What contractions feel like. Emotional components of contractions, sensitivity to pain

Real contractions before childbirth are involuntary contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. During contractions, not only the baby is pushed out, but also the birth canal is prepared. At this time, the cervix smoothes out and gradually expands to a diameter of 10-12 cm. There are real contractions before childbirth and false, or training ones. The latter occur in the second half of pregnancy and represent contractions of the uterus, during which it prepares for labor. In this article you will learn how contractions begin before childbirth, what contractions look like, and how to distinguish real contractions from false ones.

How to recognize contractions before childbirth?

Mostly during the first birth, pregnant women wonder how to recognize contractions before childbirth. Quite often, even before contractions begin, women intuitively feel that labor will soon begin. During contractions, pain does not appear immediately; it usually begins with a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen or lower back; some women experience pain similar to menstrual pain. Gradually, these sensations become stronger, spreading to the entire abdomen and lower back, pain appears, which can vary from quite strong pressure to twitching sensations.

The pain during contractions is paroxysmal, its occurrence, intensification, reaching a peak and gradual decrease are clearly felt, then a period without pain begins. At first, contractions before childbirth occur with an interval of 15-30 minutes and last 5-10 seconds. The first few hours they bring minor discomfort rather than pain. Gradually, the duration and strength of contractions increase, and the intervals decrease.

Even before contractions begin, the baby begins to move less. If he moves very actively during contractions, this indicates fetal hypoxia. You need to tell your doctor about this.

Before childbirth, bloody discharge appears - this is how the mucus plug comes off. It should not be bright red with a lot of blood. The plug may come off before contractions begin. Sometimes the water breaks before the contractions begin.

Just before the birth of the child, contractions become so frequent that they turn into one another almost without intervals. Then they are joined by pushing - contractions of the muscles of the uterus, abdominal wall and perineum. At this time, the child presses his head on the small pelvis, and the woman in labor has a desire to push, and the pain moves to the perineum. When the cervix is ​​fully dilated, labor begins.

How do contractions occur?

Contractions before childbirth develop gradually, so three stages can be distinguished:

  • The first stage is the initial stage, lasting 7-8 hours. At this time, contractions occur with an interval of approximately 5 minutes, and their duration is 30-45 seconds.
  • The second phase is active. Its duration is about 5 hours, uterine contractions become more frequent and last longer - with an interval of 2-4 minutes, the duration of contractions reaches 60 seconds.
  • The last, transitional phase is from half an hour to 1.5 hours long. Contractions become even more frequent and last longer. They can occur at intervals of a minute and last from 70 to 90 seconds.

If the birth is not the first, the process goes faster.

How to distinguish real contractions from false ones?

False or training contractions, also called Braxton-Hicks contractions, are contractions of the uterus, as a result of which the cervix does not open. They occur long before birth and, unlike real ones, are irregular.

Not every woman feels false contractions; everything is individual - both their presence and absence is a variant of the norm. They are painless, but bring discomfort.

Training contractions are called because during them the uterus prepares for contractions during childbirth. Also, during false contractions, blood rushes to the placenta, which is good for the fetus. False contractions are normal for pregnancy and do not pose any danger. False contractions begin around the 20th week.

Women who are expecting a baby for the first time are often afraid of confusing false contractions with the real beginning of labor. What is the difference between training and real contractions?

  1. False contractions can occur from several times a day to six times an hour. At the same time, they are non-rhythmic, and the intensity gradually decreases. Real contractions before childbirth are regular and repeat at smaller intervals and with greater intensity, and their duration also increases gradually.
  2. The length of actual contractions may vary, but the intervals between them are almost always equal.
  3. False contractions are painless; they cause a feeling of compression in some part of the abdomen or groin. With real pain, sensations spread to the entire abdomen and hip joints.
  4. During real contractions before childbirth, other symptoms are observed: breaking of water, mucus plug, pain in the lower back, diarrhea.

What to do when contractions start?

The start time of contractions, their duration and the size of the intervals between them should be recorded. This information will be useful to obstetricians; in addition, taking notes will help you calm down and take your mind off pain.

You can safely get ready for the maternity hospital. If contractions repeat after 15-20 minutes, the birth of the baby will not happen soon. If there are no pathologies, the pregnancy is not multiple, it is better to spend this period at home: a familiar environment will help you relax better. You can do pleasant things: listen to music, watch a movie. If you don't have a caesarean section, you can have something light to eat.

