Whether 4 weeks pregnant. Nutritional features for the expectant mother

The most important events 4 weeks pregnant– . The initiation of these processes can occur starting 5–6 days after ovulation. Most – 10 days after the release of the egg. The implantation itself takes about 40 hours.

  • Changes in the uterus
  • Fetal development
  • Risk of miscarriage
  • Baby development at 4 weeks
  • Symptoms and signs
  • Briefly about discharge at week 4: bloody, brown, yellow
  • Nutrition

Changes in the uterus

While the blastocyst (this is the stage of embryo development) moves along the fallopian tube, the uterine lining continues to prepare to “receive” the embryo.

It thickens, stores nutrients, and loosens. Such changes in the uterus occur in every cycle. This is where the phenomena of discomfort in the lower abdomen before menstruation occur. At 4 weeks of pregnancy, abdominal pain is common. In general, the entire body prepares for the upcoming pregnancy every month. Signs and symptoms appear in the chest, nervous system and other organs, which we will return to later.

With successful implantation, the uterus enlarges at the 4th week of pregnancy and takes on the size of a chicken egg, which is not yet reflected in the size of the mother’s belly. At the 4th week of pregnancy, the cervix begins to change its structure and color, which can be confirmed by a gynecologist during examination. This is a presumptive symptom of pregnancy.

Fetal development

Embryo, or future fetus, 4 weeks pregnant completes its journey to the uterus, passing the fallopian tube, o. Due to this, it acquires the ability to adhere to the wall of the uterus. Then its surface cells begin to intensively produce enzymes, with the help of which the embryo lyses (dissolves) the endometrial epithelium and blood vessels. This allows it to penetrate the wall of the uterus and “grow”.

The first close contact with the maternal body appears. The released blood during the destruction of microvessels is the first nutrients received by the fetus from the female body. Until this moment, the embryo lived and developed on the “energy reserves of the egg.” From this time on, all toxic substances, medications, and alcohol can freely enter the newly born body. The fetus at 4 weeks of pregnancy is very vulnerable and not protected.

Risk of miscarriage

In addition to being susceptible to the influence of toxic substances, the embryo is very sensitive to mood swings, hormonal imbalances, physical activity, and stress.

Therefore, at a period of four weeks, expectant mothers should avoid all kinds of stress, including psychological ones. At 4 weeks of pregnancy there is a risk of miscarriage is also dictated by the “habit” of the body. At the end of the fourth - beginning of the fifth week of the cycle, menstruation began over and over again. The body is used to it. Therefore, this time is a critical period. The mechanism of menstruation, which has been fine-tuned over the years, can influence the development of a new pregnancy. Hormonal imbalances and increased muscle tone of the uterus can interfere with the successful development of the embryo and the implantation process.

To prevent the threat of miscarriage, medications may be prescribed at 4 weeks of pregnancy. These are hormonal agents that reduce the tone of the uterus and “support” pregnancy.

Baby development at 4 weeks

The unborn child at the 4th week of pregnancy is represented by a multilayered cellular disk and weighs less than 1 gram. Each of the layers of cells from this week, thanks to cellular interactions, will perform a specific function. The outer layer, continuing its division, is eventually transformed into the skin, nervous system and its derivatives (sense organs). Medium - will become the musculoskeletal, circulatory, genitourinary system. The cells of the internal organs will appear in the process of development as respiratory and digestive organs.

In addition, at the 4th week of pregnancy, the child begins to actively develop extra-embryonic organs. They are extremely necessary for further existence.

The amniotic sac transforms into membranes. They are needed for. The smooth chorion will become the shell responsible for the exchange of substances between the embryo and the mother’s body. In addition, the shell is designed to perform a protective function. The yolk sac is an organ that performs completely different functions at different stages of development. At first, it is simply a supply of nutrients, a source of alpha-fetoprotein and a “primary” liver. 18 days after fertilization, it will begin to produce the primary forms of red blood cells for the embryo and become the “progenitor” of the entire circulatory system. And from the 28th day, it will begin to supply the embryo with precursors of germ cells.

Signs and symptoms

All signs at 4 weeks of pregnancy are associated with hormonal changes. They are indirect and cannot 100% confirm the occurrence of pregnancy. Symptoms at week 4 most often occur in women who are sensitive to the approach of menstruation. In addition, they are very similar to the harbingers of the onset of menstruation.

