Organization of weddings in the best European traditions. The original script for the outdoor ceremony

Two people in love who want to tie their fates may have to think about the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster so that it is not banal, but fun, kindly remembered and so that the budget of a young family does not have to be patched up for a long time. Some wish to spend it in home circle, some - in a restaurant or cafe, some - only in nature. We will try to consider in our article interesting options weddings in different settings, for every taste and budget, and so that the celebration without a manager does not turn into boring gatherings.

Need a plan first

Experts strongly recommend to think over the course of such a responsible event as a wedding. First of all, you need to start from the budget of the wedding, the number of guests and, of course, from the desires of the couple. The scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster needs to be thought out in advance, it is recommended to determine the date of the celebration at least six months before the event itself. In this case, you can safely and without nervous breakdowns think through all the nuances appropriate place, a photographer, choose a dress, etc. Of course, if there is a financial opportunity, you can give the organization of the wedding into the hands of professionals, but if you independently organize the celebration, in addition to the outfits of the bride and groom, you need to think through and take into account the following points:

  1. Registration and wedding. Civil registration of marriage is usually appointed 1-2 months after the application is submitted (the bride's pregnancy can speed up the process, but a certificate is needed). It is necessary to consult with the priest about the wedding process so that the date does not fall on fasting or another holiday.
  2. Location. It will depend on the desire of the young, the time of year, financial capacity and the number of guests.
  3. The concept (style) of the wedding. For a more memorable event last years It is customary to hold a wedding in a certain style. It can be a specific theme (dudes, retro, in national traditions etc.) or the same color scheme for guests in clothes. When choosing a style, you need to take it into account in accessories, for example, the design of invitations should match the chosen style.
  4. Treating guests. It can be either a modest buffet with several types of snacks and a cake, or a feast with hot dishes, salads, etc.
  5. Think about whether you need to invite specialists in photography, video filming and musical accompaniment. Perhaps among your friends and relatives there are talents who will cope with their goals just as well as specialists. This will greatly simplify the task, for example, how to hold a wedding at home without a toastmaster. You can create a script yourself.

Remember that you can organize a solemn banquet for relatives and friends not on the day of registration or wedding. Recently, many have been doing this, guided by the fact that the moment of the wedding or registration is intended only for two, and in some cases it saves the budget.

The course of the celebration

Having considered the above points, before holding a wedding on your own (without a toastmaster), you need to think over the scenario, that is, the course of the event. About 15-20 years ago, almost all weddings were similar to one another, all this because of certain traditional rites. Now the trends are changing a little, many people want originality, but you should not completely abandon traditions. If the young are not against some of them, for example, the ransom of the bride or the meeting after the registry office with the parent loaf, then it is worth including these moments in the wedding script in narrow circle without toastmaster.

We note the following main points of the event:

  • solemn part or registration (possibly exit);
  • moving guests and young people to the main venue festive evening;
  • after the guests are seated, congratulations begin, all this interspersed with dancing, toasts, gifts, photographs, entertainment moments, then cake treats and the final part.

Of course, these moments are too generalized, but let's take a more specific look at how to spend this significant day so that the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster for the closest ones does not turn into regular gatherings for no reason.

Diversify the classics

In order not to have to puzzle over how to come up with a wedding scenario without a toastmaster with contests, you can take as a basis classic version celebrations with a traditional loaf, riding around the city, ransom, and so on, but bring in personality traits. For example, you can choose beautiful colour and its shades for all the guests present. Often these are gentle pastel shades(mint turquoise, light coral, May green or sky blue), it is important to warn guests about this in advance (1-2 months in advance). There may be many options. A Provence style wedding will be very romantic. Such a celebration is characterized by the use light shades, natural wicker furniture, French dishes, bouquets of small wild flowers or lavender. Can arrange fabulous wedding in the spirit of the ball, where the bride will be a princess, and her groom will be a prince ( White horse not required). Here, guests should be present in floor-length outfits, preferably with fans, and men in a bow tie.

If the newlyweds approach the celebration with humor, you can hold a wedding in the style of escaped prisoners. Young people can spend 1-2 hours at the celebration in handcuffs. The bride, as well as the guests, of course, should not put on a prison uniform, but the groom may have a slight hint of it. Such variations are perfect for those thinking about interesting scenario weddings without a toastmaster with close friends at home or in a restaurant. The main thing is to do everything with desire, to catch fire with the idea, and then the wedding, both a small-scale event and a grand one, will really succeed.

