Can the ovary hurt after conception. Determining the level of hCG

If the lower abdomen hurts during pregnancy, this may be a signal of an infection in the bladder or a violation of the digestive system.

It is important for a pregnant woman to take all necessary measures in time, as abortion may occur.

If the pain in the lower abdomen from acute, turns into cramping. Begins to repeat at certain intervals, with a noticeable frequency, urgently call an ambulance.

Only after the diagnosis of ultrasound can you find out the nature of stabbing pains in the lower abdomen in pregnant women.

These symptoms may indicate an increased tone in the uterus, detachment of the fetal egg or placenta.

Thanks to ultrasound, you can see the condition of the fetus, after which the doctor will be able to find the right treatment tactics. Pregnancy requires special attention.

At a later period of pregnancy, cardiotocography is usually used, it allows you to find out about the condition of the unborn child and see cramping uterine contractions.

Pulling the lower abdomen can begin as early as 6-14 days after conception. This is how the implantation, or attachment, of the embryo to the walls of the uterus occurs. Such pain can be accompanied by secretions with minor impurities of bloody streaks. Most often, this discomfort lasts no more than one to two hours and goes away on its own.

Also, in the early stages, the stomach can hurt on the days when menstruation usually occurs. The hormonal background has not yet completely rebuilt to the new state of the body and therefore provokes the usual sensations on certain dates of failed menstrual cycles. It is best to take it easy on these days and take care of your physical health and emotional state.

Pain in the lower abdomen can occur for various reasons, and they do not always mean a deviation from the norm. Much depends on the time of the cycle in which they appear, accompanying painful sensations of the phenomenon, the presence of any diseases. Consider the main reasons why the stomach pulls and discomfort is felt.

It occurs somewhere between the 14th and 16th day before the expected start of the next cycle and manifests itself in different ways. Smearing white discharge, nipple engorgement, increased sex drive are all signs of ovulation.

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  • Getting ready to be a mom

At the very beginning of pregnancy, a woman listens with special attention to her body, noticing changes in its work. And any, even a slight manifestation of discomfort causes her anxiety, first of all, for the unborn child. Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen are especially frightening for young mothers. After all, it is known that such pains, especially in a short period of pregnancy, mean a threat of miscarriage.

Causes of pain

When, after conception, the lower abdomen hurts, if a woman notes a delay in menstruation, nausea, hypersensitivity to certain smells and foods, increased appetite, then this may indicate that she is pregnant.

However, in some situations, the reasons that the lower abdomen hurts can be hormonal imbalances inside the body, as well as dangerous diseases.

Can cause pain in the lower abdomen:

  • abrupt movements;
  • lifting heavy;
  • strong psycho-emotional shocks;
  • bloating, during which the uterus is squeezed;
  • falling or hitting.

Often, the lower abdominal region can pull and hurt in women who have weak abdominal muscles or who had a painful menstrual cycle before pregnancy.

The first, and probably one of the most exciting signs for young mothers, may be that the lower abdomen hurts after conception. Is it normal that immediately after conception pulls the lower abdomen or not? To clarify this, it is worth considering the fertilization scheme.

To fix the diploid cell of the zygote, which is formed as a result of the union of the egg and sperm, on the wall of the uterus, a period of six to twelve days is required. Depending on the characteristics of the female body, these figures may vary. All this time, the formed zygote will move along the fallipian tubes, gradually breaking up mitotically.

All women know that menstruation is accompanied by certain pains and discomfort, so such symptoms do not scare them. But what to think and do in the case when the lower abdomen is pulled 2 weeks before menstruation, that is, immediately after ovulation? Let's figure it out!

Why does my stomach hurt after ovulation?

It is known that before ovulation in the female body the following happens: a mature egg leaves the follicle where it was formed and moves through the fallopian tubes to the uterus. There she waits for fertilization (usually 36-48 hours). If this does not happen, it dies off and is excreted from the body during menstruation. Then a new cycle begins.

The cause of the pain can be related to several points:

  • Firstly, at the moment the egg leaves the follicle, a rupture occurs, that is, there is an internal trauma that someone clearly feels, others do not even notice.
  • Some attribute such pain to the first symptoms of pregnancy, since the moment the egg is attached to the wall of the uterus can not only provoke cramping tingling, but also manifest itself in the form of minor spotting.
  • Do not lose sight of the fact that pain after ovulation can be associated with gynecological diseases such as cystitis, appendicitis, cysts, etc. which at such moments become aggravated and cause even more discomfort (in the event that before that the woman did not notice the symptoms of these diseases in herself in the form of discharge, burning, itching, etc.)

    What to do?

    You should not guess and conduct pregnancy tests before the delay, since the likelihood that the result shown by them will be reliable is minimal (they react to the level of hCG, which immediately after fertilization is too low for the test to catch it and give a positive result).

    An independent decision to take painkillers is also wrong, as this can lead to a miscarriage in the early stages, if, nevertheless, the cause of discomfort was in pregnancy.

