A real kiss with a real tongue. How to kiss with the tongue: useful tips

Kissing is always nice. A French kiss, also known as a kiss with the tongue, gives a special pleasure. During it, two people experience feelings that an ordinary kiss on the lips or on the cheek will not give. Kissing with the tongue at first glance seems difficult, in fact, everything is easy and simple, just kiss once or twice. But many who have not yet kissed so deeply are afraid that they will not succeed and are embarrassed to kiss their partners like that, since kissing with the tongue is something out of the ordinary for them. But in vain! Throw all your fears and complexes aside! Below are a few tips on how to properly kiss on the lips with the tongue.

How to learn to kiss with tongue

  • If you've never kissed with your tongue before, then make your first kiss unforgettable. Let this happen on a romantic date with a person with whom you are in love or who you like very much. A kiss largely depends on the feelings for the person you are kissing. Believe me, a kiss out of interest and a kiss with the person you are in love with is like earth and sky. Feelings in the second case are much more pleasant.
  • Think about how you look. Kissing with the tongue is a rather intimate caress. Make sure your partner doesn't feel uncomfortable. You must be neat and tidy.
  • If you are still quite a beginner and do not know how to kiss with your tongue correctly, remember something that will most likely be WRONG. So, you can’t: harsh and in large quantities perfume or cologne, greasy and bitter lipstick, a lot of makeup on your face, bad breath, dirty teeth and mouth.
  • What you need: clean neat clothes, a light pleasant smell of perfume, fresh breath.
  • Choose the right environment. Kissing with the tongue with a girl for the first time is better in private, in a quiet relaxing environment and with the confidence that no one and nothing can interfere with you.
  • So, how to kiss with the tongue. Relax. If you are tense, you will not be able to move your tongue naturally, and this is one of the main conditions. The first kiss should not be sluggish or forceful, too short or too long. Try to find a middle ground.
  • It is not always appropriate to tell your partner that you are going to kiss him, and even explain in what way. You definitely shouldn't say: "Turn to me, open your mouth, and I'll kiss you!" But talking about kissing is a good way to find out if your partner wants to be kissed by you. Try to ask the question in a light and cheerful tone. For example: "What if I kiss you?" or "Can I kiss you?". Remember that it all depends on the situation. The second question is better to ask directly in the eyes of a partner. By his reaction, even if you do not receive a direct answer, you will be able to understand whether the partner wants a kiss.
  • Don't try to hold your breath before kissing. People breathe calmly when they kiss.
  • Many people wonder how to hold their head during a kiss. So that the nose does not interfere, you should position your head at a slight angle to the partner's head.
  • Hug your partner while kissing. At the first kiss, you should not move on to exciting caresses. It is best for girls to hug a guy by the shoulders or neck. Young people during a kiss usually hug the girl by the waist. Stroke your partner on the back, neck, hair.

tongue kissing technique

Now more about the process of kissing.

  • Again, we decided to use visual material to explain how to kiss with the tongue correctly. The pictures reflect the kissing technique quite well. You can find other pictures, there are many of them on the Internet. Visual material is always good to use if you are learning something. Pictures and photos of how to kiss with the tongue are useful material for beginners.
  • Before kissing, look your partner in the eyes, expressing your feelings with your eyes. The gaze should be direct and open. Let your partner read a sincere desire in your eyes.
  • Gently hug your partner and pull him towards you. Close your eyes and press your lips to his.
  • First, kiss your partner a little on the lips, then slightly open yours. This will let you know that you are ready for closer contact.
  • Gently insert your tongue into your partner's mouth, touch his tongue and start stroking him. Remember that everything should happen naturally and naturally, so your tongue should not be too tense, but also sluggish.
  • When kissing, the tongues move mutually and stroke each other. You can stroke the tongue along the back, under the root and along the edges. The main thing is to do it with feeling.
  • During the kiss, the lips should touch and move. The movement of the lips during a kiss is associated with pressure on the partner's lips. You either lightly press on his lips, then relax, then open your lips wider, then close as much as your tongue allows. This happens throughout the kiss.
  • The lips should not be in the same position as the partner's lips. While kissing, don't be afraid to kiss the skin around your lips.
  • You can vary the depth, speed, and style of the kiss. You can make a kiss deep and passionate (as far as the length of the tongue allows) and not very deep, but gentle. You can kiss quickly (but the main thing is not to overdo it with speed) and slowly. You can also change the movements themselves when kissing. You can stroke the entire surface of the tongue or kiss only with the tips of the tongues. You can do any one movement longer (for example, caress the tip of the tongue for a long time). There are a lot of ideas, the main thing is that both partners have a desire to bring them to life!

