New pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy. Normal pregnancy after ectopic pregnancy

In most cases, with an ectopic pregnancy, the fetus develops not in the uterine cavity, but in the fallopian tube, or less commonly, it is attached to the walls of the ovary or cervix. These organs are in no way adapted to support the vital activity of the embryo and its further development, so the course of such a pregnancy is extremely dangerous. As the organ grows, rupture of the organ and hemorrhage into the abdominal cavity may occur; at best, the fallopian tube will be damaged; at worst, it will be an operation to remove the tube and a threat to life. In any case, an ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by a stressful state, fetal death and termination of pregnancy.

The question of repeat pregnancy after an ectopic one worries many women who have had to undergo this difficult operation. Unfortunately, the statistics are not rosy. If among all women the incidence of ectopic pregnancy is 1%, then the risk of a recurrent complication increases to 10%. When the tube is removed along with the fertilized egg, the chances of another pregnancy are halved, but this does not mean infertility.

Getting pregnant after surgery is not always possible the first time, but the chances are very high if at least one fallopian tube is preserved. It all depends on its patency, the general condition of the body and the degree of preparation for a future pregnancy. Preparation includes rehabilitation and comprehensive treatment, which must be approached with the utmost responsibility.

The main causes of ectopic pregnancy:

  • adhesions in the tubes that occur due to poorly treated infections or inflammation of the ovaries;
  • endometriosis;
  • anatomical features, which consist of tortuous and long tubes that impede the movement of the egg to the uterus;
  • hormonal disorders.

Rehabilitation should begin with contacting a specialist who will determine the causes of the complication. The recovery course can last 2 years, it all depends on the characteristics of the body. During this time, it is necessary to normalize hormonal levels and take all measures to prevent the formation of adhesions.

First of all, the doctor prescribes a check for the patency of the remaining fallopian tube - HSG, during which it and the uterus are filled with an aqueous solution and pictures are taken. Thanks to this study, scars and adhesions are determined that interfere with the movement of the fertilized egg and provoke pathologies in the development of pregnancy. The results obtained will show whether the fallopian tube is passable and whether there is a chance of getting pregnant. If necessary, the doctor will perform surgery using laparoscopy to cut existing adhesions.

Planning a pregnancy

After an ectopic pregnancy, you must abstain from sexual activity for a month, and another attempt at pregnancy should be made at least six months later. This will make it possible to restore the body’s abilities and in the future contribute to more active work of the ovaries. It is recommended to conduct sexual life using oral rather than barrier contraceptives - condoms. Contraceptive hormonal drugs provide an almost 100% guarantee of protection against unwanted pregnancy and are extremely reliable. In addition, after their cancellation, the ovaries begin to work with redoubled force, which contributes to a speedy conception.

Important: The decision to discontinue hormonal contraceptives, as well as the duration of their use, is made exclusively by the attending physician based on test results.

Medical examination

Before you stop using contraceptives and start planning a pregnancy, you need to go through an important stage - a medical examination. It should start with vaginal and urethral swabs, as well as blood tests to check for unwanted sexually transmitted infections. Some such infections proceed completely unnoticed; bacteria continue to develop in the internal genital organs, causing inflammation, the formation of adhesions, and obstruction of the tube. All this can lead to chronic inflammation and again to ectopic pregnancy, which cannot be allowed to happen again, so as not to lose the ability to naturally bear children.

Important: Both partners must be screened for sexually transmitted diseases and treated.

In addition to drug treatment, physiotherapeutic procedures such as electrical and laser stimulation, ultratonotherapy, etc. have a beneficial effect on the body.

How to speed up conception

In order for conception to occur after an ectopic pregnancy as quickly as possible, it is necessary to follow certain rules, first of all, to determine ovulation. In healthy women, ovulation occurs alternately in both one and the second ovary, but for the most part one is in the lead. It’s good if this ovary is located on the side of the remaining tube, then there will be no problems with conception. If not, then the only way out is to learn how to independently monitor the release of an egg ready for fertilization.

