Comments by Alexander Vasiliev on the outfits of the stars. Enraged Alexander Vasiliev humiliated and criticized the heroine of the new release of the show

Alexander Vasiliev considers Russian women the most beautiful in the world. But despite this, almost all Russian women spoil their beauty. Let's look at the main mistakes of Russian women, and then recommendations from a fashion historian on how to compose an image ...

Alexander Vasiliev is an intelligent, cultured person who knows 7 languages ​​and has written 30 books. He was born in 1958 in Moscow into a family of theatergoers. At the age of five, he began to show extraordinary abilities and create costumes and scenery for puppet theater. At the age of 12, he completely designed his first performance.
Graduated from the Moscow Art Theater. Worked as a costume designer. And in 1982 he moved to Paris. Since then, it has become famous all over the world.

Fashion historian Alexander Vasiliev in his youth

Wrote many books. He lectures in several languages ​​in many countries of the world. Awarded with many awards and prizes for the promotion of Russian art.

The main mistakes of Russian women in choosing an image

1. Vulgarity and unnaturalness

Short skirt, cleavage, heels, hair extensions, nails and bright makeup… For many women it is beautiful. And for Vasiliev and the entire civilized world, this is terrible, unnatural. Vasiliev believes that Russian women have too much “tuning”, which spoils all beauty and creates an effect girls lung behavior.

2. Inconsistency with the figure

Many women choose clothes that do not match their figure. For example, curvy ladies for some reason, they wear leggings and a tight top, and with all this they only emphasize their fullness. And the slender ones put on hoodies ...

3. Age mismatch

Some Russian women do not know how to look well-groomed, beautiful in their age. And so we see a woman in her 40s wearing a miniskirt and a crop top with a cleavage or not at all. young people with nuclear make-up and in their “aging” clothes…

✨Alexander Vasiliev advises, first of all, to buy a large mirror, look carefully into it and, as it were, evaluate yourself. You need to indicate your type of figure, skin color, eye color, hair condition, find disadvantages and advantages. And then you need to work with all these ...
✨Then you need to choose a range of shades that are right for you and a cut of a dress, pants and other clothes that also suits you.
When choosing clothes, one should be guided not by what is fashionable now, but by what suits the most.
✨It must be remembered that style is not only a well-composed image. This is posture, and your speech and behavior. You can be stylishly dressed, but a completely vulgar woman (Vasiliev considers Ksenia Sobchak such vulgarity. The outer shell is nothing, but the “filling” (rude behavior, rudeness, obscenities) simply horrifies the fashion historian).
✨ If you are plump, you can’t wear shoes with thin heels and you can’t wear tight things, as well as transparent clothes that emphasize your fullness. It is categorically impossible to "stick out" the sides and stomach. They need to be skillfully hidden under clothing. Light flowing clothes, black color, can hide the fullness. large drawing, skillful draping.
✨ You can not open the neckline and legs at the same time.
✨ Naturalness, accentuated beauty is in fashion. "Glamour" has long gone out of fashion. A bunch of sequins, extended hair and nails, silicone lips, flashy defiant clothes - this is not fashionable, it's terrible.
✨Every woman is simply obliged to have in her wardrobe a small black dress. It is always relevant.
✨ Dress beautifully at home! No hundred-dollar slippers, washed-out bathrobes, stretched sweatpants and grandma's sweater. Do not force your husband to see this horror every day.

On New Year's Eve, Moscow hosts many different ceremonies and parties. And the stars need a large number of evening dresses. Can everyone find correct options? This question is answered by our permanent expert fashion historian.

“Our stars have become very glamorous. And I thank fate that I lived to see this period, when many stars are not at all ashamed. Actresses and singers look no worse than their Hollywood counterparts. Our celebrities are in great shape, they are slender, well-groomed. And most importantly, finally, the impression of the outfits is very positive. I can say that I see this as a personal contribution: I made it with my weekly critiques, which I tried to make as tactful and constructive as possible. You should never criticize anyone without offering an alternative. A lot of people say it's bad. What would be good? Here I am happy to give advice, and whether to agree with them is a personal matter for everyone. What are the most common mistakes celebrities make? Some "miss" with the color of the outfits. They choose the wrong bags - too large, too small, not in color. But the most common mistake is a watch on the wrist with an evening dress. If a woman came in a spectacular outfit, then a watch, even studded with diamonds, is absolutely superfluous in her image. Remember: expensive watch appropriate in negotiations when you need to prove your ability to pay. Partners will look at the branded accessory and say: you can sign a contract with this lady. But no star should wear a watch to a social event. They must be immediately replaced with a bracelet or simply removed!

