Original competitions for bride price. Funny and unusual options

At the door of the house (if the house is multi-story, at the entrance to the entrance), the groom and his friends are met by friends and guests of the bride.

Hello, guests gentlemen,
Where are you from and where?
If you're passing by, just pass by,
If you come to us, tell us why.

The groom and his friends answer:
For the bride.

For the bride. That's great.
We are waiting for you, our clear falcon.
Yes. We have a bride
It's impossible to take your eyes off.
Young, slim, beautiful,
Whiteface, everyone is amazed.
But in order to win her hand,
You need to work hard.
After these words, the groom and his friends enter the door and see, oddly enough, steps.

There are many tender words in the world,
And the bride deserves them.
You walk up the steps
And call the bride tenderly.
The groom is offered the first test. He must climb the stairs (if the house is multi-story, up to the first floor). At each step of the stairs, the groom affectionately calls his betrothed. The task can be complicated by writing a letter on each step and inviting the groom to affectionately name his bride with this letter. If he cannot come up with anything for a given letter, the witness and the rest of the groom’s friends pay a ransom. After this, the groom moves to the next step, etc.

When the groom overcomes this obstacle, he is offered the following. The bridesmaid holds a chamomile in her hands. On each petal of this chamomile, memorable dates for the future newlyweds are written in advance. This could be the date the bride and groom met, the hour of their first date, the waist size or shoe size of the bride, and even the age of the future mother-in-law.

Here is a field chamomile,
Tear off a petal
Guess the number.
After these words, the groom tears off the chamomile petals one by one and guesses one or another memorable number. If he cannot guess what any number is associated with, then he pays a ransom. As soon as the ransom amount suits the bride's guests, the groom tears off the next petal. The test ends when the chamomile is left without petals.
If the groom has completed this test with dignity, he is passed on. (When the ransom takes place in a multi-story building, the groom is allowed to take the elevator to the bride's floor or must walk if the bride's friends are unhappy with the ransom or the way the groom guessed the memorable numbers).

A bridesmaid stands at the bride's door and holds a large piece of paper in her hands. On this sheet, the bride and her bridesmaids leave imprints of their lips in advance.

You see these lips.
Can you guess it or not?
Where is your beloved's footprint?
The groom is looking for the imprint of his bride's lips. The task can be complicated by writing a certain amount under each print. In this case, the groom or his friends pay the specified ransom for all incorrectly guessed lips. This test may be accompanied by playful reproaches. The competition continues until the groom guesses the lips of his betrothed.
After the task is completed, the presenter offers the following:
The door is closed on the way,
We need to find the key to the door.
Serenade, song of love,
You do it and pass.
The groom must sing a song. If he refuses, then friends help. If friends also refuse, then a ransom is paid. Its amount should completely satisfy the bride's guests.
When this task is completed or the ransom is paid, the door opens and the groom finds himself in front of the next locked door.

Isn't the groom lame?
Come on, stomp your foot.
The groom stomps.

Don't make people laugh,
Dance a gypsy song for us.
If an accordion player is present at the wedding, he performs the gypsy song. If there is no accordion player, then the tape recording starts. The groom dances a gypsy dance or pays a ransom to the laughter and jokes of the guests.

The beautiful bride loves fun,
Dance not alone, but with everyone!
The groom's friends and he himself perform the gypsy or pay a large ransom.

For my dear bride -
Champagne bottle.
For the beautiful wife -
Chocolate "Alenushka"
For a long dress -
A bottle of wine.
So as not to go to someone else's cutie,
Give me some paper money.
After these words, the groom and his friends pay the ransom, the guests can jokingly shout out: “You don’t pay enough, apparently, you want to go to someone else’s cutie,” “Don’t be stingy, give more!” etc.

After the ransom is paid, the groom is offered the next task.

In this bunch is the key to the door,
Can you find him?
If you took the wrong one, pay.
The groom is given a bunch of keys, from which he removes the keys one by one and tries to open the door with one key or another. For every key that does not fit the door, the groom and his friends pay a ransom. The competition ends when the required key is found and the door is open.
The door opens. The groom and his guests see a table blocking the corridor.

What's your bride's name?
Write in money.
Show me how you write it!
The groom is asked to write his bride's full name in money. He lays it out with money on the table. This action is accompanied by jokes like “Write bigger!” etc. After the groom completes the task, the table is cleared.

You paid money generously
But he didn’t talk about love.
So that no one doubts
Confess your love!
Shout loudly without melting,
(name of the bride)! I love you!
The groom screams and the guests judge. There may be exclamations: “Something is quiet!”, “The bride doesn’t hear anything!” etc. The groom shouts a declaration of love until the guests are satisfied.

In front of the door of the room where the bride is, the groom sees a basin.

Here. You see this basin.
Put it in now
Neither kid nor lamb,
Not a skinny pig.
Put it for the bride
What does she need for her soul?
Of course, the groom will not be able to immediately guess what exactly should be put in the basin, and a comical situation will arise. But the test will last until the groom realizes that he himself must stand in the basin.

After the groom has passed this test, he sees several ribbons peeking out from under the door where the bride is. In the room, the bride and her bridesmaids are tied to these ribbons by the finger. And for more fun, you can tie, for example, a neighbor of retirement age to some ribbon. If the groom pulls the ribbon and pulls out this same matryona, it will be a laugh.

Pull one ribbon
And pull out your betrothed.
If you pull out the wrong one,
Pay us money.
Or marry the one
What will you pull behind you?
The competition with laughter and jokes continues until the groom pulls out his bride. When he makes a mistake, the guests loudly ask for ransom or tell the groom that he must marry the one who came out from behind the door.