And remember that perfect kissing can only be achieved through active practice. Happy kisses!

Even if right now you have absolutely no one to kiss, you should not close this topic for yourself. It’s like in sports: even if you don’t participate in competitions today, training is still important. They will allow you to be on top at the right time.

Practice on your arm

  1. Make an OK gesture with your left hand. Make sure that the thumb rests on top of the index nail.
  2. Insert the thumb of your right hand into the resulting letter "O". Squeeze your "O" so that it tightly wraps around your thumb.
  3. Remove your right thumb. Now your "O" looks like a pair of lips parted in anticipation of a kiss. You can proceed to the main phase of training.
  4. Touch your lips to "O". Start lightly kissing fingers closed in a circle, experimenting with force, pressure and light biting.
  5. Track exactly what your fingers feel. It will feel about the same when you finally move on to real kisses. Do your fingers hurt? Are you kissing not too wet? Control the sensations and, depending on them, change the tactics of kissing.
  6. Experiment with your tongue by running it inside the "O" and caressing your fingers with it.
  7. Practice kissing more softly and more firmly. Such workouts will make you more confident when it comes to kissing a real partner.

And on fruits and vegetables

  1. Take a soft fruit with a delicate skin - a peach, a large apricot, a mango ... Some recommend a tomato - also an option. Choose to your taste - the main thing is that such kisses are pleasant.
  2. Bite off a small piece so that the bite is about the size of someone's mouth. It will be your trainer.
  3. Begin to gently kiss the juicy "lips", experimenting with pressure and rhythm.
  4. Grab your lips first at the top of the "mouth", then the bottom. Make grabbing movements with your lips to bring them to the level of automatism.
  5. Remember to work your tongue, running it inside the fetus.

How to kiss your partner the right way

First of all, consider: kissing is an extremely intimate and subjective matter. So be sure to track his (her) reaction!

Someone likes deep kisses, someone does not tolerate someone else's tongue in their mouth, someone can be annoyed by excessive moisture. As a rule, people are embarrassed to talk about discomfort. But next time they will try to avoid the "wrong" kisses. Try to make your kisses meet the expectations of a particular person.

Act confidently, but from afar

Don't be afraid to take the first step. Don't ask permission. If this is your first kiss and you're not completely sure of the reaction, start with a kiss on the forehead. Or at the tip of your nose. If the partner does not mind, then pull him to you - and gently kiss on the lips.

Marissa Nelson, popular American sex therapist

Sexologist Claudia Six recommends How to French Kiss: 9 Sex Therapist-Approved Tips start with a significant setting and only after that move on to kissing from afar.

Learn to relax your lips

Initially, the pressure is inappropriate. Let your lips be as relaxed as possible - then the partner will feel a gentle and soft touch. This will cause him anticipation and excitement. Only then can you tighten your mouth: the contrast between the former softness and strength will make the one you kiss understand that he arouses passion in you.

It may not be the best way to kiss overall, but one of the best is to start the passionate phase. Just grab one of your partner's lips (it doesn't matter, upper or lower) with your own and start making gentle sucking movements.

