Where is humanity heading? Is humanity going down the wrong path? Before destruction they will try to reason with us

Recently, the English newspaper The Guardian published an article under the shocking headline: “Aliens may destroy humanity to protect other civilizations.” The material reports the appearance of a report by a group of NASA employees and specialists from the University of Pennsylvania, where they analyze various scenarios of possible contacts with aliens.

Extraterrestrial ecologists are unhappy with us

According to the authors of the report, humanity’s neglect of the ecology of the planet and its spiritual development may lead to the fact that in the very near future people will not only destroy themselves, but also all life on Earth. Such a prospect should seriously worry those alien civilizations unknown to us, who, apparently, once in the distant past contributed to the creation of the human race on our planet.
The current situation makes it clear to them that we have chosen a disastrous path.
Humanity is the last of the attempts (previous attempts took place in the very distant past) to create on Earth a community of intelligent beings who, in the process of developing their civilization, would reach such heights of consciousness that their transition to the “general cosmic level” would become possible. That is, there would be a merger of their minds with the global Universal Mind, in which all components are a single whole, and at the same time no one loses their own individuality. But on the path along which humanity is moving, nothing like this can happen. Moreover, this path is fraught with disaster. This means, according to scientists, extraterrestrial civilizers have no choice but to interrupt it, since the actions of uncontrollable humanity threaten the Universal Mind.
There are many ways to end us. For example, provoke a global catastrophe in which all life on the planet will be destroyed. However, most likely, extraterrestrials will choose a different method, namely, dealing with homo sapiens alone. In this case, a viral attack, a change in the composition of the atmosphere (the eruption of supervolcanoes), and bombardment by asteroids (the long-term effect of “nuclear winter”, in which people and many other biological species will die, but life will survive, which will result in the subsequent restoration of natural conditions) will be suitable as a method of destruction. an impetus for its evolution and the creation of a new race) and so on.

Before destruction they will try to reason with us

Sean Domagal-Goldman and his colleagues from NASA's planetary science department also presented possible scenarios for contacts with extraterrestrial intelligent beings in the report. Scientists believe that such contacts can be neutral, positive or negative for earthlings.

With the so-called positive contact, the aliens will try to influence earthly civilization in terms of transferring it to greater environmental friendliness and “spiritual tracks.” Aliens interested in this direction of development of our society can openly appear on Earth and establish official relations with governments, the press, scientists and influential international organizations. In case of negative contact, begin the process of enslaving humanity by zombifying it, biorobotizing it, and using it as biological material.
The authors admit that all this is quite speculative and looks fantastic, but still quite possible. This, in general terms, is the essence of the report.

The blame lies with the people themselves

The Guardian article suggests this kind of thinking. Now many experts have no doubt that this third, negative scenario of contact is already in full swing. Every year, millions of people around the world disappear without a trace, and the few who return talk about barbaric experiments to which they were subjected to various kinds of UFOs. The scale of kidnappings is growing, far exceeding those that took place 20 years ago, not to mention earlier times. Moreover, we must take into account that all this is carried out secretly. Most of humanity either knows nothing about such outrages or does not believe in the very fact of thefts.
Meanwhile, the aliens, with their level of technology, with their ability to exert a psychological influence on people, could easily rule openly, not paying attention to our attitude to what is happening. By the way, panic among earthlings would only benefit them. But aliens act secretly, hiding from us! Why?
There can be only one answer: there are some forces in the Universe (possibly some other extraterrestrial civilizations) that counteract these aspirations, preventing them from finally taking over the Earth and enslaving its intelligent population. Most likely, those forces that have not yet lost hope of guiding earthlings on the right path are interceding for us. However, judging by the rate at which the number of kidnappings is growing, our defenders are weakening. First of all, their faith in us, in our desire to change, weakens. And those aliens who treat us like cash cows, accordingly, have more and more free hands. And we ourselves are to blame for this situation!