    The most correct decision in such a situation would be to contact a specialist who, with the help of an examination and analysis for hCG, will be able to determine the true causes of pain.

    • If there is any pathology in the body, then further doctor's appointments will depend on the specific case.

    Why pulls the lower abdomen in a pregnant woman

    The uterus is a muscular organ that has the ability to significantly increase in size. If pregnancy has occurred, then the uterus begins to prepare to perform its immediate function - bearing a child.

    At this time, blood circulation increases here, and blood rushes, due to this, light pain sensations appear. In terms of intensity, they can be compared with pain in the lower abdomen a couple of days before menstruation, the processes are the same.

    Therefore, the sign of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen can be considered quite accurate.

    The fact is that within a week after fertilization, the embryo purposefully moves through the fallopian tube, striving for the uterus, which is preparing to receive it. The uterus at this time, due to the influence of hormones, swells, becomes more voluminous. The ligaments that serve to secure it in the small pelvis also swell and stretch a little.

    An ectopic pregnancy can also cause early pain in the lower abdomen.

    Unfortunately, in some women, a fertilized egg, for some reason, does not reach the uterus and is fixed halfway (in the fallopian tube). Increasing, the embryo begins to burst the pipe, thereby provoking pain. Bleeding starts when the tube breaks. This is accompanied by dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fainting.

    With an ectopic pregnancy, it is practically impossible to avoid surgery (only in the very early stages it is possible to have a medical abortion). Timely detected pathology will save the fallopian tube from rupture and complications. Thus, it is necessary to carefully monitor your condition, especially if pregnancy is suspected.

    It happens that the embryo fails to attach well, resulting in a miscarriage, but in terms of time it is similar to a slightly late menstruation. If you know you're pregnant and notice a bright red discharge accompanied by severe abdominal pain, it's best to call an ambulance.

    Hormonal fluctuations should not be discounted. This is observed when there are not enough hormones that help pregnancy develop.

    Their level should be provided by the corpus luteum. In place of the bursting follicle, a temporary organ of internal secretion is formed.

    Before the formation of the placenta, it must ensure the production of progesterone. It is called the corpus luteum.

    After the formation of the placenta, she is engaged in the production of progesterone. At this stage of pregnancy, a miscarriage or miscarriage can occur.

    The lower abdomen during a miscarriage is disturbed by cramping pains radiating to the lower back. This is a reason to go to the gynecologist. The doctor will send the pregnant woman for a blood test for the content of certain hormones - progesterone, etc. After receiving the results of the study, the gynecologist will prescribe the appropriate treatment aimed at the successful development of the pregnancy.

    When the lower abdomen pulls, but does not grab, you should not be afraid. This is due to the growth of the uterus, its swelling and stretching of the tissues.

    Often this phenomenon can pass without medication on its own, if you relax and lie down a little. By the way, in the first trimester, a pregnant woman needs much more sleep and rest than before.

    One way or another, it is better to tell your gynecologist about all suspicious sensations. A medical opinion will not hurt, the doctor will note the complaints in the medical history and, if necessary, send for an ultrasound examination. You will be calmer from this, because pregnant women always think about whether everything is fine with the baby.

    Pregnant women may suffer from other problems as well. If pain is noted in the right lower abdomen, this may be a sign of acute appendicitis. In this case, urgent hospitalization and surgical intervention are needed.

    Intestinal infections and disorders can also cause pain in the lower abdomen. In addition, there is diarrhea, bloating or vomiting.

    Acute cholecystitis, pancreatitis and intestinal obstruction are accompanied by such intense pain that it is difficult to determine its localization. All this requires urgent medical attention.

    As you can see, pain in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy can be both normal and pathological. In any case, you should not ignore the alarm signals. Timely health monitoring and communication with a gynecologist should ensure the normal development of pregnancy.

    It happens that the embryo fails to attach well, resulting in a miscarriage, but in terms of time it is similar to a slightly late menstruation. If you know you're pregnant and notice a bright red discharge accompanied by severe abdominal pain, it's best to call an ambulance.

    The lower abdomen during a miscarriage is disturbed by cramping pains radiating to the lower back. This is a reason to go to the gynecologist. The doctor will send the pregnant woman for a blood test for the content of certain hormones - progesterone, etc. After receiving the results of the study, the gynecologist will prescribe the appropriate treatment aimed at the successful development of the pregnancy.

    When the lower abdomen pulls, but does not grab, you should not be afraid. This is due to the growth of the uterus, its swelling and stretching of the tissues.

    Along with this, the ligaments and muscles that support the uterus in the small pelvis are stretched. This indicates an increased tone of the uterus, doctors recommend taking no-shpu.

    Often this phenomenon can pass without medication on its own, if you relax and lie down a little. By the way, a pregnant woman needs much more sleep and rest than before.

    The well-being and well-being of the crumbs depends on this.

