Cute bedtime story. Tatiana Antre - Romantic bedtime stories (collection)

Bedtime story
Once upon a time there lived Sultan Gzhamid, the owner of a huge state that stretched from the seashore to the endless desert. The Sultan was only thirty-five years old. His hair was black and straight, his eyes were so dark that it was impossible to distinguish the pupil from the iris. The sun painted his body the color of dark chocolate. The chest, shoulders and arms were overgrown with thick dark hair.
Having taken the throne, Jamid became the absolute ruler of all his subjects. He could instantly turn a person into a rich man, or he could sentence him to death.
And here the Sultan sits on the throne, drumming impatiently with his fingers. The Grand Vizier bowed before him. Gzhamid asks his advisor:
- How else do you intend to torment me?
- An envoy from Persia has arrived, your most illustrious sir. He brought you gifts.
The Sultan nodded his head casually and the vizier hastened to introduce the Persian guest.
The Sultan in a silver-blue robe, wide trousers and black boots made himself more comfortable on the throne and waved his hand for the envoy to straighten up.
- It's a pity for time, get straight to the point.
- Your Majesty, I brought you gifts from Persia. These are wonderful things that I think you will like.
He clapped his hands twice and four slaves entered the hall, each of whom carried a large red basket. The envoy unrolled before the ruler a magnificent Persian carpet of wondrous beauty, onto which the slaves began to take turns placing precious stones and decorations. Soon an impressive pile of diamonds, emeralds and rubies formed on the carpet. There were also opals and crystal of various colors and shapes.
Another slave bowed at the feet of the messenger and opened his basket. The messenger, like a magician, began to take out more and more rolls of silk and threw them onto the precious stones piled on the carpet.
- Great! Thank the Shah of Persia on my behalf. These are indeed very valuable gifts.
- That's not all. I have another gift, which in its value is not even comparable to what is here.
The guest clapped his hands three times, and the slaves left the hall. A minute later they entered again, holding in front of them a stretched curtain of red silk, embroidered with silver thread. Finding themselves right in front of the Sultan, they lowered the screen, behind which was hidden a small figure, completely covered with multi-colored silk bedspreads.
- This gift, I hope, will bring your Majesty the greatest sincere joy.
He began to remove the covers one after another and stopped only when he reached the cover of silver material, which hid the figure from head to toe.
- If Your Majesty orders all the courtiers to leave us, then your eyes will be able to enjoy the beauty that I brought you.
The Sultan nodded his head in agreement and the vizier immediately ordered everyone to leave the hall. Only he himself, the Sultan and the envoy remained, who with a theatrical gesture tore off the last veil. A girl appeared before the eyes of those remaining. The lower part of her face was covered with pendants made of pure gold. Otherwise she was completely naked.
The Sultan stood up and looked attentively at the girl. Her skin, which had never seen the sun, was clean and without the slightest blemish. The small mature breasts looked very appetizing. High hips smoothly turned into long, slender legs. The hair between her legs is shaved and her swollen lips are exposed. The girl stood motionless, except for her palms, which were trembling slightly.
“I want to see her face,” said the Sultan, having looked at the beautiful girl’s body.
The messenger tilted her head back a little, which until now had been obediently tilted forward, and took off the last article of clothing. Although the girl stood with her eyes downcast, the Sultan noticed that they were an unusual blue color for their region. Light waves of hair hugged the fragile figure. Her face was as beautiful as her body.
- She never left the female half of the palace in Persia, Your Majesty. One of our eunuchs prepared her especially for you, but no one told her how to make love. We decided that you yourself would be very willing to teach her this art.
- What is your name? - asked the Sultan.
“Siren, oh lord,” the girl answered barely audibly.
- Do you want to serve me?
- Oh yes, my lord.
- Are you afraid of me?
It was clear that the girl hesitated, not knowing how to answer, but after a second she still said:
- Yes, my lord.
The Sultan laughed loudly.
- At least you're not a liar. Come on, look at me! - he ordered.
Sirena raised her eyes and looked at the Sultan for the first time. Her face expressed fear and great tension.
The Sultan smiled contentedly. Demonstrating your power to a girl is just as pleasant as teaching her love games.
- Is it true that she is still a girl? - he asked the messenger.
- Yes, my lord. She is completely innocent. And I hope you like it.
“Of course, you’ll like it,” the Sultan turned to the vizier.
- Take her to the women. Let them cook it. Tonight you will bring her to me.
In the evening of the same day, the naked Siren was brought to the Sultan. She was very surprised because they were not left alone. Four slaves stood next to the Sultan, and against the opposite wall were two girls who were watching and whispering among themselves. Everyone was completely naked, like herself.
The slaves pushed her into the middle of the room and closed the doors. The girl bowed low and froze, not knowing what to do next.
“Come here,” the Sultan called her.
Stepping lightly with her bare feet on the carpet, she approached the chair in which the bishop was sitting. She really wanted to cover her bare breasts, but she didn’t dare.
- Do you know what happens between a man and a woman in bed? - asked the master.
Her only response was a blush that spread throughout her body. Then the Sultan snapped his fingers, and two slaves took off his robe.
- Look at me. Have you ever seen a naked man?
Again, instead of an answer, there was silence.
He took his long, already erect phallus in his hand.
- With this, I will open your love gates today. But first you must learn how to treat him correctly.
He snapped his fingers again, beckoning one of the girls:
- Anyuta, come here! I want to show Sirena how a man and a woman should love each other. Prepare me.
Anyuta knelt down in front of the Sultan and took his revived penis into her mouth. At first she just sucked it, and then began to slowly massage it with clenched lips. The girl repeated the movements back and forth until the Sultan’s penis straightened out to its full length. At the sight of such a powerful erection, shivers ran down Sirena’s back. “It won’t fit in me,” she thought with fear.