Trophy dress of the star of the 40s

"Retro style dress Kristina Orbakaite good for party. It reminds me of the 40s. It looks like a German trophy outfit. Christina is like this style is coming. She has a pronounced acting core. That’s why she was filmed in historical films.”

Kristina Orbakaite at the Event of the Year award ceremony. 2017 Photo: RIA Novosti

Does a young wife adorn a mature, accomplished man? After all, such marriages are not uncommon today. Answering this question, our permanent expert Alexander Vasiliev fixed his eyes on the famous couple - Igor Nikolaev and his wife Yulia.

Source: Magazine "7 Days"

“Our today's hero is a very successful composer in the field of popular music,” the fashion historian begins the story. - Igor even has an unofficial title - "Mozart of the national stage." Sounds nice. By at least, he is one of the few of our composers whom the people know by sight.

Nikolaev was born on Sakhalin in the 60th year. Mom is an accountant, dad is a seascape poet, a member of the Writers' Union, and a captain long-distance navigation. In 1975, Igor left for Moscow, entered the music school at the conservatory. And in the 80s he got into the ensemble of Alla Pugacheva "Recital" - he was taken as a keyboardist. But few people worked in this team. Many we don't know. But Igor distinguished himself and began to write songs to Alla Borisovna. Yes, what! Famous hits "Iceberg", "Ferryman". Further more. “A week before the second, I will leave for Komarovo,” which was sung by actor Igor Sklyar. I don't see anything surprising in Igor's success. After all, Nikolaev is the son of a poet, he lived in the world of creativity from childhood. And then, after all, Sakhalin is very romantic place. There are monsoons, storms, winds and a very unusual nature. I think that all this contributes to the disclosure of talent and the creation of a variety of artistic images.

We all remember that behind Igor's marriage with Natasha Koroleva. Now he has a young wife, Yulia Proskuryakova. Well! Apparently, the composer likes one type of woman. Persons short stature, With lush breasts, With long hair with a smiling round face. Such a woman combines the appearance of youth and sexuality in one bottle. Interestingly, Natasha's chosen one, Tarzan, is also somewhat similar to Nikolaev. I suppose that Igor wanted to say to his ex-wife: “I found it no worse than you,” and Natasha replied: “And I am even sexier than you.” Perhaps these couples are made up of mutual reproaches. But if no jokes, then Nikolaev is a great fellow, he good example other men - how not to lose vitality, enthusiasm, youth, be fit, take care of your body (here they are, the pluses of life with a young pretty wife!). Igor dresses with taste, in a certain style, without experimenting too much with color. If all the men in our country after fifty looked like this, it would be great. The discreet white and blue palette that dominates his wardrobe appeals to me. A beautiful wife became a very harmonious addition to it.

Take on arms

“I love that this couple’s suits don’t have too many colors. Igor's good jacket, sits beautifully on him, Yulia has a magnificent Evening Dress Very trendy shade - a win-win for release today. Ladies, take it on arms!

doll in pink

“It can be seen that Igor and Yulia are thinking through their joint publication to the smallest detail. Look, she has white trousers, and he has them too. All shades of blue suit him, as well as bright blue and cold blue with a touch of steel. I like the color of Yulia's top much less. Too girly. But it should be noted that, in general, Yulia Proskuryakova dresses well, not vulgarly, not defiantly. And most importantly, in all the photographs, the spouses look like a happy and harmonious couple. One can only rejoice at their union."

