Beauty is not given to us by nature, but it is achievable with constant care. Folk remedies, traditional medicine recipes for facial skin care

After a long winter, some people's skin began to peel off, while others began to shine. Decorative cosmetics are no longer able to cope with their work and do not hide imperfections on the skin well. using folk recipes is an excellent solution. Grandma's recipes - folk skin care products will help you solve the problem.
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Face masks

Masks for oily skin

We bring to your attention effective masks for oily skin:

  • In one spoon of warm milk, stir: 1 teaspoon of yeast; beat the egg white; add 2 tablespoons of grated sweet and sour apple to the mixture; Combine 2 tablespoons of grated apple with potato flour (1 teaspoon).
  • Mix the white of a chicken egg with: 1 teaspoon of potato flour; 1 teaspoon cranberry juice.

All masks are applied for 15 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Oat mask for sensitive skin

If your skin is overly irritable and sensitive, it will like masks made from oats, as well as from flaxseed:

For three tablespoons of warm water or milk, take one tablespoon of oatmeal, let it swell, apply this warm paste to your face.

For two glasses of hot water, add one tablespoon of flaxseed and put on fire. When the flax seed has boiled and turned into a paste, cool it until warm and apply it to your face. These masks are very soothing to the skin.

Herbal masks

Masks of their medicinal herbs have an equally calming effect

The benefits of natural herbal balms for the skin

The effect of all herbal balms that Mother Nature herself created is priceless. They contain plant hormones, phytoncides, biogenic stimulants and all kinds of vitamins.

All these components are capable of improving metabolism, have a beneficial effect on the skin and prevent its premature aging.

Apply nourishing cream at night only to areas of your face where wrinkles are expected to appear or where they have already appeared.

Apply the cream or wipe the face with the desired composition with light and gentle movements. Stretching the skin of the face is not acceptable.

If necessary, apply the cream to your face in this order:

  • from the middle of the forehead - towards the temples;
  • from the temples - towards the inner corners of the eyes;
  • from the upper lip (its middle) to the middle of both cheeks.
  • from the middle of the chin - towards the cheeks.

Face masks for puffiness

Are you worried about facial swelling? If you do not suffer from heart or kidney disease, simply limit your salt and liquid intake, and also treat with masks.

For example, like this:

  • grate raw potatoes on a fine grater, lightly squeeze out the juice and spread the pulp on a gauze cloth, apply to your face for 15 or even 20 minutes, then rinse;
  • Finely chop the pumpkin (2 tablespoons), add a few tablespoons of water, then put it on the fire until it turns into a mushy state, remove from the heat, add a teaspoon of honey. The mask is applied to gauze, applied to the face, and compress paper is placed on top for 15 or even 20 minutes, then rinsed off.

For swelling of the face, you should take two, maybe three times a day, an infusion and decoction of birch buds, and also wipe oily facial skin three times a day with this infusion:

  • two tablespoons of birch leaf decoction;
  • five teaspoons of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of birch buds.

Rules for caring for oily skin

  1. Oily facial skin loves masks that contain acid: from berries, vegetables, fruits.
  2. Oily skin is much more difficult to take care of. In the summer, a reddish rash may often appear on the face, as well as acne and dust.
  3. Wash your face more often at this time of year with cool water at least twice a day.
  4. Before going to bed, a horsetail decoction will help dry your facial skin. Pour 1 tablespoon of horsetail with one glass of cold water, boil for 20 minutes, strain and the decoction is ready.
  5. If you have very oily skin, aloe juice will come to your aid. Since the juice is an active stimulant, it accelerates cell regeneration. Aloe juice eliminates inflammation and slows down the process of skin aging. Aloe juice in collaboration with eucalyptus juice is very good for sunburn.


Traditional medicine recipes are most often used in combination with conventional treatment or as an addition to traditional treatment. Any recipe is good after consultation with a specialist.

Don't self-medicate!

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Cosmetics are of great importance in facial care. It is designed to rejuvenate, restore, cleanse, nourish and moisturize the skin. In pursuit of beauty, many try to purchase the most expensive products. An alternative to such cosmetics are ordinary products that any housewife can find. These include fruits and vegetables, berries, medicinal herbs, dairy products, honey.

Folk cosmetics can be easily prepared at home: ice cubes, lotions, tonics, scrubs, sunscreens. The advantages of folk recipes for the face are that they are natural, cheap and time-tested.

Recipes for making ice cubes for the face

Medicinal herbs are not the only possible raw materials for ice cubes. You can use berries, juices from fruits and vegetables, still mineral water. In order to choose the right liquid, you should know the characteristics of your skin. So, for a dry face, you can prepare a decoction with chamomile, calendula, mint or flax. Take a tablespoon of crushed flowers and pour a glass of water over them.

Leave for several hours. Pour only cold infusion into the ice tray.

It is useful to wipe oily skin with citrus juices (orange, lemon, grapefruit). Combine juice with water in a 1:1 ratio. Herbs for oily skin include coltsfoot, thyme, and yarrow. They are characterized by an antiseptic effect and the ability to influence blood circulation in the capillaries.

