Master classes: caskets, vases, flowers from plastic bottles. Beautiful do-it-yourself box made of plastic bottles Do-it-yourself boxes made of plastic bottles

Do you have too many small things and don't know where to put them? An alternative solution to this problem can be a box of plastic bottles. It does not take too much time, money and patience to create it. And the result will exceed all expectations!

Simple and Affordable

The process of making the box can be traced on the example of the following master class with a photo.

For work you will need: a plastic bottle, thick cardboard, a thread, a needle, a fabric of two colors, beads, an openwork ribbon.

Take a 2.5 liter bottle and cut off the bottom to a height of about nine cm. Use the sharp edge of the awl to make small holes around the entire perimeter, as shown in the photo.

Take the fabric of the main color, in our case black, and cut out a circle, twenty cm in diameter.

Then we cut out a circle from a black fabric, the radius of which is 13 cm.

Take the blank cut out of the bottle and glue a small circle of cardboard on its bottom. It is best to use a glue gun.

Let dry a little.

Now we take a large black circle, 26 cm in diameter, and along the edge we stretch a thread with a needle, as shown in the photo.

Insert a plastic bottle inside this circle and tighten the threads. The fabric should fit snugly against the plastic.

Then evenly distribute the folds and start sewing. Especially for this, holes were made on a plastic bottle.

The edges of the fabric must be tucked inward and stitched again.

Here's what we got:

Now you need to work with the lid of the box. To do this, take the remaining cardboard circle and place it in the center of the fabric circle. We sew threads along the edge of the fabric.

We tighten the threads again.

We will not give exact dimensions, but know that the length should be equal to the circumference of the bottle, the height is 1 cm more than the height of the box, and the diameter of the circle should be about 9-10 cm.

We put the lining inside the box and fasten it for the first time.

The lining needs to be sewn very carefully. On the outside, you can use openwork lace.

You can also sew lace on the bottom of the bottle.

Decorate everything with beads, it looks much more feminine.

Take another small circle of lace and fasten it to the lid.

Now you need to cut out a small circle from the fabric of the main color, which will cover the cardboard.

Sew on lace, hide the edges of the circle.

You can also decorate with beads.

Now you can make a flower upstairs. To do this, cut out five large and the same number of small petals.

And collect the flower.

This is such a beautiful box. It even reminds a little of Ukrainian symbols.

Video on the topic of the article

We also suggest watching a selection of videos that will show the process of creating other caskets from plastic bottles.

The box is one of those things that every girl should have. You can find many different boxes on store shelves, but what if you show your imagination and make a box with your own hands from a plastic bottle? For this, you do not need to have a great talent for needlework, this requires a little perseverance, patience and the right materials.

To create a box, we need:
— Plastic bottle 0.5l;
— Klaptik blue fabric;
- Ribbons 5 mm thick blue and pink;
- Akfix glue (you can use another one);
— Durable cardboard;
- Two bows;
- Scissors;
- A thread;
- Needle.

To begin with, we take a bottle and cut it to a height of 9 centimeters.

Cut off the neck of the bottle from the top. Such blanks are obtained.

We take a strong cardboard, draw a circle with a compass so that its radius is slightly larger than the radius of the bottle. Cut out the circle.

Tie a circle around with fabric. In the middle we glue the neck of the bottle, as shown in the photo below. Got the lid of the box.

We tie a blue ribbon along the diameter of the bottom of the bottle. We glue it so that it holds firmly.

On a cardboard covered with fabric, glue the ends of the pink ribbon so that a loop forms.

Glue a pink ribbon along the edge of the bottom of the bottle and the neck of the bottle.

We take a ribbon. We glue one end of it to the main part of the box, and the other to its lid.

On the lid along the edges of the ribbon, which forms a loop, glue the bows.

The final look of the craft.