Object of envy

"Julia in spectacular dress shade of "bright coral". The color suits her well, Igor, as always, looks good. I have no reason to criticize his clothes. In addition, Nikolaev is in great shape. He has no belly, it's just the limit of my dreams and the object of envy. great press, slender legs. I think he leads active image life, goes to the gym. Here is the result! It can be seen that he is a sexy man, he has testosterone, and in considerable quantities. Igor does not look at his 54 years. A man in his prime!"

fairy tale princess

“Igor’s shirt is not bad, white trousers, in which he often walks, suit him. He does have taste. First, Nikolaev is an adherent of a certain colors, often wears blue and white, very male combination. There is no ambiguity in his outfits. Although he dresses quite brightly, he is not at all as carnival-like as some of ours. pop stars male. His wife is like a beautiful princess from a fairy tale. I do not exclude that such an image of Igor's life partner ignites, excites and helps him stay in good shape.

Russian beauty

"Wonderful hair, tanned skin. A very well-groomed young woman. A set of a red top and a blue floor-length skirt looks very patriotic, because red and blue are the colors of the Russian flag. The only thing missing is the third color of our flag - white. This season, blue has become one of the most fashionable. In trend blue shoes, bags, accessories and, of course, clothes.

How to get an idol?

"I see that blue and blue colors both she and he like it. They are dressed, as always, in the same color. Our heroes are on vacation. Therefore, Igor is in a T-shirt and shorts - why not? In the second photo, he is wearing jeans, but they are very close in color to Yulia's dress. Shorts and jeans perfectly match the atmosphere of a seaside resort, which is Jurmala. Note that even the glasses of the spouses match. Julia on one of the photos in mini. But she is young and pretty. Why not show wonderful slender legs? Everything shows that Igor adores her, and she reciprocates him. By the way, in sunglasses and with this hairstyle, Yulechka is just the spitting image of Natasha Koroleva. I think this is done on purpose. Firstly, because Julia knows what type her husband likes. And so a little "works" under his former. Well done. Wise girl. I think she is extremely happy. Many stars have fans, and they only dream of getting their idols in their arms, and she succeeded!

Nobility of Athos

“Bright yellow is not at all typical for men's wardrobe. But it's okay, this color is now in vogue. I'm not sure if it should be worn with a burgundy shirt, but these are already subtleties that a man may not take into account. Does Igor need long hair at this age? Here Agutin, for example, cut his hair three years ago. But in this image of him - with long hair, coupled with a mustache and beard - there is some kind of musketeer nobility. In addition, for long curls you can hide your age. On the neck we see his signs, but Nikolaev has a good oval face, and most importantly, cheerful eyes.

Such a woman should be given fur coats and diamonds

“Igor's wife fits very well into the type of girl that is popular today. Open charming face. Fresh, young, fit, sexy, no psychological problems. It can be seen that the character is flexible. And not too intellectual - not to the point of tediousness. Such a woman wants to give expensive fur coats, jewelry. Dress her up like a doll. She sings on stage, but not as much as Natasha Koroleva. It's even good. Igor has already lived through this stage. It is more important for him that Yulia is his wife, and not a popular singer.

How to rejuvenate a man

“Again, Igor and Yulia are dressed in a pandan. And this is a good example. If all couples dressed like this, it would be nice. Julia in this photo is a very young creature, a girl. But she younger spouse for 22 years! In principle, for our country in last years such marriages became common. But notice, Nikolaev next to her looks much younger than his age. If we didn't know his year of birth, I'd say he's 35. So, dear men, - here is one of the advantages of choosing young wives. Let's not talk about the cons."

Oriented right away!

"Blue scarf, blue jeans, black leather pants, black jacket. It is immediately evident that these people think over their toilets in advance. They always want to emphasize: we are a couple, we came together. And I am also impressed by the fact that Yulia always smiles so radiantly, she likes everything so much. Do you know where Igor met her? At his concert in Yekaterinburg ( hometown Yuli). She approached him backstage. And it's great that he found time, the desire not only to continue the fleeting meeting, but also to move on to action. I confess to you, I am also surrounded by hundreds of admirers. But there is no way to even communicate with them. But Nikolaev got his bearings. I take my hat off to him!”

If your wife loves dolls

“Yulia has a dress and accessories in the real color of Barbie, and, in my opinion, this does not suit her. I do not advise anyone to wear such a doll-pink, unless you are a girl of five or ten years old. Every time a woman comes out wearing this color, we understand that she has not finished playing mother-daughter. But in the case of Yulia, this is rather an exception - everything is in order with her taste.