Use ice cubes from carrot juice to wipe normal skin. You just need to take into account that carrots can turn your face into a tan.

If your goal is to moisturize the skin, prepare the following mixture: 100 ml of still mineral water, 1 tsp. milk or cream and 0.5 tsp. any oil (peach, flaxseed, jojoba, coconut, almond). Shake it well before pouring the mixture into the molds. Rubbing with ice and oil in the composition can fully replace the cream.

Milk and oils not only help moisturize your face, but also help slow down aging and the formation of wrinkles.

If you need to eliminate puffiness under the eyes, mix 1 tbsp. parsley juice, 150 ml green tea, 0.5 tsp. peach butter and freeze the mixture. Wipe your eyelids in the morning or evening before bed.

Honey scrub recipes

The scrub is a wonderful product that helps make your facial skin soft and velvety. To make a scrub at home, you will need honey and coffee. The first component nourishes, restores and evens out the skin, and the second component polishes. So, take 40 grams of ground coffee and 2 tbsp. any honey and mix. If the skin is very dry, you need to add 1 tsp to the mixture. almond oil If desired, add another spoonful of wheat germ. Let the mixture sit for half an hour, then it can be used.

To make the scrub smooth, apply it to steamed skin.

In addition, honey scrub can be prepared with cocoa. Take 100 grams of honey, 100 ml of olive oil, 50 grams of cocoa, 2 tsp. finely ground salts. Use the mixture for normal to oily skin, as dry skin usually reacts negatively to salt. If necessary, add oatmeal instead of salt.

If you want the polish to be fragrant, add 15 drops of orange, violet or any other essential oil to it. Honey scrubs are natural cosmetics for the face. With their help you can fully care for your skin.

DIY rose water

This water is an excellent tonic and also does a great job of cleansing the skin.. It makes the skin soft and helps fight signs of aging. There are 2 ways to prepare rose water:

  • You will need: 4 rose buds, 2 glasses of distilled water, a heat-resistant vessel, a glass jar. Place the washed rose petals in a vessel and fill with two glasses of hot water. Close the container with a lid and wait until the contents have cooled completely. Now you just need to strain the liquid and pour it into jars. The product can be stored in the refrigerator for ten days;
  • For the second method, among other things, you will need enamel dishes. Place the petals on the bottom of the dish. Add distilled water. Place the container in a steam bath for one hour. The rose water is ready when the petals turn pale. Strain the broth thoroughly. If a short shelf life is not suitable for you, add a tablespoon of alcohol to the lotion. The resulting tonic is good for a month.

Cosmetics based on rose petals are suitable for any skin type. The aromatic liquid has the property of tightening pores, so it is especially good for skin prone to the formation of comedones and acne.

Homemade cucumber lotion

Another face lotion that you can make at home is cucumber lotion. This cosmetic product is used for all skin types and especially for normal and oily skin. It perfectly regulates the active activity of the sebaceous glands and helps reduce enlarged pores. Cucumber juice has a brightening effect.

In addition, to prepare the lotion you can use the following as a basis:

  • mint;
  • aloe vera gel;
  • fruit juices;
  • rose water.

To prepare a cleansing lotion, mix cucumber juice and rose water in equal proportions. Pour the mixture into a sterile container. The lotion will keep in the refrigerator for about a week.

For oily skin, mix cucumber puree, 100 grams of rose water, 1 tsp. honey, 1 yolk and 50 grams of alcohol. Then leave the lotion in some dark place for about 5-6 days. After this, strain and use for two weeks.

If you want to prepare a moisturizing lotion, take 100 grams of cucumber juice, 50 grams of rose water, 30 grams of aloe vera gel. Mix all the elements and place in a clean bottle. Wipe your face and neck with lotion every day.

Sunscreen lotion: recipe

With the arrival of summer, the sun's rays act on the skin of the face very aggressively. Sunscreen cosmetics are often very expensive, so you can try making UV protection at home. Take zinc oxide as a basis, which is often used in cosmetics of this type..

So, in a glass bowl, heat 1 tbsp. zinc oxide, 0.5 tsp. sesame oil After this, add 1 tbsp. l. rose water. It is advisable to use a microwave for heating. Store the resulting sunscreen lotion in a cool, dark place. To avoid burning, apply it to your face every two hours. Remember that homemade lotion may not be as effective as store-bought sunscreen.

Sugar scrub: recipe

  • Sugar scrub provides quite delicate care, so it is suitable for any skin type. So, you will need 50 grams of granulated sugar, 0.5 tsp. olive oil, 20 grams of honey, 3 drops of lemon oil, 1 tsp. ground coffee. Just combine all the ingredients and the scrub is ready;
  • Another option: 50 grams of granulated sugar, 0.5 tsp. grape seed oil, 1 tsp. orange juice, a few drops of any oil extract, 3 tbsp. milk. This scrub is most suitable for sagging skin, as it contains a lot of oils and milk. The product is also recommended for use on skin with rashes.

