Negative energy of a person - signs. How to recognize an energy vampire - behavior

If it seems to you that there is an energy vampire in your environment, the signs described in this article will help confirm or refute the fears.

Energy vampire, signs - appearance

Many people know that there are. In order not to become another victim, you should find out the signs by which you can distinguish a person with such a gift.

If it seems to you that a colleague, friend or relative may be an energy vampire, pay attention to his features. By the appearance of a person, one can conclude whether he is endowed with such a gift or not. It's not a completely reliable test, but a suspect's match with this description should be alarming.

Take a closer look at an individual who seems suspicious. First of all, he will wrinkles on the interbrow and nasolabial folds.

The vampire is constantly dissatisfied with what is happening and negative emotions are imprinted on his face. If you see an older person with wrinkles, this is unlikely to arouse suspicion. However, if wrinkles appear on the face of a young man, it is worth considering.

pay attention to lips suspect. In people prone to vampirism, the corners of the lips are tilted down. This may indicate a possible negative gift and a squeamish nature.

In a person who feeds on other people's forces, hard look. It is not easy to communicate with such an acquaintance, he literally drills his eyes and sees right through you.

The iris of the eye vampires are usually dull in color, it can change, become brighter as soon as the personality is saturated with the energy of people.

pay attention to facial expression a person suspected of energy vampirism. It should have an imprint of boredom, sadness.

Concern and dissatisfaction may be due to the fact that a person does not understand what exactly is happening to him. If an individual knows that he has a gift, he will do his best to disguise his abilities and not give himself away by appearance.

You can also determine that there is a person in front of you who can feed on the forces of others by behavior. Each person is unique and has individual character traits, but, as a rule, the habits of people prone to energy vampirism are typical and give them away.

Such individuals are very spontaneous. They come unannounced, call at the wrong time. Appearing in a company, people prone to vampirism begin to chat incessantly, try to raise some provocative topics, and are able to piss off the interlocutor.

You can be sure that if among your acquaintances there is a person who cannot be escorted home, when he comes to visit, the person draws vitality from you.

Vampires are very annoying and annoying the more irritable you become, the more energy he manages to pump out. Energy vampires love to be pitiful. They can talk for several hours about what a difficult fate they have, trying in every possible way to feel sympathy, support and pity.

Such acquaintances whine that they have no money, problems at work, in school, in their personal lives. If these are not temporary problems, but a person behaves this way, then this can already be an alarming bell.

Individuals who love to feed on other people's energy very often talk about some kind of murders, disasters, like to gossip and discuss other people's troubles. They are ready to do anything to be noticed. - dress brightly, talk loudly, make noise, which cause discontent of others.

These people are walking problems, there are a lot of scandals and gossip around them. They receive energy not only from the person whom they managed to piss off through aggression or a quarrel, but also pump out emotions from those who witnessed the scene.

Another way to piss off a person, and, accordingly, feed on his emotions, is to pretend that you are very stupid. The more energy the interlocutor spends on explaining something to such a seemingly unintelligent person, the more the vampire will be sated.

Tactile contact is important for energy vampirism. Therefore, beware of conflicting personalities who seek to grab your hand, come close, look into your eyes.

If you want to understand whether to be afraid of a friend or not, pay attention to how cats react to this person. Furry pets do not tolerate the spirit of vampires and begin to behave aggressively towards them.

If you were in the house of an energy vampire, then pay attention to whether he has indoor plants. Usually, in the same room with people endowed with a similar gift, plants do not survive.

Another quality that characterizes a vampire is jealousy (not only in relation to a partner). A potential suspect will be jealous of friends, colleagues, relatives, children.

There is an opinion that people with a gift do not like coffee or tea, prefer soft drinks, try to eat spicy food and refuse sweets.

Any acquaintance can turn out to be a person with such an unusual gift. It will help to reliably find out whether your assumption is false or not.

There are other factors that can give out an energy vampire. Often such people try to occupy high positions - they need to feel power over others, to have a large number of donors. They take it out on their subordinates, they want a lot to depend on them, they are eager to decide human destinies.

These people can pay attention to various rallies and demonstrations (this is an opportunity to draw a lot of other people's energy).

Not all energy vampires occupy high positions, there are those who absolutely do not need it. If among your acquaintances there is a person who has the most negative attitude towards life, who hates literally all living things, from which the energy of destruction emanates, perhaps he is endowed with such a terrible and amazing gift.

Do not put yourself in danger, check in advance with the help of a test of acquaintances and determine which of them is the donor and which feeds on other people's forces. Knowing this, you will be able to protect yourself from communicating with such personalities (you can use some proven ones).

Energy vampires are those who take away our energy without our knowledge, make us weaker and live at the expense of others. How not to become an energy donor?

Our energy is an internal source of strength: everything that allows us to be alert, mobile, feel emotional uplift and physical activity. When a person is in a balanced state, the processes of spending and replenishing internal energy occur evenly.

If the balance is disturbed, the energy is spent faster than it is restored, and the person gradually begins to feel inner discomfort, fatigue, and the predominance of negative emotions. And we do not always spend our energy voluntarily.

What is Energy Vampirism?

When we communicate with other people, in addition to exchanging words and emotions, we exchange energy with each other.

If the exchange is uniform, then communication does not cause discomfort, there remains a feeling of mutual sympathy and affection. If the exchange is uneven, one of the interlocutors makes up for the deficit of his energy at the expense of the other.

Such a process can be conscious, for example, when a family member or close friend is sick, you consciously support him by giving a piece of your energy.

But if you were forced to give energy against your will, we can talk about energy vampirism - a kind of theft of your internal energy.

Energy vampires and energy donors: signs and causes of energy vampirism

Energy vampires are people who are not able to restore and maintain internal energy at a sufficient level on their own. They spend energy beyond measure (unresolved problems, negative emotions, unloved work), and do not have the opportunity to replenish it.

Often energy vampires become deeply insecure, emotionally and spiritually deprived people who simply do not have sources of positive emotions.

Energy donors are, accordingly, people who give their energy to vampires. The higher the donor is developed emotionally and mentally, the less he will notice the fact of vampirism.

However, if the donor is an ordinary person with an average supply of energy, the consequences of energy pumping can be very noticeable and even dangerous for him. Especially if communication with an energy vampire occurs constantly, and the energy deficit is more and more noticeable each time.

Energy Vampires can be of two types.

The first type is unconscious. Such vampires do not realize that they are actually feeding on other people's energy. These people become vampires in moments of failure, or they steal energy from time to time, but at the same time they do not wish harm to the one at whose expense they live. Sometimes such an unconscious vampire can be an elderly relative or child.