There are several ways to determine ovulation:

FolliculometryToday, the most reliable and accurate way to determine ovulation, which is based on ultrasound. It is carried out in medical institutions, but due to its high cost it is not very popular
Ovulation test stripsIt is convenient to use pharmacy test strips at home. Knowing that ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle, you need to subtract 17 days from the full cycle and from that moment, tests need to be carried out for 5 days until the desired day is recorded
Basal temperature measurementMeasurements must be taken every day in the morning, without getting up, and the data must be recorded in the form of a special graph along two vectors - day of the cycle and temperature. An increase in temperature will indicate the onset of ovulation. However, such measurements must be carried out regularly, over a period of several months.

Some women can independently predict the day of ovulation, relying solely on their feelings. In the lower abdomen or on the side of the ovary, where the egg has matured, nagging pain occurs. The day before, impending ovulation may be indicated by odorless vaginal discharge, reminiscent of the structure of egg white.

By determining ovulation, the chances of quickly conceiving after an ectopic pregnancy will increase many times, and you can use small tricks during intimacy if only one fallopian tube remains after the operation. After sexual intercourse, you need to lie down for at least 20 minutes on the side on which the tube is located. The “birch tree” pose helps well after intimacy, in which sperm move faster towards the uterus. The same methods are used in case of existing bending of the uterus.

Psychological barrier

An ectopic pregnancy and undergoing a complex operation represent enormous stress for the female body. Very often, after everything that has gone through, a woman before a new pregnancy experiences a feeling of anxiety and fear. This can lead to a condition characterized by psychological infertility. It is almost impossible to cope with it on your own, so you need to contact a qualified psychologist who will help you overcome this psychological barrier and prepare for a future pregnancy.

Repeated pregnancy after pathology

After surgery, repeat pregnancy requires increased attention, starting from the first day of the delay. You need to see a doctor earlier than usual to undergo the necessary laboratory tests and ultrasound in order to prevent a recurrence of the risk in the early stages. If the beginning of pregnancy is successful, the fetus is correctly attached to the uterus, then there will be no differences between childbirth after an ectopic pregnancy and a normal one. There are chances for a normal pregnancy even with one fallopian tube. There is a possibility of motherhood even if pregnancy does not occur and a disappointing diagnosis of infertility appears. You can always resort to IVF. This procedure will help even in a situation where, during a repeated ectopic pregnancy, the second tube was removed, and there was no possibility of becoming pregnant naturally.

If attempts are unsuccessful, both partners need to undergo examination, because the reason may be hidden in impaired sperm motility or in their small quantity. In such a situation, the ICSI procedure, which is similar to IVF, will help. In this case, one sperm is implanted directly into the egg. Even if you fail with these methods, you can always resort to surrogacy.

It is highly likely that you will become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy, even after two, but it is important to be responsible and attentive to your future pregnancy and your own health. A timely visit to the antenatal clinic will help reduce the risks of this pathology and other complications during pregnancy to a minimum, and bear a healthy child.

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An ectopic pregnancy is a serious blow for every woman preparing to become a mother. At the same time, not only her physical health suffers, but also her psychological state. The chances of getting pregnant again after such an operation are reduced, but with proper treatment they still exist.

Possibility of conception after removal of an ectopic pregnancy

An ectopic pregnancy has a traumatic effect on the entire body, especially if the diagnosis was not made on time. Only timely surgical intervention to remove a pathological pregnancy outside the uterus will help avoid tube rupture and more serious consequences.

In some cases, it even leads to infertility. In addition, a woman may be psychologically afraid of a recurrence of the pathology. That is why competent planning for a second pregnancy is necessary.

But there is no need to doubt whether it is really possible to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy. A successful outcome depends on the location of the ovum and how damaged the organs were after the operation. Sometimes the uterine tube remains only damaged, requiring repair, but in the worst case it has to be removed. When the egg is removed along with the tube, the possibility of conceiving again is halved. However, a woman's fertility will not be the same even if both tubes are preserved, and the likelihood of another ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage increases significantly.

Planning a second pregnancy requires maximum responsibility and patience, as well as strict adherence to medical instructions.

According to medical statistics, it is possible to become pregnant after removal of an abnormally located embryo with one tube or after two ectopic pregnancies, and not even once. To do this, you need to monitor your health and carefully prepare for planning reconception. However, not even the most highly qualified specialist can say exactly how long it will take for such a chance to appear.