There are legends about the French kiss (the same one, deep, with the tongue). However, this is a rather controversial type. Not everyone likes such a deep penetration. So remember the algorithm:

  1. Without removing your lips from your partner's lips, open your mouth wider. The partner will feel emptiness and freedom of action and, perhaps, will be the first to decide to penetrate deeper with the tongue.
  2. Press your partner's lips with your own, so that they are between yours. Then gently run the tip of your tongue along the inside of the bottom lip of the person you are kissing. Make one smooth and quick movement. If your counterpart likes this type of kiss, he will respond.
  3. Get ready to back off. If, despite the fact that you carefully followed the steps from the previous paragraphs, you did not receive an answer, do not insist. Save the French kiss for another time and focus on the previous techniques.

use your hands

Kissing is a complex physiological process that is not limited to the mouth area. Gently touching your partner's shoulders, arms, torso with your hands, you will increase his degree. Start touching the hips, and then slowly raise your hands along the back to the neck and shoulders. Then, if you do not meet resistance, you can grab your partner's face with your palms. This will make your kisses even more intimate and passionate.

You look languidly and smile sweetly, and your relationship is slowly gaining momentum. He escorts home in the evenings and gently kisses, gently touching your lips, and it's so nice to remember before going to bed. But from date to date, I want to develop and move to a new level of touch, I already want to show my tongue in a kiss and feel it. So why is he slow? Should I take the initiative or wait? But will he understand such openness and nakedness of feelings correctly?

When is tongue in a kiss appropriate?

The difference between kissing with tongue and kissing without tongue lies in the degree of intimacy and closeness of the partners. Many people love to kiss and have even mastered several techniques of this fascinating process, but that's right, and most importantly - to the point, not everyone can apply them.
You should not be the first to rush into battle, to expose your feelings in passionate kisses. Your man may be offended and afraid of such decisiveness. It is better to use female tricks and explain to your partner with hints that you have not been against a more intimate kiss for a long time. But in some cases, you can most skillfully use the sweetness of a kiss with the tongue.
Feel free to kiss him with your tongue first if:

  • He expects determination from you. Your young man is older than you and is afraid to “pressure” you once again, or he is not entirely sure of the sincerity of your feelings and simply does not feel desire from you. He gives your relationship into your hands in advance, and it is you who must take all the steps first. Since a kiss with the tongue is perceived by many as a hint of something more and lasting, the male sex often leaves the choice to the lady, whether she wants it or not.

Solution : A light kiss with the tongue and maybe even some awkwardness and randomness in the kiss will play into your hands. You will let him openly understand that he can express himself and fully reveal himself in a kiss.

  • He doesn't know how to kiss. There is also such an option when you go crazy over him and the only thing you can think about is his touch. And he turns out to be inexperienced, and after the first kiss with the tongue everything blows away like the wind. Unpleasant sensations and his mistakes during a kiss cannot compensate even your skillful movements. A fiasco like this is disappointing, but you can fix it.

Solution: Always kiss him first and be persistent in the kiss. With his technique and a little manipulation of movements, after a while he will begin to fully adapt to you. His kisses will get better and better, and you can get a double dose of satisfaction: from kissing and your ability to teach.

  • You want to express something to him without words. You expect him to take a decisive step in a relationship, or you just have a playful mood today, or even you have a small request - so why not spice it all up with a passionate kiss, of course, with the tongue. Prove, show, insist, demand or ask - everything can be expressed through the movements of the language. Such a kiss can both convey feelings and be something like a golden key to your soul mate.

Solution: A 100% way to use your lovemaking skills for your own gain is to show what you can, tease and stop. A kiss with the tongue is just perfect for this. The main thing is to be confident in yourself, know your partner well, his preferences and be able to kiss.

Rules for the perfect tongue kiss

“Veal tenderness”, which includes kisses devoid of passion, and even more so the participation of the tongue, is practically not liked by guys, and many girls too. But the tongue in a kiss does not always cause passion and causticity in the intimate process, and sometimes its rude and “dry” use can vulgarize even the most romantic moment. To throw heat into the fire of a kiss is capable of tongue movements, but they cannot be a spark at the right moment. How to spoil all impressions about a partner, and correct the situation with failed mixing can only be correct and timely use of the tongue in a kiss.
Kissing steps:

  1. Lips. Gentle touch of still dry lips. A slight mutual pinching of the upper and lower lips of the partners, a soft touch, which should not be tightened too much.
  2. Eyes. Pulling away from your partner and looking deeply into his eyes is considered no less intimate than the penetration of the tongue into the mouth. This stage should not be skipped, especially for the first time. If there is timidity, then you can hug your partner or touch his cheeks with your palms.
  3. Wet lips. Lick your lips, take a deep breath and close your eyes as soon as he touches you. With such a kiss, the tongue itself will reach for his lips - and this is quite natural. At this moment, it is worth showing all your ability to kiss with the tongue.
  4. Language penetration. Everyone does it differently, but there are certain standards of tongue movement that make for a beautiful French kiss. The meeting of two languages ​​should not lead to embarrassment or stop, and all caresses should go at an increasing pace to the peak of bliss.
  5. The end of the kiss. After the most passionate kiss, nothing can be more beautiful than breathing together, in unison, touching foreheads.

tongue kissing technique:
The whole technique of the "French kiss" is based on the movements of the tongue, on the mutual caress of the tips of the lips with the tongue and on the rhythm of the kiss itself. Everyone can learn how to kiss in French after several attempts, and preferably joint training. The main thing to remember is that all common tips should be taken only as recommendations, and not clear rules of action with impeccable execution. Any kiss should be unique, and improvisation is always welcomed as a burst of sincerity of feelings.

Classical rules for the movement of the tongue during a kiss

  1. The tongue should not be tense, but not too sluggish, so that all movements are clearly felt by the partner. Your desire for a kiss is transmitted through the efforts of the tongue, so use it completely: from the tip to the hyoid
  2. Naturalness during a kiss is very important, which means that the pressure and speed of your movements must correspond to the movements of your partner, you need to adapt to each other. If something does not suit you, then it would be more correct to stop and try to start again.
  3. Do not hide the tongue behind the cheeks or press it against the upper palate. The partner will evaluate such actions as not wanting to kiss.
  4. A kiss with the tongue is a pair and the simultaneous work of two partners. No need to wait until he wanders his tongue in your mouth and only then proceed to action: everything should be at the same time.
  5. Control salivation and never force your tongue back into your mouth.
  6. Do not roll your tongue into a tube and do not try to put it as deep as possible into your partner's mouth. This will not bring additional pleasure to either you or him.
  7. The movements of the tongue should be smooth and in several planes. Do not use monotonous movements, like a pendulum: right-left, forward-backward.
  8. When caressing your partner's tongue, the movements of your tongue should be flexible, as if a cat rubs and wriggles around the legs. No need to strive to completely lick the guy's tongue and teeth.
  9. Remember your teeth. It is very easy to bite your tongue in a fit of passion, and it is also possible to collide with your partner and cut the tip of your tongue on his teeth. Such moments are quite common, so be careful and gentle.
  10. During the kiss, remember all the rules and give in to feelings, trust your partner. Respond to every caress, touch and enjoy it.

The use of tongue in a kiss plays the role of a barrier to start a new stage in a relationship. This means that you trust each other, that you are close, that you are one at the moment. They say that a kiss can be more intimate than sex, and in some cultures, it is he who is cheating on a partner. To some extent, this is true. No one even knows how to kiss “just like that”, since any kiss expresses something, and we give a person a piece of ourselves, our inner world. The contact of lips and the gentle meeting of the tips of the tongues is the sweet moment of a kiss, which should be long-awaited, desired and sure to bring pleasure to both.

The first kiss both scares and attracts teenagers. This is quite normal and you shouldn't worry about it. People can learn to kiss already when they are already liberated in relationships and are not particularly shy. And the first kiss should always be gentle, timid and long-awaited.

No need to look for a huge number of videos and articles on how to kiss with the tongue correctly. You need to do it easier - trust your feelings and intuition. Guys, in principle, do just that, and girls try to learn as much as possible in this matter.

But you should not try to show your skills and abilities when you kiss a guy for the first time, just gently touch his lips with your lips and make pulling movements with them. At the same time, the location of your hands and the hands of a partner is also very important.