The benefits of a sugar scrub are that it unclogs pores and is quickly absorbed into the skin. This product prevents the appearance of acne and pimples, unlike cosmetics that clog pores. And even if there are rashes on the face, the scrub can be used, because the procedure is absolutely non-traumatic. The product is also used to exfoliate lips.

Now you have a sufficient range of options for folk cosmetics to maintain your beauty and freshness using natural means. Enjoy it and be beautiful!

Folk cosmetics

In this section we offer original recommendations for caring for the skin of the face, neck, hands, and hair. We present available lotions, masks, creams (for all skin types), they are easy to prepare at home, we give useful tips, following which you can maintain an attractive appearance and good mood.

Cosmetics - the art of being beautiful - is as ancient as the history of mankind itself. According to one legend, the ability to paint one's face was given to man by the god Hermes. People decorated their faces so that bread would grow better, livestock would multiply, healthy children would be born, and also to protect against the evil eye and witchcraft. The aromas were believed to have a calming effect. With their help, people tried to improve their mood. And now we know for sure that this is not mysticism, but reality - indeed, pleasant smells give a person cheerfulness and optimism, and even increase efficiency. Some factories in Japan use aromatic products to relieve fatigue.

Even in ancient times, people knew how to make cosmetics from tree bark, flowers, leaves and fruits of plants. This skill was passed down from generation to generation.

Medicinal plants were widely used for cosmetic purposes in Rus'. Women have long known and skillfully used products for whitening their faces, softening the skin of their hands, and for hair care. Ancient “herbalists” and “healing books” have been preserved with descriptions of the properties of various herbs and methods of their use.

Among the many products used for the prevention and treatment of cosmetic defects, a significant place is occupied by plants that contain substances that improve metabolic processes in skin cells, help in the fight against premature aging, nourish, disinfect, tonic, soften, eliminate or prevent the appearance of defects and etc. The substances contained in plants have a beneficial effect on the body, in contrast to synthetic products, the use of which can lead to adverse consequences.

Folk cosmetics

Wrinkles are thin, wrinkled skin, most often on the face. Lines, folds, bags, and just loose skin appear around the eyes and mouth.

Wrinkles are a thing of old age; no one is immune from them, but it is possible to delay the appearance of wrinkles and reduce their number.

The more mobile the face, the sooner wrinkles appear on it. Calm people always have fewer wrinkles than nervous, hot-tempered people.

After washing, you should never dry your face with a towel, moving it from the eyes to the chin (which almost everyone does), as this contributes to the appearance of two deep folds running from the nose to the corners of the lips. You need to guide the towel from your chin to your eyes.

If possible, you need to squint your eyes less, this causes the appearance of “paws” around the eyes - small wrinkles that diverge to the sides.

Sometimes women, wanting to lose weight, resort to excessive dietary restrictions and fasting. As a result, the figure actually becomes thinner, but more wrinkles appear on the face and they appear before their time. Therefore, you need to observe moderation without reducing yourself to thinness. When dieting for weight loss, the face first loses weight, causing the skin to become wrinkled. Excessive fullness stretches the elastic fibers of the skin and also leads to the appearance of wrinkles.

The skin becomes wrinkled when overusing cosmetics. Improper use of cosmetics leads to premature aging of the skin.

“The formation of wrinkles is a consequence of long-term illnesses. Sometimes wrinkles arise from severe stress, from exhaustion, from debauchery and from drowsiness. Therefore, one must observe the rules about sleep, nutrition, movement and passions. Fat people, when they lose weight, are much more likely to get wrinkles, and through this they take on the appearance of old people. From this it follows that in order to avoid early old age, one must avoid too early obesity of the body.” (“Home Medicine”, 1866).
It is wrong to think that you need to start taking care of your skin only after wrinkles appear - you need to start taking care of the fresh appearance and preservation of skin tone in advance, at about 20 years of age.

An important factor in skin care is nutrition, which prevents premature aging, improves condition, maintains elasticity, and prevents the formation of wrinkles.

When choosing a nourishing cream, you should carefully read the instructions and take into account your age. If wrinkles appear at a young age, this does not mean that you need to use creams recommended for women after 30 years of age. After all, wrinkles can be of a facial nature or arise as a result of improper facial skin care.

It is very useful to apply nourishing cream to your neck daily or every other day and massage the submandibular part with quick pats with the back of your fingers in turn: with your left hand, starting from the middle - to the left, and with your right hand - to the right to the ear.

Such a massage while applying the cream protects the neck from wrinkles and folds, and most importantly, prevents the appearance of fatty deposits, which (especially in old age) form a double chin.

To smooth out wrinkles with dry skin, it is useful to lubricate your face with night cream in the evening, apply massage and use masks (see “Facial skin care”), and exercises for facial muscles.

To smooth out wrinkles, you need to use masks that match your skin type (dry, oily). If there are no components for making a mask, you should use the simplest remedy - an egg, and the yolk is used for dry skin, and the white for oily skin.

It is necessary to monitor your facial expressions: the habit of wrinkling your forehead leads to the appearance of deep wrinkles.

