Why parents should be honored, not loved. Why parents need to be honored, and not loved Sparing neither strength nor

First of all, about our parents.

Oleg's mother is Agnia Vladimirovna. A person is always interested in something. When we started training together and needed her help, she fell in love with figure skating. I fell in love so much that I put on skates myself. I fell in love so much that now I can’t imagine myself outside of sports at all. And being already a completely middle-aged woman, she decided to become an athlete herself, and now she bathes all winter in ice water ...

Agnia Vladimirovna was a ballerina.

In art, ranks and titles are not important. Now we understand this quite clearly. Agnia Vladimirovna, our mother, directed our aesthetic and artistic education surprisingly correctly and completely imperceptibly.

Often we argued.

And not only on the rink.

We got excited. And so did she. We were looking for the truth for ourselves. And she searched with us. It was obviously difficult for her. Will she ever admit how difficult it was for her!

The older you get, the better you want to understand the other. The soul of your mother is probably the most difficult to understand: there is too much personal and familiar, and even obligatory, between us. It seems that everything is clear, everything is clear, but you try to put yourself in her place - and you get lost and do not know what to do. And it seems to be so simple...

Agnia Vladimirovna was our first choreographer. And this is for us the same as the first teacher. Who among us can forget the first teacher and his advice?!

Little fair-haired woman, how much courage you have, how much heroism! You endured the Leningrad blockade, left alone with the boy in your arms! You endured years of trials, a difficult nomadic artistic life. You endured the glory years of your children. And I am ready to support them - with all my heart - in difficult, critical times.

In one of Marina Tsvetaeva's letters, we found wonderful lines:

“Your mother... that same mother from the medieval poem - remember, he was running, his mother's heart fell from his hands, and he stumbled over him. And his heart said to him: “Are you hurt, baby?”.

And we thought: this is also said about our mothers ...

And what a terrible surprise we prepared in January 1969 for Agnia Vladimirovna in Leningrad. Joyful, upbeat, immediately rejuvenated by a good ten years, she was sitting in the Sports Palace. Or no, not sitting. I couldn't find a place for myself. She went from skater to skater, from coach to coach - she listened to everything they said about her own pair.

And we lost ... But our mother forgave us, and continues to believe in us.

And how many sleepless nights Lyudmila's mother and father, Natalya Andreevna and Evgeny Georgievich, spent preparing us for competitions, for long trips abroad.

Lyudmila's parents are old communists. Father - a regular military man, went through the entire Great Patriotic War ...

Now he and Natalya Andreevna devote all their free time to us. A few years ago, Lyudmila's family lived in two tiny rooms. And yet we always had a table and a house ready here. Natalya Andreevna liked to repeat: "In cramped quarters, but not offended ...".

Of course, she got the most, household chores were added beyond any norm. But she was always cheerful.

Natalya Andreevna and Evgeny Georgievich, by their own example, instilled in their daughters the highest moral principles from early childhood. This could not but affect later on our understanding, our attitude to sport, to the struggle that goes on in it continuously.

When we write these lines, Natalya Andreevna and Evgeny Georgievich are next to us. We are in a hotel, and they are nearby, in a house surrounded by a garden, they are renting a room. We leave together in the forest. And there, Natalya Andreevna every time goes to the thickets and tirelessly looks for medicinal herbs, leaves: “Take it, my dears, this fragrant infusion is obtained from this herb, it is always wonderful for health, for freshness!”

And so calmly, so nicely you feel next to them!

And Raya, Lyudmila's sister...

I remember how once, in 1962, it was, she was preparing us for leaving abroad for competitions. She tried to persuade me: “Sleep, guys, sleep,” and she herself sat all night and finished sewing our new suits. I wake up at night and see Raya tirelessly scribbling on a typewriter and biting her threads.

She dressed us in the morning. Kissed. Eyes red after a sleepless night. But you have to go to work. Wish you good luck and go...

And so it was not once or twice.

And if we achieved success in figure skating, then this was the merit of our Rai ...

Sometimes you think about your sporting achievements and you just want to say not yours, but ours. Because we are well aware that they are the achievement of many, many thousands of people, they are, as it were, a concentrated success - and not only of our sports movement, but of everything that our beloved Motherland gives us.

