Dunno and his friends read. Nikolai nosovneznaika in a sunny city

Chapter first

Shorties from Flower City

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.
Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.
The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies. The little ones always went either in long slacks, or in short pants with a shoulder strap, and the little ones liked to wear dresses made of colorful, bright matter. The little ones did not like to mess with their hairstyles, and therefore their hair was short, and the little ones had long hair, almost to the waist. The little ones were very fond of doing various beautiful hairstyles, they braided their hair into long braids and braided ribbons into the braids, and wore bows on their heads. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with babies at all. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones. If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to the other side of the street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were often those who could not calmly pass by the baby, but they would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her or, even worse, pull her braid. Of course, not all the kids were like that, but they didn’t have it written on their foreheads, so the little ones thought it was better to cross to the other side of the street in advance and not come across. For this, many kids called babies imaginary - they will come up with such a word! - and many babies called the kids bullies and other offensive nicknames.
Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such babies in life. But no one says that they exist in real life. In life - this is one thing, but in a fabulous city - quite another. Everything happens in a fairytale city.
In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka. He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. And he knew a lot because he read different books. These books lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. There was no place in his room where there were no books. From reading books, Znayka became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and began to read some book, he completely looked like a professor.
In the same house lived the famous doctor Pilyulkin, who treated shorties for all diseases. He always walked in a white coat, and on his head he wore a white cap with a tassel. The famous mechanic Vintik also lived here with his assistant Shpuntik; lived Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, who became famous for the fact that he was very fond of sparkling water with syrup. He was very polite. He liked it when he was called by his first and patronymic, and did not like it when someone called him simply Syrupchik. The hunter Pulka also lived in this house. He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that fired corks. There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Rasteryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno. They called him Dunno because he didn't know anything.
This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, Dunno wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. Therefore, the little ones, seeing his orange shirt from afar, immediately turned in the opposite direction and hid at home. Dunno had a friend named Gunka, who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with Gunka for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made up twenty times a day.
In particular Dunno became famous after one story.
One day he was walking around the city and wandered into a field. There was not a soul around. At this time, the cockchafer was flying. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle immediately flew away and disappeared into the distance. Dunno jumped up, began to look around and see who hit him. But there was no one around.
“Who hit me? thought Dunno. “Maybe something fell from above?”
He lifted his head and looked up, but there was nothing above either. Only the sun shone brightly over Dunno's head.
“It means that something fell on me from the sun,” Dunno decided. “Probably a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.”
He went home and met a friend, whose name was Steklyashkin.
This Steklyashkin was a famous astronomer. He knew how to make magnifying glasses out of fragments of broken bottles. When he looked through magnifying glasses at various objects, the objects seemed larger. From several such magnifying glasses, Steklyashkin made a large telescope through which one could look at the moon and the stars. Thus he became an astronomer.
“Listen, Steklyashkin,” Dunno told him. - You understand what kind of story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.
- What you. Dunno! Steklyashkin laughed. - If a piece came off the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.
“It can’t be,” Dunno answered. - In my opinion, the sun is no more than a plate.
- We only think so, because the sun is very far from us. The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this in my pipe. If even a small piece of the sun came off, it would destroy our entire city.
- Look you! - answered Dunno. "I didn't know the sun was that big." I'll go and tell our people - maybe they haven't heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it is actually chipped!
Dunno went home and told everyone who met along the way:
- Brothers, do you know what kind of sun? It is larger than our entire Earth. Here it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. Horror what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin.
Everyone laughed, because they knew that Dunno was a talker. And Dunno ran at full speed home and let's shout:
Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!
- What piece? they ask him.
- Piece, brothers! A piece broke off from the sun. Soon it will slap - and everyone will be covered. Do you know what the sun is? It is larger than our entire Earth!
- What are you thinking!
- I'm not imagining anything. This is what Steklyashkin said. He saw through his pipe.
Everyone ran out into the courtyard and began to look at the sun. They watched and watched until tears came out of their eyes. Blindly, it began to seem to everyone that the sun was actually chipped. And the Dunno shouted:
- Save who can! Trouble!
Everyone began to grab their things. The tube grabbed his paints and brush, Guslya - his musical instruments. Dr. Pilyulkin rushed around the house and looked for a first-aid kit, which had been lost somewhere. Donut grabbed galoshes and an umbrella and already ran out of the gate, but then Znayka's voice was heard:
- Calm down, brothers! There is nothing terrible. Don't you know that Dunno is a talker? He invented all this.
- Made it up? - Dunno shouted. - Go ask Steklyashkin.
Everyone ran to Steklyashkin, and then it turned out that Dunno actually composed everything. Well, there was laughter! Everyone laughed at Dunno and said:
We wonder how we believed you!
- And I'm not surprised! - answered Dunno. - I actually believed it myself.
That's how wonderful this Dunno was.

Chapter Two

How Dunno was a musician

If Dunno took up some business, then he did it the wrong way, and everything turned out to be topsy-turvy. He learned to read only by writing, and he could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because how could he then think? Of course, he did not think well, but he put on his shoes on his feet, and not on his head - after all, this also needs consideration.
Dunno was not so bad. He really wanted to learn something, but did not like to work. He wanted to learn right away, without any difficulty, and even the smartest little man could not get anything out of this.
Kids and babies were very fond of music, and Guslya was a wonderful musician. He had various musical instruments and often played them. Everyone listened to the music and praised it very much. Dunno was envious that Guslya was being praised, so he began to ask him:
- Teach me how to play. I also want to be a musician.
“Learn,” Guslya agreed. - What do you want to play?
- What is the easiest way to learn?
- On the balalaika.
- Well, give the balalaika here, I'll try.
Guslya gave him a balalaika. Dunno rattled on the strings. Then he says:
- No, the balalaika plays too quietly. Give me something else, louder.
Guslya gave him a violin. Dunno began to chirp the strings with his bow and said:
- Is there anything even louder?
“There is also a pipe,” Guslya replied.
- Come on, let's try it.
Guslya gave him a large copper trumpet. Dunno how to blow into it, how the pipe will roar!
- This is a good tool! - Dunno was delighted. - Loud playing!
“Well, study the trumpet, if you like it,” Guslya agreed.
- Why should I study? I already know how, - Dunno answered.
- No, you still can't.
- I can, I can! Here listen! - Dunno shouted and began to blow with all his might into the pipe: - Boo-boo-boo! Goo-hoo-hoo!
“You just trumpet, but don’t play,” Guslya answered.
How can I not play? - Dunno was offended. - I play very well! Loud!
- Oh you! It's not about being loud. It needs to be beautiful.
- So I do it and it turns out beautifully.
“And it’s not beautiful at all,” said Guslya. - You, I see, are not at all capable of music.
- You're incapable of it! Dunno got angry. You're just saying that out of jealousy. You want to be listened to and praised alone.
“Nothing like that,” said Guslya. - Pick up the trumpet and play as much as you want if you don't think you need to learn. Let them praise you too.
- Well, I'll play! - answered Dunno.
He began to blow into the trumpet, and since he did not know how to play, his trumpet roared, and wheezed, and squealed, and grunted. Guslya listened, listened ... Finally he got tired of it. He put on his velvet jacket, put on a pink bow around his neck, which he wore instead of a tie, and went to visit.
In the evening, when all the kids have gathered at home. Dunno again took up the pipe and began to blow into it as much as he could:
- Boo-boo-boo! Doo-doo-doo!
- What's that noise? they all shouted.
“It’s not noise,” Dunno answered. - This is me playing.
- Stop it now! - Znayka shouted. Your music hurts my ears!
- It's because you're not used to my music yet. Once you get used to it, your ears won't hurt.
- I don't want to get used to it. I really need!
But Dunno did not listen to him and continued to play:
- Boo Boo Boo! Hrrrr! Hrrrr! wow! wow!
- Stop it! - all the kids jumped on him. - Get out of here with your nasty pipe!
- Where should I go?
- Go to the field and play there.
- So in the field there will be no one to listen.
Do you really need someone to listen?
- Necessarily.
- Well, go outside, where the neighbors will hear you.
Dunno went outside and began to play near the neighboring house, but the neighbors asked him not to make noise under the windows. Then he went to another house - they drove him out of there. He went to the third house - they began to drive him from there, and he decided to play and play to spite them. The neighbors got angry, ran out of the house and chased him. By force he ran away from them with his pipe.
Dunno has since stopped playing the trumpet.
“They don’t understand my music,” he said. - Haven't grown up to my music yet. That's when they grow up - they themselves will ask, but it will be too late. I won't play anymore.

Chapter Three

How Dunno was an artist

Tube was a very good artist. He always dressed in a long blouse, which he called "hoodie". It was worth looking at Tube when, dressed in his robe and throwing back his long hair, he stood in front of the easel with a palette in his hands. Everyone immediately saw that in front of him was a real artist.
After no one wanted to listen to Neznaykin's music, he decided to become an artist. He came to the Tube and says:
- Listen, Tube, I also want to be an artist. Give me some paints and a brush.
The tube was not at all greedy, he gave Dunno his old paints and a brush. At this time, his friend, Gunka, came to Dunno.
Stranger says:
- Sit down, Gunka, now I will draw you.
Gunka was delighted, sat down quickly on a chair, and Dunno began to draw him. He wanted to portray Gunka more beautifully, so he painted him a red nose, green ears, blue lips and orange eyes. Gunka wanted to see his portrait as soon as possible. From impatience, he could not sit quietly on a chair and kept turning around.
“Don’t turn around, don’t turn around,” Dunno told him, “otherwise it doesn’t look like it will work out.
- Does it look like it now? asked Gunka.
- Very similar, - Dunno answered and added a mustache to him with purple paint.
- Come on, show me what happened! asked Gunka when Dunno finished the portrait.
The stranger showed.
- Am I like that? shouted Gunka in fright.
- Of course, such. What else?
Why did you draw a mustache? I don't have a mustache.
Well, someday they'll grow up.
Why is his nose red?
- It's more beautiful.
- Why is your hair blue? Do I have blue hair?
- Blue, - Dunno answered. - But if you don't like it, I can make green ones.
"No, that's a bad portrait," said Gunka. - Let me break it.
Why destroy a work of art? - answered Dunno.
Gunka wanted to take the portrait away from him, and they began to fight. Znayka, Dr. Pilyulkin and the rest of the kids ran up to the noise.
- What are you fighting? - they ask.
“Here,” shouted Gunka, “you judge us: tell me, who is drawn here? Really, it's not me?
“Of course not you,” the kids replied. - There is some sort of garden scarecrow drawn.
Stranger says:
- You did not guess because there is no signature here. I'll sign now, and everything will be clear.
He took a pencil and signed under the portrait in block letters: "GUNKA". Then he hung the portrait on the wall and said:
- Let it hang. Everyone can watch, no one is forbidden.
- All the same, - said Gunka, - when you go to bed, I will come and destroy this portrait.
“And I won’t go to bed at night and will guard,” Dunno answered.
Gunka was offended and went home, but Dunno actually did not go to bed in the evening.
When everyone fell asleep, he took the paints and began to draw everyone. I drew a donut so thick that it didn't even fit in the portrait. He drew Toropyzhka on thin legs, and for some reason added a dog's tail to him from behind. The hunter Pulka was depicted riding Bulka. Doctor Pilyulkin drew a thermometer instead of a nose. Znayka does not know why he painted donkey ears. In a word, he portrayed everyone in a funny and ridiculous way.
By morning, he hung these portraits on the walls and made inscriptions under them, so that a whole exhibition turned out.
Dr. Pilyulkin was the first to wake up. He saw the portraits on the wall and began to laugh. He liked them so much that he even put pince-nez on his nose and began to examine the portraits very carefully. He approached each portrait and laughed for a long time.
- Well done, Dunno! - said Dr. Pilyulkin. - I have never laughed so hard in my life!
Finally, he stopped near his portrait and asked sternly:
- And who is this? Is it really me? No, it's not me. This is a very bad portrait. You better take it off.
- Why shoot? Let it hang, Dunno answered.
Dr. Pilyulkin was offended and said:
- You, Dunno, are obviously sick. Something happened to your eyes. When did you see that I had a thermometer instead of a nose? I'll have to give you castor oil for the night.
Dunno did not like castor oil very much. He got scared and says:
- No no! Now I can see for myself that the portrait is bad.
He hastily removed Pilyulkin's portrait from the wall and tore it up.
After Pilyulkin, the hunter Pulka woke up. And he liked the portraits. He nearly burst out laughing at them. And then he saw his portrait, and his mood immediately deteriorated.
"That's a bad portrait," he said. - Doesn't look like me. You take it off, otherwise I won't take you hunting with me.
Dunno and the hunter Pulka had to be removed from the wall. So it was with everyone. Everyone liked the portraits of others, but did not like their own.
The last to wake up was Tube, who, as usual, slept the longest. When he saw his portrait on the wall, he became terribly angry and said that it was not a portrait, but mediocre, anti-artistic daub. Then he ripped off the portrait from the wall and took Dunno's paint and brush away.
Only Gunkin's portrait remained on the wall. Dunno took it off and went to his friend.
- Do you want, Gunka, I will give you your portrait? And you will make up with me for this, ”Dunno suggested.
Gunka took the portrait, tore it into pieces and said:
- All right, peace. Only if you draw at least once, I will never put up with it.
“And I will never draw again,” Dunno answered. - You draw, you draw, and no one even says thank you, everyone just swears. I don't want to be an artist anymore.