The second type - conscious vampires. Such people pose a much greater danger to the donor, since they purposefully pump out the vitality of others and are good at hiding their true intentions. They do not feel compassion for the victims, they are not emotionally attached to them, they do not burden themselves with ethical issues. Their main task is to get energy at any cost.

Signs of energy vampirism

The main sign of vampirism is your internal state during and after communication with a person. If for no particular reason you feel discomfort, hostility, a desire to end the conversation as soon as possible, and after the conversation you are overcome by fatigue and a feeling of inner emptiness, you can say that you are communicating with an energy vampire.

When it is impossible to exclude communication with an energy vampire for objective reasons, try to make him lose interest in you as a possible donor.

If a vampire's tactics don't work when interacting with you, they'll likely leave you alone.

  • The best strategy is to use the vampire's own weapons.
    If you are provoked to quarrels and a splash of negative emotions, try to piss off the vampire with a non-standard reaction: reduce everything to a joke, do not look him in the eye, abstract from his threats and accusations.
  • If the vampire is your boss, and the joke would be inappropriate, mentally imagine a mirror wall between you and the vampire so that all the negativity sent to your address returns to him through the mirror reflection without harming you. It is also good to cross your legs and arms, this way you will significantly reduce the outflow of your energy.
  • If a vampire takes up your time complaining and whining, tell him back a sad story from the life of your abstract acquaintances. It is important that your story is long enough so that the vampire loses interest in talking to you. Or tell the vampire that you are very busy and cannot listen to him.
  • If your energy is being siphoned off through discussing your problems and personal life, stop sharing private information, answer questions with vague phrases.

In general, your task is not to allow the vampire to lead you to those emotions through which the theft of your energy usually occurs. If you do not play by his rules, he will stop receiving your energy and communication with you will become uninteresting.

Energy vampirism at a distance

It rarely feels like a vampire is sucking your energy even from a distance. For example, you do not physically contact a person, but you feel a certain connection with him, an oppressive feeling and negative memories do not leave you.

Perhaps something reminds you of this person - some kind of, even trifling, gift from him, or vice versa, you left a thing belonging to you with a vampire.

In this case, you must try to get rid of the gifts and return the items that belong to you, or mentally say goodbye to them, and thus cease to be their owner.

It is also possible to steal your energy through non-verbal communication: letters, messages on social networks and on forums. You can provoke you to a surge of energy not only through personal contact, but also in virtual space.

Do not enter into correspondence with trolls, add people who annoy you to the “black list” of contacts, this will prevent further donation.

Energy vampire in the family: how to help an energy vampire?

The most frequent vampires in the family are children and elderly relatives - that is, the one with whom we cannot divorce, interrupt communication or go to different corners. Both of them often experience energy hunger: children have not yet learned to replenish their resources on their own; older people have energy weakened by age, and are also not always able to make up for the lack without outside help.

Also, a vampire can be a seriously ill person or someone who is under stress. In this case, you can help them replenish energy without harming themselves by sharing love and showing care, since love is a very powerful emotion in terms of energy. As a rule, several manifestations per day are enough for your loved ones to make up for the deficiency.

If the pet vampire requires too much of your energy, try replacing yourself with another donor. For example, put a large flower or an aquarium with fish in a relative’s room, take him out to nature more often, organize communication for him according to his interests.

How to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth?

The level of energy reserves is a relative value and is individual for each of us. It depends on many factors, including the date of birth. If, according to numerology, your energy level is low, you may be an unconscious vampire.

Test for the definition of energy vampirism.

You will need: pen, paper, calculator.

Write down your date of birth in dd-mm-yyyy format, for example: 14-09-1972.
We sum up all the digits of the record until we get a number less than 10: 1+4+0+9+1+9+7+2 = 33=3+3=6.
If the final number is less than 5, the person has low energy, he constantly needs to recharge.
If the final number is in the range from 5 to 7, the person's energy is normal, he does not need additional sources, but he needs to avoid energy donation.
If the final number is more than 7, the person has excess energy and can share it without harming himself.

How to restore energy after an energy vampire? How to get rid of energy vampirism?

If you are an energy vampire or have become its victim, it is extremely important for you to replenish your internal energy through other sources.

  • Nature fills you with energy very well: walk barefoot on the grass, lean against a tree trunk, expose your face to the sun's rays and feel how the power of nature fills your every cell.
  • Interact with the animals or houseplants you care for
  • Turn on your favorite music, headphones will allow you to mentally isolate yourself from the source of irritation or obsessive thoughts.
  • If possible, take a shower. Water washes away negative energy very well.
  • Deliver to yourself any joyful emotions that are now available. The main thing is to get a powerful positive charge and stop the flow of negative experiences.

Amulets and amulets, stones that protect against energy vampirism

To protect against the negative effects of vampires, a stone or talisman that suits you according to your zodiac sign will help. You can also carry the Eye of Fatima (a popular Turkish souvenir amulet) in your pocket, or pin it to the wrong side of your clothes with a pin. You can wear your zodiac sign as a pendant on your chest. You can make a charm with your own hands, for example, weave a bracelet, during the weaving of which you mentally charge it with your energy and endow it with protective properties.

In general, any thing charged with your energy (that is, that has been in contact with you for a long time) can act as a talisman-amulet, while the object-amulet should evoke only pleasant emotions and associations in you.
From time to time it is necessary to wash the amulet under running water, clean it with salt or soap in order to wash off the negative accumulated on it.

Believers who do not practice esotericism and pagan symbols can read prayers as a defense. To eliminate energy vampirism, the universal prayer “ Our Father or a prayer to your guardian angel.

To avoid the situation of energy vampirism or energy donation, it is important to remember the golden rule of communication: the exchange of energies during communication should be mutual, voluntary and comfortable.

If you are a donor, learn to firmly protect your borders from external encroachments. If you are a vampire, find people to communicate with who have excess energy, who give it away without harming themselves.

Video: Energy vampires. How to recognize and protect?

Figure 1. It's over, it doesn't look like an energy vampire, but there is something about this guy. Let's find out what they have in common.

Energy vampirism is a process in which one person (in most cases) unconsciously or consciously (using special techniques) steals some of the life energy of another.

Each person should live off their own life energy, happily and independently of each other. But, there are cases when a person cannot provide himself with enough energy. There are few ways out of this situation. The simplest is to steal energy from another.

Any country protects its citizen with the help of laws. You must not cause physical harm to another person, you must not deprive another person of life or spoil his health in any way. But today it is impossible to find protection against psycho-energy-informational aggression or energy vampirism in the laws.