During contractions before childbirth, it is useful to move. This reduces pain, allows the baby to take a comfortable position in the uterus, and prevents fetal hypoxia. It is useful not only to walk, but also to make swaying movements with your hips. Thus, blood circulation improves, muscles relax, and pain decreases.

When uterine contractions become more frequent and intensified, the first thing a woman needs to do is take a comfortable position and relax. Then the pain will be less. Real contractions before childbirth become increasingly longer, and the intervals between them become shorter. The pain spreads from the abdomen to the lower back and does not subside when changing body position.

Signs of pathology during contractions

Sometimes, for various reasons, labor can be slowed down. The first contractions will not necessarily be followed by labor - uterine contractions may become regular only after a few days. This happens more often in primiparous women. In such cases, the maternity hospital resorts to stimulation of labor.

When is it time to go to the maternity hospital?

If real contractions begin before childbirth, it means that labor is approaching. Don't worry, you have time to calmly collect yourself while contractions occur at intervals of 20-30 minutes. Of course, it is advisable that the bag with things is already collected in advance.

Women await the birth of their baby not only with trepidation, but also with anxiety. Many are afraid of the pain they will have to experience, others fear for their health and the health of the child. There are also those who are afraid of missing the onset of labor. This is especially true for first-time mothers who do not know how contractions begin. A number of signs will help a woman not to confuse training contractions of the uterus with labor.

  1. Latent or hidden period.
  2. Active period.
  3. Slowdown period.

The most important thing for first-time women is to be able to distinguish sensations during labor contractions from sensations during false ones, the symptoms of which are in many ways similar to the latent period of contractions.

They are also called training ones. They occur mainly in first-time mothers from about the 20th week of pregnancy and help the body prepare for childbirth, they also “train” the uterus: making it more elastic and soft. They last on average up to 2 minutes, the interval between them is variable, ranging from 30 minutes to an hour.

There are a number of signs that distinguish training contractions:

  • irregular nature;
  • contractions do not increase or intensify;
  • the interval between them is always different;
  • the uterine pharynx does not open (this will be determined by the gynecologist).

Training contractions of the uterus sometimes seem quite strong, but they are not cramping, but are more of an aching, pulling nature. You can easily cope with them if you take a different position, just lie down, take a warm bath, and relax.

Real contractions

A more common name is generic. They are difficult to confuse with other conditions, and women who are going to give birth for the first time easily recognize them. Signs by which you can determine how contractions begin in first-time mothers:

  1. Labor contractions of the uterus begin, as a rule, with aching pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, hips, which intensifies over time and has a wave-like character: it either subsides or returns. These pains are often compared to menstrual pain, but during contractions they are regular and increasing in nature, and the intervals between them become shorter every hour. Such contractions do not stop, do not calm down, but only intensify.
  2. The uterus tenses, a so-called tone occurs, which can be easily felt by placing your hand on your stomach. The uterus turns to stone, becomes hard, and there is a feeling that it is shrinking and straining. After a while, when the contraction loses its intensity, the uterus relaxes again. Each time the pain and tone intensify. During training contractions, the tone of the uterus is noticeable to a lesser extent.
  3. The duration of uterine contractions increases, and the intervals between them become smaller each time. The cervix dilates.

The first labor contractions in the latent period are short, lasting from 20 to 30 seconds, the interval between them is 20-30 minutes. Gradually, they are felt not like a simple stretching of the abdomen, the pain increases, the contraction itself lasts up to 40-45 seconds, the interval between them decreases to 5-6 minutes. This is the time to go to the maternity hospital.

Important: If the water breaks at the initial stage of labor, then you need to call an ambulance immediately, since during the waterless period there is a high risk of fetal initiation.

If contractions last an average of 1 minute, and the break between them is reduced to 1-2 minutes, this is a sign that the cervix is ​​dilated and pushing will soon begin, that is, the baby will be born very soon. At this time, the woman should already be in the delivery room, since only the doctor should control the attempts. Due to improperly organized childbirth at this stage, cervical ruptures, fetal injury and other unpleasant consequences often occur.

Video: How to distinguish pushing from contractions

General differences between training contractions of the uterus and labor contractions

In primiparous women, contractions begin for the most part in the same way as in multiparous women. Thus, labor contractions during the preparatory period are distinguished by their regularity and at the initial stage do not last more than 40 seconds. The interval between them cannot increase, but always only decreases.

