Volumetric applique “Fish in an aquarium. gold fish

Children of senior preschool age are little pioneers who explore and learn about the world around them through emotional perception and personal sensory experience. It is important that parents and teachers actively develop the child’s natural curiosity and creative initiative by engaging in visual arts with him. The application will introduce the child to the world of color and shape, introduce him to geometric shapes, give him primary skills in spatial modeling, and develop an understanding of proportion and rules of composition.

Applique is the creation of subject or subject compositions from shaped elements or patterns cut out of paper, dry leaves, fabric, leather attached to a base (cardboard, wood, fabric). The multi-colored composition can be attached by gluing or sewing. This type of creative modeling has a beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills, figurative and spatial thinking, sensory perception and the child’s intellectual abilities for synthesis and analysis.

Features, goals and objectives of application classes in the preparatory group

The meaning of the application

  • Intellectual development - enrichment of cognitive baggage with concepts about the properties and patterns of the surrounding world, expansion of knowledge about the variety of shapes, sizes and color shades of objects, the spatial arrangement of objects according to the laws of proportionality. In addition, mental operations of comparison and generalization are formed, abstract and logical thinking are developed, and figurative, coherent speech is improved.
  • Moral education - classes awaken a sense of camaraderie, contribute to the development of such strong-willed qualities of character as initiative, self-organization, concentration, determination, and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  • Sensory development - the application is based on sensory perception and stimulates knowledge of the properties and qualities of objects.
  • Artistic and aesthetic development is the formation of a sense of taste for visual activity, due to which the perception of the rhythmic harmony of color and form, constructive integrity and beauty of the surrounding world develops.
  • Labor education - technical skills of manual skills are developed, hard work and everyday independence are formed.

Types of applications and technical methods of work

Thanks to the painstaking work of teachers, older preschoolers improve their technical skills in working with scissors, which allows them to create and experiment more boldly and confidently, to create interesting artistic images and plot compositions in the applique genre. For preparatory group students there are no thematic or technical restrictions in conducting appliqué classes. These can be literary or fairy-tale scenes, characters from the world of flora and fauna, holiday cards, landscapes, thematic compositions as part of educational projects, etc.

  • Subject - a mono-image of some image, for example, “Goldfish”.
  • Plot composition is a visual form of narration about some events involving several objects (“Underwater World”, “Fish in the Aquarium”). The applique is made based on the free design of the children; in the process of work, you can use the collective method of a subgroup of four or five children, when each child cuts out their own elements, then everything is put together into a single plot. It is important to teach children to follow the correct sequence of attaching parts, first the background figures (algae, grotto, corals, pebbles, shells), and then the first (fish silhouettes).

Collective picture (photo gallery)

“Underwater world” - application with drawing elements “Underwater world” “Underwater world” “Fish in the water” - application from candy wrappers “Underwater kingdom” - application from candy wrappers “Fish in the aquarium” - application using natural material “Colorful fish” applique with elements of plastinography “Jolly Fishes” “Golden Fishes” - applique with drawing elements and using natural materials “Sea inhabitants” - foil applique “Aquarium” - applique with origami elements “Underwater World” - applique with elements of paper plastic

Children's works in the artistic genre of appliqué in the preparatory group of kindergarten are based on the technique of designing on a plane, using round, oblique, rectangular cutting methods or unconventional methods of creative execution. Designing original compositions from unusual materials expands the boundaries of creative imagination, awakens a taste for artistic improvisation, develops and trains manual skills, and demonstrates a sense of form and color. All of the skills described below can be mastered by children aged 6–7 years with the active, purposeful work of teachers or parents with them. In addition, methodological manuals on visual creativity for children 6–7 years old (Komarova T.S. Visual activities in kindergarten: Preparatory group for school) indicate the need for active use of previously mastered techniques of tearing, as well as rectangular cutting of geometric shapes.

Skills that need to be improved and mastered by preparatory group students:

  • cut out rounded silhouettes;
  • cut out many identical elements from paper folded like an accordion;
  • develop and consolidate the technique of symmetrical or paired cutting with and without a stencil (they become familiar with this skill in the older group);
  • master the skills of rectangular and oblique cutting;
  • independently carry out the plan, determine the plot composition, choose color and shape, come up with decorative additions, observe the proportional ratio of parts when placing them on a plane;
  • develop a sense of color, teach neatness, and cultivate artistic taste.

