Hardening plan for a 1 year old child. Hardening - water procedures for children of the first year of life

  • Doesn't sleep well
  • Daytime nap
  • Hysterics
  • The best way to protect your child from diseases is to carry out timely and competent prevention. Hardening is rightfully considered one of the best preventive methods. However, there is no need to rush headlong into extreme procedures; parents need to take into account various factors, such as the baby’s health status, the characteristics of his immunity, and his age. The famous children's doctor Evgeniy Komarovsky often tells parents how to properly approach the issues of hardening toddlers, preschool and school-age children.

    What it is

    Hardening children is a set of measures to influence the children's body from various natural factors, such as sunlight, water, air, and so on. Often it is based on contrast (a decrease and increase in ambient temperature in relation to the child’s body temperature, an increase and increase in atmospheric pressure. The goal is to bring the body into “combat readiness”, adapt it to possible external stress, thereby increasing its ability to withstand negative influence.

    Doctors have long proven that systematic hardening improves cell composition, all organs and systems begin to act more harmoniously and better. Sleep and appetite improve, blood circulation is normalized, metabolic processes, adaptation mechanisms are improved faster, the nervous system is strengthened. This method of prevention was known to the healers of Ancient Greece and Rome.

    Medicine knows many methods of hardening. The simplest and most accessible at home are wiping and dousing, contrast showers, sunbathing, sports and walks in the fresh air. A relatively long stay in ice water (the so-called winter swimming) is not recommended for children; contrasting alternation of warm and cool water is better for them.

    You can harden the child either entirely or practice local procedures- hardening the throat, for example (there is a well-known and tasty way for this - ice cream). It is important that the therapy be constant, because after a long break, the effect of hardening is reduced to a minimum, and then completely lost.

    Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

    Evgeny Komarovsky, like many of his colleagues, believes that all children are born with great immune capabilities and abilities. And the first years of a new person’s life are connected, alas, with the fact that the people who love them most - parents - do everything possible and impossible to destroy these innate abilities to adapt to the world around them. To do this, they do not do anything supernatural, it is enough to create greenhouse conditions for the baby, dress warmly, monitor the sterility of the food that the baby eats, close the windows and doors tightly, and give the child various medications more often.

    And here is the actual episode of Dr. Komarovsky’s program dedicated to children’s hardening.

    The result will be a child who will often and severely get sick with all imaginable and inconceivable diseases, the first place among them will definitely be taken by colds and viral infections.

    Evgeniy Olegovich is sure that children need to begin to be hardened from birth. The main thing is to do this every day, without missing a single procedure, and to approach hardening for reasons of reason. If mom and dad thought about it and decided that they want to harden their child, they should start by consulting a pediatrician. The specialist will examine the baby,, if necessary, prescribe laboratory tests, and render his verdict on whether this particular child can be hardened, and which of the known methods is better to choose.

    When hardening is undesirable


    For a baby who has just been born, the usual rituals are quite suitable for hardening - morning exercises, changing clothes for a walk, evening swimming.

    If the pediatrician allows it, you can gradually start pouring cold water over the baby’s feet, first with cool water, and then with cold water. The duration of the procedures should gradually increase. It is not necessary to practice contrast baths, but walks should become a mandatory attribute of every baby’s day; Evgeniy Komarovsky recommends walking with him, regardless of weather conditions and time of year. Washing is the very first hardening.

    You can douse a child from birth, observing the temperature regime, which we have already described above. This should be done once a day, after bathing. First, they carefully pour over the heels, then the legs, arms, belly and smoothly move to the back of the baby’s head.

    From the age of six months, the baby can be wiped with water using a special flannel mitten. At first, only the arms and legs, then you can wipe the back, and lastly, the chest and tummy.

    Sunbathing is very beneficial for babies, because under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, vitamin D is produced, which the body needs to prevent rickets from developing. The main thing is to dose the baby’s exposure to the sun and avoid prolonged exposure to direct rays on the baby’s skin.

