Beautiful manicure: photo in different styles. Manicure with dots in the style of "pop art" Beautiful manicure in Asian style

A true woman always monitors the condition of her hands and nails. An impeccable manicure is a necessary detail in the image of a well-groomed, successful, self-care contemporary woman. Sometimes you want to replace a classic or French manicure with something new. Art manicure is a well-known assistant in creating new images for lovers of experiments. Manicure, which is otherwise called art nail, is literally the art of creating an original nail design, since ART, translated from English, means art. The process of decorating and painting nails is painstaking and long, but the result is worth it.

Ornaments and patterns, sequins, rhinestones - all these are the characteristic features of this manicure, through which, as through artistic images, you can express your mood, your view of the world around you. Professional nail service masters create real paintings on the nails of their clients.

A creative look, fantasy, desire and minimal art painting skills will help you make an art manicure at home on your own.

History of art manicure

The history of this manicure is rooted in Chinese culture long before our era. With a substance of beeswax, paints (derived from plants), rose petals, and gelatin with protein, they painted their nails. A few hours after applying this mixture, a pleasant pink tint appeared on the nails.

Also, the Chinese used plates made of gold, which they decorated their nails with. But only representatives of the upper strata of society used golden manicure, which emphasized their status. The noble people of Ancient Egypt and Rome did the same. They painted their nails with bright paint, which distinguished them from the poor people, who could decorate their nails only with muted and discreet shades.

Modern art manicure has limitless possibilities of artistic expression and great variability. A lot of devices come to the aid of masters decorating nails in this technique, such as stickers, special varnishes with various effects, manicure dust, stamping and others.

The main ways to create art manicure

Creating patterns with a needle

The image is applied using needles of different sizes, on a dry varnish.

On the first layer of lacquer, one more or several layers of lacquer are added neatly, in a drop, and “stretched” with a needle in different directions and directions. Unique bizarre patterns are obtained.

Painting with brushes for manicure of different sizes

Lines, drawings and patterns are made with brushes on varnish, both dried up and not quite with the help of acrylic paints.

Creating a picture using stencils

Stencils with various patterns help to make a manicure quite quickly and efficiently. A base color is applied to the nails, then a pattern of a different color is printed on the nail using a stencil and a stamp and fixed with a transparent varnish.

Volumetric drawings

Volumetric design is more suitable for a specific occasion, since such a manicure is not convenient in everyday life. From various gels, acrylic compositions, flowers, animals and everything that fantasy tells are molded.

Creating drawings using various devices:

  • nail polishes;
  • rhinestone;
  • colored sand;
  • sequin;
  • dust;
  • thread;
  • foil.

Several interesting directions of art manicure

French with a pattern

The original version of the manicure, which looks great and restrained. The drawing is applied both on one nail and on all. Images must be combined with each other. French is performed in calm colors.

Pop Art

Avant-garde trend in the art of the twentieth century (short for popular art). The main images in this style are consumer products. In manicure, this is manifested by brightness, color saturation and shocking, extraordinary images, combinations of seemingly familiar things.

Pictures from comics, on a large scale, combined with dots mixed with elements of the work of Warhol and other artists. Marilyn Monroe, Mickey Mouse, cola bottles, red lips and other bright replicas are the hallmarks of a pop art manicure.

Art street

“Street art”, a striking example of which are graffiti, stencils, posters, installations. The direction is urban in nature, and all these features are reflected in the art street style manicure.

Art Deco

This style in itself is associated with brilliance and even pretentiousness, so the manicure includes many decorative elements, such as sequins, lace, feathers. The palette of shades of art deco manicure is dark. The drawings have a clear geometry. Combinations of black and gold, black and white lace are memorable accents of this manicure. This nail design, despite all its bold details, looks feminine and bright at the same time.

Prior to its appearance in nail design, pop art became famous throughout the world and went down in history as the avant-garde art of the twentieth century. He used images of mass culture, placed them in an unusual space, creating a new meaning. It is interesting that these images look surprisingly organic in manicure, or rather in pop-art manicure. Many details of the works of prominent representatives of the artistic movement in question have become iconic
. They are not tired of quoting, and people of different generations recognize them. Neil - stylists "Transferred" these works to the nails, which in itself does not contradict the philosophy of pop art.

Speaking of pop art manicure, we mean bright, saturated colors and unexpected, and sometimes even shocking (it's not for nothing that one of the meanings of the English word "pop" is associated with the sound of cotton or a slap), images. A yellow banana on a black background, multi-colored pistols on a black canvas, bright cans of Coca-Cola and tomato soup, a hamburger, red lips - all these and many other images were used by Andy Warhol in his works. Pop art manicure borrowed them from him.

Another American artist, Roy Lichtenstein, became famous for taking pictures from comics and manually enlarging them, redrawing them on a larger scale. When enlarged, he retained the raster dots that make up the image. Images from his work are well recognizable among examples of pop art manicures (photo at the end of the text. A raster is a dot. And a dot in nail art today is one of the most popular elements. With it, you can create many different designs. Nail - the designer of the 21st century took the baton of innovation from the artist of the middle of the 20th century.