Methods for producing work that can be used in a preparatory group on the topic “Aquarium”

  • Clipping technique - this technique is excellent for conveying the illusion of volume, the decorative texture of an image, adding visual impact and brightness to it (fish scales, pebbles, algae).
  • Symmetrical applique. A blank prepared by the teacher depicting the silhouette of a part or object (fish, coral) is folded in half. Then, holding the fold of the folded sheet, children cut out the silhouette along the contour.
  • Ribbon applique. This method is very practical and convenient for quickly obtaining many identical details for a collective composition (legs and caps, trees, flowers, clouds). An oblong sheet of paper is folded like an accordion and the required outline is cut out.
  • Quilling literally means bird feather. A flat or three-dimensional composition is folded or supplemented with decorative spiral-shaped parts twisted from colored paper, which perfectly convey the texture of the object. One of the varieties of quilling is the cutting technique, which allows you to achieve the “fluffy” effect of paper parts in a rather simple and easy-to-execute way, when using a stick, paper squares are given the shape of a funnel.
  • Applications from napkins - children are happy to use them as a bright and colorful decorative decoration or as an independent material for creating applications. When working with it, you can do without scissors, tearing off and rolling up the lumps from which the composition is constructed. This technique perfectly develops fine motor skills.
  • Geometric execution of the applique - the main details are geometric shapes (circle, rectangle, square, oval, cylinder, triangle) of various sizes, cut out by children, from which figures of fish or flora of the underwater world are laid out.
  • Mosaic application. The main details are geometric shapes (circle, rectangle, square, triangle) of various sizes, which are laid out inside the drawn image diagram.
  • Non-traditional - uses unusual materials, for example, plasticine, cotton wool, cereals, pasta, foam rubber, fabric, eggshells, threads, etc. Designing original compositions from unusual materials expands the boundaries of creative imagination, awakens a taste for artistic improvisation, develops and trains manual skills, shows a sense of shape and color.
  • Fabric applique. A special feature of working with fabric is the difficulty of cutting, since it is much more difficult to cut out appliqué elements from fabric than from paper. In addition, the material may fray along the edges, which will cause additional problems. Therefore, this type of appliqué can be worked on with children who have developed the skills to use scissors fluently. When working with children of older preschool age, it is best to use this material as an addition to the base, for example, by gluing mesh fabric to cardboard.
  • Palm - the basis of such an application is the silhouette of the baby’s palm outlined in pencil. A creative approach and joint imagination of the teacher and children will help to compose the multi-colored silhouettes of the palms of all children, a figurine of a hedgehog or a wonderful flower, then such an applique will become a symbolic emblem of the group.
  • Inclusion of dry plants or leaves into the composition (floristry). Excellent material to complement the background. This type of work requires a preliminary stage of preparation, when during a walk with the children the teacher collects the necessary natural material. During applique classes with older preschoolers, you can combine dry leaves of different trees (maple, aspen, birch, rowan, etc.). Applications in the genre of floristry look original, and from children's works you can create an art gallery that will become a worthy decoration for the interior of a kindergarten.

Works in the genre of floristry (photo gallery)

“Underwater world” “Sea inhabitants” “Underwater kingdom” “Underwater inhabitants” “Goldfish” “Fish in the aquarium”

Scheme and approximate outline of a lesson on application in a preparatory group for school

Approximate general education programs for preschool educational organizations focus on a half-hour duration of continuous classes in the preparatory group with breaks for physical education (finger, breathing, motor gymnastics) of 3–5 minutes. Application classes are recommended to be held once every two weeks.

Scheme of the lesson:

  1. The preparatory organizational part is a conversation of a motivating and developmental nature, which is accompanied by a demonstration of visual material, reading poetry and riddles, listening to a fragment of a musical or literary work (about 5 minutes).
  2. Practical part - the teacher shows and explains to the children what and how they should do (3–5 minutes).
  3. Children’s independent work on creating applications (approximate duration 20–25 minutes).
  4. Final - exhibition and analysis of children's works (3–5 minutes).

Poems and riddles about fish and aquarium.