Causes of pathological pregnancy

To prevent subsequent ectopic pregnancies, the cause of this pathological process should be determined. To do this, specialists conduct a medical examination and a series of tests. The following reasons can lead to an ectopic pregnancy:

The pathological process of embryo development outside the uterus can also occur as a result of repeated abortions or the use of an intrauterine device. If the cause is a spiral, then its immediate removal is required. The level of risk of fetal development in the fallopian tube when using the IUD is proportional to the time of its use, i.e. It turns out that the level of pathological conception after a couple of years of using the IUD increases 10 times. Repeated uterine curettage (abortion) increases the risk of abnormal pregnancy by 20%.

Treatment methods

Timely treatment of the causes of ectopic pregnancy is more effective than eliminating their consequences. To do this, you should consult a gynecologist and other specialists.

All women after such operations are prescribed anti-inflammatory therapy to prevent adhesions, which often occur in such cases and seriously interfere with conception. An advanced adhesive process can only be treated surgically. The condition of the fallopian tubes, the presence of benign formations, cysts or fibroids is assessed using an ultrasound procedure. Then you should be examined for the presence of chronic inflammatory processes and tested for the presence of sexually transmitted infections, gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Physiotherapeutic procedures will also be needed, including laser stimulation, electrical stimulation, UHF therapy, etc. You may need to undergo an endocrinological examination, because when an ectopic pregnancy is diagnosed, the risk of endocrine disorders increases significantly. Sometimes combined oral contraceptives are prescribed to normalize hormonal levels. Most doctors also advise checking your partner for the presence of sexual diseases.

The necessary conditions

It is especially important to monitor your proper nutrition and proper sleep, avoid any stress and anxiety, and also maintain the correct daily and rest routine. If a woman’s psychological condition is severe after an ectopic pregnancy, she should consult a professional psychologist. It is imperative that you undergo regular examinations with your gynecologist to monitor your health and the possibility of further pregnancy.

Planning for another pregnancy

The initial planning stage includes the recovery period after surgery. For successful rehabilitation, you should prevent another pregnancy for at least six months by taking contraception. Doctors recommend protection using oral contraceptives, which are considered one of the most reliable methods. In addition, after stopping their use, the functioning of the ovaries improves, thereby accelerating re-conception. Sometimes this period can reach a couple of years, depending on how severe the consequences of pathological conception are. This is necessary to restore the body and reproductive organs. After surgery, sexual intercourse in the first month is also strictly contraindicated.

After all possible causes of ectopic pregnancy have been identified and eliminated, and a rehabilitation course has been carried out, you can think about planning a subsequent pregnancy. To do this, specialists check the fallopian tubes for patency using pertubation, hysterosalpingography or laparoscopy.

If during these procedures the patency of the tubes is established, then its restoration is prescribed. This is especially important for those who plan to become pregnant after removing one tube. In most cases, doctors also recommend tracking ovulation during the recovery period. But even if both pipes are preserved and their patency is confirmed, there is no 100% guarantee that their functionality will be preserved. If an ectopic pregnancy in the same tube recurs in the future, its removal is scheduled.

IVF procedure

Even if you carefully follow all the doctor’s recommendations, all attempts to conceive again may be in vain. This can be explained by the fact that adhesions and scars have formed on the fallopian tubes, even if they have not been removed, which prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus.

Many women do not even suspect that re-conception has already occurred in their body, since the pregnancy is interrupted due to obstruction of the tubes and bleeding occurs, often perceived as menstruation.

If both fallopian tubes are removed, the chances of pregnancy are completely zero. But even this is not a reason to despair, since modern medicine is actively developing, making it possible to have a child even if one or two partners are infertile. This became possible thanks to in vitro fertilization - IVF.

This procedure involves “growing” eggs in the mother’s body, then removing them and combining them with the father’s sperm. In this case, several eggs are used, thereby increasing the chances of a successful conception. The woman should first undergo hormonal therapy. Then the resulting embryos, carefully examined for pathologies, are implanted into the uterus.

IVF is an excellent opportunity to become a mother after an ectopic pregnancy. The disadvantages of this procedure include the high cost and pregnancy occurring in only a third of patients. But you can repeat the procedure several times until the desired result is achieved.


