Features of Turkish wedding traditions. Turkish wedding

The cultural and everyday traditions and customs of Turkey are very diverse, because this multinational country was formed on the basis of the powerful Ottoman Empire, which existed for more than 600 years and subjugated the peoples of parts of Europe, Asia and Africa. Only on July 24, 1923, when the aggressive empire collapsed, did the formation of Turkey as a state begin, in which, in fact, there was no Turkish nation as such.

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The national composition of the population, inherited from the empire, had representatives of many peoples: Kurds, Circassians, Arabs, Meskhetians, Syrians, Laz, Balkars, Circassians. Each of them sought to preserve their religious, cultural and household traditions. And although now their descendants consider themselves Turks, they continue to keep their national canons, from which the extraordinary variety of Turkish customs arose.

The popular novel by the Turkish writer Gyuntekin “Korolek – a singing bird”, written by him in 1922, became widely known in our country in the late 80s of the last century, as well as the film of the same name based on it. The work about love reflects all layers of Turkish society, the social inequality of the very rich and the very poor; downtroddenness and oppression of Turkish women and, of course, folk traditions.

Now everything has changed since the writing of the novel: there is no striking social contrast in society; Basically, many seek to get a good education, master foreign languages, get the prestigious profession of a doctor, lawyer, economist, journalist. The rural population is becoming more civilized and wealthy, thanks to modern communications and connections. But as before, everyone is united by traditions and customs developed by ancestors and revered by modern descendants.

wedding customs

Marriage is given great paramount importance here, so the traditions and customs of the wedding are sacredly honored. Here it is customary to marry and get married at a fairly early age, while striving to observe the principle of social equality: a low-income man should not marry a girl from a wealthy family so as not to infringe on her requests and worsen her financial situation in the future.

Although there are exceptions: not all modern young businessmen and politicians choose a financially secure life partner. The most common family unions are within religious and ethnic groups, but inter-ethnic ones are not prohibited by law.

The family code here is based on the Swiss civil code, which provides for the mutual consent of the newlyweds, the conclusion of a marriage contract and the principle of monogamy.

wedding ceremony rituals

Family discussion is held after the decision of the guy and the girl to marry, when each of them consults with members of his family, discussing all the details of the upcoming celebration.
Visit of close relatives of the groom to the bride's family to obtain consent to marriage.

Engagement, which consists in presenting the bride with gold jewelry: rings, earrings, bracelets after cutting the red thread connecting the rings of the bride and groom into 2 parts.

wedding preparations

Henna night is a kind of bachelorette party held two days before the wedding, in which only women participate. The traditional dress of the bride on this night should be a purple velvet dress, she (the bride) is seated in the center of the room, a plate of henna diluted with water is placed, where a lighted candle is placed. Those present, performing ritual songs, dance around the bride, and she sobs with her mother as a sign of sadness from the imminent separation from her parental home.

wedding ceremony

The wedding ceremony, where 200-300 guests are invited, begins with wild fun, accompanied by bravura music and graceful dances. Before the end of the celebration, it is the turn of presenting gifts according to the kinship hierarchy: first, the closest give, then the farthest, and so on in descending order.

The wedding night

"Gerdek" - the first wedding night - is a very important and responsible stage, when the virgin purity of the bride is checked, which is still of great importance in Turkey. Until now, in the morning, the bride must demonstrate to everyone on the sheet the traces of the loss of innocence. With mutual desire, young people can deceive the vigilance of relatives if they already had intimacy before the wedding.

Traditions of etiquette

hospitality rules

Turkish hospitality is akin to Caucasian, the Turks willingly invite guests to their place, using a special set of phrases and sentences that emphasize the desire of the hosts to see the guests at home. The guests who have come, traditionally placed on the floor on spread out pillows and mats, are supposed to be offered the best and most delicious. Meals are served on a beautiful capacious tray, which is placed on a low table. But now in most city houses the feast is held according to European standards: at a large table served with a full set of eating utensils.

Table etiquette

It must be remembered that pieces from a common dish should be taken only with the right hand, you can talk at the table with the permission of the owner. It is considered indecent to quickly and greedily absorb food, to be away for a long time, to smoke without permission; participation in dances and performance of songs is welcomed. The houses of the Turks are divided into guest and host halves, so guests can only enter their own half, taking off their shoes before entering.

It is not customary in Turkish families to eat alone; they strictly ensure that everyone living in the same house is present at the table during meals. Turks eat a lot of greens and vegetable salads, which are served with every meal; they can drink aniseed tincture or beer at dinner, which are not considered alcoholic beverages among them, although they are strictly forbidden to drink in public places. Pork is never used in cooking, either in home or in catering.

Common gestures

Residents of Turkey use specific gestures, sometimes understandable only to them: snapping fingers means approval; click of the tongue - on the contrary, disapproval or denial. Misunderstanding is expressed by a quick shake of the head from side to side or a surprised raise of the eyebrows. The consent sign is indicated by tilting the head to one side. When communicating with Turks, foreigners need to be more careful with their gestures, as they can be perceived by them in a completely different way.

Wearing traditions

Conservative people in Turkey, both men and women, prefer to wear traditional clothing, especially in rural areas. A mandatory attribute of national Turkish clothing are harem pants, in which representatives of both sexes go. Men's clothes are sewn from denser fabrics, and women's clothes are made from thin transparent fabrics, with decorations in the form of intricate patterns.

Over the trousers, women put on long dresses and robes made of satin, brocade, taffeta, muslin, and men wear long shirts tucked into trousers. Until now, many men wear a traditional headdress - a fez - a low cap made of red wool intertwined with blue, black or blue cord with a tassel.

Women wear bright, beautiful scarves on top. Now most business men wear European suits, shirts and ties. Young urban women are more committed to traditional dresses, complementing them with modern accessories and shoes, while older women strictly follow the customs of national attire.

Turks are intolerant of foreign tourists who appear off the beach in too revealing clothes: short shorts, low-cut tops or blouses. When going to a public place, you need to dress modestly, choosing a dress or skirt below the knees and with a small neckline; preferably with a hat or slicked back hair. Visiting mosques and temples requires tourists to be very careful: men should not appear there in shorts, women should wear a long dress that covers their arms and legs; and cover your head with a scarf or scarf.