You should not expose your face to the sun for a long time, as this causes the tissues to lose a lot of moisture, and it is moisture that gives the skin elasticity and softness.
While walking, do not look at your feet - always walk with your head held high. Good posture prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the neck and the formation of a double chin.

Folk cosmetics

A fine network of wrinkles, flabby, flabby skin of the lower eyelids, and especially bags under the eyes, make the face painful and increase age. Very often this is not only a consequence of fatigue, but also a sign of illness; in this case, you should consult a doctor. Masks made from potatoes will help you get rid of bags under your eyes temporarily and make this defect less noticeable. Grate one medium-sized potato on a plastic grater and apply the resulting mass to previously cleansed skin of the lower eyelids, after 20 minutes. rinse with cold water and lubricate the eyelids with a thin layer of cream. A potato mask will also help if the bags under the eyes do not bother you, but the skin of the lower eyelids is nevertheless flabby, sluggish, and covered with a fine network of wrinkles.

In this case, the potatoes should be boiled in their skins, then ground in a saucer, adding a teaspoon of sour cream, and applied warm to the skin, starting from the outer corners of the eyes. In 20 minutes. rinse with cool water. Apply eye cream to damp skin.

"0 means to eradicate wrinkles from the face"
It is necessary to heat an iron shovel and pour crushed powder from myra onto it. The smoke that comes from this should be smoked on the face. So that it can act strongly and not fly apart, you should cover your face with some kind of towel. In this way you should smoke your face three times. After which you need to light this shovel again and when it gets really hot, moisten it with hot grape wine, which you need to take into your mouth first and let it flow from it onto the iron so that the steam goes straight to your face. This should also be done two or three times in the mornings and evenings for as long as is convenient for anyone.” (“Home Healer”).

"A product that removes wrinkles from the face"
If anyone wants to have good skin on their face and remove wrinkles from their face, then they need to take flowing and melted water that has been crushed, for example, from under a mill wheel. If there is no such thing, then the ship is full of contents for a long time. Strain this water through a clean canvas and, pouring it into a new pot, put a handful of washed barley into it and cook until the barley grains sprout. Then it is removed from the fire, filtered again through a linen rag and poured into a glass damask so that a fourth of it remains empty.

After this, for 1 pound of this water, add 3 drops of white Peruvian balsam, with which this water hangs continuously for 10-12 hours until the balm completely combines with the water, and the water becomes cloudy and somewhat whitish, and then she will be ready.

This water is used once every day and produces miracles. But before using it, you should wash your face every time with running rainwater.” (“Home Healer”).

Anti-wrinkle mixture
Strawberry juice - 50 ml, cucumber juice - 50 ml, salicylic acid - 0.6 g, 70° alcohol - 100 ml, water - 50 ml.

This mixture is used to wipe the face, but its effect is even more effective if you moisten a thin layer of cotton wool and apply it to the face for 5-10 minutes. For oily skin, use alcohol, and for dry skin, use water and wine.

Yeast mask
Yeast, rich in B vitamins, has a tonic effect on the skin, increasing blood circulation and metabolic processes, and helps cleanse pores. They are recommended for normal, oily and dry, aging skin.

Grind half a stick of yeast, gradually adding warm milk (for normal skin), vegetable oil (for dry skin), 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (for oily skin) until it reaches the consistency of sour cream. The mixture is applied to the face in layers, the mask is kept on for 20 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. The course of treatment consists of 20 masks.

Beans are an excellent cosmetic product. Boiled fruits, pureed through a sieve, in combination with lemon juice and vegetable oil give the skin the necessary nutrition, make it healthier, and eliminate wrinkles.


Skin cleansers

  • Lemon
    • Oily skin can be wiped several times a day with a cotton swab soaked in lemon juice or just a slice of lemon.
    • You can wipe your face with a mixture of lemon juice and water (1 teaspoon of juice per 1/4 cup of water).
    • Rubbing with lemon juice is recommended to reduce the oiliness of the facial skin. Before going to bed, lubricate your face with lemon juice and rinse with water in the morning.
    • To wash without soap, add lemon juice - 1.5 - 2 tablespoons of juice per 1 liter of water. For normal skin - 1 tablespoon.
  • Chamomile inflorescence tincture
    Pour one tablespoon of inflorescences with 10 tablespoons of vodka, leave for 7 days in a dark glass container with a tight lid, strain. Used to wipe oily, porous skin (1 - 2 times a week)
  • Peppermint leaves - 1 tablespoon, chamomile herb (or sage leaves) - 1 tablespoon.
    Brew the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, leave until it cools, strain. Used as lotions and rubs for oily skin, gaping pores, and acne.

In the morning it is useful to wash your face with a decoction of calendula, St. John's wort, bodan, mint, string, sage, wormwood. These plants reduce oily skin and give it a velvety feel. From this collection you can make not only a decoction, but also an alcohol tincture, which before use is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, and wiped on the face like a lotion.

