Why are blondes considered stupid? Why are blondes dumb? Book and movie "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes."

To get a feel for this topic, let’s remember ancient jokes about blondes. For example:

Why do blondes squeak after taking medications?

- Because on the package it says: “After meals.”

Why do blondes open a packet of chips right in the store?

- Because it says on the package: “Open here”!

In these anecdotes, blondes look not only stupid, but generally extremely narrow-minded creatures, not worthy of being classified as “homo sapiens” (well, in extreme cases, homo erectus). But is this really so? Of course not! Why then are they considered stupid?

Firstly, this is one of the established stereotypes, the same kind as: “all Germans are pedants” or “all rockers use drugs.” Agree that it is difficult to imagine a blonde reading, for example, a textbook on nuclear physics or making a presentation at the annual economic summit. Rather, we immediately picture the image of a girl with wide eyes, certainly in pink, with a bubble of gum and a stupid laugh. This is how stereotypes work!

But let's return to our... blondes. Where do the legs of such “ridiculous” stereotypes come from? Perhaps the cinema is to blame. There are many famous blondes who have not shown their best side on screen. Well, here we go... things worked out. And now innocent blond representatives of the human race have to pay for the frivolity of “those” ladies. Now Svetka Bukina alone is worth something!

Some people successfully use this stereotype for their own purposes: i.e. do not contradict it, but, on the contrary, even emphasize their “peculiarity”. After all, sometimes it’s better to pretend to be stupid in order to achieve some benefit for yourself... For example, blondes stick a strip with a bright pink inscription on the rear window of their car. Can you guess what is written there? Of course: “The blonde is driving!” What will be the reaction of other drivers? Increased caution - after all, “everything can be expected” from such a situation. And the blonde rides calmly, enjoys life, laughing.

There is a suspicion that the stereotype of stupidity is spread by those females who are not blondes. Why do they do this? Yes, out of envy! After all, “blondies” often stand out among other women, and as a result, they attract men! So evil envious people try, saying that the dye used to bleach blondes penetrates their brain, negatively affecting its processes, etc. Yes, not everyone has been blessed by nature with light hair color and not everyone can afford to change the color artificially. And how to take revenge on successful rivals - that’s right, “make” them stupid!

Often a blonde is a pretty and good-natured creature. And among them there are simply beauties! But is it possible for a woman to be both smart and beautiful at the same time? In fact, anything is possible! And excluding a certain percentage of really stupid blondes, many others can be characterized as “smart and beautiful,” or simply smart. A woman’s intelligence does not always scare off a man – only a weak one. But, believe me, even the knowledge that “all blondes are fools” does not prevent men from meeting them and starting families!

If, no matter what, the blonde cannot boast of intelligence and other qualitative characteristics of meaningful brain activity, then beauty will help her out! Since nature created it this way, it means it is needed for something!

Dear women! If you are not blonde, this is a reflection of your preference. Envy blondes? Become one of them!

Dear blondes! If you are annoyed by a tired stereotype about stupidity, break it or come to terms with it. Are there really no arguments in your bright heads to convince the world otherwise? You have already saved him with beauty, so are you really going to let him down in another way?

Dear men! Not every blonde is stupid. Choose a pair according to your taste, focusing on what is more important to you: the wrapper or the content, or both? Look for your blonde!

P.S.: scientists have not found a reliable connection between hair color and level of intelligence.

Blonde actresses created images of narrow-minded sexy beauties, and cinema fans took their cues from the style and behavior of the heroines. As a result, a stereotype was formed of a blond, gentle, but stupid woman who absolutely does not want to seriously think about life and solve any complex problems. All her thoughts are light and weightless.

In some films or books, there is a contrast between a dim-witted blonde and an intellectual brunette. To create an effective contrast, the stupidity of those with blond hair is greatly exaggerated.

Maybe the movie image has penetrated the masses.

Fashion victim

Separately, it is worth noting not natural, but dyed blondes. Sometimes girls who absorb any fashion trend easily abandon their natural appearance and lighten their hair for the sake of fashion and the stronger sex.

At the same time, these ladies dress brightly and put on makeup, behave flirtatiously, in general, they try in every way to attract attention with the help of their own appearance. Maybe because of such representatives of the fair sex, blond people are considered not too smart.

Sometimes bright, dyed blondes behave provocatively and demonstrate not their personal qualities, but their own charms.

Defensive reaction

Sometimes men get lost in front of beautiful women. Sometimes they get rejected by the posh ones and in retaliation they come up with myths about their stupidity. Perhaps blondes fell into the rank of narrow-minded representatives of the fair sex precisely because young people wanted to somehow protect themselves from their crushing seductiveness.

Maybe the myths about blondes were invented by men who wanted to somehow assert themselves against the background of stupid women. Anecdotes and catchphrases about how stupid blond girls are and not adapted to life can warm the souls of guys with complexes.

