, who in the first days and weeks of life constantly encounters still unfamiliar microorganisms.

Colostrum also helps bind excess bilirubin in the baby’s intestines. That is why frequent feeding and feeding with colostrum is considered a kind of prevention of physiological jaundice in a newborn.

Colostrum contains laxatives that help cleanse the baby's intestines of original feces (meconium).

Colostrum contains many enzymes that help digest breast milk. The substances it contains contribute to the maturation of the baby's enzymatic system.

It is also rich in lacto- and bifidobacteria, which should first colonize the still sterile intestines of a newborn baby.

Also, colostrum, due to the content of oligosaccharides, has a prebiotic effect. In other words, it promotes the colonization and growth of beneficial microflora in the baby’s intestines.

Also, from a physiological point of view, such a transitional stage of feeding colostrum during the period of adaptation of the child to a change in type of nutrition is very necessary. After all, in the body of a newborn, all systems are launched gradually.

For example, due to their immaturity, the kidneys of a newly born baby find it difficult to cope with a large water load. And colostrum does not contain as much water as mature milk or formula.

Therefore, colostrum is an ideal product for feeding a newly born baby. And there is no need to rush to feed him with formula, hoping that it is better than this small amount of colostrum.

When does colostrum begin to be produced?

With the onset of pregnancy, various transformations occur almost immediately in the mammary gland. It increases in volume, becomes more sensitive, sometimes even painful.

A little later, pigmentation halos appear around the nipple. But few people know that almost immediately the gland begins to gradually produce a secretion - colostrum.

Colostrum can be released from the breast at any stage of pregnancy. Long-term observations have shown that its release at various periods is the absolute norm. And if it is detected very early or, conversely, does not appear at a later date, there is no need to panic or worry. Everything is considered an individual norm.

It happens that some mothers find out about the onset of pregnancy precisely by the droplets of this secretion released on the bra. But these are rather isolated cases.

Still, the release of colostrum in significant quantities in the early stages of pregnancy is an undesirable phenomenon. This can be contributed to by various factors, which, as a rule, should be excluded during pregnancy.

These include:

  • taking a hot shower or bath;
  • hot drinks such as coffee, cocoa or tea;
  • stressful situations;
  • long stay in a hot, stuffy room;
  • stimulation or massage of the mammary glands.

In the generally accepted average, colostrum begins to be noticeably released from the breast only after 15-16 weeks. But this is not necessary; this does not happen to all women. But in the third trimester of pregnancy (from 32-33 weeks), almost all pregnant women notice its release from the mammary gland.

Moreover, this phenomenon cannot be attributed to obvious precursors of childbirth, since colostrum can be released from the breast at any stage of pregnancy.

Another thing is that by the time of childbirth there is more of it. The hormonal background, namely an increase in the concentration of the hormone oxytocin before the onset of active labor, promotes the release of colostrum from the breast. And such secretion is no longer unnoticeable.

The question arises: is the future quantity and quality of milk somehow related to the time of appearance and amount of colostrum?

The answer is no, it is not related. Nature has given all women the opportunity to breastfeed their offspring equally. Therefore, whether or not colostrum is released from the breast before birth does not have much significance for further lactation.

That is, it cannot be said that with the early appearance of colostrum during pregnancy, lactation after childbirth will quickly establish and be long-lasting. It also cannot be said that in the absence of colostrum during pregnancy, a woman will have problems with lactation after childbirth.

So do not listen to the frequent idle talk of non-specialists about the direct connection between the period of release and the amount of colostrum during pregnancy and the formation of good lactation after childbirth.

What should a pregnant woman be wary of when releasing colostrum?

It must be understood that the release of colostrum is always accompanied by certain hormonal changes, which have the same stimulating effect on the muscles of the uterus.

Therefore, you need to be attentive to your health. For example, a significant amount of colostrum in the early stages of pregnancy can provoke nagging and spasmodic pain in the lower abdomen or lower back.

At the first sign of such pain, you should immediately consult a doctor. This may indicate increased muscle tone in the uterus, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

Normally, women during pregnancy may feel heaviness and slight tingling in the chest. But in a situation where the release of colostrum is accompanied by severe pain and swelling in the chest, the woman should definitely see a specialist (gynecologist or mammologist - a specialist in the mammary glands).

Normally, the secretion released from the breast should have no odor. But if you notice any impurities in the colostrum (blood or pus) or smell the unpleasant smell of this secretion, then this is no longer normal.

