Complexes of a very fat wife. I don't want a wife anymore - she's turned into a fat, lazy cow

How does the behavior of a beloved man affect the width of his beloved's ass? It would seem, what is the relationship between the behavior of the husband and the weight of his wife? However, this connection is the most direct. It turns out that there are several types of men that negatively affect the figure of their wives and girlfriends ... How to recognize them?

This is a person who absolutely does not understand that eating the same way, a man and a woman will have different weights. He demands men's food, fried potatoes with mayonnaise, battered sausages, fried cracklings, and just when you're on a diet. This bastard will crunch chips, drink cognac, eat hot dogs just when you have two nasty kilos left to finish off. All claims will make innocent eyes and answer: What should I eat, Zaya? Salad?

Usually this is a husband who is engaged in hard physical labor or work in the open air, in frost and heat. Coming, he flops down on the sofa and warms-cools-sleeps-rests. When asked to go somewhere together, the answer is always the same: I'm tired ... not today, dear ... well, here's one more program and let's go. A very difficult type to educate. He is reluctant to go for a walk, except to sit on the loggia and drink beer, he does not know how to swim and does not want to go to the sea, he is tired of people. A decent wife is forced to spin around this creature, begging for a moment of movement. And if this wife worked all day in the office with her ass on the chair, then generally put out the lights.

That's the fucking most dangerous type. This is a man who deliberately fattens his woman and gets crazy about how she eats. From a young age, this cunning type chooses a girl who is prone to fullness and loves to eat and begins to bring sweets to her for lunch. Then he starts taking her to an ice cream parlor. At home, spoon-feeding. Then he leads him to propose to a restaurant. And when she no longer crawls through the door and has been running her show for donuts for 10 years, he brings her a giant box of Raffaello for the anniversary performance.

This personality is much more dangerous than the previous one. Because the first one changes the body, the second leaves scorched earth in place of the soul. This will never support you in the fight against kilograms. This asshole starts his song: well, why, you’ll quit anyway, you’ll get even worse, you’ll still not be a girl for a long time, you can’t keep up with young profursets. I would send such husbands and boyfriends for re-education to some distant African country, where sooo full women are in fashion. Let's see how it sings then.

Now about the most intimate. The fact is that there are such husbands who are too lazy to fulfill their marital duties and / or are away for a long time. This is the first way to the fact that the wife begins to grow silly. Don't go straight to a fortuneteller that a faithful wife gains weight in such conditions. And here you already have to think, find a suitable simulator for yourself or wait until something closes in this. And the problem is getting worse!

A man who knows how and loves to cook is both evil and good. The husband-cook, brought up in the wild, knows how to cook barbecue, fried meat, lard and other healthy products. After taming, such a husband is able to steam salmon with broccoli and pack his wife in a beautiful tray. Take care of him and guide him on the right path. Throw magazines. Stop baking pies already, dear!

Sometimes the house is a full bowl. And there is such a husband who is convinced that the house should be a full bowl, and full of friends, acquaintances, relatives and grub. In modern conditions, it is less and less common and is mainly associated with the traditions of oriental hospitality. It's the husband - "Give us something, dear." Anything in his mind is definitely not a carrot salad.

In any case, women now recognize someone. So it goes.

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I just can’t understand - why a man has no right to want and ask from his woman - a beautiful body? That is, the right to "be the way I want" - women have, and men only have a duty - to love, what do they give? So what? Let me explain with an example why this is absolute nonsense.