Today, society does not understand enough what energy is, how this energy is exchanged, why it is needed, and much more that everyone should study. After all, many hurt each other and do not even realize it. Perhaps from the previous article you already know how to protect yourself from the negative energy of other people, but today we will talk in more detail about what energy vampirism is. Shall we start?

It's no secret that while living we accumulate and spend energy. Saving it without spending it is pointless, because sooner or later you will not be able to save more energy than you have. Lack of energy also negatively affects our lives. Everything needs balance. And if you feel bad after communicating with some people, then perhaps these people upset this balance.

We all interact with other people to one degree or another. At the moment of this communication, we exchange not only information, but also energy. It happens that communication balances our energy and the energy of a partner, but there is also an unequal exchange. When you communicate with an energy vampire, he tries to take as much of your energy as possible.

Almost all people are energy vampires to one degree or another. The only question is how strongly it is expressed. You have probably noticed how most people interact with each other on the energy plane. It's good to have the situation under control. And if not? Then you run the risk of becoming part of a process called vampirism.

Figure 2. What is vampirism anyway?

If you take a dictionary, you can find the following definition:

Definition from

A vampire or ghoul, or ghoul, is in the lower mythology of the peoples of Europe a dead man who rises from the grave at night or appears in the form of a bat, sucking blood from sleeping people, sending nightmares. It is believed that "unclean" dead - criminals, suicides, who died an untimely death and died from vampire bites - became vampires. .

In addition to this definition, we can meet vampires in cinematography, literature, and biology.

Energy vampires

An energy vampire is a creature (most often a person) that feeds on someone else's energy. Most often, both the donor and the recipient (recipient) are people.

Vampires meet us almost every day - they surround us. In some cases, we ourselves have to become a vampire. In fact, you've probably been a vampire in some way, too. Vampirism is a common phenomenon in modern society. But this is far from what helps people develop. Vampirism must be fought. It is normal to exchange energy, but just not "sucking" energy from another person without transferring your own to him. Of course, it is possible to do this without realizing it, which can be observed quite often today.

So far, we've only talked about human vampires. But this is not entirely correct. Have you ever had a breakdown after being in a place or after watching a horror movie? Further, we will call all things that take away strength from a person - energy vampires. In most cases, of course, it will be people.

If we divide energy vampires into categories, we can distinguish the following:

  • Children. Children need a lot of energy. They can take it from others, but most often from close people (mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather ...)
  • Parents. It also happens that there are people in the family with whom it is difficult to communicate, or who deliberately spoil your mood, make you angry, piss you off. Indeed, on the contrary, in the stereotype that has developed in our country, it is the parents who spend their energy on children. But, have you ever heard phrases like "I worked for you all my life, and you ...". Sometimes parents do not even notice how they enjoy the fact that the child obeys them. This also includes the disruption of negative emotions that parents "pour out" on their children. We will dwell on this in more detail in the article on the energy of the genus.
  • Friends. I think that you are familiar with the situation when a friend (girlfriend) comes to you and begins to tell that he (she) is doing very badly. He (she) is bad, but you are good. In such a situation, a friend or girlfriend wants to arouse your sympathy. As soon as you begin to worry or get upset about another person, you can be sure that you have given away some of your energy.
  • Sick people. If a person is sick, then all his strength is spent on restoring himself. To recover faster, a person needs more energy. Being near the patient, you can feel a great breakdown. Well, this can be seen in hospitals.
  • Brawlers (boots). Do you know people who are very fond of being rude, scandalous, swearing? In this way, they try to recharge their energy from the person they are yelling at.

With this list of human vampires, I would like to end. But, as you understand, this is not all. Let's try to summarize the above.

Actions that cause you to feel fear, anxiety, anger, anxiety, guilt, resentment, sympathy, and the like lead to a loss of your energy.

All of the types of people listed above have one thing in common: they try to evoke one or more negative emotions in you and thus take some of your energy for themselves. But this still does not mean that all brawlers, lovers of shouting, annoying are vampires.

Perhaps you should not write down every person you meet on your list of energy vampires who spoiled your mood. Such accusations should be at least well thought out by you. You must learn to monitor your energy reserve, which consists of your efficiency, mood, perseverance, desire to live and create, mental endurance, etc. Have you noticed how you suddenly lose energy at certain times? After what did it happen? After interacting with a person? Was this the first time or is it ongoing? Does this person hurt only you or everyone around you? Why is this person doing this? Why does he need your vital energy? In what way is he trying to steal some of your energy? There are a lot of questions to think about. After that, you must work on yourself to close the weak spot through which your energy is being stolen.

Energy vampire at work

You wake up on a weekday, you have to go to work. It’s good if there is a friendly, pleasant, loving team waiting for you there, with whom you are always happy to meet. But this, unfortunately, is very, very rare. Often, people will be waiting for you who already lack energy in the morning and who are still waiting for an energy donor to recharge them.

The most common vampire at work is the boss. It often happens that he gathers everyone on Monday morning and begins to tell how and why each of the employees does not work well. At this “five-minute session”, he will find a bad word for everyone in order to somehow hook a person. It is very good if this happens only on Mondays, and not on every working day of the week. After such a meeting, only the boss remains in a mood, he is charged with energy, although not of the best quality.

In addition to the boss, your work colleagues can also be vampires, who just want to spoil your mood or do something bad.

But the worst thing is if you hate your job. In this case, you will lose a lot of strength, which you need to take from somewhere. Doing a job that you hate, you yourself risk becoming an energy vampire.

How to steal the energy of other people?

Figure 3. How to steal energy?

The main way to steal energy from another person is to cause emotions in him. Negative ones are more suitable, because by their nature they are more energetically stronger. The main goal is to take a person out of his energy balance. This forces the victim to give up a certain amount of life energy.

After a person "swings" (in terms of energy), the normal flow of his subtle or ethereal energy is interrupted. When our energy flows in the wrong direction, it disrupts the normal functioning of the energy centers (chakras).

Energy Vampirism Techniques

Vampirism usually occurs when two people are "not equal" to each other. For example, one of them is older and has more experience than the other. Or one is much stronger physically than the other. Or one has power over the other. However, this is not always the case.

An experienced vampire may drastically change their behavior to see which method works best in a particular situation. He (or she) can scream, cry (more relevant to children), be gentle and sweet, argue and swear - it all depends on what the vampire needs at a particular moment in time and what type of person is standing in front of him. For example, there are people who cannot be hooked with anger and screaming, but who pay attention to pity. If we talk about specific techniques of energy vampirism, then we can distinguish the general ones:

  • Words.