Customs associated with the birth of children

All close relatives, coming to congratulate the family on the birth of a child, should give the mother gold and silver jewelry and coins. The choice of a name is also discussed by the family clan, the approved name is pronounced aloud three times, one of the grandmothers reads a prayer in the ear of the newborn in a whisper. On the fortieth day of a newborn's life, prayers are also read for his health; before bathing, the child's body is rubbed with salt so that a bad smell does not come from him in the future.

Great importance is attached to the appearance of the first tooth in children: different objects are laid out in front of the baby and, according to what the child takes first, they make an assumption of who he (she) will become.

An important stage in the development of a boy is the rite of circumcision, for which he is prepared from an early age. This is a magnificent celebration when a boy, dressed like a king, is driven in a smartly decorated car, accompanied by a cortege to musical accompaniment. The boy is given gold coins as a sign that he has become a man that day and should have money.

Dear readers and readers of the blog who courageously joined them! Vostochny to you villages and just hello!

Symbolically, today's anniversary, hundredth in a row, article on my blog turned out to be about the customs of a Turkish wedding.

"What is the symbolism?", You may be surprised. - And who knows, that's how it seemed to me. Maybe, as in the joke "it's time for you to get married, sir" :)

Jokes aside, let's approach our topic with all possible seriousness, because a wedding in Turkey is very, very serious. What are you now in all clarity and make sure.

So, even having a good idea of ​​how things are in Turkey, I decided to play it safe and talk with an expert in wedding ceremonies, Tuce Hanim, a clever and beautiful woman who works for the benefit of one of the most famous hotel chains, not only in the country, but and beyond.

"Hanim", of course, is not a surname, but a respectful prefix when referring to a woman or girl in Turkey. And for men, respectively, there will be "Bey". Well, like "Ivan Bey" :)

Let's make a reservation right away that Turkey is, of course, not our 1/8 part of the land, but it is also a very large country, for example, by Central European standards. And it is inhabited by very different people and even nations - if not Kurds, then, as a rule, collectively referred to as "Turks", each with its own foundations, traditions and rules.

In general, we are talking about an average picture of fairly common traditions, keeping in mind that it is simply impossible to include them all in the top ten.

Therefore, our TOP-10 are a kind of cornerstone of Turkish wedding traditions.

1. Dowry or in Turkish "çeyiz" ("cheiz")...

Families of girls in Turkey begin to gather very, very ahead of time, almost from childhood. Towels, bed linen, crockery, household and kitchen appliances - you won't find anything there. However, there is an option for lazy people - ready-made chests (in the literal sense) with a dowry that can be bought in online stores. Progress, however, is not necessary "acquired over the years by overwork" ...

If someone thinks that the girl's family can easily jump off this topic, getting off with a "New Year's set of sweets", then he is mistaken. Especially, the families of the grooms on the Black Sea coast, after the wedding, are very fond of visiting the house of the young, and the girl must lay out in front of them what she came to the groom's house with. Let's talk about it, let's talk about it...

2. Rings

Previously, everything in Turkey was like that of "people", that is, only ordinary wedding rings. But then Westerners came and, as always, ruined everything for everyone :)

First of all, for the grooms - by introducing into fashion rings made of gold with one diamond, the so-called "tek taşlı yüzük" ("tek tashly yuzük", that is, a ring with one stone and it is clear with which ...).

And when now the guy proposes to the girl, in a romantic setting and kneeling down (if rheumatism does not torment :)), and if he is at a certain level of well-being, then the Turkish lady will already be waiting for this ring in a velvet box.

Well, he expects that she will accept the offer and put the ring on the ring finger of her right hand (do not confuse the girls).

In addition, there are also wedding rings of the usual form for us, which are worn during betrothal, over the first ring, on the same ring finger of the right hand.

After the wedding, the girl begins to wear both rings on the ring finger of her left hand.

Also, special pre-wedding thin gold wedding rings or, say, bracelets are sometimes used, instead of the usual wedding rings that are worn later.

3. Matchmaking or in Turkish "isteme ve söz" ("isteme ve söz")

The groom's family, in the fullest possible composition, goes to woo the bride with flowers (roses, as a rule) and with a special box of chocolates, as well as with a special, silver tray.

Which is then kept for many years as an important family heirloom. Not in the sense that "remember how I somehow cracked you on the head with this tray?" :)

The groom's father is wooing the bride's father, and the groom's job is to drink coffee without frowning, which, according to tradition, will be salty. He did not wince - it means that the "fighter" is ready for family difficulties.

Maybe there is a future mother-in-law to come to the rescue: they say that's enough, everyone saw that you are "ready" :) But such mother-in-laws are worth their weight in gold...

The bride's business is to blush and be embarrassed, and not to rub her hands pretty :)

4. Betrothal or in Turkish "nişan" ("nishan")

The next step on the road to marriage may or may not be. It all depends on how young the "pipes are on fire" to formalize their relationship. If they are in a hurry, then immediately after the matchmaking they can set the date of the wedding.

The event can be organized both in a wide composition and in a narrow circle, both outside the home and at home. But in the latter case, this, in the traditional way, will be the bride's house and all the expenses associated with the betrothal are paid by the bride's family.

This is not altruism - the groom's family will "take the rap" for the wedding, that is, an order of magnitude more seriously.

5. Photo album

Needless to say, all the stages of the thorny path of the newlyweds to becoming a full-fledged unit of society are recorded by professional photographers - matchmaking, engagement and apogee - the wedding itself.

To release then in several copies for both families photo albums, fixing the young in a variety of interiors and exteriors, at home and in the open air. Both the full version and the "poketbook".

6. Pre-wedding shopping

A very curious event, during which the groom's family takes the bride, and the bride's family takes the groom shopping and buys literally everything that comes across, and not only the bare necessities.

Brides buy dresses, jewelry and various cosmetics. Underwear should also be bought, but not all girls are ready for such a test - to buy something lace for themselves under the curious eyes of their betrothed's relatives, especially since there may be male representatives among them. Cousins ​​there or brothers.

By the way, few foreign brides know about this tradition, and their Turkish mothers-in-law can "squeeze" :)

For grooms, the bride's family also buys a long list of everything, but the main accessory is, without fail, a watch of a good brand. So that they "tick" all their lives.

7. Night of henna or "kına gecesi" ("kyna gedjesi")

If it came to the night of henna, then - "khana": a wedding is no longer just around the corner, but most likely the next day.

Henna night is a kind of bachelorette party in an oriental style, which was traditionally held at home. It is understandable, the girl says goodbye to her home and goes to the groom.

However, in recent years, this event from home is increasingly transferred outside of it, and its organization is entrusted to professionals. They will already explain that the girl should cry louder if a laugher gets caught, and also that she needs to keep her hands clenched into fists and only when the future mother-in-law gives her a gold coin - to unclench in order to apply traditional henna drawing on both palms.

The groom and the "kunaki of a dzhigit in love", in principle, do not participate in the holiday. They have their own carols. But recently there has been a fashion for the male half to join the female half by the end of the evening.

8. "Rings and bracelets, skirts and jackets ..." (C)

Investment gold in Turkey is sold in the form of gold coins of a certain weight and is called "republican gold" ("cumhuriyet altını" or "dzhumhuriyet altını").

It is sold in any jewelry store and can be sold back there without question, according to the current prices per gram of the precious metal.

It is "republican gold" and gold bracelets that are a must-have gift at a Turkish wedding. The bracelets are put on the hands of the bride, and the coins are put into a purse to turn the "unfortunate" girl into a collector by the end of the evening.

The only thing that should console her is that the gold is hers, and not the groom's "reserve fund" or "national wealth fund".

9. Spa treatments

These include a joint trip of the bride and her girlfriends to the Turkish bath - hamam ("hamam"), where they not only bathe, wash and peel, but also have fun in all ways available to the fair sex.

And of course, a joint trip to the hairdresser on the day of the wedding. And here the groom will pay for everything - for the bride, mother-in-law and all the girlfriends. Haircuts, styling, manicures and pedicures - everything your heart desires for the entire female team.

He is shaved solemnly and with special care.

All this solemn action, of course, is recorded on photo and video cameras to become an important part of the wedding album.

10. Who is knocking on my door?

Around the doors in the wedding cultures of any people, including Turkish, a lot of all sorts of different beliefs have accumulated.

Here, for example, when the groom calls for the bride on the wedding day, then the child will surely open it and begin to gypsy money. And without this, the groom will not be allowed inside.

Again, let's sympathize with the groom, who these days should have a very thick "shovel".

And already after the wedding, when the young people come to their home, a glass breaks on the threshold of their house to leave all quarrels on the threshold. A little bit of oil is applied to the door frame, so that everything goes "like clockwork" for the young. And bread is broken over the bride's head - so that there is prosperity in the family.

In general, while you enter the apartment, you will have to pretty "stomp" on the threshold :)

I caught myself thinking that I was already ready to write about what happens next. But since further events unfold at least individually, but traditionally for lovers of all countries of the world, then I end my top ten here :)

Have a good mood and love each other! If you have any questions, please contact :)

See you on the blog pages and do not forget to subscribe to it!

In the modern age, many young couples prefer organizing a wedding abroad. This fashion trend has captured the hearts and minds of the newlyweds, thanks to the fact that the unusual setting only adds to the fun, unforgettable experience. A wedding in Turkey is one of the most interesting ideas for holding a celebration. Here you are guaranteed excellent weather, beautiful pictures, stunning landscapes and a pleasant stay. You can combine the wedding ceremony with your honeymoon by spending it in amazing Turkey.

Turkish wedding traditions and customs

The Turkish wedding has many customs and rituals. After deciding to seal their relationship with marriage, the young people consult with their families. If the groom's parents give their consent, they go to the bride's relatives to ask for her hand in marriage. The beginning of the celebration marks the moment when the young guy's side buys gold jewelry for the bride, chooses her wedding dress.

At the wedding, the newlyweds wear wedding rings on their fingers, which are interconnected with a red thread. The bride and groom are told a few sincere parting words and the thread is cut. Then the celebration begins. According to Turkish traditions, after the engagement before the wedding, a lot of time can pass, up to a year or more. At this time, the couple lives together, gets to know each other better. Preparation for a wedding celebration in Turkey is delayed for 2-3 months.

A couple of days before the wedding, the bride's hands and feet are painted with henna. In the center of the room they put a burning candle, a plate with ready-made henna. Only women take part in this ceremony. This is considered the last night of the young lady in the parental home. The wedding feast in Turkey is held on a grand scale, a lot of fun. The number of invitees can reach 500 people.

How to organize a wedding in Turkey

Turkey is the border between West and East, harmony and greatness. This is a country of contrasts, where the culture of the Byzantine, Ottoman, Roman empires is mixed. This makes it mysterious, majestic. A wedding in Turkey can take place both on the territory of a modern hotel and in an ancient castle. Wide sandy beaches, sun, sea, eucalyptus, pine forests are ideal for the birth of a new family. Until recently, Turkey could only offer newlyweds a symbolic wedding, but now you can officially seal your marriage here.

official marriage

On the territory of Turkey, citizens of the Russian Federation can enter into an official marriage. This does not require any special documents. The bride and groom must take with them internal, foreign passports, birth certificates, death certificates, if one of the spouses is a widower, or divorce certificates, if someone in the couple was previously married. The most popular wedding venues are:

  • Coast of the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas of Turkey. Here are the best places for a wedding. Alanya, Antalya, Bodrum, Kemer and other famous resorts in Turkey are always at the disposal of young couples. It is very convenient to hold a wedding on the beach. Places for on-site registration, a photo session, a festive banquet in the form of chic local restaurants on the coast are collected in one place.
  • Private beaches in Turkey. For the wedding, the coast of one of the selected hotels is booked. The beach will belong only to those invited to the ceremony and the newlyweds.
  • On a yacht. The calm expanse of the sea, the indescribable beauty of sunsets, the majestic mountain landscapes of Turkey. Isn't this the most romantic setting for a wedding? On a yacht, you can gather all your loved ones in one place, have fun from the heart. A wedding held on the high seas in Turkey will be remembered for a lifetime.

Symbolic wedding

Some couples who have chosen Turkey for their vacation are so inspired by the local beauties and romantic atmosphere that they decide to have a wedding again. But not real, but symbolic. This trend is so popular that spouses with 30 and 40 years of experience come to re-experience the emotions that gave them the happiest day of their lives.

A symbolic wedding is more modest than an official one, but here a wide field for imagination opens up. You can hold a celebration on the pier, in the hotel, show center, on the beach in Turkey. The decor of the venue is negotiated with the organizers in advance. In Turkey, at a symbolic wedding, you can independently correct the mistakes that were made during the official ceremony.

Where to have a wedding ceremony in Turkey?

This country offers many ideas for organizing and holding weddings. The best places are the coasts of the Aegean Sea (Marmaris, Bodrum, Cesme, Kusadasi, Fethiye), the Mediterranean Sea (Alanya, Antalya, Belek, Kemer, Side, Lara), Istanbul. The warm climate of Turkey will give you the confidence that nothing will spoil the day. Clear sunny weather and high water temperatures are guaranteed 10 months a year, and intermittent rain occurs only occasionally.

Aegean coast

The Turkish part of the Aegean coast is crystal clear water, comfortable hotels, picturesque beaches, sophisticated society. This place is chosen by many newlyweds to celebrate their wedding. You can spend a celebration in a hotel in Turkey, a castle and on the coast. Your wedding here will be remembered for a long time. The Aegean coast is also famous for its chic wedding venues:

  • Marmaris is the largest port in Turkey, a youth resort surrounded by mountains. From the sea there is an island that protects the city from the wind. Marmaris is distinguished by a large number of pine forests. The best time for a wedding in the resort is the period from May to September. The city is famous for its nightlife with an abundance of pubs and discos.
  • Icmeler is a Turkish resort town rich in gardens.
  • Turunc is a small picturesque town for weddings, surrounded by mountains with pine forests. The air here is very clean, and the sea is protected from the wind. The local sandy beaches have been awarded the Blue Flag for environmental friendliness and cleanliness. The stunning nature is considered the main attraction of this corner of Turkey and is ideal for a wedding.
  • Fethiye - warmed by the hot sun, smelling of pine needles, surprisingly clean, secluded resort in Turkey, very prestigious and democratic at the same time. Here you will find a botanical garden, famous old hotels-clubs. This is a fabulous place for a wedding.
  • Bodrum is a major resort in Turkey, the most youthful and party-oriented on the entire coast. It was nicknamed "Turkish Ibiza". There are many picturesque bays and historical monuments in the vicinity.

Mediterranean coast

Unique beauty, majestic and calming at the same time, the azure sea, countless islets, bays, long beaches, emerald green pines, steep mountains with caves - all this gives the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, conquering the newlyweds with oriental generosity and romance. Spending the main day of the life of a couple in love at one of the resorts will give an unforgettable experience. On the Mediterranean coast there are many romantic places suitable for a wedding:

  • Alanya is the most remote resort in Turkey, has a developed infrastructure and a lot of entertainment. The sea and mountains protect the city from the winds. Among the famous sights are: Damlatas cave, fortress and castle of the 14th century, shipyard, "Cleopatra's beach", numerous monuments and museums.
  • Antalya is a young resort in the south of Turkey. The new part of the city is a developed infrastructure with restaurants, hotels, parks, bars, and the old part is practically unaffected by modern buildings, which has preserved the national flavor of the combination of Roman, Ottoman and Byzantine architecture.
  • Belek is one of the greenest resort towns on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. In addition to the fact that the city is popular among those wishing to celebrate a wedding here and spend a honeymoon, it is also famous for its rich fauna and flora, an abundance of eucalyptus and pine forests.
  • Kemer is the most popular resort town on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey. Here are the ancient cities of the World, Olympos, Phaselis. Kemer includes several resort areas suitable for weddings: Beldibi, Kirish, Goynuk, Tekirova, Chemyuva.
  • Side is Turkey's "open-air museum" with a rich history. This place is famous for its long sandy beaches, good hotels, modern restaurants, convenient for a wedding. Side includes the resort areas of Kizilot, Colakli, Manavgat, Kumkoy, Sorgun.


Istanbul is the perfect place for a noisy big wedding or a private celebration on a modest budget. Thanks to democratic prices for accommodation, a flight to this resort town in Turkey is considered relatively inexpensive. This is the only place where couples get married, being located between two parts of the world, Asia and Europe. You can have a wedding on an island in the Sea of ​​Marmara, in an Ottoman palace, a Greek mansion, a chic Turkish restaurant overlooking the city, in the mountains in nature. Here you can combine your wedding with your honeymoon.

Scenario of the celebration

The basis of the wedding script can be taken from the work "Scarlet Sails". According to this theme, the celebration should be held on the coast of Turkey in a restaurant. There, the captain of the wedding ship, cabin crew, the bride and groom will meet the guests. To the sound of the ship's horn, the lights go out and romantic music turns on. The host of the wedding says the following words: “This story began when the girl (name of the bride) met an old wise storyteller. He told her the story and promised that when she grew up, he would meet a captain who would love her.

The young man will sail on a ship under scarlet sails, together they will go to the Rose Valley, they will live happily ever after. The girl obeyed the storyteller and began to wait for the captain. Years passed and (the name of the groom) sailed to the girl, falling in love at first sight, vowed to love her until the last days of his life. And so our newlyweds go on a romantic journey on their ship. Let us wish them that only joy and happiness will be brought to them by the Rose Valley.”

The newlyweds take their places, and the captain invites guests to join the celebration. The host of the wedding in Turkey makes the first toast to the newlyweds and announces the competition: “Since the playful sea drowns out my voice, you need to choose a “bitter” who will loudly command “Bitter!” on the ship". For candidates, a competition is organized among the guests, where all participants blow simultaneously on banknotes: the one who flies farthest becomes “bitter”.

Competition for raising anchors. For it, it is necessary to prepare cardboard anchors with tied threads of 1.5 meters each. Participants must grasp the thread in such a way that the anchor hangs down. On command, they pick it up and collect the thread in their mouths, without helping with their hands. The prize is given to the first person to complete the task. After, the host of the wedding announces: “I give the command“ full speed ahead ”and we are not afraid of either a storm or a storm. With such a team, we will overcome all obstacles.”

A romantic song is turned on, the invitees take turns saying congratulations. The host of the wedding distributes colorful flags to everyone so that the guests get to know each other faster, and says: “The signal is given by the witnesses (they must raise the flags), the parents of the bride, groom, brothers of the bride, etc.” The leader of the wedding in Turkey must read out everyone who is on the list of invitees.

There is a musical pause. The host of the wedding announces a stop on a desert island in Turkey, where the newlyweds perform their first dance. Next, each guest is brought an on-board book to make wishes for the newlyweds. Meanwhile, they bring out a sign that says "Isle of Bad Luck". The host of the wedding announces that the ship has been driven by waves to the island of bad luck, which is strewn with greenery (at this time he shows a gesture of rustling banknotes), and offers to check how things are with the luck of the guests.

Married couples come out for the competition. Counterfeit dollars are thrown on the floor, and couples must collect them for a certain time to the music from the song "Isle of Bad Luck". The host of the wedding says: “The participants tried so hard, but the bills turned out to be fake. Indeed, this is the Island of Bad Luck, but our contestants have found their love. Maybe this place isn't so unlucky? Let's see if someone can catch the bride's bouquet?"

The girls line up behind the bride, and she throws the bouquet. Whoever catches him crosses out a piece of “not” on the plate with the name of the island. The host of the wedding announces a stop on an island in Turkey where a lighthouse is located. Everyone goes to the coast. Guests light small candles and approach the newlyweds, who have one large candle in their hands. They kindle it with the fire of their little candles. The host of the wedding says: “This candle is a family hearth that will always illuminate your path and bring happiness to the house!”. This ceremony is the final chord of the wedding.

Cost of a wedding in Turkey?

Organization of a wedding celebration in Turkey is a good solution in terms of quality and cost. Many hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis, which makes it easier to clearly budget if many guests are invited. The price of the celebration of travel companies includes: coordinator services, organization of the ceremony, order of the registrar, marriage certificate, the ceremony itself, festive decoration of the place, cake, video and photo for a couple of hours, bouquet, boutonniere. Accommodation, flights and a banquet for the wedding are not taken into account.

Travel company name

The cost of the wedding (for two, excluding guests), rub.

symbolic ceremony

official ceremony


All-Russian honeymoon tour operator

I rest

Note: The data provided was collected by random analysis of several travel companies and is not promotional. Information may be out of date at the time of viewing.

Video: how is the wedding in Turkey

A wedding held in Turkey is a new, unforgettable, incomparable experience. It is a country of contrasts, mysterious and majestic. You can see this by watching the video below. The program of organizing the celebration includes: gathering of the bride and groom, a banquet, an outdoor ceremony, an invitation to artists. A wedding held on the shore in the open air of Turkey gives a magical feeling, and live music, hundreds of lights flickering in the night bring their own zest.

Now, under the influence of Western traditions, the attitude to customs in modern cities of Turkey has become a little easier. In the villages, everything is still strict and orderly. For example, to imagine that the bride and groom will live until the wedding and even before the betrothal is unthinkable. "Ayıp!"("Indecent!"). There are also options when the choice for a girl or a young man is made by parents, based on their own motives. Calculation is a completely ordinary thing, and love is a thing that will come with time. Familiar story? After all, in Rus' all this was also. But unlike modern Russia, in Turkey, many traditions and ceremonies are still an integral part of the wedding scenario. And rarely will anyone go against the family to break these rules.

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Bride and matchmaking

It all starts with a show, or, as they say in Turkey, “kyz bakma”. Usually, familiar gossips can look after the future bride in advance and draw the attention of the groom, who still does not suspect anything. Usually, the average Turk is more concerned with how to earn money for the maintenance of a future wife than with finding this very wife. In addition, do not forget that in the same villages and even small towns it is not so easy for young people to get to know each other and spend time together so as not to cause rumors and gossip of neighbors. So sometimes the bride is the only opportunity for a potential couple to see each other a little closer, but without fail - under the supervision of relatives. Usually the groom comes accompanied by several women from his family. Although in the old days it happened that relatives coped with this task on their own, assessing whether the girl was suitable or not.

The Turks are arranged in such a way that it is extremely inconvenient for them to say “no” directly, to offend other people, especially the whole family. Therefore, everything goes so that in case of refusal, no one remains offended. We drank tea and coffee, exchanged civil courtesies, ate sweets - and dispersed. But if the intentions become more serious, then the second action comes - “Matchmaking”, "çöpcatanlık"(“Chopchatanlyk”), where all the terms of the “agreement” are already discussed in detail, if the parties come to an agreement.

Smotriny is not particularly obligatory to anything. And if the wedding is a decided matter, such a “first meeting” can be, to some extent, only a ritual and is combined with matchmaking. Then not only women, but also men are already connected. The bride must, of course, show herself in all her glory. And this applies not only to the appearance. In advance, she prepares homemade baklava. And I must say, preparing a real baklava, rolling it into the thinnest sheets of dough, making the filling correctly is a real art. Of course, experienced relatives can also connect here, but still it is supposed that the girl copes with this test herself.

Usually guests come to the bride's house and sit down in a spacious living room. In any Turkish house, there are certainly small matryoshka tables that are placed near the guests. They can put coffee, tea and sweets. Of course, no alcohol, food, except for sweets, is also usually not provided for at this meeting.

The bride serves the guests, brings tea and coffee to everyone, always starting with the older guests. The groom can also be tested - for him, the bride can add salt to coffee. Previously, this could serve as a silent symbol of refusal to go down the aisle, but now it has often become a test of the feelings and endurance of the groom. If he drinks without grimacing, it means that for the sake of this girl he will be able to endure a lot and is ready to marry.

Everyone can conduct abstract small talk for a long time, and only then move on to more specific discussions of the details of the wedding.

It just seems that matchmaking is a relic of the past. In fact, this meeting is of great practical importance. Families can agree on how, where, and most importantly, at whose expense to hold a wedding, who to invite, where the young people will live, what gifts they can give them. Taking into account the fact that a Turkish, even quite “modest”, wedding can have several hundred guests, families have something to discuss. In addition, in addition to the wedding in Turkey, it is also customary to massively and widely celebrate the engagement. Earlier, of course, the “kalym” for the bride was also actively discussed. In some villages and regions, this has been preserved, but now it can be replaced by another custom - “mother's right”. For the daughter brought up by her, the mother is presented with a gift - a certain amount of money.

When all the agreements are determined and the blessing of the parents is received, the groom gives the girl a ring and a small handkerchief, beautifully embroidered with gold or silver. Parental permission is still taken very seriously in Turkey. Even if the groom is 40 years old and he is a successful and independent businessman, for example, from Istanbul, if his family is against marriage with this particular girl, in 90% of cases he will obey their will. Because the family is sacred for any Turk, all customs and traditions are built around this, and rarely anyone will make themselves enemies of their own parents for the sake of a girl they like. This is hard to believe, but even now there are cases when a father can not talk to his son for several years, because, against the will of his parents, he married an “unapproved” girl.


"Nishan"(“nişan”) is a Turkish engagement, this is already a serious step and a different level of responsibility. Of course, not every engagement ends with a wedding, especially in Turkey two months or two years can pass between these two events. During this time, of course, a lot can change. Although this is usually the time that the future family needs to arrange their life, it is possible to choose a future home, to make repairs.
It can be seen that Turks rarely get married too early, as we do in Russia. And most often the reason is material status. In Turkey, which largely lives according to Muslim traditions, it is customary for a man to provide for his family without fail so that his wife does not have to work. And a Turkish man is well aware that it is unlikely that any Turkish woman will agree to a “paradise in a hut”, believing in the prospects of a young man who, in the distant and vague future, can suddenly get rich. Moreover, her father would hardly believe it.

Healthy reckoning? Perhaps. But there is some wisdom in this, which helps to avoid conflicts in the future, at least on this topic. Obviously, a man who is firmly on his feet is more ready for marriage and for taking responsibility for his future wife.

The engagement is, in fact, the public recognition of the groom in his intention to marry this particular girl. The girl's status changes to "nishanly"(“betrothed”), and in the eyes of the public, especially other single men, it is almost as serious as “evli” (“evli”, “married”). This status has a very practical meaning. As you know, even now in Turkey it is still considered indecent if a girl lives with a man before marriage. Yes, virginity is also treated reverently and scrupulously here, so everything is easily explained. But even if the families are aware of all the intimate relationships of the couple, they are unlikely to be left, for example, to spend the night in the same room. "Ayıp!". And in ancient times it was indecent even just to be alone.

The status of "nishanly" simplifies all this and allows the couple to more openly express their feelings, if desired and possible, even live together. Although usually before the wedding, the engaged bride still continues to live with her parents.

How is engagement celebrated in Turkey? Of course, it all depends on the possibilities and desires. Someone arranges a small romantic evening in a restaurant, others invite close relatives home, someone rents entire salons or hotels to invite half the city. In this case, it may resemble a wedding rehearsal. Invitations are also sent out in advance, the bride dresses up in a beautiful dress, guests bring gifts - usually gold and money. Often, the engagement is organized and paid for by the bride's relatives, and the wedding is organized by the groom's side.

Everything passes very decorously and ceremoniously, without wide festivities, songs, dances and feasts. On the tables can usually be sweets, nuts, tea, coffee. Sometimes, of course, an engagement can turn into a buffet in some fashionable hotel, but not everyone can afford such a holiday. If the families are traditional, Muslim, then most likely, women will sit separately from men.

A typical engagement looks like a couple's official public announcement that they decide to get married. The words are sealed with a little ritual.

Rings tied with a red ribbon appear on a silver tray. In such a bound form, the bride and groom put each other's rings on the ring finger of their right hand. It is better if the girl's ring is decorated with cubic zirkonia or a diamond. This is also a clear indicator of the financial status of the groom.

After that, the oldest and most respected person from those present says congratulations to the couple and cuts the ribbon in two places. This shred will be kept by a young family. The rest of the ribbon is cut into small pieces, given to unmarried girls so that they can also quickly and happily get married.

After that, at first the couple is congratulated by parents and relatives, then by the guests. If the date has already been determined, then at the engagement they announce when and where the wedding will take place.

Henna night

Before the wedding in Turkey, one of the most interesting and spectacular ceremonies is arranged for the bride - "Henna Night", or "Kyna Gedzhesi"("kina gecesi"). To some extent, this is a bachelorette party in an oriental way, only with a deeper meaning.

In the old days, on Tuesday, the bride went to the hammam, a Turkish bath, and on Wednesday evening, “Henna Night” was waiting for her, which symbolized parting with her stepfather's house. For many girls, then it was a sad evening, because a complete unknown lay ahead, they could, at best, see the groom once, not imagining what kind of person he was and what kind of life she would have with him. The brides cried quite sincerely, and the choir of friends joined them.

True, even now girls often can’t stop crying, under the influence of music and a slightly mysterious atmosphere, which is skillfully supported by more experienced women who organize this evening.

The dress of the bride - "bindalli" (bindalli) deserves special attention on Henna Nights. This is a luxurious, richly embroidered dress, most often red or burgundy, made of expensive fabrics. Depending on the traditions of the region, the dress may include certain patterns and ornaments. Often such a dress becomes a family heirloom and is inherited.

The bride's face is hidden by a red veil adorned with sequins and beads. It turns out that the bride can see everything that is happening around, but others cannot see the bride. It is in this form that the bride appears in front of the assembled guests, sometimes there may be candles in her hands. The girls begin to sing folk songs, with candles in their hands they move in a circle, bypassing the guests.

The future mother-in-law becomes one of the main characters of the evening. In front of the bride, she rolls out a roll of silk fabric as a gift, along which the girl walks, approaching the groom's mother. Sometimes this may be their first close encounter. At this time, the guests shower the girl with coins - as a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Coming closer, the bride bowed respectfully to her mother-in-law, kissed her hand and then put it to her forehead. This is how they usually greet and express respect for their elders in Turkey.

The bride is seated in the most honorable place in the center of the hall, it can be a beautiful chair, like a throne, or huge pillows. Any girl can feel like a real oriental princess from the fairy tale "1001 Nights".

After that, guests are brought out trays with sweets, tea and coffee so that the holiday does not go dry. It can be fruits, nuts, cakes, traditional Turkish sweets like Turkish delight and baklava.
And at this time, the main rite of the evening is played out. The girls continue to sing sad songs, to which the bride under her red veil mourns. The mother-in-law approaches the girl and asks her to open her palms. According to the rules of the “game”, the bride opens her palms only when the mother-in-law and other relatives of the groom are ready to put gold coins on her palms or put on gold bracelets. Immediately, dry henna with burning candles is brought into the hall on a tray. This symbolizes a kindled heart, in which, like a fire, love for a future husband was kindled. Indeed, before the girl could not have any feelings for the groom at all, and it was believed that this rite helps to melt the girl's heart.

The palms and feet of the girl were painted with henna. This is a whole art called "mehendi", which originates either in ancient India or in ancient Egypt. This tradition was successfully adopted by the Turks, preserving from generation to generation.

The “artist” was to be not only the most skilled woman, but also the one who was still happily married and whose parents were still alive. It was she who began to conjure over the bride, slowly diluting henna with water, bringing out interesting ornaments and patterns. Among the ornate drawing, it was necessary to "hide" the groom's initials. A peculiar surprise and another test. If the groom could not find the first letters of his name, then he was obliged to give the bride a good gift. As a compensation. After the dyeing ritual is completed, red mittens are put on the girl's hands so as not to spoil the pattern. The main action of the Henna Night is over. The bachelorette party continues with songs, sweets and conversations, and sometimes it can drag on until late at night.

Now, of course, the art of "mehendi" can be simplified to the usual coloring of the fingertips, palms and feet without any frills. But, to be honest, the real "mehendi" looks bewitching and beautiful. But at the same time, the use of henna also has a sacred meaning. Since ancient times, henna has been considered not only a natural coloring agent, but also a cure for many diseases, a talisman, a symbol of good luck and prosperity. By the way, henna was also applied to the palms of a young man who was leaving for the army in order to protect him from death.

During Henna Night, unmarried friends could also apply henna on their hands, taking advantage of the moment, believing that this would also help them get married. Sometimes small elegant bags of henna are prepared for guests as a gift - take them home as a keepsake.

Henna night in Turkey is still an important part of wedding rituals, although in modern cities and families it can be held in more free formats. For example, a separate room can be rented for a holiday, the presence of the groom and his friends is quite acceptable and desirable, although this erases the original meaning of this exclusively female ceremony. For many, this is just another reason to have fun, and not be sad about their single youth and father's house, brightening up the fun with champagne and cocktails. But in any case, the red veil and henna remain indispensable attributes of this Turkish tradition, which is rooted far into the past.

Turkish wedding

Of course, as in any country, the scenario of a wedding in Turkey may differ depending on the region and the well-being of the couple. But if we turn to the average Turkish wedding somewhere on the coast, then everything happens as follows.

They usually try to schedule an official ceremony in the late afternoon so that all the guests who can work during the day can gather. The most popular days are Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Although sometimes the ceremony can take place during the day, and the festivities in the restaurant - in the evening. In addition, there are two types of marriage registration in Turkey - secular and religious. Religious is held in the mosque with all the rigor of Islamic traditions. After the bride and groom perform namaz, pray, the imam conducts a small ceremony, without any magnificent rites.

Secular marriage registration can take place both in an official institution, the Turkish registry office, and on the road, for example, in a restaurant. The ceremony itself is called nikah(“Nikah”), and the wedding itself - dugun("duyun").
The morning is spent in preparation. The bride is doing makeup, hair, dressing up in a dress. The eldest man in the family, if the girl is still innocent, ties a red belt on her to demonstrate this in front of other people.

The groom takes the bride along with friends either from her home or from a beauty salon. This is how their first meeting takes place. True, in some regions the groom cannot pick up the bride himself, for the first time they should see each other that day at an official ceremony.

The wedding procession is usually accompanied by noisy music, cars are decorated in advance. The sounds of zurna, davul and drums are an indispensable attribute of a traditional Turkish wedding. The bride and groom continue their journey together.

Then it all depends on the scenario of the wedding. Often, young people go straight for registration - to a mosque, registry office or restaurant. Long outdoor photo shoots in Turkey are not so popular. Here you will not see wedding receptions right on the street with champagne and sandwiches. The whole program takes place in the evening.

The assembled guests enthusiastically welcome the appearance of the couple. Often by this time it is already dark and the groom appears arm in arm with the bride under the fireworks gushing along their path. By this time, the wedding venue is already filled with gift flower wreaths on legs. They can be sent by those who could not get to the wedding. The names and names of companies are usually indicated on the ribbons.

A presidium has already been prepared for the bride and groom in the hall or on the open area. Usually this is at least a long table decorated with flowers, and chairs with high backs, like a throne. The guests are seated at the tables. In most cases, food is not provided, the maximum is snacks like nuts, chips and soft drinks, such as cola, which is so beloved by the Turks. True, there are also luxurious Turkish weddings, even for several hundred guests, with dinner and alcohol. For such a holiday, a restaurant or a hotel can be rented entirely, however, not everyone can afford this. In the villages, too, they can walk hearty and wide. Food can be simple and uncomplicated, but there will be enough of it to be enough for everyone who wants to come and congratulate. Sweets, in particular Turkish honey baklava, are usually also an indispensable attribute of a wedding.

The ceremony does not last long, but it is quite solemn. An employee of the Turkish registry office puts on a red robe, pronounces the necessary words, asks for consent from both parties in the presence of two witnesses, and, having heard the cherished "Evet!"(“Yes!”) declares her husband and wife, issuing a beautiful official certificate.