Alexander Vasilyev decided to take stock of the outgoing year and remembered the most controversial outfits Russian stars. “In general, the stars began to dress more restrained. They prefer elegant dresses to the floor Less defiant neckline, daring mini. Many began to choose more safe road and acquired a certain gloss. And yet, sometimes some allow themselves provocations, ”said the fashion historian.

One of the most discussed outfits of this year was the dress of Dmitry Malikov's daughter Stephanie. The girl came to the Tatler debutantes ball in a sexy Alberta Feretti outfit with deep neckline. “A debutante should look modest. And such a neckline cannot be called modest. Yes, perhaps Stesha Malikova showed too much for her first ball. But I wouldn't criticize her too much for that. From my point of view, tolerable - there is nothing vulgar in this image, ”said Vasiliev.

Fyodor Bondarchuk's fiancee Paulina Andreeva showed a no less spectacular outfit. At the opening ceremony of the MIFF, the actress appeared in black pantsuit. All attention was focused on the dizzying neckline of the star. “I will not scold Paulina Andreeva for this exit, but, on the contrary, I will tell her “Bravo!”. First, she is young and pretty. Secondly, wearing a tuxedo on a naked body is fashionable. Yes it bold option. But Paulina has a right to it. She seems to want to show with her whole appearance that she is not afraid of anything, ”Alexander commented on the image of the actress.

The prize in the nomination "Sleeves of the Year" Vasiliev would gladly present to Svetlana Khodchenkova. “While many star ladies are racking their brains on how to attract attention, Svetlana Khodchenkova found her recipe. Very original sleeves, amazing blouse,” said the critic.

« Most beautiful back year "Alexander called the outfit" daddy's daughter "Lisa Arzamasova, who listened to his advice and began to dress bolder and sexier.

But the bare back of Olga Buzova upset Vasiliev. “Olga Buzova’s experiments with hair color can be understood. She has had a lot of experiences in her personal life this year. But what seems wildly vulgar to me is a tattoo on the back of a TV presenter. And I'll explain why. I perceive such a tattoo as a hint in case a man has forgotten who is in front of him, ”said the fashion historian.

Disappointed Alexander and the outfit of Anna Sedokova. The critic believes that the singer has crossed the line, and her red dress with a neckline looks unaesthetic. “Decollete, which also escaped like dough from kneading,” said Vasiliev.

“Firstly, it should be noted that this year a powerful Russian “landing force” landed at the Cannes Film Festival. IN more it was not made up of actresses. But what beauties there were! Victoria Bonya, Natalia Vodianova, Irina Shayk, Tatyana Navka are happy to attend film premieres and walk along the red carpet.

Secondly, if you remember, many ladies came to the Oscars and the Golden Globes in black. So they opposed sexual harassment in the film industry. This topic was the hottest in Hollywood. But on the Cote d'Azur it was the other way around. As they say, from the fire to the frying pan. Women decided to almost completely undress, showing the most attractive parts of their bodies, ”Alexander told the portal.

According to Vasiliev, the appearance of Irina Shayk was the most unusual way out. Although the supermodel is the face of lingerie brand Intimissimi, she stepped onto the red carpet "without it." "She came in amazing open dress, on the verge of a foul, on the verge of vulgarity. It reveals absolutely all the places of her body, which, it should be noted, is truly marvelous. Let's pay tribute: Irina has been in this form for so many years! Alexander said.

“Tatyana Navka, as I have said many times, is a beautiful, bright and noticeable woman. We recently saw her on the red carpet of the Moscow International Film Festival. Now she has arrived on the Cote d'Azur. It is not surprising, because this famous athlete is a client and advertising face of a well-known jewelry company. Tatyana chose a dress that was clearly designer, very sculptural. I like. In her own way, Tatyana, of course, graced the red carpet.

“Victoria Bonya, like Irina Shayk, also decided to give up underwear. Our beauties said their resolute "no". They have declared a boycott of underwear. And the color of the dress is very beautiful - gentle shade sea ​​wave. Somewhat simple hairstyle regular tail. It seems to me not too suitable for such luxurious dresses.

“Another of our stars is Natalia Vodianova. Spectacular golden dress and a frank neckline: a bra is not needed here either. I like the fabric called lamé. I am glad that so many of our compatriots have gathered on the Cote d'Azur. Russia still supplies the world with beauties.”