Chapter Four

How Dunno wrote poetry

After Dunno did not turn out to be an artist, he decided to become a poet and compose poetry. He had a familiar poet who lived on Oduvanchikov Street. This poet was really called Pudik, but, as you know, all poets are very fond of beautiful names. Therefore, when Pudik began to write poetry, he chose a different name for himself and began to be called Tsvetik.
Once Dunno came to Tsvetik and said:
- Listen, Tsvetik, teach me to compose poetry. I also want to be a poet.
- Do you have the ability? - asked Flower.
- Of course have. I am very capable, Dunno answered.
“It needs to be checked,” said Blossom. - Do you know what rhyme is?
- Rhyme? No, I do not know.
“Rhyme is when two words end in the same way,” explained Tsvetik. - For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?
- Understood.
- Well, say a rhyme for the word "stick".
- Herring, - Dunno answered.
- What kind of rhyme is this: a stick is a herring? There is no rhyme in these words.
- Why not? They do end the same way.
"That's not enough," said Blossom. - It is necessary that the words are similar, so that it turns out smoothly. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump.
- Got it, got it! - Dunno shouted. - A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump! That's great! Ha ha ha!
- Well, come up with a rhyme for the word "tow", - said Tsvetik.
- Shmaklya, - Dunno answered.
- What kind of scumbag? - Blossom was surprised. - Is there such a word?
- Isn't there?
- Of course not.
- Well, then rvaklya.
- What kind of rvakla is this? - again surprised Flower.
- Well, it's when they tear something, that's what it turns out to be, - Dunno explained.
- You're all lying, - said Tsvetik, - such a word does not exist. It is necessary to choose such words that exist, and not to invent.
What if I can't find another word?
“So you don’t have a talent for poetry.”
“Well, then figure out for yourself what kind of rhyme is here,” Dunno answered.
“Now,” Blossom agreed.
He stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms, tilted his head to one side, and began to think. Then he lifted his head up and began to think, looking at the ceiling. Then he clutched his own chin with his hands and began to think, looking at the floor. Having done all this, he began to wander around the room and slowly muttered to himself:
- Tow, baklya, waklya, daklya, daklya, maklya ... - He muttered for a long time, then said: - Ugh! What is this word? It's a word that doesn't rhyme.
- Here you go! - Dunno was delighted. - He himself sets such words for which there is no rhyme, and also says that I am incapable.
- Well, capable, capable, just leave me alone! Flower said. - My head hurts. Compose in such a way that there is meaning and rhyme, here are the verses for you.
- Is it really that simple? - Dunno was surprised.
- Of course, it's simple. The main thing is the ability to have.
Dunno came home and immediately began to compose poetry. All day long he walked about the room, looking first at the floor, then at the ceiling, holding his chin in his hands and muttering something to himself.
At last the verses were ready, and he said:
- Listen, brothers, what poems I composed.
- Come on, come on, what are these poems about? - everyone was interested.
“I wrote this about you,” Dunno admitted. - First, here are the poems about Znayka: Znayka went for a walk to the river, Jumped over the sheep.
- What? - Znayka shouted. - When did I jump over the sheep?
“Well, it’s only in verse that it says so, for rhyme,” Dunno explained.
- So, because of the rhyme, you will compose all sorts of lies on me? - Boiled Znayka.
“Of course,” Dunno replied. Why should I tell the truth? There is nothing to compose the truth, it already exists.
- Try again, you'll find out! - Znayka threatened. - Well, read what you wrote about others?
“Here, listen to Toropyzhka,” Dunno said. Hasty was hungry, Swallowed a cold iron.
- Brothers! shouted Toropyzhka. - What does he write about me? I did not swallow any cold iron.
- Yes, you do not scream, - Dunno answered. - It's just for rhyme that I said that the iron was cold.
- So I didn’t swallow any iron, neither cold nor hot! shouted Toropyzhka.
“And I’m not saying that you swallowed hot, so you can calm down,” Dunno answered. - Here, listen to the verses about Avoska: Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow. Avoska went up to his bed, looked under the pillow and said:
- Flies! There is no cheesecake here.
“You don’t understand anything in poetry,” Dunno answered. - It is only for rhyme that it is said that it lies, but in fact it does not lie. Here I also wrote about Pilyulkin.
- Brothers! cried Dr. Pilyulkin. We need to stop this bullying! Are we really going to calmly listen that Dunno is lying about everyone here?
- Enough! they all shouted. We don't want to listen anymore! These are not poems, but some kind of teasing.
Only Znayka, Toropyzhka and Avoska shouted:
- Let him read! Since he has read about us, let him read about others.
- No need! We do not want! the others shouted.
“Well, if you don’t want to, then I’ll go and read to my neighbors,” Dunno said.
- What? everyone screamed. - Are you going to shame us in front of the neighbors? Just try! Then you can't go back home.
“Well, brothers, I won’t,” Dunno agreed. “Just don’t be angry with me.
Since then, Dunno decided not to write poetry anymore.

Chapter Five

How Dunno rode a carbonated car

The mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik were very good craftsmen. They looked alike, only Vintik was a little taller, and Shpuntik a little shorter. Both were wearing leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other iron tools were always sticking out of the pockets of their jackets. If the jackets were not leather, then the pockets would have come off long ago. Their hats were also leather, with canned glasses. These glasses they put on during work, so as not to powder their eyes.
Vintik and Shpuntik spent whole days sitting in their workshop and repairing stoves, pots, kettles, frying pans, and when there was nothing to repair, they made tricycles and scooters for short people.
Once Vintik and Shpuntik did not say anything to anyone, they closed themselves in their workshop and began to make something. For a whole month they sawed, planed, riveted, soldered and showed nothing to anyone, and when the month passed, it turned out that they had made a car.
This car ran on sparkling water with syrup. In the middle of the car, a driver's seat was arranged, and a tank of soda water was placed in front of it. The gas from the tank passed through a tube into a copper cylinder and pushed an iron piston. The iron piston, under the pressure of the gas, went here and there and turned the wheels. Above the seat was a jar of syrup. The syrup flowed through the tube into the tank and served to lubricate the mechanism.

Chapter first

Shorties from Flower City

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.

Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.

The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies. The little ones always went either in long slacks, or in short pants with a shoulder strap, and the little ones liked to wear dresses made of colorful, bright matter. The little ones did not like to mess with their hairstyles, and therefore their hair was short, and the little ones had long hair, almost to the waist. The little ones were very fond of doing various beautiful hairstyles, they braided their hair into long braids and braided ribbons into the braids, and wore bows on their heads. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with babies at all. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones. If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to the other side of the street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were often those who could not calmly pass by the baby, but they would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her or, even worse, pull her braid. Of course, not all the kids were like that, but they didn’t have it written on their foreheads, so the little ones thought it was better to cross to the other side of the street in advance and not come across. For this, many kids called babies imaginary - they will come up with such a word! - and many babies called the kids bullies and other offensive nicknames.

Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such babies in life. But no one says that they exist in real life. In real life it's one thing, but in a fairy-tale city it's quite another. Everything happens in a fairytale city.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka. He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. And he knew a lot because he read different books. These books lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. There was no place in his room where there were no books. From reading books, Znayka became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and began to read some book, he completely looked like a professor.

In the same house lived the famous doctor Pilyulkin, who treated shorties for all diseases. He always walked in a white coat, and on his head he wore a white cap with a tassel. The famous mechanic Vintik also lived here with his assistant Shpuntik; lived Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, who became famous for the fact that he was very fond of sparkling water with syrup. He was very polite. He liked it when he was called by his first and patronymic, and did not like it when someone called him simply Syrupchik. The hunter Pulka also lived in this house. He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that fired corks. There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Raseryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno. They called him Dunno because he didn't know anything.

This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, Dunno wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. Therefore, the little ones, seeing his orange shirt from afar, immediately turned in the opposite direction and hid at home. Dunno had a friend named Gunka, who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with Gunka for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made up twenty times a day.

In particular Dunno became famous after one story.

One day he was walking around the city and wandered into a field. There was not a soul around. At this time, the cockchafer was flying. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle immediately flew away and disappeared into the distance. Dunno jumped up, began to look around and see who hit him. But there was no one around.

“Who hit me? Dunno thought. “Maybe something fell from above?”

He lifted his head and looked up, but there was nothing above either. Only the sun shone brightly over Dunno's head.

“It means that something fell on me from the sun,” Dunno decided. “Probably a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.”

He went home and met a friend, whose name was Steklyashkin.

This Steklyashkin was a famous astronomer. He knew how to make magnifying glasses out of fragments of broken bottles. When he looked through magnifying glasses at various objects, the objects seemed larger. From several such magnifying glasses, Steklyashkin made a large telescope through which one could look at the moon and the stars. Thus he became an astronomer.

“Listen, Steklyashkin,” Dunno told him. - You understand what a story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.

- What you. Dunno! Steklyashkin laughed. “If a piece were torn from the sun, it would crush you into a cake.” The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

“It can’t be,” Dunno answered. - In my opinion, the sun is no bigger than a plate.

“It only seems that way to us, because the sun is so far away from us. The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this in my pipe. If even a small piece of the sun came off, it would destroy our entire city.

- Look you! Dunno answered. “I didn’t know the sun was that big.” I'll go and tell our people - maybe they haven't heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it is actually chipped!

Dunno went home and told everyone who met along the way:

- Brothers, do you know what kind of sun? It is larger than our entire Earth. Here it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. Horror what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone laughed, because they knew that Dunno was a talker. And Dunno ran at full speed home and let's shout:

Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!

- What piece? they ask him.

- Piece, brothers! A piece broke off from the sun. Soon it will slap - and everyone will be covered. Do you know what the sun is? It is larger than our entire Earth!

- What are you thinking!

- I'm not imagining anything. This is what Steklyashkin said. He saw through his pipe.

Everyone ran out into the courtyard and began to look at the sun. They watched and watched until tears began to flow from their eyes. Blindly, it began to seem to everyone that the sun was actually chipped. And the Dunno shouted:

- Save who can! Trouble!

Everyone began to grab their things. The tube grabbed his paints and brush, Guslya grabbed his musical instruments. Dr. Pilyulkin rushed around the house and looked for a first-aid kit, which had been lost somewhere. Donut grabbed galoshes and an umbrella and already ran out of the gate, but then Znayka's voice was heard:

- Calm down, brothers! There is nothing terrible. Don't you know that Dunno is a talker? He invented all this.

- Invented? shouted the Dunno. - Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone ran to Steklyashkin, and then it turned out that Dunno actually composed everything. Well, there was laughter! Everyone laughed at Dunno and said:

We wonder how we believed you!

- And I'm not surprised! Dunno answered. “I believed it myself.

That's how wonderful this Dunno was.

Chapter Two

How Dunno was a musician

If Dunno took up some business, then he did it the wrong way, and everything turned out to be topsy-turvy. He learned to read only by writing, and he could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because how could he then think? Of course, he did not think well, but he put on his shoes on his feet, and not on his head - after all, this, too, requires consideration.

Dunno was not so bad. He really wanted to learn something, but did not like to work. He wanted to learn right away, without any difficulty, and even the smartest little man could not get anything out of this.

Kids and babies were very fond of music, and Guslya was a wonderful musician. He had various musical instruments and often played them. Everyone listened to the music and praised it very much. Dunno was envious that Guslya was being praised, so he began to ask him:

- Teach me how to play. I also want to be a musician.

“Learn,” Guslya agreed. - What do you want to play?

- What is the easiest way to learn?

- On the balalaika.

- Well, give the balalaika here, I'll try.

Guslya gave him a balalaika. Dunno rattled on the strings. Then he says:

– No, the balalaika plays too quietly. Give me something else, louder.

Guslya gave him a violin. Dunno began to chirp the strings with his bow and said:

- Is there anything even louder?

“There is also a pipe,” Guslya replied.

- Come on, let's try it.

Guslya gave him a large copper trumpet. Dunno how to blow into it, how the pipe will roar!

- This is a good tool! Dunno rejoiced. - Loud playing!

“Well, study the trumpet, if you like it,” Guslya agreed.

- Why should I study? I already know how, - Dunno answered.

- No, you still can't.

- I can, I can! Here listen! - Dunno shouted and began to blow with all his might into the pipe: - Boo-boo-boo! Goo-hoo-hoo!

“You just trumpet, not play,” Guslya answered.

How can I not play? Dunno was offended. - I play very well! Loud!

- Oh you! It's not about being loud. It needs to be beautiful.

“So I’m pretty good at it.”

“And it’s not beautiful at all,” said Guslya. “You, I see, are not capable of music at all.

- You are not capable! Dunno got angry. You're just saying that out of jealousy. You want to be listened to and praised alone.

“Nothing like that,” Guslya said. “Take a trumpet and play as much as you like if you don’t think you need to learn. Let them praise you too.

- Well, I'll play! Dunno answered.

He began to blow into the trumpet, and since he did not know how to play, his trumpet roared, and wheezed, and squealed, and grunted. Guslya listened, listened ... Finally he got tired of it. He put on his velvet jacket, put on a pink bow around his neck, which he wore instead of a tie, and went to visit.

In the evening, when all the kids have gathered at home. Dunno again took up the pipe and began to blow into it as much as he could:

- Boo-boo-boo! Doo-doo-doo!

- What's that noise? they all shouted.

“It’s not noise,” Dunno answered. - This is me playing.

- Stop it now! Znaika shouted. Your music hurts my ears!

- It's because you're not used to my music yet. Once you get used to it, your ears won't hurt.

- I don't want to get used to it. I really need!

But Dunno did not listen to him and continued to play:

- Boo Boo Boo! Hrrrr! Hrrrr! wow! wow!

– Stop it! - all the kids jumped on him. “Get out of here with your nasty pipe!”

– Where should I go?

- Go to the field and play there.

- So in the field there will be no one to listen.

“Do you really need someone to listen?”

- Necessarily.

- Well, go outside, where the neighbors will hear you.

Dunno went outside and began to play near the neighboring house, but the neighbors asked him not to make noise under the windows. Then he went to another house - they drove him out of there. He went to the third house - they began to drive him from there, and he decided to play and play to spite them. The neighbors got angry, ran out of the house and chased him. By force he ran away from them with his pipe.

Dunno has since stopped playing the trumpet.

“They don’t understand my music,” he said. – They haven’t grown up to my music yet. That's when they grow up - they themselves will ask, but it will be too late. I won't play anymore.

Chapter Three

How Dunno was an artist

Tube was a very good artist. He always dressed in a long blouse, which he called "hoodie". It was worth looking at Tube when, dressed in his robe and throwing back his long hair, he stood in front of the easel with a palette in his hands. Everyone immediately saw that in front of him was a real artist.

After no one wanted to listen to Neznaykin's music, he decided to become an artist. He came to the Tube and says:

- Listen, Tube, I also want to be an artist. Give me some paints and a brush.

The tube was not at all greedy, he gave Dunno his old paints and a brush. At this time, his friend, Gunka, came to Dunno.

Stranger says:

- Sit down, Gunka, now I will draw you.