It is possible that women, whose only weapon is their intellect, contributed to the development of the opinion about blondes as narrow-minded girls. Out of annoyance at someone else's beauty, brightness, attractiveness and sexuality, the “gray mice” came up with this way to take revenge and belittle blondes.

Everyone has heard the myth about fair-haired women, that they are narrow-minded and do only stupid things. But where did this belief come from, why are blondes considered stupid, and does this fact correspond to reality? Maybe some research has been conducted on this issue, is there statistical data? Let's figure out the problem.

Stereotype of dumb blondes

This stereotype has indeed developed in society, but where did it come from? Turns out, in ancient times, blondes, on the contrary, were extolled and valued more than women with dark hair.

In Ancient Rome and Greece, many goddesses were depicted with blond curls. But, since there was always less of it by nature, women tried in every possible way to lighten their hair: they burned it in the sun, first lubricating it with charcoal or vinegar so that the effect was stronger.

Other girls considered such manipulations stupid. And even one of the ancient poets, Propertius, ridiculed the desire to change hair color in his works.

Already in the 19th century, the myth received a second life thanks to the performance of British dancers, who caused public outrage with their performance.

In 1868, 4 blondes appeared on stage wearing only tights and danced to demonstrate the beauty of their bodies to the public. The musical became a real sensation, earning an army of imitators. But quite a few opponents also appeared, they began to criticize the girls and were indignant at the narrow-mindedness of their minds.

Book and film "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes"

There is one more event that is a continuation of previous stories. The book Gentlemen Prefer Blondes by Anita Loos is based on the plot of which an attractive blonde lady seeks an easy life with the help of her pretty appearance.

The reader liked the plot and a film was made based on it, in which the then unknown Marilyn Monroe was invited to play the main role. At that time, the girl was a brunette, she was dark-haired from birth. But the director saw the actress’s attractive appearance and decided that blonde hair suited her. Then it was decided to change her hairstyle, which the whole world later remembered.

This picture, among other works, plots and anecdotes (which had already appeared by that time) played an important role in adding frivolity to the image of blond girls.

Why are blondes stupid?

I would also like to say about the attitude of men towards such beauties. Fair-haired and blue-eyed beauties (and they are most often blue-eyed) have always attracted more attention from the opposite sex. Therefore, blond girls needed to become more selective; throughout their lives they have to literally fight off gentlemen, including posing as real fools.

Men, in response, having been rejected, in order to justify their failure, say that this girl was stupid beyond belief, so they had to leave her.

Some owners of light shades of hair, understanding the peculiarities of their appearance, actually use it. They behave flirtatiously and loosely with the opposite sex in order to gain attention and create a comfortable future. From the outside, watching this, you can’t think of anything else other than that they are too stupid and dissolute.

The most famous smart representatives

Meanwhile, among the blond beauties there are many famous and far from stupid girls, of which we can highlight:

  • Grace Kelly - Princess of Monaco and American actress, the embodiment of beauty and nobility, mother of three children;
  • Elisabeth Shue - actress, known for the film “Back to the Future”, has a degree in political science;
  • John Rowling - author of the famous book about Harry Potter, who received the second largest fee in the world;
  • Jodie Foster - star of the movie “The Silence of the Lambs”, has an academic degree from the University of Pennsylvania with a degree in Literature;
  • Hillary Clinton - a legendary woman: politician, first lady of the United States, secretary of state and wife, who in many ways surpassed her husband in her career;
  • Lisa Kudrow - the heroine of the series “Friends” has been engaged in scientific research in the field of biology for 8 years;
  • Taylor Swift is one of the best-selling musicians of all time. She began her career as a country-pop singer in 2004 and during this time managed to sell 26 million albums and 75 million singles worldwide.

This list can be continued endlessly; fair-haired women are known all over the world, both among actresses and musicians, and among doctors, politicians, and scientists.

Intelligence level of blondes and brunettes

Are there any differences at the physiological level between different women, besides existing stereotypes? To find out, scientists from Ohio State University conducted a study of the IQ level of girls with different hair colors aged 18 to 45 years, and here are the indicators they got:

  1. Brown-haired women - 103.6;
  2. Blondes - 103.1;
  3. Brunettes - 101.5;

Thus, it turns out that the difference between owners of light or dark or red hair is small. And all the prevailing opinions about the mental abilities of blond girls - nothing more than a myth, prejudices formed over time and under certain circumstances.

I would also like to note that today there are many women who dye their hair in light shades, turning from dark to light. But it is unlikely that this will reduce the level of their intellectual abilities.

Now you know why blondes are considered stupid, and you can safely refute this stereotype by telling how it came to be. It became clear that a girl’s IQ does not depend on hair color, and research can confirm this.