After the bride is finally guessed, the future newlyweds walk hand in hand to the table, and then it turns out that the bride is missing one shoe.

You are going with your bride,
How will you marry her?
I don't have one shoe,
Find her, hero!
Several shoe boxes are offered to the groom's attention. One of them contains the bride's shoe. For a laugh, you can put torn slippers, galoshes or felt boots in the remaining boxes. For each incorrectly guessed box, the groom pays a ransom. The test lasts until the groom finds his betrothed shoe.
When the groom finally overcomes all the obstacles on the path to his happiness, the host says:
Passed the test
You've reached the bride!
And that's why now
You take the bride to the registry office!

The future newlyweds go to the table, where they receive congratulations and wishes from the guests.

bride price competitions

Proposed tenders for redemption

"The bride's bouquet"

- Here are 3 bouquets we have.

Answer us now

Which one will you take

And what will you give the bride as a gift?

The witness offers the groom 3 envelopes to choose from. Each envelope contains paper with the words “broom”, “bath broom”, “bouquet of flowers”. The same bouquets are held in the hands of the bride's friend. The groom selects an envelope, opens it, and reads it. If you choose a broom, the witness says:

- Apparently we made a little mistake,

If they took a broom as a gift.

This bouquet is not suitable,

You will have to pay.

"Introduction of the Groom"

The witness says:

- Come on, guests, tell me,

What is good about the groom, praise him.

The witness invites the groom's friends to say at least 10 compliments to him and not to repeat them. Friends praise the groom.

2nd option:

The witness says:

- Let the witness take his time

He will list the groom's merits to us.

If he doesn't call

20 qualities in advance,

There will be a complete turnaround

From threshold to gate.

The witness hands over lollipop candies. They need to be unwrapped, put in the mouth and spoken like that.

"Guess the number"

- age of the bride;

- height of the bride;

- bride's foot size;

- bride's birthday;

- mother-in-law's birthday;

- the bride’s apartment number;

- House number;

- size of the bride’s clothing;

- wedding day.

"Steps - Promises"

- Go up the steps and promise,

What will you do around the house?

On the steps of the stairs is drawn with chalk or laid out

from colored paper

abbreviation of 2 words. The groom goes up the steps, reads, guesses, promises:

“DR” - to raise children.

“ZP” - bring a salary.

“SB” - wash clothes.

"MV" - take out the trash.

“PM” - to wash the floors.

"GK" - cook and eat.

“VD” - do everything.

"Words of love"

The witness says:

- What kind of fiance do you have?

Not pockmarked or crooked?

Is there a heroic force?

How do you love your bride?

Shout it to us at once.

And let the friends not stand

Let them shout with you in chorus.

The groom shouts loudly to the bride: "I love you!"

"Reason for Marriage"

There is a paper daisy with tear-off petals attached to the wall. On the back of the petals are written the reasons why the groom is getting married:

- by calculation;

- for love;

- according to need;

- on the advice of friends;

- ran out of clean socks;

- it’s cold to sleep alone;

- no one to feed;

- mom forces;

- age is running out.

The witness invites the groom to choose one of the petals, tear it off, read it and announce the reason why he is getting married. If the reason for the marriage does not suit the groom, he pays off and chooses another chamomile petal.

2nd option:

Balloons hang on the entrance wall. In every

The balloon contains a note inside indicating the reason why the groom decided to get married. The witness invites the groom to burst the chosen balloon, take out a paper from it and read the reason for the marriage. If the groom is not satisfied with the reason, he pays off and chooses the next ball.

"Hit the target"

The game “Darts” is used for the competition. There is a poster on the wall - a target from the game "Darts". The reasons why the groom decided to get married are written on it. In the center - “for love”, and then around the circle there are other reasons.

The witness hands the groom darts from the game “Darts” and offers to throw the dart at the target and indicate the reason for the marriage. The groom aims at the center, throws the dart ifthe goal - the reason for the marriage does not suit him, he buys the next attempt.

"Declaration of Love"

The witness says:

- Love for all ages

And all nations, and if so,

Shout: “I love you...”

In 5 different languages.

And if the diplomas are overseas

I didn't bother to find out

I'll give you, my friend, a hint,

In return you must give money.

The bridesmaid invites the groom to pronounce a declaration of love in 5 foreign languages. The groom says words of love, friends suggest. If they don’t know, they buy from the witness pieces of paper written in a foreign languagedeclarations of love.

"Guess the number"

There is a paper daisy with tear-off petals attached to the wall. Numbers are written on each petal. The groom tears off each petal one by one and guesses the number code:

- age of the bride;

- height of the bride;

- bride's foot size;

- bride's birthday;

- mother-in-law's birthday;

- the bride’s apartment number;

- House number;

- size of the bride’s clothing;

- the day the bride and groom met;

- wedding day.


There is a poster hanging on the wall that depicts the outline of multi-colored silhouettes of 3 girls with different shapes.

- a plump girl, athletic and curvy. The groom must guess the silhouette of his bride's figure and kiss it. If the groom makes a mistake in his choice, the witness comments on the kiss of the image of someone else's girl.

"Kiss of the Bride"

On the wall of the entrance there is a poster on which the bride and her friends left a kiss mark with lipstick of different colors. The bridesmaid proposes to the groomcarefully read the lip prints and guess the lips of your bride.

"Portrait of a Bride"

The witness says to the groom:

- Draw a portrait of the bride, our hero,

- We will reward you with a star.