Humanity needs to change

Russian scientists - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Victoria Popova and Candidate of Technical Sciences Lidiya Andrianova - have been deciphering pictograms of extraterrestrial civilizations for 15 years. Pictograms are basically the famous crop circles, of which more and more are appearing, and not only in England (newcomers, not without reason, consider it the center of today’s civilized world, its focus, which is why they create their pictograms mainly here), but also in other countries , including in Russia. According to V. Popova and L. Andrianova, pictograms contain the same type of symbolism and are created according to certain information and technological principles. Over the years, scientists have compiled a dictionary of more than 250 of the most commonly used pictographic symbols.
At their core, these messages sent to the inhabitants of the Earth contain information about the development of the consciousness of humanity and the deep spiritual crisis in which it finds itself, as well as something like instructions for salvation. Cosmic forces are trying to explain to earthlings that they themselves create the chaos that inexorably destroys their lives and their future. It is the negative activities of people on the planet, as reported in the pictograms, that should soon cause global catastrophes that will destroy civilization. Salvation can only be the transition of all humanity to a higher level of consciousness. Thanks to this transition, people will join the galactic communities of extraterrestrial civilizations, connected to each other through a single Universal Mind.
Almost all contactees, without exception, who maintain contact on a psychic level with intelligent representatives of other cosmic worlds, speak about the same thing, only in a different form. Humanity is moving in the wrong direction, our brothers in mind unanimously repeat. It kills its spiritual essence more and more. Pollution of the planet with waste products, the greenhouse effect, disruption of the ecological balance, and the like are the consequences of this wrong path, which leads to an inevitable planetary catastrophe.
The report of NASA scientists, therefore, does not contain anything fundamentally new; it only confirms what contactees and researchers involved in the study of UFOs have been trying in vain to convey to the general public in recent years.
By the way, NASA officials, already in the evening of the day when this article appeared in The Guardian, stated that their organization “is not involved in the report about aliens who allegedly can destroy humanity.”


Dehumanization is a transition to a new, post-humanistic form of life, in which man turns out to be an imperfect species, as monkeys used to be compared to us.
The question is still being asked: how quickly will this society come? Some suggest that the starting point will be 2025

And we are moving exactly where most Western intellectuals agree - towards a #posthuman, #posthumanistic archetype. This is the #singularity.
And the most important question is: are we going there at all? And this is already scary: we are moving into the abyss, but we are sure that we are following the path of self-improvement...

Accelerationism (derived from the term “acceleration”) is a philosophical movement that seeks to speed up the course of history. History, unlike time, is not a physical concept, and it is possible to give it speed

· At a recent conference in Amsterdam (with the participation of many philosophers, including Žižek and Slotterdijk) the parameters of a future society were discussed. The question arose: should we accelerate its approach or not? They see the future as dehumanization - a transition to a new, post-humanistic form of life, in which man turns out to be an imperfect species, as monkeys used to be compared to us. Many of them suggested looking at people through the eyes of robots

· One of the speakers cited as an argument for the perfection of a robot over a person that machines will pay taxes regularly, they will not have a corrupt consciousness (it was said that tax evasion is one of the fundamental problems of the economy, especially in developing countries, and that’s all under the new system they will be happy, and in the future artificial intelligence will generally take responsibility for organizing the economy, economics, politics - and, in principle, will begin to think for itself)

· Humanity is moving precisely towards this - to transferring the initiative to cyborgs, robots, chimeras, which will expand the idea of ​​possibilities (for example, the introduction of an eagle eye will allow a person to see far, wings - to fly, artificial legs - to jump faster, and doping will turn out to be child's play: all they will simply jump and gallop on artificial prosthetics; hare people and ostrich people will compete in races)

· The only question for now is: how quickly will this society come? Some even outline the milestones, suggesting that the starting point will be 2025 - this will be the moment of singularity, when there will be a transition from the dominance of human beings to post-human creatures

· In my speech, I described the same picture, but with a different presentation - I told how the robot will lose its human properties, about Dasein, about the attitude towards death, about immortality in exchange for the soul (which is comparable to selling the soul to the devil). I thought the conservative look would frighten the audience. Someone, of course, recoiled, but someone came up after the performance and said that they wanted to become a robot. What’s interesting: the horror that I was counting on - from the loss of human identity during the acceleration of technical processes, from the prospect of printing children on printers - did not happen. This rather amused a significant part of the Amsterdam public, and they were only too happy to speed up the process

· It’s interesting that when we discuss progress, we mostly argue about whether it will happen faster or slower. But where are we going? This question is most often left out of discussion. And we are moving exactly where most Western intellectuals agree - towards a post-human, post-humanistic archetype. This is the singularity

· And practically no one (except the most radical, but narrow traditionalist circles) asks the most important question - are we going there at all? And this is already scary: we are moving into the abyss, but we are sure that we are following the path of self-improvement...

We argue about today's worldly and religious matters. But an interesting question arises: where is humanity moving in general in the philosophical sense of existence? Is there a prospect for implementing the results of the disputes?

Let's start with the world order.

To understand where we are moving towards development or degradation we need a starting point. And therefore let us delve into antiquity, into Our antiquity.

The topic has a strong philosophical connotation, and therefore, for ordinary conversation, we will use the thesis method of presentation, so as not to get a sleeping pill.

All that remains of ancient Slavic thinkers are memories covered by Church Slavonic literature.

“The views of the Slavs, like other Indo-Europeans, are reflected in myths and folklore - fairy tales, conspiracies, spells.

The judgments of the Slavs are similar to the views of the Indo-Europeans at such a level of abstraction as the trinity.” .

In the ideas of the Slavs, three hypostases of the universe are known:

Rule, Reveal and Nav.

Edit- this is the World of the Gods, the laws and meaning of the existence of the Universe, the World, Nature,

Reality- the obvious world of the living, ruled by Rule.

Nav- in Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary it is interpreted as a synonym of words found in some provinces dead, deceased.

Here is another interpretation:

Reality- progress;

Nav- primordial chaos;

Edit- the force on which the whole World rests, in the sense of the Universe.

Triad Reality, Prav and Nav came from the Book of Veles, which some consider to be a falsification of the 20th century, while others take it for a document compiled by Slavic Magi, and consider the contents of the document to be centuries older than “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign.”

Reality and Rule are not mentioned in authentic sources on mythology and folklore. .

The Book of Veles (translation by A. Asov, 1992) says:

“We do not know what Dazhdbog laid down in the Rule. Reality is the current, what was created by the Rule. Nav is after it, and before it.”

Concept Reveal as a noun can be found in various phrases, but without connection with the concepts of Navi and Rule.

This is explained as follows. Concept Reality formed in modern Russian language. And the concepts Nav And Edit came from the Celtic dialect, which is an integral part of the Old Russian language, and accordingly mean New Nav and Law Edit . Therefore, speaking about the concept Edit, we need to remember about the creators of the Celtic World - the Druids, who apparently voiced this word, conveying a religious connotation to the concept.

In the Old Church Slavonic dictionary based on manuscripts of the 10th - 11th centuries, the word Edit is interpreted as right, truly. Thanks to the concept of Rule, today in the Russian language there are such words as right, rule, governing body, closely related to the ancient concept of law, i.e. Rule. In this regard, the word Edit Old Russian synonym for the borrowed word Law.

Considering the religious aspects of Russian paganism, the semantic meaning Rule refers to the concept - Law of the Gods.

By the way, the word itself is Law is also not simple, and contains a word-concept Con - basis, beginning, starting point. No wonder there are many ancient so-called. sacred stones on Slavic land are called Kon-stone, where the animal has nothing to do with the horse. We are talking here about a certain symbol - the center, the beginning of the world. But in well-known gambling games there is an action - “put it on the line”, i.e. begin game. This is where the ancient concept of the Beginning of the World migrated. It was exchanged for excitement and was not noticed.

So, we seem to have sorted out the basis of the universe. We consider the starting point to be found.

From the Slavic trinity came the Tree of Life of the Slavs.

From the roots of this Tree grew the Tree of Life of the Christian religion. For example, such a symbol is present on the robe of St. Savva Storozhevsky, and not only.

Let's continue about the universe.

Today, even monkeys understand that man did not “come” from them. Creatures like us lived on Earth 50 million years ago. Official science is hiding from the public archaeological finds that refute Darwin's theory... Member of the World Congress of Archaeologists Michael Cremo, author of the acclaimed books “Forbidden Archeology” and “The Unknown History of Humanity,” is convinced of all this. Below we will simply quote it. “For a long time, astronomers have studied the Universe through optical telescopes. Over time, X-ray telescopes appeared, making it possible to see new objects. So spiritual life consists of experiencing the reality of the invisible world through new abilities.

Without blindly accepting religious or scientific dogmas, we must take advantage of all sources that give us the fullest possible knowledge of the Universe. Otherwise, we will present false hypotheses as immutable truths.”

Who benefits from Darwin's theory? Those who are interested in a person not having any higher goal, so that the whole meaning of our existence comes down to the enjoyment of material things. And where did we get the idea that this is the purpose of our existence, and we live for the sake of materialism and gluttony, and that this is how it was and will be? Why then is a person given an aura and given abilities in extrasensory perception and hypnosis?

Life is far from what is commonly believed. In fact, there is no single “big bang theory”; there are several dozen versions, largely contradictory. To explain the formation of galaxies, researchers had to assume that 90% of the Universe is invisible and undetectable. You feel the paradox: an assumption is passed off as truth. The same unproven theory states that consciousness manifests itself as a result of biochemical reactions in the brain. Neuroscientists themselves say that it will take them at least 150 years to prove this hypothesis. The truth has not yet been established, and we must accept the assumption as truth. However, today there are many areas of knowledge that confirm the exact opposite conclusion - that consciousness exists independently of the brain. .

Direction of evolution. Forward go back.

First you need to figure out who the person is.

Most scientists believe that we are a combination of physical elements of D. Periodic Table. It makes more sense to start with the assumption that the human being is composed of three elements: matter, mind and consciousness.

Michael Cremo, as a modern scientist, offers a revolutionary point of view: “We are not simply evolved from matter, we are originally beings who once lived on the level of pure consciousness. But over time, some of these higher consciousness beings became covered with lower, material energies.” The author of the theory calls this “devolution.” Here is the program for the creation of man: First there was Word ..., then a material resemblance to the primary vibration arose from Words Here is the program for the creation of man: First there was, in which

Before us is a pure story about eating the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Remember, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, saw that they were naked and were ashamed. But not everyone tasted the fruit. Some entities began to protect the treasured tree after such arbitrariness of their life colleagues.

A whole hierarchy of entities is viewed.

Following biblical philosophy, the event is clearly de-evolutionary, for God or beings of higher consciousness are certainly higher than a person clothed with low material energies.

According to biblical philosophy, the act is called original sin. Let's go from the other side. What a selfless experiment the ancient beings of pure consciousness created on themselves, agreeing to the loss of the higher consciousness and donning the physical matter of the world. And it is quite possible that this happened according to laws unknown to us related to the transformation of personal egoism.

And what after that. And after that, many, many years passed and here we are. We, who, according to legend, for thousands of years considered ourselves the grandchildren of Dazhdbog. But for some reason now and suddenly we wanted to be related to animals. This is a fall - from the gods to monkeys!

Something doesn't fit with this logic. The motive is not visible. It’s understandable to become human beings, clothed in matter; after all, they are still thinking beings, but why become animals? But the trend is visible. We will also be “monkeys” if we don’t remember our true Origins. But the action of transformation from energy entities into material humanity took place for some purpose. And rather for a more serious purpose than just becoming dumb animals.

What's the outlook?

our life, clothed in material form?

The origins of this life have high initial conditions from higher entities. And what do we see today, some time after original sin or original transformation?

First, to awaken his hidden powers in a person, muses are present in people's lives. They lead a person to harmony and internal order in different ways. We see this among the Greeks. The desire for entities with higher consciousness is observed in all religions (not to be confused with sects and various charlatans). People try to simplify everything or poison their own environment:

Language- we learn, since the previous experience of our ancestors is not inherited. We are introducing a test system in schools like “guess the ready-made option”, rather than comprehending the level of current knowledge, which we will certainly lose with such studying;

Social forms of being- being a collective being, man strives for individualism. But at the same time, he strives for standard and creativity. Why bother, fashion creators have already thought of everything for you. We strive for the primitive and rejoice - oh, this is “cool”. Globalism has emerged, subcultures are being introduced - we are simplifying towards zero;

Inventions and discoveries- First of all, we use it for our own destruction. Gunpowder after China first for guns and cannons, atomic energy first for bombs, modern PCs were first used by the USA in the early 60s to develop the Polaris rocket. Any industrial production for the sake of Darwinian materialism only poisons the environment.

Hardly anyone would call this progress. Physico-biological process

- The movement towards degradation is obvious. The number of hereditary diseases and deformities is increasing.

Here we should add the trade in low-quality products and the consumption of far from spring water, not to mention GMO products and drugs. Complete degeneration is a matter of time;

Our inner being does not agree with such a sad prospect. Everything will be hopeless, if only... If we don’t find a panacea, correct the situation and redirect the vector. But where to look for her Panacea? We certainly won’t find it among the monkeys. They won't tell. We must look up and remember the glorious past. And first, create a Red Book of man and his culture in order to preserve it during the search. .

Not everything is so bad and some things are in our hands. This is something a Choice, and the choice is long-term, and not for material momentary gain. This is the real way - back to progress And if the prerequisites for this are objective. .

Eat! Take a look at the law of thermodynamics and one of its interesting concepts -


Nature strives for an equilibrium state. The mountains go down and turn into desert sand. But life, on the contrary, trying to maintain its existence, purposefully and continuously changes something in itself and around itself in order to maintain its integrity, it resists the influence of the external environment. Life resists the destruction to which dead nature is doomed.

The appearance of life on the planet increased entropy. So what's the conclusion? Do we have any prospects if we don’t destroy ourselves? Potentially it turns out that there is.

But so far, unfortunately, only jokes. And here is direct proof of this. Well, who other than the descendants of God could invent something like this: “If you mix jam with iron filings, you can catch flies with a magnet.” This kind of thinking is far from de-evolutionary.

There is still gunpowder in the flasks of human evolution. Any research should end with conclusions.

And our conclusions are political and directed to the country’s leadership. It directly depends on power whether human culture will be original or whether it will degrade, whether humanity will survive as a species of life or, having lost culture, will die out as it is no longer needed by nature.

For now, the arrows on the paths of civilization are under our control, and where to move them is again up to the people.

Today, all vectors are clearly directed towards devolution, degradation and self-destruction.

I really want the management not to get lost in two pines and choose evolution and perfection. Otherwise, the ancient feat of Adam and Eve will be accomplished in vain. And if other Adams and Eves did something similar on other planets, then our descendants have a chance to meet their ancient relatives and then the Great Plan of the Rule, unknown to us for the time being, will come true. This Plan can be realized without us, but this is already a shame. We are also an integral part of the Revealed World, but will we have the wisdom to survive in the Revealed World?

Let's start with philosophy and end with a quote from a philosopher. Manly Hall said the prophetic words: “A person cannot be considered truly wise until he comprehends the riddle of his own existence. The greatest spiritual tools he must discover are not so deep. Most of them are always visible, but they are not recognized, since they are hidden in symbols and allegories. When people learn to understand the language of symbols, a great veil will fall from their eyes.”

1. This is what we managed to find on 01/28/2011 online at the SciTecLibrary Forum, What is mind, consciousness, life. Hypothesis, http://www.sciteclibrary.ru/cgi-bin/yabb2/YaBB.pl?num=1263980485

Honestly, it’s worth being patient and watching 46 minutes of the lecture to the end.