Such situations may indicate an infectious process in the mammary gland. To diagnose and treat such a pathology, you must immediately consult a doctor.

There are rare cases when colostrum appears in non-pregnant women. This is not the norm, but a pathology. Colostrum can only be produced when the concentration of certain hormones (prolactin and oxytocin) increases.

And if the increase in the level of these hormones is not caused by pregnancy, then it is possible that a neoplasm, that is, a tumor, is taking place in the woman’s body. Therefore, you urgently need to undergo a set of examinations from a mammologist, who will help exclude this terrible diagnosis.

How to care for breasts when colostrum is leaking?

First of all, let me remind you that it is prohibited, regardless of the stage of pregnancy, to squeeze or try to express colostrum from the breast.

If colostrum is released before birth, you need to adhere to some breast care rules.

  • Wear a comfortable and soft (wireless) bra, such as a nursing bra.
  • If a significant amount of colostrum is released from the breast, you can use special disposable breast pads. This will help protect your clothes from wet stains.
  • It is necessary to wash the mammary glands with warm water twice or thrice a day, since colostrum is a good breeding ground for various bacteria and fungi.
  • During breast hygiene, it is better not to use soap or shower gels, just wash your breasts with warm water.
  • You need to wipe your breasts carefully, using a soft towel with a blotting motion (do not rub).
  • You should not take a hot shower or be in a hot room (steam room, sauna). This may promote the release of colostrum.
  • When colostrum is released, itching or irritation may occur in the nipple area. Therefore, for the prevention or treatment of already existing cracks and irritation, you can use special protective or wound-healing creams with dexpanthenol (Dexpanthenol, Panthenol, Bepanten).
  • It is not advisable to massage the mammary glands during pregnancy. After all, this can lead to stimulation of lactation and increased muscle tone of the uterus.

Bottom line: expectant mothers should not worry about whether they will release colostrum during pregnancy, since the process of its formation in the mammary glands is definitely, one hundred percent, started. And sooner or a little later you will see it.

The main thing is to try not to miss the slightest opportunity to feed your baby these valuable products after giving birth. Even if for some reason your stay in the maternity hospital together is not yet possible.

You can always express your colostrum and transfer it to your baby in another ward. It is important that you are interested in this. And may breastfeeding be a joy to you!

The release of colostrum is considered completely normal. It occurs in the early stages before the delay, but in some cases it occurs in the last weeks of pregnancy, almost before birth. Even doctors cannot say why this happens. They refer to the fact that this is purely individual and depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body. Many expectant mothers are interested in when pregnant women produce colostrum and what it looks like. We will answer this question in this article.

Composition and purpose of colostrum

When colostrum appears, women immediately notice how their breasts become enlarged. At this point, a liquid similar to a sticky, yellow or almost transparent consistency is produced. Its composition is as follows:

  • t-lymphocytes;
  • immunoglobulin A;
  • neutrophils;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • minerals;
  • beta-carotene;
  • selenium;
  • iron;
  • water;
  • simple proteins, fats and carbohydrates (lactoferrin, lactose, etc.).

Many of the components mentioned are designed to strengthen the baby's immunity. Most of them (lactoferrin, immunoglobulin A) are not digested, so they remain in the stomach, where they are able to fight allergens and other harmful substances.
In addition, colostrum has a number of other beneficial properties for the child. These include:
reducing the risk of oxidative stress;
influence on the development of intestinal microflora;
acceleration of the excretion of the first feces that fill the baby’s intestines;
enriching the child’s body with vitamins and nutrients necessary for the formation and development of organs.
According to research, it is also known that secretions from the mammary glands are effective against various bacteria (Escherichia coli, salmonella, streptococcus, etc.). In addition, colostrum actively fights viruses, for example, rotaviruses or polio and herpes viruses.

At what time does colostrum begin to be produced and appear?

No specialist can give an exact answer to how much colostrum appears, when and in what month it appears. Some believe that discharge should be expected at 30, 32 and 35 weeks of pregnancy, that is, in the third trimester and closer to the onset of labor. Other doctors believe that secretion from the nipples appears at the beginning of the 1st trimester before the delay or from the day of conception. Although in such cases, pregnant women do not notice this, since at first the appearance of colostrum is indicated only by mild itching and a barely noticeable tingling in the chest area.
You should not be upset or seek medical help if colostrum does not appear at all. Lack of fluid during pregnancy is also considered normal and depends on the characteristics of the body. As a rule, in such women, discharge occurs after childbirth for one or several weeks.