Do not just lower your arms, but put your arms around his shoulders. In turn, the guy can hug you gently around the waist and bring you closer to him. It is not very decent to give free rein to the hands in the first kiss, because it is not known how the girl will react to this. A man should be gentle and caring in these moments, but not insolent. It’s even nice when a guy gets a little shy at the first kiss, this is a good sign - it means he really has feelings for you and therefore worries about how everything will go.

Kissing Methods

When the first kiss has already been, and even more so with a loved one, you will remember it for a lifetime. But, as you know, people do not stop there, and want to improve themselves and their skills. This endeavor has always been commendable and, in the case of new ways of kissing, is also very useful.

You and your partner open up to each other not only through communication, but also through physical contact: hugs, kisses, and then sex. This way you get closer to each other and can determine if you and your partner are right for you.

tongue kissing technique

  • Don't set a time record. The first kiss should not be too long. Time in a kiss is not the main thing, the main thing is tenderness and feelings.
  • Don't worry or worry about not knowing how to kiss. This is a completely normal and common thing. No training or theory is needed, just give in to your emotions and then you can have fun. But it comes only when your kiss happens with a loved one. You will be able to get pleasant sensations even at the first kiss, it is only necessary that the thoughts in your head be ordered, and you feel more than you think.
  • Body movements during a kiss should be gentle, romantic, maybe even a little timid, but not at all relaxed and rude. A kiss in an embrace is the best thing that can connect two young people.
  • You can get rid of anxiety about the first kiss by visualizing this process. Just imagine in your head how your kiss will go, what the movements and emotions will be, and when this happens in reality, you will no longer worry so much.
  • When watching movies, pay attention to how the actors who play the roles of lovers kiss. Basically, these will be melodramas and family films with beautiful love and tenderness. You can remember the movements of the hands and head that the girl makes, as well as the lips. Then you will already decide for yourself what your first kiss will be.

How to kiss with tongue

The kiss with the tongue is very passionate and so loved by people in love from all over the world. It is called French because France is considered a country of lovers, and only a truly loving couple can be ready for this kiss.

How to kiss lessons

  • Fresh breath is the key to a good kiss. Make sure that oral hygiene is at the highest level, it is very easy to do this - everyone can have chewing gum or mint candy in their pocket.
  • Bad breath makes a kiss unpleasant from the very beginning and can put an end to relationships if they are recent.
  • You need to make sure that your partner wants such a kiss. To do this, when kissing, open your lips a little more than usual and try to touch the edge of your tongue to the partner's lips several times, if he answers you the same, then you can try to run your tongue a little further, just do it very gently and slowly. The tongue is a very sensitive organ and strong, so don't try to use force. This can make the kiss rough and unpleasant. Be relaxed
  • Moisturizing the lips while kissing is a good way to set yourself and your partner up for this action. Run your tongue over your lips and your partner's, only softer.
  • Then you can gradually increase the duration of the kiss, working your tongue in different directions, but gently and gently, you can suck your lips, fold your tongue into a tube, move up and down, from side to side and all this will be very pleasant.
  • When kissing with your tongue, be careful with your teeth, in no case should you bite your partner’s tongue, otherwise everything will come to naught, because against the background of tenderness and softness, biting your teeth will seem like a very ardent gesture on your part.

Remember that a kiss is a manifestation of a feeling of love for a person who means a lot to you and leaves a significant imprint on your life. Love is spiritual, but it is reinforced by physical contacts that send impulses to the human brain and he feels joy, euphoria, happiness and experiences pleasure incomparable.

The main thing for a couple is not to be afraid to experiment and find more and more new ways of kissing in order to receive not only spiritual, but also physical pleasure from love. Experiment in all areas of your life and then you will not regret that you did not do something out of fear.

In a relationship, you should always discuss those issues that concern one of the partners. It is important that your first love and first kiss coincide and be remembered for a lifetime as a bright and romantic feeling, and the person with whom it was connected remains a friend or husband for you.