Gunka was delighted, sat down quickly on a chair, and Dunno began to draw him. He wanted to portray Gunka more beautifully, so he painted him a red nose, green ears, blue lips and orange eyes. Gunka wanted to see his portrait as soon as possible. From impatience, he could not sit quietly on a chair and kept turning around.

“Don’t turn around, don’t turn around,” Dunno told him, “otherwise it doesn’t look like it will work out.

- Does it look like it now? Gunka asked.

“Very similar,” Dunno answered and added a mustache to him with purple paint.

- Come on, show me what happened! asked Gunka when Dunno finished the portrait.

The stranger showed.

- Am I like that? shouted Gunka in fright.

- Of course it is. What else?

- And why did you draw a mustache? I don't have a mustache.

Well, someday they'll grow up.

Why is the nose red?

- It's more beautiful.

- Why is your hair blue? Do I have blue hair?

“Blue,” Dunno answered. “But if you don't like it, I can make green ones.

"No, that's a bad portrait," said Gunka. - Let me break it.

Why destroy a work of art? Dunno answered.

Gunka wanted to take the portrait away from him, and they began to fight. Znayka, Dr. Pilyulkin and the rest of the kids ran up to the noise.

- What are you fighting about? they ask.

“Here,” shouted Gunka, “you judge us: tell me, who is drawn here? Really, it's not me?

“Of course not you,” the kids replied. - There is some sort of garden scarecrow drawn.

Stranger says:

- You did not guess because there is no signature here. I'll sign now, and everything will be clear.

He took a pencil and signed under the portrait in block letters: "GUNKA". Then he hung the portrait on the wall and said:

- Let it hang. Everyone can watch, no one is forbidden.

“It doesn’t matter,” said Gunka, “when you go to bed, I will come and destroy this portrait.”

“And I won’t go to bed at night and will guard,” Dunno answered.

Gunka was offended and went home, but Dunno actually did not go to bed in the evening.

When everyone fell asleep, he took the paints and began to draw everyone. I drew a donut so thick that it didn't even fit in the portrait. He drew Toropyzhka on thin legs, and for some reason added a dog's tail to him from behind. The hunter Pulka was depicted riding Bulka. Doctor Pilyulkin drew a thermometer instead of a nose. Znayka does not know why he painted donkey ears. In a word, he portrayed everyone in a funny and ridiculous way.

By morning, he hung these portraits on the walls and made inscriptions under them, so that a whole exhibition turned out.

Dr. Pilyulkin was the first to wake up. He saw the portraits on the wall and began to laugh. He liked them so much that he even put pince-nez on his nose and began to examine the portraits very carefully. He approached each portrait and laughed for a long time.

- Well done, Dunno! - said Dr. Pilyulkin. “I have never laughed so hard in my life!”

Finally, he stopped near his portrait and asked sternly:

- And who is this? Is it really me? No, it's not me. This is a very bad portrait. You better take it off.

- Why shoot? Let it hang, Dunno answered.

Dr. Pilyulkin was offended and said:

- You, Dunno, are obviously sick. Something happened to your eyes. When did you see that I had a thermometer instead of a nose? I'll have to give you castor oil for the night.

Dunno did not like castor oil very much. He got scared and says:

- No no! Now I can see for myself that the portrait is bad.

He hastily removed Pilyulkin's portrait from the wall and tore it up.

After Pilyulkin, the hunter Pulka woke up. And he liked the portraits. He nearly burst out laughing at them. And then he saw his portrait, and his mood immediately deteriorated.

"That's a bad portrait," he said. - Doesn't look like me. You take it off, otherwise I won't take you hunting with me.

Dunno and the hunter Pulka had to be removed from the wall. So it was with everyone. Everyone liked the portraits of others, but did not like their own.

The last to wake up was Tube, who, as usual, slept the longest. When he saw his portrait on the wall, he became terribly angry and said that it was not a portrait, but mediocre, anti-artistic daub. Then he ripped off the portrait from the wall and took Dunno's paint and brush away.

Only Gunkin's portrait remained on the wall. Dunno took it off and went to his friend.

- Do you want, Gunka, I will give you your portrait? And you will reconcile with me for this,” Dunno suggested.

Gunka took the portrait, tore it into pieces and said:

- All right, peace. Only if you draw at least once, I will never put up with it.

“And I will never draw again,” Dunno answered. - You draw, you draw, and no one even says thank you, everyone just swears. I don't want to be an artist anymore.

Chapter Four

How Dunno wrote poetry

After Dunno did not turn out to be an artist, he decided to become a poet and compose poetry. He had a familiar poet who lived on Oduvanchikov Street. This poet was really called Pudik, but, as you know, all poets are very fond of beautiful names. Therefore, when Pudik began to write poetry, he chose a different name for himself and began to be called Tsvetik.

Once Dunno came to Tsvetik and said:

- Listen, Tsvetik, teach me to compose poetry. I also want to be a poet.

- Do you have the ability? asked Flower.

- Of course have. I am very capable, Dunno answered.

“We need to check this,” Blossom said. Do you know what rhyme is?

- Rhyme? No, I do not know.

“Rhyme is when two words end in the same way,” explained Tsvetik. - For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?

- Well, say a rhyme for the word "stick."

“Herring,” Dunno answered.

- What kind of rhyme is this: a stick is a herring? There is no rhyme in these words.

- Why not? They do end the same way.

"That's not enough," said Blossom. - It is necessary that the words be similar, so that it turns out smoothly. Listen here: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump.

- Got it, got it! shouted the Dunno. - A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump! That's great! Ha ha ha!

“Well, come up with a rhyme for the word “tow,” said Tsvetik.

“Shmaklya,” Dunno answered.

- What scumbag? Blossom was surprised. – Is there such a word?

- Isn't there?

- Of course not.

- Well, then rvakla.

- What kind of rvakla is this? Blossom was surprised again.

“Well, it’s when they tear something, that’s what it turns out to be rwakla,” Dunno explained.

“You’re lying,” said Tsvetik, “there is no such word.” It is necessary to choose such words that exist, and not to invent.

What if I can't find another word?

"So you don't have a talent for poetry."

“Well, then figure out for yourself what kind of rhyme is here,” Dunno answered.

“Now,” Blossom agreed.

He stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms, tilted his head to one side, and began to think. Then he lifted his head up and began to think, looking at the ceiling. Then he clutched his own chin with his hands and began to think, looking at the floor. Having done all this, he began to wander around the room and slowly muttered to himself:

“Tow, buckle, wacker, hackle, dackle, hackle…” He muttered like that for a long time, then he said: “Pah! What is this word? It's a word that doesn't rhyme.

- Here you go! Dunno rejoiced. - He himself sets such words for which there is no rhyme, and also says that I am incapable.

- Well, capable, capable, just leave me alone! Flower said. - My head hurts. Compose in such a way that there is meaning and rhyme, here are the verses for you.

– Is it really that simple? Dunno was surprised.

- Of course, it's simple. The main thing is the ability to have.

Dunno came home and immediately began to compose poetry. All day long he walked about the room, looking first at the floor, then at the ceiling, holding his chin in his hands and muttering something to himself.

At last the verses were ready, and he said:

- Listen, brothers, what poems I composed.

- Come on, come on, what are these poems about? – everyone was interested.

“I wrote this about you,” Dunno admitted. - First, here are the poems about Znayka: Znayka went for a walk to the river, Jumped over the sheep.

- What? Znaika shouted. - When did I jump over the sheep?

“Well, it’s only in poetry that it says so, for rhyme,” Dunno explained.

“So, because of the rhyme, will you make up all sorts of lies about me?” - Boiled Znayka.

“Of course,” Dunno replied. Why should I tell the truth? There is nothing to compose the truth, it already exists.

"Try again, you'll find out!" Znaika threatened. - Well, read what you wrote about others there?

“Here, listen to Toropyzhka,” Dunno said. Hasty was hungry, Swallowed a cold iron.

- Brothers! shouted Toropyzhka. What does he say about me? I did not swallow any cold iron.

“Don’t scream,” Dunno answered. - I just said for rhyme that the iron was cold.

- So I didn’t swallow any iron, neither cold nor hot! shouted Toropyzhka.

“And I’m not saying that you swallowed hot, so you can calm down,” Dunno answered. - Here, listen to the verses about Avoska: Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow. Avoska went up to his bed, looked under the pillow and said:

- Crap! There is no cheesecake here.

“You don’t understand anything in poetry,” Dunno answered. - It is only for rhyme that it is said that it lies, but in fact it does not lie. Here I also wrote about Pilyulkin.

- Brothers! Dr. Pilyulkin shouted. "We need to stop this bullying!" Are we really going to calmly listen that Dunno is lying about everyone here?

- Enough! they all shouted. We don't want to listen anymore! These are not poems, but some kind of teasing.

Only Znayka, Toropyzhka and Avoska shouted:

- Let him read! Since he has read about us, let him read about others.

- No need! We do not want! the others shouted.

“Well, if you don’t want to, then I’ll go and read to my neighbors,” Dunno said.

- What? everyone screamed. “Are you still going to shame us in front of the neighbors?” Just try! Then you can't go back home.

“Well, brothers, I won’t,” Dunno agreed. “Just don’t be angry with me.

Since then, Dunno decided not to write poetry anymore.

Chapter Five

How Dunno rode a carbonated car

The mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik were very good craftsmen. They looked alike, only Vintik was a little taller, and Shpuntik a little shorter. Both were wearing leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other iron tools were always sticking out of the pockets of their jackets. If the jackets were not leather, then the pockets would have come off long ago. Their hats were also leather, with canned glasses. These glasses they put on during work, so as not to powder their eyes.

Vintik and Shpuntik spent whole days sitting in their workshop and repairing stoves, pots, kettles, frying pans, and when there was nothing to repair, they made tricycles and scooters for short people.

Once Vintik and Shpuntik did not say anything to anyone, they closed themselves in their workshop and began to make something. For a whole month they sawed, planed, riveted, soldered and showed nothing to anyone, and when the month passed, it turned out that they had made a car.

This car ran on sparkling water with syrup. In the middle of the car, a driver's seat was arranged, and a tank of soda water was placed in front of it. The gas from the tank passed through a tube into a copper cylinder and pushed an iron piston. The iron piston, under the pressure of the gas, went here and there and turned the wheels. Above the seat was a jar of syrup. The syrup flowed through the tube into the tank and served to lubricate the mechanism.

Such carbonated cars were very common among shorties. But in the car that Vintik and Shpuntik built, there was one very important improvement: a flexible rubber tube with a tap was attached to the side of the tank so that you could drink sparkling water on the go without stopping the car.

Toropyzhka learned to drive this car, and if someone wanted to ride, Toropyzhka drove and did not refuse anyone.

Most of all, Syropchik liked to ride in a car, because during the trip he could drink as much sparkling water with syrup as he liked. Dunno also liked to ride in a car, and Toropyzhka often drove him. But Dunno wanted to learn how to drive a car himself, and he began to ask Toropyzhka:

- Let me ride the car. I also want to learn how to drive.

“You won’t be able to,” said Hasty. - It's a car. Here you need to understand.

- What else is there to understand! Dunno answered. I have seen how you drive. Pull the handles and turn the steering wheel. Everything is simple.

It just seems easy, but it's actually difficult. You will kill yourself and wreck the car.

- All right, Hurry! Dunno was offended. If you ask me for anything, I won't give it to you either.

Once, when Toropyzhka was not at home, Dunno got into a car that was standing in the yard, and began to pull the levers and press the pedals. At first, nothing worked out for him, then suddenly the car snorted and drove off. The shorties saw it through the window and ran out of the house.

- What are you doing? they shouted. - You will be killed!

“I won’t kill myself,” Dunno answered, and immediately ran into a doghouse that stood in the middle of the yard.

Fuck fuck! The booth crumbled to pieces. It’s good that Bulka managed to jump out, otherwise Dunno would have crushed him too.

"Look what you've done!" Znaika shouted. - Stop now!

Dunno got scared, wanted to stop the car and pulled some kind of lever. But the car, instead of stopping, went even faster. There was a gazebo on the road. Fuck-ta-ra-rah! The pavilion crumbled into pieces. Dunno was pelted with wood chips from head to toe. One board caught him on the back, another cracked on the back of the head.

Dunno grabbed the steering wheel and let's turn. The car rushes around the yard, and Dunno shouts at the top of his lungs:

“Brothers, open the gate as soon as possible, otherwise I’ll break everything in the yard!”

The little guys opened the gate, Dunno drove out of the yard and rushed down the street. Hearing the noise, short men ran out from all the yards.

- Watch out! Dunno shouted to them and rushed forward.

Znayka, Avoska, Vintik, Dr. Pilyulkin and other short men ran after him. But where is it! They couldn't catch up with him.

Dunno traveled all over the city and did not know how to stop the car.

Finally, the car drove up to the river, fell off the cliff and rolled head over heels down. Dunno fell out of it and remained lying on the shore, and the carbonated car fell into the water and drowned.

Znayka, Avoska, Vintik and Dr. Pilyulkin grabbed Dunno and carried her home. Everyone thought he was already dead.

At home they put him on the bed, and only then Dunno opened his eyes. He looked around and asked:

Brothers, am I still alive?

“Alive, alive,” said Dr. Pilyulkin. “Just, please, lie still, I need to examine you.”

He undressed Dunno and began to examine. Then he said:

- Marvelous! All the bones are intact, only there are bruises and a few splinters.

“It was me who got caught on the board with my back,” Dunno said.

“We’ll have to pull out the splinters,” Pilyulkin shook his head.

– Does it hurt? Dunno was scared.

- No, nothing. Come on, I'll pull out the biggest one now. – Ah-ah-ah! shouted the Dunno.

- What you? Does it hurt? Pilyulkin was surprised.

- Of course it hurts!

- Well, be patient, be patient. It just seems that way to you.

- No, it doesn't! Ah ah ah!

“Well, why are you screaming like I’m cutting you?” I'm not cutting you.

- Hurt! He said it didn't hurt, but now it hurts!

- Well, hush, hush ... One splinter remains to be pulled out.

- Oh, don't! No need! I'd rather be with a splinter.

- You can’t, it will start to boil.

- Wow-ow-ow!