I have a friend, and he has a wife. He is 40, she is 27. Five years ago they had a lovely healthy baby. Six months after giving birth, I came to visit them and was horrified. Instead of a young and slender girl, a contented woman under 90 kg stood in front of me. weight. Childbirth, feeding, hormones, give her time - about such conversations I then had with a friend. He, not a very stupid comrade, understood everything, treated his wife with tenderness, but ... did not want her. Sex from family life disappeared, then we thought - temporarily.
It's been, I'm embarrassed to tell you, five years. His wife not only didn’t lose weight, but blurred even more. Over the years, everything has been tried - trying to go to the gym together, certifications for a nutritionist program, long conversations, vacations with a fitness program, healthy eating and spa programs. Money allows everything you want, up to plastic surgery and excellent psychotherapists and endocrinologists. As you can imagine, nothing worked. She continues to EAT so that I, with my episodic breakdowns, “ate a kilogram of cupcakes” - I nervously smoke on the sidelines. She does not see herself as a problem, she feels good, tasty and comfortable. And he, of course, in her eyes is a bastard, because ...
Tenderness and gratitude for the birth of a child turned into frank disgust and unwillingness to even touch his wife. Naturally, there is no sex with her, and they are already sleeping in different beds. Yes, he cheats on her regularly and systematically - he is a healthy man, you know, he has beautiful women. The only thing that holds their marriage together today is love for their son, but I think it won't be long. He will leave, if not today, then tomorrow - among one-time romances, he will meet one in which he will not only stick his penis, but also put his soul into it.
So if I told this story without my own assessments, in the comments everyone would have attacked the man with cries of “What did you do to help her become beautiful?”. Yes, he did everything. She just doesn't see the problem. How can you not point it out. It’s convenient for her - but what, she has a husband, but she doesn’t need to keep herself in shape, where will he go from the child.
Creepy logic.
A woman has the theoretical right to be anything - fat or skinny, asexual or sexy, terribly dressed - whatever, for health, as long as she herself likes it. She can eat cakes, not play sports, not go to doctors, ruin her health and spit on her own husband - please. It is impossible to take away this right.
But why do you take away the right of a man - not to accept her like that? Why, instead of the simple truth - “you should lose weight, for my taste” - he must come up with some incredible tricks, otherwise EVERYTHING - he is a goat, to blame, he did not find an approach! Why do you boldly take away from men the right not to want a body that is disgusting to him?
Yesterday I read a comment: - If my husband said that I was fat, I would not talk to him for three days, but I would kill him! With what joy? Just because the uncomfortable TRUTH hurts? Let's have something to be fair: - yes, a woman can be anyone, - yes, a man has the right to tell the truth and not want a fat body. What would you like my friend to do? Take Viagra? Suffer all your life?
And there is nothing to be offended!

Today, the entire Top is littered with discussions of a certain post in Ru.Psychologist, where, as I understand it, the husband asks for advice on how to delicately hint to his wife that she has gained weight and encourage her to lose weight.
I didn't read the post. And I will not look: and so everything is clear. And they probably advise you to buy her, as if by chance, a beautiful dress one size smaller, or a very beautiful, but tight swimsuit, you can combine this with an invitation to a reception where everyone will be in evening dresses; go on a diet yourself and start going to the gym; talk about someone who lost weight with the help of a magical technique; leave in sight books about losing weight and about the dangers of being overweight; arouse jealousy by pretending to be interested in a stump, etc.

The reaction of bloggers is also understandable.
Lena Miro writes that only the most miserable man will live with a fat woman, and not with Lena Miro. Therefore, there is nothing to talk about.
But if suddenly a terrible thing happened, and a rich man married, as it should be, a beauty, and she did not keep herself and got fat ("she became pissed", as this great woman writes), then he has this way out: he must humiliate her in every possible way, beat her, to drive out onto the balcony to freeze, and threaten to completely kick her out if she does not throw off 3 cm at the waist in a month, and then every month until the wife returns to the desired volumes. And only Lena Miro's book will help her in this - you can order it there.
Still, Lena has a strange idea of ​​​​rich people. Do they only marry beauties? Someone lives with the same wife that he had back in Soviet times. Among their children there are many marriages of convenience, through marriages all sorts of business alliances are established. So it was and so it will be, although someone for the sake of PR can afford to take a dowry.
Then, the husband must insult his wife, beat ... Does Miro really think that every man has such a need? Units can deliberately mock people, and these are very unhealthy people.
Well, I'm not talking about the fact that a person who wants to lose weight will find a better way than reading her amateurish compiler books.

Another blogger with a nickname like “Kiss my ass” writes that a husband should be ready to tell the bitter truth. One woman once told her that she had recovered, although the weight gain was very small - this made her go on a diet, and she is grateful to that woman.

Some write that there is nothing to complain about, that the wife who has given birth is no longer as slender as in the brides, and that it is vile to reproach her for this.

Many believe that the letters in “Ru. Psychologist” is composed by the blog owners themselves. May be. This is much easier than studying letters from readers and then correcting them. In all such rubrics, they do so. But this does not mean that such a problem.