    This is the most common technique in today's society. Words can easily offend or anger a person, threaten, frighten, shock, seduce, etc. In most cases, words are used as false and untruthful facts.

    Some parents may criticize their children unnecessarily, or raise their voice at them when it is not necessary. Others, on the contrary, overly praise the child and give him everything he wants. Even if it is done with good intentions, it can affect the child more negatively than positively.

  • Sex.

    Perhaps we will not dwell on this in detail now, because this is the topic of another article. But for now, stop understanding that making love is not just physical pleasure.

  • non-verbal behavior.

    Even a smile can provoke another person to release a certain amount of vital energy. Certainly not the best technique for stealing energy.

  • Cloth.

    This is another energy vampire technique to steal another's energy. The color, texture, price of clothes can hurt the interlocutor or just a passerby.

  • The list can be continued indefinitely. People who impress you or cause you an energetic imbalance are likely to take some of your energy for themselves.

Types of Energy Vampires

This part of the article will be a kind of continuation of what we have just analyzed. Let's try to systematize all types of energy vampirism.

  1. vampire victims
    • People who get sick and lose all their strength to eliminate the disease.
    • People who are depressed, morally or mentally depressed from difficulties in life or other problems.
    • Pessimists
  2. vampire executioners
    • tyrants
    • Business exploiter
    • sadists
  3. mixed type of the above two
    • sado-masochists
    • Conformists. (Conformity - a change in a person's behavior or opinion under the influence of real or imagined pressure from another person or group of people)
  4. vampires are manipulators
    • A "friend" who constantly tries to hang his problems and affairs on you.
    • Despot (autocratic ruler)

Solar and Lunar Vampires

Figure 4. Solar vampires.

Extrovert vampires (or solar vampires) are just the same evil brawlers who are ready to fight with you, just to get at least some portion of energy from you. They are usually selfish, very aggressive and tough. Their main tool for obtaining energy is physical and mental pain. They will not hide their displeasure and will tell you everything to your face. You can call solar vampires - open.

Figure 5. Lunar vampires.

Introverted vampires (or lunar vampires) are sort of the opposite of solar vampires. They will receive energy from you gently and calmly. This category of people includes whiners, pessimists, bores. They will tell you over and over again how bad they feel and expect you to help them. Unlike extrovert vampires, lunar vampires will not quarrel with you and prove their case.

Causes of energy vampirism

Most likely, there has always been an unequal exchange of energy. After all, people who live on the entire planet have different spiritual levels. We can have approximately the same level with our interlocutor, then this communication will most likely benefit both. If one of the interlocutors is much higher than the level of spiritual development, then he gives his energy for balance.

This is well described in the book "Psychoenergetic Protection. Handbook. - Klyuchnikov S.Yu." . In this reference book, you can come across the question, why are all types of vampirism on the rise in our time? You can read the full answer in the book, and in short: for a long time we have been observing a downward trend in the development of human spiritual life. If this is not stopped, then humanity can turn into a crowd of vulgar, thoughtless and spiritually devastated people.

Signs of energy vampirism

Video 1. Signs of an energy vampire. Formula for calculating donors and vampires

Main text of the video

Firstly, many authors of articles about energy vampirism write that an energy vampire is, first of all, a person who scandalizes and screams. So, I want to tell you that this is absolutely not true. There are vampires who fight and scream in order to get a negative reaction from other people. There are donors who just quarrel and scream in the same way, and in this situation, to understand only on the basis that a person quarrels and screams, it means that he is a vampire, perhaps, it is not worth it. Vampires really very often provoke other people to release negative emotions precisely by shouting and swearing. But there is an opposite situation, when the donor screams, swears, throws out a charge of his energy, and the vampire calmly takes it from the open access. So it's impossible to say for sure.

One woman in an article writes that the energy from donors flows only from the third (chakra) and fourth chakra and comes to the vampire. This, in fact, is some kind of stupidity, because if a woman is an energy donor and she gives energy to a vampire man, her energy will definitely flow mainly from the second and fourth chakras. But here it will depend on how the relationship is built. If a woman's relationship with a man is built within the framework of mother and son, that is, the donor woman is mother, and the vampire man is in the role of son, then, of course, her energy will flow from the fourth chakra. If the relationship is built on the principle of father-daughter, but I will immediately make a reservation that such relationships are mainly built when a man is a donor, and a woman is a vampire. But there are exceptions. In any case, in normal, harmonious relationships, when a woman does not perform the function of a mother, but performs the function of a woman and a wife, that is, a mistress of the house or just a beloved woman. In any case, it will give energy from the second chakra. To say that with energy vampirism, only the third and fourth chakras are involved in us, this, it seems to me, is fundamentally wrong. I think that in general, absolutely any chakra can be involved, probably, except for the highest ones. Because if a woman, for example, or a man screams during the release of energy, there may even be a fifth chakra involved.

Many say that the energy vampire acts directly. That is, if he needs the energy of a donor, then he will absolutely openly provoke this donor to some negative bright emotions. In fact, this is the third myth. Vampires in search of energy will just do it on the sly. Most of my observations of vampires just came down to the fact that a vampire is always very competent. And even if this happens in family relationships, then most often you will notice such a situation that the vampire will imperceptibly provoke his donor to return energy.

How do you know if you've been vampiric?

The first thing to be said here is the regularity of the emotions experienced after dealing with the alleged vampire. Only in the case when the symptoms appear repeatedly, constantly, can we talk about vampirism on the part of another person.

A sign can be physiological, psychological and psychoenergetic deviations. Let's break them down.

  • Physiological signs
    • Headache
    • Pressure and pain in the heart, palpitations
    • Insomnia
    • Difficulty breathing
    • Decreased appetite
    • General malaise
  • Psychological signs
    • Fatigue
    • Reduced performance
    • "Dullness" to the vital perception of the world around
  • Psychoenergetic signs
    • Loss of mood
    • Feelings of fear, guilt, debt to another person
    • Pessimism
    • Awareness of one's own insignificance

All of these signs do not have to be present at the same time when interacting with a vampire. Moreover, we have analyzed far from everything, but only the main ones. However, this information may help in identifying the true vampire if you experience recurring symptoms from two or three categories at the same time (for example: headache + fatigue + loss of mood).

How to protect yourself from an energy vampire?

Figure 6. Sorry, but garlic and sunlight will not save us from those vampires that are described in this article. Let's see what protection methods work.

Why should we talk about protection from energy vampirism? At a minimum, so that your life is filled with energy, which means joyful and pleasant. You need energy to live and enjoy, and if someone upsets the balance of your energy, then this is somehow not very good.