Our victories were helped by teams of ice rinks, where we prepared for competitions and where we performed; caring chefs and waitresses who tried to feed us better - during training camps and during competitions; tailors and shoemakers of special studios who created equipment for us; and dozens of seemingly inconspicuous people who are always ready to help us in word and deed.

We have been supported all these years by thousands of fans who sent us their letters. We talked about them separately.

We were helped by both specialists and non-specialists who were in love with figure skating and wished him well.

With one of these assistants - somewhat unexpected - we will now introduce you.

The engine of a small ice iron purrs - the filling machine tirelessly maneuvers along the rink, leaving behind a slightly smoking wet trail. Just finished training. After it, the entire surface of the ice is mercilessly cut. Here a single skater made a jump - just a hole formed in the ice. Here, a not too experienced skater braked sharply - again a trace that seems indelible. True, for an outsider, all this is almost imperceptible: just think, the trace remains, and even sprinkled with snow dust so that it is not visible at all. But for a master figure skater, rugged ice is a hindrance. After all, we feel every bump, every roughness with the whole foot. All skaters sooner or later develop such a subtle sense of touch. After the rental of the program, we can sometimes count all the scratches on the ice.

The pouring machine is a marvel of modern varnishing technology. After all, we still remember the times when the stadium workers scraped the ice with special scrapers on open skating rinks and then poured it from a hose or from a barrel on a sled. However, on simple skating rinks, nothing has changed now.

Driving the car - Sasha Smirnov. Rough driver. He rules a little carelessly. But the eyes are attentive. He, like us, feels every bump on the ice.

A skating rink filler is not such an easy profession as it might seem at first glance. Here, too, special skill is required. If you start to hurry, put more water on the ice, puddles are already on it, and precious training time is wasted. And you can do almost without water in general: come out, athletes, on the ice right away. Ice is bad. And so it remained with the "bitches".

In a word, the ice pourer is a faithful assistant to the skater.

Sasha Smirnov is just such an employee. But he also has something else in his character.

Sasha is both an excellent gymnast and a talented musician, he played the trumpet in an amateur jazz orchestra ...

Sasha and I met at the end of 1961. In Moscow, the new CSKA Sports Palace was opened then. In Leningrad, there was only a tiny artificial skating rink. The leaders of the Lokomotiv society perfectly understood our situation and, despite the high cost of rent, sent a request to CSKA to give us time for training on the days before the competition. Director of the Palace G. S. Cherkassky went to meet us.

And so we begin to train in Moscow. At that time, as you know, we didn’t have a coach. The situation was unusual: it is not easy to get used to such a large ice rink. And we argued a lot.

And the time before the European Championship was less and less.

It was important that someone looked at us from the outside and at least told about the general impression.

And we once asked Sasha Smirnov to watch us.

He agreed.

And it immediately became clear that he had a tenacious, trained eye - with gymnastics, with the world of honed movements, after all, he was well acquainted, and his hearing was magnificent.

“I liked this pose, but here there is no synchronism, but here ...”

We listened to Sasha attentively and tried to correct the mistakes that he noticed.

Sometimes we look at the schedule and see: Sasha finishes work late today, after midnight. So, he will not come tomorrow, we will ride ourselves. And we trained from six o'clock in the morning, immediately after the opening of the Palace.

And now we arrive at a quarter to six at the skating rink. Empty. Quiet. Cleaners just rustle with mops. We quickly change clothes, skates on our feet. We lace up. And on the ice. And Sasha is already standing at the side.

Hello Sasha! Hello working class!

And my heart is instantly better. It's more fun to ride.

That season we became silver medalists of the European and world championships.

From 1962 to 1968, we had to do the main part of ice training in Moscow. This is where our programs crystallized. This is where we usually show them for the first time. But there were two spectators who saw and evaluated our new programs before anyone else.

These spectators are Tatyana Alexandrovna Tolmacheva and Alexander Fedorovich Tolmachev. Ten-time national champions in pair skating. Holders of a record that is unlikely to ever be repeated.

We value the opinion of Tatyana Alexandrovna and Alexander Fedorovich very much. Among other things, Tatyana Alexandrovna is one of the most experienced judges in the world of figure skating. And her opinion is extremely important.