    Children aged 3 years and older

    It's never too late to toughen up, Evgeny Komarovsky is convinced. Therefore, such procedures can be started for a child at any age, if this was not practiced by parents in infancy. The approach is still the same, however, starting from the age of three, you can use a contrast shower, and from the age of 4, the child can be doused with cold water on the street, however, without fanaticism. From the age of three, a child can be allowed to spend quite a long time in the fresh air on a warm day in the summer in just shorts. Regular visits to the pool are useful.

    • Changing conditions (water temperature, for example) should be done only gradually. A sharp jump can negatively affect the child’s well-being.
    • It is advisable to carry out the procedures in a playful way, so that the baby perceives what is happening as a fun activity and wants to harden himself.
    • If the child begins to inadequately perceive the next increase or decrease in the temperature of water and air, he cries and is capricious, the procedure should be stopped and the next day return to the previous temperature level.
    • When dousing and wiping, the genitals of boys should be covered to prevent temperature changes in the genital area, as this can subsequently negatively affect reproductive function.
    • Under no circumstances should you overfeed your child. He should eat when he wants it, and not when “the time has come,” according to mom and dad. A healthy baby is always a little hungry, moderately thin and very active, says Komarovsky. These three words should become guidelines for caring parents.
    • Evgeniy Komarovsky considers one of the most important factors in his hardening system to be the creation of normal conditions in the house where the child lives. Regular ventilation is needed at any time of the year, especially if the baby is sick. The air temperature in the room should not exceed 18-20 degrees, humidity - 40-60%.
    • You cannot wrap your child up; he should always be dressed appropriately for the weather. The way you dress yourself. The thermoregulation of a small body can be disrupted by the fact that an overly loving mother or grandmother dressed the little one for a walk in 2-3 blouses and a couple of jackets on top. Sweating is a surefire way to catch a cold.
    • Parents should be guided by the child’s reaction to hardening. The temperature of water and air are purely individual factors, for some they will be higher, for others lower, it all depends on how comfortable the baby will feel during the procedures.

    Kindergarten is ahead, which means you need to take care of your health. Hardening plays an important role here. After all, this affects not only physical health, but also helps adapt to new conditions.

    It is necessary to increase the body's defenses all year round. But it’s better to start early, in spring or summer.

    The surrounding nature has everything necessary for strong immunity - water, air, sun.

    Temperature difference is the basis of hardening. A child’s accustomed body will cope with stress on its own and will stop accepting it.

    Three basic principles of hardening

    1. dosage - do not be overzealous with the frequency and duration of hardening;

    2. moderation - too much zeal can lead to the opposite result;

    3. regularity is the basis - if you have already started, then don’t stop.

    The most accessible and useful type of hardening is walking in the fresh air.

    Hardening should begin not when the child begins to constantly get sick, but from a very early age. Doctors suggest that expectant mothers begin to harden their baby even before his birth, in the womb. Under the supervision of specialists, pregnant women take regular walks in the fresh air, take contrast showers, and dosed air and ultraviolet baths. All this has a beneficial effect on both the baby’s health and the mother’s body.

    What is hardening? This is an increase in the body's resistance to the adverse effects of environmental factors through regular training.

    Hardening rules

    Children who are often ill can also be hardened. But the procedures begin when the child is healthy. The procedures must be carried out systematically, throughout the year. Only then will they have maximum effect.

    It is important to gradually increase the strength of the stimulus and the time of its impact on the child’s body.

    Remember: all hardening procedures will be effective only against the backdrop of positive emotions.

    Hardening procedures

    The average indoor air temperature is +18– +20 oC.

    Daytime sleep in the open air at air temperatures from –15 to +30 oC.

    Mandatory air baths lasting up to 10–15 minutes when changing linen after night and day sleep, during physical exercise, morning hygienic exercises and washing.

    Regular washing with a gradual decrease in water temperature from +20 to +16–18 oC.

    For children over 2 years old, wash their neck, arms to the elbow, and upper chest.

