Washing designations on the label of things. What do the dry cleaning symbols on the label mean?

Improper care of clothing causes rapid deterioration of the fabric and the loss of an attractive appearance, so before washing, drying or bleaching any clothing, you should carefully look at its label with an icon. There, in the form of symbols, the nuances of caring for a particular fabric are indicated.


Washing is the main care process for most types of clothing. On the label sewn on the inside of the item, you will see what kind of washing is recommended by the manufacturer, at what temperature it is allowed to wash the item, whether it can be bleached and wrung out.

The icon, by which you can understand how to wash this or that thing, looks like a bowl of water. If only such a “basin” is shown on your label, then the thing is washed in a typewriter on any program, that is, it is permissible to both soak it and wring it out.

Other variants of this icon are decoded as follows:

  • Underlined with one line "basin" indicates the need for a gentle wash. Such a thing cannot be washed on a program with a high number of revolutions, and it is advised to load the machine only 2/3 of the allowable amount of laundry.
  • If under the "basin" did you see two lines, such a thing can only be washed on the “delicate wash” mode. The volume of laundry in the machine is advised to be reduced to 1/3 of the maximum recommended. If you want to wash such a thing with your hands, then you should rinse such clothes in a large amount of water, and wring out very gently or not wring out at all.
  • "Basin" with a hand immersed in it indicates the need to wash such a thing by hand. The washing temperature should not be higher than +40 C. In addition, such clothes should not be strongly rubbed and wrung out. As a rule, you will see such an icon on clothes made of guipure, chiffon, knitwear, satin and similar delicate materials.
  • The image of a washing machine placed in a circle means a ban on machine washing. This designation is typical for fabrics that can shed, tear or stretch while scrolling in the drum. You will also see this icon on outfits with sequins, beads, rhinestones and other decor that can come off when washing in a typewriter.
  • Crossed out "basin" will tell you that this thing cannot be washed at all. You will see such an icon on products that are dry-cleaned, since even gentle hand washing can damage them.

Temperature regime

It is important to pay attention to the designations of the water temperature during washing so that the thing does not sit down, lose its color and become shapeless.

You can find out about the permissible temperature by two designations - inside the "basin" with water, you will see either a number or dots in different numbers:

  • 30º or 1 point - the thing is washed at a temperature not exceeding + 30ºС, the spin should be minimal.
  • 40º or 2 points - for washing such a thing, the temperature should not exceed + 40ºС.
  • 50º or 3 dots - the item can be washed at temperatures up to +50ºС.
  • 60º or 4 points - for washing such a thing, a temperature of + 60ºС is set.
  • 70º or 5 points - you can wash such a thing at + 70ºС.
  • 95º or 6 points - such a thing can be washed at a temperature of + 95ºС.


An incorrectly selected spin intensity can cause shrinkage or damage to clothing.

The icon that will tell you about the features of spinning things is square with a circle inside. Seeing such a sign, you can not worry that the thing will be washed with a high spin intensity. In addition, this designation allows the use of machine drying.

Other variants of the circle inside the square are deciphered as follows:

  • If this sign is underlined with one line, for such a thing, both spinning and drying in the machine should be gentle.
  • If you see two lines under the symbol, then these clothes should be washed on a low spin program and tumble dried on a delicate setting.
  • If you see dots inside the circle in the square, this will tell you the tumble dry mode for this item. As on an iron, the number of dots indicates the intensity of drying, for example, if there is one dot, then the mode should be gentle, and if there are three dots, then drying can be fast and using high temperatures.
  • If a circle is drawn inside the square, then heating during machine drying is unacceptable (clothes can only be processed with cold air).
  • A crossed out square with a circle means a ban on push-ups during washing and drying in a washing machine.
  • The crossed-out image of a twisted garment indicates that such a thing cannot be twisted or wrung out.