A large white sheet of paper is attached to the entrance wall. The bridesmaid gives the groom a marker, blindfolds him with a scarf and asks him to draw a portrait of the bride. If the portrait is not similar enough to the original, the groom pays.

"Ladder of Songs"

At the entrance in front of the stairs the witness says to the groom:

- This is a ladder of songs: for each ladder there is a song.

Sing us louder songs, let the witness help.

- And don’t stand around, sing loudly with them!

First, about love, so that the blood boils in the veins!

The groom and his friends must sing a love song.

- And now let’s sing about the sea, so that all the sorrow will drown in it!

The groom and his friends must sing a song about the sea.

- To make life without tears, sing to us about a bouquet of roses!

The groom and his friends must sing a song about roses.

- Well done, groom, you completed the task with honor,

Sing how you love your bride (what kind of bride you have)!

The groom should sing HOW he loves the bride, e.g. “I love you to tears...” or WHAT kind of bride, for example. “Unusual, affectionate, gentle...”

“Rings, rustles, hisses”

There are 3 empty glasses on the chair. The witness invites the groom to fill them:

- In one so that it rustles,

In another, so that it rings,

And in the third, so that the stormy foam hisses.

The groom fills one glass with banknotes, the second with coins, and champagne is poured into the third glass.

"Love does not love"

On the wall of the entrance hangs a paper daisy, on the petals of which it is written “what the bride loves” or “what the bride does not like.” The witness says to the groom:

- So that there is no mistake,

Tell us your fortune with a daisy.

For every mistake

Give me a piece of paper.

Write on each petal: what the bride likes and what she doesn’t like, and we will find out how you know your bride.

The groom picks up a marker and writes on each petal. If he doesn’t know the answer, he pays.

"Knot of Love"

The witness says to the groom:

- As proof of the power of love

Collect all your feelings into a bundle -

Faith, hope, love and patience,

Delight, good luck and luck.

Here is a diagram - a love knot

Come on, collect it.

All your strength lies in this knot.

Remember, this is what family is all about.

There is a poster on the wall with a diagram of the unit. The witness hands the groom a coil of rope and offers to tie a knot for speed. The groom ties the knot, the bride's friends count.

"The Knot of Love and Problems"

The witness hands the groom a scarf or towel and says:

- You must tie the knot as tight as you love your bride.

The groom ties the knot as tightly as possible. Then

the witness says to the groom:

- And now you must untie the knot as quickly as you solve problems.

The groom unties the knot at speed .

"Taste of Family Life"

There are 3 cups of water on the chair with different tastes of water - sweet, sour and salty. The witness invites the groom to choose one of the cups, drink the water and determine what kind of family life he will have. The groom chooses, tries, if the taste of family life does not suit him, he pays off and chooses further.

"Sweet life"

There are 3 cups of different water on the chair - clean, sweet and salty. The witness invites the groom to determine what kind of family life he will have. To do this, you need to choose a cup and drink water. The groom chooses, drinks, and if he doesn’t frown but smiles, it means family life will be sweet.

"Swaddle the baby"

There is a doll and a diaper on the chair. The witness suggests checking the groom to see if he is ready to have and raise children. To do this, the groom must quickly and correctly swaddle the doll. The groom takes the doll in his hands, unrolls the diaper, puts the doll down, swaddles it, and ties it with a ribbon. The witness and her friends count out loud. If the groom swaddled the doll incorrectly, it means he is not prepared enough to raise children, so he must pay.

"The most precious thing for a bride"

The witness places a basin in front of the groom and asks him to put something that is very dear to the bride into it. The groom himself must stand in the basin with his feet, showing by this that he is the most precious thing for the bride.

"Name of the Bride"

On the floor in the entrance or hallway of the apartment, the name of the bride is written in chalk or laid out in multi-colored paper letters. The witness invites the groom to write out the bride's name in banknotes or coins. The groom covers each letter of the bride's name with money so that there are no gaps. The witness helps him.

"Find the key"

Balloons hang on the entrance wall. One of them contains a note with the word “key”. The witness suggests that the groom find the key to the bride's apartment. To do this, he must select a balloon, burst it and take out a piece of paper with the word “key”. If there is nothing in the ball, the selection continues. With the right choice, the witness

hands the groom the key to the bride's apartment.

"Key to the Bride's Apartment"

The witness hands the groom a cup with 3 keys frozen in ice and invites him to choose the key to the bride’s apartment. To do this, the groom must melt the ice and get the keys out of it. He can use a lighter, or he can melt the ice with his hands so that the keys thaw. The witness helps the groom. And then the groom chooses a key and opens the door to the bride’s apartment with it.

2nd option:

There is a 3-liter jar of water on the chair. At the bottom of the jar is the key to the bride's apartment. The witness offers the groom to get the key on the condition that the water cannot be poured out of the jar, it can only be drunk, and you cannot put your hand into the jar either. The groom and his friends drink water from a can and take out the key. Also, the can may accidentally slip outfrom the hands, fall and break, the water will spill, and the key will end up in the hands of the groom.


The groom is offered a choice of several closed boxes of shoes. Each of them contains one copy of shoes - a slipper, a sneaker, a man's shoe and a bride's shoe. The witness tells the groom that the bride’s wedding shoe has disappeared and she has nothing to wear to the registry office. The groom must find her shoe, or choose what shoes the bride will wear to the wedding. The groom chooses one of the offered boxes, opens it and takes out shoes from there. If the groom is not satisfied with the chosen shoes, he pays off and chooses further until he gets the wedding shoe. With a shoe in his hand, the groom enters the bride's room.