Now show me what you have learned. Caress him yourself.
The siren hesitated.
- Understand that when I give an order, it must be carried out immediately! It's clear?
The girl nodded her head.
- This time I forgive you, but if you hesitate even once more, then I will punish you.
Sirena knelt in front of the Sultan and looked at his huge penis.
“Don’t be afraid, touch it,” the Sultan ordered, “then take it into your mouth, as Anyuta did now.”
Sirena timidly touched the penis with her fingers, then put her entire palm on it. She was filled with desire to serve her master, but at the same time she was too afraid. The girl trembled and pulled back, looking at the Sultan. He silently cast an expressive glance at one of the slaves. Sirena turned her head in the same direction and saw that he was holding a whip in his hand, which, without any doubt, he would use at the first order of his master.
- I see you understand everything. Then do what you are told.
She took the phallus in her hand again, nervously licked her lips and lightly touched the tense head with them. She felt the plume tremble as she shoved his penis deep into her throat. Sirena even tilted her head a little, freeing up more space in her mouth. After several movements, the Sultan grabbed her by the hair, throwing her head back.
“I see that you quickly grasp science,” he said contentedly. Raising her and lowering his hand down, the ruler stuck his finger between the naked folds of skin on her bosom. The girl remained dry, but the Sultan was not surprised. He was patient, Sirena was worth it to restrain himself and guide her through all the thorns of the science of love.
- Now look at what sexual intercourse between a man and a woman looks like. Anyuta, I want you. Get ready!
Now she lay down on the bed and spread her legs wide. Then she stuck her palm between them and showed that, unlike Sirena, she was already ready to receive the royal phallus.
Sirena involuntarily wanted to look away, but suddenly felt the Sultan’s fingers grab her by the hair and force her to turn her head towards the bed.
- You must carefully study how this is done in order to quickly master all the intricacies.
The Sultan bent over Anyuta’s body and began to suck her nipples. Gradually, the mistress became more and more excited, and the Sultan’s head sank lower and lower. In the end, his caressing tongue reached the intimate triangle. Sirena saw how he licked the love juice flowing out of there, pushing his shameless tongue into the most secluded corners of her body.
The Sultan looked at Sirena and said:
- I will save my penis for you, my dear, since pleasure can be given without using it.
He turned to Anyuta and began to massage her swollen clitoris even more furiously with his tongue. Sirena did not know where to hide her eyes out of shame, but gradually the spectacle began to captivate her more and more. While the Sultan’s tongue was licking Anyuta, his palms squeezed her sensual breasts. Then he changed his rhythm, moving from licking movements with his tongue to quick, light strokes with his help. Suddenly he plunged his tongue to its full depth into the girl’s crack, forcing her to scream loudly, which meant the onset of orgasm.
The Sultan stood up and looked at Sirena.
- Have you seen what pleasure a woman can experience?
- Yes, my lord.
- Do you want me to love you in the same way? Such caresses will give me great pleasure, but it will not yet be real intercourse. But I'll take you later, in some other way.
Sirena took a deep breath. To her surprise, she realized that she really wanted to test herself in Anyuta’s place. But in response she whispered barely audibly:
- I want you to be pleased, my lord.
- Then lie down.
Sirena stretched out on the bed. She had already begun to feel the itching between her legs, the moisture released with every movement. The Sultan slowly bent down and tasted her love nectar.
“Okay, you’re ready to accept me,” he said with a satisfied smile. - But now I will show you entertainment that is just right for those who are just learning to give and receive pleasure.
With his long fingers, he parted the lips between her thighs, after which he violently and passionately began to lick her. Feeling growing excitement, he stretched out his hands and took and gently squeezed her stiff nipple with his fingers. Sirena breathed quickly, acutely feeling how the Sultan’s tongue was drilling her flesh, and his teeth were biting her a little, and his fingers were rhythmically caressing and tugging at the hardened nipples on her breasts. After some time, she was already shaking her head in complete unconsciousness, and her body was shaking from convulsions. Feeling the Sultan's tongue in her depths, she screamed at the top of her voice and drowned in orgasm.
With a quick movement, the Sultan lay down on the bed next to Sirena and pulled her onto himself, lifting her from below by her thighs. He spread her thighs and impaled her slippery body on his sharp stake.
- I want to see your breasts above my face.
Then he took one of her nipples with his hand and gently pulled her towards him so that she bent over, hanging her delicious breasts directly above his lips. Raising his head slightly, he caught one of the nipples in his mouth and began to caress it.
He loved her until he felt that his penis was exploding, scattering his majesty into millions of dazzling suns.