Machine drying

Other variants of the square must be deciphered as follows:

  • If an empty square is crossed out, such a thing cannot be dried.
  • If a semicircle is depicted at the top of the square, clothes are allowed to dry vertically - either on hangers or on a clothesline.
  • Three vertical lines inside the square will tell you that the thing is unacceptable to wring out, but should be hung to dry while still wet.
  • One horizontal strip inside the square indicates the need to dry on a horizontal surface, otherwise the fabric will deform and stretch. Usually such drying is recommended for knitwear and wool.
  • The two diagonal lines in the upper left corner of the square indicate that drying in direct sunlight is prohibited. Clothing with this symbol on the label should only be dried in the shade. Usually this is a white fabric that turns yellowish under sunlight, as well as bright clothes that can fade.


Before using bleach, be sure to look for a triangle on the label:

  • If there is a triangle, whitening is allowed.
  • If such a triangle is crossed out, then, accordingly, bleaching is prohibited.
  • Also pay attention to the letters inside - if you see “Cl” in the triangle, then you can use bleaching agents with chlorine.
  • If the triangle with the letters “Cl” is crossed out, then bleaching is allowed, but chlorine-containing products cannot be used. The triangle has the same meaning, inside of which there are two diagonal lines.

no icons

Although manufacturers mark washing features with icons on most clothes, there are also clothes on the labels of which you will see inscriptions in English. You can decrypt them like this:

  • machine wash- item can be machine washed
  • Hand wash only- this item can only be washed by hand
  • Wash separately- the color of such a thing is unstable and may shed on other clothes, so it will have to be washed in isolation
  • hot wash- use hot water for washing
  • warm wash- wash this item in warm water
  • cold wash- for washing such a thing, the water should not be warm
  • No wash/Do not wash- with such an inscription, the manufacturer warns that the item cannot be washed

Chemical cleaning

The designations associated with the peculiarity of the chemical treatment of clothes are mainly of interest to dry cleaners, since they indicate which cleaning is allowed for a particular garment.

  • The most important icon associated with dry cleaning for the average layman is crossed out circle. He will tell you that such a thing should not be taken to the dry cleaning salon, since dry cleaning is contraindicated for it.
  • Round badge without any letters indicates that the item is dry-cleaned. Often you will find such a designation on woolen, leather, silk or suede clothing.
  • If there is a letter inside the circle, it tells you what chemical means it is permissible to clean the fabric. It can be the letters A, F, P or W. And the dash under the circle will tell the dry cleaner that the treatment should be delicate.


During ironing, the fabric is exposed to high temperatures, so each manufacturer marks on the label the optimal temperature regime depending on the fabric. For example, linen or cotton fabrics can be ironed with a strong iron, and the use of steam will only help smooth out wrinkles. If you overheat the iron when ironing synthetics or wool, the item will be damaged.

The ironing mode on the label is indicated by the image of the iron. If you just saw "iron" without dots, then such a thing can be both ironed with any heat, and treated with steam. Decipher other images of the "iron" as follows:

  • One point inside the "iron" allows you to heat the iron during ironing up to a maximum of 110ºС. This is a gentle ironing, which is used mainly for synthetic materials, such as viscose or polyamide.
  • Two dots inside the "iron" allow heating up to 150ºС. This temperature regime is used when ironing silk, polyester, wool.
  • Three dots inside the "iron" allow to heat the iron to the highest temperature (+200ºС). This mode is usually chosen for processing cotton and linen products.
  • "Iron" inside the circle indicates the temperature regime of ironing up to 140ºС.
  • Crossed out "iron" prohibits ironing the product. This designation is often found on terry cloth or nylon.
  • If the legs of the "iron" are crossed out, Do not apply moisture when ironing. Usually such a recommendation is present on the label of silk, satin and satin clothes that are not allowed to be torn off.

To consolidate everything you read, watch the informative, fun and easy-to-understand video from the author of "Abaldet Channel":

Each of us, acquiring a new thing in the store, hopes that it will last as long as possible. In order to extend the life of your clothes, it is important not only to use high-quality powder and the correct washing regimen.