Russian or European

European traditions do not provide for a noisy procession of ransoming the bride, followed by her stealing at a banquet and selling the first piece of cake. But that doesn't make her boring. Many traditions of European weddings smoothly flowed into our celebrations. For example, the tradition of throwing the bride’s bouquet or her garter, cutting the cake by young people, etc. The European wedding option is suitable not only for a restaurant or cafe, but also for those who are looking for a wedding scenario without a toastmaster at home.

The European bride and groom have at least three friends and girlfriends (with the same bouquets) dressed in the same dresses and suits. Places at a banquet are usually signed, and guests at such a wedding should eat, chat, dance in an easy, relaxed atmosphere. In the evening, European guests can arrange the so-called hour of madness with crazy dances and dances.

If you are thinking about how to hold a wedding without a toastmaster, European version weddings may be suitable. But if there are more than 20-25 guests at the celebration, it is better to think about the host of the wedding or the wedding coordinator, who will take care of the organizational aspects of entertaining the guests. After all, a small number of simple contests will help to hold a wedding and decorate it.

In native walls

It is worth considering the option of a wedding scenario without a toastmaster for the closest people at home, especially if the apartment or house is spacious enough for this. Such a wedding will help to save a lot, but the downside is that you will have to assign the responsibility for decorating the interior, cooking, serving guests, etc. to someone from your relatives or relatives. Therefore, it is better to ask in advance whether there are volunteers (there may be those who will be happy) to take on these chores.

Where to spend inexpensive wedding? Of course, at home. But first you need to make a plan for it, take into account the number of guests, decorate the space, buy drinks and alcohol in advance. Consider also the option of delivering hot meals and cake from a restaurant or cafe. This will not only unload the kitchen, but may even be cheaper. But salads, meat, cheese, fruit cuts and sandwiches are best prepared by yourself. You will also have to think through the details of the wedding scenario without a toastmaster in a narrow circle of relatives and friends.

In a narrow circle

It is inexpensive to hold a wedding in a cafe if the number of guests is within one dozen. Unlike a wedding at home, in a cafe you don’t have to think about the seating of guests, their service, there is a suitable place for dancing.

Such a wedding is more suitable for friends of the bride and groom and will resemble a party. How to have a wedding in a narrow circle of fun? To do this, it is better to choose a specific theme that will correspond to the characters of the young people and guests, their hobbies and tastes. A small wedding-party in a cafe or restaurant in a narrow circle can be in the style of bikers, rockers or in the spirit of oriental tale"Thousand and One Nights". Such a wedding scenario without a toastmaster will fully meet the interests of the newlyweds and their friends.

The film industry provides a large selection of wedding themes. Fans of the tapes "Agent 007", "The Lord of the Rings", " star Wars"and other cult films (or even cartoons) can become one of the central characters on the day of the union of hearts. Perhaps the guests will share your hobbies, play along with you on your wedding day.

However, you should not turn the wedding into a theatrical performance, and the chosen theme should be emphasized only with clothing accessories, invitation design, a themed cake and other touches. Also, for holding a celebration in a narrow circle in a cafe or in a restaurant, it is perfect and traditional version celebrations.

How to choose a restaurant

The restaurant is the comfortable spot for such an event, even if a wedding scenario without a toastmaster is provided. There is no need to puzzle over how to seat guests, what to feed and how to provide a dance floor. It is better to be puzzled by the choice 3-4 months before the celebration. When choosing a restaurant, you should start from the number of guests, as well as from whether the institution suits your level.

Almost any decent, but inexpensive establishment will accommodate guests in the amount of 20-30 people, and it does not take much time to search for it. And if there are about a hundred guests, the restaurant hall will need a more spacious one to accommodate everyone, and the seating will need to be planned in advance with the administrator. The optimal space for 1 person is 2 square meters premises.

It is important to discuss the menu and drinks of the restaurant, perhaps the institution will meet you halfway and allow you to purchase your own alcohol and drinks, this will be more economical than ordering them from the restaurant. It is also better to order a cake separately, and salads should not be counted in portions for each guest, it is better to put several servings in salad bowls, counting one for 2-3 guests.

Also, the restaurant should have space for musical equipment and competitions. The decor of the hall, especially if the wedding is stylized, can be taken over, this will also save the budget. It is worth asking how many waiters will be on the day of the celebration. One waiter is required to serve ten guests.