    There are a wide variety of signs, symptoms, hints, and clues that can indicate a woman is likely to be pregnant. They can appear individually or as a combination of several signs.

    And if you suspect or do not exclude that conception could occur, then you will certainly recognize some of the signals given by your body. However, they should not be taken as a "diagnosis" because many of the early signs of pregnancy are very similar to the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome in women.

    Of course, if the next menstruation is delayed, and you observe several early signs of pregnancy at once, then the probability of its onset is very high. However, we often begin to make assumptions even before the delay of menstruation. And if you have a reason to expect pregnancy, then most likely you will feel the earliest sign of pregnancy: pulling the lower abdomen.

    This can indeed be observed from a very early date.

    Why pulls the lower abdomen at the beginning of pregnancy?

    Let's imagine that the egg meets the desired sperm and together they form a zygote. Now the zygote will move through the fallopian tubes to reach the uterus and gain a foothold on its wall for further growth and development.

    The way to the future home takes on average 6-12 days (these terms may differ for different women). Most often, fertilization occurs during the period of ovulation, which falls approximately on the 10-12th day of the cycle (options are also possible here).

    Thus, it turns out that the fertilized egg reaches the uterus at the end of the cycle, when there are several days left until the next expected period. And in most cases, a woman feels a pulling pain in the lower abdomen - either due to impending menstruation, or because of the “housewarming” of the egg.

    This is an abbreviated approximate ideal scenario of the events taking place.

    Pregnancy is a condition that is accompanied by significant changes throughout the body. Will change, and from the very first days, the work of all organs and systems, and especially the genitals. All this is accompanied by certain sensations, including pain, which are considered normal. But pain can also be a sign of trouble.

    Pain in the abdomen in the first days after conception

    In the first 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg, the embryo moves along the fallopian tube towards the uterus, and the uterus at this time is preparing for its implementation. Under the influence of sex hormones, the uterus rapidly increases in volume due to an increase in the number and volume of muscle fibers - the middle layer of the uterus. At the same time, the ligaments on which the uterus is suspended in the small pelvis swell and slightly stretch.

    All these physiological changes are accompanied by certain sensations, the degree of which depends on the sensitivity of the woman.

    More sensitive women may feel significant pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Less sensitive women usually do not feel pain at all.

    Can the stomach hurt in the first week of pregnancy?

    Yes, it can, and complaints of abdominal pain are very common.

    In order to figure out why the stomach hurts during the first weeks of pregnancy, you will have to approach the issue somewhat from afar.

    Signs of successful fertilization

    It is impossible to say for sure that the sign of pregnancy: pulling in the lower abdomen is unambiguous. Very often, pulling pains in the lower abdomen are a sure sign of the onset of the inflammatory process of the urinary tract. A typical female disease in this regard is cystitis, often complicated by urethritis. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, in addition to abdominal pain, several more symptoms are observed:

    With the onset of pregnancy, there are no such signs and cannot be, except, perhaps, aching lower back.

    If the intercourse that occurred just fell on the ovulatory period, then pregnancy may have occurred.

    It is worth noting that the symptoms of this process can be different. Some women notice all the signs of fertilization of the egg, while others feel absolutely nothing. If a couple is planning a pregnancy, then most likely the fair sex will listen to themselves and constantly look for symptoms of conception. So, what are the signs of egg fertilization?

    First symptoms

    Symptoms of pain after conception allow you to find out how the conception went, whether everything is fine, or if you should be worried and seek medical help. Pain after conception can be different, for example, stabbing, pulling, weak, aching, strong and unpleasant.

    In the body of a healthy woman, the pain that appears after conception indicates that the embryo is attached to the walls of the uterus. The main symptoms of safe pain begin to appear a couple of days and even a week after conception. During this period, a woman may experience special spotting, which indicates that the uterus is in full swing preparing for bearing a baby.

    In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, another painful symptom after conception is chest pain. The breast fills up, becomes very sensitive, the skin around the nipples may darken, in addition, the breast may increase in size in a short period of time.

    If, in addition to pain in the abdomen and chest, after conception, a woman observes a delay in the menstrual cycle, nausea, intolerance to certain smells and foods, cravings for foods and an increase in appetite, then this indicates that the conception was successful and the pain indicates that soon the woman will become a mother.

    Diagnosis of pain after conception

    Diagnosis of pain after conception is carried out by a qualified specialist, since only a doctor is able to determine exactly why the pains appeared, whether they are pathological or not.

    Unpleasant sensations and various complaints must be taken into account by the gynecologist.

    When after conception it hurts in the lower part of the abdominal cavity, then this is a normal reaction to the onset of pregnancy. If a woman feels pain in the muscles, then they are extremely difficult to detect.

    Symptoms of such pain are detected after a series of tests carried out within 2-3 days.

    Examination of discomfort after conception is complicated by the fact that a woman may have hidden diseases, manifested due to increased hormonal levels.

    To establish provoking factors, a pregnant woman must pass certain tests. For example, ultrasound, stool, blood and urine tests.