The icons on clothes for washing will also help to properly care for the products, the decoding of which will be described in this article.

Some of them are understandable on an intuitive level, but in recognizing others, you will have to have a little more knowledge. So that you are savvy even in this matter, we offer a short excursion into the world of signs and designations on clothes.

Marks on clothes for washing

Many housewives naively believe that it is enough to understand the types of fabric in order to ensure proper care for them. But not always such knowledge can lead to successful processing.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the designations on the labels in more detail so as not to spoil your favorite things and keep their qualities in their original form. So, to begin with, we will divide the icons into subgroups to make it easier for you to navigate.

  • wash;
  • drying;
  • whitening;
  • professional dry or wet cleaning;
  • ironing;
  • cleaning.

Washing mode

Let's start with the first stage and the most popular. Let's take for example any part of the wardrobe. Agree, it is impossible to use, for example, white clothes several times and never wash them.

But for such a popular regime in the struggle for purity, it is necessary to have some valuable knowledge, for example, in the field of temperature regimes. Or, for example, in terms of bleaching. And the symbols on the clothes indicated on the tag will greatly facilitate this task.

So, for example, you are dealing with a number on a label, what does it mean? This is an indicator of the temperature maximum. You should not risk and expose clothes to cleaning in water, the degree of which exceeds this indicator.

Also, some things have tags, in the designations of which there are horizontal stripes. These wash labels recommend gentle treatment.

To keep the purchased underwear or clothes for a long time in their original presentation, you must follow the care recommendations that are indicated by the manufacturer on the appropriate labels.

Such symbols for washing on clothes contain the necessary information regarding the composition of the product, which affects all subsequent actions of the consumer to care for him. For a correct understanding, you need to be able to decipher each designation.

In addition to the signs that are indicated on the labels, there is a generalized set of rules in relation to artificial and natural fabrics.

Fabrics of natural origin


  • washable at any temperature;
  • hand wash or machine wash allowed;
  • the use of universal means is acceptable;
  • shrinkage from 3 to 5 percent is possible.


  • needs delicate handling;
  • recommended is hand wash;
  • special means - applicable for silk or woolen products;
  • water temperature not more than 30°С;
  • colored items are washed separately;
  • soaking is unacceptable.


  • hand wash is preferred;
  • it is possible to use a washing machine under the program "Woolen products";
  • the use of special products for woolen products is allowed;
  • strong spin is prohibited;
  • drying is natural with careful laying out of products on towels.

Fabrics of artificial origin (synthetic)

Modal, rayon, viscose:

  • washing exclusively at low temperatures;
  • hand wash dominates;
  • it is possible to use mild detergents;
  • shrinkage at the level of 4% or 7%.

Dacron, lycra, tactel, elastane, polyamides, polyesters:

  • machine wash recommended;
  • water temperature 40°C;
  • afraid of a hot iron.

Deciphering the designations on the labels

The ability to correctly decipher the symbols on the labels ensures the long-term preservation of the purchased product. As a rule, they indicate the correctness of washing, ironing and carry some other information.

Washing modes

Gentle, with strict observance of the temperature regime. Intensive mechanical processing is not allowed. Spin - only in slow mode.
Delicate with a large amount of water and minimal mechanical stress. Rinsing is fast.
Traditional washing of clothes is prohibited.
Only manual.
Wiping with a soapy, weak concentration, solution.
Use of water up to 30°C with neutral detergents.
Water use up to 40°C
Washing clothes by machine or hand at a water temperature strictly up to 40 ° C.
Intensive mechanical processing is prohibited. Rinse in warm water with a gradual transition to cold. Only slow spin is allowed in the washing machine.
Delicate wash with plenty of water up to 40°C.
The mechanical impact is minimal. Rapid rinsing at low centrifuge speed is allowed.
Neutral detergents are used at water temperatures up to 40°C.
Washing in water, the temperature of which does not exceed 60 ° C.
Delicate at water temperatures up to 60°C, in large quantities with minimal mechanical processing and rinsing at low centrifuge speeds:
  • water temperature strictly up to 60 ° C;
  • non-intensive machining;
  • rinsing from warm to a gradual transition to cold water;
  • spin is extremely slow.
Boiling of clothes is possible.
It is possible to use boiling with strict observance of the specified temperature regime. Intensive mechanical processing is not allowed.
Rinse in warm water with a transition to cold, and spin at slow speeds of the centrifuge.
The washing mode is delicate with the possibility of boiling with a large amount of water. Mechanical processing is minimal. Rinsing is fast at low speed.
The use of a washing machine is prohibited.