It is necessary to clarify with the administration of the institution what additional costs may be and in what cases, and it is best to draw up an agreement where all points will be discussed.

wedding in nature

If the chosen time of the year allows you to hold a wedding in nature and there is a place to organize an event on fresh air then don't miss this chance. The place can be different - from the territory of the yard in a private house, perhaps even outside the city, to a special rented area in a park or on the picturesque shore of a lake or river.

Despite the open spaces, it is better to protect the territory for the celebration so that there is no strangers at the celebration. For a large wedding with guests (more than forty people) in nature, it is preferable to provide the following zones throughout the territory: a buffet or banquet area, a place for dancing, a place for gatherings and quiet entertainment, a photo zone. It would also be nice to provide a separate table with drinks and sweets, including cake. Such a big celebration is unlikely to do without a host or wedding manager and 3-4 people serving guests. If there are few invitees, you can independently think over the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster for your closest ones.

Very often, if allowed financial opportunities, for a wedding in nature order field registration. Registration against the backdrop of nature looks very beautiful and spectacular, it will be remembered by everyone for a long time. But if you really want to, registration in the fresh air can be improvised and once again, but not so officially, swear an oath of love and fidelity.

An outdoor wedding is worth considering for small company, that is, without a host or toastmaster. It is very important to think carefully musical accompaniment, what to do with guests and how to hold a wedding without a toastmaster in nature in a small circle. And at the end of the celebration in the fresh air (regardless of its scale), you can launch Chinese lanterns at dusk with wishes to the young, give fireworks(not forgetting the safety rules) or arrange a laser show. The main thing is that the weather does not deteriorate.

If the wedding is in winter

It is not always necessary to wait for favorable warm weather for a wedding. Many combine their destinies into one and into winter time. Plus winter wedding the fact that there is almost no queue at the registry office at this time and you can easily choose the date you like.

Among the minuses is that it will be problematic to hold a long wedding photography on the street or in nature. You will have to be prepared for a small number of photos with stories of walking around the city or when leaving the registry office.

You also need to consider the minimum insulation for both guests and young people. The bride and groom should at least be thrown over warm clothes. Otherwise, perhaps, there are no differences between holding a wedding at another time of the year and a winter celebration. A wedding in winter can be celebrated in any appropriate warm room, in a restaurant or cafe, at home or in a rented winter cottage, in which, by the way, guests can easily accommodate overnight guests and devote the second day of the wedding outdoor activities on skis, sleds, tubing, snowshoes, etc.

Wedding contests

All kinds of competitions are an important part of the scenario, they will not let guests get bored and will become the highlight of the holiday:

  • "Prove love." The groom is given a towel and asked to tie it as much as he loves his bride. After the towel is tied, the groom is asked to untie this knot as easily as he will allow. family conflicts.
  • "Dress another". Participants are divided into pairs. Each couple is given a bag with clothes (it will be more interesting if there are comic elements of clothing). Then one of the couple is blindfolded. The task of this player is to dress the other.
  • "Clothespins". Participants are divided into pairs. One person is blindfolded, and many clothespins are attached to the clothes of the other. The goal of the blindfolded player is to remove the clothespins from their partner. The pair that completes the task the fastest wins.
  • "Know the wife." The groom is blindfolded, after which he tries to recognize the bride by her knee or hair. In the final, the groom is awarded the diploma "Best Husband".
  • "Kiss Collection" Two men are invited to participate. The goal of the competition is to bypass all female guests in a certain amount of time (they are first asked to make up their lips with lipstick) and collect as many kisses as possible. The winner is the one with the most kiss marks on their cheeks.

Only double

There is no need to think about the scenario without a toastmaster (including at home without a toastmaster) if the couple decides for personal reasons not to invite guests to the event at all. This option is also justified, since young people can spend the saved money at their discretion. After all, this an important event only for two, and many do not like the noisy feast and crowded fun with relatives and friends, constantly shouting “Bitter!”.

If none of the relatives or acquaintances is offended that the young people will not invite anyone, you can send the funds intended for the banquet to a high-quality photo session with professional stylist and make-up artist. Of course, there will be no banquet, but the historical one will be beautifully captured for new family moment.

Recently, more and more young people are celebrating a wedding together in an exotic country. To avoid misunderstandings abroad, it is better to find out in advance whether the local authorities can perform the ceremony, what is needed for this, and whether the marriage will be valid in Russia. But you can do it easier: register at home, and solemnly celebrate it abroad.

Also, the option of a wedding for two is suitable for loving people not marrying for the first time. If they have children, you can have a wedding with them, marking the event in good restaurant. Then it is already possible to think over the scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster for loved ones.


Often, on the anniversary of the solemn event, they prepare a wedding script without a toastmaster with or without competitions. Why not? This good way once again declare your undying love, have fun with friends and family, diversify everyday life. You can think of a scenario for the first, second, fifth anniversary, based on the name of this day. For example, on calico, you can put on a light sundress for the “bride” and trousers with a shirt for the “groom” and spend the day outdoors. The script for the 10th wedding anniversary without a toastmaster can also be interesting. Is it pewter or pink wedding. Although it would be nice to spend this day together, decorating an apartment or Vacation home rose petals, light candles and drink a bottle of wine.

There are no ransoms, wild dances and obscene contests at a European wedding. In organizing such a wedding Special attention is given to a spacious restaurant with a park, live music and a light buffet. In this case, the host is connected to the celebration only at the wedding ceremony. Despite the inconspicuous participation of the presenter, a wedding script is drawn up for him in European style.

What does the daily routine of the newlyweds look like, and what are the advantages of a European wedding - read in the article.

How does a European wedding begin?

At a European-style wedding, the newlyweds have no witnesses. The role of the bride's assistant can be performed by any of her bridesmaids. Therefore, all friends dress in the same dresses and are next to the bride in the morning. According to European traditions, the bride is dressed up in the hotel, from where she arrives at the place outdoor ceremony. If the bride spent the night at home, then the bridesmaids meet the groom at the gate and invite him into the house without any ransoms and competitions.

The morning of the groom looks a little different. The groom arranges a small buffet for friends at his home, after which he calls in for a bouquet and heads to the bride's house. There he should take place serious conversation with the beloved's father, after which the young couple goes to the registry office or to the site for the ceremony. Up to this point, the host may not participate.

Registry office or outdoor ceremony?

Where the painting of the newlyweds will take place is up to them to decide. It can be an ordinary ceremony in the registry office or a symbolic wedding in nature. The most important thing is that on the same day the young people should get married. Either the couple travels from the registry office directly to the temple, or the priest arrives at the outdoor ceremony to bless the newlyweds.

The participation of the presenter begins with painting. After the registry office, the host organizes a meeting for the young. He distributes to all the guests a prepared speech with wishes, any white cereal (rice, semolina) and rose petals for sprinkling the young. Near the exit, the host creates a “live” corridor in which each guest conveys his wishes to the lovers.

If an exit painting is foreseen, then the host will take care of seating the guests, conduct a ceremony of symbolic painting and organize entertainment. Distinctive feature the exit ceremony is that the father leads the bride to the arch, and beautifully dressed children accompany the young, showering the newlyweds with flower petals. Another feature of the European wedding is the mutual vows of the young, which they voice after the coveted “Yes”. It's best if important words they will write in advance on the leaves.

Buffet after the ceremony

After the painting and the wedding, the guests congratulate the newlyweds and head to the buffet table, where a table with champagne awaits them. Glasses with sparkling wine are in the shape of a pyramid, but guests do not take them themselves. Champagne is given out by waiters, whose function is to monitor the filling of glasses throughout the evening. After drinking champagne, the presenter announces a musical break so that the young people can clean up.

The host should pay special attention to the first 15-20 minutes after painting. This time is perfect for a photo shoot. First, organize a general photo and video shoot with guests, and then a personal shoot of the young. While the couple will be photographed, guests will be able to take seats in the banquet hall.

Banquet in European style

At a European wedding, the host seats the guests at small tables (4 or 6 people each). The newlyweds and parents sit on a small hill, and the tables of the guests are arranged in the form of the letter P. V summer time a banquet can be arranged outdoors, placing tables in the park area of ​​the restaurant, but most often the feast takes place in the hall. A European-style wedding is celebrated in a light, relaxed atmosphere. Each table orders treats from the menu, live music (violin, saxophone or piano) plays in the background. Congratulations from the guests do not sound like ours, from the spot, and each guest goes on stage to proclaim a toast or sing a song for the young. Therefore, the presenter needs to prepare two microphones: one for himself, and the other set on stage for guests.

The task of the host at the banquet is to create an atmosphere, to hold light competitions, mainly to introduce the guests, to announce the performance of the artists.

Most often, the program includes:

  • Performances by vocalists, dancers or magicians.
  • As a surprise, the bridesmaids or groomsmen can prepare a joint dance or song.
  • Dance of the parents.
  • The first dance of the young.
  • Contests.
  • Fireworks.
  • Sale of the first piece of wedding cake.
  • Throwing a bouquet.
  • Escorting young people on a journey.

The presenter can announce concert numbers as a pop entertainer (officially from the stage), or he can follow the course of the program directly from the hall.

sweet auction

At the end of a European wedding, it is customary to hold an auction for the sale of the first piece of wedding cake. Since the bride and her shoes are not stolen at such a wedding, European newlyweds “earn extra money” in a civilized way, arranging fair bidding. After selling the first tidbit, the young people treat guests with a cake and various sweets, traditionally found in the candy bar.


Another feature of the European wedding is the throwing of the bouquet. At some weddings, the bride tosses the bouquet in the banquet hall immediately after cutting the cake. But there is another option. In Europe, young people do not sit up with guests until midnight, and after tea drinking they immediately go on a honeymoon trip. And when the guests escort the young on their way, the bride throws a bouquet right out of the car window. The surprise is that the girl will not know before arrival which of her friends caught bridal bouquet. It is important for the presenter to have time for the departure of the newlyweds to hold all competitions and rituals, and for the remaining guests to regulate the time of the concert program.

European wedding video

How the host works at a European-style outdoor ceremony, see the video:

You need to organize your time, starting in the morning.

8:30 - cars should be at the groom's house.

8:30-9:00 - light buffet at the groom's house.

9:00-10:00 - the time allotted for the journey to the bride's house (may vary depending on the distance).

10:00 - the tuple should be in place. The groom and his escort are met by the bridesmaids, escorted to the house. There, the bride's father brings his daughter to the groom. future husband with words of love gives the bride a bouquet. Guests go to a room where a table with light snacks is set. If the scenario wedding evening involves a rite of redemption, take enough time for this.

10:30-11:30 - time for the road to the registry office.

11:30-12:00 - preparation for the ceremony.

12:00-12:30 - solemn ceremony marriages.

12:30-13:00 - congratulations to friends and relatives, photo and video shooting, champagne. The groom carries the bride in his arms, they are sprinkled with coins, rice, petals.

13:00-13:30 - the road to the church where the wedding will take place.

14:00-14:45 - wedding.

14:45-15:00 - congratulations.

15:00-17:00 - time for a walk. In summer, you can include a buffet table in nature in a picturesque place with the participation of musicians in the scenario of a wedding evening.

16:30-17:00 - waiting for the newlyweds - buffet for guests.

17:00 - young people drive up to the place of celebration. The guests go out to meet them, stand on both sides of the aisle, forming a corridor along which the bride and groom pass. In front of them are children showering the path with petals, the guests also showering the young with rice and petals.

The host wishes the newlyweds peace, harmony and love along with the guests. In the hall there is a table with a pyramid of champagne glasses. The top two glasses, tied with a ribbon, are for the young. Include this spectacular moment in the scenario of the wedding evening, it is very beautiful.

The host offers to congratulate the newlyweds and drink champagne in their honor. After everyone congratulates the newlyweds, the host invites you to go to the buffet table. At this time, the musicians entertain the guests, and the newlyweds put their outfit and makeup in order.

17:30 - everyone is invited to wedding table. Guests are seated according to the cards laid out on the tables. The host pronounces the first beautiful wedding toast in honor of the newlyweds. After that, the guests begin to eat. At this time, pleasant, not loud music sounds.

This is followed by toasts and congratulations from the parents of the newlyweds: first the groom, and after a while - the bride. Then a variety number can be included in the script of the wedding evening, which greatly enlivens the holiday and causes general fun. There can be several rooms - at the request of the bride and groom. Next, the floor is given to witnesses who make a toast, talking about love and smoothly leading to competitions for the newlyweds. For example, do the newlyweds remember the details of their first meeting. Then the music that sounded on the day of meeting or other symbolic, memorable music for this couple sounds.

The dance of the newlyweds is announced, balls fly up to the ceiling or one big ball, which bursts at the climax, small balls, confetti, fly out of it. Be sure to include this beautiful sight in your wedding evening script. By the end of the dance, all guests go to the dance floor.

18:30 - the host invites everyone to a dance break.

19:00 - hot appetizers begin to be served, and guests sit down at the table.

19:30 - wishing to say toasts and wedding congratulations.

19:45 - contests.

20:15 - pop number, dancing.

21:00 - competition or auction of portraits of the newlyweds previously drawn by guests.

21:20 - dancing.

22:20 - take out a wedding cake with lights off with firecrackers and lights. The newlyweds make an incision in the lower tier to the applause of the guests. The host puts the first piece up for auction.

22:35 - sweet table.

22:45 - the bride throws the bouquet, and the groom throws the garter.

22:55 - "dance of wishes" - the newlyweds dance, and the guests wish them happiness and prosperity.

23:00 - the solemn speech of the newlyweds ends the program.

    All we have seen European scenario weddings in beautiful romantic movie and more than once were touched by the elegance and refinement of a foreign celebration. Thanks to modern development in the field of wedding services today and in our country, if you wish, you can arrange a wedding in the best European traditions.

    The location of the celebration is a key moment

    Key Ingredients wedding ceremony and a festive banquet for all Europeans are similar to Russian wedding traditions: White dress and a formal suit, witnesses of the groom and bridesmaid, exchange of rings, wedding cake and even throwing the bride's bouquet ... However, the European wedding scenario implies one global difference - this is the place where the wedding is celebrated, and often it is also the venue for the wedding ceremony. We traditionally have a registry office and a restaurant, they, as a rule, spend a holiday in the fresh air: under open sky or under a light temporary canopy in case of bad weather. Often the wedding venue is a garden or lawn near the bride's house, or any other picturesque corner of nature. Very often, according to the scenario of a European wedding, the marriage takes place in the same place where the festive banquet is scheduled, unless the couple is going to get married in a church. But even in cases where the marriage ceremony takes place outside the place of the banquet, preference is given to holding it in the bosom of nature. In our country, outdoor ceremonies are no longer a curiosity and provide an opportunity to arrange a wedding that is not inferior in beauty and splendor to the best Hollywood films. Information about the organizers of such events can be found on the pages of the Svadbagolik.Ru website.

    The European wedding scenario does not include the ransom of the bride before marriage. As a rule, the bride is brought to the altar by the father, where he passes her to the groom, and only then the two of them become participants in a magical action... Surrounded by flowers and festive decorations, they walk along the red carpet, accompanied by live music, to the delightful beauty of the gazebo, where the priest awaits them who will pronounce solemn speech, declare them husband and wife, give parting advice and provide an opportunity to exchange marital promises. This is a very touching spiritual moment of the European wedding scenario, when lovers say to each other the most important words about love and fidelity, about their readiness to go a long way of life side by side, to share sorrows and joys...

    It must be said that those young people who, arranging a wedding according to European traditions, wish to conduct a rite of redemption beloved by many, will not allow any semantic contradiction. Let everything be as lovers want!

    Another one distinguishing feature The European wedding scenario is the absence of witnesses to the marriage. Instead, there is a charming tradition to single out bridesmaids who help the girl with wedding decorations and other organizational issues. They dress up in the same exquisite dresses and accompany the bride to the celebration.

    European wedding scenario insists on wedding celebration in the style of a social event: often this buffet tables with light snacks, a specially equipped dance floor with live music, waiters carrying glasses of champagne ... Even if seating is provided, it is not customary to install one large common table. They arrange small tables for 4-5 people around the stage, where there is a microphone for the presenter and everyone who wants to congratulate the newlyweds.

    Unlike Russian traditions, the European wedding scenario does not imply a long stay of the newlyweds on the holiday. Accepting congratulations, performing the first a wedding dance and having cut a chic multi-tiered cake, the bride throws her wedding bouquet to the bridesmaids and, together with the groom, leave the banquet, going on a honeymoon trip.

    Holding a European-style wedding will appeal to people with an impeccable sense of style, as the celebration combines elegance, grace and charm. There are no too pompous traditions and vulgarity on it, all elements are combined with each other and make up one of the most romantic themes.

    Many are familiar with this style foreign films, in which the bride walks to the altar arm in arm with her father, and then the lovers make vows to each other about eternal love, respect and loyalty. The same atmosphere can be created without leaving the country, you just need to responsibly approach the organization process - choose the right place, decorate it, think over outfits, menus and other details.


    The first feature of a European-style wedding is the lack of improvisation. Every minute of the holiday is adjusted to the smallest detail, and this despite the fact that it takes not 2, but only 1 day. The wedding should take place without fuss, so it is thought out in advance what time the guests should gather at the registry office, when they should arrive at the place of the banquet, how long it takes to congratulate each guest, etc.

    As part of the European theme of the celebration, the future newlyweds will have to refuse the ransom of the bride, "salutes" of rice and coins, funny contests at the banquet and much more. Such a holiday involves an exceptionally intelligent pastime.

    The tradition of holding stag and hen parties in their modern understanding also originates in Europe. These events are valued almost on a par with the wedding itself - they are also prepared for them, a photographer is invited to them, and the photographs taken are subsequently placed in the wedding album.

    In most cases, the bride, along with her girlfriends and relatives, goes to the SPA-salon, where she orders massages, masks and other procedures for all participants of the bachelorette party. During pleasant procedures, the girls communicate, remember pleasant moments their friendship, together they think about what it means to be a wife. Sometimes, after the salon, everyone goes home to the bride, where they stay for the night and watch their favorite films while having intimate conversations. Or is the whole event

    The groom on the same day, usually young people choose a golf or baseball course for a meeting place, after which they can look into a local bar and talk about wires bachelor life. Outside of Europe, men can go bowling or billiards, where the atmosphere will be heated by the excitement of the game.

    wedding planner

    Because the european wedding is strikingly different from the Russian one, the newlyweds need to consider whether this option would be appropriate for their relatives and friends. In some families, only established traditions are recognized.

    Elena Sokolova


    It is necessary to choose in advance the color scheme in which the celebration will take place and, when organizing, follow the chosen palette.

    Svetlana Reznik

    There are other features that should be considered when organizing a European-style wedding:

    • instead of a witness and a witness - friends of the groom and bridesmaid;
    • it is advisable to select outfits that are the same in model or shade for them;
    • Boys' costumes should be in harmony with girls' dresses in at least one detail.

    The banquet lasts only a few hours, guests do not stay late. After the celebration is over, the newlyweds usually immediately go on their honeymoon trip. It is advisable to hire waiters for the celebration. They will be able to immediately refill drinks or replace empty plates with full ones so that guests do not experience inconvenience.

    European-style wedding - no hand-made. All necessary elements for decoration are purchased in stores. Not a toastmaster, but a leader. Since the European wedding does not accept vulgarity, the wedding should be led by a professional who can organize a sophisticated celebration with romantic contests and entertainment.

    Venue and decor

    To begin with, the bride and groom should decide where they want to celebrate - in a banquet hall or on open nature. In good weather, it is better to give preference to an outdoor ceremony, and in the cold season, choose a suitable restaurant or banqueting hall hotel. The latter option is convenient if there are many guests from other cities.

    If the solemn part of the wedding will take place indoors, then it is enough to choose an institution with a suitable interior, then you will need a minimum of decorations. If the banquet hall does not look the way the newlyweds would like, then it can be decorated with drapery made of thin, light fabrics desired shade, monochrome garlands and miniature bouquets.

    Tables should be small, for 4-6 people, so that guests can move freely and do not interfere with each other. It is best to use plain tablecloths - white or any pastel shade that matches the overall design style. On each table it is desirable to place small bouquet, and serving must be done in accordance with all the rules. If the chairs do not look too presentable, you can put covers on them to match the tablecloths.

    Important! At a European-style wedding, you should not focus on the table of the newlyweds with the help of an arch or balloons. It is enough that he will stand at the head of the room.

    When choosing an outdoor ceremony, you need to consider the placement of each zone - for official ceremony, for a banquet and for a photo shoot. The painting is usually carried out under the wedding arch.

    The European theme allows decorating the frame with flowers in pastel shades or light fabrics. A path should lead to the arch, and chairs or benches for guests should be installed on both sides of it.

    Banquet tables should be placed under a tent so that the vagaries of the weather cannot affect the celebration. The requirements for decorating and serving them are the same as for indoor celebrations. Decorative lanterns or planters with compact bouquets can be hung from the ceiling of the tent.

    The photo zone must be organized depending on the characteristics of the area where the celebration will take place. In some cases, you can find picturesque places near the banquet tent, then you do not have to carry out additional preparation. You can organize a small thematic corner for photographs, for example, an elegant park table on which a tea set will stand.


    The tradition of sending wedding invitations to guests also comes from Europe, so this attribute is required for a wedding in this style. Newlyweds need to think over the layout of the postcard in advance, and then send it to the printing house indicating the names and surnames of all the guests. The design of invitations should be discreet but elegant. White postcards with a photo of the future newlyweds on front side, text and pattern on another. Invitations are sent out 2-3 months before the wedding.

    In addition to invitation cards can be ordered directly from the printer seating cards made in the same style. They are needed so that guests immediately know where they are sitting and do not lose their place during the whole holiday. You can go even further and order cards with warm words of gratitude to guests for making bonbonnieres. These are boxes or bags in which the bride and groom put a symbolic gift for each guest.

    Outfits of the newlyweds and guests

    For a European-style wedding, the bride can choose any style of dress to her liking, and the shade must be selected in accordance with the overall design palette. Most often, girls choose a classic snow-white shade that will look harmonious with any shades in the decor. The style of the outfit can be selected by examining last works wedding fashion designers in Europe. A long train and veil is welcome.

    Hairstyle and accessories are matched directly to the dress. It is necessary to avoid only too pompous or, on the contrary, simple styling- in everything the refinement of the girl should be traced. If desired, you can replace the veil with a hat with a veil or a large hairpin.

    Shoes need to be selected stable, with heels middle length. Make-up should be natural, discreet. It is better to order it from a stylist to get exactly the desired result. The foundation should not be noticeable, shadows are applied to the eyelids that are in harmony in shade with the dress, and on the lips you can make light accent matte lipstick. Manicure should also be without frills - plain varnish, natural form nails.

    The bouquet must be made up of the so-called noble colors-, or The shade should contrast with the dress, but not be so bright as to draw all the attention to itself. You can also choose the shape at your discretion - a classic hemisphere, a bouquet on long stems, and a cascade will do.

    The groom will not need to choose his suit just as scrupulously - any classic version that fits the figure and matches the appearance in color will do. Standard "twos" and "threes" can be replaced with a tailcoat or tuxedo to make the couple look even more elegant. Shoes should be only classic, oxfords or derbies are suitable. should repeat the bride's bouquet both in shades and in components.

    Guests can come to the wedding in any formal costumes. For women, evening or cocktail dresses are suitable, which differ in shade from wedding dress bride. Men, like the groom, can wear any suitable classic suit. Some adjustments may be required due to the chosen colors celebrations, in which case guests must be notified in advance.


    The night before the wedding, the bride and groom must spend in the homes of their parents. In the morning, at the appointed hour, the groom, together with the guests, for his part, sets off in a single cortege to the house of his beloved, where he once again solemnly asks her father for her hand and gives the girl a wedding bouquet. After that, the couple goes to the place of the official mural.

    When the wedding took place, all the guests go to the place of celebration. The host introduces those present to each other in general terms, after which congratulations begin.

    The European-style wedding scenario implies that first the parents of the bride and groom take the floor, then all relatives and distant relatives and then friends. When all congratulations are voiced, the newlyweds take a return speech, thank everyone for nice words and willingness to share this happy day with them.

    After that solemn part can be considered closed, the rest of the evening, all those present will only need to enjoy. The host will hold contests to keep the guests from getting bored, symbolic prizes will be awarded for the victory. The evening ends with a dance of the young and wedding fireworks.

    European-style wedding decoration will not tolerate inconsistencies, so you need to think through everything to the smallest detail. If you wish, you can hire professionals from a special agency to organize a celebration in at its best. If the newlyweds want to plan their own celebration, they need to additionally pay attention to the following details.

    • Love story. In Europe, it is customary to show on the big screen a video from joint photos and video of the newlyweds, from the moment they met and ending with the wedding.
    • Menu. There should not be an abundance of dishes at a banquet. There will be enough hot, a couple of salads and light snacks - this is European style.
    • Dessert, on the contrary, should be lush, multi-tiered, richly decorated. At the top you can place figurines of the bride and groom.
    • Tuple. It is advisable to select imported cars, you don’t need to decorate them abundantly, a slight hint of a wedding will be enough, for example, a compact bouquet.
    • Music. It's best to invite musical group so that they perform the selected compositions live, as is often the case at celebrations in Europe.


    A European-style wedding, photos taken by a specialist, will delight every couple who has chosen this theme. By organizing a celebration, the newlyweds will receive many of the warmest and most romantic emotions that are still long years will delight them and all those present at the celebration. Subject requires close attention to every detail, so planning such a celebration on your own is not always easy. In order to achieve desired result, newlyweds need to share any ideas with each other and choose the most optimal solutions.