- Well, that's all. Now you just need to anoint with iodine.

– Does it hurt?

- No, iodine does not hurt. Lie still.

- Don't yell, don't yell! You like to ride in a car, but you don’t like to suffer a little!

- Ai! Lives like!

- It burns and stops. Now I'll put a thermometer on you.

- Oh, no thermometer! No need!

- Why?

- It will hurt!

Yes, a thermometer doesn't hurt.

- You keep saying - it doesn't hurt, and then it hurts.

- That's a freak! Haven't I ever put a thermometer on you?

- Never.

"Well, now you'll see that it doesn't hurt," Pilyulkin said and went off to get a thermometer.

Dunno jumped out of bed, jumped out the open window and ran to his friend Gunka. Dr. Pilyulkin returned with a thermometer, looks - Dunno is gone.

- Treat such a patient! Pilyulkin grumbled. - You treat him, treat him, and he will jump out the window and run away. Where does it fit!

Chapter six

How Znayka came up with a balloon

Znayka, who was very fond of reading, read a lot in books about distant countries and various travels. Often, when there was nothing to do in the evening, he would tell his friends about what he had read in books. The kids loved these stories. They liked to hear about countries that they had never seen, but most of all they loved to hear about travelers, as travelers experience various incredible stories and the most extraordinary adventures.

After listening to such stories, the kids began to dream about how to go on a trip themselves. Some offered to make a hike, others suggested sailing along the river in boats, and Znayka said:

Let's make a balloon and fly on a balloon.

Everyone liked this idea very much. The shorties had never flown in a balloon before, and all the kids were very interested. No one, of course, knew how to make balloons, but Znayka said that he would think it over and then explain.

And so Znayka began to think. He thought for three days and three nights and came up with the idea of ​​making a ball out of rubber. The shorties knew how to mine rubber. In the city, they grew flowers that looked like ficuses. If an incision is made on the stem of such a flower, then white juice begins to flow from it. This juice gradually thickens and turns into rubber, from which balls and galoshes can be made.

When Znayka came up with this, he told the kids to collect rubber juice. Everyone began to bring juice, for which Znayka prepared a large barrel. Dunno also went to collect juice and met his friend Gunka on the street, who was playing jump ropes with two little ones.

“Listen, Gunka, what a trick we have come up with!” Dunno said. “You, brother, will burst with envy when you find out.

“But I won’t burst,” answered Gunka. - I really need to burst!

- You will burst, you will burst! Dunno assured him. - Such a thing, brother! You didn't even dream.

– What is this thing? Gunka asked.

- Soon we will make an air bubble and fly to travel.

Gunka became envious. He, too, wanted to boast at least something, and he said:

Think bubble! But I made friends with the little ones.

- What babies?

- But with these, - said Gunka and pointed at the little ones with his finger. - This little girl's name is Mushka, and this one is Button.

Mushka and Button stood at a distance and looked at Dunno with apprehension.

Dunno looked at them frowningly and said:

- Oh, that's how! You're friends with me!

“I am friends with you and with them too. It does not interfere.

“No, it’s in the way,” Dunno answered. - Whoever is friends with babies is a baby himself. Fight them now!

- Why would I fight?

- And I say, quarrel! Or I will quarrel with you.

- Well, quarrel. Think!

- So I’ll quarrel, but I’ll give your Mushka and Button a kick!

Dunno clenched his fists and rushed to the little ones. Gunka blocked his way and hit his forehead with his fist. They began to fight, but Mushka and Button got scared and ran away.

“So it’s because of these babies that you hit me on the forehead with your fist?” Dunno shouted, trying to hit Gunka on the nose.

- Why do you hate them? asked Gunka, waving his fists in all directions.

- Just think what a defender turned up! - Dunno answered and hit his friend on the top of the head with such force that Gunka even sat down and rushed to run away.

- I'm in a quarrel with you! Dunno shouted after him.

- Well, please! Gunka replied. - You will be the first to come to terms.

- But you will see that I will not come! We will fly on a bubble to travel.

- Fly you from the roof to the attic!

- It's you who will fly from the roof to the attic! Dunno answered and went to collect rubber juice.

When the barrel was filled with rubber juice, Znayka stirred it well and ordered Shpuntik to bring a pump that was used to inflate car tires. He connected a long rubber tube to this pump, doused the end of the tube with rubber juice and ordered Shpuntik to slowly pump air with the pump. The shpuntik began to pump, and immediately a bubble began to form from the rubber juice, just like soap bubbles are obtained from soapy water. Znayka all the time smeared this bubble on all sides with rubber juice, and Shpuntik did not stop pumping air, so the bubble gradually swelled and turned into a large ball. Znayka did not even have time to coat it from all sides now. Then he ordered that the rest of the kids smeared. Everyone immediately got down to business. Everyone found work near the ball, and Dunno only walked around and whistled. He tried to stay away from the ball, looked at it from a distance and said:

- The bubble will burst! Now, now, burst! Phew!

But the ball did not burst, but became bigger and bigger every minute. It soon swelled up so big that the little ones had to climb up a walnut bush that grew in the middle of the yard to coat the top and sides of the ball.

The work of inflating the balloon lasted two days and stopped when the balloon became the size of a house. After that, Znayka tied a rubber tube with a rope, which was from below, so that air would not escape from the ball, and said:

- Now the ball will dry, and you and I will get down to other work.

He tied the ball with a rope to a walnut bush so that it would not be blown away by the wind, after which he divided the kids into two groups. He ordered one detachment to collect silk cocoons in order to unwind them and make silk threads. From these threads, he ordered them to weave a huge net. Znayka ordered another detachment to make a large basket of thin birch bark.

While Znayka and his comrades were doing this work, all the inhabitants of the Flower City came and looked at the huge ball that was tied to a walnut bush. Everyone wanted to touch the ball with their hands, and some even tried to lift it.

- The ball is light, - they said, - it can be freely lifted up with one hand.

“It’s light, it’s light, but I don’t think it will fly,” said the little guy named Topic.

Why won't it fly? the others asked.

How will he fly? If he could fly, he would soar up, and he just lies on the ground. So, even though it is light, it is still heavy,” Topik replied.

The little ones thought.

- Hm! Hm! they said. - The ball is light, but still heavy. It's right. How will he fly?

They began to ask Znayka, but Znayka said:

- Be patient a little. Soon you will see everything.

Since Znayka did not explain anything to the shorties, they began to doubt even more. Topeka went around the city and spread ridiculous rumors.

What force can lift the ball up? he asked and answered himself:

- There is no such power! Birds fly because they have wings, and a rubber bubble won't fly up. It can only fly down.

In the end, no one in the city believed in this idea. Everyone just laughed, approached Znaika's house, looked at the ball from behind the fence and said:

- Look, look! Flies! Ha ha ha!

But Znayka did not pay attention to these ridicule. When the silk net was ready, he ordered to throw it on top of the ball. The net was stretched and the ball was covered with it from above.

– Look! shouted the short men from behind the fence. - The ball is caught with a net. They are afraid that they will fly away. Ha ha ha!

Znayka ordered to pick up the ball with a rope from below, tie it to a branch of a walnut bush and pull it up.

Immediately, Toropyzhka and Shpuntik climbed a bush with a rope and began to pull the ball up. This made the audience very happy.

– Ha-ha-ha! they laughed. - It turns out that this is a ball that needs to be dragged up on a rope. How will he fly if he needs to be lifted on a rope?

“So it will fly,” answered Topic. - They will sit on top of the ball and start pulling the rope - that's the ball and fly.

When the ball was raised above the ground, the mesh hung down along its edges, and Znayka ordered to tie a basket of birch bark to the corners of the mesh. The basket was rectangular. On each side, a bench was made in it, and four babies could fit on each bench.

The basket was tied to the net at four corners, and Znayka announced that the work on building the ball was completed. Toropyzhka imagined that it was already possible to fly, but Znayka said that parachutes still needed to be prepared for everyone.

Why parachutes? – asked Dunno.

- And suddenly the ball will burst! Then we'll have to jump with parachutes.

The next day, Znayka and his comrades were busy making parachutes. Everyone made a parachute from dandelion fluff for himself, and Znayka showed everyone how to do it.

The inhabitants of the city saw that the ball was hanging motionlessly on a branch, and they said to each other:

So it will hang until it bursts. There will be no flight.

- Well, why don't you fly? they shouted from behind the fence. - You need to fly before the balloon bursts.

“Don’t worry,” Znayka answered them. The flight will take place tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning.

Many laughed, but some began to doubt.

- What if they actually fly! they said. “We must come tomorrow and have a look.

Chapter Seven

Travel preparation

The next morning, Znayka woke up his friends early. Everyone woke up and got ready to go. Vintik and Shpuntik put on their leather jackets. Hunter Pulka put on his favorite leather boots. The tops of these boots were above the knees and fastened on top with buckles. These boots were very comfortable for traveling. Toropyzhka put on his zipper suit. This costume should be told in detail. Hurry, who was always in a hurry and did not like to waste time, invented a special suit for himself, in which there was not a single button. It is known that when dressing and undressing, most of the time is spent on fastening and unbuttoning buttons. In Toropyzhka's costume there were no separate shirts and trousers: they were connected into one whole in the manner of overalls. This jumpsuit was fastened on top with one button, which was on the back of the head. It was worth unfastening this button, and the whole suit in some incomprehensible way fell off the shoulders and fell at lightning speed to the feet.

Plump Donut put on his best suit. In suits, Donut valued mostly pockets. The more pockets there were, the better the suit was considered. His best suit consisted of seventeen pockets. The jacket consisted of ten pockets: two pockets on the chest, two slant pockets on the stomach, two pockets on the sides, three pockets inside and one secret pocket on the back. The trousers had two pockets on the front, two pockets on the back, two pockets on the sides and one pocket at the bottom, on the knee. In ordinary life, such seventeen-pocket suits with a pocket on the knee can only be found with cameramen.

Syrupchik dressed up in a checkered suit. He always wore plaid suits. And his trousers were plaid, and his jacket was plaid, and his cap was plaid. When they saw him from afar, the short men always said: "Look, look, there is a chessboard." Avoska dressed up in a ski suit, which he considered very comfortable for traveling. He put on a striped jersey, striped leggings, and wrapped a striped scarf around his neck. In this suit, he was all striped, and from a distance it seemed that it was not Sky at all, but an ordinary striped mattress. In general, everyone was dressed in whatever they could, only Confusion, who had a habit of throwing his things anywhere, could not find his jacket. He also stuck his cap somewhere and, no matter how hard he looked, he could not find it anywhere. In the end, he found his winter hat with ears under the bed.

The artist Tubik decided to paint everything he sees during his travels. He took his paints and brush and put them in the basket of the balloon ahead of time. Guslya decided to take a flute with him. Dr. Pilyulkin took the first-aid kit and also put it in the basket, under the bench. This was very prudent, since during the trip someone could get sick.

It was not yet six o'clock in the morning, and almost the entire city had already gathered around. Many short men who wanted to see the flight sat on the fences, on the balconies, on the roofs of the houses.

Toropyzhka was the first to get into the basket and chose the most convenient place for himself. Dunno followed him.

“Look,” the spectators gathered around shouted, “they are already starting to sit down!”

- Why did you get into the basket? Znaika said. - Get out, it's still early.

- Why early? You can already fly, Dunno answered.

- You understand a lot! The balloon must first be filled with warm air.

Why hot air? – asked Toropyzhka.

Because warm air is lighter than cold air and always rises. When we fill the balloon with warm air, the warm air will rise up and drag the balloon up,” Znayka explained. “Wow, that means we still need warm air!” Dunno drawled, and together with Toropyzhka they got out of the basket.

“Look,” someone shouted on the roof of a neighboring house, “they are crawling back out!” We thought about flying.

“Of course, they changed their minds,” they answered from the other roof. “Is it possible to fly on such a balloon!” They just fool the public.

At this time, Znayka ordered the short men to fill several bags with sand and put them in a basket. Immediately Toropyzhka, Silent, Avoska and other kids began to pour sand into bags and put them in a basket.

– What are they doing? the spectators asked each other in bewilderment.

“For some reason they put sandbags in the basket.

“Hey, why do you need sandbags?” shouted Topic, who was sitting astride the fence.

“But we’ll get up and we’ll throw them on your heads from above,” Dunno answered.

Of course, Dunno himself did not know what the bags were for. He just made it up that way.

- Get up first! Topic shouted.

Little Mikrosha, who was sitting on the fence next to Topik, said:

“They must be afraid to fly and want the sandbags to fly instead.

Laughed all around.

Of course they are afraid! What are they afraid of? The ball still won't fly.

“Maybe he will still fly,” said one of the little ones, who also looked through the cracks of the fence.

While they were arguing around, Znayka ordered a fire to be built in the middle of the yard, and everyone saw how Vintik and Shpuntik took out a large copper cauldron from their workshop and put it on the fire. This boiler Vintik and Shpuntik have long been made to heat the air. The boiler was with a tightly closed lid, in which there was a hole. A pump was attached to the side for pumping air into the boiler. This air was heated in the boiler and already hot came out through the top hole in the lid.

Of course, none of the spectators could guess what the boiler was for, but everyone expressed their own assumptions.

“Probably, they decided to cook soup for themselves to have breakfast before the trip,” said the little girl, named Chamomile.

“What do you think,” Mikrosha answered, “and you would probably have a bite to eat if you went on such a long journey!”

“Of course,” Chamomile agreed. Maybe this is the last time...

- What is the last time?

- Well, they will eat for the last time, and then they will fly, the balloon will burst - and they will break.

"Don't be afraid, it won't burst," Topik told her. - In order to burst, you have to fly, but, you see, he has been sticking out here for a whole week and does not fly anywhere.

- And now it will fly! - answered Button, who, together with Mushka, also came to look at the flight.

Soon all the spectators began to argue heatedly. If someone said that the ball would fly, then the other immediately answered that it would not fly, and if someone said that it would not fly, they immediately answered that it would fly. The noise rose so that nothing could be heard. On the same roof, two kids fought among themselves - they argued so hotly. They were forcibly spilled with water.