When preparing a pregnant woman for childbirth, doctors advise that when she feels contractions of the uterus, write them down: the time when they began and when they ended, after what time the next ones appeared and how long they lasted, whether the pain increases each time or, conversely, subsides. It is advisable to make recordings accurate to the second. Using them, the doctor testifies whether these are false contractions or labor. It is possible to clarify this even by phone if there was an agreement in advance.

Contractions in the latent phase can be schematically represented as follows:

Worth remembering: During training contractions, the active phase does not occur, that is, the pain does not intensify, their duration does not change, the interval between them fluctuates (usually upward).

Training contractions of the uterus rarely last more than 2-3 hours.

Video: Feelings during contractions. Differences between training contractions and birth contractions

What to pay attention to

Many not only multiparous women, but also primiparous women do not feel the preparatory period. The trained uterus of multiparous women does not need “preparation”, moving directly to active contractions. This is why many women who give birth to their second and subsequent babies experience so-called rapid labor, lasting only 4-6 hours.

Primiparas, accustomed to training contractions, often do not pay attention to the first “bells”, skip the latent phase and understand that labor has begun only when the pain intensifies, the stomach “turns to stone”, and the interval between contractions significantly decreases. There is no need to panic, because this is exactly the period when doctors advise going to the maternity hospital. The second phase of contractions lasts up to 5 hours, so there will be enough time.

Severe pain during contractions, according to many obstetrician-gynecologists, is provoked by the woman herself, panicking, clenching, thereby interfering with the normal birth process. It is necessary to relax as much as possible, using proper breathing and other techniques that are discussed in courses for expectant mothers.

If there are no contractions

Sometimes a primigravida woman does not wait for labor contractions of the uterus. The absence of contractions before 40-42 weeks is considered normal, if hypoxia is not registered in the fetus, the placenta is in normal condition and the pregnancy as a whole is not in danger. As a rule, from the 40th week of pregnancy, a woman is placed in a hospital and there, under the supervision of doctors, she waits for the onset of labor.

If there are no contractions at 42 weeks, labor is induced. In case of conditions that threaten the health of the woman or the unborn child, a decision is made on surgical delivery.

Contractions during pregnancy are the main means of moving the baby along the birth canal. There are several types that differ mainly in the timing of gestation and the strength of the contractile reaction. Most women succumb to panic, fear of the unknown appears, and the question arises of what sensations arise in the process.

What are contractions during pregnancy?

First-time women are always worried about how to find out that the baby is ready to be born and is it possible to skip this period? Women's nature is designed in such a way that it is almost impossible to miss the onset of labor, especially for the first time. Intuitively, the body knows on its own what to do and how to behave at this stage, but it is still worth familiarizing yourself with the basic concepts about the onset of labor.

Contractions during pregnancy are contractions of the uterine cavity that occur involuntarily with a certain frequency and gradually increasing force. The uterus becomes toned under the influence of the hormone oxytocin, which increases its production as labor progresses.

During contractions, painful sensations arise; the body tries to push the fetus out, which is actually what happens. The frequency may vary, but over time the process increases along with the pain syndrome.

Contractions in pregnant women can vary depending on the period of gestation, so there are true contractions and training ones. In the 9th month, after 37-38 weeks, together with contractions of the uterine cavity, the cervix begins to open, providing the fetus with a path to birth from the mother’s womb. Afterwards, attempts are added to the process of childbirth, which the woman is more or less able to control.

Acute cramping pain in the early stages is a sign of the presence of pathology. In this case, there is a feeling of constant, regular contraction, and there may be bloody discharge from the vagina. This process requires the immediate intervention of doctors, because this indicates the development of a miscarriage or premature birth.

When do training contractions begin during pregnancy?

Not all women experience false or training contractions; many simply do not notice them due to weak uterine contractions. Training contractions during pregnancy begin mainly in the later stages, typical for them are 35-37 weeks, but can also appear at any period of gestation.

During the first pregnancy, such unusual sensations frighten the woman somewhat. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how you can recognize and distinguish the symptoms of false contractions from true ones.

First of all, training contractions appear irregularly, i.e. The periodicity of uterine tone is random and has no system. For comparison, you can calculate the action interval; if the duration is less than 20 seconds, and the period between them is about 20 minutes, then most often this indicates a false process.