    This helps to determine the hormonal level in the blood, which can provoke pain.

    The main thing that should not be done when the stomach hurts after conception is to independently diagnose and prescribe discomfort therapy.

    Self-treatment can aggravate the situation and cause adverse consequences.

    As already mentioned, to determine the type of pain and to prescribe an anesthetic, it is necessary to undergo a diagnosis by a gynecologist. Only an experienced doctor who specializes in this issue, after conducting the required examination, will be able to say for sure whether pain in the lower abdomen after conception is a normal biological phenomenon or poses a threat to the health of the woman's body and the developing fetus.

    All identified symptoms should be taken into account by a specialist throughout the pregnancy.

    Mandatory diagnosis by a doctor during pregnancy, especially if a woman becomes pregnant for the first time, is very important. Against the background of increasing levels of hormones, which in the normal state are in the usual range for the body, latent diseases develop.

    These pathologies cannot be determined without a series of tests, which complicates the passage of pregnancy and causes additional health problems.

    In the state of pregnancy in the early stages of development, the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulates the active work of the thyroid gland, the hormones of which (thyroid-stimulating (TSH), thyroid) affect the development of the fetus during embryogenesis.

    Since the fetus has not yet formed its own thyroid gland and it is fully provided with all the necessary hormones by the mother's body. Indicators of the norm of hormones in this period will be increased from thirty to fifty percent.

    In the case when, after the first trimester, from the moment the pregnancy was determined, the pain did not disappear, then tests of feces, urine and blood are prescribed for delivery, which determine the levels of hormones, too much of which is often the cause of pain in the lower abdomen.

    The stomach hurts after conception in many expectant mothers. And quite often, women who have already had the experience of pregnancy simply do not pay attention to this, it is a common thing ... But still, why does the stomach hurt after conceiving a child?

    When an egg is fertilized in a woman's body, the embryo that has formed in the fallopian tube is sent straight to the uterus, where it implants into its wall for subsequent development. The process takes about 7-10 days, and the uterus itself, under the influence of hormones, begins to prepare for the adoption of the embryo - the endometrium grows, the ligaments stretch, due to which the organ is attached to the small pelvis. Also during this period, blood rushes to the uterus, and it begins to change its consistency - from dense and hard, it becomes soft and elastic. During this process, the woman has an unpleasant feeling of pulling pain.

    But not all women feel the lower abdomen hurts after conception, as it depends on the level of their sensitivity. Sometimes there is even a discharge from the vagina in the form of a few drops of blood. This indicates that the introduction of the egg into the wall of the uterus has occurred. In the future, at this place, which is also called the "children's place", an umbilical cord is formed, through which the fetus will receive food to ensure life and its development. Until this happens, the embryo feeds on its own reserves, and the woman does not notice any signs of pregnancy. In the future, pain can occur with sudden movements and disappear after a short rest in a supine position.

    You should know that although pain during pregnancy is common, they can not always be safe, which means you should not lose your vigilance. How can a woman distinguish whether her stomach hurts after conception is normal or is it already a pathology?

    Pain in expectant mothers is pulling and cramping. If the first of them, most often, is caused by the fact that natural processes occur in the body that are associated with uterine distension, then in the event of contractions, you should immediately contact a specialist. Cramping pains are caused by the fact that the ovaries, for some reason, cannot produce enough of the female hormone progesterone, which ensures a positive pregnancy. With its lack, the uterus begins to contract, trying to push the embryo out. When such cases occur, gynecologists usually prescribe progesterone preparations - Duphaston, Utrozhestan, which suppress uterine contractions and ensure the normal development of pregnancy. A woman takes them in the first trimester, and often the second, until the placenta begins to produce progesterone on its own.

    Sometimes there are acute pain during pregnancy. Acute pain is usually associated with an ectopic pregnancy, when the fetus develops in the fallopian tube, abdomen, or ovary, outside the uterus. They occur around 5-8 weeks and are often accompanied by heavy bleeding. In such cases, urgent intervention by a surgeon is required.

    There are women and pain that is not associated with pregnancy. For example, with pancreatitis, cholecystitis and appendicitis, and can be both weak and quite strong. In such cases, you should also contact a specialist, undergo an examination. There are frequent cases of pain from sexually transmitted diseases, which can bring a lot of trouble during gestation.

    In any case, with painful sensations, it is advisable to consult a doctor, since only a specialist will be able to understand their causes and prescribe competent treatment, taking into account the possible harmful effects of drugs on the embryo / fetus.

    The first week of pregnancy is the most uncertain period of all nine months, because exact signs and distinct sensations will not help to calculate the probability of successful conception during this period. Theoretically, only the expectant mother can know the date of conception, provided that pregnancy is planned. In other cases, the first week after successful fertilization is accompanied by the usual rhythm of a woman's life with minor changes present, which can be felt in the first days of pregnancy. And for those who are planning to become parents, we will tell you what characteristic signs and symptoms a woman first experiences after conception, as well as how the life of a child begins in the womb with a photo.

    Throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother can be accompanied by a wide variety of sensations (pulling the lower abdomen, nausea, swollen breasts, discharge, etc.), but what she experiences in the first week after the long-awaited planned conception cannot be compared with any others. In addition, changes within the body during the first seven days after fertilization can be regarded as hints, signs of a positive result even before official confirmation.

    Pregnancy theoretically and practically

    Theoretically, the beginning of pregnancy is considered the moment of fertilization of the egg. But since so far they have not been able to invent a test that can accurately determine the specific time of conception, the countdown is done a little differently.

    According to obstetricians, the first week of pregnancy is the one that completes the last menstrual cycle. Moreover, depending on the timing of ovulation, obstetricians consider the first week of pregnancy to be the third (sometimes even the fourth). Therefore, this period was called the obstetric week and became the starting point by which you can determine the approximate date of birth of the baby. Usually, the next 38-40 weeks are counted from this period (development of the fetus in stages in the photo), which separate the moment of conception and the birth of the baby.

    Given the early signs of a long-awaited event, characteristic of the first seven days after conception, in fact, they cannot be called pregnancy. The fact is that during the obstetric week, a fertilized egg lives one of the stages of the menstrual cycle. During this period, you can observe its movement in the direction of the uterus. Upon reaching the “end point”, the egg is attached to the walls of the uterus, where the fetus will develop in the future, which will be prompted by accompanying signs (it may feel sick, pull the lower abdomen, the mammary glands will swell, there will be discharge, etc.). It is from the moment the implantation of the embryo occurs (implantation after successful fertilization of the egg into the uterus), you can start counting the onset of pregnancy.

    At the same time, the practical side of the issue shows that, despite the early symptoms and inexplicable sensations that have appeared, the specialist cannot accurately determine the day of successful conception. Therefore, it is rare that 1 obstetric week coincides with the actual date of fertilization. With careful planning, only the expectant mother can know it.

    An important period in the life of a future mother

    The first week of pregnancy is considered a very important period in the life of every expectant mother. The importance of such a plan can be regarded not only in terms of its significance, but also in terms of the struggle that takes place inside the female body. The fact is that it is precisely the first 7-10 days (the scheme of movement in the photo), when, after fertilization, the egg begins its journey to the uterus and tries to gain a foothold in it, the woman’s body, by inertia, perceives it as a foreign body.

    Thus, against the background of hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, there are also attempts to reject the egg. Therefore, during such a period, you should especially pay attention to your feelings. Perhaps the first signs of the baby's life that has begun will make it clear to the woman that it is worth taking care of.

    So, for example, the introduction of the future embryo into the uterine wall after a 6-7-day egg journey (pictured) may be accompanied in the early stages by minor bleeding (implantation discharge). This phenomenon is purely individual and depends on the body of a woman. For those who are planning a pregnancy, this phenomenon can be regarded as the first symptoms of the birth of a small organism. For many, such slight discharge can resemble the onset of menstruation. However, significant ones are a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor, as they are a signal of a threatened miscarriage.

    Therefore, it is so important to know what are the signs and early characteristic symptoms of a successful conception in order to be able to timely determine the onset of pregnancy or problems that have arisen.

    Changes in the body during the development of the embryo

    In the first seven to ten days after successful fertilization, when the egg is attached to the uterus and the development of the embryo begins (see the photo below), numerous changes occur in the female body.

    The so-called hormonal restructuring of the body provokes the production of the hCG hormone characteristic of every pregnant woman. The hCG hormone produced in the blood of the expectant mother can, with a 100% probability, indicate a positive result of conception. After passing blood tests, a specialist in the level of this hormone can determine the onset of pregnancy and even determine its approximate duration (table of hormone levels weekly in the photo).

    At the same time, in parallel with how the fetus begins to develop in the mother's womb, a woman may feel symptoms corresponding to the first week of pregnancy. These include common features.

    Minor blood loss

    As previously mentioned, during the implantation of the future embryo in the uterus, slight bleeding may occur. In most cases, they resemble the very beginning of menstrual flow, which is often "confusing" for women who do not carefully plan a pregnancy.

    Minor discharge may appear around the sixth day after a successful conception. However, this moment may come earlier or later, depending on the individual characteristics of the female body. During this period, from 6 to 12 days, you can see discharge on the underwear in the form of a few drops with a yellowish or brownish tinge. If they are more abundant or last longer than 2-3 days, you should pay attention to your feelings and at the same time consult a doctor in order to avoid the threat of miscarriage.

    Heaviness in the lower abdomen

    Like discharge, the characteristic signs of pregnancy are discomfort in the pelvic area. , it's quite normal. Almost every woman begins to feel the heaviness of the pelvic organs.