By this time, the air had already warmed up enough in the boiler, and Znayka decided that it was time to start filling the balloon with hot air. But in order to fill the balloon with hot air, cold air had to be released from it first. Znayka went up to the ball and untied the rope, which tightly pulled the rubber tube down. Cold air with a loud hiss began to escape from the ball. The shorties, who were arguing about whether the balloon would fly or not, turned around and saw that the balloon began to decrease rapidly. He went limp, wrinkled like a dried pear, and disappeared to the bottom of the basket. In the place where there used to be a huge ball, now there was only a basket covered with a net on top.

The hissing ceased, and immediately there was a friendly outburst of laughter. Everyone laughed: both those who said that the balloon would fly, and those who said that it would not fly, and Dunno's friend Gunka laughed so much that he even fell off the roof and stuffed a bump on the back of his head. Doctor Pilyulkin had to treat him right away and smear the bump with iodine.

- That's how they flew! shouted around. - That's so Znaykin's ball! For a whole week they fiddled with him, and he took it and burst. Fun! I have never laughed so much in my life!

But Znayka did not pay attention to the ridicule this time either. He connected the cauldron to the ball with a long tube and ordered to pump the pump, which was attached to the cauldron. Fresh air began to enter the boiler, and the heated air passed through the tube directly into the ball. Gradually, the ball under the net became bigger and bigger and had already begun to crawl out of the basket.

“Look,” the audience rejoiced, “they are cheating again!” Here are the freaks! And he will burst again.

Nobody believed that the balloon would fly. And in the meantime, he became even bigger, got out of the basket and lay in it, like a huge watermelon on a saucer. Then suddenly everyone saw that the ball slowly rose up by itself and pulled on the net, which was tied to the basket. Everyone so gasped. Everyone saw that now no one was pulling the ball up on the rope.

- Hooray! Romashka shouted and even clapped her hands.

- Don't yell! Topic yelled at her.

- Yes, it flew!

- Haven't flown yet. You see, he is tied to the basket. Will he be able to lift the basket and even with shorties!

Then Topic saw that the ball, having become larger, rose higher and the basket separated from the ground. Topic could not resist and shouted with all his might:

- Hold on! After all, it will fly away! What are you doing?

But the ball did not fly away, as the basket was firmly tied to a walnut bush. She just rose a little off the ground.

- Hurrah! resounded from all sides. - Hooray! Well done, Znaika! That's so Znaikin ball! What did they trick him with? Probably a ferry.

Now everyone believed that the balloon would fly.

Chapter Eight

Finally filling the balloon with warm air was over. Znayka ordered the boiler to be removed and tied a rubber tube with a string with his own hand so that warm air would not escape from the ball. After that, he ordered everyone to sit in the basket. Toropyzhka climbed first, Donut climbed after him and almost fell on the heads of the other shorties. He was plump, all his pockets were stuffed with all sorts of things: where the sugar lay, where the cookies. In addition, he put on galoshes just in case, and held an umbrella in his hands. By common efforts, Donut was put into a basket, and the rest of the short men began to climb after him. Sakharin Sakharinich Syrupchik fussed around the basket and helped everyone up.

“Sit down, please,” he said, “make yourself comfortable. Enough space for everyone in the balloon.

“Sit down too,” they answered him.

"I'll make it," answered Syrupchik. - The main thing is that you sit down.

He helpfully supported everyone by the arms, pushing from below.

Finally, everyone climbed into the basket. One Syrupchik remained below.

- Why don't you sit down? they asked him.

"Maybe I shouldn't?" Siropchik replied. - I'm very fat. It's tight for you there without me. I'm afraid it will overload.

Don't worry, there won't be any overload.

- No, brothers, fly without me. I'll wait for you here. Why should I embarrass you!

“You won’t embarrass anyone,” Znayka replied. - Sit down. Since everyone decided to fly, then we will fly together.

Syrupchik reluctantly climbed into the basket, and then suddenly an unforeseen circumstance happened: the basket, together with the ball, immediately sank to the ground.

- That's how they flew! Mikrosha laughed on the fence.

- What are you laughing at? Topic yelled at him. - There is misfortune, but he laughs!

“There is no misfortune,” Steklyashkin answered. “It’s just that this balloon is designed for fifteen shorties. Sixteen he can't lift.

So they won't fly? Topic asked.

“We’ll have to leave someone alone, then they’ll fly,” said Steklyashkin.

“Probably, Dunno will be left,” said Mushka.

Syrup, who was afraid to fly in a balloon, was delighted and said:

- Well, I did say that the overload will work! I better get out.

He had already raised his leg to get out, but then Znayka took one bag of sand and threw it out of the basket. The ball immediately became lighter and rose up again. It was only then that everyone understood why Znayka ordered to put sandbags in the basket. Everyone clapped their hands, and Znayka raised his hand up and turned to the short men with a speech.

- Goodbye, brothers! he shouted. We will fly to distant lands. We'll be back in a week. Goodbye!

- Goodbye! Goodbye! Bon Voyage! shouted the short men, waving their arms and hats.

Znayka took a penknife out of his pocket and cut the rope with which the basket was tied to a bush. The ball smoothly rose up, hooked sideways on a branch of a bush, but immediately unhooked and quickly soared up.

- Hooray! shouted the little ones. - Long live Znayka and his comrades! Hooray!

Everyone clapped their hands and tossed their hats up. The little ones hugged for joy. Fly and Button even kissed, and Daisy began to cry.

The ball meanwhile rose higher and higher. He was blown away by the wind. Soon it turned into a small speck that was barely visible in the blue sky. Steklyashkin climbed onto the roof of the house and began to look at this speck through his chimney. Next to him, on the very edge of the roof, stood the poet Tsvetik. Folding his arms on his chest, he looked at the general jubilation, and seemed to be thinking about something.

Suddenly he spread his arms wide and shouted at the top of his voice:

- Poetry! Listen to poetry!

The surroundings immediately calmed down. Everyone raised their heads and began to look at Blossom.

- Poetry! whispered the little ones. - Now there will be poetry.

Blossom waited a little longer for complete silence. Then he extended his hand to the balloon that had flown away, coughed a little, and said again:

A huge balloon, inflated with steam,

He took to the air without a hitch.

Our shorty is not even a bird,

It's still good for flying.

And everything is available, ehma!

Now for our mind!

Well, the cry went up! Everyone clapped their hands again. The kids dragged Tsvetik off the roof and carried them home in their arms, and the little ones plucked the petals from the flowers and threw them to Tsvetik. On this day, Tsvetik became famous as if he himself invented a balloon and flew on it into the sky. His poems were all memorized and sung in the streets.

For a long time that day, here and there, one could hear: And everything is available, ehma! Now for our mind!

Chapter Nine

Above the clouds

Our brave travelers did not even feel how the ball rose into the air, so smoothly it separated from the ground. Only a minute later they looked out of the basket and saw below a crowd of friends who waved goodbye to them and tossed their hats up. Shouts of "hooray" came from below.

- Goodbye! Znayka and his comrades shouted back to them.

They also started waving their hats. Confused, he stretched out his hand to his head to take off his hat, and only then discovered that he was not wearing a hat.

- Stop, brothers! he shouted. - Stop the ball! I forgot my hat at home.

You always forget something! Grumbled.

“Now it’s impossible to stop the ball,” Znayka said. - It will fly until the air in it cools down, and only then will it go down.

- What, I have to fly without a hat? – offended asked Rasteryayka.

“You found your hat under the bed,” Donut said.

- I found something, but it was hot in it, so I put it on the table, and then at the very last moment I forgot to put it on.

“You always forget something at the very last moment,” Grumpy said.

“Look, brothers,” Dunno suddenly shouted, “our house was left downstairs!”

Everyone laughed, and Grumpy said:

- And you must have thought that the house would fly with us?

- I didn't think anything of the sort! Dunno was offended. - I just saw that our house was standing, so I said. We used to live in a house all the time, but now we fly in a hot air balloon.

“Here we go,” grumbled Grumpy. - Let's go somewhere else!

“You, Grumpy, keep grumbling,” Dunno answered. - From you and in a balloon there is no peace.

- Well, go away if you don't like it!

- Where am I going to go?

- Well, that's enough! Znayka shouted at the debaters. What is this hot air balloon spore?

The balloon rose even higher, and the entire Flower City was visible at a glance. The houses seemed very tiny, and the little ones were almost impossible to see. The balloon was blown away by the wind, and soon the whole city was visible far behind.

End of introductory segment.

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Nikolai Nosov

Adventures of Dunno and his friends

Chapter first

Shorties from Flower City

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.

Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.

The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies. The little ones always went either in long slacks, or in short pants with a shoulder strap, and the little ones liked to wear dresses made of colorful, bright matter. The little ones did not like to mess with their hairstyles, and therefore their hair was short, and the little ones had long hair, almost to the waist. The little ones were very fond of doing various beautiful hairstyles, they braided their hair into long braids and braided ribbons into the braids, and wore bows on their heads. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with babies at all. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones. If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to the other side of the street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were often those who could not calmly pass by the baby, but they would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her or, even worse, pull her braid. Of course, not all the kids were like that, but they didn’t have it written on their foreheads, so the little ones thought it was better to cross to the other side of the street in advance and not come across. For this, many kids called babies imaginary - they will come up with such a word! - and many babies called the kids bullies and other offensive nicknames.

Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such babies in life. But no one says that they exist in real life. In life - this is one thing, but in a fabulous city - quite another. Everything happens in a fairytale city.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka. He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. And he knew a lot because he read different books. These books lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. There was no place in his room where there were no books. From reading books, Znayka became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and began to read some book, he completely looked like a professor.

In the same house lived the famous doctor Pilyulkin, who treated shorties for all diseases. He always walked in a white coat, and on his head he wore a white cap with a tassel. The famous mechanic Vintik also lived here with his assistant Shpuntik; lived Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, who became famous for the fact that he was very fond of sparkling water with syrup. He was very polite. He liked it when he was called by his first and patronymic, and did not like it when someone called him simply Syrupchik. The hunter Pulka also lived in this house. He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that fired corks. There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Rasteryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno. They called him Dunno because he didn't know anything.

This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, Dunno wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. Therefore, the little ones, seeing his orange shirt from afar, immediately turned in the opposite direction and hid at home. Dunno had a friend named Gunka, who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with Gunka for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made up twenty times a day.

In particular Dunno became famous after one story.

One day he was walking around the city and wandered into a field. There was not a soul around. At this time, the cockchafer was flying. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle immediately flew away and disappeared into the distance. Dunno jumped up, began to look around and see who hit him. But there was no one around.

“Who hit me? thought Dunno. “Maybe something fell from above?”

He lifted his head and looked up, but there was nothing above either. Only the sun shone brightly over Dunno's head.

“It means that something fell on me from the sun,” Dunno decided. “Probably a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.”

He went home and met a friend, whose name was Steklyashkin.

This Steklyashkin was a famous astronomer. He knew how to make magnifying glasses out of fragments of broken bottles. When he looked through magnifying glasses at various objects, the objects seemed larger. From several such magnifying glasses, Steklyashkin made a large telescope through which one could look at the moon and the stars. Thus he became an astronomer.

Listen, Steklyashkin, Dunno told him. - You understand what kind of story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.

What you. Dunno! Steklyashkin laughed. - If a piece came off the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

It can't be, Dunno answered. - In my opinion, the sun is no more than a plate.

We only think so, because the sun is very far from us. The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this in my pipe. If even a small piece of the sun came off, it would destroy our entire city.

Look you! - answered Dunno. "I didn't know the sun was that big." I'll go and tell our people - maybe they haven't heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it is actually chipped!

Dunno went home and told everyone who met along the way:

Brothers, do you know what kind of sun? It is larger than our entire Earth. Here it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. Horror what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone laughed, because they knew that Dunno was a talker. And Dunno ran at full speed home and let's shout:

Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!

What piece? they ask him.

Piece, brothers! A piece broke off from the sun. Soon it will slap - and everyone will be covered. Do you know what the sun is? It is larger than our entire Earth!

What are you thinking!

I don't invent anything. This is what Steklyashkin said. He saw through his pipe.

Everyone ran out into the courtyard and began to look at the sun. They watched and watched until tears came out of their eyes. Blindly, it began to seem to everyone that the sun was actually chipped. And the Dunno shouted:

Save who can! Trouble!

Everyone began to grab their things. The tube grabbed his paints and brush, Guslya - his musical instruments. Dr. Pilyulkin rushed around the house and looked for a first-aid kit, which had been lost somewhere. Donut grabbed galoshes and an umbrella and already ran out of the gate, but then Znayka's voice was heard:

Calm down brothers! There is nothing terrible. Don't you know that Dunno is a talker? He invented all this.

Invented? - Dunno shouted. - Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone ran to Steklyashkin, and then it turned out that Dunno actually composed everything. Well, there was laughter! Everyone laughed at Dunno and said:

We wonder how we believed you!

And I'm not surprised! - answered Dunno. - I actually believed it myself.

That's how wonderful this Dunno was.

Chapter Two

How Dunno was a musician

If Dunno took up some business, then he did it the wrong way, and everything turned out to be topsy-turvy. He learned to read only by writing, and he could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because how could he then think? Of course, he did not think well, but he put on his shoes on his feet, and not on his head - after all, this also needs consideration.

Dunno was not so bad. He really wanted to learn something, but did not like to work. He wanted to learn right away, without any difficulty, and even the smartest little man could not get anything out of this.

Kids and babies were very fond of music, and Guslya was a wonderful musician. He had various musical instruments and often played them. Everyone listened to the music and praised it very much. Dunno was envious that Guslya was being praised, so he began to ask him:

Teach me how to play I also want to be a musician.

Learn, - Guslya agreed. - What do you want to play?

And what is the easiest way to learn?

On the balalaika.

Well, give the balalaika here, I'll try.

Guslya gave him a balalaika. Dunno rattled on the strings. Then he says:

No, the balalaika plays too quietly. Give me something else, louder.

Guslya gave him a violin. Dunno began to chirp the strings with his bow and said:

Is there anything even louder?

There is also a pipe, ”Guslya answered.

Come on over here, let's try it.

Guslya gave him a large copper trumpet. Dunno how to blow into it, how the pipe will roar!

This is a good tool! - Dunno was delighted. - Loud playing!

Well, study the pipe, if you like it, - Guslya agreed.