The box is ready! It is so easy to make that even a child can make it, unlike, for example, a plastic bottle parrot, which is more complicated. You can store your rings, bracelets, earrings and other jewelry in the box. The box is convenient in that it is made of a transparent bottle, which means that it is not necessary to pour out all its contents in order to choose your jewelry. It can serve as an excellent gift for your friends and relatives, because the best gift is a gift made by yourself.

Every girl probably has dolls that are no longer suitable for games, but it's a pity to throw them away. In order not to say goodbye to your favorite things, make a doll box with your own hands with your daughter. It looks like a simple Barbie toy in a voluminous outfit, but few will guess that this is actually a treasure trove. In childhood, all children love to collect different gizmos, and if you make a box, it will put things in order in your daughter's room.

In fact, making a doll is quite easy. Therefore, this toy is perfect for sharing entertainment with a child. To work, you need to take the following materials:

First, you should try to make a box with a Barbie doll. After collecting the materials, you can proceed to work. Lovely doll box of satin ribbons master class, process description:

Measure the height and circumference of the top of the plate. According to the size of the bottom of the fabric bowl, cut out four circles without an allowance from foam rubber and two from satin with an allowance of one centimeter. Sew mugs together from these materials.

Cut out four rectangular shapes from foam rubber: a width suitable for the height of the dish and a length equal to the circumference of the top of the bowl. From the satin, cut out two rectangles larger than the foam rectangle, four centimeters wide and two centimeters long. Sew a satin rectangle along the perimeter of the circle, gathering the edge with small folds.

Paste the plates with foam rubber rectangular figures, you can glue everything in pieces. Cut out 2 squares from the satin so that you can wrap all the dishes. Cover the bowls with a cloth and remove unnecessary material.

Glue the created bottom with a fabric wall. Glue the upper and lower edges of the box, which will be combined, with braid, and sheathe the sides with lace, alternating different shades and making tucks so that the lace is voluminous. On the cover of the product, leave a place for the doll. Cut the toy to the waist and glue it to the chosen place at the top of the box. Glue the satin ribbon on the front and back, then fix the doll on the product. Dress up Barbie by making the top of the dress out of lace.

Create a hat: glue a bottle cap with a ribbon or a piece of fabric, then glue it with lace and, if desired, decorate with beads or rhinestones.

Fasten the 2 halves of the bowls so that the box can open. Put on a barbie hat, beads, bracelets, earrings. The work is completed, just like that you can make a doll box with your own hands.

After making the first box, you can move on to the option, which will be more complex and interesting. The master class on making a casket with a snow maiden is divided into two parts:

First part- making the base of the product from a plastic bottle.

Second part- decor crafts.

Materials that will be needed for work:

If you don't have some materials at home, you can use a mayonnaise bucket to create a base to hold the toy on.

Make a base for the product. Cut up the bottles and glue to the bottom of the bowl. Insert the lower part of the toy into the neck, smeared with glue.

On the bottom of the second plate, circle the outline on the cardboard. Cut out the circle and set it aside. Paste the "skirt" with synthetic winterizer. From a white cloth, make two cylindrical bags of the desired size. Their bottoms must be quilted. Glue the bottoms of the bags to the inside of the dishes.

Pull the edge of 1 bag with a thread at the waist of the Snow Maiden. Pull edge 2 from the outside with an arc of the plate. Connect these beautiful plates with a small seam (three centimeters) from the back, and sew pieces of Velcro in front. After that, you can move on to decor.

Sheathe the lower edge of the cap with lace, hiding the seam and Velcro. Cover the circle that you set aside with a blue cloth and glue it to the bottom. In this way, you can hide the assembly and make the box more stable. Sheathe the joint with lace fabric.

Make blue fabric elements for the top of the outfit. Sew blanks and put on the doll. Decorate the product with unusual ribbons, lace, pom-poms, rhinestones in the shape of snowflakes. Braid her hair and sew on a hat. An unusual do-it-yourself doll made of plastic bottles. After completing two such beautiful boxes, you can try to create something in kanzashi technology and decorate the product in a similar way. Good luck in your work and creative success!