For a long time, Tatyana Alexandrovna has been the head of the training of many talented athletes. E. Shcheglova, G. Grzhibovskaya, S. Chetverukhin received tickets to big-time sports from her ... Some of her pupils have already become educators of figure skaters themselves. For example, Elena Chaikovskaya (Osipova) is one of the coaches of our team, and another student, Irina Goloshchapova, leads the review on ice. In general, Tatyana Aleksandrovna is a wonderful expert in figure skating. And despite all her busyness, she still always found time to come to our “dress rehearsals” and bless our performances.

And here is another one of our sincere assistants: Galina Evgenievna Koenig. Former ballerina. Choreographer. She has been working with skaters for fifteen years, and the experience she has gained is invaluable.

It was especially important for us to cooperate with Galina Evgenievna on the eve of the Olympics in Grenoble. When creating a new program, especially its first part (“Moonlight Sonata”), it was extremely necessary for us that such an expert be present at the training, who, having looked at the composition, could then clearly and accurately express to us not only his opinion about the technical performance, but also to talk about his purely sensual, emotional, artistic perception. Galina Evgenievna was an extra-class spectator. The more carefully we prepared for each workout, the more energetically we “ruled” the program, achieving the maximum impression from each of our gestures.

Galina Evgenievna was tireless. She filled us with her energy.

Every time when it was especially difficult for us, Galina Evgenievna appeared at the rink. And when we lost at the national championship in Leningrad, she came to us again. And together we prepared for performances at the World and European Championships.

We already wrote that our coach Igor Borisovich Moskvin after Grenoble completely switched to work with Tamara Moskvina and Alexei Mishin. But we were not alone this time. In addition to Galina Evgenievna, the first coach of Oleg N. Leplinskaya and a capable figure skater E. Popova (Gorbunova) were next to us. They stood for hours behind the side, sharing their impressions about our every gesture, about our every movement ...

About the people who sincerely and disinterestedly helped us all these years - both before we became champions, and when we climbed the first step, and when we left it - one could write a separate book. We remember every kind word, every good advice...

Instead of an epilogue

And so we part with you, our dear readers, our friends and our fans. We have told you everything, or almost everything, that we wanted to and that we could say now. And at the same time, we hope that at the next meeting - whether on the pages of a book or a magazine, or in a huge sparkling Sports Palace - we will have something to tell you about our new searches, our new ideas and plans.

And we also hope that we will be parting for a very short time.

"The trumpet is calling for a hike!" And we are ready for the difficulties of our marching, our combat sports life.

A clear ice field lies before us.

A new page of our ice story.

Not yet completed page.

We take the covers off the skates.

We're out on the ice.

And two thin parallel lines - the trace left by the "swallow" - as the capital letter of the new section of our sports biography.

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.” (Ex. 20:12).

Although God is love, in this commandment He speaks of reverence. Reverence is the highest form of love. You can love, but not honor, but there is no respect without love. A respectful attitude includes deep respect and a reverent feeling of gratitude. True respect implies an appeal to “you”, it does not allow you to offend a person, raise your voice, and even more so raise your hand.

The antipode of respect is familiarity. Familiarity is a sin that occurs at every turn. When a person behaves with parents, leaders, leaders familiarly, cheekily, unceremoniously, he loses grace. "Like precious oil on the head, running down on his beard, Aaron's beard, running down on the hem of his garment" (Ps. 132:2). Oil flows from the head, so when we put our parents on the same level or even below ourselves, we lose a great many blessings that could only be received through the vertical of power.

God is the CREATOR of the universe. Father, mother are the CREATORS of our lives. God gave them this status. God entrusted us to our parents, so the attitude towards them should be as reverent, respectful, sacred as towards God. If a person honors his parents, he will honor God. If a person does not honor his parents, he does not honor God. Because only demons and evil spirits can push a son or daughter to exalt themselves over their mother, father, to a contemptuous attitude, arrogance or indifference. Relationship with parents is a prototype of our relationship with God.