What should colostrum be like (color, taste, consistency, amount of discharge)

You can judge what colostrum looks like from various photos and videos on the Internet. In the early stages of pregnancy, it has the appearance of a thick yellow consistency, reminiscent of milk in structure. Colostrum tastes a little sweet.
Closer to childbirth, around 32 or 35 weeks, breast milk comes to replace it. The consistency thins out, loses its usual color and becomes almost transparent.
If you compare colostrum with breast milk, it is higher in calories due to the presence of many proteins and fats. In addition, it contains more substances that are beneficial for the child’s body, such as: beta-carotene, vitamins A and E, zinc, etc.
Colostrum production begins around the second trimester. During this period, little fluid “comes out” and should not be squeezed out or expressed.

Do I need to express colostrum?

Some pregnant women leak too much colostrum, especially before or after childbirth. Of course, this causes some discomfort in the form of wet underwear, slight itching or discomfort in the chest area, but there is no need to express fluid. Some doctors even prohibit doing this, since after pressing the breast, the uterus is stimulated, which, for example, provokes spontaneous abortion.
During the postpartum period, pumping is allowed, but only in certain situations. For example, if a baby is weak or sick from birth, his reflexes have not yet developed and it is difficult for him to get milk, then bottle feeding is simply necessary.

Discharge from the chest as a sign of pathology

There are a number of symptoms that can be used to determine that colostrum is a sign of certain diseases or complications. These include:

  • Painful sensations. Quite often this indicates the development of some kind of inflammatory process in the chest, for example, purulent mastitis. When nipple discharge during pregnancy is also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and back, this indicates an increase in the tone of the uterus. This is due to the excessive production of hormones that stimulate labor. Failure to promptly treat such symptoms increases the risk of premature birth.
  • Admixture of blood. Very rarely, discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy occurs along with blood. This only means that the woman has inflammation of some organs. In addition, the appearance of benign or malignant neoplasms should not be ruled out.
  • Unpleasant smell. If the colostrum has an unpleasant odor, this indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. If at the same time a woman experiences pain in the mammary glands, her body temperature rises and she feels weak, then she should immediately consult a doctor. This indicates the presence of a bacterial infection. If an unpleasant odor occurs after childbirth, then breastfeeding is strictly prohibited and breast milk must be replaced with baby formula.

The presence of at least one of the mentioned signs is already considered a deviation from the norm. It is possible that at this moment some inflammatory processes occur in the woman’s body that can negatively affect the unborn child.

What to do if colostrum appears: breast care rules

If the first consistency appears during pregnancy, women are strictly prohibited from massaging their breasts. Any stimulation of colostrum production will lead to the production of hormones responsible for the tone of the uterus. This, in turn, threatens to increase labor activity or spontaneous termination of pregnancy.
If colostrum begins to appear, you need to regularly wash the breast skin with clean water without any personal hygiene products. You can also use special breast pads that are designed to absorb any liquid, including breast secretions. In addition, such products have antiseptic properties. In other words, their use prevents infection and bacterial growth.

We found out when pregnant women produce colostrum, what it looks like and how it is beneficial for the baby.

Your baby will be born only in a few months, and you are already getting ready to feed him. Many women generally call swelling and increased sensitivity of the breasts the first sign of pregnancy! At this time, the mammary glands begin to produce colostrum - the baby’s first food, a thick, sweetish liquid of light yellow color with high nutritional value - more than 150 kcal per 100 grams, this is the calorie content of fruit jam and milk ice cream!

When and how should colostrum appear, what is normal and what is pathology? Let's figure it out!

When does colostrum begin to be produced?

As soon as a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes due to pregnancy, she begins to produce colostrum. This happens already in the first trimester - however, the nutrient fluid is released in minimal quantities, so not all pregnant women notice it. Although among expectant mothers there are those for whom the appearance of colostrum becomes a - as you understand, the amount and intensity of colostrum secretion at the beginning of pregnancy is an individual thing.

In the second trimester, the number of women who pay attention to dirt on their underwear increases. Finally, in the third trimester, almost all pregnant women know that in certain situations, colostrum is actively released, literally “dripping” from the breast.