Question: " How to kiss a guy right?”- every girl asked herself, perhaps even more than once. Someone honed their skills on tomatoes, while someone gained experience over time. One way or another, kissing a guy is a very pleasant thing, so every girl should learn how to do it correctly, which our article will help with.

First time

Most often, girls ask themselves the question: “How to kiss a guy for the first time?” Because it is the first kiss that can start a new relationship. Before the first kiss with a guy, you need to make sure that he is also not against such a development of events, otherwise you may find yourself in an awkward situation. Kissing a guy for the first time is always a very exciting event, so you need to prepare for it in advance. To properly kiss a guy, you must follow some recommendations:

    First, make sure your breath is fresh so the guy doesn't feel uncomfortable. Before a date with him, brush your teeth, stock up on mints or chewing gum.

    To properly kiss a guy, you need to make a comfortable hairstyle so that your hair does not interfere with the kiss. Believe me, guys don't like to feel a girl's hair in their mouth, so try to braid it back nicely.

    It is also advisable not to wear headgear like hats or caps, as they can interfere with the kiss.

    Painting your lips with bright lipstick or gloss is also undesirable if you want to kiss a guy the first time correctly. Lipstick can leave a greasy mark on the lips, which the guy will definitely not appreciate.

    Make sure that the place where you will kiss a guy for the first time is beautiful and least crowded. Still, kissing in public is not entirely ethical.

After the bulk of the recommendations are met, you can move on to action. When you and your boyfriend are alone, try to make sure he wants to kiss you too. To do this, it will be enough to perform simple manipulations: look up and look into the eyes of your partner. When he does this too, slowly look at his lips and then back. If the guy does not look away, blushing, then he is ready for a kiss, and you can kiss him.

Kissing a guy for the first time is as follows: when you touch his lips with your lips, close your eyes. When kissing, the tilt of your head should be opposite to the tilt of the guy's head. For the first time, it is not advisable to kiss with the tongue, as not every guy will appreciate it. You just need to open your lips a little and kiss him, clasping his lower lip with your two. At the same time, you can gently suck it, just do not overdo it so as not to cause discomfort to the guy. Kissing a guy for the first time should take no more than five seconds. It should be a light kiss, in which you can put your arm around the guy's neck or shoulders. When the kiss is over, do not rush to immediately withdraw your hands, as this will be at least strange. Open your eyes, smile at the guy, then slowly lower your arms. If he wants to kiss you again after that, don't resist, just enjoy the kiss, which can now last longer than five seconds. Kissing a guy a second time can suck.


Correctly kissing a guy with a tongue, which is called a kiss in French, is also not every girl knows how. And the thing is that the technique of kissing with the tongue is significantly different from a light touch with the lips or a kiss with a suction. It is impossible to learn how to kiss with the tongue correctly the first time, it will take some time, during which your partner will have to endure your inexperience. However, over time, you will be able to easily master kissing in French, but for now we will describe general recommendations regarding how to kiss a guy with my tongue.

    First of all, you should make sure that your breath is fresh, for which, before meeting with the object of adoration, you should brush your teeth, and you can also buy mints or breath freshener.

    Kissing with the tongue is necessary after you just kissed your partner on the lips. French kissing is an extension of a regular kiss, so you need to start kissing slowly, without using your tongue.

    When you started the kiss, after a while you should slightly open your lips and try to find the language of your partner with your tongue. You should not stick your tongue too deep, it will be enough to tease your partner a little with the tip of your tongue.

    You may not immediately find your partner's tongue, so you will first need to gently run the tip of your tongue along his upper lip, which will serve as a signal for action, and the partner will also start kissing you with his tongue.

    A French kiss can last a very long time, it depends solely on the desire of the partners.

    You should not immediately move away from the partner after the end of the kiss. When you finish kissing, you need to slowly return your tongue to its place, close your mouth and smile at your partner, showing that you liked the kiss.

Of course, it’s impossible to immediately learn how to kiss a guy with a suction or with a tongue, for this, in any case, practice is needed. However, over time, you and your partner will notice clear progress, and then kissing will become several times more pleasant.