Often we will not understand our parents: “Parents said something wrong, did something wrong, or did nothing at all. I was raised by the street, not by my parents. The father is an alcoholic or there was no father at all. It is possible that parental opinion runs counter to our mentality, life principles, does not correspond to our understanding of the situation. It is possible that the parents were indeed wrong. God Himself will reveal the shortcomings, blunders, and sins of the parents. And in this we must see the trust from God! God trusts to see the “nudity” of a parent (pastor, leader)! This means that God considered you to be an adult enough, mature Christian, and decided to transfer you to a higher level!

The weakness of a father, mother, leader is not an excuse for ridicule, gossip, and contempt. This is not a reason to leave your father, mother, to hurt them with your indifference, non-recognition of parental authority. This, on the contrary, is the time to prove loyalty to the sons, to provide support, to show nobility, true, and not consumer love and respect.


Even if you were really offended, not helped, abandoned, hated or hated - you have no right to respond in kind! NO EXCUSE FOR DISCOUNT!

Truth is stronger than facts and our truth! And the truth cries out: “HONORT YOUR FATHER and MOTHER!” Only when we love the truth, adhere to it, will growth, prosperity and success come into our lives. Truth uplifts, gives longevity and good gifts.

Example: We know that the baby is connected to the mother by the umbilical cord. It grows, develops, lives thanks to the umbilical cord, but if this connection is not present, the child dies. The umbilical cord is a symbol of close, respectful relationships. When we honor our parents, we will have life success, growth, prosperity! But if we do not show respect, we do not have deep gratitude in our hearts, we ourselves, with our own hands, tear the umbilical cord of a happy, successful, healthy life, sign a sentence for ourselves, cut the branch on which we sit.

Let's see the baby! He is absolutely helpless, does not understand what is happening, his life is completely in the hands of his parents. He does not talk about who is stronger, smarter, more excellent - his parents are the source of everything for him! And we were once such babies! Let's never forget this! Our children will treat us the same way we treat our parents.

Irresponsibility to parents, disobedience, neglect, indifference leads to death, difficulties in business, lack of happiness (even if a person earns a lot of money), loss of future, dissatisfaction, inability to find a calling or fulfill it. Many people wander through life, do not stay long at work - this is all a sign of a curse due to the disrespect of parents. If communication with parents is interrupted, then a person's life is haunted by infertility, the inability to get married or marry, give birth to children, constant divorces.

Conclusion: even if your parents hate you, so be it. God is their judge. But you are obliged to love, bless, prove your respect to your parents by deeds!

“If you haven’t learned from childhood to look into your mother’s eyes and see anxiety or peace, peace or confusion in them, you will remain a moral ignoramus for the rest of your life. Moral ignorance, like wildness in love, brings people a lot of grief and harm to society”, V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

Disrespect leads to the death not only of children, but also of parents: SHOWING DISRESPECT TO PARENTS, A PERSON SEPARATES THEM FROM THE SOURCE OF LIFE ENERGY.

While the child is small, the parents give him all the strength, time, energy, and, following the spiritual law, this energy should return to them when they have already weakened. This exchange of energies is a closed cycle of life support, but a person interrupts it with his disrespect for his parents!

When children are arrogant towards their parents, do not share love, do not show respect - they cut off oxygen, access to an energy source, and they die very early (on average, by 60-65 years).

With our respect or disrespect, we influence the whole family, descendants, country.

Due to the disrespect of parents, in the first place, the very first "parent" - God, there is no transfer of the energy of love, cooperation, interconnection, continuity of generations is lost. Consequences - early death of parents. Subsequent generations repeat the mistakes of irreverence. The result is the same - death. The circle closes. Thus, there is an extinction of the whole clan, the whole nation.

Example: Young children die of cancer and other serious "non-child" diseases. Children bear the punishment "earned" by their parents, grandparents by their wrong attitude towards God, their parents.

“An ungrateful son is worse than someone else’s: he is a criminal, for a son has no right to be indifferent to his mother,” Guy de Maupassant.

How do we return energy to parents? CARING FOR YOUR PARENTS, providing them financially, making useful, practical gifts, helping them with treatment or sanatorium rest, providing simple, elementary signs of attention. For example, bringing a beautiful rose to your mother from work or asking an old father for everyday advice.

Caring for parents, even if they are quite rich and well-to-do, is a vital necessity for every son and daughter. Even if the relationship is destroyed, the paths have diverged, it is never too late to start all over again, to restore the relationship of respect, love and reverence. It is never too late to place everything on the solid foundation that is Christ. This is necessary in order to free yourself and subsequent births from the curse. With God everything is possible!