An ectopic pregnancy becomes a real blow for a woman who wants to become a mother: the chances of saving the child if the egg is implanted outside the uterus are zero. Surgical intervention, if diagnosed, cannot be avoided - only in this way is it possible to prevent rupture of the fallopian tube and the serious consequences of such a situation. In the best case, after eliminating an ectopic pregnancy, the fallopian tube remains simply damaged; in the worst case, doctors resort to removing it. This means that if there is an irresistible desire to have a baby, in the future a woman will have to try to get pregnant with one fallopian tube...

Doctors warn: pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy, although possible, requires careful and lengthy preparation and a woman’s attentive attitude to her own health and condition. For women who have had an ectopic pregnancy, their chances of becoming pregnant again are halved. In addition, a repeat pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy may very likely result in another ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage. At the same time, it is quite possible to conceive a baby after an ectopic pregnancy - it all depends on the woman’s health, her desire, responsibility and willingness to comply with all the rules prescribed in this case.

How to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy

The issue of pregnancy planning after an ectopic pregnancy comes to the fore - planning with the mandatory participation of medical specialists, and long-term planning. Thus, pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy will have to be postponed for at least half a year, or better yet, a year or two: the body must be put “in order” and made healthier, and the reproductive organs must be given time to rest and recover. As a rule, doctors recommend protection after an ectopic pregnancy using oral contraceptives, the most suitable of which can be selected with the participation of a doctor. Firstly, oral contraceptives are considered one of the most reliable methods of preventing an unexpected pregnancy, and secondly, after stopping their use, the ovaries begin to “work” much better, thereby accelerating the onset of a second pregnancy.

After elimination of an ectopic pregnancy, it is mandatory to undergo a test to identify pathological conditions of the fallopian tube. Ultrasound examination will help determine the degree of patency of the pipes and eliminate possible formation of adhesions. Also, with the help of ultrasound, it is necessary to exclude the presence of benign tumors, cysts, fibroids, which can be either a disease or its consequence.

After the successful elimination of an ectopic pregnancy, it is imperative to undergo an endocrinological examination, especially since hormonal problems may well precede the ectopic pregnancy itself. If it is diagnosed, the risk of encountering endocrinological disorders increases. A necessary step will be an examination for possible chronic inflammation.

For the first two to three months after an ectopic pregnancy, doctors generally recommend leading the most gentle lifestyle possible: rest more and work less, eat right. If a woman is having a difficult time experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, it is advisable to seek help from a psychologist: a specialist will help her cope with the incident less painfully and overcome the psychological barrier. At the same time, you will have to pay special attention to your own health: get proper rest, get enough sleep, worry less and relax more, change your diet in favor of healthy food, and get rid of possible bad habits.

During the period of recovery of the body and subsequent planning of pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy, regular examinations by a gynecologist will be necessary to monitor the woman’s condition. In a year or two, it will be possible to undergo a full examination and exclude possible complications of an ectopic pregnancy, in which a second pregnancy will be unlikely. With the consent of the doctor, after the recommended period has expired and in the absence of contraindications, you can resume trying to get pregnant again. At the same time, doctors strongly advise minimizing possible stress and nervous conditions: worries and anxieties can most likely lead to a new ectopic pregnancy.

IVF after ectopic pregnancy

Even despite the best and most thorough preparation for pregnancy, a new conception after an ectopic may never occur. Unfortunately, the risks are quite high, because scars and adhesions are highly likely to form on the remaining fallopian tubes and ducts as a result of the operation to remove the embryo. They can become a serious obstacle to the happiness of motherhood. In the absence of other problems with the conception of an egg by a sperm, the resulting fertilized egg will simply not be able to overcome the path to the uterus to attach to its wall. The patency of the fallopian tubes as a result of an ectopic pregnancy is often disrupted, and attempts to become pregnant again may not be successful for this reason. Often women do not even suspect that they are conceiving, but the pregnancy is immediately interrupted - bleeding occurs, which many perceive as another menstruation.

If, after an ectopic pregnancy, both fallopian tubes were removed, then there is no chance at all for an independent natural conception of a child. However, one must not be discouraged! The level of modern medicine has grown so much in recent years that it has become possible not only to conceive and give birth to a child, even when a couple (or a separate man or woman) has been diagnosed with infertility, but also to select the best, strongest, healthiest embryo of a certain sex! And this opportunity is provided by IVF - in vitro fertilization.