    Early signs of successful conception during the first 7 days are complemented by pulling sensations extending to the lower abdomen. Such symptoms may indicate hypersensitivity to changes in the uterus. Given the individuality of each female body, such signs, when the lower abdomen is pulled in a pregnant woman after conception, can manifest themselves to varying degrees. According to the reviews of many patients giving birth, the lower abdomen and the sensations when it “pulls” are more pronounced during the second and subsequent conceptions.

    Such signals of the body, when it pulls the lower abdomen, can be a reason for a gynecological examination for ladies who do not plan to acquire a small miracle.

    Breast tenderness, swelling

    Along with how the lower abdomen pulls and slight discharge appears, the expectant mother may swell and become sensitive breasts. Such symptoms are also characteristic of one of the stages of the menstrual cycle.

    In any case, pay attention to the sensitivity and swelling of the mammary glands or the absence of such sensations. For the first week after successful fertilization, a strong sensitivity of the breast is characteristic, up to the appearance of pain. In some women, on the contrary, with the birth of a new life in the mother's womb during the first week after conception, there are no such signs.

    General weakness, malaise

    Not only pulls the lower abdomen, and discharge appears at first after conception. A woman after a successful conception during the first week may feel a deterioration in well-being. Against the background of the changes that have come, the woman's body is weakening. This can be regarded as a decrease in immunity and manifested characteristic symptoms:

    • weakness;
    • drowsiness;
    • slight malaise;
    • rapid onset of fatigue.

    "Tingling" in the pelvic area

    In the first 7 days after successful conception, the lower abdomen not only pulls, there may also be slight “tingling” sensations. They occur in the uterus as a sign of confirmation of a positive fertilization result and are considered a purely individual indicator.


    Early signs of a long-awaited event, along with how the lower abdomen pulls and discharge appears, is nausea. Toxicosis can be very early and one of the first to indicate a positive conception. Therefore, if you have lethargy, pulls on the lower abdomen and there is an aversion to your favorite foods, you can visit a doctor to hear the good news and prepare for motherhood.

    Any pain in the first days and weeks of pregnancy is not always the cause of dangerous complications. If the stomach hurts after conception, then it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor. Especially if in the past there were problems associated with the reproductive system or bearing a fetus.

    Sometimes a woman's lower abdomen is pulled during implantation, when the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus. Sometimes pain, as before menstruation, indicates the risk of interrupting a desired pregnancy. Each woman is different, so if pain occurs at the beginning of gestation, then the right decision would be a visit to the doctor.

    Why there is pain in the abdomen after conception

    When the lower abdomen is pulled at the beginning of pregnancy, the first reaction of a woman will be fear - is it really that the baby is doing poorly and a miscarriage may occur. Such an outcome is possible if you do nothing and wait for it to pass by itself. Pulling sensations in the lower abdomen after conception occur against the background of the following reasons:

    • attachment of the fetus to the wall of the uterus;
    • the threat of interruption in the early stages;
    • progesterone deficiency;
    • thin endometrium against the background of chronic inflammation;
    • vascular disorders associated with an increased tendency to thrombosis.

    The safest are implantation pain. When the embryo sinks into the “fetal pillow” of the endometrium and attaches to the wall of the uterus, a woman can pull the lower abdomen for several days. During this period, there is sometimes brown vaginal discharge for 1-2 days.

    dangerous pains

    Any pain during pregnancy is a sign of trouble. If discomfort appears at the beginning of gestation, then you need to seek help. In each case, depending on the cause, the doctor will prescribe the necessary treatment.

    Threatened early abortion

    This problem usually occurs in women who have a history of spontaneous miscarriage or miscarriage. At the stage of pregravid preparation, it is necessary to create maximum favorable conditions in order to prevent a threatening condition.

    However, if during pregnancy the lower abdomen is pulled, then it is necessary to increase the doses of drugs prescribed by the doctor in order to prevent the threat. For some women, during the first weeks of gestation, it is better to be in the hospital under constant medical supervision and proper preservation treatment.

    Hormonal imbalance

    Insufficiency of the corpus luteum will cause pain in the lower abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy. Lack of progesterone leads to thinning of the endometrium and improper formation of the "fetal cushion".

    The fetus does not receive the conditions necessary for successful conception, which leads to symptoms of threatened abortion. If, in preparation for the desired conception, a woman has a hormonal imbalance, then it is not difficult to prevent this problem: all the time before and after fertilization, medications that restore endocrine balance must be taken. If, despite the treatment, the lower abdomen pulls, then the doctor will increase the dose of the drug or change the therapy regimen.

    Chronic endometritis

    Typical causes of the inflammatory process in the uterus will be artificial abortions and chronic infections in the genital tract. At the stage of preparation for conception, it is necessary to identify pathogenic microbes and get rid of chronic infections. It is much worse to deal with the consequences of abortion, especially if a woman has previously terminated her first pregnancy in her life. Trauma to the endometrium is so severe that induced abortion can cause infertility.

    With any variant of chronic endometritis, pulling pains in the lower abdomen after the desired conception are an unpleasant symptom and require immediate drug treatment.