"Strengthening the Walls"

The groom enters the apartment. The witness holds a tray in her hands and says to the groom:

- So you have arrived to the bride.

You're almost together already

Just to be a family,

We need to strengthen the walls.

One sweet candy

The other - in hard coins,

A third of crispy pieces of paper,

And the fourth with intoxicating drinks.

The groom takes out and hands the bride's friends champagne and sweets, loudly places coins on the tray, crunches the bills and then enters the bride's room. They are together.

“Tapes - compliments”

Multi-colored ribbons are attached in zigzags to the door to the bride's room. The bridesmaid tells the groom

- If you are careful with the tape,

It's not difficult to deal with.

I cut the ribbon carelessly,

Speak to the bride gently.

With every kind word

My heart beats more and more.

Well, groom, don’t become limp,

Call the bride affectionately.

The groom removes the ribbons from the door one at a time and with each ribbon gives a compliment to the bride. The door is cleared of the barrier, and the groom enters the bride's room.

"The Way to the Bride's Heart"

In the doorway to the bride's room hangs a canvas - a sheet or other white or translucent fabric, on which a large heart is drawn with a marker or scarlet paint. The bridesmaid invites the groom to cut out this heart from the canvas. She says:

- There is a barrier in front of you,

Behind the obstacle is a reward.

Take the scissors in your hands

And draw us a heart.

Remember, through the heart

The path lies to your bride.

To do this, the groom must first buy the scissors from the witness. The groom buys the scissors, cuts out a drawn heart from the fabric and enters the bride's room. Loving hearts unite.

Bride ransom is an old tradition, which after many years has changed its original purpose. Previously, during the ransom, the groom paid the amount agreed upon by the families for a working pair of hands, which he took away from the family. Now the bride ransom is a bright, cheerful performance organized by the bridesmaids of the hero of the occasion, but it would not be so exciting if not for the original bride ransom competitions. An interesting scenario will make the event unforgettable for all participants.

Scenario of competitions for the groom for ransom

  • First of all, the girlfriends need to think of a fun scenario in which the ransom will take place: it could be the rescue of a beautiful princess from a castle with a sorcerer, a traffic police-style ransom, or tests organized by the “mafia.”
  • When the theme of the ransom is determined, it’s time to come up with competitions. It is worth remembering that competitions should not be too difficult, so that on this special day the future spouse does not get too tired.
  • In addition to the fact that the main goal of competitions is to be interesting and relatively simple, it is important not to delay the redemption for more than 15-30 minutes. A modern buyout involves two or three five-minute competitions or a slightly larger number of tasks that can be easily completed in 2-3 minutes.

  • The last condition for a good bride price competition is that you should not demand a lot of money from the hero of the occasion. The ideal option would be to require that you pay in “coins” and give the money received as a gift to the bride.

Original competitions for bride price

Original competitions for a fun bride price will surprise the guests and the groom and create an interesting atmosphere. Examples of original competitions for the groom:

  • "False betrothed."

The props for a cool competition are the groom’s outfit, a bouquet, and you also need to invite a person who is unfamiliar with your future spouse. When the hero of the occasion arrives at the bride’s house, the bridesmaids stand at the entrance, and opposite them is a man with a bouquet, dressed as the groom. The hero of the occasion approaches the girls, whose fake groom is at that moment trying to find out the bride’s apartment number, calling her name. The organizing friends notice the newcomer, ask his name, and the real betrothed answers.

Then the girls say:

- Well, how is it possible that there will be two suitors?! One of you is not real! Well, we know how to solve this issue. Whoever knows more about our beautiful bride will go on.

The hosts ask both participants questions about their beloved, the fake contestant keeps getting out of it, the real one answers. After the last question, the fake groom is sent away.

  • "Caught the Moment"

Props: printed photos. On the street, the groom is met by his girlfriends holding a stack of photographs. The girls say that he must amaze them with interesting stories in order to get to the bride. Each photo captures the moments of meetings between the future spouse and the betrothed: acquaintance, a joint vacation or a trip to the zoo. The contestant talks about each in detail, this allows him to go first to the entrance, then to the next flight of stairs. For every mistake, the betrothed must pay a ransom.

Funny competitions on the stairs in the entrance

Funny ransom competitions will be interesting entertainment and will give a lot of smiles and pleasant emotions to both the participants in the process and the watching guests. Examples of funny tasks for the groom in front of the apartment door:

  • Reason for marriage.

Props: hearts or footprints cut out of paper with inscriptions according to the number of steps with the inscriptions “For love”, “Friends advised”, “Mom asked”, “Father made”, “It’s scary to sleep alone”. To get to the next flight of stairs, the groom will have to stand on the step where the reason why he decided to take his bride as his wife is described, but they will only be satisfied with the “For love” step - it is at the very top. The betrothed must think to ask the witness to move him.

  • "Apple compliments."

The future spouse, in order to move forward, must pass the compliment test. Competition props for ransom: an apple with matches stuck into it, one of which will be short. The participant takes out matches until the shortened one falls out. When taking out a long match, the contestant must say some kind word about his beloved. For each delay, the hero of the occasion pays a fine.

  • "Heat of Love"

The prop is a key frozen in a glass with ice. When the groom gets to the door of the apartment, behind which his future spouse is waiting for his betrothed, the girlfriends say that only true ardent love will help him pass this test and give the participant a glass of water and a key frozen in it. The contestant will have to figure out how to quickly melt the ice in order to open the apartment.