The exchange of rings is treated more calmly, it is more important to do this during the engagement. Kisses are also restrained and chaste, and during a traditional Turkish wedding, it would never occur to anyone that the bride and groom kiss openly in public.

After that, the parents congratulate the couple, music and dances begin, which now last until night. The holiday program can rarely please with variety. An ensemble performing live Turkish folk music is usually the focus of the holiday. Sometimes dancing dervishes are invited to closed Muslim weddings, and belly dances are ordered to more “modern” ones. There is no toastmaster in the usual sense. Often one of the musicians can take on this role.

Only at the end of the holiday it is customary to give gifts - all the guests are looking forward to this moment, because congratulations, when 400, 500, 1000 people come to the wedding, can take a long time.
Sometimes, to speed up the process, the couple themselves bypass all the guests with a special basket or box where you can put gold and money. But often a couple, standing in a place of honor, each with a red or white ribbon thrown over his neck, personally accepts congratulations and gifts from each guest. Gold and banknotes in this case are fastened with pins to ribbons. This is also one of the typical Turkish rituals.
At the end, the bride throws her wedding bouquet, which is caught by one of the unmarried friends. According to international beliefs, it is her wedding that will be next.

The wedding ends with a cake, which, now husband and wife, solemnly cut or pretend to cut if the cake is not real, but plastic, which is not uncommon at Turkish weddings.
The couple leaves the wedding, for them the first wedding night comes, which for many couples in Turkey really becomes the first.

Turkey is a colorful country. That is why the Turkish wedding is considered a rich and magnificent identity with centuries-old traditions. But, no matter how hard the people try to preserve the old customs, European culture is increasingly visible among the national foundations.

How is a modern Turkish wedding held? What rituals and traditions precede it? Here are some interesting facts about the celebration:

Choice of rite

Increasingly, free marriages happen in Turkey, when a couple gets to know each other on their own. But still, the old customs have a place to be.

So, parents betroth their babies, who, after reaching a certain age, are obliged to get married. This ceremony is called "beshik-kertme". If one of the young refused to marry, the case often ended in murder. Therefore, this tradition is rarely used.

A more common rite is when the sister of a deceased wife is married to her widower husband. And vice versa: the brother of the deceased marries his daughter-in-law.

No less shocking for us is the custom called “taigeldi”. In this case, two divorced or widowed people get engaged, and their children are also required to marry among themselves.

In poor areas, the bride was often stolen, especially if the groom could not get the consent of relatives.

If a girl stays in a guy's house, then she is already considered his wife. Such an action is called “gyz gachyrtma”.

Search for a bride

Choosing a good bride for a young family is not an easy task. We started by visiting our cousins. If a suitable bride was not found, then they switched to the daughters of a close circle, friends or girls from a neighboring village.

When all suitable ladies are selected, among them it is necessary to choose the most worthy. At the same time, the well-being of her family, character and appearance are assessed.


This is sacred for every girl. Since childhood, mothers begin to put aside towels, clothes, and kitchen utensils for their daughters. True, civilization does not stand still. Therefore, ready-made chests are already sold in online stores.

This rite is not just a tick in the list of customs. After the wedding, the husband's parents always come to visit the young and discuss what the daughter-in-law came to the house with.


The whole family of the groom goes to visit the bride. They always take flowers, sweets and a silver tray with them. The latter becomes a family heirloom.

When the bride's parents agree to the marriage, negotiations begin. Over the sherbet, the older men of the families discuss the details and come to a common agreement.

The business of the groom is to prove his readiness to create a family. To do this, he must drink salty coffee and not wince.

Ceremony "word"

After making a decision, the couple gives each other a word - this symbolizes a joint step towards family life.

During the ceremony, expensive gifts are presented to the young, and all the guests drink lemonade. Whoever gives the groom a glass of lemonade first will receive a cash prize.

After the celebration, the groom's relatives are required to send the bride gifts, beautiful clothes and accessories. At the same time, the bride is transporting her belongings to the house of her future husband.


Traditionally, the betrothal takes place in the house of the future wife. While the groom's family pays for the wedding expenses, it is customary here to give the bride expensive gifts, money, jewelry.

Interestingly, relatives keep accurate records of gifts. The fact is that if one of the guests invites them to the wedding, they must donate the same amount, otherwise shame cannot be avoided.

Henna night

This is an oriental bachelorette party, which was previously held at home. But today more and more often the organization is trusted by professionals.

During the farewell to girlhood, girls paint themselves with henna, and the bride must cry loudly and clench her fists. You can unclench your palm when the mother-in-law brings her a gold coin. After that, the girl's hands are covered with henna.

Pre-wedding shopping

Another interesting event. The bride's family takes the groom, and the groom's family takes the bride. The company goes shopping, buying everything they need and don't need. These are clothes, cosmetics, jewelry and even underwear for the future wife.

The groom, among other things, must buy an expensive watch so that it ticks all his life.

Latest preparations

On the eve of the Turkish wedding, the bride and her bridesmaids visit the hammam. There they wash and have fun, sing songs.

The girls also go to the hairdresser together, where the groom pays for all the procedures.

A man also chooses a dress for his wife. Usually, a closed outfit is selected for a Muslim woman, and a more revealing outfit for a Christian.


In Turkey, it is customary to hold magnificent and rich weddings. Many guests are invited to the celebration. The list includes close and distant relatives, friends and even acquaintances whom the family has not seen for a long time.

By Turkish standards, a modest celebration includes 250 people. But it is not customary to feed guests. Pastries, nuts and drinks are traditionally served.

During the wedding dance, the young are showered with banknotes by male relatives. The rest of the guests present gifts, and it is customary to give the bride separately gold bracelets. Interestingly, the gold belongs only to her, and not to a young family.

Final rites

When young people come home after the wedding, they break a glass on the threshold to avoid quarrels in family life. Oil is also applied to the door frame to keep the relationship smooth and happy. And to attract prosperity, bread is broken over the heads of the bride and groom.

Here are the general traditions of Turkish weddings. Of course, conditions may vary depending on the region of the country. It is also important what customs the young families adhere to.