    Changes in the blood coagulation system

    Sometimes a woman's lower abdomen pulls due to circulatory disorders in the small vessels that provide the fetus. Thrombophilia (a tendency to clog blood vessels with blood clots) causes the fetus to freeze in the early stages, because the fetus does not receive oxygen and nutrients through the blood. It is necessary to identify this problem at the stage of pregravid preparation. The doctor will prescribe treatment long before conception, and during gestation it will be necessary to constantly carry out special treatment.

    The reasons for unpleasant pain may be different, but the outcome without treatment is the same - a spontaneous miscarriage for a short time.

    Feelings in the abdomen in early pregnancy can be an important clue for a woman. According to some signs, it is possible to suspect the emergence of a new life even before the delay. To do this, you need to constantly listen to yourself. The best time to observe the "behavior" of the abdomen is in the morning and evening. During the day, the expectant mother is busy with work, household chores and daily fuss. At this pace, it will be very difficult to notice minor changes.

    A planning woman may feel pregnant or not even after trying to conceive. You can suspect a new situation by unusual signs. After conception, the nature of the discharge may change. Characteristic changes may appear on if the girl led him. At the same time, the expectant mother notes what feelings she is experiencing now. All this can be a hint for the most impatient.

    However, early pregnancy can be reliably determined only by a blood test (). Laboratory analysis not only gives an answer to an exciting question, but also helps to roughly calculate when fertilization occurred.

    Walk in a couple of minutes short and get an answer - are you pregnant or not.

    Sensations in the abdomen in the early stages of pregnancy before the delay practically do not change. A woman may notice slight pulling pains, tingling. However, this symptom can also indicate the approaching menstruation. The first signs of a new position include minor bleeding. It occurs when a fertilized egg is implanted. This symptom occurs approximately 3-7 days after conception.

    The fact that the stomach hurts after conception is to blame for progesterone, which affects the uterus and intestines. This may be a sign of imminent menstruation, or perhaps the fertilization of the egg. Weakness and drowsiness, fever and signs of ARVI are noted by every third pregnant woman. All these symptoms can be an indirect indication that the decree is coming soon.

    Sensations in the abdomen during ovulation and conception

    Depending on the threshold of sensitivity, the sensations before ovulation and during fertilization in women may be different. Pulling pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle indicates that the egg will be released soon. The discomfort lasts for 1-2 days and is a pressing pain.

    The woman has a feeling that something big is present in one side of the abdomen. This is how the dominant follicle grows. During the day before ovulation, it reaches its maximum size. It happens that two follicles grow at once in one ovary. In such a situation, bursting sensations are more vivid. The release of the egg may be accompanied by a slight soreness. However, not every woman can feel ovulation, many do not experience absolutely nothing unusual in the middle of the cycle.

    During fertilization, even the most sensitive women cannot experience any sensations. The size of the egg and sperm is so small that it is impossible to feel their fusion.

    Feelings in the abdomen in early pregnancy can be very different. Often they turn out to be far-fetched, because a woman is trying to look for symptoms of pregnancy. The fact that conception has occurred (or rather,) may be indicated by a slight stabbing pain in the uterus. Attachment of the egg is accompanied by damage to the mucosa. The embryo “digs” a hole for itself in the endometrial layer. It also causes damage to small blood vessels and the appearance of brown discharge (but these are not always the case).

    When conception occurs and a woman has a stomach ache during sexual intercourse, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the small pelvis or other diseases. Regularly repeated discomfort should alert and become a reason for contacting a gynecologist. The lower abdomen after conception can slightly pull and hurt, as the uterus comes into tone. This condition is caused by various factors:

    • embryo implantation;
    • bowel problems;
    • progesterone deficiency;

    Acute pain after conception, localized in the lower abdomen, should not be normal. If such anxiety occurs even before the onset of menstruation, then you need to consult a doctor. Perhaps we are talking about a symptom of a pathological process. All women looking for signs of pregnancy should be aware that during conception, the stomach cannot hurt badly. Slight discomfort, pulling or pressing sensations, tingling do not cause much concern and pass on their own within a few days. Any acute, unbearable pain that disrupts the usual rhythm of life is a reason for examination.

    How does the stomach change after conception

    Some women recognize the new position by the belly. After conception, a barely noticeable dark strip appears in the area between the pubis and the navel. Such pigmentation does occur during pregnancy, but usually at a later date, after a delay. In addition, the formation of a darkened area cannot be a reliable sign of a new situation, this is only indirect evidence.

    After conception, the uterus becomes larger. Compared with the beginning of the menstrual cycle and the size after menstruation, the reproductive organ grows by about one and a half times. Growth will continue over time. The uterus after conception is comparable in size to a fist. To the touch (during a gynecological examination), she is tense. At the same time, the neck remains soft and acquires a bluish tint. A change in the color of the mucosa is associated with increased blood circulation in the pelvic cavity.