Attention, only TODAY!

Now different types of needlework are very popular. The art of making something beautiful from improvised materials will never go out of fashion, in other words, from what some people throw in the trash, while others use to create real masterpieces. For example, a do-it-yourself box of plastic bottles is made quickly and simply. Having mastered the technology, you will be able to make a variety of products: from everyday containers for storing small items to gift souvenir options.

Possible types of products

Any do-it-yourself plastic bottle box is made using a similar technology. The design is made up of individual elements, such as rectangles, interconnected by crocheting with simple single crochets. Accordingly, the plastic base is pre-punched along the edges.

Using this technology, you can make caskets of various shapes:

  • rectangular;
  • square;
  • oval;
  • cylindrical.

It is also interesting to use curly lower parts of the bottles.

The design of the boxes also choose any:

  • open;
  • with lid;
  • with several departments;
  • completely transparent or colored plastic;
  • painted with acrylic, nail polish;
  • decorated with paper appliqué, including quilling technique;
  • decorated with kanzashi elements;
  • with color patterns from scraps of the same plastic bottles.

As you can see, there are many options. On the basis of any, everyone is able to develop their own unique souvenir.

Materials and tools

In order for you to get a beautiful box of plastic bottles with your own hands, you will need to prepare the following:

  • transparent or colored blanks;
  • means for removing dirt from the bottle (soap, water, sponge);
  • marker for marking;
  • scissors;
  • hole puncher;
  • colored paper and paper clips (for some options);
  • crochet hook;
  • yarn or kapron threads (the latter are stronger);
  • paints, nail polish, pattern templates and other decor if you decorate the product.

There is nothing complicated or unusual. Everything you need is in the house of every needlewoman. And if not, then buying it will not be difficult and costly.

How to make a box of plastic bottles with your own hands step by step

So, the work will be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Preparation of bottles (wash, dry, remove labels).
  2. Production of plastic blanks of the desired shape and size.
  3. Straightening details.
  4. Making holes around the perimeter of the elements.
  5. edges.
  6. Connecting parts.
  7. Product decoration.

There are not so many actions, but each stage has its own nuances. Detailed recommendations are provided in the next section.

Do-it-yourself plastic bottle box: master class

Try to create a souvenir of a simple rectangular shape, for example, with a lid.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Prepare those bottles from which you can cut even rectangles, and do it. For a product with a lid, you will need two bottom parts and at least 7 or 8 side walls. This is if the object is made transparent single-layer. There is a variant of a two-layer box, when to make one part, for example, a lid, bottom or side wall, two identical rectangles are connected, and a sheet of colored decorative paper is placed between them. For the second method, details will be required twice as much.
  2. When the elements are cut out, straighten them by drawing them with force along the curved side, for example, with a knife. Double-layer parts must be folded with the concave sides inward.
  3. Process each blank in turn with a hole punch along all sides. First, you should practice on plain paper of the same size.
  4. Crochet the perimeter of each workpiece with single crochets, leaving after fixing a thread about 20 cm long for stitching the elements. It is worth noting that in the corners you will have to make two columns in one hole to go to the next side of the rectangle.
  5. Sew the elements sequentially into a three-dimensional design.
  6. If you are making a lid, you should start sewing it to the box from a large part, and the three side parts - secondarily.
  7. So your box of plastic bottles is ready. With your own hands (photo above), you can make absolutely any decor, or leave it as it is. If you decide to decorate the product, read on.
  8. Prepare templates with patterns for the surfaces of the souvenir. Draw them on paper or print them off the internet. If your box is transparent, just place the blank and circle the drawing with a marker.
  9. Lay the outline with a second layer (volumetric decorative) using nail polish (preferably with a thin brush) or a special composition for stained glass from sets for needlework and children's art.
  10. Paint the pattern with different shades of nail polish, acrylic or stained glass paints.
  11. After drying, you can decorate the surface with glitter varnish, as well as stick beads, sequins, and small decor.