To date, science has not yet been able to confirm the fact of vampirism, but this does not mean that the problem of protection against energy vampires is not relevant.

Now we will look at some techniques and methods of protection against energy vampires, but you must understand the most important thing: a strong person is unlikely to fall under the influence of a vampire.

Develop yourself physically, energetically, psychologically, be a spiritually strong person - this is the most effective way to protect yourself from energy vampires.

Protection methods

Figure 7. Methods and techniques of protection against vampires

  • Method for constructing an energy shield.

    I think the name of the method has already become clear to you. You need to imagine around yourself a very dense shield of luminous matter that can protect you from the negative energy of another person. In addition, some imagine this shield as a reflective screen that returns to the ‘attacker’ all his negativity. The effectiveness of this method will depend on how strongly you can visualize a given shield.

  • Vampire Downplaying Method

    There are situations when the victim of an energy attack exaggerates the image of the vampire standing opposite. For example, he is afraid of him. This plays into the hands of the stealer of someone else's power, because this way he significantly increases the chances of stealing some of the energy from you. Tip: Downplay the vampire. Imagine him as a clown or a small person. (This technique can also be found in psychology)

  • Protective words

    If a person believes, for example, in mantras, then confidently repeating and understanding them can protect you. Breathing, correct rhythm, correct word order, visualization can play a role here.

  • Attack

    Best defense is attack. Whether this is so, everyone decides for himself. But such a method exists and it is quite effective. Moreover, in my opinion, it is the most effective of the above.

  • Ignoring

    Suppose you are constantly complaining about your fate, but at the same time the person does not want to do anything in order to improve it. Treat such complaints coldly, ignore them. You may think that this is very harsh and wrong. However, it is the best defense for you and the best help for the person who is complaining.

  • ritual protection

    Do you believe that energy cannot be taken away from us if you cross your fingers or arms? This will not be a bad method of protection if this action is a ritual for you. Any sequence of actions that has a deep moral and energetic meaning for a person can help preserve vitality.

  • Protective Items

    In every religion there are items that are designed to protect a person. Such items include sacred figures in Buddhism, and talismans with amulets, and, of course, pectoral crosses, which are used in Catholicism and Orthodoxy.

  • Closing and leaving the vampire

    There is nothing stopping you from shutting down or leaving the vampire. Starting from physical actions (crossing arms, looking away, etc.) to spiritual closure and withdrawal (hiding information about yourself, silence, ignoring).

  • Egregor protection

    We will talk about egregores with you in another article. In the meantime, it should be said that a person’s appeal to the egregor of the religion he professes can help him in the fight against a vampire. The success of this method depends on the strength of love and belief in one's religion.

  • Chakra Protection
  • Protection during illness

    When a person is ill, not only the physical, but also the astral and etheric bodies are weakened. This means that it will be easier to deliver an energy strike. Therefore, during an illness, try to save energy, meditate, and pray.

Protection against theft of energy in Orthodoxy

The Orthodox religion has only one method of protection against the theft of life force. This advice goes like this:

Pray, think of nothing, and the darkness will dissipate!

Perhaps this will be enough to achieve victory over the "enemy", but this will obviously not be enough to understand all the nuances and techniques of energy transitions. This emotional defense method is good for those who sincerely believe in their prayers.

Manifestations on the subtle bodies of a person

Where does it show up? Example
physical plane Traditional vampire for humans: a person who goes out at night and feeds on human blood (classic vampire). This image can be found in literature and cinema. It may be hard to believe, but today it is also present in real life. For example, in America, according to some sources, about 10 million people (mostly sects) practice classic vampirism.
Ethereal Plan Abduction of human vitality and energy.
astral plane Shaking of human emotions, mood abduction.
mental plane Theft of thoughts and creative ideas.
On a spiritual level An attempt to take the soul of a person.


You may think that this article is closely related to psychology. Let this not bother you, because each psychological quality carries a certain type of energy.

And so, let's sum up the short conclusions. Energy vampirism is the theft of a person's life force (in most cases).

There are: victim vampires (sick, weak people), executioner vampires (stealing power purposefully and enjoying it), mixed types of the two above (depending on the circumstances, such a person can be both a victim and an executioner)

It is possible and necessary to protect yourself from energy vampires, you just need to develop yourself and not succumb to the negative influence of other people.

Video 2. Of course, psychology is not esoteric, but I still advise you to watch this lecture about energy vampires.

The article is based on ideas from the following books:

  • Klyuchnikov S.Yu. - Psychoenergetic protection. Directory
  • Popov R.I. - Energetic self-defense - the path of self-knowledge (parts 1, 2)

They do not drink blood, they are not afraid of garlic, silver and sunlight. These people feed on the emotions of others.

Do energy vampires really exist?

Psychologists and bioenergetics are sure that they exist. These "bloodsuckers" complain about their unfortunate fate, quarrel, bore, threaten or otherwise try to unbalance their victim. It is not surprising, therefore, that one person or even a whole group of people to whom such a message is directed deteriorates the mood, the state of health worsens, impotence and depression appear.

Not always vampires know that they need recharge. However, even if they unconsciously draw energy from others, you should know how to counter energy vampires. Otherwise, there is a danger of getting sick: a negative impact weakens the body, reduces its protective functions. It's pretty easy to figure out how to counter energy vampires. You just need to adopt proven psychological and bioenergetic techniques.

Signs that you can recognize a vampire

After communicating with him, fatigue and irritability arise, tends to sleep. You feel like a squeezed lemon.

Such an individual does not miss the opportunity to scandal, argue, throw out his dissatisfaction and anger at others. Then his mood immediately improves.

A person in relation to others may not show visible aggression, but constantly complain about health and fate, complain, demanding sympathy and taking up a lot of time from interlocutors. At the same time, he, as a rule, does nothing to make his life better.

Entertainers and chatterers, always striving to be in the spotlight, are a special kind of energy vampires. However, you should not suspect all those around you who have similar traits. But if such a person does not cause positive emotions, his active interference in the personal space of others can be called energy aggression. How do energy vampires behave? The peculiarity that distinguishes such people is the following: they often try to establish with you - they stroke, pat on the shoulder or strive to touch. All these signs will help you figure out how to recognize an energy vampire.

There is another sign. These people love to borrow, while promising to repay "as soon as possible."

How to protect yourself from vampires?

In shops, in transport, at work and just on the street, you can easily meet a bloodsucker. Don't let him into your personal space! You should know how to counter energy vampires.

Be sure to remain calm, even if it is not easy to remain impartial. You should never come into conflict with such a person, this will save you from internal imbalance.

Now we will tell you about how to deal with energy vampires.