Pop art manicure is not a copy of the work of some bright representative of the trend, but most often a mixture of recognizable images. In one nail design, there may well be replicas from Liechtenstein's comics, Warhol's images, and elements of the work of other artists. Neil - the master can feel like a successor to their traditions and create his own, original miniature based on the aesthetics of pop art and its principles. Just look at the pop art manicure, the photo of which is presented at the end of this material, to take our word for it.

A simple pop art dwindling dot manicure that you can easily replicate at home! Perfectly "fills his hand" in drawing dots, looks stylish and interesting, suitable for nails of even the minimum length.

In this tutorial, I will do a pop art manicure in black and green on short nails (as in the photo).

What we need:

1. Nail polishes: black and green. Or other colors of your choice.

2. Dotter set, that is point creation tools.

Do not rush to get scared! If you do not have ready-made purchased dotters, they can be replaced with simple items that are sure to be found in any home. All this is detailed. You can also use round toothpicks cut with scissors to different lengths as dotters: the further you cut, the blunter the toothpick will be and the wider the diameter of the points obtained.

Prepare at least 4 dotters of increasing diameters. In my case, I used (in ascending order) a toothpick, a hair bobby pin, and two sewing pins.

3. Palette. That is, any non-absorbent surface on which you will pour the varnish. In my case, this is a sheet of polyethylene.

4. Nail polish remover and cotton pads.

5. Lacquer fixer(optional).

Operating procedure:

1. Apply a black background. If necessary, in several layers. Let it dry well.

2. We outline the places of future points. To do this, take the smallest dotter, drip 1-2 drops of green varnish onto the palette, dip the dotter into the varnish and print dots on the nail plate in the right places. Strive to keep the points as small as possible - then if you mark the place incorrectly, it will be easier to fix it.

Attention: to get the "correct" pattern in the style of pop art, the distances between all points in any direction must be the same! That is, if you take any three points, they should form an equilateral triangle, as in the figure:

Let me explain in more detail how to achieve this. First, draw the points of the first (bottom) row at an equal distance from each other. And then we select with a glance any two points of the bottom row and put a little higher between them the point of the next row so that we get an equilateral triangle, not elongated and not flattened! In the same way, we outline the next point of the second row, and so on .. further drawing a row with even indents will be much easier.

3. We give the dots the desired size. Now that we have a grid of dots, it remains to give each row the desired diameter! We take the second largest dotter and put down the thicker dots of the second row, right on top of the previously marked small dots. Similarly, with the next largest dotter, we increase the points of the third row. Finally, we take the largest dotter and give them the fattest dots in the fourth row. Let the green polish dry thoroughly.

4. On a dried drawing applying a fixing varnish Let's give it time to dry.

All is ready! From now on, there are a little more bright spots in your life =) the style of "pop art".

Wanting to be in the trend of fashion trends and trends, lovely ladies are tirelessly looking for fresh and new manicure ideas in different styles.

And every season offers us these novelties of nail art for every taste. And today we will talk about such newfangled nail solutions as the trendy eye see you manicure, which is so popular and in demand among fashionistas all over the world in the 2019-2020 season.

What is the secret of the eye see you top nail art and how to perform a stylish manicure 2019-2020 that would please everyone?

Surely this is not the first time you have come across a nail design that uses images of girls' faces and spectacular eyes and eyelashes. It is this extraordinary trend in manicure that is called eye see you manicure.

The colorful and unique eye see you manicure has been known for a long time, but today it has become mega-popular and top among other nail solutions.

In addition, a fashionable manicure with images of faces and eyes can be performed in a variety of techniques and combinations, which makes it even more desirable.

After all, you do not have to give up your favorite manicure, but you just need to supplement it with drawings in the style of eye see you nail art and one of the trendy nail designs 2019-2020 is ready.

We hasten to assure you that the fashionable eye see you manicure, of course, is not suitable for everyday sets or the office, but if you have already decided to perform a trendy nail design with faces, eyes or cilia, then be sure that it will certainly be remembered not only by you.

Beautiful intriguing eye see you nail designs for special and themed celebrations and events. A manicure with faces for celebrating a birthday or New Year will look great, complementing a similar eye see you nail art, for example, with rhinestones and other thematic sketches.

Stylish drawings of faces and eyes look great with a jacket, moon design, monochrome nails, with foil, rhinestones and other decorative manicure tools that you can always use when doing eye see you nail art 2019-2020.

The trendy eye see you manicure looks amazing in a nude version, as well as in colorful shades. Red, emerald, purple, gold and silver will be excellent tandems for prints with faces and eyes on the nails.

But no less beautiful will be nail art eye see you in powdery, beige, white, gray and black colors, which will allow you to create a gentle manicure with an accent in the best performance.

We offer you the brightest and most spectacular examples of manicure with prints of faces and eyes in various styles and solutions that will appeal to lovers of everything unusual and intriguing.