The training process occurs under the following circumstances:

  • during periods of intense physical activity:
  • with sudden body movements;
  • if the bladder is full for a long period;
  • during or after sexual intercourse;
  • with increased activity of the fetus inside the womb.
The training processes during the gestation period look the same as the real ones, but the cervix does not open, and chaotic, not very painful contractions are observed. Women treat false contractions more calmly during their second pregnancy, without unnecessary panic. Therefore, if a first-time mother experiences a feeling of contractions, she should be patient and calm down, because... excess stress will only make the situation worse.

Contractions - how to understand the sensations during your first pregnancy?

The onset of contractions involves the removal of the mucous plug from the cervix, which for the entire 9-month period prevented the involuntary opening and exit of the fetus. In the future, sensations and symptoms increase.

The first signs of contractions in pregnant women are felt mainly as the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Symptoms arise with some pain in the lower abdomen - these are contractions that differ in precise frequency and intensifying pain as labor progresses.

You can understand the sensations during your first pregnancy by the duration of the contractions. Mostly in primiparous women they last up to 12 hours. Over time, the intensity increases, the symptoms become more obvious, and the interval between them decreases.

There are several stages of contraction of the uterine cavity:

  • the initial period is characterized by a contraction lasting up to 45 seconds. at intervals of up to 5 minutes. At this stage, the cervix dilates slightly - no more than 3 cm;
  • the active stage includes a duration of about a minute, with an interval of up to 4 minutes. The neck opens in diameter from 3 to 7 cm;
  • The transition stage is considered the shortest, lasting up to 1.5 hours. Contractions in this case occur every minute and last up to 90 seconds.
It is quite easy to understand when the first stage ended and the attempts began. When the uterus contracts, painful sensations arise, and when pushing, there is a desire to push the fetus out. Therefore, before starting to push, you should have time to contact the maternity ward for qualified assistance at the birth of a child.

Contractions - how to understand the sensations during the second and third pregnancy

The first signs of contractions during the second pregnancy, as well as during the third, are practically no different from the first pregnancy. The only difference may be the speed of labor. The intervals between contractions of the uterine cavity are significantly reduced, and the cervix opens faster.

To understand the sensations of a third pregnancy, it is enough to remember the previous births. When the contraction involves the muscles of the lumbar region, the abdominal wall and the groin area, a so-called uterine spasm occurs, which leads to the opening of the cervix and gradually pushes the baby out.

The description of the contractions suggests that the pain largely depends on the pregnant woman’s ability to relax and calm down between intervals. Therefore, you should attend prenatal courses that help you master proper breathing techniques and not give in to panic during childbirth.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Pregnancy for a woman becomes a difficult, important period when the body undergoes a serious test. Training contractions are false sensations that can begin either in the second half of pregnancy or closer to the 40th week. This is not a deviation in the development of the fetus and is not a reason to immediately sound the alarm. Most of the sensations that a woman experiences are aimed at preparing the body for labor.

What are training contractions?

This phenomenon is characterized by paroxysmal tension of the uterus, it does not bring unpleasant sensations and does not cause discomfort. This muscle contraction is also called Braxton-Hicks contractions. They may begin suddenly and at irregular intervals. Some women say that their preparatory contractions repeat once a day, and for some almost every hour. During false contractions, the expectant mother experiences how the muscles of the uterus tense, and attacks of abdominal tension occur at different intervals.


Not everyone experiences Braxton-Hicks contractions; there are a number of reasons for the appearance of false muscle contractions. The following factors are identified that may affect this:

  • excessive activity of the mother or fetus;
  • touching the stomach;
  • dehydration;
  • serious physical activity;
  • stormy intimate life;
  • psycho-emotional stress;
  • full bladder.

During actual childbirth, a woman will have to put in a lot of effort, so this process prepares the uterus. If during the entire period of pregnancy the muscles have never tensed, they will remain in a relaxed state and during real labor, there may simply not be enough strength. Immediately before birth, this phenomenon helps to soften the cervix, due to contraction it becomes shorter, which leads to dilatation of the cervix. This is a kind of training for the body to facilitate the process.

Does everyone have

There are a large number of women who have not experienced any training contractions. This does not mean that the muscles of the uterus did not work before childbirth. Expectant mothers may simply not notice them due to pain threshold, lifestyle and other factors. Much depends on individual tolerance, but the uterus will definitely tense up and prepare for labor at certain intervals. Primiparas often do not experience any sensations, but during the second pregnancy they already notice uterine contractions.