Reverence is the tribute that every grateful son can and must bring to his parents.

“From our parents we received the greatest and priceless gift - life. They nurtured and nurtured us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now, when they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure and leave them, to cover them with care, love, gratitude and respect!”

We think least of our loved ones when they are there, and we suffer the most when they are gone.

Real men never take offense at women. They just wait for them to calm down and continue to love them further.

Memories are beautiful, but they have no taste and smell, they cannot be touched. And over time, they inevitably weaken.

Honor money neither more nor less than it is worth; it is a good servant and a bad master.

The ability to forgive saves us from anger, hatred and waste of spiritual strength.

When it becomes very difficult for you, and everything turns against you, and it seems that you have no strength to endure a single minute more, do not retreat for anything: it is at such moments that a turning point in the struggle occurs.

Take care of each other people!
The pain of loss does not cure hops ...
We are the artists of our destinies...
We are both brushes and watercolors...
Treat love like a treasure
So as not to sob after her ...
Nothing is needed without love...
There is nothing without love!

Just remember what happened a year ago and what is now. How many people do you not communicate with now, although they swore to be with you to the end: they don’t write now, they have more important people. And you forget, and let go, but do not forget those who are still with you, believe in you, no matter what the circumstances are and no matter how life changes you.

Women are stronger than us. For them, there is no nonsense - only the main thing. Life, children, freedom. They do not see the point in eternal life - they continue in children, and that is enough. They are not conquerors - the world already belongs to them, because they are able to create a new life.

Resident with Trinity, honorary citizen of the Belokholunitsky district Nikifor Filippovich Shupletsov turns 85 years old.

He was born in the village of Kostylevo into a large peasant family. My father was a participant in the First World War, fought until 1915, until he was discharged for health reasons. Mother - a simple peasant woman, a native of the Maksimovsky repair (now the territory of the Nagorsk region). Both passed away early, so all the cares for the younger children fell on the shoulders of the elder sister Maria.

Nikifor always showed a thirst for knowledge, studied diligently, graduated from evening school and the Kirov Polytechnic College with a degree in mechanics. After serving in the army, he first worked on a collective farm, then as a carpenter and driver at a timber industry enterprise. His love for technology is endless. Acquired in 1973, the UAZ car still does not change! Despite its impressive age, the car looks like new from the outside and from the inside.

In 1968, a sharp turn took place in the fate of Nikifor Filippovich: by decision of the bureau of the district party committee, he headed the Young Guard collective farm. At that time, the farm consisted of 4 brigades, rickety stockyards built back in the days of collectivization, a small number of livestock, 4 DT-54 tractors, two GAZ-51 cars and an office in an old wooden house in the village. Trinity, where the accountant and accountant worked in one person. The salary was meager. Milkmaids and calves received 60-80 rubles a month, and ordinary collective farmers even less - from 30 to 40 rubles. None of the ten villages had electricity, the only glimmer of civilization was the radio.

The restoration and strengthening of the collective farm became the main goal of N.F. Shupletsov. Thanks to his efforts, the machine and tractor fleet was gradually replenished, the wages of collective farmers increased, and young people began to stay in the village. The construction of typical farms with water supply began, a parking lot for tractors and cars appeared. In reports on the region, the economy began to occupy not the last positions. An agronomist, a livestock specialist, and an economist came to help the chairman and foremen. The first passenger car GAZ-69 appeared, which was used to transport workers. He became a star for the chairman N.F. Shupletsov 1975, when the grain yield on the farm turned out to be almost the highest in the region! The number of collective farmers was then 130 people.

In 1979, an office was built with separate offices for the chairman and specialists, and a meeting room. Sparing no effort, no time, the leader devoted himself completely to work. From morning until late evening he was in the fields, on the farm, went to the area on urgent issues. I tried to provide housing for my workers. At the same time, Nikifor Filippovich himself remained a modest and honest person. How, after his marriage in 1956, he entered the timber industry house on the street. Soviet, and still lives in it. But he could build himself a mansion!