Whitening modes

Whitening modes also have their own symbols or designations, of which there are only four in relation to fabric products or the fabrics themselves.

Bleach is allowed.
Bleaching is prohibited, especially with the use of chlorine-containing products.
The use of bleaches is allowed, including chlorine-containing ones, only in cold water and subject to complete dissolution of the powder.
Whitening is possible only without the use of chlorine-containing products.

Ironing modes

Not every fabric product can withstand high temperatures. Therefore, reading the icons on labels is a must to maintain high quality. In this situation, symbols are extremely important for every hostess.

Ironing is possible at an iron temperature not exceeding 140°C.
Ironing at temperatures up to 110°C, the use of a fabric pad is mandatory. Suitable for synthetics, polyamide, nylon, acetate, acrylic, polyester.
Acceptable ironing temperature up to 150 ° C, a damp cloth is required.
Suitable for woolen and mixed fibres: polyester and viscose, cotton, polyester, silk.
Acceptable ironing temperature is up to 200°C, the item can be slightly dampened. Suitable for cotton or linen.

Chemical cleaning

Not every stain can be removed with ordinary detergents. Therefore, a sufficient number of icons indicates the possibility or impossibility of applying cleaning using chemicals. Each such designation warns the owner of the possible consequences.

Dry cleaning is strictly prohibited.
The product is not stable with all chemical solvents.
Only dry dry cleaning is possible.
The use of special freons is permissible but only gentle solvents or "white spirit".
Chemical treatment is allowed using: perchlorethylene, hydrocarbon, monofluorotrichloromethane and ethylene chloride.
The use of trichlorethylene is prohibited.
It is allowed to use such chemicals as: monofluorotrichloromethane, hydrocarbon, trifluorotrichloromethane and ethylene chloride, subject to limited use of water, as well as constant monitoring of temperature and mechanical impact.
The use of common solvents is permitted.

Drying modes

In addition to washing modes, there are also modes for drying fabric products. They also have a certain set of characters that you need to know.

Twisting is prohibited.
Hanging is a must.
Drying of a wet product is carried out on a flat horizontal surface.
Push-ups, as well as drying, are allowed in the washing machine.
The spin and dry modes in the washing machine should be as gentle as possible.
The spin and dry modes are delicate.
Fast electric drying possible.
Normal drying required. Electric drying at high temperature is possible.
Indicates gentle electric drying in gentle mode.
The use of spinning and electric drying of clothes is prohibited.
Drying only in a vertical position.
Drying only on a horizontal surface.
Drying clothes in the shade.

Buying a new thing is always a pleasant experience. However, in order for the new thing to last a long time, retain its shape and color, it is necessary to properly care for it. How to determine at what temperature to wash a thing, is it possible to dry-clean it, how to dry it and how to iron it? To answer these and other questions, labels come to the rescue, on which manufacturers have carefully indicated all the necessary information.

Labels are different: soft and hard. They are on all products, except for children's clothing, recommendations for the care of which are applied to special stickers. Depending on the type of clothing, labels are located in different places: on outerwear - on the left side in the waist area, on bras - on the left strap at the back, on dresses - on the side seams at thigh level, for other things - either on the side seam, or behind the collar. The labels indicate the size of the garment, the manufacturer, the composition of the fabric, as well as information on the proper care of the item.