Your masterpiece is ready.

So, you have learned how to make a box of plastic bottles with your own hands. Having mastered the basic principles of work, you can easily make many such souvenirs of various shapes, purposes and appearance.

A detailed description of the work with photographs will help to make flowers from plastic bottles that can be placed in a vase made from the same material.

Water lily from plastic bottles

She will decorate the pool, room, she will find a place in the house next to real flowers. In order to make a water lily, prepare:
  • 3 plastic milk bottles or similar white;
  • 1 yellow bottle of 0.5–1 liter;
  • one 5-liter canister;
  • scissors;
  • glue for plastic;
  • green acrylic paint.
From the yellow bottle we will make 2 blanks. The first is the future petals of the flower, the second is the stamens. Cut off the neck of the yellow container at the shoulders. As shown in the photo, for the flower you need to cut out the petals. To make them round, hold quite a bit over the fire.

Take the remaining fragment of the bottle, measure 5 cm down from the cut part, cut it off. The resulting ring must be cut with scissors to get such a fringe. Now bring it to the flame of a candle or burner, and you will see how these small "antennae" wrap up and turn into openwork stamens. Now glue the stamens to the inner yellow flower with glue.

The turn of white plastic bottles has approached. From each you need to cut one blank so that they are the same. To do this, cut off the pebbles, they are not needed. Use the part, about 10 cm, located below the necks. Decorate it in the form of petals. Do this with three bottles, and then put all these 3 white parts in turn on the flower part with stamens.

You can cut the white petals separately and then stick them on the stamen blank, but this will take longer than using one-piece pieces.

Now cut out a lily leaf from the bottom of a plastic canister or large bottle, making a hole in it to insert the neck of a yellow flower into it. Paint the sheet green. Let it dry, attach a lily blank to it. This is how you make flowers out of plastic bottles.

The next product is no less charming. The master class will tell you how to make roses from plastic bottles.

DIY bottle flowers

For this job you will need:

  • paper;
  • plastic bottles of blue, red, green colors;
  • scissors;
  • awl;
  • candle;
  • thick wire;
  • tweezers.
How a rose is made, the master class will tell and show. First, you need to make 7 stencils from paper. They are the same shape but different sizes. Attach them to the canvas from a plastic bottle, outline, cut along the contour. Now in the middle of each part you need to make a small hole with an awl.

In order for the edges of the blanks to acquire the desired relief, they must be brought in turn to the flame of a candle. Use tweezers to avoid burning your fingers.

It is necessary to make a corolla of sepals. Also draw and cut it first on the stencil. To do this, enlarge the photo on your computer, redraw it on paper. Now attach the stencil to the canvas of the green bottle, outline and cut out. Then, too, make a hole in the middle with an awl and lightly singe the edges of the part over the flame.

Take the next green bottle, cut off the bottom of it, and, starting from here, cut a spiral tape 1 cm wide. At the next stage of work, wrap it around the wire of the desired length, while warming it over the candle. Then the plastic tape will stick well to the metal rod.

Leave a piece of wire 2 cm high free. Start collecting by stringing a flower from a plastic bottle on it. First put on the corolla of the sepal, then the large part of the rose, so collect the whole flower, the smallest part will be on top. Bend the wire to tightly fasten the workpieces.

Now you need to redraw the stencil for the leaves from the computer. Attach it and cut the blank from a plastic bottle. Bring a candle or lighter to the flame, singe the tips of the leaves, twisting the petiole in a spiral.

Hold the lower end of the petiole over the candle, and then wrap it around the stem of the flower. The craft is ready.

This is how flowers are made from plastic bottles. If you want to put them or real plants in a vase, the same material will help out. Therefore, do not throw away empty containers from under drinks, but find out how easy it is to transform them.

How to make a vase from a plastic bottle?