Witness competitions

The witness is the second important guest of the bride price, so the bridesmaids, as a rule, also prepare interesting funny competitions and games for him. The witness can perform both a supporting role - for example, in the "Reason to Marry" competition - and undergo an independent strength test. Let the organizers decide for themselves how the ransom for the witness will take place.

With balls

Multi-colored balls are great props for competitions. There are several options for a competition for a witness with these fun ransom attributes:

  • "Thick veil." The competition is held at the door of the future wife's room. Props – 10 or more balloons, darts. To pass this ransom competition, the witness will have to hit the balls with a dart, and with each hit, say a good quality of the groom. If the witness doesn't get caught, he pays the girlfriends a ransom. The competition is considered passed when the entire veil “falls”, that is, bursts.

  • "The bride's bouquet". The witness takes part together with the groom or only the witness. Props – round air balloons on long strings, modeling balls. In the middle of the ransom, the girlfriends invite the participants to build a flower from the proposed props that will look good in the bouquet of the future wife. Based on the results of the competition, the presenters decide whether the flower turned out good, whether they let it pass or ask for a ransom.


The props are a large painted daisy with tear-off petals, each with a word written on it, invented by the presenters: it could be “sock”, “earring”, “lid”, “lamp”. The witness will have to tell how the future spouse will behave during family life, tearing off the petals and using these words. For example, the following duties: “will wash his socks himself,” “buy diamond earrings,” “close the toilet lid,” “will fix the lamp if it breaks.”

Bride's shoes competition

A competition to find or guess the bride's shoe is a classic ransom test, which is often held when the hero of the occasion has almost reached his goal and is about to meet his beloved. The props of the competition are the bride’s shoes, a huge old man’s shoe, a children’s sandal. When it comes to this test, the presenters say that the bride has lost the second shoe from the new set in which she was going to get married, and will not go to the registry office without them.

The girls offer the betrothed to choose from three boxes: one contains the shoes he is looking for. For each mistake, the girlfriends come up with accompanying words, spoken in prose or poetry, where they express doubt about the choice of the groom and offer to try again for money. When the hero of the occasion chooses the desired option, the betrothed is congratulated, and the lovers go to registration.

Unusual ransom competitions with photos

To make the redemption exciting for all participants, the bridesmaids should come up with unusual competitions. It would be a great idea to call a photographer who can capture an interesting event in photos and videos. See examples of unusual competitions with photographs:

  • Driving rules for family life. Props: printed road signs, traffic police inspector costume. The presenters stick road signs to the wall, one girl dresses up as an inspector and meets the groom. Assignment for the contestant: when the girlfriend points to a certain sign, say what responsibility of family life it means. For example, the sign “water tap” - wash the dishes, “50” - live together until the golden wedding, “Christmas tree” - decorate the New Year’s tree.

  • Test of artistic ability. Props: large sheet of whatman paper, pencil, blindfold. The test is carried out at the entrance. The presenter greets the groom with words that she has heard a lot about his artistic abilities and wants to check whether he remembers his companion well. The future spouse is blindfolded, given a pencil, and with his eyes closed, the betrothed draws a portrait of his beloved.

  • Vintage photographs. Props: several printed photographs of small children, including a photo of the hero of the occasion. The participant's task in this ransom competition is to guess which one the bride is wearing. It is best to choose pictures where the children are small and it is difficult to discern the features. For each mistake, the competitor will pay a fine.

  • Poetry competition. Props: a sheet on which the last words of the lines are written, rhyming with each other. The groom's task is to come up with the remaining words to make a poem.

Watch the fun, unusual ransom competition on video:

Competitions for original bride price will help bridesmaids create a fun event that participants will forever remember. An interesting ransom will lift the mood of the hero of the occasion with his betrothed, and will give pleasant impressions for the rest of the day. You need to carefully think through all the details so that the tests become a great start to the holiday.

The bride price is a fun performance performed by the bridesmaids at the very beginning of the wedding ceremony. The main characters are the groom, the groom's witness on the one hand and the bridesmaids on the other hand. Neighbors and relatives of the bride can join the bridesmaids. Therefore, the groom and witness must be prepared and have enough money, sweets and alcoholic drinks with them.

The selection of competitions for bride price is usually carried out by bridesmaids. And, as a rule, they wander from one wedding to another, and rarely differ from each other. It takes some effort to select original bride price competitions, but it’s worth it. If you give the wedding a cheerful and friendly beginning, then the continuation will be the same. However, do not forget that the groom is under tension and there is no need to delay the ransom ritual. Let it take 10-15 minutes, no more. You need two or three competitions, but different ones; you don’t need the groom to answer questions all the time or say kind words. We bring to your attention original, uncanny competitions for bride price.

Bride ransom competition for the groom. On the wall near the front door or on the fence, if it is a private house, hang a dart disc. Words are written in the sectors - these are the obligations of the groom, which he must fulfill in the first year of married life. In the first circle is the word “fur coat”, then “apartment”, “car”, “trip to Paris”. And in the very center of the disk is the word “everything!” The groom, to the cheers of his bridesmaids, throws a dart and chooses a gift for the bride.

The groom and his friends stop near the entrance and give them musical instruments: a guitar, wooden spoons, a saucepan, squeakers, buzzers, etc. His task is to serenade the bride to the musical accompaniment of his friends, and then he will receive a symbol of her love and affection. Girlfriends require a passionate and inspired serenade. After the performance of the groom and his team, to the amazement of those present, the bride throws ... a bunch of radishes from the window.