All clothing labels can be divided into 5 groups:

  1. Washing (wash) - the image of a basin with water;
  2. Drying (dry) - square;
  3. Ironing (iron) - an image of an iron;
  4. Dry cleaning (dryclean) - circle;
  5. Bleaching (bleach) - a triangle.


There are several types of fabric:

  • cotton;
  • delicate fabrics (wool, silk);
  • synthetic fabrics.

Depending on this, the method of caring for the thing is also determined. So, clothes made from such natural materials as cotton and linen can be washed at any temperature with any means for washing, both manually and in a washing machine. Wool and silk require delicate handling. For such fabrics, only hand washing is recommended, and it is advisable to use special products for delicate fabrics.

Products made of wool and silk are afraid of hot water and strong spinning, they can “sit down” and lose their original shape. It is recommended to dry knitwear in a horizontal form, laying it on a towel and gently straightening it. For things made of synthetics, water temperatures above 30 ° C are unacceptable.

On the panel of any modern washing machine, with the help of symbols, washing modes are indicated depending on the type of fabric.

Laundry signs on clothes simple and understandable. The label has a graphical representation of a basin of water, which indicates the maximum allowable water temperature for washing. If a basin and a hand are shown, this means that the item can only be washed by hand.

It is also worth paying attention to the presence of one or two horizontal lines under laundry icons. One underline indicates a gentle washing mode (minimum mechanical impact, weak spin), two underlines indicate the need for even more gentle, delicate washing.

The basin with the image of the number 95 is indicated on the labels of clothes that can be subjected to high temperatures during washing, including boiling. Boiling disinfects linen, but colored and white items should be separated. Boiling white laundry will help restore its whiteness.

Do not forget about the precautions when washing, which are not reported on clothing labels, namely: before washing any things, first you need to clean the pockets, colored and white things must be washed separately, you must also separate things by type of fabric, use washing powder in the amount recommended on the package.


Even if the product is washed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations, improper drying can ruin any item. The image of the “square” will tell you how to dry the thing.

The square is empty - you can dry it, crossed out - you can’t. The circle inside the square allows you to dry the item in the washing machine. If it is crossed out, the product cannot be dried in the machine. In this case, from 1 to 3 points can be applied inside the circle. The more dots, the higher the temperature can be set during drying.

A square with a horizontal line indicates that the item should be carefully laid out and dried on a flat horizontal surface. A square with 3 vertical lines indicates that the thing should not be twisted, you can only slightly wring it out by hand and dry it exclusively in an upright position.

A square with a diagonal line in the left corner warns that the sun should be avoided during drying to avoid fading of the fabric.


Deciphering this sign is usually not difficult. In addition, caring manufacturers took care of applying special designations to the iron itself. On the tag inside the icon with an iron, from 1 to 3 dots are drawn. Iron with one point - the use of a minimum heating temperature (up to 110 ° C). For synthetic fabrics, acrylic, nylon, polyester, acetate. Iron with 2 points (up to 130°C) - for items made of wool, silk, viscose. Iron with 3 points - for linen and cotton products, heating the iron up to 200 ° C.

If the iron is crossed out, the item cannot be ironed. If an iron with steam is shown, the thing can be steamed, and, conversely, the crossed out sign indicates the inadmissibility of steaming.

Dry cleaning

Often a thing cannot be cleaned of stains manually. It happens that there are decorative elements on the fabric that can be damaged during washing. Then the question arises of contacting specialists for professional dry cleaning. If the label has an image of a circle, then dry cleaning is allowed. The letters inside the circle indicate which special cleaners are allowed to be used, this information is necessary for dry cleaning employees.