I myself know of two such cases. In both cases, the women became very fat after giving birth and could not lose weight. The husbands said, “I'm sorry, dear. I understand everything, but I can no longer sleep with you. You make me depressed. I can become so impotent! I don’t refuse to help children, the apartment is yours.” And they left.
The women were left alone. With kids. They never lost weight. One has already died due to thyroid cancer, but she managed to put her son on his feet. The second raised 2 good sons. She is very sick. They even cut off her stomach, put a net, she has a face and much more. She went to work by taxi, as she did not fit into the bus turnstile. But she can't lose weight. She really eats a lot. She says that this is her only joy. What is this lack of will? But she has enough will to live, to work, to do everything around the house, to be treated. Maybe it should be considered a kind of addiction? Let's say "food addiction" and be treated as a kind of drug addiction? Everyone knows that dealing with addictions is difficult.

Husbands, in fact, helped with money, and saw their sons. But, interestingly, they live as bachelors. They never married, although they probably had some women. I think that they divorced not because the fat wife did not arouse desire in them, but because they themselves had problems with this desire. Most often, impotent women change women: everyone hopes that this time it will work out with this woman.

So it is not necessary from a sick head to a healthy one. In my opinion, it’s not necessary to tell your wife that she has gained weight - she already knows and worries everything. Can lose weight - lose weight. If you can't see her anymore, leave. Just keep in mind that you may be leaving a sick person alone with his misfortune. It's not very pretty, anyway.
Although, all people are different. Maybe someone lacks beatings or humiliation. And someone is stimulated by every sideways glance, and they climb out of their skin, just to seem perfect. I sincerely feel sorry for the last people: you can’t put a scarf on every mouth.
So there are no general recipes.

A distant relative is crying: his wife is disgusted, fat, infantile, even the thought of intimacy with her is demonic

I don't want a wife anymore - she's turned into a fat, lazy cow

 09:38 March 02, 2018

A distant relative is crying: his wife is disgusted, fat, infantile, even the thought of intimacy with her infuriates. He does not get divorced, because the daughter keeps, and the material resources are invested a lot. But he doesn’t know how to live with her, he no longer has the strength to look at this domestic ruminant animal. His claims are a drum to her, she knows that she will not go anywhere.

What should he say to that? Tie the organ in a knot, if you don’t want to, don’t do it, they don’t force you, get a mistress and all the business?

Nothing would have delayed me in such a situation where there is no moral and physical satisfaction. Child? Who does not allow him to communicate with him after the divorce. But when he raised the issue of divorce, his lover was furious and called him traitor.

Why change something? Everything suits her, after the decree she never went to work, hiding behind the fact that the baby is often sick, and they do not get out of hospitals.

I quote the injured party - the husband:“Yes, I don’t mind that she is sitting at home, only if there was a benefit from this. She turned into a fat cow with greasy hair, things scattered around, a mess in the kitchen that you don’t want to go in, let alone eat. How many times he hinted that it would be nice to take care of her appearance, she has everything for this. But after that, scandals began, then he would attribute my ex, then he would arrange jealousy scenes for a colleague. A total lunatic. What kind of sex life, if I'm already sick of it. """

Many go through cooling and there are enough reasons for this. But I don’t understand women at all who, when they get married, turn into a kind of Freken Bok - a huge woman in an apron. They are willing to put a big fat end to their sexiness and attractiveness, simply because they are so comfortable and lazy.

It turns out that the traitor in this situation is not a husband at all, but a wife who doesn’t care what feelings her husband feels when she sees her. Is not it?

September 22nd, 2014

I rarely watch Malakhov, but today I came across the topic of the program “The Fat Wife”.

I have something to say about this, yes.

In my opinion, if your wife is getting fat, then you are doing everything right. It means that she is happy and satisfied with life.

But if the wife began to lose weight, expect trouble - either she got sick, which is much better, or psychological problems began - and this is a real nightmare.

The same golden rule, by the way, applies to husbands. A fat husband is a happy husband. We don’t take my case into account - I lost 50 kilograms simply because I needed it for medical reasons - otherwise I would have died for nothing. Now the weight is settled in the region of 90 - and I maintain a normal diet.

I knew one man whose wife did not get fat. Such a misfortune happened to him. Then it turned out that she was walking.

There was another case, the wife was happy with everything, she got fat, the man took her and left her. Stopped liking it. Such stories are all over the place.

Women, take care of yourself, don’t get too fat, but don’t bring yourself to exhaustion with diets - no one likes this either.

And there was another case. The husband began to starve his wife, forced her to go to the gym. She took and dumped from him. She said he made her life hell. Leadership is good. But it is necessary to give the wife freedom of action. And let him eat cakes at night. Otherwise, he will run away. Which is also not good.

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