IN aquarium- fish,
They have their own little world:
There are stones and snails,
And a stream of bubbles
Grass and grotto crumbs,
Clear water…
The fish are playing in it -
There's a fish mess there.
I see one of the fish
He waves his fin at me -
Apparently he says
About life behind glass. (E. Krasnova)

Aquarium, aquarium!
A piece of the seabed!
Aquarium, aquarium!
I haven't seen this:
There are goldfish here
frolicking in the depths
Simple desires
Are born in me:
I wish I were like the fish
And swim and dive,
And be just as flexible
And wag your tail! (T. Vtorova)

We stand together for an hour
And we look into the miracle reservoir.
Both the ocean and the sea are here,
His AQUARIUM name.
If the fish spoke,
They could tell
About seas and oceans
And about hot distant countries...
And we are also interested
Does mommy fish sing songs?
And how can the guys sleep?
When is the bed missing?
We asked them and Dima,
But they sailed past.
I'll have to remember
Ask dad about this! (G. Maksimova)

The fish house is not for people
There are no windows or doors in it,
No sweets, no kids,
Not a computer game
They live there far from the cat,
Silent fishes
water bubbles,
Yes, funny worms
Four pencils
I'll paint them with flowers
Blue, red and simple,
And, of course, gold! (N. Gubin)

Fish mouth opens,
opens, and is silent!
I don't understand anything
and therefore - angry!
Brother Vitka smiles at me:
“Why are you angry again?
The fish can talk
We just can’t hear!
Rybkin’s voice is thinner than a squeak..."
Thinner than a squeak?! No problem!
I'll come close
to the jar with the fish then!
Here - I crept up quieter than a mouse,
I dipped my ear into the jar...
And I can’t hear it in the water!
So, my brother didn’t deceive me?!
I made my face more stern,
shouted: “Fish, how are you?!”
But it seems that you can understand me
the fish couldn’t either... (D. Sirotin)

My aquarium is huge
Like a home ocean
Behind the glass flows a modest
A living fountain of bubbles.
There, in the aquarium, fish,
She has an underwater house
The fish moves flexibly
Waving his tail fan.
This fish is not simple -
Her golden outfit
Shining brightly like a rainbow,
Mesmerizing to look at.
Between the tender algae,
Near the pebbles at the bottom
The fish swims slowly
And he lives for my joy. (I. Konkov)

In aquarium fish
They scurry here and there,
There are fish in the aquarium
They sing us songs.
But I can't hear the songs
Everyone knows this
That fish are voiceless
Completely, completely, completely. (A. Teslenko)

Fish fish caught up,
The fish wagged its tail
Poked in the abdomen - Got it!
- Hey, girlfriend! How are you? (T. Vtorova)

In Timosha's sight
Fishes swim in the pond.
The cat looks sadly at the pond:
I wish I could catch a fish here!
You won’t catch it... As luck would have it
The pond is hidden behind glass. (Aquarium)

There is a glass pond,
There are many different fish in it -
Yellow, black, red,
And so beautiful. (Aquarium)

There is a glass house on the table.
A mustachioed catfish lives in it,
And gray snails. (Aquarium)

There is a glass vessel on the chest of drawers.
Snails and fish live in the vessel.
But don’t catch fish from there!
Just look at the beautiful fish. (Aquarium)

Glass house on the window
With clear water
With rocks and sand at the bottom
And with a golden fish. (Aquarium)

Glass house
For indoor fish
What do they call it?
Answer without errors. (Aquarium)

V. Struchkov
In the Glass House
The People live.
They took all the water into their mouths. (Aquarium and fish)

Glass House
They live in it -
Silent residents -
Wonderful Swimmers. (Aquarium)

N. Merkushova
House made of glass, with water,
There is a small garden in It.
And shells here and there,
The fish live in the house.
What kind of house is this, children?
Who will answer the riddle? (Aquarium)

There is a glass house on the table.
A mustachioed catfish lives in it,
And gray snails. (Aquarium)

In the lesson scenario, the teacher indicates goals and objectives. In the process of planning, organizing and conducting applique classes with older preschoolers, they usually focus on solving the following problems:

  • Training in design from pieces of cotton wool, fabric, leaves on a cardboard base, further improvement of skills in working with scissors (emphasis on the development of silhouette cutting techniques), glue and colored paper.
  • Development of independence and creative initiative in determining the plot or genre (object painting, landscape) of the application.
  • Developing the ability to hear and understand musical or poetic accompaniment that sounds during the performance of a creative task. Such an interesting combination of various emotional and artistic instruments of influence is aimed at achieving the comprehensive aesthetic development of children, the formation of artistic taste and a sense of beauty.
  • Expanding the horizons of pupils, nurturing moral qualities through the inclusion of additional developmental conversation in the lesson scenario.

Summary of a creative lesson on a collective application on the topic “Fish in the Aquarium” (author Galina Bestaeva)

Target: to develop children’s artistic and practical skills and abilities.
  • teach children to cut out silhouettes of simple-shaped objects and patterns by eye;
  • develop hand-eye coordination;
  • learn to pre-prepare pieces of paper of the required size for cutting out images;
  • teach to achieve a distinct form;
  • develop a sense of composition;
  • repeat the composition of the number three;
  • expand children's horizons about the world around them;
  • continue to introduce children to underwater inhabitants.

Preliminary work:

  • looking at illustrations of aquarium fish;
  • conversation on the topic “Where do fish live?”;
  • reading: “In the seas and oceans.” Series "Discover the World";
  • “My first encyclopedia” P.Ya. Galperstein;
  • "Animals of sea bays and ocean depths." Series "Look and study animals."

Materials and equipment: A4 paper in pale blue, pale green or lilac (optional) for an aquarium, paper of different colors and shades, scissors, glue.
1. Organizational moment.
Guys, we received a letter from the cat Leopold. He writes that he was given an aquarium, but there is no one there. Who lives in the aquarium? Guess the riddle.
Educator: I don’t walk and I don’t fly
Try to catch up!
I can be golden
Well, look into a fairy tale! (Fish)
2. Where else can fish live? The teacher shows the presentation “Fish in Water”
Educator: What is the difference between fish habitats: the underwater world and the aquarium? (bring children to the idea that the aquarium was created by human hands, that it is an artificial underwater world)
Educator: An aquarium is a whole underwater world at home. We cannot live without air, and fish cannot live without water - this is their home. At the bottom there may be many colorful pebbles, shells, and many other plants. What are their names? (seaweed). Algae purify the water in the aquarium.
Educator: What kind of fish live in the aquarium?
The children name them, the teacher shows the presentation slides.

Slide show “Fish in the Water” (photo gallery)

Slide 1 Slide 2 Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 Slide 6

2. Practical stage.
Leopold's aquarium can only fit 3 fish. How many units does the number 3 consist of? How to make the number 3 from two numbers?
Children lay out the handouts and repeat the composition of the number 3.
Instructions for performing the work:
- children choose colored paper for fish of different colors, corresponding to the composition of the number 3.
-1 fish is traced according to the template, and 2 are cut out according to the shape by eye.
Physical education minute. "Fish Dance"
We're kicking, stomping,
We clap-clap our hands,
We shrug our shoulders.
One - here, two - there,
Turn around yourself.
Everyone raised their hands up,
One - two, one - two,
It's time for us to get busy!
3. Independent work of children.
Children cut out seaweed and pebbles. Lay out the objects in the aquarium on paper and stick them on.
4. Summing up.
They bring finished works to the exhibition and look at them together, admire them, and express their opinions.
-What did you learn to do?
-What was easy to do?
-What was difficult?
-What do you remember?
-Who has the most beautiful aquarium?
Each of you can learn a lot of interesting things about fish and sea animals from encyclopedias and various books.

Diagrams and description of the procedure for performing applications in the preparatory group

“Aquarium” - volumetric applique

Materials: colored paper, equipment and tools.


  1. Cut out multiple pieces to complete the composition.
  2. Make cuts along the edges of the tails and fins and bend them with scissors.
  3. Glue the blanks for the fish.
  4. Glue algae, corals, pebbles to the base, then fish.

    Glue the blanks for the background, then the fish

“Underwater world” - applique using the cutting technique

Materials: composition template, colored corrugated paper, equipment and tools.


  1. The teacher transfers the template drawing onto the base (whatman paper, cardboard).
  2. Using the belt method, squares of different colors (cuts approximately 1x1 cm) are prepared from corrugated paper.
  3. Arrange the trim pieces so that they do not mix.
  4. We twist the squares onto a thin rod (toothpick).
  5. Apply glue to the required fragment of the pattern and glue the trim pieces.
  6. Gradually fill part of the silhouette with trim pieces of the same color, pressing them tightly against each other.
  7. Decorate the fish.
  8. Fill in the images of algae and corals with trims.
  9. Finish work on the composition, observing the transition from a darker color shade to a lighter one to decorate the background.