An original competition for bride price, provided that the groom understands perfumery. The groom is offered five scented handkerchiefs; he must recognize the bride's handkerchief.

On a large sheet of paper you need to draw a sun, grass, a river - symbols of a wonderful future life. The groom is given markers and asked to complete the landscape. He can draw a house, a car, money, fruits, candy... Draw how he sees life together.

Competition for the groom to buy the bride. “Make an identikit of the bride.” From the elements of the face: lips, foreheads, eyes, noses, chins, you need to create a portrait of your beloved.

The groom is offered signs with various stupid words. His task is to confess his love to the bride using these words. Like in the game “Laughter Without Rules”.

To hold a competition for the groom to buy the bride, you need to print photographs that capture the moments of their meetings. This is acquaintance, joint recreation, etc. The groom must talk about each photo. One photo - one story, and the groom and his friends are allowed to go up the next flight of stairs. Friends will learn new interesting information from the life of the newlyweds.

A fun competition for bride price. Toys are hung from a rope on threads: a small hippopotamus, a crocodile, a poker, a Barbie doll, a rose, a blue stocking. The groom is blindfolded, given scissors and asked to cut a figure corresponding to the bride.

In this competition, the groom must prove that he is a knight and is capable of feats for the sake of a beautiful lady. They offer him a horse - a bicycle. It will be interesting if the tricycle is a children's tricycle, and children's knight's armor is also possible. They plan a route with various funny obstacles in advance. The groom must cover the route.

An original contest for the groom with lip prints. Kiss marks are left on a poster with a photo of Johnny Depp or another popular Hollywood actor. The groom guesses the bride's lip prints. After the groom has gone through all the traces of kisses, the girlfriends say: “What a horror, how could you think that your bride would kiss someone else’s man!” Pay money!!!"

An original competition for the groom in the form of a draw. The script provides for one more groom, so you need to choose a guy who can play such a role.

The wedding car with the groom drives up to the entrance and approaches the bridesmaids waiting for them. At the same time, another wedding car drives up, and another groom gets out with a bouquet. The fake groom may be dressed in military uniform. He also approaches his girlfriends and in a conversation mentions the bride’s name and apartment number. The real groom begins to defend his rights, to prove that he is the real groom, and this is an impostor. The bridesmaids joke and ask two grooms questions about the bride at the same time. The real groom answers correctly, the fake groom makes mistakes and constantly gets out of it. After some time, the second groom's mobile phone rings. And he says loudly: “Darling, I’m near the entrance, complete strangers won’t let me in, they say that you have another fiancé. I think I got the houses mixed up.” After which it quickly disappears, and the bride price continues.

Bride ransom competitions.

The bride's height is measured using a thin satin ribbon and the ribbon is cut off. Cut off a few more ribbons of greater and shorter length. The groom guesses which ribbon is equal to the height of his bride.

The bridesmaid meets the groom and tells the rules of the bride price. Only intuition can help the groom. He must answer questions; this gives him the right to enter the apartment and approach the bride. The first question is easy: “What is the name of the witness?” Further questions are more complex. Three women are standing nearby. Question: “Which of them is the bride’s aunt, who arrived from Kyiv yesterday?” If the groom is wrong, he pays the money; if not, he moves on. There are only five questions, the last one is asked in the hallway and asked: “In which room did the bride hide?” After this, they begin searching for the bride in the apartment.

We offer a fun, noisy competition for bride price. A wall is made from balloons. Four balls are connected with threads and five strips are made, fastened with tape. The wall is tied in place of the front door. In order to pass, the groom must puncture all the balls within 30 seconds.

Competition for the groom. Three women are wrapped in scarves so that only their eyes are visible. The groom and his friend must guess which one is the mother-in-law.

The groom is blindfolded and given a bag. It contains various items: curlers, beads, lip gloss, cosmetic pencil, nail polish, clips, lipstick, eyelash brush, tweezers, blush. He must guess the object and tell what it is intended for.

Bride ransom competition. The groom and the witness are wearing gangster hats, one is holding a briefcase, supposedly full of money. The door is opened for them by a brother or a good friend of the bride's family. The witness shows a poster that says the girl is wanted for a reward of one million dollars. The groom is invited to play cards. They hint that you can get by without money. They go into the room, drink whiskey and play. Bride against a million dollars. After the game is over, the bride is given to the groom and the suitcase to the owner.

Draw a simple labyrinth on a large sheet of paper. The sheet is colored and the name of the bride is written instead of the finish line. They put a radio-controlled car on the paper and give the groom a remote control. And they ask you to “drive” through the labyrinth. With the words: “Now let’s see how you drive the car. Should I trust you with the bride or not.”

A comic competition for the groom to buy the bride. The bridesmaids ask: “Is the groom strong or not so strong? Will he protect his bride if she is attacked by hooligans? They put boxing gloves on him. A tall, strong guy comes out of the apartment. Also wearing boxing gloves. The girlfriends provoke the groom, saying that he is weak against such a fine fellow. And they offer to unwrap the candies at speed.

When choosing competitions for bride ransoming by the groom, remember that they should not take a lot of time. They should be of interest to everyone present. And, probably, it is worth agreeing on them with the groom and the witness, at least in general terms. Here are some easy competitions for the groom.

Leaves with letters are laid out on the steps. The groom, going up the step, says a tender word to the bride that begins with this letter.

On pieces of paper they write questions about the bride, her interests and family. The groom answers the questions and goes up to the next step. If the answer is incorrect you must pay a fine.