    Walk 2–3 times a day at air temperatures from –15 to +30 oC.

    Dousing after a walk with a gradual decrease in water temperature from +35 (in winter +36–37 oC) to +24–26 oC (in winter up to +28 oC)

    At least 2 times a week, shower your feet before sleep during the day at a water temperature of +28 oC to +18–20 oC.

    A bath before bed at least 2 times a week at a water temperature of 36-37 ° for 8-10 minutes, followed by dousing with water at a temperature of +34 oC.

    Stay in direct sunlight in summer, starting from 5-6 minutes to 8-10 minutes 2-3 times a day.

    It is not necessary to use all methods at once; it is better to start regularly and gradually. During illness, hardening is done in a gentle manner and after consultation with a doctor.

    Hardening is a healthy habit. It will remain for life, then the immune system will work in full force and without failures.

    And one more thing: if you are planning to harden your child, start with yourself, so you yourself will feel how pleasant or uncomfortable certain procedures are. And you’ll boost your immunity and improve your health!

    Hardening of newborns is an effective, most effective, and also time-tested and time-tested method by many parents, which helps strengthen the immune system and improve the health of babies. Infants are highly adaptable. Doctors recommend hardening from the first days of life.

    Main effects:

    • muscles and bones develop;
    • the nervous system is strengthened;
    • the functioning of internal organs improves;
    • immunity to the effects of pathogenic factors;
    • activation of metabolic processes in the body.

    It should be noted that all hardening means are accessible and simple. It is important to discard some standard prejudices of some parents and grandmothers - not to bundle up small children, and also not to be afraid of long walks in the fresh air.

    Why is it necessary to harden a child from birth?

    Hardening a baby is a great idea, since the adaptation mechanisms of such babies are quite developed. In other words, newborns are born toughened. At the same time, the creation of greenhouse conditions (sterile food, stable ambient temperature, lack of air mass movement in the room) negatively affects innate adaptation, since it remains unclaimed. Within a month the baby will catch a cold. To avoid this trouble, you just need to support the newborn’s natural abilities in creating optimal temperature contrast and having extremely positive contact with the surrounding reality. You can start hardening immediately. Thus, it is recommended to walk with a baby under 1 year of age outside, regardless of weather conditions, and to carry out hardening, starting from birth. It is better to start walking from a few weeks of the baby's life.

    Basics of hardening an infant

    Hardening newborns as soon as possible will help strengthen their immunity, allow them to painlessly adapt to fluctuations in air temperature and exposure to wind, and improve physical and mental development. Hygiene procedures at home are carried out using special gymnastics and massage. They will enable a seasoned baby to grow strong and healthy.

    How to harden an infant? It is necessary to equip a special corner for the baby in the apartment. The crib should be in a cozy place where there are no drafts. The room where the baby lives must be ventilated daily at any time of the year. In the summer, leave the window open throughout the day, but at night, be sure to cover the baby with a summer blanket made of flannel or wool.

    Hardening rules

    To increase immunity, in order to adapt an infant to environmental conditions, you need to properly begin daily water procedures, air and sun baths. After bathing your baby in the bath, pour water at a temperature 1-2 degrees lower. For swimming, the recommended water temperature is 37-36 degrees, for dousing - 35-34 degrees. Gradually, from birth, pour cooler water over the child - one degree lower than the one in which he was bathed. Such hardening of infants and other pediatricians.

    As for clothing, overalls for newborns and children from two months to 1 year, as well as other things, should be made exclusively from natural materials. Clothing for walks and visits has its own characteristics: preference should be given to products made from high-quality knitwear.

    Contraindications to hardening procedures

    Hardening of any baby is carried out solely taking into account his age, health status, and individual tolerance of various baby-hardening procedures. Doctors include the main contraindications:

    • colds;
    • hyperthermia;
    • anemia;
    • acute intestinal disorders;
    • exhaustion;
    • sleep disturbances;
    • nervous excitability;
    • heart defects (decompensated);
    • negative attitude towards procedures;
    • diseases of the endocrine system, in particular thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus;
    • negative reaction of the baby’s body to exposure to cold;
    • damage to the skin due to burns.