Why should I study? I already know how, - Dunno answered.

No, you still can't.

I can, I can! Here listen! - Dunno shouted and began to blow with all his might into the pipe: - Boo-boo-boo! Goo-hoo-hoo!

You just trumpet, not play, - Guslya answered.

How can I not play? - Dunno was offended. - I play very well! Loud!

Oh you! It's not about being loud. It needs to be beautiful.

So I do it and it turns out beautifully.

And it’s not beautiful at all, ”said Guslya. - You, I see, are not at all capable of music.

You are not capable! Dunno got angry. You're just saying that out of jealousy. You want to be listened to and praised alone.

Nothing of the sort,” Guslya said. - Pick up the trumpet and play as much as you want if you don't think you need to learn. Let them praise you too.

Well, I will play! - answered Dunno.

He began to blow into the trumpet, and since he did not know how to play, his trumpet roared, and wheezed, and squealed, and grunted. Guslya listened, listened ... Finally he got tired of it. He put on his velvet jacket, put on a pink bow around his neck, which he wore instead of a tie, and went to visit.

In the evening, when all the kids have gathered at home. Dunno again took up the pipe and began to blow into it as much as he could:

Boo-boo-boo! Doo-doo-doo!

What's that noise? they all shouted.

It's not noise, Dunno answered. - This is me playing.

Stop now! - Znayka shouted. Your music hurts my ears!

It's because you're not used to my music yet. Once you get used to it, your ears won't hurt.

And I don't want to get used to it. I really need!

But Dunno did not listen to him and continued to play:

Boo Boo Boo! Hrrrr! Hrrrr! wow! wow!

Yes stop you! - all the kids jumped on him. - Get out of here with your nasty pipe!

Where should I go?

Go to the field and play there.

So in the field there will be no one to listen.

Do you really need someone to listen?


Well, go outside, where the neighbors will hear you.

Dunno went outside and began to play near the neighboring house, but the neighbors asked him not to make noise under the windows. Then he went to another house - they drove him out of there. He went to the third house - they began to drive him from there, and he decided to play and play to spite them. The neighbors got angry, ran out of the house and chased him. By force he ran away from them with his pipe.

Dunno has since stopped playing the trumpet.

They don't understand my music," he said. - Haven't grown up to my music yet. That's when they grow up - they themselves will ask, but it will be too late. I won't play anymore.

Chapter Three

How Dunno was an artist

Tube was a very good artist. He always dressed in a long blouse, which he called "hoodie". It was worth looking at Tube when, dressed in his robe and throwing back his long hair, he stood in front of the easel with a palette in his hands. Everyone immediately saw that in front of him was a real artist.

After no one wanted to listen to Neznaykin's music, he decided to become an artist. He came to the Tube and says:

Listen, Tube, I want to be an artist too. Give me some paints and a brush.

The tube was not at all greedy, he gave Dunno his old paints and a brush. At this time, his friend, Gunka, came to Dunno.

Stranger says:

Sit down, Gunka, now I will draw you.

Gunka was delighted, sat down quickly on a chair, and Dunno began to draw him. He wanted to portray Gunka more beautifully, so he painted him a red nose, green ears, blue lips and orange eyes. Gunka wanted to see his portrait as soon as possible. From impatience, he could not sit quietly on a chair and kept turning around.

Don't turn around, don't turn around, Dunno told him, otherwise it won't work out.

And now it looks like it? asked Gunka.

Very similar, ”Dunno answered and added a mustache to him with purple paint.

Come on, show me what you got! asked Gunka when Dunno finished the portrait.

The stranger showed.

Am I like that? shouted Gunka in fright.

Of course it is. What else?

Why did you draw a mustache? I don't have a mustache.

Well, someday they will.

Why is the nose red?

This is to be more beautiful.

Why is her hair blue? Do I have blue hair?

Blue, Dunno answered. - But if you don't like it, I can make green ones.

No, this is a bad portrait, - said Gunka. - Let me break it.

Why destroy a work of art? - answered Dunno.

Gunka wanted to take the portrait away from him, and they began to fight. Znayka, Dr. Pilyulkin and the rest of the kids ran up to the noise.

What are you fighting? - they ask.

Here, - shouted Gunka, - you judge us: tell me, who is drawn here? Really, it's not me?

Of course not you, the kids answered. - There is some sort of garden scarecrow drawn.

Stranger says:

You did not guess because there is no signature here. I'll sign now, and everything will be clear.

He took a pencil and signed under the portrait in block letters: "GUNKA". Then he hung the portrait on the wall and said:

Let it hang. Everyone can watch, no one is forbidden.

It doesn't matter, - said Gunka, - when you go to bed, I will come and destroy this portrait.

And I won’t go to bed at night and will guard, ”Dunno answered.

Gunka was offended and went home, but Dunno actually did not go to bed in the evening.

When everyone fell asleep, he took the paints and began to draw everyone. I drew a donut so thick that it didn't even fit in the portrait. He drew Toropyzhka on thin legs, and for some reason added a dog's tail to him from behind. The hunter Pulka was depicted riding Bulka. Doctor Pilyulkin drew a thermometer instead of a nose. Znayka does not know why he painted donkey ears. In a word, he portrayed everyone in a funny and ridiculous way.

By morning, he hung these portraits on the walls and made inscriptions under them, so that a whole exhibition turned out.

Dr. Pilyulkin was the first to wake up. He saw the portraits on the wall and began to laugh. He liked them so much that he even put pince-nez on his nose and began to examine the portraits very carefully. He approached each portrait and laughed for a long time.

Well done, stranger! - said Dr. Pilyulkin. - I have never laughed so hard in my life!

Finally, he stopped near his portrait and asked sternly:

And who is this? Is it really me? No, it's not me. This is a very bad portrait. You better take it off.

Why shoot? Let it hang, Dunno answered.

Dr. Pilyulkin was offended and said:

You, Dunno, are obviously sick. Something happened to your eyes. When did you see that I had a thermometer instead of a nose? I'll have to give you castor oil for the night.

Dunno did not like castor oil very much. He got scared and says:

No no! Now I can see for myself that the portrait is bad.

He hastily removed Pilyulkin's portrait from the wall and tore it up.

After Pilyulkin, the hunter Pulka woke up. And he liked the portraits. He nearly burst out laughing at them. And then he saw his portrait, and his mood immediately deteriorated.

It's a bad portrait, he said. - Doesn't look like me. You take it off, otherwise I won't take you hunting with me.

Dunno and the hunter Pulka had to be removed from the wall. So it was with everyone. Everyone liked the portraits of others, but did not like their own.

The last to wake up was Tube, who, as usual, slept the longest. When he saw his portrait on the wall, he became terribly angry and said that it was not a portrait, but mediocre, anti-artistic daub. Then he ripped off the portrait from the wall and took Dunno's paint and brush away.

Only Gunkin's portrait remained on the wall. Dunno took it off and went to his friend.

Do you want, Gunka, I will give you your portrait? And you will make up with me for this, ”Dunno suggested.

Gunka took the portrait, tore it into pieces and said:

Okay, peace. Only if you draw at least once, I will never put up with it.

And I will never draw again, ”Dunno answered. - You draw, you draw, and no one even says thank you, everyone just swears. I don't want to be an artist anymore.

Chapter Four

How Dunno wrote poetry

After Dunno did not turn out to be an artist, he decided to become a poet and compose poetry. He had a familiar poet who lived on Oduvanchikov Street. This poet was really called Pudik, but, as you know, all poets are very fond of beautiful names. Therefore, when Pudik began to write poetry, he chose a different name for himself and began to be called Tsvetik.

Once Dunno came to Tsvetik and said:

Listen, Tsvetik, teach me how to compose poetry. I also want to be a poet.

Do you have abilities? - asked Flower.

Of course have. I am very capable, Dunno answered.

This should be checked, - said Tsvetik. - Do you know what rhyme is?

Rhyme? No, I do not know.

Rhyme is when two words end in the same way, explained Tsvetik. - For example: a duck is a joke, a shortbread is a walrus. Understood?

Well, say a rhyme for the word "stick".

Herring, Dunno answered.

What kind of rhyme is this: a stick is a herring? There is no rhyme in these words.

Why not? They do end the same way.

This is not enough, - said Tsvetik. - It is necessary that the words are similar, so that it turns out smoothly. Listen: a stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump.

Got it, got it! - Dunno shouted. - A stick is a jackdaw, a stove is a candle, a book is a bump! That's great! Ha ha ha!

Well, come up with a rhyme for the word "tow," said Tsvetik.

Shmaklya, Dunno answered.

What scumbag? - Blossom was surprised. - Is there such a word?

Isn't there?

Of course not.

Well, then rvakla.

What kind of rvakla is this? - again surprised Flower.

Well, it’s when they tear something, that’s what it turns out to be rwakla, ”Dunno explained.

You're all lying, - said Tsvetik, - such a word does not exist. It is necessary to choose such words that exist, and not to invent.

What if I can't find another word?

So you have no talent for poetry.

Well, then figure out for yourself what kind of rhyme is here, ”Dunno answered.

Now, - agreed Tsvetik.

He stopped in the middle of the room, folded his arms, tilted his head to one side, and began to think. Then he lifted his head up and began to think, looking at the ceiling. Then he clutched his own chin with his hands and began to think, looking at the floor. Having done all this, he began to wander around the room and slowly muttered to himself:

Tow, baklya, waklya, daklya, daklya, maklya ... - He muttered for a long time, then said: - Ugh! What is this word? It's a word that doesn't rhyme.

Here you go! - Dunno was delighted. - He himself sets such words for which there is no rhyme, and also says that I am incapable.

Well, capable, capable, just leave me alone! Flower said. - My head hurts. Compose in such a way that there is meaning and rhyme, here are the verses for you.

Is it really that simple? - Dunno was surprised.

Of course, it's simple. The main thing is the ability to have.

Dunno came home and immediately began to compose poetry. All day long he walked about the room, looking first at the floor, then at the ceiling, holding his chin in his hands and muttering something to himself.

At last the verses were ready, and he said:

Listen, brothers, what verses I composed.

Well, well, well, what are these poems about? - everyone was interested.

I wrote this about you, Dunno admitted. - First, here are the poems about Znayka: Znayka went for a walk to the river, Jumped over the sheep.

What? - Znayka shouted. - When did I jump over the sheep?

Well, it’s only in poetry that they say so, for rhyme, Dunno explained.

So, because of the rhyme, will you make up all sorts of lies about me? - Boiled Znayka.

Of course, Dunno answered. Why should I tell the truth? There is nothing to compose the truth, it already exists.

Try again, you'll find out! - Znayka threatened. - Well, read what you wrote about others?

Here, listen to Toropyzhka, - Dunno said. Hasty was hungry, Swallowed a cold iron.

Brothers! shouted Toropyzhka. - What does he write about me? I did not swallow any cold iron.

Don't shout, Dunno answered. - It's just for rhyme that I said that the iron was cold.

So I didn’t swallow any iron, neither cold nor hot! shouted Toropyzhka.

And I'm not saying that you swallowed hot, so you can calm down, Dunno answered. - Here, listen to the verses about Avoska: Avoska has a sweet cheesecake under his pillow. Avoska went up to his bed, looked under the pillow and said:

Bullshit! There is no cheesecake here.

You don't understand anything in poetry, Dunno answered. - It is only for rhyme that it is said that it lies, but in fact it does not lie. Here I also wrote about Pilyulkin.

Brothers! cried Dr. Pilyulkin. We need to stop this bullying! Are we really going to calmly listen that Dunno is lying about everyone here?

Enough! they all shouted. We don't want to listen anymore! These are not poems, but some kind of teasing.

Only Znayka, Toropyzhka and Avoska shouted:

Let him read! Since he has read about us, let him read about others.

No need! We do not want! the others shouted.

Well, if you don’t want to, then I’ll go and read to my neighbors, ”Dunno said.

What? everyone screamed. - Are you going to shame us in front of the neighbors? Just try! Then you can't go back home.

Well, brothers, I won’t,” agreed Dunno. “Just don’t be angry with me.

Since then, Dunno decided not to write poetry anymore.

Chapter Five

How Dunno rode a carbonated car

The mechanic Vintik and his assistant Shpuntik were very good craftsmen. They looked alike, only Vintik was a little taller, and Shpuntik a little shorter. Both were wearing leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files and other iron tools were always sticking out of the pockets of their jackets. If the jackets were not leather, then the pockets would have come off long ago. Their hats were also leather, with canned glasses. These glasses they put on during work, so as not to powder their eyes.

Vintik and Shpuntik spent whole days sitting in their workshop and repairing stoves, pots, kettles, frying pans, and when there was nothing to repair, they made tricycles and scooters for short people.

Once Vintik and Shpuntik did not say anything to anyone, they closed themselves in their workshop and began to make something. For a whole month they sawed, planed, riveted, soldered and showed nothing to anyone, and when the month passed, it turned out that they had made a car.

This car ran on sparkling water with syrup. In the middle of the car, a driver's seat was arranged, and a tank of soda water was placed in front of it. The gas from the tank passed through a tube into a copper cylinder and pushed an iron piston. The iron piston, under the pressure of the gas, went here and there and turned the wheels. Above the seat was a jar of syrup. The syrup flowed through the tube into the tank and served to lubricate the mechanism.

Such carbonated cars were very common among shorties. But in the car that Vintik and Shpuntik built, there was one very important improvement: a flexible rubber tube with a tap was attached to the side of the tank so that you could drink sparkling water on the go without stopping the car.

Toropyzhka learned to drive this car, and if someone wanted to ride, Toropyzhka drove and did not refuse anyone.

Most of all, Syropchik liked to ride in a car, because during the trip he could drink as much sparkling water with syrup as he liked. Dunno also liked to ride in a car, and Toropyzhka often drove him. But Dunno wanted to learn how to drive a car himself, and he began to ask Toropyzhka:

Let me drive. I also want to learn how to drive.

You won't be able to, - said Toropyzhka. - It's a car. Here you need to understand.

What else is there to understand! - answered Dunno. - I saw how you drive. Pull the handles and turn the steering wheel. Everything is simple.

It just seems easy, but it's actually difficult. You will kill yourself and wreck the car.