“Fish in the Aquarium” - a collective application with elements of origami and drawing

Preliminary preparation: during the drawing lesson, draw up a background drawing of the aquarium.

How a square turns into a fish (explanations for children):

Video: origami fish Angel

Another fairly simple version of fish using the origami technique, which will require additional production of decorative parts using the ribbon technique (a semicircle for decorating the scales) to decorate the fish figurines.

Origami diagram for constructing a fish figurine.

“Depths of the Sea” - a three-dimensional collective silhouette applique with elements of paper plastic

Materials: cardboard for the base, fish and marine flora templates, colored paper, markers, equipment and tools.


“Aquarium” - collective work using multi-layer appliqué technique

Materials: three sheets of blue cardboard for background layers, templates of silhouettes of fish, seaweed, pebbles, colored paper, equipment and tools.

Preparatory work: the teacher cuts out screens (aquarium) in two cardboard sheets, one sheet remains intact.


  1. Children cut out silhouettes of fish, seaweed, and pebbles.
  2. The first layer is filled with silhouettes of fish and algae.
  3. Glue seaweed and the silhouette of the grotto onto the frame of the second layer.
  4. Add pebbles, glue fish figures to the silhouettes of algae and the grotto.
  5. Decorate the fish with decorative details made from colored paper.
  6. Glue seaweed onto the frame of the third layer.
  7. Add pebbles and fish.
  8. All three layers are ready.
  9. Cut a standard sheet in half.
  10. Fold each half like an accordion (side bases).
  11. Glue the background layer to the side posts.
  12. Attach the next layer to the accordions.
  13. The third layer will complete the assembly of the multilayer composition.
  14. Lighting will help “revive” the aquarium.

Accordion applique

Master class "Do-it-yourself paper aquarium" (corrugated fish)

Korneeva Svetlana Gennadievna, teacher, MDOU - kindergarten No. 50, Serpukhov, Moscow region
Description: I suggest you today create your own paper underwater world from paper folded like an accordion. This master class is simple, accessible and interesting. It will be of interest to teachers of older preschoolers and additional education teachers. We don't need special materials and tools. All you need is paper, scissors and glue.
Materials and equipment:
- colored paper
- scissors
- glue stick
- decorative eyes
- basis for composition

Completing of the work:
Take a strip of colored paper.

Draw the outlines of the fish.

Cut along the outline.

Corrugate the body of the fish.

Glue on the eyes.

Here's another way to make fish. Glue several strips of colored paper together.

Fold the resulting strip like an accordion,

which you then fold in half.

Glue the middle part.

Glue on decorative eyes.

Make seaweed from accordion-folded strips of green paper.

Glue seaweed onto blue cardboard,

Then the pebbles.

“Populate” the aquarium with fish.

Create an underwater composition. Photo 1
Poems about fish.
The fish house is not for people
There are no windows or doors in it,
No sweets, no kids,
Not a computer game
They live there far from the cat,
Silent fishes
water bubbles,
Yes, funny worms
Four pencils
I'll paint them with flowers
Blue, red and simple,
And, of course, gold! O. Hristolyubova
Grass and grotto crumbs,
Clear water…
The fish are playing in it -
There's a fish mess there.
I see one of the fish
He waves his fin at me -
Apparently he says
About life behind glass. M. Pridvorov
Aquarium, aquarium!
A piece of the seabed!
Aquarium, aquarium!
I haven't seen this:
There are goldfish here
frolicking in the depths
Simple desires
Are born in me:
I wish I were like the fish
And swim and dive,
And be just as flexible
And wag your tail! I. Shabalina

Application made of colored paper “Goldfish”. Master class with step-by-step photos.

Nechaeva Elena Nikolaevna, primary school teacher, KSU “Secondary school No. 21, Saryozek village” Osakarovsky district, Karaganda region Kazakhstan
Description: Children aged 5–8 years can be offered to make a fish from colored paper. The work may be included in the competition.
Target: developing the ability to perform interesting works from colored paper.
Tasks: teach how to choose the right color scheme of paper for applique; observe safety precautions when using scissors at work; develop imagination, fantasy, creativity; cultivate perseverance and accuracy while performing work.
Materials and tools necessary for making an applique: cardboard, colored paper, scissors, glue, pencil, templates, sample work.