  • Salt treatments
    If there are comedones (blackheads, inflamed and non-inflamed) on the skin, or acne, so-called salt procedures are recommended. Use a cotton swab soaked in soap suds and sprinkled with fine table salt for 1 - 2 minutes. wipe your face in a circular motion. Salt crystals destroy blockages in the sebaceous ducts and promote better release of sebum from the glands. Therefore, after salt cleansing, it is necessary to disinfect the skin with alcohol lotions. Then the face is washed with water. These procedures can be done 2 - 3 times a week.
  • Nourishing lotion
    Add half a glass of cologne, camphor alcohol and quince juice drop by drop to the beaten white of 1 egg. It is recommended to cleanse oily, porous facial skin with a cotton swab dipped in this lotion. After the procedure, it becomes soft, smooth, and velvety.
  • Quince
    Finely chop the quince, pour a glass of vodka or 20% alcohol, leave for 7-10 days, strain. Wipe your face with the resulting lotion or soak a thin layer of cotton wool and apply a mask (except for the eyes, nostrils and mouth) for 15 - 20 minutes. When the cotton wool dries, re-moisten it with the infusion. After completing the procedure, rinse your face with warm water. Recommended for oily, porous skin.
  • Aloe
    Oily, porous, acne-prone skin can be wiped with canned aloe juice. For preservation, add 1 part alcohol to 4 parts juice. Store in a cool, dark place in a stoppered bottle.
  • Orange
    Grate a whole orange with its peel, pour half a glass of vodka over the resulting pulp, leave for 5-7 days in a dark place, then strain, squeeze out the mixture and add 1 teaspoon of glycerin. It is recommended to wipe oily, porous skin every evening with this lotion.
    A lotion made from equal parts of watermelon and peach juices is used to wipe the face for any skin type.
  • Birch
    Pour crushed dried young birch bark with cold water in a ratio of 1:5, leave for 8 hours, then strain. The infusion is used to wipe oily, acne-prone skin and has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect.
  • Oak bark
    For wiping and lotions for oily, porous skin, prone to acne, make a 5-10% decoction of oak bark. Put 10-20 g of crushed bark in an enamel bowl, add a glass of water, close the bowl with a lid. Boil the mixture over low heat or a water bath for 30 minutes, strain and add boiled water to the original volume. The procedure helps reduce sebum secretion, tightens pores, and makes the skin firm and elastic.
  • Strawberries
    To cleanse oily skin, pour 1/2 cup of mashed wild strawberries into a glass of vodka, leave for 1 month, strain, mix half and half with water. Wipe your face at any convenient time.
  • For oily skin, it is recommended to wipe your face with a mixture of equal amounts of fresh cabbage and cucumber juices.
  • For oily, porous skin, 10 - 15 minutes. Before washing, wipe your face well with sauerkraut juice.
  • For oily skin and sweating of the face in the summer, rubbing with an infusion of coltsfoot leaves and yarrow herb, mixed in equal parts, has a good effect. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, strain the infusion after 7-8 hours.

Masks for oily skin

  • Carrot
    Grate large juicy carrots. If very juicy, mix the pulp with a small amount of talcum powder. Apply the prepared paste to your face. Recommended for oily, acne-prone, aging, pale skin.
  • Tomato pulp
    Place tomato pieces on your face. Recommended for oily, sallow skin with large pores.
  • Currant
    Crush a handful of white and red currants, mix the juice with 1 tablespoon of potato flour, apply the paste to your face. It tightens pores well.
  • Mix finely grated carrots with egg whites, whipped into a strong foam, add flour until a paste-like mass forms. Apply the mask to the face and neck for 15 - 20 minutes. In the evening, wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in cabbage juice.
  • Cabbage
    Grind the cabbage leaves in a meat grinder and mix the pulp with the whipped egg whites. Apply to face and neck for 25 - 30 minutes.
  • Grape
    Take 2-3 grapes, bite the skin and wipe your face and neck with the juice. After 15 - 20 minutes. wash off.
  • Apple
    Peel a medium-sized apple, cut into cubes and boil in a small amount of milk until a thick paste forms. Apply warm paste to face and after 20 minutes. rinse with cold water.
  • Cucumber tincture
    Grate 2 cucumbers, add 100 ml of vodka, mix and leave to infuse in a glass container for 7 days, strain. Moisten a gauze mask with the tincture and apply to the face for 15 minutes. Used to tighten pores on oily, porous skin.
  • Strawberries
    For oily skin, we recommend a mask prepared from a mixture of well-beaten egg whites and 2 tablespoons of wild strawberry pulp in a ratio of 7:7. Apply the mask for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. For oily skin with enlarged pores, you can add 1 teaspoon of lemon or grapefruit juice to the mixture.
  • Lemon
    Finely chop the lemon, pour a glass of vodka, let it brew for 8-10 days. Soak a layer of cotton wool in the infusion and apply to the face for 15 - 20 minutes. After removing the mask, do not wash your face. The mask tightens pores and smoothes wrinkles.


Dry skin, more common in people with light brown or red hair, is prone to the premature formation of wrinkles and folds. In addition, it reacts poorly to temperature fluctuations and weather changes - and spots, cracks and inflammation often form on the skin.