Learn to refuse if the annoying requests of another take time and disrupt plans. Avoid even talking on the phone with people who are constantly complaining about fate, complaining about life, bosses, husband (wife) or children. We need to help those who really need it.

You should not reveal your energy to unknown people. If a person does not inspire confidence in you, but you are forced to be in his field of vision (a trip in transport, a meeting and other situations), you should cross your arms or clasp your hands in a castle and connect your feet. So you will close your personal space and become inaccessible to the energy vampire.

Bioenergetics are also advised to wear a small mirror on the inside of clothing, with a reflective surface directed away from you. This is a talisman against an energy vampire. You can also use a pin instead of a mirror. Such a talisman against a vampire (energy), according to bioenergetics, will reflect the negative directed at you.

We accumulate energy

Donor trees will help to accumulate strength. If you stand by a pine, oak or birch for several minutes, hugging or touching them, and imagine how this tree fills you with energy, you can resist any negative impact. It is best to choose a tree that grows separately from the rest.

We are openly or covertly subjected to psychic attacks from day to day. Therefore, it is useful for everyone to know how to get rid of an energy vampire. The conditions for successfully counteracting various negative energies are as follows.

Useful properties of water

Take a contrast shower in the evening and in the morning: water washes away the bad. If, for example, at work there was contact with an unpleasant person, you can sprinkle your face with cold water and wash your hands with soap and water. So you can get rid of at least partially the negative message.

Drink a tea made from various medicinal herbs (for example, horsetail, calamus, yarrow) after dealing with a vampire ... and forgive your offender. You should eat black or red pepper, add nutmeg to coffee - this will extinguish the negative energy directed at you.

Full sleep

A comfortable, full-fledged sleep is very important: forces are restored during rest, the resistance of the whole organism grows. Do not remember before going to bed those who offended you during the day. They should not be allowed into dreams.

Silver jewelry

It is preferable to wear jewelry made of silver, as this metal clears thoughts and absorbs negativity. A silver item can be placed in water for a while. After that, silver ions will turn it into a living one, which has protective, antibacterial and restorative properties.

Often we ourselves are the cause of energy depletion, because we attract increased attention to ourselves. Defiant demeanor, bright appearance - and you are on the hook. Don't provoke! Sometimes modesty is beneficial energetically.

The power of thought and words

Intrusion into the information-biological personal space, popularly referred to as the evil eye and damage, will bring harm only if the soul is open to negativity. Thoughts and words carry different information, so do not destroy yourself with negative emotions. Be optimistic! People who think positively are not carriers of negative energy, and also do not attract it to themselves. Learn to forgive! even at the slightest manifestation of such an emotion as anger, it retains a negative state for two days. The more rage you have, the more unhealthy it is. On the contrary, a positive attitude towards people and events guarantees good health and attracts good luck.

Making an energy barrier

In order to extinguish negative energy without losing strength, you should be able to put up protection. You can take advantage of the practice that yogis use. They know how to get rid of an energy vampire. If you are forced by the nature of your activity to be in the same room with the manipulator for a long time, use your imagination and combine several techniques.


Feel and imagine that in front of you at the level of the intercostal space, as well as on the sides and behind, there are 4 golden warm peas at arm's length. Imagine mentally that they are spinning around you, thereby forming a hoop. After that, try to see how it turns into an egg that has dense walls. For about a minute, its layers are wound on top of each other. In this case, the shells of the egg can be imagined as colored, best of all orange, blue, golden. It is very important to feel all your actions. You can also imagine that a silver-white web has enveloped you, forming a dome. Thus, you will prevent the breakdown of the biofield by closing its circuit. You are protected!

"Mirror Wall"

You can mentally build a mirror wall between an unpleasant interlocutor and you. You can also place yourself in the mirror cube. Negative energy will be reflected, and the ghoul will leave you alone, having lost some of the power. You can also build a brick wall: imagine that you are laying cement, placing bricks.

Playing theater

The effect of alienation will help to keep calm - a special psychological technique. Imagine that you are in the auditorium of a puppet theater for children. Energy vampire acts as Karabas-Barabas. Imagine how it shrinks in size. Now take any aggression against you as a role. This will help you not to take the words to heart. You can alternatively imagine the energy vampire as a TV speaker.

It is useful to use other means. It can be a prayer from energy vampires, listening to your favorite music, sports and more. Listen to your feelings, look deeper into yourself more often: on a subconscious level, we all know how to resist energy vampires.

Energy vampires suck out the life energy of others, plunging them into apathy, pessimism, and even nervous breakdowns. You can recognize such people in various ways: by calculating by date of birth, by noticing a number of external signs, or by analyzing their behavior.

Who are energy vampires

There are people who unconsciously or consciously “pull out” someone else’s energy, thereby feeding on it. These people are called energy vampires. Just as those who want to satisfy physical hunger are able to steal food from other people, the vampire steals life energy from those around him.

Who is the most likely victim:

  • a sympathetic person, a good and reliable friend who is always ready to help in difficult times in order to get his location, energy suckers go to the trick, gaining the trust of a generous person, and then use it. It can be either a girl or a guy;
  • overly trusting and respectable people can attract an energy stick and, without suspecting anything, do good deeds, thereby opening up to him, and he, playing with feelings, more and more attracts the victim to his person in order to absorb vital energy;
  • a merciful person who is not indifferent to the troubles of others.
Energy vampires are fueled by the vitality of gullible and sympathetic people.

Is it possible to become or cease to be

The tendency to vampirism can be not only innate, but also acquired. People temporarily become thieves of other people's vitality as a result of:

  • illness;
  • experienced stress;
  • the absence of a loved one or partner to rely on.

Small children and old people also often "vampire" energy. The first - due to the fact that they themselves are not yet able to quickly replenish it, the second - as a result of a natural decrease in vitality, lack of activity and positive communication. So, if it seemed to you that the grandmother at the entrance was constantly looking askance at you, then it didn’t seem to you.

Young children can be energy vampires when they lack parental love and attention.

You can stop being an energy vampire. To do this, it is enough to learn how to replenish vitality on your own:

  • spend more time in nature;
  • to live an active lifestyle;
  • fully rest;
  • make time for hobbies;
  • enjoy every little thing that happens in life.

If a person learns to take energy from nature, favorite pastime, activity, he will not need to steal it from others.

How much harm can they cause and to whom?

Contact with such a person may cause you:

  • physical ailments (pressure drops, heart problems and sudden headaches);
  • neurological disorders (feeling of exhaustion, decreased ability to work);
  • emotional changes (despondency, loss of interest in activities, decreased self-esteem, nervous breakdown, loss of life purpose).

