Braiding - Braiding from newspapers. Techniques for weaving from newspaper tubes Weaving new braids from newspaper tubes

Various baskets, boxes or trays woven from willow vines have their own charm and appeal. Unfortunately, this material is quite difficult to acquire and labor intensive to use. Needlewomen have found a solution and show it in their master classes using folds from newspaper tubes. There they demonstrate all sorts of decorative weaving options from such affordable material as newspapers.

Various methods of weaving from newspaper tubes affect the functional purpose of the resulting product. For active use, you should select durable weaving with dense material for the stands and vines. Decorative decorations can be made using openwork weaving. To get a beautiful product, regular practice is necessary. The main techniques are:

  1. Simple weaving.
  2. Spiral.
  3. Spiral twisting.
  4. Pigtail bend.
  5. Rope made from three tubes, master class.
  6. Openwork.

Simple weaving involves assembling a frame and tying its posts with one or more vines. This technique is suitable for training in forming a frame and controlling the tubes during sharp bends and turns.

Spiral weaving from newspaper tubes is often used to decorate items such as bottles, jugs, cups and other utensils. If the container remains inside the product, then the base is cut to shape from cardboard or corrugated paper. Tubes are glued to the center of the workpiece. Their number depends on the volume of the selected item and the density of the weaving.

For a two-color pattern, an even number of vines is selected. When gluing, the colors alternate. The first two, of different colors, are placed side by side (double). Weaving begins with the second twig. It is folded around the first one and laid along the bottle on top of the next tube. This is how the first row is completed; on the second and subsequent rows, every second vine is bent. The neck is completed by fixing the ends with glue. On the dried structure, all excess is cut off.

The braid can be shaped by weaving uprights, as the final stage in the form of a wreath. If they are doubled, the pattern will look more voluminous. To begin with, they are sprayed with water from a spray bottle and lightly kneaded, giving elasticity. A double vine in a contrasting color is added. She will hold the volume to hide the tip of the last twig. Folding a pigtail from newspaper tubes into a master class is done on the inside around the next one, and is directed downwards. Also make a row and insert the last twig instead of a contrasting color.

The next row is folded to the outside, and the ends are directed upward. When completed, the racks are inserted with an internal bend into the holes from which subsequent twigs emerge. Having hidden and pulled up all the posts, they are trimmed. Care should be taken to ensure that there are no sharp creases. To remove them, you can slightly moisten the vine and trim it.

A rope bend of 3 tubes is a simple pattern, but it provides a variety of appearance to the product. The principle of weaving vines is the same as in the simple version, only the step is performed not through one stand, but through two. Closing the bend is done on the post from which it began. The vines are wound in the reverse order. The ends are pulled out, fastened with glue and cut.

How to twist and dye

Creating a paper vine takes a third of the time when weaving products from newspaper tubes. To assemble large boxes and stands, it is better to use thick, glossy pages. Small interior decorations look better made from thin tubes. They are more flexible and bend more easily without breaking their round shape. Materials for their manufacture:

The newspaper is cut into 4 strips along the short side, then they should be sorted. In one stack there are edge strips, they will make white tubes, in the other - only with text. The cut is placed in front of you on the table with a white border at the bottom. A knitting needle is placed at the selected angle in the lower right corner. The smaller the distance between the knitting needle and the edge of the newspaper, the longer the tube will be.

The corner is wrapped with tension in one turn on the knitting needle and, holding it, the entire piece is rolled in a spiral. Winding is carried out with tension along the entire length. Glue is applied to the final corner and fixed. Now you need to take out the knitting needle and send the newspaper vine to dry for 15-25 minutes. The ends of the tube will have different diameters, this makes it possible to increase them in the future. Glue is applied to the thin edge and inserted and screwed into the free wide one. This eliminates joints.

How to paint

Painting can be done on a ready-made craft or on each canvas separately, this is especially suitable for multi-colored products. In external areas where glue has got in, paint with added primer may not adhere the first time. The hue and saturation of the compositions are selected experimentally:

  1. Watercolor (if trial work).
  2. Colorant diluted in water with the addition of acrylic varnish (the color will not remain on the fingers).
  3. Gouache (without varnish the shades will be faded).
  4. Stains.
  5. Acrylic paints.
  6. Water-based paints, colored or colorless with dye.

After painting, it is recommended to apply two layers of varnish and wait until it dries completely. The color becomes brighter and more saturated. This measure will protect the product from moisture. The tubes will become more resistant to fracture damage and will be more elastic. It is advisable to do the quantity with a reserve.