How to distinguish training contractions from real ones

Mothers should listen carefully to what is happening in their bodies. For this reason, it is important to know how to distinguish real contractions from training contractions. The main difference is that during prenatal contractions the cervix dilates, but during training contractions this does not happen, which indicates false contractions. There are two main factors that help women distinguish real labor from false labor:

  • rhythm of contractions;
  • painful sensations.


A girl should know how to distinguish real contractions from false ones. As a rule, during training contractions a slight tension appears in the lower abdomen. Often the sensation is localized on one side (left or right), lasts a couple of seconds or minutes and passes. Visually, this may look like the baby’s butt or head protruding, and the stomach takes on a “pointed” shape. The expectant mother can get additional benefit from false contractions by starting to do breathing exercises.

As a rule, training contractions are painless. Their intensity may increase with the duration of pregnancy, and sometimes minor pain appears. They can be recognized by 4 main characteristics:

  • the interval between them is not equal, there is no predictability, the next contraction may last longer or occur earlier than the previous one;
  • irregularity, less than 6 voltages in 1 hour;
  • contraction concentrated in one area, may be localized in the lower abdomen, upper uterus or groin;
  • physical discomfort is felt, but not pain, it gradually subsides and completely disappears.


Women describe this condition as a sudden tension in the abdomen. The sensations during training contractions do not cause pain; they appear spontaneously, sometimes increase, but more often sharply. The duration of the training contraction is no more than 2 minutes; it passes completely or is repeated after some time. In rare cases, frequent contractions are accompanied by pain. If it is prolonged and acute, accompanied by discharge, you should immediately call a doctor and go to the hospital.

What week do training contractions begin?

Girls want to know when false cramps may begin, but even a gynecologist cannot tell you the exact week. In some women, they occur in the second trimester of pregnancy if there are disturbances in the functioning of the internal secretion organs. In most cases, they begin within 2 weeks and become a harbinger of labor. The hormonal system begins to correct the biochemical reactions that are needed for real labor. The incidence is higher if the fetus has grown too large.

How long do false contractions last?

The duration of the attacks is one factor indicating that these are training contractions. False contractions last no more than 2 minutes, often even a few seconds. The closer to childbirth, the more often contractions will occur, but the duration will not change. If you experience discomfort, it can be reduced by certain methods. Often the birth breathing technique or switching attention to something more interesting helps.

What to do during training contractions

As a rule, nothing needs to be done; some mothers do not even notice the tension. If spotting or severe pain appears, this indicates possible premature birth - you should immediately consult a doctor at the hospital. To reduce discomfort during training contractions, you can use the following methods:

  1. Change your body position. Mothers who have experience advise lying on your left side and drinking a glass of still water before doing this. Rest helps relieve pain. When it is not possible to lie down, it is recommended to sit down.
  2. Warm shower. Water helps relieve tension and relax the muscles of the body.
  3. Take No-shpa or Papaverine. These are medications from the group of antispasmodics; they help relieve pain, but you should not take them on your own. Before taking, be sure to consult your doctor.

Each human body is unique, so there is no recipe that would suit all girls. Only the girl herself will be able to recognize training spasms, feel them and understand what can be done to relieve them. If this is the first child, then you need to very clearly understand whether this is the beginning of labor, before which irregular and short-term contractions should become more frequent. Otherwise, you will disrupt the natural process of labor. You need to see a doctor if you have the following symptoms:

  • water breaks;
  • bloody issues;
  • pain in the lower back, lower back;
  • the fetus began to move noticeably less;
  • diarrhea, nausea;
  • bleeding;
  • painful contractions, cramps.

How long after training contractions does labor begin?

The standard pregnancy period is 9 months, but the process begins for each woman at a different time: some give birth at 27 weeks, others at 41. Training contractions are even less predictable; they begin individually for each mother and proceed differently. It has been noted that some pregnant women feel them constantly throughout the last trimester, as the body increases muscle tone.

The earliest recorded date is week 20. At this time they are very weak, so not every woman has a way to feel them. Contractions will intensify over time due to the growth of the fetus, unpleasant sensations may appear, and the tension will last longer. The woman in labor clearly feels the contraction at 32-34 weeks. In the last days before childbirth, they strongly resemble labor.


The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

As the time approaches for giving birth, pregnant women begin to expect the first signs that will indicate the onset of labor. First-time women have no idea what they should feel, but those who have already given birth once can understand what their body is signaling to them if pain in the lower abdomen appears, reminiscent of contractions. In this article we will talk about what false contractions are and how to distinguish them from real ones.