Your eyes are closed, and sleep is already creeping across your face. I won't disturb you, my dear, sleep. You heard me enter, but didn’t open your eyes, only your lips moved in a slight smile... I love it when you smile... your lips look like a small hunting bow with raised tips, in the depths of which lives a pink tongue-arrow. Oh, this multi-functional arrow! She knows how to kill on the spot with well-aimed words, knows how to give imperious orders to subordinate men, knows how to gently coo under my chin, or can simply remain silent while doing her amazing work!
Go to sleep, my dear, I won’t disturb you. I will not lie down next to you, but will lower myself to the floor to be level with your face.
I love such moments of mental unity with you. At these moments there are no physical contacts, only our souls speak. For me now you are a little girl whom I want to caress, stroke her curls and whisper something absurd to the sweet future sleep. You are an adult, beautiful, self-confident woman, but you, too, like when you were a child, miss tender words, I know this and I am ready to tell you them. They have accumulated in me, crowding both in my chest and in my head, they want to be heard. Mom could tell you a lot of magic words, but mom won’t say what a loving man can say. Sleep, sleep soundly to my muttering, and it’s even better that you fell asleep. You sleep, and I will whisper to you what my heart is filled with.
It’s a pity that I’m not an oriental poet - Ferdowsi, for example, or Hafiz, or Alisher Navoi... they knew a lot of beautiful words with which they sang their beloved.

A living spring is your mouth and the sweetest of all joys,
my sobs are no match for the Nile and the Euphrates itself.