Indirect signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks are:

  • Puffy breasts, sensitive nipples.
  • Emotional instability. The brain begins to receive chemical, mechanical, sensory “signals” of the origin of intrauterine life. The formation of the dominant pregnancy begins. Therefore, the fourth week is characterized by irritability and mood swings of the expectant mother.
  • Changed food cravings.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Marked drowsiness. There is no need to overcome it by any means possible. Especially energy drinks.
  • Discomfort in the abdominal area, in the projection of the uterus, from the lower back.
  • Increased temperature in the 4th week of pregnancy, triggered by a rise in progesterone levels. Basal temperature may rise and urination may become more frequent. The rush of blood to the internal genital organs located in the pelvis and progesterone contribute to an increase in temperature to 37.3 ° C and a frequent urge to “small”.

Discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy: bloody, brown, yellow

Changes in the nature of discharge are always alarming and frightening. With the coming 4 weeks pregnant discharge may vary in volume and color. Let's look at them in more detail.

Bloody discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy, depending on the amount and duration, can be a good or bad symptom for pregnancy.

A small amount (a couple of drops), a short duration (several hours, sometimes a day) are characteristic of implantation bleeding. We've touched on this before. When the endometrial vessel is “dissolved” by the lysing enzymes of the embryo, a small volume of blood can be released.

A constant increase in the amount and duration of bleeding (more than a day) are signs of the onset of menstruation or detachment of the fertilized egg. At this stage, there is another danger, which may be indicated by spotting at 4 weeks of pregnancy. In combination with acute abdominal pain, bleeding is a sign of ectopic pregnancy.

Brown discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy is a type of blood discharge. Passing through the reproductive tract, the blood mixes with the secretions of the uterus and vagina and changes color. At week 4, the origin of brown discharge is the same as blood. This may indicate implantation or the beginning of menstruation, it all depends on the volume and duration of the discharge.

Yellow discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy is a symptom of infections. The addition of an unpleasant and uncharacteristic odor more accurately indicates an infectious origin. At the 4th week of pregnancy, yellow discharge is caused by coccal flora (gonococci, staphylococci), E. coli or mixed infection, which is extremely unfavorable for pregnancy.

But before you worry, analyze whether you are using medications in the form of gels or vaginal tablets. Perhaps they are the ones who turn the discharge yellow. Infectious origin is confirmed by other symptoms: itching, redness, pain when urinating.


Sex at 4 weeks of pregnancy has restrictions in case of a threat of miscarriage. In other cases, everything happens according to mutual consent couples. In some cases, when the dominant pregnancy forms, sexual desire decreases. This is also aggravated by the appearance of abdominal pain, nausea, and mood swings.


Nutrition during the 4th week of pregnancy - the key to health for two - should be rich in vitamins and consist of the “right” foods. Canned food, preserves, and smoked meats should be excluded from the menu. Green leafy vegetables are especially beneficial at this time. They contain folic acid, which is indispensable for the organic formation of the fetal nervous system.

Pay attention to the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Cottage cheese, fish, meat, cereals and soups are the basis of the daily menu. Diversify it with vegetables and fruits, and your food will become not only healthy, but also tasty.

What you need to know about a cold at 4 weeks pregnant?

Remember - a slight increase in temperature is the effect of progesterone. Getting sick at four weeks is easier than ever before. With the onset of pregnancy, immunity decreases. This is a protective mechanism that comes into play during pregnancy. For the mother’s body, the fetus is only half “its own”. The woman's immune system perceives it as a foreign organism. Therefore, the immune defense is temporarily weakened.

Try to avoid hypothermia, public places and contact with people with colds. It is very difficult to be treated without harming the embryo at this time. Be careful! Acetylsalicylic acid should not be used to reduce fever. It can provoke termination of pregnancy.

Very often, women incorrectly calculate the duration of their pregnancy, and I would like to clarify a little that the fourth obstetric week is from the onset of conception.

However, if you haven’t had your period for 4 weeks now (and that’s a different story), then you’ve reached the 8th week.

If conception occurred 4 weeks ago, then you are at week 6 of the obstetric calendar.

Signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks

There is no direct evidence of pregnancy (delayed menstruation) yet, but the woman is already beginning to show signs such as:

  • irritability;
  • sudden change of mood;
  • increased fatigue;
  • drowsiness.

Although it is worth mentioning that all these symptoms are not clear and indisputable signs, since a woman can experience all this before menstruation.

Feelings of the expectant mother at 4 weeks

As a rule, nothing in a woman’s condition suggests pregnancy, because the most obvious sign – delay – is not yet there.

For most women, 4 weeks is not yet the end of the cycle, and thus the woman has no way of knowing about her interesting situation.

Only drowsiness, increased fatigue, sudden changes in mood, and soreness of the mammary glands can suggest the onset of this wonderful period, like expecting a baby.

However, each organism is individual, and to understand feelings of different women at 4 weeks - you need to ask them themselves (reviews from forums):


Unbearable pain in the mammary glands, terrible pulling in the lower abdomen, no strength at all, I started to get very tired, I don’t want to do anything, I get angry for no reason, I cry, and this is only 4 weeks. What will be next?