Situations that provoke the release of colostrum include:

  • hot shower, bath, sauna, bath;
  • hot drinks;
  • breast massage;
  • sex;
  • stress (both positive and negative emotions).

The appearance of colostrum: what is normal and what is not?

So, we have already found out that the release of a small volume of colostrum already in the first weeks of pregnancy is the norm. However, if colostrum does not appear until you give birth, this is also normal!

Minor impurities of blood in colostrum may appear due to capillary ruptures during the expansion of the mammary gland ducts. If nothing bothers you other than the “visual effect,” then this is also a variant of the norm.

The vast majority of pregnant women experience a feeling of itching, swelling, and fullness of the breasts in the second and third trimester. In this way, the mammary glands are rebuilt to produce milk.

Contact your doctor if:

  • you regard your sensations as pain, and not as slight discomfort (any doubts “does it hurt and am I really in pain” is also a reason to consult a doctor!);
  • regular appearance of blood in the discharge (this may also indicate a tumor!);
  • An unpleasant odor from colostrum indicates an inflammatory process in the ducts of the mammary gland.

Colostrum is released - what to do and what not to do?

If there is so much colostrum that it stains your clothes, purchase special disposable bra inserts for nursing mothers. Don't forget to change them regularly!

Wash your breasts regularly with warm water and do not overuse soap! If necessary, use delicate care products with a neutral pH.

Dry yourself with a soft cloth without rubbing your nipples.

Do not try to express colostrum or massage your breasts to trigger it. Artificial induction of lactation can provoke increased uterine tone.

Colostrum: myths and legends

Since the time of our great-grandmothers, there have been many “true signs” associated with colostrum among pregnant women, which, however, have no physiological basis. It’s interesting to check whether they “worked” for you or not?

The appearance of colostrum is a sign of imminent labor (usually called two weeks).

Such a prediction can seriously worry expectant mothers who notice the appearance of colostrum already in the second, or even in the first trimester. Fortunately, it has nothing to do with reality.

The more colostrum and the earlier its release began, the more milk there will be. There is no colostrum before birth - hurry up and buy formula.

In fact, neither the period at which colostrum begins to be released, nor its volume before and even after childbirth, correlates in any way with breastfeeding.

“Missing” colostrum is a sign of future problems with breastfeeding.

During pregnancy, colostrum can be periodically released, then the discharge stops, then resumes again... this does not affect the quality of breastfeeding in any way.

Prepared by Ekaterina Ershova

All expectant mothers know that immediately after childbirth, secretions begin to come out of the breast. Typically, it is a colorless, viscous liquid, extremely rich in nutrients, which will soon turn into regular breast milk.

During pregnancy Colostrum "comes" milk
After Arrival Use
Method of use

But not everyone knows that many women produce colostrum during pregnancy. This is why many women feel anxious when colostrum begins to be released.

When colostrum appears during pregnancy, it is a natural physiological process and is not dangerous to the health of mother and baby.

Could this be a sign of conception?

Colostrum in itself is one of the signs of pregnancy, but not always. You should be wary in the following cases.

  1. Your period should start (but for some reason it hasn’t started yet), your breasts are enlarged and hurt. Do a test to determine the “interesting position”, or better yet, donate blood for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) to check whether conception has occurred. If the result is negative, check the level of prolactin in the blood, visit a gynecologist and mammologist.
  2. The secretion is released before each period. It is necessary to undergo examination by a mammologist; he will confirm or rule out inflammation of the mammary glands, as well as other possible diseases.
  3. The secret was isolated for the first time, but the test to determine the “interesting position” showed a negative result. Donate blood for hCG, if according to the test result there is no conception, first of all, you need to contact an endocrinologist to check if there are any malfunctions in the body.

It is incorrect to consider secretion as a sure sign of an “interesting situation”, since colostrum can be released without pregnancy. An accurate answer to the question of possible conception can only be obtained by taking a test for the “pregnancy hormone” hCG. All .

Any, even the slightest, discharge from the breast, if conception has not occurred, is a reason to make an appointment with a specialist. Only a slight release of colostrum in newborns (both girls and boys) is considered normal, which is due to the residual presence of maternal hormones in the blood.

Early secretion

When colostrum begins during pregnancy, this means one thing: the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for milk production, has been activated in the woman’s body. Everything is natural, the body is actively preparing for the upcoming birth.

