What did Grigoriev's sister die from? Why and how did the sister of the soloist "Ivanushki" die

“My beloved girl, my daughter, my happiness, my love are gone! I can not let you go, understand and realize the situation. I found out about this yesterday, returning with a friend from the gym, walking along Novy Arbat. Then, as if in a fog, I came home, took my passport and went to the airport. I flew to Sochi at night, I can’t get home, expert-investigative actions are underway there. The reason for this outcome has not yet been established, ”the man wrote on social networks.

A few days after the tragedy, the cause of Yulia's death became known.

It turned out that the woman had an asthma attack, since she was alone in the house, no one could help her. Arriving at the scene of the incident, doctors have already diagnosed death. The reason is acute pulmonary insufficiency.

Grigoriev-Appolonov found the strength to comment on his sister's death. The singer recorded a video message to the fans, in which, barely holding back tears, he spoke about how hard it is for him to come to terms with the loss of a loved one.

And after that, he completely disappeared from the radar. The singer is going through grief very hard: in order not to think about the loss, they say, Andrei plunged into work. Since the end of July, after the recorded video message, the celebrity has not published fresh photos on his Instagram and has not contacted journalists.

His sister decided to tell a little about the state of the artist. “Give him time. Slowly his life will return to normal. Still, Andrei was very close to Yulia. “Of course, the death of Yulechka was a blow to him. What can I say, it was a shock for all of us. After the funeral, Andrey's blood pressure often rises. We advise him to rest more, and he, on the contrary, is constantly working to drive away bad thoughts, ”she shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda.

July 25, 2017

According to sources, Andrei's relative died of an asthma attack.

Julia Grigoryeva-Apollonova / Photo: https://www.instagram.com/andreyallright/

July 23 at the age of 51 - Julia. One of the first to report the death of a woman was her husband Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov, Jr.

“My beloved girl, my daughter, my happiness, my love is gone! I can not let you go, understand and realize the situation. I found out about this yesterday, returning with a friend from the gym, walking along Novy Arbat. Then, as if in a fog, I came home, took my passport and went to the airport. I flew to Sochi at night, I can’t get home, expert-investigative actions are underway there. The reason for this outcome has not yet been established, ”the man wrote on social networks.

A few days after the tragedy, the cause of Yulia's death became known. According to sources, the woman had an asthma attack, since she was alone in the house, no one could help her. Arriving at the scene, doctors diagnosed death due to acute pulmonary insufficiency. Today, in one of the Orthodox churches in the city of Sochi, a farewell ceremony was held for Yulia. We add that a few weeks before this

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Today, July 25, the elder sister of the “red-haired Ivanushka” Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov was buried in the Sochi Mausoleum. The funeral ceremony took place around 2:30 pm. The funeral procession was attended by relatives, relatives and colleagues of the woman.

Yulia was a doctor in the local military registration and enlistment office, but later she decided to change her profession and connected herself with the Ivanushki group - the same one in which her younger brother Andrey performs. The woman became the dresser of the team. All the soloists of the group affectionately called her their "second mother".

Doctors found that the cause of death was acute pulmonary insufficiency. It is assumed that she could develop in connection with asthma, from which Yulia suffered for many years. However, apart from asthma, she had no serious health problems.

The 51-year-old woman was a very energetic and efficient person who preferred an active life and never complained of feeling unwell. On social networks, admirers and colleagues express their condolences to the family of the deceased and remember Yulia as an exceptionally positive and sympathetic person who could support at any moment.

The civil wife of the deceased Oleg Yakovlev, Alexandra Kutsevol, also wrote a touching appeal to her deceased friend. "Julia! Not even forty days had passed since Oleg left. And now ... how can it be so, ”said the girl, admitting that Yakovlev and Grigoriev-Apollonov were connected by warm friendly feelings.

Yulia Grigoryeva-Apollonova died on July 22 in Sochi due to an asthma attack. The sister of the famous singer lived in a resort town, as doctors recommended that she breathe sea air.

Andrey's half-sister Olga Grigoryeva-Apollonova became a guest of the Stars Aligned program. During a conversation with the presenters, she reported on the true causes of Yulia's death.

“She smoked a lot. Our father also developed asthma from cigarettes. She was addicted to tobacco. She promised to give up the bad habit, but nothing. She had a hatred for doctors. I once arrived, and they make systems for her without the supervision of a doctor. They said at the morgue that even if she survived, she wouldn't last long. Her lungs almost completely atrophied, ”Olga shared.