Whitening is a procedure that allows you to restore the original whiteness of your favorite clothes. However, not every item can be bleached. An empty triangle on the label allows bleaching, a crossed out triangle prohibits it. Sign "chlorine" (Cl) inside the triangle indicates the permissibility of the use of chlorine bleaches, a triangle with two diagonal lines inside prohibits the use of such products.

The designations on clothing labels will help you properly care for any item and extend its original appearance. Knowing how to decipher labels on clothes will help you avoid such unpleasant problems as stretching things, losing brightness, burning fabric when ironing, etc. In order to properly care for your favorite things, you should always have a table of decoding signs on clothes for washing at hand.

Attention, only TODAY!

In order for your linen and clothes to retain their color for as long as possible, it is necessary to follow the recommendations for washing and care.

High-quality underwear or clothing always has a label from the manufacturer of the product, which indicates its composition and recommendations for care. Some recommendations and interpretation of symbols are presented below.

fabrics care

natural fabrics

cotton Can be washed at any temperature in the washing machine and by hand with universal detergents. Possible shrinkage of products after washing by 3 - 5%.
silk Requires delicate handling. We recommend hand washing with special detergents for washing wool and silk at temperatures up to 30°C. Does not tolerate high temperatures. Wash colored items separately. Don't soak.
wool We recommend hand washing or washing in a machine if it has a program for washing wool, at a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. Use special detergents for washing wool. Do not squeeze hard after washing. Dry items by laying them gently on a towel.

artificial fabrics

rayon, viscose, modal Washing at low temperature is recommended. Hand wash is preferred. Shrinkage 4-7% when washed. Use mild detergents.

Synthetic fabrics

tactel®, lycra®, dacron®, polyesters, polyamides, elastane Machine wash at 40°C is recommended. Does not tolerate a hot iron (might melt!).

Applies to all materials:

  • Do not use bleach unless specifically stated on the product label.
  • Use mild detergents (liquid or powders).
  • Incorrect dosage of detergent can damage the laundry. Dosage recommendations are indicated on the detergent packaging.
  • When washing in the machine, put your underwear in special bags.
  • Do not soak printed or colored fabrics.
  • Do not dry in the machine.
  • Before washing, pay attention to the care instructions indicated on the product. The main symbols and their meanings are given in the table at the end of the article.
  • Sort laundry by type of wash. Wash new colored items separately the first time you wash them. Wash bright and dark colors separately.
  • If the care symbols indicate a delicate wash, it is advisable to halve the amount of laundry. This will prevent it from twisting too much.
    Wash items made of synthetic fibers and their mixtures separately from cotton and linen.
  • Dark materials have an excess of coloring matter. This excess must be removed by hand washing.

The following symbols are most often found on labels:

Sign Decryption
Laundry allowed

If the trough is underlined by one or two lines, this indicates that special precautions must be taken. Hand or machine wash. Carefully adhere to the indicated temperature, do not subject to strong mechanical treatment, rinse, gradually moving to cold water, set the centrifuge to a slow rotation mode when spinning in the washing machine
Very gentle treatment in large quantities of water, minimal mechanical processing, fast rinsing at low speeds
Can be bleached
Do not bleach, do not use chlorine detergents and washing powders with bleaches
Washing with bleach containing chlorine is allowed; use only cold water, monitor the complete dissolution of the powder
It is allowed to iron at a maximum temperature of 100; acceptable for wool and mixed fibers with polyester and viscose, use a damp cloth
It is allowed to iron at; maximum temperature 150; acceptable for wool and mixed fibers with polyester and viscose, use a damp cloth
It is allowed to iron at a maximum temperature of 200; acceptable for linen and cotton, you can slightly moisten the product
Special designation for dry cleaning: cleaning only with hydrocarbon, ethylene chloride and monofluorotrichloromethane
Special designation for dry cleaning: cleaning with only hydrocarbon and trifluorotrichloromethane

Special designation for dry cleaning: cleaning only with hydrocarbon, chlorine ethylene and monofluorotrichloromethane with limited addition of water, control of mechanical action and drying temperature