Okay, squirrel! - Dunno was offended. If you ask me for anything, I won't give it to you either.

Once, when Toropyzhka was not at home, Dunno got into a car that was standing in the yard, and began to pull the levers and press the pedals. At first, nothing worked out for him, then suddenly the car snorted and drove off. The shorties saw it through the window and ran out of the house.

What are you doing? they shouted. - You'll be killed!

I won’t kill myself, ”Dunno answered, and immediately ran into a doghouse that stood in the middle of the yard.

Fuck fuck! The booth crumbled to pieces. It’s good that Bulka managed to jump out, otherwise Dunno would have crushed him too.

See what you've done! - Znayka shouted. - Stop now!

Dunno got scared, wanted to stop the car and pulled some kind of lever. But the car, instead of stopping, went even faster. There was a gazebo on the road. Fuck-ta-ra-rah! The pavilion crumbled into pieces. Dunno was pelted with wood chips from head to toe. One board caught him on the back, another cracked on the back of the head.

Dunno grabbed the steering wheel and let's turn. The car rushes around the yard, and Dunno shouts at the top of his lungs:

Brothers, open the gate as soon as possible, otherwise I'll break everything in the yard!

The little guys opened the gate, Dunno drove out of the yard and rushed down the street. Hearing the noise, short men ran out from all the yards.

Watch out! Dunno shouted to them and rushed forward.

Znayka, Avoska, Vintik, Dr. Pilyulkin and other short men ran after him. But where is it! They couldn't catch up with him.

Dunno traveled all over the city and did not know how to stop the car.

Finally, the car drove up to the river, fell off the cliff and rolled head over heels down. Dunno fell out of it and remained lying on the shore, and the carbonated car fell into the water and drowned.

Znayka, Avoska, Vintik and Dr. Pilyulkin grabbed Dunno and carried her home. Everyone thought he was already dead.

At home they put him on the bed, and only then Dunno opened his eyes. He looked around and asked:

Brothers, am I still alive?

Alive, alive, - answered Dr. Pilyulkin. - Just, please, lie still, I need to examine you.

He undressed Dunno and began to examine. Then he said:

Marvelous! All the bones are intact, only there are bruises and a few splinters.

It was I who caught my back on the board, ”Dunno said.

We'll have to pull out the splinters, - Pilyulkin shook his head.

Does it hurt? - Dunno was scared.

No, nothing. Come on, I'll pull out the biggest one now. - Ah-ah-ah! - Dunno shouted.

What you? Does it hurt? Pilyulkin was surprised.

Of course it hurts!

Well, be patient, be patient. It just seems that way to you.

No, it doesn't! Ah ah ah!

Why are you screaming like I'm cutting you? I'm not cutting you.

Hurt! He said it didn't hurt, but now it hurts!

Well, hush, hush ... One splinter remains to be pulled out.

Hey, don't! No need! I'd rather be with a splinter.

You can't, it's going to rip.


Well, everything is already. Now you just need to anoint with iodine.

Does it hurt?

No, iodine does not hurt. Lie still.

Don't yell, don't yell! You like to ride in a car, but you don’t like to suffer a little!

Ay! Lives like!

It burns and stops. Now I'll put a thermometer on you.

Oh, no thermometer! No need!

It will hurt!

Yes, the thermometer doesn't hurt.

You keep saying - it doesn't hurt, and then it hurts.

Here's the weirdo! Haven't I ever put a thermometer on you?


Well, now you will see that it does not hurt, - said Pilyulkin and went to get a thermometer.

Dunno jumped out of bed, jumped out the open window and ran to his friend Gunka. Dr. Pilyulkin returned with a thermometer, looks - Dunno is gone.

So treat such a patient! Pilyulkin grumbled. - You treat him, treat him, and he will jump out the window and run away. Where does it fit!

Chapter six

How Znayka came up with a balloon

Znayka, who was very fond of reading, read a lot in books about distant countries and various travels. Often, when there was nothing to do in the evening, he would tell his friends about what he had read in books. The kids loved these stories. They liked to hear about countries that they had never seen, but most of all they loved to hear about travelers, as travelers experience various incredible stories and the most extraordinary adventures.

After listening to such stories, the kids began to dream about how to go on a trip themselves. Some offered to make a hike, others suggested sailing along the river in boats, and Znayka said:

Let's make a balloon and fly on a balloon.

Everyone liked this idea very much. The shorties had never flown in a balloon before, and all the kids were very interested. No one, of course, knew how to make balloons, but Znayka said that he would think it over and then explain.

And so Znayka began to think. He thought for three days and three nights and came up with the idea of ​​making a ball out of rubber. The shorties knew how to mine rubber. In the city, they grew flowers that looked like ficuses. If an incision is made on the stem of such a flower, then white juice begins to flow from it. This juice gradually thickens and turns into rubber, from which balls and galoshes can be made.

When Znayka came up with this, he told the kids to collect rubber juice. Everyone began to bring juice, for which Znayka prepared a large barrel. Dunno also went to collect juice and met his friend Gunka on the street, who was playing jump ropes with two little ones.

Listen, Gunka, what a trick we have come up with! - said Dunno. - You, brother, will burst with envy when you find out.

But I won’t burst, ”Gunka answered. - I really need to burst!

You will burst, you will burst! Dunno assured him. - Such a thing, brother! You didn't even dream.

What is this thing? - interested in Gunka.

Soon we will make an air bubble and fly to travel.

Gunka became envious. He, too, wanted to boast at least something, and he said:

Think bubble! But I made friends with the little ones.

With what babies?

But with these, - said Gunka and pointed at the little ones with his finger. - This little girl's name is Mushka, and this one is Button.

Mushka and Button stood at a distance and looked at Dunno with apprehension.

Dunno looked at them frowningly and said:

Ah, that's how! You're friends with me!

I am friends with you and with them too. It does not interfere.

No, it interferes, Dunno answered. - Who is friends with babies, he himself is a baby. Fight them now!

Why would I fight?

And I say, quarrel! Or I will quarrel with you.

Well, fight. Think!

So I’ll quarrel, but I’ll give your Mushka and Button a kick!

Dunno clenched his fists and rushed to the little ones. Gunka blocked his way and hit his forehead with his fist. They began to fight, but Mushka and Button got scared and ran away.

So you're punching me in the forehead because of these little girls? Dunno shouted, trying to hit Gunka on the nose.

Why do you hate them? asked Gunka, waving his fists in all directions.

Think what a defender turned up! Dunno answered and hit his friend on the top of the head with such force that Gunka even sat down and rushed to run away.

I'm at odds with you! Dunno shouted after him.

Well, please! answered Gunka. - Himself the first you will come to put up.

But you will see that I will not come! We will fly on a bubble to travel.

You will fly from the roof to the attic!

You will fly from the roof to the attic! - Dunno answered and went to collect rubber juice.

When the barrel was filled with rubber juice, Znayka stirred it well and ordered Shpuntik to bring a pump that was used to inflate car tires. He connected a long rubber tube to this pump, doused the end of the tube with rubber juice and ordered Shpuntik to slowly pump air with the pump. The shpuntik began to pump, and immediately a bubble began to form from the rubber juice, just like soap bubbles are obtained from soapy water. Znayka all the time smeared this bubble on all sides with rubber juice, and Shpuntik did not stop pumping air, so the bubble gradually swelled and turned into a large ball. Znayka did not even have time to coat it from all sides now. Then he ordered that the rest of the kids smeared. Everyone immediately got down to business. Everyone found work near the ball, and Dunno only walked around and whistled. He tried to stay away from the ball, looked at it from a distance and said:

The bubble will burst! Now, now, burst! Phew!

But the ball did not burst, but became bigger and bigger every minute. It soon swelled up so big that the little ones had to climb up a walnut bush that grew in the middle of the yard to coat the top and sides of the ball.

The work of inflating the balloon lasted two days and stopped when the balloon became the size of a house. After that, Znayka tied a rubber tube with a rope, which was from below, so that air would not escape from the ball, and said:

Now the ball will dry, and we will get down to other work.

He tied the ball with a rope to a walnut bush so that it would not be blown away by the wind, after which he divided the kids into two groups. He ordered one detachment to collect silk cocoons in order to unwind them and make silk threads. From these threads, he ordered them to weave a huge net. Znayka ordered another detachment to make a large basket of thin birch bark.

While Znayka and his comrades were doing this work, all the inhabitants of the Flower City came and looked at the huge ball that was tied to a walnut bush. Everyone wanted to touch the ball with their hands, and some even tried to lift it.

The ball is light, - they said, - it can be freely lifted up with one hand.

He is light, but, in my opinion, he will not fly, - said the kid, named Topik.

Why won't it fly? the others asked.

How will he fly? If he could fly, he would soar up, and he just lies on the ground. So, even though it is light, it is still heavy, - Topik answered.

The little ones thought.

Hm! Hm! they said. - The ball is light, but still heavy. It's right. How will he fly?

They began to ask Znayka, but Znayka said:

Be patient a little. Soon you will see everything.

Since Znayka did not explain anything to the shorties, they began to doubt even more. Topeka went around the city and spread ridiculous rumors.

What force can lift the ball up? he asked and answered himself:

There is no such power! Birds fly because they have wings, and a rubber bubble won't fly up. It can only fly down.

In the end, no one in the city believed in this idea. Everyone just laughed, approached Znaika's house, looked at the ball from behind the fence and said:

Look, look! Flies! Ha ha ha!

But Znayka did not pay attention to these ridicule. When the silk net was ready, he ordered to throw it on top of the ball. The net was stretched and the ball was covered with it from above.

Look! shouted the short men from behind the fence. - The ball is caught with a net. They are afraid that they will fly away. Ha ha ha!

Znayka ordered to pick up the ball with a rope from below, tie it to a branch of a walnut bush and pull it up.

Immediately, Toropyzhka and Shpuntik climbed a bush with a rope and began to pull the ball up. This made the audience very happy.

Ha ha ha! they laughed. - It turns out that this is a ball that needs to be dragged up on a rope. How will he fly if he needs to be lifted on a rope?

So it will fly, - answered Topik. - They will sit on top of the ball and start pulling the rope - that's the ball and fly.

When the ball was raised above the ground, the mesh hung down along its edges, and Znayka ordered to tie a basket of birch bark to the corners of the mesh. The basket was rectangular. On each side, a bench was made in it, and four babies could fit on each bench.

The basket was tied to the net at four corners, and Znayka announced that the work on building the ball was completed. Toropyzhka imagined that it was already possible to fly, but Znayka said that parachutes still needed to be prepared for everyone.

Why parachutes? - asked Dunno.

And suddenly the ball will burst! Then we'll have to jump with parachutes.

The next day, Znayka and his comrades were busy making parachutes. Everyone made a parachute from dandelion fluff for himself, and Znayka showed everyone how to do it.

The inhabitants of the city saw that the ball was hanging motionlessly on a branch, and they said to each other:

So it will hang until it bursts. There will be no flight.

Well, why don't you fly? they shouted from behind the fence. - You have to fly before the balloon bursts.

Don't worry, Znayka answered them. - The flight will take place tomorrow at eight o'clock in the morning.

Many laughed, but some began to doubt.

And suddenly they actually fly! they said. - We must come tomorrow and see.

Chapter Seven

Travel preparation

The next morning, Znayka woke up his friends early. Everyone woke up and got ready to go. Vintik and Shpuntik put on their leather jackets. Hunter Pulka put on his favorite leather boots. The tops of these boots were above the knees and fastened on top with buckles. These boots were very comfortable for traveling. Toropyzhka put on his zipper suit. This costume should be told in detail. Hurry, who was always in a hurry and did not like to waste time, invented a special suit for himself, in which there was not a single button. It is known that when dressing and undressing, most of the time is spent on fastening and unbuttoning buttons. In Toropyzhka's costume there were no separate shirts and trousers: they were connected into one whole in the manner of overalls. This jumpsuit was fastened on top with one button, which was on the back of the head. It was worth unfastening this button, and the whole suit in some incomprehensible way fell off the shoulders and fell at lightning speed to the feet.

Plump Donut put on his best suit. In suits, Donut valued mostly pockets. The more pockets there were, the better the suit was considered. His best suit consisted of seventeen pockets. The jacket consisted of ten pockets: two pockets on the chest, two slant pockets on the stomach, two pockets on the sides, three pockets inside and one secret pocket on the back. The trousers had two pockets on the front, two pockets on the back, two pockets on the sides and one pocket at the bottom, on the knee. In ordinary life, such seventeen-pocket suits with a pocket on the knee can only be found with cameramen.

Syrupchik dressed up in a checkered suit. He always wore plaid suits. And his trousers were plaid, and his jacket was plaid, and his cap was plaid. When they saw him from afar, the short men always said: "Look, look, there is a chessboard." Avoska dressed up in a ski suit, which he considered very comfortable for traveling. He put on a striped jersey, striped leggings, and wrapped a striped scarf around his neck. In this suit, he was all striped, and from a distance it seemed that it was not Sky at all, but an ordinary striped mattress. In general, everyone was dressed in whatever they could, only Confusion, who had a habit of throwing his things anywhere, could not find his jacket. He also stuck his cap somewhere and, no matter how hard he looked, he could not find it anywhere. In the end, he found his winter hat with ears under the bed.

The artist Tubik decided to paint everything he sees during his travels. He took his paints and brush and put them in the basket of the balloon ahead of time. Guslya decided to take a flute with him. Dr. Pilyulkin took the first-aid kit and also put it in the basket, under the bench. This was very prudent, since during the trip someone could get sick.

It was not yet six o'clock in the morning, and almost the entire city had already gathered around. Many short men who wanted to see the flight sat on the fences, on the balconies, on the roofs of the houses.

Toropyzhka was the first to get into the basket and chose the most convenient place for himself. Dunno followed him.

Look, the spectators gathered around shouted, they are already starting to sit down!

What did you put in the basket? Znaika said. - Get out, it's still early.

Why early? You can already fly, Dunno answered.

You understand a lot! The balloon must first be filled with warm air.

Why warm air? - asked Toropyzhka.

Because warm air is lighter than cold air and always rises. When we fill the balloon with warm air, the warm air will rise up and drag the balloon up,” Znayka explained. - Wu, means, still warm air need a! Dunno stretched out, and together with Toropyzhka they got out of the basket.