    Make a decision regarding hardening only if the baby is in good health. Complexes of gymnastics exercises will help with this. You should return to procedures no earlier than until complete recovery occurs. Preparation for hardening of children, when the duration/influence of exposure to various factors for deliberate cooling of the body is reduced relative to the standard level for the body, must be repeated.

    When hardening children, they adhere to some important principles:

    • it is important to take into account the child’s mood - if he does not want to splash in cool water, do not force him to do it;
    • procedures are performed systematically with increasing exposure time to the hardening factor;
    • hardening is carried out in the form of a game;
    • If the baby is cold, no procedures are needed.

    If you doubt the child’s health and do not know whether hardening is needed, contact a pediatrician who will examine the baby and review the medical history. Only a doctor will tell you whether modern hardening methods are needed now or whether it is better to wait with them until the baby’s condition returns to normal.

    Speaking about hardening, everyone perceives this process differently, but its essence is the same - strengthening the immune system in order to increase the body's resistance to various unfavorable factors. These include infections, both viral and bacterial, as well as the overload of the modern world, the quality of the environment and food.

    Their influence on the body cannot be avoided, but there are ways to make the body more resistant to their negative effects. This is hardening. Moreover, hardening of children under 1 year of age should be carried out precisely from the first months of their life, this will have a huge impact on the formation of their immunity.

    The health of a child is formed from the very beginning of a woman’s pregnancy. And that’s why it’s good when some mothers lead a fairly active lifestyle right up to childbirth. They walk a lot, eat rationally, avoid stress, do physical exercise, and go to the pool.

    All these factors have invaluable benefits for the baby's health. In addition, they help prepare the expectant mother’s body for childbirth and make it softer and calmer, which is also very important for the harmonious development of the baby.

    The next stage in the formation of the newborn’s immune system is breastfeeding. After all, it is mother’s milk that protects the baby from infections in the first years of his life, and only it carries the information necessary for the development of the child’s body’s defenses.

    Everyone knows that absolutely anyone can become infected with the flu, regardless of their lifestyle and whether they have been hardened or not. But there is one essential detail: a person who is familiar with hardening first-hand will get sick much easier (without prohibitive increases in temperature and sudden deterioration) and will recover faster. Thus, this gives you the opportunity to avoid the development of complications.

    Today, most parents support early hardening of children. They have been doing this since their birth, teaching them to swim and giving them reasonable exercise. Pediatricians say that it is early procedures that help preserve children's health and prevent various negative consequences.

    Hardening of infants includes the following aspects:

    Long-term breastfeeding. At the same time, during the first months, babies receive only mother’s milk, and the introduction of complementary foods must be timely and competent;

    Long daily walks. The child should spend at least two hours a day in the fresh air. Under no circumstances should it be overheated, so dress your baby according to the weather;

    Ventilate the baby’s room several times a day, use humidifiers and air purifiers to create optimal conditions for him;

    The ecological situation in the house - a small amount of synthetic and chemical elements, a minimum of dust collectors (carpets) and the absence of allergens, a ban on smoking in the apartment;

    Regular air baths - when changing the diaper, leave the baby naked for a while;

    Minimum amount of home clothes;

    Rubbing or pouring cool water over the baby at the end of bathing. This helps to activate the body's defenses;

    Swimming and diving either in a home bath or in a children's pool;

    Using a solution of sea salt for washing and rubbing (1 teaspoon of salt per 1 cup of water);

    Regular walking barefoot on various surfaces (grass, sand, pebbles). For this purpose, you can place special mats around the apartment;

    Daily massage and exercises;

    Exercises using a home sports complex. They can be started as early as ten months;

    A favorable atmosphere within the family also plays an important role.