Wicker base or cardboard

The simplest option for decorating the bottom of wicker products is considered to be a braided container or shape cut out of cardboard and decorated with a napkin using the decoupage technique. The edging can be done with a lazy braid. Popular types of base shapes for products are round, square or oval. When weaving the bottom of the tube, the cores act as guide posts for the craft.

For a round base, you need to take four pairs of paper twigs. They are laid in the center in an overlapping square. The next pair is under the previous one, and the core is empty. They are pressed down a little to level them into one plane so that they do not bulge.

Forming a circle begins with one tube folded in half. Both ends go in one direction and wrap one of the pairs with its middle. A mark is placed on it, you can attach a clothespin. Subsequent pairs wrap themselves in this vine, alternating. One starts under the vine closer to the base in the first row. The second passes over the couple in the second row.

The corners are smoothed due to the fact that when alternating, the vine, passing under the pair, moves to the first row, and the lower one takes its place in the second, twisting between each other in half a turn. It ends with the pair with which it began. Two rows are knitted in the same way, then division is made and weaving continues according to the same pattern, only braiding one twig at a time, and not two. The vine grows whenever it runs out.

To make a square or rectangular bottom, mark the base of the product in the middle of the sheet. In a grid of squares, the length of their sides depends on the distance between the posts. The tubes are laid out on the markings and secured to the sheet with masking tape. The first transverse post is woven into the fixed ones so that equal ends remain on both sides. The second and subsequent ones are laid as a continuous vine, bending at the edges and continuing the weaving of the next row.

When the twig falls on the square marking, it is not bent, but left with a straight protruding end. On the next row, on the opposite side, start with the protruding part. These tips are the supports for the walls of the product. The tape is removed and the main weaving begins.

For an oval bottom, six pairs of tubes are taken and are transferred in three pairs. According to the selected size, the required number of pairs is added to obtain the length of the oval. The weaving continues like a round bottom. The racks should be held so that the workpiece does not become loose or warp.

I’ll show you my favorite “pigtail” pattern in this work. , only with triple tubes, and at the same time I will describe some details. I hope this will help those who are hesitant about this pattern to cast aside their doubts and still master it. I really like weaving with them.

Let me remind you that the number of racks is a multiple of three, plus or minus one. I wove the bottom, raised the stands, several rows of rope and started the “braid”. Please also note that I have double racks; single ones can “dance” under the pressure of triple working tubes.
We substitute working tubes and weave. I watched Elena Tishchenko’s MK video, Milena Stroga has a description of this braid on a cradle for dolls.


The tubes must be moist; they are also dense; they cannot be laid dry. In order for the strands to fit beautifully, before I bring them behind the counter, I give them a shape, bend them like this, and arrange them.


And just like that. They once wrote to me that my tubes looked like they were made of plasticine, so when they are wet inside, that is, there is a bit of a feeling when weaving, they are plastic. And when I read someone’s comments that they don’t like weaving with wet straws, I think that the person is simply doing something wrong. It’s nice when the pipes are obeyed and a beautiful result is obtained.


We came to the beginning of the row. How to move to the next row? No tricks, just weave in a spiral.


Here is a wall with transitions, almost invisible.


We have come to the end, we will close the series. The pink three-piece is placed behind the stand to which the first (left) triple strand was originally placed.


Cut and glue.


We put the next one behind the second post and cut it off


She took the third one behind the next counter, cut it off and hid it inside. I glued it with PVA.


I also decided to braid the lid and struggled a bit with closing it. After the braid, I added two paired stands in the corners. If you are interested, I can post details on the lid later. First you need to remember yourself.




So, I gathered my thoughts and am ready to talk about the lid. I glued 33 double posts (multiples of three), wove one row, so I didn’t add one post, which is needed to shift the pattern. She braided carefully arranging the strands, especially at the corners.


I colored the strands to make it clearer. I wove a row and came to the beginning (the pink strand went behind the first stand). I’m guided like this: “we must pass a strand over two racks, behind the third, alternately the upper and lower strands.


I cut the pink strand behind the counter


Now place the top strand (yellow) on top of the two posts behind the third. Here I have already begun to be clever: before I put the yellow strand behind the counter, I removed the red one from there


Now we don’t move the lower one on top of the two racks behind the third one, don’t move the red one yet


I cut the blue and yellow ones


We hide the ends of the yellow strand, it turns out that it is not inside out, but between two strands


I placed the red one, then pressed it with the next row of string and secured it


The pattern is a little broken, but it's hardly noticeable


And here’s how I laid the ends and glued them on the wrong side. The initial ends were still sticking out, you can see how I tucked them under the posts when they were soaked with PVA glue.