My aquarium is huge
Like a home ocean
Outside the window flows modest
A living fountain of bubbles.
There's a fish in the aquarium,
She has an underwater house
The fish moves flexibly
Waving his tail like a fan.
This fish is not simple -
Her golden outfit
Shining brightly like a rainbow,
Mesmerizing to look at.
Between the tender algae
Near the pebbles at the bottom
The fish swims slowly
And he lives for my joy.
(I. Konkov)

Guys, we all know “The Tale of the Golden Fish” by A.S. Pushkin, where the fish fulfilled the wishes of the old woman. Today we will make a goldfish out of colored paper and maybe it can also make your wish come true. We will use scissors to cut out parts, let's remember the safety precautions when working with scissors:
- Use scissors with rounded ends.
- Store scissors in a certain place, place them with the sharp ends closed away from you.
- Pass the scissors rings first with blades closed.
- You can't cut on the go.
- When working with scissors, it is necessary to monitor the movement and position of the blades during operation.
- Do not use blunt scissors or loose hinges.
- Do not hold the scissors with the blade facing up.
Choose colored paper for your applique.
We need templates for work.

Performing the “Goldfish” application:
1. Take cardboard (white or blue).
2. Take blue paper and cut out the body of the fish according to the template. Let's glue it onto cardboard.

3. Using the template from red paper, cut out the tail and glue it.

4. Cut out the top fin from red paper and glue it.

5. Cut out the two lower fins according to the template and glue them.

6. Now we need to make scales for our fish. Using a template, cut out a piece for the scales from yellow paper.

7. Draw scales with a simple pencil.

8. Cut out the scales along an arc. And we'll drive them away.

9. Gently spread glue and glue it onto the fish. Let's peel back the scales.

10. Cut out a large eye from white paper and glue it onto the fish.

11. Cut out a small eye from black paper and glue it.

12. Cut out algae from green paper and glue them onto cardboard.

13. Cut out random circles from brown paper, these are pebbles, and glue them.

14. Cut out and glue the air bubbles.

Our goldfish is ready. You can make a wish.

Master class on the application "Fish in an aquarium"

Penina Tanya, student of the preparatory group, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 315", Nizhny Novgorod
Supervisor: Kutyanova Lyubov Alekseevna. Educator, MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 315", Nizhny Novgorod
My aquarium is huge
Like a home ocean
Behind the glass flows a modest
A living fountain of bubbles.
There's a fish in the aquarium,
She has an underwater house
The fish moves flexibly
Waving his fan-tail.
This fish is not simple -
Her golden outfit
Shining brightly like a rainbow,
Mesmerizing to look at.
Between the tender algae,
Near the pebbles at the bottom
The fish swims slowly
And he lives for my joy.
Konkov I.

Description: This master class is intended for kindergarten teachers, primary school teachers, additional education teachers and parents who love to engage in creative activities with children.
Purpose: Decorating a natural area, participating in a competition.
Target: Teach children to create an applique of a convex fish in an aquarium out of paper.
1. Teach children to make a picture of a fish out of paper;
2. Teach children to work with the template;
3. Teach children to supplement their work with images of algae and pebbles in the aquarium;
4. Develop fine motor skills in children;
5. Strengthen skills in working with paper, scissors, glue;
6. Cultivate perseverance and accuracy when doing work.
Materials and tools:
1. Blue cardboard;
2. Colored paper in green, yellow, red, brown, orange. A sheet of white paper.
3. Templates;
4. Scissors;
5. Pencil;
6. Glue;

Progress of the master class

1. Using a template, transfer the body of the fish onto an orange sheet.

2. Cut it out.

3. Cut the circle to the middle.

4. Pull the free edges a little, placing them on top of each other. to make a flat cone. Glue it together.

5. Trace the templates for the tail and fins on yellow paper.

7. Cut out the resulting parts.

8. Glue them to the fish from the inside.

9. Using a template, cut out the mouth of our fish from red paper.

10. Glue it to our fish from the inside.

11. On white paper, draw a small circle - an image of the eye of our fish. Cut it out.

12. From brown paper, cut out a circle even smaller than the white one. This is the pupil on the fish's eye. Glue it to the white circle. Let's get the eye of our fish.