Video: 10 little-known facts about blondes

In this video, Leonid Lobachev will tell you where this stereotype regarding blond ladies came from, and what other interesting facts exist:

It's quite strange why blondes are considered stupid. Well, then what about blondes, who are no different from them? Should they also be included in this category? In general, it is stupid to judge a person only by the color of his hair. In addition, if you rewind time a little, you will notice that women with white hair have always been held in high esteem, and men preferred them. You will ask why? In those days, society was ruled by experienced elders, who were always treated with honor and special respect. Due to objective reasons, their hair was gray, which is where such a respectful attitude towards people with white hair originates.
A woman, in this regard, is no exception. Men considered them smart and caring, and they were chosen as life partners. But man, as we know, is not without sin. He is characterized by envy. In order to somehow stand out against the background of a white-haired woman, men came up with such an absurd statement about the stupidity of blondes. It was on this basis that various jokes arose about women with white hair and their narrow minds. But if you think carefully, you will notice that narrow-minded women are also found among brunettes, and there is no need to talk about stupid men. But for some reason only blondes are considered stupid.
All this is mysticism that has no basis in reality. Now let's see how science relates to this fact.
The main paradox is that we still have not been able to understand what principles guide our consciousness when creating certain stereotypes. The most surprising thing is that this process is poorly controlled. Since this opinion prevails, it means that everyone must blindly obey it. Otherwise, you will be a black sheep. When we talk about the color white, we perceive it as something extremely light, open, accessible and completely safe. At least this is how our brain perceives the color white. But consciousness can translate it into perverted forms. At the same time, it is guided by existing stereotypes, even if they are not entirely correct. In particular, white hair color in young women is interpreted by him as a sign of stupidity.
Although, this is not always the case. On a subconscious level, a person understands that this interpretation is not correct, and the blonde may turn out to be an extremely smart person. But the archetype that has developed over centuries wins. And our negative traits are to blame: pride, envy, vanity, selfishness. After all, it is difficult to agree that someone is smarter than you. And even though white color is a sign of intelligence, we don’t care about it. We believe the prevailing stereotype. That is why people laugh at the same blonde, although she may be much smarter than them.
It turns out that brunettes consider blondes stupid because of envy, and men because of the desire to dominate a woman. As for brunettes and blondes, changing hair color is not a problem today. You just need to visit a beauty salon. Besides, there are no comrades according to taste and color. Some men like blondes, while others like brunettes.
Now let's think abstractly. In every man there lives a warrior, a patron and a leader who always strives for a dominant position in the family. And if so, then he must be superior to the woman. And if in ancient times this was achieved with the help of force, then in modern society it is not of decisive importance. You can achieve superiority only with the help of your mind and your intellectual abilities. But what if a woman with white hair is smarter than a man? Here you need to either obey or somehow prove your leadership. This is why this stereotype arises, according to which all blondes are stupid. In fact, we ourselves do not believe in it.

Surely everyone has heard that blondes are called, to put it mildly, “stupid.” It mostly came from anecdotes. But, jokes are jokes, and people encourage blondes with this, which shames them. Are blondes really dumb?

As I already said, jokes are written about them, people laugh at them, films are made about them. The movie “Chocolate Blonde” costs a lot, but they are great.

Blondes are a unique phenomenon because they are both the object of men's adoration and ridicule. Research conducted by scientists has shown that more than 65 percent of men like blondes!

So what is their secret? - Is it really only hair color (which, by the way, is so easy to change) that has such an attractive effect? Personally, I heard that “blonde girls are more relaxed and frivolous - this is an ideal option if you want to have fun and have an easy time.”

But are blondes really as narrow-minded as they appear to us in jokes? Do they really deserve to be ridiculed? More precisely, or is there a clear connection between light hair coloring and low IQ?

Well, first of all, if this is true, then only natural blondes should be studied. Do we have many of these? Scientific evidence suggests that natural blondes are an endangered species. Every year there are fewer and fewer of them. But the number of those who decide to change their color to a lighter one is inexorably growing.

Secondly, do they all automatically become fools? Or are the fools not blondes, but brunettes dyed blonde?

In general, in order to understand where the “legs grow” from jokes about blondes, you will need to - you will laugh - study history.

There are two versions of where jokes about blondes come from:

First: brunettes make up their long lonely evenings.
Second: they are invented by men who have been turned down by blondes.

Both are humorous, although not without reason.

Only in America, where women have some inclination towards feminism and independence from men, could the idea of ​​celebrating “Blonde Day” arise.

Moreover, the idea of ​​celebrating such an extravagant occasion arose among lawyers and attorneys. It was the American Lawyers' Union that initiated National Blonde Day on July 9, 2001. Then the idea was picked up all over the world, and now May 31 of every year is celebrated under the banner of “World Blonde Day.”

Anecdote about a blonde:

A blonde and a brunette are standing at a bus stop. The blonde asks: “What route number do you need?” The brunette replies: “I’m number 9, what about you?” “And I’m 2,” the blonde answered.
Then bus number 29 arrives and the blonde joyfully exclaims: “Oh! Cool! Suitable for the two of us.”

The conclusion I want to draw is that the mind does not depend on hair color.

How many blondes I have met and still know, I have to say that they are stupid. On the contrary, they made only a positive impression on me. And these conversations are just a joke.