False contractions have a scientific definition. They are called Braxton-Hicks training contractions (after the doctor who first explained this phenomenon with pregnant women). They represent contractions of the uterus with the same force as during childbirth, but they do not lead to delivery, but only train the uterus before childbirth. Not all women experience training contractions; their occurrence will directly depend on the individual characteristics of the pregnant woman’s body and the conditions in which she lives (physical activity of the pregnant woman, mobility in the womb, excitement, overexcitation, both emotional and sexual).

False contractions during pregnancy: symptoms

How to understand that you have started training contractions. In fact, to understand this, you just need to remember a few factors that determine this phenomenon:

  1. Severe pain occurs in any part of the abdomen - the woman feels as if something is strongly squeezing her uterus.
  2. Over the course of an hour, less than 6 such sensations occur.
  3. They do not have a specific rhythm or cyclicity; contractions occur suddenly.
  4. They stop on their own.

As a rule, all of the above symptoms do not occur until the third trimester. Usually the first false contractions occur at 36 weeks of pregnancy.

What to do if false contractions start?

When you feel the symptoms of false contractions at 38 weeks of pregnancy, it's time to learn how to breathe correctly. This skill makes it easier for women during childbirth and helps the child to be born faster with minimal consequences for him. There are two good exercises that expectant mothers need to learn:

  • When the contraction begins, begin to slowly inhale the air, and when it subsides, exhale quickly and deeply (imagine that you are blowing out a candle).
  • During a contraction, breathe frequently (as dogs do), but do not overdo it so as not to lose consciousness, since with such breathing the required amount of oxygen does not enter the body.

The occurrence of false contractions at the 39th week of pregnancy already greatly alarms a woman, because the birth of a child at this stage is a normal process. However, most often, cramping pain in the lower abdomen during this week of pregnancy is in no way related to the true harbingers of labor. If you feel something like this, then try to distract yourself this way:

  • Take a walk down the street - go to the park, look at the water - to calm your nerves and relax as much as possible.
  • Take a warm shower or, as a last resort, lie in warm water - this is very relaxing and relieves pain.
  • If false contractions occurred when you were sitting or standing for a long time, then simply try changing your position - lie down or walk.
  • Drink tea, juice or just a glass of water.
  • Listen to your favorite music or watch a good TV series.

False contractions at 40 weeks of pregnancy can also occur, but they should be treated more carefully, as they may be true. Despite doctors' claims that real contractions can be easily distinguished from false ones due to very severe pain, you should know that in addition to it, you will also experience other symptoms:

  • Your water may break - the amniotic fluid in which your baby has lived and developed for 9 months will pour out of the perineum.
  • Within an hour, you experience contractions that last 5 minutes.
  • The child no longer moves so actively - no more than 10 times in 2 hours.
  • You may experience light or heavy bleeding, which signals the onset of placental abruption.

To make it easier to survive contractions and the entire process of long and painful childbirth, follow our recommendations:

  1. Try to relax as much as possible. In a moment of severe pain, do not bite your lips, do not contort your face, you need to control yourself and think about something distracted. It's time to dream.
  2. Breathe very deeply. This will not only ease your suffering, but will also significantly help your baby. After all, in the process of its movement along the birth canal. The baby is sorely lacking oxygen.
  3. Do not scream, because this will only worsen the pain, you will get tired faster, and you will need strength during pushing, when the baby is already born.
  4. Move more actively - don't lie down. The movement stimulates rapid dilatation of the cervix. You can dance, swing on a fitball, walk, squat - whatever you want.
  5. Ask the person who will be present for your birth to massage your lower back. Just be careful in this process, because you can get a severe burn, which will only intensify the pain.
  6. Listen carefully to the obstetrician who will help you give birth. You must realize that it will depend on you how long the birth will last, and how difficult it will be for your baby to be born.

Your task is also to learn to understand your body during pregnancy and hear its prompts. The ability to feel your body can be acquired in yoga classes. Many women take preparatory courses there before giving birth. If you believe their reviews, the knowledge they gained helped them a lot during childbirth - they took the right poses so that the pain would not be so severe.

Video “Labor contractions. How to distinguish false ones from real ones?

This video provides detailed instructions on how you can immediately distinguish false contractions from real ones. In addition, it clearly demonstrates what and how to do to ease your condition during labor.