Eye see you matte manicure

The dullness of the matte finish looks concise and megastyle with images of cute girls, eyes and cilia. Matte eye see you manicure can be done in any shade, both dark and light, on which the face will look expressive and sophisticated. A minimalist matte manicure eye see you can be done with a pattern of eyes or cilia. But you can make nail art with drawings of the eyes and faces of girls using glitter and foil, adding a contrasting sheen to the matte finish.

Trend manicure eye see you: wire

Would you like an unusual nail art 2019-2020? Then, how do you like the silhouettes of girls made using a special wire for manicure? Such a fashionable eye see you manicure with wire is best done on a black or neutral background with a golden hue of wire. Graphic and such unusual images of faces and eyes with wire will certainly surprise anyone and will certainly be remembered for their showiness!

Manicure eye see you: in the style of pop art

Bright and extravagant eye see you manicure 2019-2020 is suitable for girls who like to stand out and are not afraid of it, a kind of rebel. Yellow, red, white, black will become hit tones for pop art drawings of faces in eye see you manicure. A provocative pop art nail design with girls' faces combines a riot of colors, spontaneity and eccentricity that will appeal to creative and bright personalities.

Wonderful moon manicure with eyes

The eye see you trendy manicure is beautiful in many variations, and one of these is the moon manicure with holes-eyes. The best choice of shade for such nail art will be beige with white holes and traced eyes, which so cute and non-trivially interpret the nail design familiar to us into a new idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmanicure in the eye see you style.

Fashionable eye see you manicure: eyelashes

The most calm of all types of fashionable eye see you manicure in the 2019-2020 season, perhaps, can be a drawing of cilia or a closed eye on monochrome nails. Rampant red or delicate beige will be beautiful with eyelash patterns, and at the same time such a special nail design that arouses interest. And how about a beautiful and expressive drawing of an eye on one of the fingers covered with glitter? Bold, isn't it? See the top variations of manicure with faces and eyes, and choose the most beautiful one for yourself, which you can repeat with your master.

Fascinating manicure eye see you 2019-2020: trendy nail art with faces and eyes in the photo more ...

Stunning, incredibly relevant ideas of fashionable manicure were collected for the attention of our readers. Definitely, many women will want to decorate their nails in one of the styles presented here. Watch and enjoy the work of professional designers.

1. Stripe of gold

In the new season, a simple and elegant nude manicure with golden stripes will be very popular, with which you can decorate all nails or highlight some.

2. Hollywood manicure

As before, a mirror or Hollywood manicure that imitates a smooth metal coating of nails remains in fashion. A special mirror rub can cover the entire surface of the nail, only the tips or make holes.

3. Large rhinestones

Nails decorated with large rhinestones are a new trend spied on at New York Fashion Week.

4. Drawings in the style of pop art

Another unexpected discovery made at New York Fashion Week was a pop art manicure. Therefore, all kinds of hearts, exclamation and question marks, heroes and comic book plots will be at the peak of popularity.

5. Matte finish

Various options for nail design using a matte finish or powder will not only go out of fashion, but will become even more popular.

6. Double-sided manicure

This year, an unexpected double-sided manicure in the style of Christian Louboutin is also gaining popularity, when the outer side of the nail plate is covered in black, beige or silver, and the inner tip of the nail is covered with red varnish.

7. Cubism

The world-famous manicurist Alicia Torello invites all fashionistas to pay attention this year to a somewhat cheeky minimalist-cubic nail design.

8. Colorful manicure

Fans of bright solutions will surely like the idea of ​​​​combining colorful shades with neutral nude colors.

9. Texture mix

Experts promise huge popularity this year for manicure with a combination of different textures: gloss and mat, gloss and powder, chrome and gloss.

10. Chic and shine

2017 is the best time for lovers of everything shimmery and shiny. This season, stylists recommend not limiting yourself and actively using sequins, rhinestones and sparkles in manicure. These materials look especially stylish on the uncoated surface of the nail.

11. Eco style

Eco-style has long gone beyond interior design and has finally penetrated into the field of nail design. This year, fashionistas' nails will be decorated with realistic and concise images of leaves, flowers, plants and trees.

12. Glitters

Loose glitters can turn a boring plain manicure into trendy and festive. Glitter looks especially impressive on nails covered with dark or colorless varnish.

13. Almond nails

Almond-shaped nails are the biggest trend this year. According to beauty industry experts, nails of this shape look elegant and passionate.

14. Liquid stones

Liquid stones are a revolutionary and trendy nail casting technique, thanks to which you can get an imitation of voluminous, bright and iridescent stones of various colors and shades.

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15. Graphics

Geometric nail designs were one of the most popular nail designs of the past year. This year, graphic and geometric prints do not lose popularity and continue to be in demand.

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16. French manicure

This year, stylists and experts in the fashion world recommend that all girls pay attention to bright and bold versions of the classic French manicure.

17. Negative space

Negative space manicure appeared relatively recently, but has already managed to win the hearts of many girls. Such a nail design gives a huge field for creative experiments and is suitable for both office and evening manicures.

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In continuation of topics that are always relevant.