How to recognize an energy vampire by date of birth

To calculate, you need to know the day, month and year of birth of a person. For calculations, it is worth preparing paper and a pen.

Write down the full date of birth on a piece of paper, for example, 02/06/1995. Then calculate the sum of the numbers you wrote down (0+6+0+2+1+9+9+5=32). It turned out a number of two digits, it must be reduced to one. For example, we got 32, add 3+2=5. By this figure, you can determine whether a person has a tendency to energy vampirism.

You can start with friends or relatives: calculate the potential of your boss, girlfriend, or even mother-in-law. Not always disposition or disregard for your person speaks of vampirism.

One or two

If after the calculations you get 1 or 2, most likely, this person has a tendency to steal life forces from others. Intentionally or not, but he feeds on your energy, replenishing his strength for vivacity and action.

Do not immediately break off relations with this person. First, try to figure out if he knows about his features. Perhaps when you talk to him about it, together you will definitely find a common solution to the problem.

If one of your family members turned out to be a potential vampire: a husband, mother or brother, then you should not be especially afraid of him, limit communication with him, because there is no threat to life as such. You just need to be more careful not to give in to attempts to provoke you into any emotional outbursts.

Ones and twos are the most aggressive energy vampires

Threes, sixes and eights

If the result of your calculations is the number 3, 6 or 8, this person does not have the ability to draw life forces out of people. On the contrary, such a person has good immunity to energy vampirism. She is strong in spirit, has a fairly stable character and a powerful aura that creates impenetrable armor around her, insurmountable for the energy sucker.


The number 4 means that the person has supernatural powers. If this potential is developed, such a person can become a powerful sorcerer. Persons whose date of birth comes down to four are fickle in their connections, they have no tendency to become attached to people. Thus, they protect their energy. But if suddenly, due to illness or stress, their supply of vitality is exhausted, he can easily become an energy vampire, and strong enough not to let go of his victims.

Five and seven

It is important for people with a five or seven to be very careful when making new acquaintances. They are the most vulnerable and can become easy prey. To protect yourself, wear a ward that will create powerful armor around you and will not allow you to steal your energy. You tend to quickly expend vitality, so to replenish them, get out into nature more often, go for walks, find time for a hobby that gives you pleasure and fills you with positive emotions.

It is important for fives and sevens to regularly replenish their energy reserves, because they are among the most likely donors of vitality.


If the result is the number nine, the person whose date of birth you worked with has magical powers. Such a person cannot steal someone else's energy, on the contrary, she has a very clean and bright aura. Initially, the “nines” have the greatest gift, in order to develop it and achieve great success, you should actively work on it. Otherwise, it may never open up.

Video: how to calculate an energy vampire by date of birth

vampirism by zodiac sign

All signs of the zodiac can be both vampires and victims. According to the horoscope, only a predisposition to absorb other people's vitality can be calculated. Much depends on the environment, lifestyle and other factors.


Aries show very strong abilities to steal other people's energy, and this extends not only to family members and relatives. Outsiders can also fall under the influence of a vampire. With his arrogance and habit of expressing himself in a rude way, he unsettles the victim. If she begins to show aggression in response, the goal has been achieved. Negative emotions are released outward, allowing the Aries vampire to quench his thirst.


For Taurus vampires, it is important to establish tactile contact with their victim. Such people skillfully use their ability to evoke sympathy and compassion for others in others, while during a conversation they touch various parts of the body:

  • shake hands;
  • hug;
  • touch the shoulders.

Telling heartbreaking stories about how unfair fate is to them, Taurus evokes sympathy from the victim and absorbs her energy.


Gemini vampires satisfy their energy hunger by spreading a variety of false facts. It can be someone's unconfirmed rumors, gossip about other people. They feel lonely and rejected if they do not engage in verbal communication with someone for a long time. Representatives of this zodiac sign are prone to frank phone conversations that try not to finish as long as possible.

Vampire twins are prone to long conversations, especially on the phone.


Cancers are accustomed to setting a goal and gently but persistently achieve it. Such people give the impression that they always have everything under control. They can be quite strong vampires or, on the contrary, become a victim of an energy sucker, but there will be no particular harm from this, since representatives of such a zodiac sign are able to quickly restore their energy losses.

a lion

Lions draw the energy of admiration, becoming the soul of the company


Virgo's sensitivity helps them recognize the energy vampire. Sometimes they try to set him on the right path, urging him to think about his misdeeds. At the same moment, representatives of this sign do not reject the offender, but voluntarily give him their attention, surround him with care, and express a desire to support him. Virgos are not particularly afraid of the machinations of energy suckers, if they are provoked into a conflict, they try to settle it or simply ignore it.


Libras are harmless and never provoke scandals. They are energized from outside. When those who start a conflict with all the ensuing consequences come into view, most often the representatives of this sign prefer to remain on the neutral side. In doing so, they absorb the vitality of those who quarrel.


The most insatiable energy vampires are Scorpios. Starting a scandal with colleagues or a loved one, they know exactly what strings to pull in order to get the desired treat. After contact with a representative of this sign, you can feel physical discomfort:

  • aching headache;
  • tinnitus;
  • prostration.

The most harmless Scorpio vampires are signed by the energy that is released during sex, which is why they are great lovers.

Scorpios are one of the most insatiable energy vampires.


Among Sagittarians - the smallest number of energy vampires, since the patronage of the planet Jupiter provides them with good nourishment. In exceptional cases (illness, stress), representatives of this sign steal other people's vitality in this way. They categorically express their point of view as a fact that is not subject to discussion. This causes a storm of indignation - this is exactly what the hungry Sagittarius was waiting for.


Capricorns are used to getting their portion of vitality by establishing patronage over other people. Often, energy vampires who belong to this zodiac sign show real bloodthirstiness at work, exhausting their colleagues with remarks and moralizing, finding fault with every little thing. This is also the fault of teachers in universities and schools.

Such assertiveness often deprives the victim of confidence in their actions, she forgets about the boundaries of her duties and unconsciously tries to do someone else's work so that she is not considered an unimportant employee or student. Capricorn vampires feed on feelings of chagrin, despondency and confusion, suppressing the will of their victim.


Aquarians are recharged by dynamic and positive people. Representatives of this sign are open by nature and quickly find a common language with anyone. Their sociability helps to make a large number of friends, and among them there are quite a few carriers of powerful energy.

Aquarians are fueled by positive people, entering their circle of trust.


Pisces are easy prey for the energy vampire. They are distinguished by a refined nature and weak character. Becoming a victim, representatives of this zodiac sign reach the last stage of apathy and begin to need recharging themselves. They get their portion of vitality by telling sad stories from life, evoking sympathy and pity in people: she is a bad mother, an unhappy wife, and no mistress ... Is it a pity? That's it!