There are a lot of options for creating such things. How to quickly make a vase from a plastic bottle is described in the video at the end of the article. And here is another option for making an elegant thing from waste material.

Such a vase from a plastic bottle looks expensive and will be a great gift that you do not have to spend money on. If you have clear bottles and gold or silver paint, you can paint them any glittery color, let dry, and then get creative. If there are purchased plastic silver or gold bottles, then you can start the exciting process right now.

Prepare to have on hand:

  • 1 large plastic bottle with cork;
  • soldering iron;
  • scissors;
  • felt-tip pen.

They demonstrate how a vase is made with their own hands, photos. Looking at them, it will be easier for you to deal with the stages of work.

Take a plastic bottle, cut off the bottom of it. Next, you need to cut 5 triangular notches in it so that 5 petals remain on the workpiece. Using scissors, cut off their top, giving a rounded shape.

To make a plastic bottle vase stable, work on the next detail. To do this, cut off the upper part with the neck at the bottom of the shoulders. Mark on it with a felt-tip pen, and then cut out 5 petals with scissors, as shown in the photo.

For the next steps, you will need a soldering iron. With the help of it, turn the edges of these two blanks into jagged ones, and inside make symmetrical holes, make a drawing at your discretion or, focusing on the presented sample.

Once you've cut the top and bottom of the plastic bottle, you're left with the center piece. He needs to give the shape of a rhombus, and then also use a soldering iron to make the edges jagged.

Next, fold this canvas into a bag, so that its lower part goes into the opening of the bottle neck, which became the core of the flower. Now from the bottom of the vase from a plastic bottle you need to work with a soldering iron. After heating it, make several holes, as shown in the photo, so that the upper and lower parts of the product are attached to each other.

Using a soldering iron or scissors, make a hole in the very first blank that you received from the bottom of the bottle. Its size should be such that the neck of this container passes into this recess.

Put on this part, and then wrap the lid at the bottom.

Please note that the petals of both blanks must look down so that the plastic bottle vase is stable.

This is how similar crafts are created that look simply gorgeous.

You can finish the topic with a story about how small chests are made for all sorts of little things and decorated with flowers. As you guessed, the box is also made from plastic bottles.

First you need to make the chest itself for jewelry or other small things. If you liked the product in the first photo, then you will need 2 large plastic bottles of any color.

The bottom is cut off from the first one a little higher than from the second. The second blank will become the lid. Along the edges of these parts you need to make uniform holes. To do this, you can use a soldering iron, an awl or a hole punch. Then take a needle with a large eye, thread colored thread into it.

Sew along the edge first of the first, and then of the second workpiece with an overlock stitch. Then these parts of the parts will not be sharp.

The next box is made from plastic bottles with a volume of 5 liters. Of these, you need to cut 6 identical large rectangles. Four of them will be the side parts, the fifth will be the bottom, and the sixth will be the lid. You also need to cut 2 long strips and 2 shorter ones. Using decorative tape or thread, sew them to the lid of the bottle box.

Now stitch all the side parts together in the same way and attach the bottom to them. The cover will be freely removed and dressed. This is how beautiful containers are made, which you can then decorate with plastic flowers. To make them, you need to cut out several blanks.

First, draw five-petal flowers on the bottle with a felt-tip pen, then cut them out. Bend the petals to one side. With the flame of a candle or lighter, holding the workpiece with tweezers, achieve the desired deformation of the petals.

Handle fire carefully, do not burn yourself. It is not necessary to keep the workpiece over the flame for a long time, otherwise you will ruin it.

Having made the required number of parts, connect them together by gluing. You can do it differently, then make 2 punctures in the center of each blank with an awl, and sew the parts together with a thread. To hide the thread from above, sew on a decorative button or attach a small plastic flower at the same time.

Now glue the flower on the box, decorating it only on the top or top and sides.

Instructions for making vases from plastic bottles in this video:
