Origami paper tulips step by step instructions. Origami paper tulips

By the way, they can also be made in different ways.

Spring has come and I wanted to pick up interesting and beautiful options for creating paper tulips with children. Moreover, there are a lot of simple techniques with ready-made schemes and templates.

And how to make such beauty, I talk in this article.

Do-it-yourself origami paper tulips: 4 step-by-step instructions

Origami is a very popular technique. It conquers in that it allows you to create a lot of different crafts without using scissors and glue. It also develops fine motor skills, finger sensitivity and attentiveness.

Flowers can also be made using this technique. And they can be completely different. I have prepared 4 schemes for you, following which you can fold a tulip.

So, for work you need a piece of paper. Its shape should be square.

If you are doing such a craft for the first time, then I advise you to take a large sheet format so that you can make a test version and understand the scheme.

Using double-sided sheets, you can make a whole bouquet of bright flowers.

If you could not figure out the scheme, even though it is detailed, then watch the video, in which the craftswoman creates a flower. She shows each step in detail and slowly, I think you will definitely succeed.

Now let's move on to easier options. For example, a panel of such paper tulips looks very spring-like.

They are made very simply. Therefore, immediately prepare squares of the desired colors with sides of 3 centimeters.

Another easy option for younger kids. Under the supervision of their parents, they will definitely be able to repeat this simple scheme. A flower made according to this scheme looks good in applications where cardboard is taken as the basis.

The fourth scheme is given so that you can make this kind of craft.

Paper tulips are voluminous and look unusual.

For a good fix, take glue. Of course, you can do without it, but we want to attach our buds to the surface. Therefore, I advise you to glue both ends. Also, if the ends hold well, then the convex front side will not hang out.

I want to introduce you to the technique of modular origami. Its meaning is that at first many identical parts are made according to one scheme, and then they are inserted into each other, creating the necessary shape.

This type of origami is not for everyone, because it involves painstaking small work. But I know that some masters create entire paintings using this technique.

How to make paper tulips with your own hands easily and quickly?

There are a lot of options for creating such a tulip. I picked up easy options for this article, but despite this, the products are very worthy. Especially if you approach creativity with imagination and stock up in advance with different cuts of wallpaper or backgrounds for creativity.

For example, such flowers are created very simply.

Manufacturing process:

1. You need to cut out the details according to this template.

2. First, one large part is taken, we glue a rod to its lower part, it can also be made of paper.

3. Paste the second part on top. So we beautifully hid the tip of the stem.

4. Glue the remaining parts on top of each other.

How do you like the idea? This application is also suitable for children in kindergartens.

Another option for a simple craft that your kids will definitely like with its brightness.

Manufacturing process:

1. Take a square sheet of double-sided paper. Find its diagonals and middle, as we do in origami.

2. We make cuts along the perpendiculars to the middle of the side.

3. And bend the upper ends, forming a petal.

4. We do this four times, because the square has four corners, so the tulip has four petals.

5. We roll up tubes from a green strip, take a strip length of 10 centimeters. Fix the edge with glue so that the tube does not turn around.

6. Cut one end into five parts and unbend.

7. Glue the upper parts of the stem to the bud. PVA glue will do the job perfectly.

Here are the flowers. It remains to insert them into a vase. Here, her role is played by a bee made from a toilet paper sleeve.

You can use a paper towel or foil roll.

If you use additional materials, you get a more original craft. For example, in this version, fluffy wire was taken as stems.

For one bud, you need to cut out four parts. You can draw them by hand or use the template I have provided below. All parts are bent to the front side in the middle. And then the wrong sides are glued together for all four parts.

The diagram shows this process in detail.

Now see how to hide the end of the wire. It can be glued before you finish forming the bud, or you can do it after, if you leave an unglued space at the bottom.

That's all, you can give a bouquet.

The following flowers look very gentle. They are glued at the edges, and the bud looks like it has not opened yet.

Manufacturing process:

1. For this craft, three parts are needed: 1 blank with six leaves, the second with four and a circle that forms the middle.

2. A flower is assembled from a circle, then a part with four petals is strung on the wire.

3. And the detail that has six of them closes these layers.

The more you twist the edges of the extreme part, the more closed the bud will be.

I also suggest getting acquainted with an unusual option for creating tulips, which is shown in the video.

How do you like the idea? These tulips are not quite the usual shape, but I think that your kids will also be happy with this craft.

Master class of corrugated paper flowers with sweets

Corrugated paper allows you to create very realistic products. It easily takes different forms, stretches and twists. Now there is a whole direction for working with it, but most often it is used in creating gift flowers from sweets.

Today I have prepared a very clear master class for you so that you can make such a cute bouquet for your loved ones.

For one tulip you need six parts.

Sweets take any tasty and round.

1. Everyone did that the petals will stretch in width, so they become concave and better cover the candy.

2. For the stem, take the wire, then we wrap it with a thin strip of green corrugated paper.

3. The candy is attached to the wire with hot glue, and the tatem is already wrapped with petals.

4. We also fix them with glue. The more petals you make, the more closed the bud will be.

Corrugated paper holds its shape well, so it can be curved. You will need this to make the leaves.

You can also make such a postcard with your own hands. Where the main composition is also made of flowers with sweets.

To prevent the ends of the candy wrapper from peeking out of the bud, glue the upper end with tape to the candy.

You will need:

  • wire,
  • delicious sweets,
  • hot glue,
  • sheets of white and yellow paper
  • pencil
  • scissors
  • corrugated paper in green, pink and purple colors.

1. We fix the candy on the wire, because here we have few leaves and they may not hold the treat inside.

2. We begin to wrap it with petals.

3. Then we cut off a thin long strip of green corrugated paper and begin to carefully wrap the wire so that there are no gaps.

4. The edges should always be fixed with glue.

5. Leaves are added during the stem winding process.

6. For beauty, twist the tips of the leaves a little with your fingers.

7. Our flowers are ready, we are doing the decoration. We draw a basket of the form that is shown in the photo. To do this, we need a pencil and a yellow sheet of paper.

8. Glue this cut-out part around the perimeter to the white base sheet. We do not smear the middle with glue so that a pocket remains. Inside you can put sazal or cobweb. You can do without it.

9. Trying on flowers. If they turned out to be too high, then simply bend the rod.

Now it remains to find the decor. To do this, use sequins, braid or lace. In general, any finish will do.

Step by step we make a three-dimensional application from colored paper

It is always more difficult to make voluminous applications than flat ones. But they look more effective and more interesting. Today I will show an interesting option for quickly creating a voluminous tulip bud with my own hands. Based on this technique, you can make a lot of interesting crafts that will not even be similar to each other.

Manufacturing process:

1. So, for this envelope, you need to cut out five identical parts. Remember, we have already cut out these above in the article.

2. We find the middle of each part and draw a finger over it well.

3. Now we fasten the two edges of two different parts with a stapler. And so we repeat for the remaining three blanks. One bud is ready.

4. We take a baking napkin, bend its edges and glue it to the base sheet.

5. On it we fix the leaves, which have an elongated shape and are also folded along the middle.

6. And already attach a bud to the leaves.

You can use the same technology to make a very simple application.

Or such a bud with a twist. Due to its structure, it can easily fit into any fold. It will also be able to curl up if you decide to close the application.

Or it can become a self-sufficient element in a valentine or.

You can even create several buds of different sizes and colors.

For all voluminous crafts, it is better to take double-sided paper. So the white edge will not be visible if your edges do not match.

Such paper is available in all stationery stores and in departments for creativity.

My daughter will love this undersized tulip. I don't think it will be difficult to make it.

By the way, it is subtly noted here that from below, most of the leaves of these flowers, regardless of color, have a pale yellow base.

Patterns and patterns for cutting for children

And, of course, in order for all crafts to turn out neat and even, it is better to stock up on a template in advance. I have found the most common options in creativity so that you do not waste time looking.

So, this tulip can be made if you simply print the template on paper or translate it manually.

For this flower you need at least three parts. Each of them is folded inward in half so that the front part is concave. And glue all the wrong sides, aligning the edges.

An interesting idea of ​​​​tulips, it can also be repeated.

This version of the scheme is suitable for her.

Now I will show you how to cut a flat part correctly.

1. Fold a rectangular piece of paper in half.

2. Find the fold and draw a contour on one side.

4. You cut the bent part along the lines with scissors and unfold the workpiece.

For applications, you can use this template.

To create volume, you need to bend the side parts of the parts cut according to the bottom diagram. A cool idea that allows you not to use the origami technique for those for whom it is difficult to comprehend.

These are basic schemes and templates, but based on them, you can create an unlimited number of crafts.

All ideas are very simple and beautiful, I am sure that you will find a suitable option for yourself! Bookmark the article so that you can always quickly find it and draw a tulip template.

T tulip is a very easy origami craft. After all, even a child can handle it. Ease of manufacture lies in a few simple steps. To create a bud, a child will need four steps, but a leaf - only three.

Therefore, this activity will take a little time, but it will be very useful for your little hands. Since origami develops fine motor skills, perseverance and attentiveness. In addition, such a finished craft can be used to decorate a postcard.

What will happen in the end

Necessary materials:

  • a sheet of green paper 8 x 8 cm;
  • sheet of red paper 4 x 4 cm.

Step-by-step instruction

1. First, we will make a flower bud from a red square sheet. To do this, place it in the form of a rhombus and bend the lower part in half.

2. Then we bend the right side to the left to get a vertical fold in the middle of the triangle.

3. Open.

4. We bend the sides so that their tips do not reach the central corner. So we get the petals. The tulip bud is ready.

5. We turn to the manufacture of leaves. The leaves of the tulip are large and because of them the buds can hide. Therefore, a sheet of paper for creating leaves will be twice as large as for a flower. We place the corners to us in the form of a rhombus. Fold the right side over to the left.

6. Now we bend the smaller side to the right.

7. Turn the leaf over and place it on the flower. To create a stem, use a strip of green paper. We twist it and attach it to our blanks.

The origami tulip is ready. You can leave it as it is or add a cute flower pot cut out of colored paper. If you have time, then the pot can also be made using the origami technique.

The tulip is traditionally associated with spring, femininity, beauty and fragility. This beautiful spring flower captivates with the exquisite simplicity of its forms and tenderness. A living bouquet, unfortunately, will not last long, but a more durable alternative can be found. Paper origami tulip will delight you all the time, and will be a great interior decoration.

This craft is a wonderful gift for mom, grandmother, aunt or friend for any occasion. It is doubly pleasant to receive a handmade gift, because you put a piece of your soul and love for this person into it.

This type of arts and crafts originated many years ago in ancient China. Translated into Russian, the word origami means "folded paper." The variety of figures that can be created is amazing: little men, animals, birds, fish, plants, flowers. Everything is limited only by your imagination!

There are many varieties of origami that differ in technique, methods and methods for creating figures:

Some craftsmen make beautiful products even from banknotes. Usually such figurines (manigami) are given for some memorable event or holiday. It is believed that such a gift is able to attract good luck and prosperity.

This activity has not lost its popularity so far: millions of people around the world are fond of making a wide variety of paper figures.

Origami is not only an interesting pastime, but also a very useful hobby. It teaches perseverance and patience, develops logical thinking and the right artistic taste, relieves stress, makes you forget about problems and troubles. Making paper figures is even sometimes included in the rehabilitation course for people who have had various diseases, because it perfectly restores fine motor skills and manual dexterity.

In this article, we will look at how to make an origami paper tulip with our own hands. Even a child can cope with such a task. It's simple, interesting, and requires almost no financial outlay.

golden origami rules

  1. Paper selection. Thin sheets are easier to work with, especially for beginners.
  2. If you have just begun to learn the basics of this difficult art, then choose the lightest figures for making. When you fill your hand and the technique is worked out perfectly, you can proceed to more complex crafts.
  3. Carefully work out the folds with a ruler, finger or fingernail.
  4. Do not deviate from the scheme, do the work in stages. Origami does not allow sloppiness and mistakes.
  5. Choose a comfortable place for yourself.
  6. Take your time! Do everything thoughtfully and attentively.

What do you need for origami?

Before we tell you how to fold an origami paper tulip, check out the list of what you will need to get started:

  • Paper. For a tulip, sheets of two colors are needed. It is not necessary to take the classic combination (green for the stem and red leaves for the bud), you can take the paper that you like best: pink, yellow, blue, purple, blue. Bouquets of tulips of different colors look very beautiful.
  • Ruler. It is convenient for her to iron the folds, so they do not open, and the finished product will have a neater look.
  • Scissors, pencil or pen.

Origami paper tulip: step by step instructions

This craft is considered one of the simplest and most popular. According to experts, it is almost impossible to get confused in the scheme.

We begin the creation of a beautiful flower by making its bud:

Once the bud is ready, set it aside. You can start making the stem of our flower:

  1. Fold the paper diagonally.
  2. Apply the sides to the formed center line.
  3. After that, the two upper parts are bent to the center. And once again bend the side parts to the middle.
  4. We turn over the workpiece. Fold in half so that the sharp ends match.
  5. Fold the piece in half lengthwise.
  6. Bend the bottom part. To make the leaf take on a natural shape and become more beautiful, swipe it with scissors, a pencil or a pen. After that, the line will become more rounded.

It remains only to collect the craft! We insert the stem into the hole at the base of the bud - the tulip is ready! Making crafts took no more than 10 minutes.

The result is a very beautiful flower that will delight you and your loved ones for a very long time. If you wish, you can create beautiful pots or vases for your flower garden and decorate them as you like: beads, rhinestones or appliqués.

Origami tulip: modular technique

In addition to the simple, classic scheme for making this spring flower, there are many others. For example, modular crafts look very unusual and beautiful. This activity is suitable for those who have already mastered the art of origami a little.

This technique involves the creation of figures from separate small parts (modules) that are inserted into each other in a certain way.

The details should be 1/32 in size from an A4 sheet, which is 52.5x36.25 mm.

To fold the module we need:

  • Take a rectangular piece of paper and fold it lengthwise, then across and in half.
  • Attach the side pieces to the center fold line.
  • Bend the remaining lower parts upward to form a fold line. Fold the sides of these parts into a corner and lift up. 7
  • Fold the workpiece in half. The module is ready!

For example, for a flower bud, you need to make 105 modules. You can choose any one color or combine several different shades.

The assembly begins in rows from the base of the bud and goes up. In general, the parts support each other and prevent the figurine from falling apart, however, glue is sometimes used, so the finished product will be stronger and more durable.

Origami is a delicate and painstaking work. Even if something doesn’t work out for you the first time, don’t give up this interesting hobby. Try, improve your skills and technique, and you will succeed! Remember that true skill comes with experience.

Master class on needlework from paper using the origami technique "Family Mascot"

This master class is intended for children of senior preschool age and kindergarten teachers.

Purpose of the master class: making a gift for the holiday "Family Day".

The purpose of the master class: the desire to give joy, to make surprises to their relatives.

Master class objectives:

Develop origami skills;

To instill in children a sense of pride, love, respect, care for family members, a desire to please their relatives with the results of their work;

Develop fine motor skills of hands, creativity, aesthetic taste.


Colored paper: red, yellow, pink and orange;


Straw (tube) for a cocktail;

A pot with an indoor broadleaf plant (pre-grown by a child);

Packaging material for flowers;


Origami for kids- a great way to develop logical and spatial thinking, stimulate creativity by activating thought processes.

Origami(jap. "folded paper") - the ancient art of folding paper figures. The art of origami has its roots in ancient China, where paper was discovered. Initially, origami was used in religious ceremonies. For a long time, this type of art was available only to representatives of the upper classes, where the possession of paper folding technique was a sign of good taste. Only after the Second World War, origami went beyond the East and came to America and Europe, where it immediately found its fans. Origami is the art of folding paper figures. Now not only adults are engaged in origami, but also children at different ages - from 3 to 14 years old!

Tulip Mascot

"Then she went home and planted a grain of barley in a flower pot. As soon as she planted it, the grain immediately sprouted, and from the sprout grew a large wonderful flower, just like a tulip." (G. X. Andersen "Thumbelina".)

Why did the writer choose this particular flower for his fairy tale? The tulip blooms in early spring, therefore it is a symbol of love, spring, youth, joy.

Two tulip leaves will stretch upward, and it will seem to you that in this way the flower, as if declaring its restless desire for life, as if stretching out its hands towards love, the sun, the joy of life and pleasure. The properties of this plant are such that under the rays of the sun it opens, and again gathers into a bud, as if in an attempt to protect itself from the darkness of the night. Man has long associated tulips with symbols of rebirth and awakening from sleep. When the petals of the flower are not yet fully opened, it seems that someone or something is hiding inside the bud.

The talisman tulip serves young and emotional people, as well as all couples in love. Such a talisman will help to maintain romance in a relationship between lovers for a long time. Tulips serve as activators of biological energies. That is why the owners of these colors always radiate cheerfulness.

Tulip in feng shui

One ancient oriental tale tells about the amazing properties of the Tulip. It was as if Happiness was stored in the golden bud of the magical yellow Tulip. Only the one before whom the bud will open could receive it. Residents of the surrounding cities and villages came to the bud, but the plant jealously kept its gift. One day a young woman was walking across the field with her little son. Suddenly, the baby saw a beautiful flower and ran up to it. At the same moment, the petals of the magic Tulip trembled, and the bud opened.

According to Feng Shui, Tulips bring happiness, so people in the East give these flowers to those who want to wish well-being and prosperity.


Everyone in the world

Must be mom and dad -

Those who are obedient to all

And the most disobedient.

Everyone in the world

Should be brothers, sisters...

To make life fun

And from smiles motley.

Everyone in the world:

Children, birds, animals,

There must be those who are dear -

Native family!

Everyone in the world

Must be mom and dad

Family is a great happiness -

The best gift!

Tulip. Step by step manufacturing process:

To make a tulip you will need a thick sheet of colored paper of a square shape, measuring 20 cm by 20 cm. (Note: If this is not done, but simply folded up what is, i.e. A4, then the tulip will come out too large and awkward). It is best to use double-sided colored paper.

Fold a sheet of paper diagonally. It turns out a square folded diagonally into a triangle.

We unfold the square and again turn it along another diagonal (folds in the shape of an X sign). To make the flower beautiful, make sure that the corners exactly overlap each other, and the folds are clear and sharp. Unfold a piece of paper.

Flip the square so that the center is at the top, like a pyramid

We turn the workpiece in two.

Aligning the sides of the triangle

Bend the corners of the outer layer from bottom to top, to the top of the triangle. Turn the workpiece over and do the same manipulations with the corners on the other side of the workpiece.

As a result of all the manipulations, you should get a rhombus with a fold in the middle.

There are four triangles. Fold the right corner over to the left. Turn the workpiece over and repeat the manipulations.

As a result, you should get a rhombus with a fold in the middle.

Now bend the left corner to the center first, going a little beyond the center fold line. Then, fold the right corner to the center and tuck it into the left.

We repeat the same on the other side. The blank should resemble a tulip bud.

We take an unfinished tulip, supporting the peaks rolled into each other so that they do not open. At the base of the flower, where the stem should be, you need to make a hole.

Then blow sharply into the hole so that it is filled with air.

We open the petals of the bud, slightly bending the upper corners of the petals down.

We take a tube for a cocktail (flower stem) and insert it into the hole in the base of the bud.

It remains to fix in a pot with a houseplant and the family talisman is ready!

Since this is a gift, we package it.

Thank you for your attention. All creative success!

Origami is a fun and rewarding activity. A popular figure that many had to fold with enthusiasm in childhood is a tulip. This is one of the simple and interesting origami models. We offer to remember how to make a tulip out of paper and teach this to children.

Folding different shapes from paper with your own hands develops fine motor skills, concentration and attentiveness. Children and adults should stimulate these qualities. If you want to captivate a child with something, then offer to make paper crafts.

To make flowers out of paper, you do not need to use scissors and glue. Therefore, even restless kids can be attracted to an exciting activity.

Show them how to make a beautiful tulip out of paper, collect a whole bouquet and decorate the room with such a spring gift. For these purposes, you will need white or colored (preferably double-sided) paper.

If you forgot or don’t know how to make a flower out of paper, then we offer a simple step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a sheet of A4 paper and make a square out of it: fold it diagonally, and bend and tear off the remaining segment.
  2. Expand the square and bend along the second diagonal.
  3. Unfold again and fold in half. Draw carefully along the fold lines. On a piece of paper, you should get 8 triangles.
  4. Turn the workpiece over with a transverse fold up and bend the side triangles inward. Focus on the fold lines. A two-layer triangle will come out.
  5. Wrap the edges of the workpiece to the top point. A rhombus will come out with parts cut in the center.
  6. Expand the workpiece with the uncut part. Wrap the corners so that they cover 2/3 of the shape and form an overlap on the center line. To do this, step back from the top point by 0.3–0.5 mm.
  7. Pass one corner into the pocket of the other. Repeat the same on the other side.
  8. Take the design in your hand, straighten it. Inflate through the hole created during the folding process. The figure will gain volume.
  9. Fold back the petals.
  10. Form a stem from the rest of the paper and put a flower on it.

A paper tulip is a simple and interesting figure that is easy to model. Children will easily grasp the sequence of actions and will enthusiastically create their own paper flower greenhouse. Try to make such a flower out of crepe paper. It will come out original and unusual.