All sweets have lost their taste and are cheap in price:
The nectar of your sweetest lips is the most beautiful of all delights.

And even the sun has a hard time competing with you:
your mirrored brow is a hundred times brighter than his.

Sweet words gurgle like a fast mountain stream, flow like a smooth majestic river, rustle with a gentle spring breeze, surround you with a viscous pink aroma... everything is for you, everything is for you...
I look at your bare shoulders. What are you wearing under the covers now? You have a flannel nightie with a lace collar at the neck, a funny cambric shirt, sometimes you wore flirty pajamas with ties at the throat and under the knees... I know all your night outfits, I know them with my eyes, teeth and touch, because I’ve taken them off more than once from you... and now I still see not the blanket on you, not your clothes, but your skin underneath... Just recently you were humming something in the bath, basking in clouds of snow-white foam, just recently you were leaving the bathroom, and the undried droplets the water glistened on your shoulders and on your chest above the towel, and here, right at the dimple on your throat... this dimple has always driven me crazy... and now my tongue habitually moved in my mouth... I love to kiss you on this dimple... no, no, I’m quiet and humble today, I’m just talking to you... in words, but silently... yes, it happens, thoughts are also words, only they are a thousand times faster!
I admire you. You are now lying on a high pillow, surrounded by hair golden from the light of the night lamp, still damp at the ends, although you tried to hide it under a cap, but it still got wet and became a dark bronze color... you smell of sea water, salty wind and something else... then painfully familiar, which makes you dizzy and takes your breath away... It smells like you... I inhale this smell, there is nothing more beautiful in the world... my roses, my beloved roses, forgive me, your aroma is magnificent, but there is no smell sweeter than the smell of a beloved woman!
I look at your eyes, they are closed, I remember them perfectly, I know what they look like in the twilight, the black dots of the pupils become huge, like a black universe, they attract me, and I drown in them...
I take your hand, bring it to my lips... I kiss every finger of yours, every nail, I run your palm over my cheek, do you feel how smooth it is? I shaved, you love it when my cheeks are smooth, you love to rub against them, touch them with your tongue. Of course, my cheeks will never compare with yours with their soft velvet skin, but somewhere in the very depths of me I am ready for the fact that you may suddenly wake up and want to press your cheek to mine... I am always ready! Do you remember how one day your cheeks were stubbled by my stubble and the next morning they were covered with many small red spots... To the puzzled looks of the employees, you casually answered that you had eaten too much strawberries... an allergy, they say, and no one asked where you can get strawberries in winter...
Therefore, I found pleasure in the once unpleasant activity for me - shaving... everything is for you, everything is for you!
I always want to call you baby, I want to caress and pamper you like a little girl, smooth your eyebrows with my finger, run it along the line of your nose, along the curve of your lips, along your chin, neck, down, down... stop...
You moved and smiled happily at the dream, sighing briefly...
Sleep, my beloved... sleep, it was I who entered your dream.

A bedtime story for your girlfriend...

Beloved... My little Ray of Light... My Princess! I'm so glad that you and I are together.

It’s so nice to feel such a dear, warm, fragile body next to you. Feel your breath. Inhaling the aroma of your golden-red hair...

I almost whisper to you so as not to frighten your sweet half-asleep.

You smile at my words - and my heart begins to beat even faster.

I am grateful to you for suddenly bursting into my life and charming me. Now all my thoughts are only about you. And everything I do is for you.

In the meantime, you closed your eyes, enjoying the words that I whisper in your ear, I will tell you a fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived a small but very bright star. She was so beautiful - almost diamond-like in appearance.

She really liked to appear in the sky when the sun set below the horizon. She believed that she brought great benefits by illuminating the Earth at night. Although her friends, who were next to her in heaven, took it for granted.

The star tried very hard to shine brighter than everyone else, with the exception, of course, of the moon. After all, it was very important for her to benefit people. This little girl was very happy when, as she herself believed, she helped a lost evening traveler find his way home. Or if any little person could not sleep, he had the opportunity to admire her through the window, hoping for something good, deep in his secret thoughts.