At cosmetic care for dry skin First of all, you need to prevent it from drying out further. When washing your face, especially your face, you should use as little water as possible, as it removes the scant but much-needed fat film from the surface of the skin. In all cases, it is better to use softened water (rain, boiled or with the addition of baking soda). For dry skin, superfat toilet soap “Cosmetic”, “Spermaceti”, “Children’s” (the latter is the most alkali-free soap) is suitable. It is recommended to cleanse the face with cosmetic milk or rich emulsion cream. Nourishing vitamin creams and creams with hormonal supplements are good for caring for dry skin. It is undesirable to use products containing glycerin or having astringent properties. On the contrary, oil face masks are recommended.

You should only wash your face with soap if absolutely necessary; it is good to use green cosmetics.

It is harmful to wash your face with cold water in the summer heat - if your face is sweaty, it is better to rinse it with lukewarm water without soap. There is no need to wash your face often, that is, several times a day, unless absolutely necessary.

  • Infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants for cleansing dry skin
    To wash without soap, use infusions and decoctions of medicinal plants, as well as boiled water with various additives. It is advisable to prepare infusions 2-3 days in advance. Pour two tablespoons of herbs into 1 liter of boiled water and, closing the lid, leave for 10-20 minutes, strain. For dry skin, an infusion of peppermint herb, parsley herb, coltsfoot herb, and rose petals is recommended.
  • Emulsion for facial cleansing
    Take 1 egg yolk, juice of 1 lemon or 1 cucumber, 1/2 cup fresh sour cream, 1 tablespoon of vodka. Mix everything thoroughly, strain through cheesecloth, pour into a glass bottle and store in a cool place.
  • After washing with soap, it is useful to rinse any skin type with acidified water (1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice per 0.5 liter of water). Soap can be replaced with shaving cream.
  • Eau de toilette for dry skin
    Pour two tablespoons of wheat grains with 1 glass of vinegar or white wine. Leave for 3 - 5 days, then strain and add 1 egg yolk to the infusion. This “milk” is useful for cleansing your skin in the evening.
  • Yolk-oil mixture for particularly sensitive dry skin
    Beat half the egg yolk thoroughly with 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil until it reaches the consistency of mayonnaise. Apply the resulting mixture to your face after 10 minutes. rinse with water.
  • Bran soap
    If the skin begins to peel, it is better to replace soap with bran - wheat, oat, rice or almond. Wash your face with cool water. Then pour 1-2 tablespoons of bran onto your palm, moisten them with warm water and wipe your face with the resulting slurry. After this, wash your face again with cool water. If time permits, the paste can be left on the face for 5 - 10 minutes and then washed. Bran not only cleanses the skin, but also slightly softens and whitens it.
  • Milk
    At home, you can wash your face with this solution: pour 50 ml of milk into 200 ml of boiling water, remove from heat and leave for several hours (overnight) until a sediment forms. Drain the top part of the mixture, soak a cotton swab in it and wipe your face.
  • Linden decoction
    If your face is peeling, you can use the following cleansing procedure. Prepare linden decoction: pour 1 teaspoon of crushed linden blossom into 100 ml of cold water, bring to a boil, leave for 15 minutes. over low heat. Strain the broth, add 1 teaspoon of flower honey. Apply this mixture generously to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck for a week. It is better to do the procedure while lying down, with the body extremely relaxed.
  • Orange eau de toilette
    Orange peel, which contains oil that is very beneficial for the skin, can be used to prepare eau de toilette. To do this, pour boiling water over the peel, leave until cool, and strain. Rinse your face with the resulting eau de toilette morning and evening or wipe with a cotton swab dipped in it.
  • Black bread
    To clean and wash your face, you can use the crumb of black bread, which must first be softened in water. Lubricate your face with the resulting paste, and after 2-3 minutes. wash it off with water.
  • Corn flour
    Washing with a mixture of corn flour (2-3 teaspoons) and sweet almond flour (1 teaspoon) has a good effect on dry and sensitive skin. Use the mixture in the same way as bran.
  • Elder flowers
    Pour a glass of boiling water over five to six elderberry inflorescences, leave for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Rinse your face with this infusion in the morning and evening for dry, sensitive skin. The procedure is carried out over 2 weeks, each time preparing a fresh infusion. This rinse softens and cleanses the skin, relieves irritation.
  • Strawberry water
    Strawberry water is suitable for wiping any skin: mash 250 g of fresh fruit with a spoon, squeeze through a thin cloth, add a pinch of soda, a few drops of alcohol to the juice, stir well and pour in 1/4 cup of milk. In the morning, lubricate your face with this mixture and after 10 minutes. rinse with water at room temperature. The mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for several days.
  • Strawberry lotion
    Stir a tablespoon of mashed strawberries in a glass of cold boiled water, strain through several layers of gauze or cotton wool, add 1/2 teaspoon of glycerin. Cleanses and nourishes dry skin.