    The abdomen during pregnancy in the early stages does not change its size. However, for some women it seems that it is increasing. This is because there may be a slight swelling of the tissues. It occurs due to hormonal changes. For the same reason, stools may change during pregnancy before the delay.

    Active synthesis of progesterone is necessary to maintain the appropriate tone of the uterus. This hormone is designed to relax the reproductive organ in order to prevent rejection of the fetal egg. It also has a relaxing effect on the intestines. As a result, peristalsis is inhibited. The retention of feces causes fermentation, and therefore flatulence increases. The expectant mother may notice new sensations: gurgling, rumbling, increased flatulence (in a simple way, gases). During this period, women have the feeling that they do not fit into everyday clothes due to the increased growth of the abdomen. In fact, the discomfort is not associated with a rapid increase in the uterus, but is simply a consequence of an intestinal rebellion.

    Symptoms that can be attributed to indirect signs of pregnancy:

    • pulls the lower abdomen;
    • a barely noticeable pigment strip is formed in the cross section;
    • bloating occurs, accompanied by flatulence;
    • the stomach swells and does not fit in the usual clothes;
    • the uterus becomes tense, gradually increases in size;
    • the cervix retains its calmness (remains soft and relaxed).

    Why does my stomach hurt in early pregnancy?

    Even before the delay, a woman may notice that strange processes are taking place in the stomach. The expectant mother can associate them with the new position and find the full symptoms of the conception that has taken place. After a delay, her suspicions will be cleared up with a home test, a blood test, or an ultrasound scan.

    Both before the exact establishment of pregnancy, and after it, a woman may have a stomach ache. The nature of unpleasant sensations is pulling, pressing, bursting, sharp, cutting. Manifestations occur temporarily (depending on the influence of external factors) or are permanently present.

    If the stomach pulls after conception, then for your own peace of mind, you need to consult a gynecologist. Having ruled out possible problems and determined that the pregnancy is uterine, the patient will receive a list of approved drugs to relieve discomfort. Every second expectant mother who seeks medical help due to abdominal pain in the early stages has a pathology. The sooner it is eliminated, the more chances there will be for a favorable prognosis.

    Aching pains, as during menstruation

    Drawing pains in the lower abdomen after conception indicate an increased uterine tone. Temporary sensations, not accompanied by the release of blood, may occur due to physical exertion, fatigue, nervous tension. Almost all expectant mothers face such manifestations.

    Worse, when after conception the stomach hurts constantly. Additionally, the patient is concerned about complaints of back pain and spotting. These symptoms indicate hypertonicity and require mandatory ultrasound monitoring. During the scan, the sonologist detects a hematoma formed between the fetal egg and the wall of the uterus. Opening, it comes out in the form of brown spotting. The appearance of scarlet blood is an even more dangerous sign.

    Pulling the lower abdomen due to hypertonicity may be due to insufficient synthesis of progesterone. You can determine this condition using a blood test to determine the level of this hormone. If there is pain, as with menstruation, then the patient is prescribed conservative therapy. Treatment involves eliminating the cause of hypertonicity and replenishing the deficiency of the corpus luteum hormone. Such abdominal pain should not be taken as a sign of pregnancy. A disturbing symptom is a dangerous condition and can lead to termination of pregnancy.

    Sharp pains in the inguinal folds

    Cramping pain in the abdomen can be a symptom of an ectopic pregnancy. This condition is dangerous for the life of a woman, therefore, does not tolerate delay. An ectopic pregnancy is characterized by the attachment of an embryo in an unintended place. Most of these cases are found in the area of ​​the fallopian tubes. Less commonly, the fetal egg is attached to the ovary or in the peritoneum.

    It must be understood that it will not work to save such a pregnancy. The growth of the fetal egg will be carried out up to 5-8 weeks, after which it will stop. In this case, a rupture of the fallopian tube or ovary can occur, which is fraught with the complete removal of the reproductive organs and even death. If there is severe pain in one or the other side of the abdomen, you need to contact a gynecologist to rule out a pathological condition.

    Acute pain in the abdomen can be a sign of inflammation of the appendix. Statistics show that about 10% of expectant mothers experience this condition. Pathology is accompanied by fever, nausea, impaired stool. To exclude, it is necessary to consult a surgeon, take a blood and urine test.

    Feeling of pressure and fullness in the perineum

    The stomach may hurt after conception due to a sprain. The rapid growth of the uterus forces the muscles of the pelvic floor to work. The ligaments holding the genital organ are stretched, which causes backache and a feeling of pressure in the perineum. Often this happens during long periods of pregnancy, when the uterus extends beyond the small pelvis.

    Pressure and distension can be triggered by bowel movements. As you know, progesterone affects the functioning of the digestive tract. Consumption of a large number of incompatible foods (which is not uncommon in the early stages) causes a bursting sensation in the abdomen.

    It is not always possible to differentiate your feelings and distinguish physiological discomfort from pathological discomfort on your own. To dispel doubts and get rid of worries, you need to consult a gynecologist.