13. Glue it to the body.

14. Using a template, cut out two strips of brown color.

15. Fold each strip in half. Let's cut out triangles on one strip from the side of the fold lines, and on the other strip from the opposite side, also triangles.

This way we will get patterned stripes. These are the scales of our fish.
16. Glue it onto the body. We'll cut off the excess.

17. Take blue cardboard. Fold it in half and cut along the fold line. This is our background - an aquarium.

18. On a sheet of green paper, randomly draw an image of algae.

19. Cut out the resulting algae.

20. Glue them to the background at one point - at the base. So that the upper part remains free and creates a volume effect.

21. Cut out pebbles from brown and yellow paper.

22. Add pebbles to our aquarium.

23. Now we let the fish into our beautiful aquarium. Glue it by the tail, fins, mouth and along the contour of the body.

Our application is ready.
Thank you for your attention!

It often happens that adults sometimes don’t know what to do with a child so that the learning process is not only fun and interesting, but also benefits the child’s development.

In such cases, creativity comes to the rescue. This can be drawing, sewing, designing, modeling, origami, modeling, applique and much more.

This article will focus specifically on the application, and will also present fish stencils that can be downloaded for free.

We will describe several master classes that will help not only to have fun in your free time with your child, but will also contribute to the development of fine motor skills, imagination and imagination of the child. The presented master classes are designed for the age category from three to ten years.

The application allows you to create incredible masterpieces that can be presented to family and friends for various holidays, decorate a room, or simply be kept as a keepsake.

It is worth remembering that if a child is not yet able to independently cut out the elements necessary for the applique, he will definitely need the help of an adult.

It is better to entrust gluing to the child, since from a psychological point of view, this approach will allow him to develop independence and, of course, bring the child and the adult closer together in the process of a common activity. If a child already knows how to use scissors, it is better to entrust him with complete management of the creative process.

To create an application you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • thick cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • scissors.

To begin with you will need stencil. You can either create it manually or download it below from our website and print it. Examples of templates:


Individual parts must be outlined; it is better to choose the same color for the fins and tail. Next, you need to separate the main parts of the body and glue them onto cardboard.

The area with scales should be glued to the body- the application will take on a three-dimensional shape.

The final stage of the craft - eye decoration. It is best to make two ovals of different sizes, stick them on top of each other and glue them.

The applique can be supplemented by adding background decorations in the form of seaweed or stones.

Master class “Miracle fish” made of paper

To create a craft you will need:

  • colored paper;
  • thick cardboard;
  • stencil (any);
  • glue brush;
  • PVA glue;
  • a simple pencil;
  • scissors.

First you need prepare blanks for the tail. To do this, you need to cut 3-5 strips 1 centimeter wide and 12 centimeters long. To make it more colorful, it is better to take several colors.

Next, it should be made scales. To do this you will need a cardboard circle or a small coin. You need to circle the coin with a simple pencil and cut off approximately 15-20 circles (each circle separately) along the contour.

Craft made from colored paper

You need to make the body of a fish. You should trace the outline of the stencil on the cardboard and make it using scissors.

First glue the body onto the cardboard, and then the scales. When gluing the circles, they must be coated with glue only halfway so that the applique has a three-dimensional appearance.

Then we bend the glued circle to the outside. We make a tail from the prepared strips. We bend the strip in half and glue the ends with glue, and then attach it to it.

Master class on crafts “Fish”

For the craft you will need:

  • CD (or any other similar stencil);
  • a simple pencil;
  • cardboard;
  • PVA glue;
  • colored paper;
  • scissors.

First, you need to trace the disk on cardboard with a pencil and cut out a circle.

From the first one, you need to cut off a part, as shown in the image.

You need to create a tail, lips and fins and glue them onto a cardboard base.

The second one needs to be glued onto cardboard, and on top of that the first one, from which part of the body was cut off in advance, should be glued.

The final stage will be the design of the eye. To do this, you will need to create a small white oval and a smaller black shape.

If desired, you can decorate the body with various elements, for example, finely chopped paper, rhinestones or a corrugated version.

During the creative process, you can not only make crafts and help your child with his work, but also tell him interesting facts about the underwater world. Thus, the benefits of such a pastime will be much greater.