New details about the tragic fate of Yulia shocked the audience. Many of them once again expressed their condolences to the singer, who was incredibly close to his sister.

According to Olga, Yulia could have been saved, but during the attack she was alone in the apartment.

“Her husband was then in Moscow at the funeral of Oleg Yakovlev. Julia herself constantly lived in Sochi. In Moscow, she could no longer, literally suffocated, ”said Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov’s half-sister.

Now fans are concerned about the well-being of the redhead from Ivanushki. According to relatives, the famous artist works hard and also suffers from high blood pressure. After the tragic news of the death of his sister, the singer abandoned social networks for a long time and did not get in touch with fans.

It wasn't until September 3rd that he shared his feelings and thanked the fans for their support.

“I must tell you that the only thing that has saved me all these days, except for your support, is the Ivanushki concerts. It was on them that I completely forgot about my tragedies that happened this summer. Thanks to everyone who condoled and sympathized with me, ”wrote Andrey.

In early August, Andrei posted a video dedicated to his sister. In the course of the video, he said that he could not believe what had happened. The artist does not hide the fact that life has almost stopped, and he escapes from despair, completely immersed in work.

Recently, Andrey's photos appeared on Olga Grigoryeva-Apollonova's Instagram page. The woman said that the artist attended a memorial service dedicated to forty days since the death of Julia. In the pictures, the singer looks tired.

Fans do not get tired of wishing Andrey strength and patience. They believe that the artist will be able to cope with the tragedy and will still smile sunnyly in the pictures.

At the age of 51, Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova, the elder sister of the soloist of Ivanushki International Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov, died. Yulia Grigoryeva-Apollonova suffered from severe asthma.

In Sochi, at the age of 52, the elder sister of the soloist of Ivanushki International, Yulia, suddenly died.

The cause of death is being established, but it is known that the woman suffered from severe asthma.

The death of Yulia Grigoryeva-Apollonova was one of the first to be reported by her husband Andrei, who, after the wedding two years ago, took his wife's surname.

“My beloved girl, my daughter, my happiness, my love is gone! I can’t let you go, understand and realize the situation,” Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov Jr. wrote on his Instagram page.

At the time of his wife's death, Andrei, who, by the way, is much younger than Yulia, was in Moscow.

“I flew to Sochi at night, I can’t get home, expert-investigative actions are underway there. The reason for this outcome has not yet been established,” said the husband of Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova.

In their microblogs, friends and acquaintances of the young woman write about the death of Yulia. They are horrified by what happened.

The sudden death of a close relative of the ex-soloist of the Ivanushki International group plunged the singer's entourage into a real shock.

For example, the singer shared her sadness: "I can hardly believe that Yulia is no longer there ... My condolences to all friends, relatives ... Rest in peace."

She accompanied her message with a photo from Julia's wedding. Among the guests of the holiday, the picture shows the former soloist of the Ivanushki International group, whose sudden death shocked all fans at the end of June.

Not so long ago, Yulia Grigoryeva-Apollonova and her husband Andrey celebrated the anniversary of family life. On June 10, 2015, the singer's sister married her lover, with whom she had lived in a civil marriage for 15 years.

The couple registered the relationship in the Sochi registry office.

Yulia's brother Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov took an active part in organizing the wedding of his beloved sister, with whom he had a very warm relationship. The woman worked as a dresser in his group.

A message about the sudden death of Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova also appeared on the fan page of the Ivanushki International group.

"Many fans of the group know Andrei's sister, she was the second mother to the guys and fans. Personally, always looking at Yulia, I wanted such a friend - light, cheerful, kind, even from afar you feel light and warm ... Too early and unexpectedly ... ", - one of the fans admitted.

Everyone who knew Yulia Grigorieva-Apollonova mourns her untimely departure and talks about what a wonderful, kind and bright person this woman was. Friends and fans post posts in memory of the sister of the ex-soloist of the Ivanushki International group with a hashtag #yulyagrigoryevaappolonova.

“I don’t want to believe. Yulechka, rest in peace. You were incredible, kind and one of those who could call at any time of the year and day just like that, for no reason and ask: “Omarchik, how are you?” It hurts inside that such cheerful and full of kindness people leave suddenly," her friend Omar Bayramov mourns the woman's untimely departure.

"Julia, so kind and open, never passed by ... Andrei, hold on," photographer Gulshat Abyzova mourns along with the relatives of the deceased woman.