The groom is asked to put in the basin what the bride loves most. After much torment, the groom must understand that he needs to stand in the basin himself.

Competition for the groom's witness. The witness is given an apple studded with matches. He pulls out matches and speaks words of praise to the groom.

Another version of this competition. The groom is given an apple with matches. One match is short. Pulling out a long match, the groom affectionately calls his bride. When he draws a short match, the competition is over.

A fun bride price competition for the groom. You need to make several hearts and write on each one the reason for the marriage: “by convenience,” “by stupidity,” “by accident,” “friends advised,” etc. Place a heart with the inscription “for love” on the top step. The groom should not step on steps with incorrect inscriptions. Using the railings, jump over these steps to get to the top. If necessary, the witness must carry the groom in his arms.

Daisies of two colors are laid out on the steps of the stairs. Stepped on the step with a red daisy - the groom must say a kind word about the bride. He stepped on a step with a blue daisy - he said how he would scold him. You can pay for the step with the blue flower, or you can jump over it.

Freeze the key to the apartment where the bride is hidden in an ice cube. You can freeze a few more keys to other apartments.

Assignment for the groom. Write the bride's name on the table with money.

Competition for the groom when buying the bride. Hang several children's photographs on strings, including one of the bride. The groom must recognize the bride in the old photo and jump up and kiss the photo.

Caricatures and pictures from Playboy are pasted onto playing cards, and a photo of the bride is pasted onto one card. The groom draws a card, chooses a bride, if he did not draw a photo of the bride, the next card is paid.

When the groom comes to buy the bride, you need to invite him to draw his beloved. The bridesmaids select a grandmother in advance, whom they compare with the drawing and pass off as the bride.

The groom must recognize the bride by the finger on which he will put the ring. Several girls hide behind the sheet and show one finger.

The competition for the bride price at the wedding for the groom is called “Wallpaper”.

They paste wallpaper on the door to the room where the bride is, and pretend that this is not a room, but a wall. The groom tears off the wallpaper. Everyone around begins to demand a ransom to renovate the apartment.

An original bride ransom competition "Romashka".

The bridesmaids make a daisy and on each petal they write the date of some memorable event for the newlyweds or other numbers. You can write:

Date of first meeting;

Year of mother-in-law's birth;

Bride's shoe size;

Bride's waist size;

Bride's height;

The height of the heel of her wedding shoes;

Ring size.

The groom tears off the petals and guesses the meaning of the numbers. For mistakes, the groom pays a ransom.

Competition for the groom to buy the bride "Find the shoe." The groom finds the bride in the room, but she is without shoes. There are a lot of shoe boxes around. The groom must guess which box the shoe is in. In other boxes you need to put slippers, men's shoes, and boots.

“Pull the string” competition.

In the bride's room there are the bride, several bridesmaids, and a grandmother. Threads or ribbons are tied to their fingers and their ends are visible from behind the closed door. The groom chooses one string and pulls it. A girl or grandmother comes out to him. Everyone demands that the groom take her as his wife. If this is not the bride, the groom must pay off, or decide to marry at least someone.

Bride ransom competition "Household chores."

On the steps of the stairs, you need to put pieces of paper with written abbreviations for household chores. The groom guesses what the letters mean. Here's an example:

SB. - wash clothes;

MP - wash dishes;

ХвМ - go to the store;

Salary - earn money;

MO - wash windows;

DR - make repairs.

Bride ransom competition "Thread".

At the beginning of the competition, a friend - a peddler - approaches the groom and offers the groom and witness to buy all sorts of little things, including matches. If the groom doesn’t buy them, he will pay dearly for them later.

The entrance to the entrance is tied with thread. You cannot touch it, you cannot jump over it, or crawl under it. But the groom needs to get into the entrance. The thread can be burned. If the groom did not buy matches at the beginning of the competition, then he buys matches very expensively.

Competition for bride ransom at the wedding “Tears”.

The groom is shown a glass of water, but the water is not filled to the brim. You cannot touch the glass. The groom is asked to shed tears now so that the wife does not cry in marriage. He must put as many coins as possible into the glass.

Weddings among different peoples and at all times have been connected with the performance and observance of various ritual rites and customs.

Today, in our minds, a wedding celebration is a frantic fun, where a rich table is laid, guests, relatives of the bride and groom drink, eat and dance until they drop and sing songs until they are hoarse.

But few people know that such a wedding ceremony was once called the “red table,” and this ritual was the final part of the wedding ceremony.

In many villages and settlements of Ancient Rus', a wedding, no matter how strange it may sound, was the ritual is not at all cheerful, but rather sad

Traditions in the old days

In the minds of the ancient Russians, a wedding was a ritual funeral of the bride, who had to go to church in mourning attire - a white sundress and shirt, since the Slavs associated white with the color of snow, and, therefore, cold and death. Perhaps this is where the white color of the bride's current wedding robes comes from.

After the engagement, many brides were forbidden to laugh, talk, sometimes even go outside, because they were considered impersonal, because the word bride means nothing more than “unknown,” impersonal. That is, located in another, unknown world.

The groom, on the contrary, was part of the living world. It was he who had to rescue his betrothed from this unknown kingdom, and, making her his wife, give her a name.

For this purpose, he went to the house of the bride, but not alone, but with assistants (friends), who were supposed to help him cope with all obstacles in this unknown kingdom.