I felt very nauseous in the 4th week, and my lower abdomen was tight, but I assumed it was premenstrual syndrome, but that was not the case. A couple of days after the delay, I took a test, and I was very pleased with the result - 2 stripes.

Duration – 4 weeks. I've wanted a child for a long time. If it weren’t for the constant nausea in the morning and mood swings, it would be just perfect.


I'm very happy about my pregnancy. The only symptom is that the chest hurts, and it feels like it is swelling and growing. I'll have to change my bras soon.


The test showed 2 stripes. There were no signs, but somehow I still felt that I was pregnant. It turned out that this is true. But I’m very upset that my appetite is increasing like hell, I’ve already gained 2 kg, I’m constantly hungry. And there are no more signs.

What happens in the mother's body?

First of all, it is worth mentioning the external changes that occur to the body of a happy new mother:

  • The waist becomes a little wider (just a couple of centimeters, no more), although this can only be felt by the woman herself, and the people around her cannot even notice with an armed glance;
  • The breasts swell and become more sensitive;

As for the internal changes in the body of the expectant mother, there are quite enough of them:

  • The outer layer of the embryo begins to produce chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which signals the onset of pregnancy. It is this week that you can do a home express test, which will notify the woman about such a pleasant event.
  • This week, a small bubble forms around the embryo, which is filled with amniotic fluid, which in turn will protect the unborn baby until birth.
  • This week, the placenta (afterbirth) also begins to form, through which further communication between the expectant mother and the child’s body will take place.
  • An umbilical cord is also formed, which will provide the embryo with the ability to rotate and move in the amniotic fluid.

It must be clarified that the placenta is connected to the embryo through the umbilical cord, which is attached to the inner wall of the uterus and functions as a separation between the circulatory system of the mother and the child to prevent the blood of the mother and the child from mixing.

Through the placenta and umbilical cord, formed in the 4th week, until birth, the embryo will receive everything it needs: water, minerals, nutrients, air, and also discard waste products, which in turn will be excreted through the mother’s body.

Moreover, the placenta will prevent the penetration of all microbes and harmful substances in the event of maternal illnesses. The placenta will be fully formed by the end of the 12th week.

Fetal development at 4 weeks

So, the first month is almost over and the baby is growing very quickly in the mother’s body. In the fourth week, the fertilized egg becomes an embryo.

At the same time the inner, middle and outer types of germ layers are formed: ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm. They are responsible for the formation of vital tissues and organs of the unborn child.

  • Endoderm, or the inner layer, serves to form the internal organs of the unborn baby: liver, bladder, pancreas, respiratory system and lungs.
  • Mesoderm, or middle layer, is responsible for the muscular system, skeletal muscles, cartilage, heart, kidneys, gonads, lymph and blood.
  • Ectoderm, or outer layer, is responsible for hair, skin, nails, tooth enamel, epithelial tissue of the nose, eyes and ears, and eye lenses.

It is in these germ layers that the potential organs of your future baby are formed.

Photo and appearance of the embryo at 4 weeks

Regarding the appearance of the embryo, then in the fourth week the embryo looks like a small fish. The head of the embryo is already beginning to form. The size of your unborn baby reaches 2-4 mm and weighs only 2 grams.
In the fourth week, the baby’s eyes also change - now they are not just the rudiments of the eye sockets, the eyes already have a lens, cornea and a double wall. At the end of the fourth week, one of the most important stages of intrauterine development, blastogenesis, ends.

Photo of an embryo at 4 weeks

What does a baby look like at 4 weeks? Your unborn baby now resembles a blastula, shaped like a round plate. “Extraembryonic” organs, which are responsible for nutrition and respiration, are intensively formed.

By the end of the fourth week, some of the ectoblast and endoblast cells, closely adjacent to each other, form the rudiment of the embryo. The rudiment of the embryo is three thin layers of cells, different in structure and functions.

By the end of the formation of ectoderm, exoderm and endoderm, the fertilized egg has a multilayer structure. And now the baby can be considered a gastrula.

No external changes have yet occurred, because the period is still very short, and the weight of the embryo in the mother’s tummy weighs only 2 grams and its length does not exceed 2-4 mm.

Photo of mother's belly at 4 weeks

Ultrasound at 4 weeks

An ultrasound is usually done to confirm the fact of pregnancy and its duration. Moreover, ultrasound may be prescribed if there is an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy. Also at this time, you can determine the general condition of the placenta (to avoid its detachment and subsequent miscarriage). Already in the fourth week, the embryo can please its new mother with the contraction of its heart.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks

Video: What happens in the 4th week?

Video: 4 weeks. How to tell your husband about pregnancy?

If you haven’t done this before, now is the time to change your lifestyle.

So, the following tips will help you and your unborn baby stay in good health:

  • Review your menu, try to consume foods that contain the most vitamins. Getting all the necessary vitamins plays an important role in the life of every person who wants to stay healthy, and even more so in the life of a newly minted expectant mother. If possible, avoid flour, fatty and spicy foods, as well as coffee.
  • Eliminate alcohol from your diet completely. Even a small dose of alcohol can cause irreparable harm to you and your unborn baby.
  • Quit smoking, moreover, try to be around smokers as little as possible, because passive smoking can be as harmful as active smoking. If your household members are heavy smokers, convince them to smoke in the fresh air, as far away from you as possible.
  • Try to spend as little time as possible in crowded places - thereby significantly reducing the risk of contracting infectious diseases that have a detrimental effect on the fetus. If it happens that someone from your environment still manages to get sick, arm yourself with a gauze mask. For prevention, also do not forget to add garlic and onions to your diet, which effectively fight all possible diseases and do not cause any harm to your baby.
  • Consult your doctor about taking a vitamin complex for expectant mothers. WARNING: Avoid taking any medications without consulting your doctor first!
  • Do not get too carried away with X-ray examinations, especially in the abdomen and pelvis.
  • Protect yourself from unnecessary stress and worries.
  • Be attentive to your pets. If you have a cat at home, do everything possible to reduce its interaction with street animals and limit its exposure to mice. Yes, and try to shift your responsibilities in caring for the cat to your husband. Why, you ask? The fact is that many cats are carriers of toxoplasma, the first time it enters the body of the expectant mother, the body will be susceptible to a disease leading to genetic defects in the fetus. The best option is to have your cat checked by a veterinarian. If you have a dog in your home, pay attention to timely vaccinations against rabies and leptospirosis. In general, the recommendations for communicating with a four-legged friend are the same as with a cat.
  • If week 4 falls during the hot season of the year, exclude dishes that contain overwintered potatoes to avoid birth defects in the baby.
  • Be sure to include walking in your daily routine.
  • Consider exercising. They will help you stay toned and strengthen your muscles. There are special sports sections for pregnant women that you can visit, but calculate your capabilities so as not to overload yourself.
  • To avoid the appearance of stretch marks after childbirth, rub olive oil into the skin of your abdomen now. This method can prevent this unpleasant and so common phenomenon in advance.

The most detailed pregnancy calendar by week

How did you feel or feel in the 4th week? Share your impressions with us!

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine wall continues and in parallel, the formation of an embryo begins, which after some time will turn into a fetus, and then into a newborn baby. The expectant mother does not yet know about the new life developing inside her, but very soon a pregnancy test will give positive results.

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What is implantation?

Normally, fertilization of an egg by a sperm occurs in the fallopian tube. It takes an average of 6-7 days for the fertilized egg to travel from the fallopian tube to the uterus. Once in the uterine cavity, the fertilized egg (at this stage it is called a blastocyst) adheres to the inner uterine lining (endometrium) and begins to secrete enzymes necessary for deeper penetration into the uterine wall. This is implantation.

During implantation, the trophoblast (formed from the outer cells of the blastocyst) begins to actively divide and transform into a kind of villi, which gradually penetrate deep into the endometrium. It starts with these fibers formation of chorionic villi– a structure responsible for providing the embryo with all the necessary substances until the placenta appears.

Around the chorionic villi, lacunae filled with maternal blood are formed, from which the developing small organism draws oxygen and resources for active growth.

Implantation of the fertilized egg in some pregnant women is accompanied by a slight discharge of blood from the genital tract - the so-called implantation bleeding. Its appearance is associated with the destruction of the walls of endometrial vessels under the action of enzymes secreted by the trophoblast. Gynecologists consider this phenomenon as a variant of the norm, but only if it is repeated once and is not accompanied by severe painful sensations.

Human chorionic gonadotropin

After implantation of the fertilized egg, the cells of the developing chorion begin to synthesize a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). This substance is several times more active than sex hormones in relation to the female reproductive organs.

The main function of hCG is to force the female body to adapt to preserving and maintaining nascent life. Under the influence of hCG, the synthesis of progesterone (pregnancy hormone) increases, stress resistance increases, and a number of other important processes occur.

The detection of hCG in the body fluids of women is used to diagnose pregnancy. Normally, within a few days after implantation, in a concentration sufficient to be determined by available methods, hCG appears in the blood, and in the urine only a week later, so even the most sensitive test can give an accurate result about the presence of pregnancy no earlier than 2 weeks after conception .

Each stage of pregnancy has its own concentration of hCG in the blood, which gives doctors the opportunity to assess how well the pregnancy is progressing. For example, a low rate of increase in the level of hCG is characteristic of, and a sharp decrease in the concentration of this hormone is characteristic of a threatening or already occurred one.

Mother's feelings at 4 weeks of pregnancy

At the 4th week of pregnancy, a woman begins to feel swelling of the mammary glands and increased sensitivity of the nipples. In addition, the expectant mother becomes more irritable, emotionally unstable, gets tired quickly and constantly wants to sleep. Body weight may increase slightly (from 0.5 to 1 kg).

The appearance of these signs is associated with the impact on the female body. In principle, the same substance is synthesized by the corpus luteum of the ovary in the second half of the menstrual cycle in the absence of pregnancy. Therefore, for many women, symptoms such as irritability and breast swelling occur before each menstruation and cannot be regarded as the first signs of pregnancy if there is no delay.

Fetus at 4 weeks of gestation

This week, from a cluster of cells called a blastocyst, the formation of an embryo and extra-embryonic structures (chorion, yolk sac, amnion) begins.

Cells of the embryoblast (inner part of the blastocyst) at 4 weeks are divided into two populations:

  • The endoblast from which the yolk sac is formed.
  • Ectoblast is the precursor of the amniotic cavity and amniotic fluid.

The embryonic rudiment begins to form from the cells located at the junction of the endoblast and ectoblast. At the 4th week of pregnancy, the future embryo consists of only three layers (sheets) of cells that differ in structure:

  • Ectoderm. This leaf will give rise to the child’s skin, hair, eyes, nervous system, tooth enamel, and ears.
  • Mesoderm– these are the future muscles, skeleton, blood vessels, heart, kidneys of the baby.
  • Endoderm- predecessors of the digestive system, lungs.

By the end of the 4th week of pregnancy, the fertilized egg is no longer called a blastocyst, but a gastrula, and the stage of intrauterine development of the baby is called gastrulation. The size of the embryo at this stage is only about 1 mm(this is less than a poppy seed).

Possible problems

The 4th week of pregnancy, like the 3rd, is a critical period in the baby’s intrauterine development. The embryo is extremely sensitive to the negative effects of radiation, chemicals, drugs, and infectious agents, especially since it has already established a connection with the mother, so practically everything good and bad that is in her blood is transmitted to the child.

In addition, week 4 can be called decisive in terms of immediate prospects. If implantation has occurred and embryo development has begun, the pregnancy will continue. If for some reason the fertilized egg was unable to penetrate the endometrium or the formation of the embryo did not begin, the woman will have another menstruation (possibly with a slight delay) and the fertilized egg will come out along with the menstrual flow. Moreover, the woman will never know about it.

There are many reasons for the death of a child at such an early stage. Most often these are gross developmental disorders, which at this stage are called blastopathies. In addition, the unpreparedness of the endometrium or uterine abnormalities can prevent normal implantation of the fertilized egg. Immune disorders can also play a role, as a result of which the mother’s body simply rejects a foreign object in the face of the embryo (normally, the female body immediately after fertilization begins to release an early pregnancy factor, which suppresses the immune response and thereby contributes to the preservation of the child).

A woman’s lifestyle this week largely determines what, if any, development of the tiny creature inside her will be. That's why very important for the expectant mother:

The expectant mother should eat well, drink vitamin supplements (if prescribed by the gynecologist), walk in the fresh air, do something pleasant for the soul, communicate with loved ones and experience more positive emotions.

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Zubkova Olga Sergeevna, medical observer, epidemiologist

The 4th week of pregnancy is considered a very important stage in the life of the unborn child, although the embryo still looks like a small disc. A woman’s sensations may be similar to mild malaise, premenstrual syndrome, and sometimes others are added. However, it is still difficult to determine pregnancy using them.

The 4th week of pregnancy is the 28 days that have passed since the start of your last period, or approximately 14 days after conception. During this period, a woman usually expects the start of her next menstruation. Its absence is the first and most important sign of pregnancy.

In addition to this, there are other signs:

  1. Emotional instability, which is characterized by frequent mood swings, resentment and irritability.
  2. The breasts become larger and more sensitive.
  3. During the day you feel very weak, tired and drowsy.
  4. In the morning, nausea and vomiting appear, called toxicosis.
  5. Food preferences change.
  6. Sometimes nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen or lumbar region.
  7. Urination becomes more frequent.
  8. There is an increase in basal temperature to 37°C.

Child development

At 4 weeks of pregnancy or 2 weeks after conception, the fertilized egg becomes a full-fledged embryo. In appearance, it resembles a disk, which consists of three layers.

The outer layer forms the yolk sac, chorion and membranes. Each of these organs plays its own special role.

  • The chorion will become the placenta in the future. This transformation will last until about 12 weeks. Thanks to the placenta, the fetus will be able to receive the nutrients it needs from the mother.
  • The fetal membrane is also called the amnion. It represents the cavity in which the embryo will grow and develop. As pregnancy progresses, it will turn into a fertilized sac. Inside this bladder there is a liquid that protects the embryo from damage and is its drink and food.
  • The yolk sac is responsible for the blood circulation process.

The outer layer of cells is also responsible for the formation of skin, nervous system, teeth, etc. The middle layer is called mesoderm. It is involved in the formation of bones, muscles, ligaments, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems. From the inner layer, the organs of the digestive tract, pancreas and thyroid glands, lungs and other organs of the respiratory system will later develop.

In the last days of 4 weeks, the embryo develops a head. A plate is also formed, which provides the basis for the formation of the spinal cord and brain. During the same period, the child develops a face and even the rudiments of eyes.

Changes in the mother's body

Something new is happening in almost all organs and systems of the female body. After conception, hormonal levels, the condition of the uterus, vaginal discharge, etc. change.


First of all, the changes concern hCG and progesterone. HCG is formed due to the work of the chorion. This substance helps maintain and develop pregnancy. It performs several functions:

  1. Promotes the development of the corpus luteum up to 7 weeks.
  2. Protects the embryo from rejection by the mother's body.

HCG levels rise every couple of days. Starting from 10 weeks, it begins to decline. The presence of hCG in the body is determined using a blood test or a regular pregnancy test.

The amount of progesterone also increases. It is first produced by the corpus luteum, and then by the placenta. Progesterone is very important both in the 4th week of pregnancy and in the following days, because it:

  1. Promotes enlargement of the uterus as the embryo grows.
  2. Prevents the muscles of the uterus from contracting, protecting pregnancy from miscarriage.
  3. Thanks to progesterone, the mother’s body accumulates useful substances that the embryo will need in the future.
  4. Prevents a woman’s body from rejecting an egg with foreign (paternal) genes.
  5. Prepares the breasts for the process of lactation, and the bones and ligaments of the pelvis for childbirth.
  6. Participates in the development of some fetal organs.

In most cases, at this stage the amount of progesterone is 18 nmol/l.


What happens to the uterus in 4 obstetric weeks, or 14 days after conception? It increases in size and becomes softer. This is especially true for the neck. In the mucous surface, blood circulation becomes more intense. This leads to the fact that it acquires a bluish tint - this can be seen during an examination by a gynecologist.

A mucous plug appears in the cervix, which acts as a protective barrier. Throughout pregnancy, it will protect the fetus from infections.

The endometrium becomes cyanotic. Glandular cells appear on it, due to which the embryo is nourished. In the future they will become the placenta. Every day the endometrium becomes thicker. By 4 obstetric weeks it reaches 20 mm.

Mammary gland

The breast continues to prepare for feeding. It increases in size and becomes sensitive. The nipples and the area around them darken. Sometimes pain appears.


Nothing is happening to the abdomen yet, because the uterus does not protrude beyond the pelvis. Sometimes a pulling sensation may appear in the lower abdomen. This is fine. They usually disappear after a couple of days.


During the fourth week of pregnancy, the discharge becomes thicker. They are white or transparent, odorless and do not cause any discomfort. Sometimes light brown mucus appears. This indicates that the implantation of the egg has ended. If such discharge goes away after a few days, there is no need to panic.

Possible violations

During this period, a woman should listen carefully to her feelings. Inattention to your health can lead to serious problems. What should you pay special attention to?

Brown or bloody vaginal discharge

Light brown mucus is normal. Its appearance is due to the fact that a woman’s body is adjusting to pregnancy and childbirth. But if the discharge turns dark brown and there is pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This often indicates the death of the embryo, ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, or the presence of erosion.

Bloody discharge may appear in several cases:

  • The embryo has implanted outside the uterine cavity.
  • After sexual intercourse.
  • As a result of examination by a gynecologist.
  • The embryo froze.
  • There is cervical erosion.

Pain in the lumbar region

Appears for the following reasons:

  • the woman’s body is preparing for future childbirth;
  • body weight increases;
  • there are postural disorders, osteochondrosis, etc.;
  • the woman suffers from kidney disease.

Abdominal pain along with bloody discharge may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Contact your doctor

Body temperature

On average, the temperature reaches 37.3°C. She can remain this way until childbirth. If there are no accompanying symptoms, there is no need to worry. The temperature may rise due to acute respiratory viral infections or inflammatory processes inside the body, for example, pneumonia.

At the 4th week of pregnancy, many organs and systems of the child begin to form. Therefore, you should not ignore the increase in temperature. Also, do not self-medicate. The attending physician should prescribe treatment and monitor the condition of the pregnant woman.


It often appears in pregnant women, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. Accompanied by itching in the genital area and the appearance of white cheesy discharge. When thrush appears, it is strictly forbidden to be treated with traditional methods. Firstly, they will only relieve symptoms, and secondly, they can harm the child.

In order for the pregnancy to be easy and the baby to be born healthy, you must adhere to some rules:

Starting from the first day of the fourth week of pregnancy, serious changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. He is preparing for pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. This period has its own characteristic signs, for example, toxicosis, frequent mood swings and breast swelling. To ensure proper development of the fetus, you must be attentive to your feelings. If you feel the slightest discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The pregnancy period is four weeks or six obstetric weeks - this is the time when a gynecologist, even during an examination, can with a high degree of probability determine an interesting position in the patient. Its symptoms are becoming more and more pronounced. The woman begins to feel pregnant and realize that she will very soon become a mother.

Fourth week of pregnancy: reliable signs for the doctor

Only now are symptoms beginning to appear that the doctor can note during a gynecological examination.

1. Blueness of the mucous membrane of the vagina and cervix.
2. Increase in the size of the uterus, it almost reaches the size of a chicken egg. It has a soft consistency due to the action of the hormone progesterone and an asymmetrical shape. This asymmetrical shape can be visible even to the woman herself if she lies on her back. True, not at 4 weeks after conception, but a little later, around the sixth week.

Asymmetry occurs in the part of the uterus where the fertilized egg develops. If a woman has uterine fibroids, some doctors mistake a fertilized sac for it. But this is exactly pregnancy. Towards the end of the first trimester, the shape of the uterus becomes correct again.

If the uterus is significantly larger than it should be at a given stage of pregnancy, this may indicate a multiple pregnancy. Less commonly, the cause is a uterine tumor or hydatidiform mole.

Pregnancy tests should clearly be positive by now. Determining pregnancy in the fourth embryonic week using tests is possible even in the case of late ovulation. If your period is late, but the tests are still negative, it means you just have a hormonal imbalance, not pregnancy. This happens during anovulatory cycles, that is, in which there was no ovulation.

The interesting position of the woman is confirmed by ultrasound examination. There are no more mistakes at this time.

What happens to the fetus and what is visible on an ultrasound at the 4th week

With a transvaginal ultrasound, the doctor easily finds a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity and sees an embryo in it. Its length reaches 2-4 mm. It is surrounded by about 3 grams of amniotic fluid and looks like a small comma. It has a head, a lower and upper jaw, arms, an umbilical cord and a tail.

If you look closely, you can see two cup-shaped shapes on the head. These are the baby's future eyes, the so-called optic vesicles.

In the fourth week, the rudiments of all limbs appear, the lungs, liver, spleen, partially the inner ear and larynx are formed, and the brain is formed at the end of the neural tube. A so-called primary bud is formed. This is a temporary organ. By the fifth month of pregnancy it will completely disappear. An important temporary organ, the placenta, continues to form.

This week the embryo's heart begins to work. For now it has a simplified shape, not similar to a human one, somewhat similar to a tube. However, if you have high-quality equipment, you can already hear its knocking.

What happens during the fourth week after conception or the sixth obstetric week is clearly visible on ultrasound. Usually, multiple pregnancies are already diagnosed. This can be 2-3 fertilized eggs or one fertilized egg, but with several embryos. The first option for pregnancy is better and more viable.

What is anembryonia

If the embryo is not visible in the fertilized egg, this may indicate anembryony. The empty fertilized egg also grows, and the progression of hCG is determined along with it. There are signs of pregnancy in the fourth week. But such a pregnancy is not viable. There is no embryo, since it died at a very early stage, when it was still very tiny in size. There can be many reasons for the death of an embryo. Any external or internal damaging factor or chromosomal abnormalities.

It will be very useful to acquire a device for measuring blood pressure and electronic scales for use at home. This way you can independently control your health and prevent overeating, which is very typical for expectant mothers.

Why does the doctor estimate the gestational age based on the results of an examination of the uterus differ from what is said on an ultrasound? This happens often. But you don’t have to worry, the dates will be recalculated towards the end of pregnancy. There will also be additional factors that will be taken into account - this is the determination of the period by ultrasound at 12 obstetric weeks and the date of the first fetal movement.

At the first or second appointment with a gynecologist, each pregnant woman is given a dispensary card, which remains with her. All test results, blood pressure measurements, weight, etc. are entered into this card. This card is looked at in the hospital in case of hospitalization, as well as upon admission to the maternity hospital.