At what month of pregnancy colostrum appears depends on various reasons:

  1. Heredity. If your mother started leaking colostrum early during pregnancy, you will most likely start leaking colostrum early too.
  2. Individual characteristics of the body, changes in hormonal levels. The higher the level of the hormone prolactin in the body, the sooner the secretion will begin to be released.
  3. Heat, elevated air temperature with high humidity. It is not news that early secretion occurs much more often in summer than in winter.
  4. Massage and sexual stimulation of the breast can speed up the secretion of secretions from the breast. The same effect can be caused by stress.
  5. A hot shower and drinking hot drinks (tea, coffee) are not necessary, but can affect the release of secretions during pregnancy.
  6. Breast size. A minor factor, but nonetheless. The larger the breast size, the earlier the release of colostrum may begin during pregnancy, especially if several factors coincide (for example, heredity and heat). As well as vice versa: thin girls with small breasts usually do not complain about the early appearance of secretions, and the question of at what stage of pregnancy colostrum begins to be released begins to interest them no earlier than the second trimester of expecting a baby.

This is a natural biological process

Thus, during a normal pregnancy, colostrum should most likely appear starting in the second trimester. In the later stages of the “interesting situation” (from 32 weeks until the birth of the child), a secretion, the prototype of breast milk, is released from the vast majority of expectant mothers.

Why is this feature dangerous?

The mere appearance of colostrum in early pregnancy is not such a good reason for alarm. This is just a signal that a pregnant woman’s body is preparing for the imminent arrival of a baby. External signs: breast swelling and enlargement of the mammary glands.

During a routine examination, the gynecologist must conduct an external examination of the breast and palpate it. If he has no reason to worry, then you, accordingly, can sleep peacefully.

You should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible if.

  1. Colostrum discharge occurs in the first weeks of pregnancy, and there is often a tugging in the lower abdomen (as during menstruation). In this case, an immediate visit to a doctor is necessary to confirm or exclude a threat to the life of the fetus.
  2. The release of secretions in women who are kept in a hospital is a sure sign of uterine contraction, which can also pose a threat to the fetus. It is especially dangerous if the sudden release of secretions is accompanied by bloody discharge from the vagina.
  3. Your chest hurts, you notice purulent and/or bloody discharge on your underwear, lumps are felt in your chest. This is not normal and treatment is required.
What color is it?

The color of colostrum during pregnancy, as well as its consistency, depends directly on the gestation period of the baby.

  1. In the first weeks of the “interesting situation,” the released secretion can be compared to a thick, sticky, yellowish liquid.
  2. The closer the date of birth, the clearer and whiter the colostrum during pregnancy, and the more similar in consistency it is to breast milk. You can see what these discharges look like in the photo.

Secret released

Usually, colostrum does not disturb a woman’s comfort during pregnancy, since it is released mainly at night. But hot weather, positive or negative stress, breast massage and other factors that have already been mentioned above can provoke increased secretion, regardless of the time of day.

Preventive actions.

  1. A pregnant woman must carefully observe personal hygiene, especially when secreting secretions. This is an indispensable condition for the birth of a healthy baby.
  2. You need to take care of a suitable-sized bra that will not squeeze your breasts. It is best to choose special bras for nursing mothers; they will also be useful after the baby is born.
  3. If colostrum is released so much during pregnancy that it stains your underwear, you can easily buy special bra inserts in almost any store or pharmacy. You can also use regular cotton pads if the discharge is small. But do not forget to change your bra and inserts promptly, as a humid environment creates excellent conditions for the growth of bacteria.
  4. To prevent infections, be sure to rinse your breasts several times a day (as needed) with warm water, but without soap.
  5. The most important rule is to never try to express colostrum! This will only increase its production. It’s not for nothing that mothers who have just given birth are advised to put their baby to the breast as often as possible.
  6. During pregnancy, intense stimulation of the mammary glands can also be dangerous, as the release of oxytocin into the blood increases, which provokes uterine contractions, which, with the most tragic consequences, can cause a miscarriage.
  7. By stimulating the breasts, you can easily introduce an accidental infection through microcracks that are invisible to the eye.

Don't skimp on special ointments and creams for stretch marks: they will not only help keep your breasts beautiful, but will also relieve the itching of swollen breasts and help you feel comfortable.

: Borovikova Olga

gynecologist, ultrasound doctor, geneticist