How to recognize by visual signs

Important signs of vampirism are wrinkles between the eyebrows and around the lips. They indicate constant indignation and dissatisfaction with life, which are expressed with the help of facial muscles. Most often, such irregularities are very noticeable in older people, but these grooves can also appear in young people. In the second case, you need to be extremely careful.

Another feature is the look. Have you noticed that sometimes a person looks at you in such a way that it becomes creepy, you want to fall into the ground or run away? Thus manifest themselves those who steal the vitality of others. Another option is an eternally sad look that drives one into depression.

The color of the eyes of energy vampires tends to change, the shade becomes cloudy or very bright. The second option manifests itself when they receive a portion of vital energy, especially from a large number of people.

In people who have the ability to drink other people's vital juices, the corners of the mouth are most often slightly lowered. It can also be a sign of a capricious, quarrelsome nature and constant discontent.

Their face most often expresses:

  • despondency;
  • sadness;
  • disappointment;
  • excitement.

If there is such a person in your circle of acquaintances, pay attention to what emotional state you have after communicating with him.

The skin of energy vampires is most often pale, the gait is sluggish, uncertain, as if a person’s thoughts are very far away. Often such people are thin, and they use this feature of their physique, boasting about it. They do this, for example, so that those around them, who dream of a slender, graceful figure, envy and additionally feed them with their emotions.

External signs of an energy vampire in the photo

The drooping corners of the lips can indicate not only a penchant for vampirism, but also a quarrelsome character Pale skin and thinness are often presented by a vampire as an advantage in appearance Wrinkles on the forehead at a young age often betray an energy vampire A heavy look from which one wants to escape is considered an important sign of vampirism

How to identify them by behavior

If you communicate with a person for a long time, the easiest way to determine whether he is an energy vampire is by his behavior.

evoke compassion and pity

Most often they are not interested in questions of self-development, improvement. They constantly impose a negative mood on others, complain about fate, tell how fate is merciless to them. Surrounding, experiencing compassion, feed them.

Provoke quarrels and annoy

Those who like to profit from someone else's energy deliberately start a scandal, one might say, from scratch, provoking others. Energy vampires often become the instigators of various brawls, trying by any means to draw as many people as possible into the conflict. Having arranged a performance, they fade into the background and absorb the energies of rage, irritation and despair.

Often you can meet such people in long queues, especially in clinics, where conflicts often arise.

Energy vampires often provoke conflicts.

Vampires tend to spoil the mood of others in all possible ways, for example, with the help of sounds:

  • listening to music loudly
  • loudly and emotionally tell someone something on the phone;
  • creaking chair;
  • drumming their fingers on the table.

Such actions can cause a storm of negativity, which feeds such a person.

When communicating with an energy pump, it seems that time has slowed down, there is no way to find a common solution that would satisfy him and be acceptable to you. He often changes his mind. All in order to make you nervous and keep you in this state for as long as possible.

Lying and insincere

Vampires are trying in every possible way to harm others by spreading rumors and gossip. They enjoy watching when people begin to sort things out, enter into an argument or blame each other. Their main goal is to sow enmity, turn friends into bitter enemies.

It is common for such people to deny their words, not to fulfill these promises, not to return borrowed money on time. Fans of feeding on other people's energy are often late for meetings, they do not warn, if they are not going to come at all.

Cause embarrassing situations

Energy vampires are not tactful in their actions. They may brazenly ask for a visit or simply come to your house without an invitation. When it is time to leave, energy suckers enjoy the awkwardness of the situation, absorbing the emotions of the owners. Such people like to take others by surprise, to notice embarrassment or confusion. These are stubborn people who like to poke their nose into other people's business.

Energy vampires love to invade the living space of others.

Create feelings of guilt

Energy vampires often feed on guilt. They love to be asked for forgiveness. Thus, those who like to profit from the life force of others exalt their person to incredible heights. They are good at making a person think that he acted dishonorably and shamelessly (even if not so), to dishonor someone in front of others.

Nobody is trusted

Often, energy vampires weave intrigues, luring them into their invented world. Therefore, it is natural for them not to trust anyone, because they are very afraid of exposure. Craftsmen stealing vitality never show sincere feelings. For each person, they choose a different image so that no one can find out about their deceit.

They want to be the first in everything at any cost

The meaning of the life of vampires is based on always being in a winning situation. In any dispute, they will find how to profitably get out of the situation. Energy suckers believe that they must always and in everything be better than others.

Energy vampire seeks victory by any means

They love to manipulate people.

Energy vampires play with the feelings of others, create situations that force them to do or feel what is beneficial to them. For example, they may threaten their partner with breaking up, realizing that they will not do this.

Physical touch is the easiest way to absorb someone else's energy. They transmit life force like electricity through wires. With a large crowd of people, the level of discomfort increases, and people are more aggressive. This is used by energy vampires, hitting someone with an elbow or allegedly accidentally pushing someone standing next to them.

Video: how to recognize an energy vampire in a man

How to behave to protect yourself from energy loss

Ways to deal with an energy vampire:

  • strengthen your self-esteem;
  • train character;
  • do not let your feelings be manipulated, respect yourself;
  • trust your intuition, don't be too gullible.

If you are in constant contact with an energy stealer, try to make eye contact as little as possible.

To protect yourself from energy vampirism, it is important to strengthen self-esteem and learn to love yourself.

Use intentionally against the vampire what he is so afraid of:

  • don't be afraid to leave him alone;
  • boldly speak directly to his face about his mistakes and weaknesses;
  • learn to say "no";
  • from time to time be the first to invade his personal space.

Another way to protect yourself from a vampire is to build a barrier between you. Imagine that a wall is growing and strengthening between you, which reliably protects you from its influence.

Video: how to calculate an energy vampire and protect yourself from it

What to do if you yourself are one

If the signs of energy vampirism indicate: "Yes, it's me!", Do not despair and "pass to the dark side." Realize that in the current period you really need additional nourishment. Not receiving it naturally, you unconsciously learned to take away the vitality of those around you.

All you need is to learn how to replenish energy with the help of nature, favorite activities, physical activity. Be positive, develop, rejoice even in small things. Then you will have enough strength, and you will not have to take it away from others.

An energy vampire can be calculated by date of birth or horoscope; external signs also indicate a tendency. But the most accurate way to determine is the analysis of human behavior. Constant complaints, provoking conflicts, manipulation - all these actions are habitual for those who draw out the vitality of others.