    When organizing hardening for children in their first year of life, be sure to have a positive attitude. In order for the process to be successful, you need to be firmly convinced that you have made the right decision and the flooding procedures are very useful and necessary for the health of your child.

    To implement hardening, it is important to systematically and regularly increase the load. In addition, the child must definitely enjoy the process. If the procedures are carried out reluctantly and under pressure, they will be of no use.

    Exercise with your baby, do exercises together or go to the pool. Remember that it is much easier to interest a small child than an older one. And if you manage to accustom him to hardening from an early age, he will continue to improve throughout his life.

    Of course, the hardening of children should not stop when the child reaches one year of age. Parents should instill basic hygiene skills in their children. He must learn to shower regularly, brush his teeth, change his underwear, wash his hands after using the toilet and before eating, etc.

    It is necessary to form a healthy lifestyle for your child through personal example. In this case, the unity of opinions and views of parents and other family members plays a very important role. They should not have differences and agree on certain issues.

    So, a healthy lifestyle, a rational approach to nutrition, hardening, a favorable family atmosphere and the absence of bad habits of relatives will help in shaping the baby’s health.

      Procedures can be started at any age, almost from birth.

      You can also harden children who are often ill. Procedures begin when the child is healthy.

      For hardening, all environmental factors (sun, air, water) are used.

      Hardening can begin at any time of the year. Procedures should be carried out systematically, throughout the year, then they will have maximum effect.

      It is necessary to gradually increase the strength of the stimulus and the time of its impact on the child’s body.

      All hardening procedures will be effective only against the backdrop of positive emotions!

    Hardening a child up to 1 year old

    The first hardening procedure for a newborn baby is air baths. They consist in the fact that while changing the child’s clothes, he is kept without clothes for 1-2 minutes at an air temperature in the room of 22-24 C.

    In the summer, a newborn can be taken for a walk almost immediately after birth (if his weight is more than 2500 g), initially for 20-40 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time to 6-8 hours a day. Ultraviolet rays have a positive effect on the body's immune system, but it must be remembered that the baby's delicate skin burns easily, so exposing the baby to direct sunlight is strictly prohibited.

    In winter in central Russia, you can walk with a child from the age of seven days at air temperatures down to -10 C in calm weather, starting from 5-10 minutes a day, up to spending time in the fresh air up to 1.5-2 hours a day.

    A very important hardening procedure at this age is bathing the baby every day. Bathing gives children positive emotions and is a powerful strengthening factor. General baths are carried out daily in the first half of the year, and every other day in the second half of the year. The water temperature should be 36-37 C. After bathing, the baby is doused with water 2-3 degrees lower than the one in which he bathed.

    From one to three years

    At this age, children are quite resistant to many unfavorable factors, especially if hardening has been carried out since birth. Therefore, more contrasting methods can be used. You can carry out general rubdowns with a decrease in water temperature to 26-28 C, use a shower, which has a stronger effect, since in addition to the temperature factor, there is also a mechanical effect of the water flow on the child’s skin, which has a massaging effect.

    From one and a half to two years old, a child can be allowed to swim in open reservoirs at a water temperature of +21 C and an air temperature of +25 C or more. The first bath is 1-2 minutes, then a break of 10-15 minutes. It is very important not to scare the child - do not drag him into the water, let him go in on his own.

    Children over 1 year of age can gradually undergo sunbathing. The air temperature should be from +20 C to +30 C (but no more!), start spending time in the sun gradually from 5-10 minutes to 30-40 minutes.

    The best time for sunbathing is in the morning from 9 to 12 o'clock; in hot weather you can sunbathe from 16 to 18 o'clock. Don’t forget to put a Panama hat on your child’s head. Carefully monitor your child's skin - if there is the slightest redness, exposure to the sun should be stopped for 1-2 days.

    It is not advisable for children under three years of age to undergo contrasting hardening procedures (cold shower, sauna, Russian bath), since the child is not yet able to assess his well-being, and subsequently it will be difficult to determine the line between the beneficial effects of this method and the negative ones.