Masks for dry skin

  • Cabbage
    • Boil chopped fresh cabbage leaves in milk until it becomes a paste. Apply to face and neck for 20 minutes.
    • Take a few cabbage leaves and scald them with a little boiling water until they become soft. Remove the leaves from the water, moisten them with vegetable oil and cover your face and neck with them. In 20 minutes. Remove the leaves and wash with warm chamomile decoction.
  • Zucchini
    Cut thin long strips of raw zucchini and apply them to your face and neck. In 20 minutes. remove the strips and wash your face with unboiled milk. Recommended not only for dry, but also for rough skin to prevent wrinkles.
  • Head lettuce
    Lettuce leaves are finely chopped, ground and mixed with vegetable oil and a spoon of lemon juice.
  • Tomato
    Mix the grated tomato with a small amount of starch until a paste is obtained, add a few drops of vegetable oil. Keep the mask on your face for 15 - 20 minutes.
  • Grind fresh leaves of raspberries, blackberries, viburnum, coltsfoot. Lubricate the skin with rich cream, put a mask of leaves on top. Keep for 10-15 minutes.
  • Nourishing mask
    A good nourishing mask for dry skin is the following: lemon juice - 20 g, spermaceti - 10 g, beeswax - 10 g, alcohol - 5 g. Apply the mask on the face in a thin layer for 20 -30 minutes.
  • One egg yolk, 1 incomplete tablespoon of sour cream, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Stir, add 1 tablespoon of boiled water.
  • Beat two egg whites until foam forms, add 2-10 drops of lemon juice, then 1 tablespoon of heated honey. The mask has moisturizing properties.
  • Honey-milk mask
    Mix honey with an equal amount of milk (cream, sour cream, cottage cheese). Use for dull, dry, yellowish skin. Softens the skin and slightly whitens it.
  • Pork lard mask
    To relieve inflammation or nourish dry skin, you can lubricate it with unsalted pork fat. In 20 minutes. rinse off first with hot and then with cold water.
  • Potato mask
    • For dry, inflamed skin prone to dermatoses, nourishing masks made from potatoes with sour cream or cream, applied warm to the face for 15 to 20 minutes, help.
    • Stir mashed boiled potatoes with olive oil, add a few drops of lemon juice. Apply the paste to your face for 20 minutes, rinse off first with hot and then with cold water.


Cleansers for normal skin

  • Orange juice
    Peel the orange and squeeze the juice through cheesecloth or a strainer. Use a cotton swab dipped in juice to lubricate your face, neck and chest. After 1-2 hours, rinse the skin with cold water and let it dry without wiping. You can also wipe your face with orange juice diluted with water. For the first time, moisten the tampon lightly, and when wiping it repeatedly, moisten it generously.
  • A lotion made from equal parts of watermelon and peach juice is used to wipe the face for any skin type.
  • Birch sap lotion
    To 100 ml of birch sap add 20 ml of alcohol or 15 ml of glycerin and alcohol. It is recommended to wipe your face and neck with this lotion morning and evening. Rubbing perfectly tones any skin.
  • Lotion made from a decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile
    • A lotion made from a decoction of St. John's wort and chamomile cleanses and disinfects the skin well. Before preparing it, mix 120 ml of St. John's wort decoction (1 tablespoon of dry herbs: leaves and flowers, pour a glass of boiling water, boil for 10-15 minutes, strain), 30 ml of chamomile decoction (1-2 tablespoons of dried inflorescences, pour a glass of water and boil for 10 min., cool, strain), 30 ml of vodka and 10 ml of glycerin. Store in the refrigerator.
    • An infusion of St. John's wort and chamomile inflorescences (2 teaspoons of St. John's wort and chamomile per glass of boiling water) has a refreshing, softening and soothing effect on any type of facial skin.
  • Strawberry lotion
    To cleanse normal skin, prepare strawberry lotion from half a glass of strawberry juice and a glass of vodka. When used, the lotion is diluted with water.
  • It is recommended to wipe normal, sensitive, easily irritated skin with the following lotion instead of washing: add 1 teaspoon of glycerin and 1/4 cup of water to the juice of half a lemon.
  • Mandarin
    Pour the tangerine peel into a porcelain bowl with cold boiled water. Cut the crust into smaller pieces in water, leave for a day, then strain. It is recommended to wipe your face or rinse it with the resulting citrus water in the morning and evening. Refreshes and rejuvenates any skin, tightens pores.
  • Mint lotion
    Pour boiling water over half a glass of dry mint herb, cover the dishes, leave for 24 hours. Then strain and add a tablespoon of glycerin. Wipe your face and neck with lotion morning and evening instead of washing your face.
  • Cucumber lotion
    To wipe dry or normal skin, you can prepare the following lotion: grate fresh cucumber, pour an equal amount of vodka or alcohol, leave for 2 weeks, strain. Before use, dilute with an equal amount of boiled water and add a teaspoon of glycerin to 100 ml of the mixture.
  • Dandelion
    • Boil two tablespoons of dandelion leaves for 15 minutes. in 1.5 glasses of water. Strain the broth and use it to wipe your face in several stages. Recommended for dry and normal skin.
    • Grind the dried roots, leaves and arrows of dandelion, fill a glass bowl with them halfway, fill to the top with any vegetable oil, close with a lid and place in a dark place for 2 weeks, strain. Wipe instead of washing in the morning or before bed on dry or normal skin.
  • Peach
    It is recommended to wipe your face with a cotton swab dipped in peach juice or a piece of cut fruit. The procedure refreshes normal facial skin and maintains its elasticity. Peach slices can be applied to the face for 15 - 20 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.

Regular care and a healthy lifestyle are the main factors that slow down the aging of the skin. The cosmetics market offers dozens of brands that promise to improve the appearance of the skin, give it youth and radiance. These products are not always effective, but almost always cost a considerable investment, so folk remedies used for facial care can be an excellent addition and even an alternative.

There are several reasons why you should not neglect homemade beauty recipes given by nature itself. Firstly, it does not require any costs. Secondly, you know for sure that you are using a pure product without dyes or preservatives. Thirdly, did you know that many of the ingredients that are included in expensive and high-quality creams and serums can be found in the kitchen or purchased inexpensively in the store? Fourthly, folk remedies have a wide range of applications and, most importantly, they work!

Before using natural recipes, you need to know exactly your skin type and its needs, otherwise care will not only not give the desired result, but may also worsen the condition of the epidermal layer.

In this article I will give you several basic facial care procedures using folk remedies.

1. An extremely important step in skin care is daily cleansing. Dust, sweat, grease, makeup residue, dirt and bacteria clog pores and can cause premature formation of wrinkles and various skin diseases. For daily cleansing, you can use not only the right lotion or foam. There are quite a lot of products that work no worse than store-bought products.

Milk, kefir and honey are excellent natural cleansers that are suitable for all skin types. Soak a cotton pad in milk or kefir (add honey if desired) and wipe your face with massaging movements. Wait 5-10 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Coconut oil not only removes dirt and makeup, but even waterproof mascara. It is ideal for cleansing the delicate eye area. At home, you can prepare rose water or cucumber lotion, which have proven themselves to be excellent. It is better to use them every day in the morning and evening.

2. Once a week (for sensitive types - once every 10 days), be sure to use a scrub to exfoliate dead epithelium. The procedure promotes cell renewal, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, and enhances metabolic processes in tissues.

Oatmeal serves as an excellent exfoliant; it absorbs and removes surface impurities, providing complete nutrition and hydration. Mix 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal with 1/4 tsp. salt, add water or milk to form a smooth paste. Rub gently in circular motions, leave on for 5 minutes and rinse. You can add olive oil or jojoba to the recipe.

Sugar scrub, salt scrub or coffee grounds work great as an exfoliant. After the procedure, apply the mask that your skin needs.

3. Before you begin exfoliating or applying a mask, it is advisable to take a facial steam bath, which helps remove toxins and allows the pores to open, allowing nutrients to penetrate deep into the epdermal layer. Steam baths also allow for deeper cleansing.

To make the procedure more effective, it is useful to add herbs (chamomile, nettle, sage, mint) or essential oils (lavender, tea tree, orange) to the water. Green tea, for example, helps fight pimples and acne. Four tbsp. l. tea leaves and 6 tbsp. l. add chopped ginger to water and bring to a boil. Cover your head with a towel and take a bath for 10 minutes. Chamomile soothes, relieves inflammation and irritation, nettle and mint smooth out wrinkles.

4. For toning and a slight lifting effect, it is useful to use ice cubes instead of washing your face every morning. Rubbing with ice tightens the skin, stimulates blood circulation, and smoothes out wrinkles.

The procedure is not recommended for dilated capillaries, inflammatory processes and overly sensitive skin types. In this case, use lemon water (lemon juice per liter of water), milk, chamomile or green tea. These simple folk remedies for facial care will help keep your face fresh and smooth for a long time. You can get more information about washing methods.

5. Complete care is not possible without adequate skin hydration. Moisturizing masks with aloe, honey, banana, yogurt or sour cream, peach, cucumber, and oatmeal perfectly moisturize and maintain pH balance. The most effective oils are: jojoba, argan, coconut, shea, peach, pomegranate, and grape.

6. A balanced diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits and unsaturated fatty acids is the key to healthy and glowing skin. Foods high in powerful antioxidants such as vitamins A, C and E, as well as selenium, help your skin look young and well-groomed.

7. The delicate skin around the eyes requires a special approach. It lacks a lipid layer, so the first signs of aging appear in this area. Twice a week, nourishing masks are recommended, and instead of night cream, peach, coconut or shea butter works effectively.

8. Speaking about facial care with folk remedies, we cannot fail to mention oils and beeswax, with which you can prepare excellent creams for rejuvenating, nourishing and moisturizing the epidermal layer.

9. Essential oil extracts and carrier oils used in facial treatments are easily absorbed by the epidermal layer, helping to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Cellular regeneration is the key to youth and elasticity of the skin, and the biologically active nutrients of healing oils promote collagen production and stimulate regenerative processes in tissues. Sesame, peach and shea butter are excellent alternatives to sunscreens as they minimize the negative effects of harmful UV rays.

Over time, using folk remedies for facial care, you will be able to find your ideal combinations of products, herbs and oils that will allow you to maintain youthful and healthy skin for a long time.