In 1987, the board of the collective farm, at the request of N.F. Shupletsova relieved him of his post for health reasons. Nikifor Filippovich returned as a senior mechanic to the Troitsky lumber camp, from where he retired.

Together with his wife Raisa Alekseevna, he raised two sons who now live far from their home. The elder, after 20 years of military service, settled in Yaroslavl and works as a mechanic in one of the companies, the younger works at the Pskov customs. Rejoice with their successes and grandchildren. One of them is working in St. Petersburg after graduating from graduate school, the younger one is in his third year at one of the prestigious universities in Moscow.

Nikifor Filippovich is a patriot of a small homeland. Recently, with his active participation in the village where he was born, a memorial plate appeared with a list of residents as of January 1, 1940 and the names of fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War. Of course, sometimes the heart of the former chairman hurts for today's realities ... In 1998, the Young Guard collective farm was reorganized, and in 2001, by decision of the Arbitration Court of the Kirov Region, it was liquidated. There are no farms, fields are overgrown, no one wants to engage in a personal farmstead, although there is an opportunity. But he is happy for a new galaxy of bright and talented agricultural managers who achieve excellent results in all areas of production.

Nikolai Shupletsov, head of the Trinity rural settlement.

Photo from the family archive.

Ekaterina Lyashova, a schoolgirl from the Levokumsky district, became the winner of the correspondence round of the XI All-Russian competition "My legislative initiative", organized at the initiative of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation and the All-Russian public organization "National system for the development of scientific, creative and innovative activities of the youth of Russia "Integration". Katya's work was highly appreciated, so the girl was invited to take part in the autumn session of the All-Russian Youth Forum.

It took place in mid-October in the children's rest home "Nepetsino" in the Moscow region under the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation. Having defended her work in the nomination "social policy", the schoolgirl was awarded a nominal diploma of the first degree!

By the way, in her native school in the village of Pravokumskoye, the tenth graders were not particularly surprised at the next victory, because the girl is an activist in the broadest sense of the word: she successfully participates in creative competitions and various youth events. And as an active, proactive person, during her studies she was awarded vouchers to the All-Russian children's centers "Eaglet" and "Artek". Catherine's principle - you can not sit idly by! She is always in the midst of interesting events. Yes, and she herself, as part of the school volunteer detachment "Echo", often organizes useful things. So, for example, the girl, along with the social service, undertook to patronize a family in which four children were left without attention and parents. And she was so imbued with the difficult life situation of abandoned babies that she wrote the work "Organization of social and legal protection of children and adolescents who find themselves in a difficult life situation in modern Russia." The teacher Olga Nikolaevna Supranenok helped her.

Katya proposed to revive such a system of "correcting parents" as LTP. Therapeutic labor dispensaries once existed in the Soviet Union and, according to the girl, today they could not only become a certain measure of punishment for negligent fathers and mothers, but also help to ensure that the wages earned are deducted as alimony for the maintenance of their children. them money.

The work of Ekaterina Lyashova was included in the collection of abstracts, which will be submitted for consideration to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

Katya says that last year's trip to Moscow also prompted her to think seriously about the difficult fate of abandoned children: while on an excursion, she saw the sights of the capital and was shocked to the core by the installation "Monument to Missing Children" on Krymsky Val. It was created on the initiative of the volunteer search and rescue team "Lisa Alert" and is a four-meter hourglass, inside which is the figure of a little girl. Near the clock there is a wall with announcements about the disappearance of those whom the volunteers of "Lisa Alert" were looking for, but did not have time to find. On the other side of it are announcements of those who are waiting for help right now.

“I was shocked: the crying girl inside the glass dome seems so alive ... This is a direct appeal to society that one cannot remain indifferent when children are in trouble,” my heroine shared.

Katya defended her work in Nepetsino just as ardently: her opponents included students, graduate students, doctors of sciences, and experienced lawyers. And they asked serious questions. The girl passed the test with dignity, and twice: first, her work was selected from a thousand submitted to the correspondence stage of the competition, and then she was already recognized as one of the best among 400 participants in the full-time round. As a result, Katya Lyashova was among 30 of its laureates.

By the way, the girl shared her main dream: she wants to become a cardiac surgeon, like her idol Leo Bokeria, who spares neither time nor effort to save people.