I glued a couple more posts on each side with PVA to the corner posts and weaved on.



from the comments:

As for the tubes: I dip them in stain or primer with color, so to speak I bathe them, so they get very wet when painting. I leave them lying in a heap on a newspaper for 2-3 hours, they dry out on top and become lighter, the ends dry out. I wrap it in plastic so that only the very ends stick out on both sides; they need to be dried so that they can be inserted well during extensions. And if the tubes are dry, I spray them, covering the ends, and wrap them in a bag, also with the ends sticking out, for at least 15 minutes to moisturize inside

I hope you won't be offended if I put in my two cents to explain why the drawing is broken. When one strand is different in color from the others, or they are all different colors, then the horizontal width of the repeat becomes equal to six racks. Actually, even with one color it is equal to six, since each strand goes through the following path: “came out from below, in front of TWO in front, behind ONE in back, came out from above, in front of TWO in front, behind ONE in back.” 2+1+2+1=6. But if the pattern is one-color, then it visible to the viewer part is repeated every two racks (not three, by the way). For this case, if you took 30 or 36 racks, then the pink strand would clearly come to its beginning. And now, although it is not so noticeable, there are two glitches at once: in color and in parity. I have already explained by color, but by parity this is what I mean. Look at photo 22 somewhere in the middle of the weave. From behind every second stand a triple strand of tubes emerges from above. That is, nowhere are there two consecutive racks, due to which a triple strand would not come out from above. Except for the place where you join the pattern. Right where you marked it in yellow, there are two stands in a row, because of which the strand does not come out. This is precisely due to the fact that the number of racks you have is odd. There is only one stand left. So even if you took all the strands of the same color, you would still have one extra (or missing) stand.

The article will tell you how to create beautiful crafts from scrap materials - newspaper tubes.

Weaving from newspaper tubes for beginners step by step: weaving technique, master class, photo

Weaving from newspaper tubes has almost completely replaced weaving from wicker in recent years. The fact is that it is much easier to get this material than breaking willow branches or looking for a vine for weaving. In addition, you don’t have to spend money, because even if you don’t have a stack of TV programs or advertising publications lying around your house, you can always ask your loved ones for them.

IMPORTANT: A thin long tube spins from a sheet of newspaper, which is the main material. The tube is held together with regular PVA or dry pencil glue. Moreover, it is not necessary to lubricate the entire sheet. This can only be done on the corner of the newspaper.

In the case when you need to lengthen your newspaper tube, you simply insert the blanks one into another and place them on the glue, continuing the weaving. You can glue tubes in this way almost endlessly, creating both small boxes and large vases the size of a person.

There are several weaving techniques, which depend on what kind of product you are creating and what kind of pattern you want to make. When weaving, it is important to use patterns and patterns so that the design is beautiful and neat. In cases where the “sucker” cannot be inserted with your finger, you should use with a regular metal knitting needle or crochet hook.

When finishing the weaving (for example, at the edge of the product), you should tuck the rods so that they bend inward. There you can place them on glue or wrap them so that the end is not visible. The finished product is usually coated with paint. To do this, it is advisable to use acrylic or spray paint; it is resistant to moisture. After drying, it is advisable to open the product with one or two layers of varnish.

Weaving techniques, patterns:

Types and techniques of weaving

Patterns and techniques of weaving from newspaper tubes

Video: “Seven types of weaving”

How to make tubes from newspapers for weaving?

Any weaving begins with preparing the material, which means you should prepare a lot of newspaper tubes in advance. To twist a beautiful and even tube, you should use a long wooden skewer (for kebab) or a thin metal knitting needle.

It is this item that you will lay the base of a sheet of newspaper and twist the tube. Due to several layers of paper, it will be quite dense and suitable for creating wickerwork. Carefully coat the corner of the newspaper with glue so that it can stick securely and the tube is strong.

Video: “Twisting tubes from newspapers: nuances and secrets”

Where to start weaving a basket from newspapers?

After you have prepared a sufficient number of tubes, you should start choosing the shape of the product: square, round, rectangular, heart, and so on.

You should decide what kind of bottom the product will have. There are two options:

  • Cardboard bottom
  • Bottom knitted from tubes

The cardboard bottom is suitable for small products (boxes and boxes). Large ones (trays, boxes, drawers) should be woven yourself. Any weaving should be done in strict accordance with the pattern. To make the weaving neat, you should fasten the ends of the tubes with clothespins, pinching them to the form.