But lately she began to feel that something was wrong. Something darkened the joyful thoughts of the little star.

She began to think about what made her so sad.

And then the little bright star realized that she really felt sorry for the beautiful girl with golden-red silky hair. Every evening the little girl watched the girl sitting on the windowsill, turning her sad gaze to the sky.

The little star really wanted to help the stranger, but she didn’t know how yet.

From her heavenly friends she heard a legend that when a star falls from the sky, people make a wish - and it will definitely come true.

“But then you’ll die...” her friends were saddened.

- But I will be of great benefit! – she answered joyfully.

The little star really wanted to help the sad girl at the window, for this she was even ready to give her life.

Having looked for the last time at the beautiful red-haired girl, the star, breaking away from the sky, began to rapidly fall down. She no longer felt anything except the noise of her own flight...

And then, suddenly, she was overcome by an indescribable all-consuming frantic joy - the girl took advantage of the moment and made her cherished wish. The little star was very glad that she could help the beautiful stranger. Now this little girl knew that she had fulfilled her true purpose. She, somewhere deep inside, felt calm. This is the last thing the star thought about before disappearing into oblivion...

The star’s deed was not in vain - the stranger’s wish soon came true...

And another little star appeared in the sky, even brighter than the previous one...

Who knows, maybe she will be the one who will be able to fulfill one of your deepest desires, Darling...

The day was drawing to a close. The little boy was lying in his crib, and his grandmother was sitting next to him in a chair. She told her grandson a bedtime story every evening. And now she wanted to tell him a story. But her grandson beat her to it with a question:

Grandma, tell me where people came from? How did the first man appear?

Grandmother was a little surprised by this question and asked:

Why are you asking this?
- Because my friends all speak differently. Some say that our ancestors arrived from another...

The town was beautiful and the inhabitants were happy there. And there was a ruler and government there who cared about the prosperity of the town and its subjects. Many wanted to settle there. The town always had wonderful weather and gentle sunshine, delicious food, beautiful music, joy and fun for everyone.

At the same time, a Sad Girl lived in this world. She walked for a long time along the roads of the Network, looking for a good place to live. And then one day, when she ran out of food and her strength was running out, she suddenly found this...

You are falling asleep. There is a slight blush on your cheeks as you smile at what you saw today. Tomorrow will be a new day, but for now you hold my hand and ask me to tell you a story. I don't know how to tell fairy tales, because, sadly, I am a realist. And my fairy tales are also swallowed up by reality. But you twirl a strand of blond hair around your finger and quietly say, “Will my prince find me?” What to answer you, little...

Princes are different. Half a kingdom for one broken kingdom. Too few. Entire life...


Far, far to the east, in the Ussuri taiga, lived a tiger cub named Rrr.

If, while walking through the taiga, a tiger cub suddenly met someone unfamiliar or was asked who he was, the tiger cub would say: rrrrr and everyone immediately understood that he was a tiger cub and that his name was Rrrr.

The Ussuri taiga is such a large, beautiful, protected forest in which the tiger cub Rrr lives. There are huge pines, tall spruces, mighty cedars with large cedar cones in which there are many small, but very tasty...

Once on the eve of the New Year there was a simply wonderful quiet night. The moon was shining especially festively, the stars twinkled brightly, and the snow fell in huge flakes. If you went outside on such a night, you would definitely smell the frost, you could hear any rustle, every step you took would be accompanied by a loud crunch of white snow covering everything around.

At such moments it is incredibly good to be at home, close to loved ones, but... apparently not for everyone. In one of the absolutely ordinary cities...

Story 1. Magic box.

When Tyoma turned 6 years old, his grandmother gave him a wooden box.

Mirror gnomes live in this box,” said the grandmother.

Tyoma laughed:
- I’m already big and I know that there are no gnomes.
- Why doesn’t it happen? - Grandma was surprised. -Haven't you read fairy tales?

Read. But this is all fiction,” said Tyoma.
- You think so? – Grandmother smiled slyly. - But you’ll open the box and see everything for yourself...

Tyoma carefully lifted the carved lid...

The evening sun drew bright stripes on the old iron gates, on which hung a lopsided sign: “Glass containers accepted, beer for the elves for free.”

From the gate itself there were steps leading up, jagged, trampled stone steps. On the top step, leaning her back against the door, sat the princess.

The park greeted Elsa with the rustle of falling snow and silence. Slippery road underfoot, slippery sky above. Complete loneliness, if not for the birds. A flock of pigeons over someone...

Track 10

I’ll kick everyone out to hell,” Elsa covered her head with a pillow.

Something is burning in your oven.
- It’s not mine, it’s Olya’s, tell her.
In the kitchen, a group of ten people peered into the depressingly empty refrigerator. Near the refrigerator on the floor sat girls brought by someone unknown, completely unknown to Elsa, they were talking about who, when and with whom they lost their virginity.

I didn’t even go to school then, the red-haired girl shook the ash from her cigarette into an empty glass.

And who exactly are you...

“In a certain kingdom...”, or rather, in an ordinary city apartment, there lived a girl named Varenka. As a child, her mother read her a fairy tale about Cinderella and talked about how her beautiful daughter would grow up, find love and marry a prince. Varenka thought about this so much that already at school she began to look for a prince.

He looks at Vanya: he’s handsome, tall, goes to the football club. What else does a prince need? If he falls in love, he will either pull your pigtail or trip you up - no, such a prince is not suitable! Varenka sighs and continues to look for someone to fall in love with. And only a bedtime story was her consolation.

And here’s Igor: he teaches lessons, he does all the tests with A’s, he doesn’t let you cheat, he has expensive glasses, with gold-plated frames. Varenka fell in love, but he couldn’t run thirty meters in physical education, he didn’t give change when Petka from a parallel class tore off a button on his jacket. No, and this is not a prince - he has neither a white cloak nor a strong sword.

So Varenka didn’t find anything worthwhile at school. At the prom, when I had my hair done in the salon, I put on a new dress, brought from Warsaw by my aunt, and several boys were amazed - they began to walk around and say compliments. Varenka was melting, but she caught herself in time when one of the contenders for the position of personal prince waved his hand at her knee, as if it were his own, and pinched her below the waist after dancing together. Varenka shuddered - princes are only allowed one kiss, and that’s only after breaking through the thorny bushes, but here it turns out to be some kind of fairy tale for adults.

Varenka entered a technical university - it’s not at the philology department to look for a prince. And a prince with hands and brains is often found in a technical university. The girl is studying, or rather, suffering: this is not a bedtime story - mathematics and physics. Here we need to understand. But how do you understand, if since childhood you have only thought about the prince, this is a real fairy tale for adults...

One day Varenka is crying in the audience after another failure. Suddenly someone's head looked in the door. This is Mishka from a parallel group: “Did you fall asleep? Let me help you figure it out.” Varenka agreed - what can you do? True, Mishka was not at all suited to the role of a prince: he was short, always wore the same jeans, did not have a car or an apartment, and lived in a dorm. Well, it’s not like he’s calling me to get married - to study. After two weeks of Mishka’s daily explanations, Varenka began to understand something about these same functions and integrals, and Mishka turned out to be not so unattractive. He didn’t get a car during this time, but Varenka was interested in talking to him even without a car, and not only about mathematics. She realized that there are different princes. Not all of them talk about love and ride on a white horse.

Do you think they got married soon? No, this is life, not a fairy tale for children. Mishka studied well, defended himself brilliantly, launched his business, and got back on his feet. And Varenka got married in her last year. No, no, not for the prince - for the dean. He taught physics to them, but he got lost in Varenka’s sky-colored eyes. And she no longer believed in magic, didn’t read bedtime stories, and hid the book about Cinderella from her beautiful daughter.