The essence of the method is that several eggs are “grown” from a potential mother, removed from the ovaries and in a test tube, where optimal conditions for this are maintained, they are combined with the sperm of the future father. To increase the chances of a favorable outcome, multiple eggs are usually used. In order for them to ripen better, the woman first undergoes hormonal therapy. In general, a couple who decides to undergo fertilization using this method is thoroughly examined and prepares for the upcoming pregnancy.

Embryos formed in vitro are studied at the high molecular level for the presence of pathologies, anomalies, deviations in formation and the risk of developing serious disorders and diseases, including Down syndrome. The highest quality samples are selected for implantation into the uterus, and if the spouses wish, these can be embryos of a certain sex. Since not all of them and do not always survive, several are introduced into the woman’s uterus at once. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage of the method, since IVF often results in multiple pregnancies. However, a couple may decide to remove one or more embryos, but the risks of miscarriage or death of the remaining ones increase significantly.

IVF is an excellent opportunity for a woman to realize herself as a mother if, after an ectopic pregnancy, she cannot conceive a child on her own. But, unfortunately, this method is quite expensive, and the guarantees are low. Pregnancy through IVF occurs only in a third of all cases, but even these 30-35% do not always end in childbirth. But the method is safe for women and can be used several times until the desired result is achieved. By the way, embryos not used the first time are often saved, and even if a woman’s own eggs do not mature, she can use donor ones.

Experts reassure: pregnancy after an ectopic pregnancy is quite possible. The main thing is to trust the doctor, follow his recommendations and follow his instructions, lead a healthy lifestyle and think less about the bad. And it is imperative to believe in a successful outcome and that dreams of a child, despite everything, will inevitably come true.

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Step No. 2 - treatment

The second step should be treatment after surgery to remove the fertilized egg. It is very important to prevent the occurrence of adhesions so that there is no threat to successful conception. The goal is to do everything possible to prevent adhesions from forming in the pelvis, as well as in the woman’s reproductive organs.

In addition to the fact that the gynecologist must prescribe medication to the woman, the patient must undergo UHF therapy, laser stimulation, ultratonotherapy, and low-frequency ultrasound. The course of treatment is the use of oral contraceptives or hormonal medications in order to normalize a woman’s hormonal levels.

Step No. 3 – causes of ectopic pregnancy

The third and very important step is a complete diagnosis and finding out why the woman had an ectopic pregnancy. In order to identify this problem, a woman needs to contact a highly qualified gynecologist.

As a result of the diagnosis it will be determined:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes of the uterus and ovaries;
  • Urogenital infections;
  • Adhesions in the pelvic organs;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • outside the uterus;
  • Ovarian tumors;
  • Tumor of the uterus;
  • Congenital anomalies of the anatomical structure of the fallopian tubes.

It is also worth remembering that the cause of an ectopic pregnancy can be an intrauterine device or repeated curettage in the uterine cavity. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to examine your partner for the presence of inflammatory and infectious processes.

Step No. 4 - planning a pregnancy

The fourth step is planning your pregnancy. After the true cause that led to an ectopic pregnancy in a woman is clarified and determined, she will need to undergo a rehabilitation course. For some it may be long, for others it may not. This includes a procedure such as determining the patency of the tubes or only one tube, if the tube was removed along with the fertilized egg. This can be done using procedures such as hysterosalpingography (HSG), pertubation, laparoscopy. If there is no patency of the pipes, then it needs to be restored. A woman needs to be very attentive to her health, especially if she has one tube. After all, if this situation repeats, then the removal of two pipes means that the woman will not be able to have children. Be sure to follow all recommendations of your gynecologist.

If the tube was not removed, but the second pregnancy also ends up in this tube, then in this case its removal will be indicated. If both tubes are removed, then there is a possibility of fertilization using the method.

A woman should not despair after her first or even second or third ectopic pregnancy. According to medical statistics, positive-minded women get pregnant remarkably well with one tube and give birth to several babies.