Look, - someone shouted on the roof of a neighboring house, - they are crawling back out! We thought about flying.

Of course, they changed their minds, - they answered from the other roof. - Is it possible to fly on such a ball! They just fool the public.

At this time, Znayka ordered the short men to fill several bags with sand and put them in a basket. Immediately Toropyzhka, Silent, Avoska and other kids began to pour sand into bags and put them in a basket.

What are they doing? - the audience asked each other in bewilderment.

For some reason they put sandbags in the basket.

Hey, why do you need sandbags? shouted Topik, who was sitting astride the fence.

But we’ll get up and we’ll throw them on your heads from above, ”Dunno answered.

Of course, Dunno himself did not know what the bags were for. He just made it up that way.

You rise first! Topic shouted.

Little Mikrosha, who was sitting on the fence next to Topik, said:

They must be afraid to fly and want the sandbags to fly instead.

Laughed all around.

Of course they are afraid! What are they afraid of? The ball still won't fly.

Or maybe he will still fly, ”said one of the little ones, who also looked through the cracks of the fence.

While they were arguing around, Znayka ordered a fire to be built in the middle of the yard, and everyone saw how Vintik and Shpuntik took out a large copper cauldron from their workshop and put it on the fire. This boiler Vintik and Shpuntik have long been made to heat the air. The boiler was with a tightly closed lid, in which there was a hole. A pump was attached to the side for pumping air into the boiler. This air was heated in the boiler and already hot came out through the top hole in the lid.

Of course, none of the spectators could guess what the boiler was for, but everyone expressed their own assumptions.

Probably, they decided to cook soup for themselves to have breakfast before the trip, - said the little girl, named Chamomile.

What do you think, - answered Mikrosha, - and you would probably have a bite to eat if you went on such a long journey!

Of course, Chamomile agreed. Maybe this is the last time...

What is the last time?

Well, they will eat for the last time, and then they will fly, the balloon will burst - and they will break.

Don't be afraid, it won't burst, - Topik told her. - In order to burst, you have to fly, but, you see, he has been sticking out here for a whole week and does not fly anywhere.

End of free trial.

Nikolai Nosov

Adventures of Dunno and his friends

Chapter first

Shorties from Flower City

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.

Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.

The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies. The little ones always went either in long slacks, or in short pants with a shoulder strap, and the little ones liked to wear dresses made of colorful, bright matter. The little ones did not like to mess with their hairstyles, and therefore their hair was short, and the little ones had long hair, almost to the waist. The little ones were very fond of doing various beautiful hairstyles, they braided their hair into long braids and braided ribbons into the braids, and wore bows on their heads. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with babies at all. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones. If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to the other side of the street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were often those who could not calmly pass by the baby, but they would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her or, even worse, pull her braid. Of course, not all the kids were like that, but they didn’t have it written on their foreheads, so the little ones thought it was better to cross to the other side of the street in advance and not come across. For this, many kids called babies imaginary - they will come up with such a word! - and many babies called the kids bullies and other offensive nicknames.

Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such babies in life. But no one says that they exist in real life. In life - this is one thing, but in a fabulous city - quite another. Anything can happen in Fairy Town.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka. He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. And he knew a lot because he read different books. These books lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. There was no place in his room where there were no books. From reading books, Znayka became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and began to read some book, he completely looked like a professor.

In the same house lived the famous doctor Pilyulkin, who treated shorties for all diseases. He always walked in a white coat, and on his head he wore a white cap with a tassel. The famous mechanic Vintik also lived here with his assistant Shpuntik; lived Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, who became famous for the fact that he was very fond of sparkling water with syrup. He was very polite. He liked it when he was called by his first and patronymic, and did not like it when someone called him simply Syrupchik. The hunter Pulka also lived in this house. He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that fired corks. There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Rasteryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno. They called him Dunno because he didn't know anything.

This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, Dunno wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. Therefore, the little ones, seeing his orange shirt from afar, immediately turned in the opposite direction and hid at home. Dunno had a friend named Gunka, who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with Gunka for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made up twenty times a day.

In particular Dunno became famous after one story.

One day he was walking around the city and wandered into a field. There was not a soul around. At this time, the cockchafer was flying. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle immediately flew away and disappeared into the distance. Dunno jumped up, began to look around and see who hit him. But there was no one around.

“Who hit me? thought Dunno. “Maybe something fell from above?”

He lifted his head and looked up, but there was nothing above either. Only the sun shone brightly over Dunno's head.

“It means that something fell on me from the sun,” Dunno decided. “Probably a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.”

He went home and met a friend, whose name was Steklyashkin.

This Steklyashkin was a famous astronomer. He knew how to make magnifying glasses out of fragments of broken bottles. When he looked through magnifying glasses at various objects, the objects seemed larger. From several such magnifying glasses, Steklyashkin made a large telescope through which one could look at the moon and the stars. Thus he became an astronomer.

Listen, Steklyashkin, Dunno told him. - You understand what kind of story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.

What you. Dunno! Steklyashkin laughed. - If a piece came off the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

It can't be, Dunno answered. - In my opinion, the sun is no more than a plate.

We only think so, because the sun is very far from us. The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this in my pipe. If even a small piece of the sun came off, it would destroy our entire city.

Look you! - answered Dunno. "I didn't know the sun was that big." I'll go and tell our people - maybe they haven't heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it is actually chipped!

Dunno went home and told everyone who met along the way:

Brothers, do you know what kind of sun? It is larger than our entire Earth. Here it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. Horror what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone laughed, because they knew that Dunno was a talker. And Dunno ran at full speed home and let's shout:

Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!

What piece? they ask him.

Piece, brothers! A piece broke off from the sun. Soon it will slap - and everyone will be covered. Do you know what the sun is? It is larger than our entire Earth!

What are you thinking!

I don't invent anything. This is what Steklyashkin said. He saw through his pipe.

Everyone ran out into the courtyard and began to look at the sun. They watched and watched until tears began to flow from their eyes. Blindly, it began to seem to everyone that the sun was actually chipped. And the Dunno shouted:

Save who can! Trouble!

Everyone began to grab their things. The tube grabbed his paints and brush, Guslya - his musical instruments. Dr. Pilyulkin rushed around the house and looked for a first-aid kit, which had been lost somewhere. Donut grabbed galoshes and an umbrella and already ran out of the gate, but then Znayka's voice was heard:

Calm down brothers! There is nothing terrible. Don't you know that Dunno is a talker? He invented all this.

Invented? - Dunno shouted. - Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone ran to Steklyashkin, and then it turned out that Dunno actually composed everything. Well, there was laughter! Everyone laughed at Dunno and said:

We wonder how we believed you!

And I'm not surprised! - answered Dunno. - I actually believed it myself.

That's how wonderful this Dunno was.

Chapter Two

How Dunno was a musician

If Dunno took up some business, then he did it the wrong way, and everything turned out to be topsy-turvy. He learned to read only by writing, and he could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because how could he then think? Of course, he did not think well, but he put on his shoes on his feet, and not on his head - after all, this also needs consideration.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov

Adventures of Dunno



Shorties from Flower City

In one fabulous city lived short men. They were called shorties because they were very small. Each shorty was the size of a small cucumber. They were very nice in the city. Flowers grew around each house: daisies, daisies, dandelions. There, even the streets were called the names of flowers: Kolokolchikov Street, Daisy Alley, Vasilkov Boulevard. And the city itself was called the Flower City. He stood on the bank of a stream. This creek was called Cucumber River by the shorty, because there were many cucumbers growing along the banks of the creek.

Beyond the river was a forest. The short men made boats from birch bark, swam across the river and went into the forest for berries, mushrooms, and nuts. It was difficult to pick berries, because the shorties were tiny, and for nuts you had to climb a tall bush and even drag a saw with you. Not a single short man could pick a nut with his hands - they had to be cut with a saw. Mushrooms were also cut with a saw. They cut the mushroom down to the very root, then saw it into pieces and drag it home in pieces.

The shorties were not the same: some of them were called babies, while others were called babies. The little ones always went either in long slacks, or in short pants with a shoulder strap, and the little ones liked to wear dresses made of colorful, bright matter. The little ones did not like to mess with their hairstyles, and therefore their hair was short, and the little ones had long hair, almost to the waist. The little ones were very fond of doing various beautiful hairstyles, they braided their hair into long braids and braided ribbons into the braids, and wore bows on their heads. Many babies were very proud that they were babies, and almost did not make friends with babies at all. And the little ones were proud that they were little ones, and also did not want to be friends with the little ones. If some little girl met a baby on the street, then, seeing him from afar, she immediately crossed to the other side of the street. And she did it well, because among the kids there were often those who could not calmly pass by the baby, but they would definitely say something offensive to her, even push her or, even worse, pull her braid. Of course, not all the kids were like that, but they didn’t have it written on their foreheads, so the little ones thought it was better to cross to the other side of the street in advance and not come across. For this, many kids called babies imaginary - they will come up with such a word! - and many babies called the kids bullies and other offensive nicknames.

Some readers will immediately say that all this is probably fiction, that there are no such babies in life. But no one says that they exist in real life. In life - this is one thing, but in a fabulous city - quite another. Everything happens in a fairytale city.

In one house on Kolokolchikov Street there lived sixteen short babies. The most important of them was a short baby named Znayka. He was nicknamed Znaika because he knew a lot. And he knew a lot because he read different books. These books lay on his table, and under the table, and on the bed, and under the bed. There was no place in his room where there were no books. From reading books, Znayka became very smart. Therefore, everyone obeyed him and loved him very much. He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put glasses on his nose and began to read some book, he completely looked like a professor.

In the same house lived the famous doctor Pilyulkin, who treated shorties for all diseases. He always walked in a white coat, and on his head he wore a white cap with a tassel. The famous mechanic Vintik also lived here with his assistant Shpuntik; lived Sakharin Sakharinich Syropchik, who became famous for the fact that he was very fond of sparkling water with syrup. He was very polite. He liked it when he was called by his first and patronymic, and did not like it when someone called him simply Syrupchik. The hunter Pulka also lived in this house. He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that fired corks. There lived the artist Tube, the musician Guslya and other kids: Toropyzhka, Grumpy, Silent, Donut, Rasteryayka, two brothers - Avoska and Neboska. But the most famous among them was a baby named Dunno. They called him Dunno because he didn't know anything.

This Dunno wore a bright blue hat, yellow canary trousers, and an orange shirt with a green tie. He generally liked bright colors. Dressed up as such a parrot, Dunno wandered around the city for days on end, composing various fables and telling everyone. In addition, he constantly offended the little ones. Therefore, the little ones, seeing his orange shirt from afar, immediately turned in the opposite direction and hid at home. Dunno had a friend named Gunka, who lived on Daisy Street. Dunno could chat with Gunka for hours. They quarreled with each other twenty times a day and made up twenty times a day.

In particular Dunno became famous after one story.

One day he was walking around the city and wandered into a field. There was not a soul around. At this time, the cockchafer was flying. He blindly ran into Dunno and hit him on the back of the head. Dunno rolled head over heels to the ground. The beetle immediately flew away and disappeared into the distance. Dunno jumped up, began to look around and see who hit him. But there was no one around.

“Who hit me? thought Dunno. “Maybe something fell from above?”

He lifted his head and looked up, but there was nothing above either. Only the sun shone brightly over Dunno's head.

“It means that something fell on me from the sun,” Dunno decided. “Probably a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.”

He went home and met a friend, whose name was Steklyashkin.

This Steklyashkin was a famous astronomer. He knew how to make magnifying glasses out of fragments of broken bottles. When he looked through magnifying glasses at various objects, the objects seemed larger. From several such magnifying glasses, Steklyashkin made a large telescope through which one could look at the moon and the stars. Thus he became an astronomer.

Listen, Steklyashkin, Dunno told him. - You understand what kind of story came out: a piece came off the sun and hit me on the head.

What you. Dunno! Steklyashkin laughed. - If a piece came off the sun, it would crush you into a cake. The sun is very big. It is larger than our entire Earth.

It can't be, Dunno answered. - In my opinion, the sun is no more than a plate.

We only think so, because the sun is very far from us. The sun is a huge hot ball. I saw this in my pipe. If even a small piece of the sun came off, it would destroy our entire city.

Look you! - answered Dunno. "I didn't know the sun was that big." I'll go and tell our people - maybe they haven't heard about it yet. But you still look at the sun through your pipe: what if it is actually chipped!

Dunno went home and told everyone who met along the way:

Brothers, do you know what kind of sun? It is larger than our entire Earth. Here it is! And now, brothers, a piece has come off the sun and is flying straight towards us. Soon it will fall and crush us all. Horror what will happen! Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone laughed, because they knew that Dunno was a talker. And Dunno ran at full speed home and let's shout:

Brothers, save yourself! The piece is flying!

What piece? they ask him.

Piece, brothers! A piece broke off from the sun. Soon it will slap - and everyone will be covered. Do you know what the sun is? It is larger than our entire Earth!

What are you thinking!

I don't invent anything. This is what Steklyashkin said. He saw through his pipe.

Everyone ran out into the courtyard and began to look at the sun. They watched and watched until tears began to flow from their eyes. Blindly, it began to seem to everyone that the sun was actually chipped. And the Dunno shouted:

Save who can! Trouble!

Everyone began to grab their things. The tube grabbed his paints and brush, Guslya - his musical instruments. Dr. Pilyulkin rushed around the house and looked for a first-aid kit, which had been lost somewhere. Donut grabbed galoshes and an umbrella and already ran out of the gate, but then Znayka's voice was heard:

Calm down brothers! There is nothing terrible. Don't you know that Dunno is a talker? He invented all this.

Invented? - Dunno shouted. - Go ask Steklyashkin.

Everyone ran to Steklyashkin, and then it turned out that Dunno actually composed everything. Well, there was laughter! Everyone laughed at Dunno and said:

We wonder how we believed you!

And I'm not surprised! - answered Dunno. - I actually believed it myself.

That's how wonderful this Dunno was.


How Dunno was a musician

If Dunno took up some business, then he did it the wrong way, and everything turned out to be topsy-turvy. He learned to read only by writing, and he could only write in block letters. Many said that Dunno had a completely empty head, but this is not true, because ...