Tests to be taken

After the first examination, the doctor will prescribe a series of tests for you and go to a consultation with at least 3 specialists: a therapist, a dentist, an otolaryngologist. This must be done in order to promptly treat any possible foci of infection in the body. For example, caries is a potential source of infection and is dangerous for the embryo.

General urine and blood tests are required. In the second analysis, particular importance is paid to the level of hemoglobin in the blood. If necessary, iron supplements are subsequently prescribed to correct iron deficiency anemia.

A blood sugar test is also taken. But to get reliable data, especially on sugar, you need to take tests on an empty stomach. You shouldn't even drink tea with sugar in the morning. It's all glucose. If you don't feel well when you're hungry, take a chocolate bar with you and eat it immediately after donating blood.

By the way, they will take a lot of blood from you. In addition to a general and sugar test, your blood will be taken for HIV, hepatitis, blood type and Rh factor, biochemistry, prothrombin (for clotting).

Urinalysis shows early signs of kidney and bladder disease and an inflammatory process. This is indicated by a large number of leukocytes. However, there are questionable results, and then they ask to retake the analysis. To eliminate the possibility of retaking the test, you must immediately collect urine correctly and follow all the rules. Only morning urine is collected; evening urine cannot be stored, even in the refrigerator. Before this, the genitals are washed using soap. A cotton swab is inserted into the vagina to prevent vaginal discharge from entering the jar, which will make the analysis uninformative. Urine should be delivered to the laboratory as soon as possible, no longer than after 2 hours.

There is one more blood test that deserves attention. This is a progesterone test. Some doctors prescribe it in order to diagnose a threatened miscarriage. Allegedly, a low level of progesterone in the blood means that a miscarriage may occur in the near future. In fact, the exact minimum level of progesterone that is necessary to maintain pregnancy is not known. And the threat of miscarriage is indicated by symptoms - abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding.

What a woman notices and her feelings in the fourth week

Toxicosis is increasing. If a week ago you only felt mild nausea, now you may experience vomiting. Especially in the morning. But there are mothers who will not feel toxicosis at all. Both are the absolute norm and are not some kind of distinctive sign of the further course of pregnancy. They say that more often severe toxicosis is experienced by women who are carrying girls.

Some expectant mothers notice that their belly begins to grow in the fourth week of pregnancy. But more experienced women say that this is not a pregnant uterus at all. It has not yet been increased significantly. More like bloating. Excessive gas formation in the intestines is a common problem during pregnancy.

However, there is a category of women in whom pregnancy will be visible earlier than others. These are multiparous. Those who carried and gave birth to more than two children. This occurs due to weakness of the abdominal wall. But there is nothing to envy here, since a weak anterior abdominal wall during pregnancy threatens, at a minimum, lower back pain.

Psychologically, women become more sensitive, whiny, and sentimental. And this can continue not only during pregnancy, but also after, during breastfeeding.

Externally, one can notice an enlargement of the mammary glands. The chest fills up beautifully. And the nipples noticeably increase in size and darken. In some women, women become brown, visibly pigmented. In addition to the nipples, the axillary region and abdomen are also subject to pigmentation. In some women, a stripe in the middle of the abdomen (along the linea alba) is already beginning to appear, but more often it appears in the second half of pregnancy.

Week 4, how to tell your husband about pregnancy (video):

4 weeks pregnant

Week 4, how to tell your husband about pregnancy


One of the most important health factors during this week of pregnancy is proper and sufficient nutrition. But not too much! Please note that overeating threatens not only extra pounds, which will be difficult to get rid of later, but also stretch marks. They appear largely due to rapid weight gain. Feeling hungry frequently during the fourth gestational week is common. Eat small meals and do not consume high-calorie foods that are useless for the body.

If you want to prevent stretch marks, now is the time to start. You can use cream for expectant mothers. Apply it to the buttocks, thighs, stomach, chest. Or instead of a cosmetic product, lubricate the skin with vegetable oil. The action is essentially the same - moisturizing the skin and increasing its elasticity.

It is very important to eat enough meat. These are invaluable proteins for the body, and are also the main source of iron. If a woman does not eat meat, she will definitely develop iron deficiency anemia.

The quality of food also needs to be monitored. Many vegetables and fruits sold in early spring and late winter contain large amounts of nitrates. If too much of them enters the mother’s body, it is dangerous for the health and life of the embryo. Some progressive mothers even buy home nitrate meters to eat only organic foods.

As for physical activity, it is necessary. But moderate, familiar to you. It is necessary to limit the load only for women who have a real threat of spontaneous abortion. The same recommendations apply to sexual life, throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