The opportunity to experience all the joy of motherhood becomes for many women just a dream that is difficult to realize for a number of reasons. The inability to conceive a child can be caused by the influence of everyday stress, certain environmental factors, the presence of chronic diseases, as well as severe pathological conditions of the reproductive system. We will talk about the most likely cause of infertility, such as an ectopic pregnancy, as well as how to get pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy with one fallopian tube.

Full gestation of a child is possible only if a fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine cavity. If the fertilized egg finds other places for its attachment and further development, then such a pregnancy has no prospects. Since the treatment of ectopic pregnancy is mainly surgical, the outcome of such surgery is often the removal of one fallopian tube. If this happens, then the probability of pregnancy after such an operation is no more than 50%, and this is only if the second fallopian tube is in normal condition.

Another reason for the development of ectopic pregnancy is the adhesive process in the fallopian tubes, which occurs as a result of inflammatory diseases of the uterine appendages (adnexitis, salpingitis).

After a previous ectopic pregnancy, a woman’s ability to conceive and bear a child is somewhat reduced. What percentage chance of pregnancy will occur directly depends on the type of treatment performed. If an ectopic pregnancy was detected at an early stage, then with the help of laparoscopic surgery or special injections it is possible to preserve the affected fallopian tube.

If the operation went without complications, then the chances of getting pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy are about 60-70%. The woman's age should also be taken into account.

If the course of an ectopic pregnancy is complicated by spontaneous termination due to rupture of the fallopian tube, then a tubectomy is performed - an operation to remove the fallopian tube. If the condition of the remaining tube is satisfactory and no adhesions are observed, then pregnancy after an ectopic with one tube occurs with a probability of 45-50%.

How long before you can get pregnant?

We are talking about the time needed to restore the body after an ectopic pregnancy and be fully ready to conceive a child again. Again, everything depends on the specific clinical case, the type of operation performed, the nature and severity of postoperative complications. On average, the so-called “waiting” period should be at least 1 year. Otherwise, a woman risks encountering a number of complications caused by temporary failure of reproductive function.

In some cases, the rehabilitation period can reach 1.5-2 years.

Is it possible to get pregnant after a bilateral tubectomy?

As mentioned earlier, tubectomy involves surgery to remove the fallopian tube. If a woman has had an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy 2 times, and this resulted in the removal of both fallopian tubes, then there is absolutely no chance of becoming pregnant.

This problem is solved using the in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedure, when a fertilized egg is mechanically delivered directly into the uterine cavity.

How to promote pregnancy?

Neither doctors, nor especially women themselves, are able to double the chances of a normal pregnancy after a previously suffered ectopic one. It is only possible to contribute as much as possible to the implementation of this process. If a woman has at least one fallopian tube preserved, then there is definitely a chance of getting pregnant. Below are recommendations on how to quickly become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy if surgery has been performed:

  • Undergo a thorough examination for the presence of a hidden infection in the body.
  • Visit your gynecologist regularly (2-3 times a year). Conduct a diagnosis of adhesive disease, and if it is detected, carry out laser or mechanical removal of adhesions.
  • Go through the pelvic organs. This is necessary to exclude benign and malignant tumors of the fallopian tubes.
  • Visit an endocrinologist to rule out the presence of hormonal disorders.
  • Do not use intrauterine devices as a means of contraception. Their use increases the risk of ectopic pregnancy.

After all the conditions described above have been met, the woman must wait a certain period of time before making any further attempts to become pregnant. This period is at least 1 year. At this time, it is better to use hormonal contraception, which will not only prevent conception, but also normalize hormonal levels and stimulate the ovulation process. The selection of such drugs, as well as consultation on how long it takes to become pregnant after an ectopic pregnancy, is carried out by a gynecologist on an individual basis.

  • It is necessary to provide your body with proper rest. Sleep should be at least 8 hours a day.
  • Avoid mental and physical overload.
  • Avoid heavy lifting.
  • Exercise at least 15 minutes a day. It’s better if it’s walking before bed or light exercise. Moderate physical activity increases blood circulation in the pelvis and is an excellent prevention of the formation of adhesions.

During this “waiting” period, the woman’s reproductive system returns to normal after surgical treatment of an ectopic pregnancy, and the body regains its strength. Provided you carefully follow all doctor's recommendations, the likelihood of a normal pregnancy increases significantly.