Usually, friends or relatives of the bride were waiting for them on the threshold of the house, informing the groom that the bride was not there, she was in another world, and to get there you need pay a ransom for the entrance, stairs and door. In archaic situations this was very typical, let us recall Russian folk tales.

Then, over time, these rituals were transformed into the custom of material compensation to the bride’s family, as demonstration of the groom's independence and his ability to financially provide for the future of his family.

Comic tests in our time

Those distant times are long gone, and no one observes cruel wedding rituals for a long time, they have turned into kind and cheerful new traditions.

Now The custom of bride price is purely nominal, comic in nature. Friends of the newlyweds or wedding ceremony organizers come up with their own tests for them, based on modern life.

Such testing competitions should demonstrate the prowess and dexterity of the groom and his friends. They prove the groom’s love for the bride and his willingness to always stand up for his beloved.

These can be of various types humorous performances or fun competitions for the groom and his friends who act as witnesses at the wedding ceremony.

Not only girlfriends and friends of the bride and groom, but also relatives on both sides, neighbors and guests invited to the wedding can participate in these skits or competitions. All this will give the holiday more fun and a special, unique atmosphere of warmth.

Examples of wedding competitions

Musical competition “I’m your bunny...”

This competition is for music lovers, especially for those who like to sing karaoke. What wedding would be complete without singing songs?

You can offer the groom and groomsmen the following tasks:

  1. Favorite songs of the best bridesmaids.
    The girls waiting for the groom at the entrance to the house say that they will not let the groom and his friends in if they do not guess their favorite songs. Describe the content of the song in a humorous tone, and the groom and his groomsmen take turns singing a few lines from the song or guessing its name. Those who do not complete the task pay off their girlfriends with sweets or chocolate.
  2. Finish the song with your mother-in-law.
    Near the entrance to the apartment, the future mother-in-law, waiting for the groom, invites him to sing her favorite songs with her. She sings the first lines of the songs, and the groom must finish singing 1-2 verses from the proposed song. The themes of the songs can be very diverse from ditties to lyrical songs. The main thing is that the groom can sing them. If he sings them, the mother-in-law praises the groom, otherwise the groomsmen must give the mother-in-law a small gift they have saved.
  3. Song for my beloved.
    This competition is held at the door to the bride's room, from where she must go out to the groom. Invite the groom to continue singing the chorus of the song, where he declares his love to the bride.

You can sing a song with your bridesmaids. You can take as a basis the well-known and beloved song by F. Kirkorov “My Bunny...”. Each of the bridesmaids sings the first words of each line of this song, and the groom continues them. For example, girlfriends sing:

“My fish!” And the groom sings along: “I...”.
“My sunshine!” - "I…".

You can come up with other options based on this song, the main thing is that it is fun for everyone around you.

If the groom cannot finish the line correctly, he pays off with money, sweets or champagne.

After the song is sung to the end, the bride comes out to the groom.

"Find out your beloved"

This competition is very funny and is always accompanied by laughter from everyone present. The essence of the competition comes down to the fact that the groom must guess where his beloved is hidden.

Different people are put in different rooms; these can be adults and children of different genders. It’s more interesting if they are grandmothers or men. They are wrapped in blankets, and the doors of all rooms are closed.

First, the groom is asked to guess in which room the bride is hidden. He must then enter the chosen room and kiss the “bride.”

If the one wrapped in a sheet turns out to be not his bride when he opens the veil, then the groom is offered to kiss the imaginary “bride” or pay a ransom.

The competition lasts until the real bride is found.

"Draw your favorite"

The bridesmaids invite the groom to draw a portrait of his future wife. To do this, the groom must describe his bride, and his closest friend, based on his description, must draw a comic portrait of her.

Of course, the portrait will not look like the original, and the witness will have to bribe his girlfriends with champagne so that they do not show it to the bride.

They, in turn, will have to prepare as a portrait enlarged photo of the bride, which will then be handed to her, saying that her future husband sees her as such a beauty.

“If you don’t have a mother-in-law...”

In this competition, the groom must show that he, knowing everything about her habits, will become his mother-in-law’s favorite son-in-law.

The groom is asked questions to which he must answer or pay ransom, if he does not have an answer to any of them.

Otherwise, the mother-in-law will not give up her daughter, whom she is hiding, for him.

  1. What will you call your future mother-in-law? Answer: Mom, in any other cases a ransom must be paid.
  2. What's your mother-in-law's favorite color?
  3. What flowers does your mother-in-law like?
  4. If a family has a dacha, then you can come up with the following question: what does the mother-in-law grow in her garden?
  5. What is the mother-in-law's zodiac sign?
  6. What singer or singer does the mother-in-law like to listen to?
  7. What is your mother-in-law's favorite TV show?
  8. What gift have you prepared for your mother-in-law?
    Here the groom gives his mother-in-law a small gift, and she brings her daughter out to him.

There may be more questions in this competition, or they may have a different content. The main thing is that they relate to the habits and preferences of the future mother-in-law.

It would be quite nice if relatives, as well as witnesses and friends from both sides, participated in the preparation for the competitions.

For example, scripts for competitions, as well as all the accessories for them, are most often prepared by the bride’s friends, and the groom’s friends purchase items for the “farm-out”.

As "farm" can be: sweets, chocolate, champagne, fruits and even flowers. It depends on the imagination of the groom's witnesses. Everything you need must be put in a beautiful bag or case in advance.

It must be said that competitions should not be protracted, so as not to tire the bride and groom before going to the registry office. After all, they still have many exciting moments and pleasant experiences on this day.

May your wedding be fun and joyful for you and your guests. Bitterly!