Box with cardboard bottom

Weaving the bottom for products from newspaper tubes

Step-by-step weaving of products from newspaper tubes

Description of weaving the bottom:

  • Cross 8 tubes together (photo 1)
  • Start weaving in a circle, bending each tube clockwise (photos 2 and 3).
  • Weaving should continue until you reach the required bottom diameter.
  • Extend the tubes by inserting a new one each time (photo 4)
  • Prepare the form for tying
  • Lift the tubes and secure them with clothespins to the edge of the mold (photos 5 and 6).
  • Extend the tubes and continue weaving in a circle

Video: “Candy bowl made from newspaper tubes: master class”

What and how to paint newspaper tubes for weaving a basket?

It is better to paint newspaper tubes after the product is completely completed. If you dye them in advance, you risk ruining their good flexibility, making them unyielding, which will completely ruin the weave.

The finished product should be coated with acrylic or machine paints. Such paints are moisture resistant and do not flow when in contact with water. The paint can be applied in any way: with a brush, sponge, spray gun, spray gun, airbrush. Acrylic paints mix well and you can always choose the desired shade and color from them.

IMPORTANT: After the paint has dried, the product should be opened with a layer (or two layers) of varnish. This will allow the product to gain a glossy shine and become much stronger.

Photos of finished products:

Bright baskets for storing things

Products painted in natural vine color

Product painted with paint and decorated with ribbon

Multi-colored storage box

Bright bread box made from newspaper tubes

Simple folding of the edge when weaving from newspapers: diagram, photo

Simple folding is a simple way to weave products from newspaper tubes. Any beginner in this business will master this weaving. Weaving is based on bending twigs intertwined with each other in one direction (see diagram).

Simple bend: diagram Step-by-step weaving: simple bend

Video: “The simplest bends”

Weaving from newspaper tubes - bending a rod: diagram, photo

The bends of the “rod” should be woven on vertical columns of newspaper tubes. The bend is made according to the principle of weaving baskets from wicker.

Bend weaving technology

Weaving from newspapers: volumetric bending

Weaving “volumetric bending” is necessary for a beautiful completion of the weaving of the product in order to give it a curly and voluminous edge in the form of a braid. This weaving is suitable for knitting vases, flower pots, drawers and boxes. Every needlewoman can make such weaving using step-by-step work in photos and diagrams.

Weaving a volumetric bend: step by step

Volume bend: diagram

Weaving from newspapers: folding lazy braid

The lazy braid twist is an easy way to finish off any knit project. All weaving is based on the principle of weaving twigs into one braid and running it along the entire edge of the product.

Lazy braid curl

Weaving from newspapers: “isis” bend

This bending is distinguished by its simplicity and ease of weaving. The edge is not voluminous and narrow. Weaving is suitable for completing knitting boxes.

Isis bend: diagram

Weaving a product with an “isid” bend

Weaving from newspapers: double bending

Double folding is suitable for weaving baskets to create a beautiful and voluminous edge. This bending is also similar to the principle of braiding.

Double bending: diagram

Weaving from newspapers: complex bending

A complex fold will definitely decorate baskets and boxes, boxes and vases woven from newspaper tubes. Weaving it is much more difficult, since it requires exact adherence to the pattern.

Complex bending: diagram

Complex bending: weaving

Complex bending: step-by-step work

Weaving from newspapers: folding the edge, finishing the product

Beautiful completion of the weaving (that is, “bending”) will make the product very neat and aesthetically beautiful. You can use any patterns to weave a beautiful edge.

The simplest bending: diagram

Bend the tubes to complete the weaving

Video: “Bending the rod”

How to weave the bottom of a basket, box, box?

Miniature products (boxes and caskets) should be weaved by forming the product according to a given shape. To do this, use any sign of your preferred size. As with any product, prepare a sufficient number of tubes and decide what kind of bottom it will be: wicker or cardboard. After this, fix the tubes and begin weaving, focusing on the diagram and pattern.

Step-by-step creation of a lid and bottom for a box

Box made of cardboard box, tied with newspaper tubes

Weaving an oval box step by step in photos

Finished heart-shaped box: bottom made of cardboard

How to weave basket handles?

Creating a basket from newspaper tubes begins with weaving the main part and only then you separately make a handle that is woven into the product. You should symmetrically mark two opposite edges of the basket and insert several twigs of newspaper tubes into them (about 8 pieces). The twigs are bent and the handle is woven like a braid (or look at weaving patterns). There should be absolutely identical parts of the handles on both sides, which are connected together and tied. Braiding a braid on a handle made of twigs
Easter crafts from newspaper tubes Interior items from newspaper tubes

Video: “Crafts from newspaper tubes for beginners”
