Improve your studies. How to improve your academic performance

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely every person. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from our distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight.” In other words, anxiety does not arise out of nowhere, but has an evolutionary basis. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but a mechanism developed by evolution that is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Anxious impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their expediency, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the lives of anxious people.

Summer holidays are the most awaited time for every schoolchild. But parents often worry whether their child will forget everything he has learned during the school year. And some mothers and fathers are seriously deciding the issue, how to improve your studies over the summer and repeat all the material covered.

Who needs to exercise in the summer?

Those children who have been sick for a long time and missed a large number of classes should study or repeat the material covered, so it is important to fill the gaps in knowledge. With regard to general development, broadening one’s horizons, as well as overcoming difficulties that arise during the learning process, every child needs this, because the process of acquiring new knowledge and skills should occur in children constantly.

During the summer holidays, it is important to include educational activities in a schoolchild’s leisure time, which should be interesting, varied and different from school lessons. To combine study and recreation, you should change the form of training and methods of presenting the material. For example, you can study the multiplication table using a board or computer game.

Teachers give children over 12 years of age assignments to complete over the summer. In this case, parents can only provide organizational assistance to their children. As for younger schoolchildren, adults should understand what difficulties their child encounters during the learning process, and, depending on this, choose educational games and tasks for him that will help him overcome the problems.

How much time should you spend studying during the summer?

If the activity is really interesting to the child, you can include it in the child’s leisure time several times a day.

If we are talking about the same type of activities, they need to devote about 30 minutes a day.

If a student is ready to do something for hours, you shouldn’t interfere with it.

If the child does not like to do something at all, the time of training should be reduced to 15-20 minutes, but this must be done daily.

Parents should understand the causes of the problems that prevent their child from learning in all subjects. To identify this, you can contact a psychologist, speech therapist or neuropsychologist. The specialist will give recommendations.

In order not to overload the student with classes, it is important to pay attention to his condition. If a child begins to feel disinhibited for a long time, it becomes difficult for him to concentrate, he begins to rub his eyes, this is a sign of overwork.

Parents for whom the question “How to improve your studies over the summer?” is relevant, we must remember that forcing a child to study during the holidays is only necessary as a last resort. If he resists, it is important to change the form of the activity and arouse his interest.


Start by strengthening your own strength. After all, if your body doesn’t have enough resources, you won’t be able to, even if you want to. Review your daily menu. Nutrition should be balanced, and the number of calories consumed should correspond to your load.

Schedule your daily routine. Set aside time for four meals a day, study, entertainment, extracurricular activities and sleep. Determine how much time it actually takes you to complete each item. If necessary, increase it, “taking away”, for example, from entertainment (you shouldn’t skimp on sleep and food). If you are too busy with classes and sections, you may have to sacrifice one of them - one that you attend for your own pleasure, without planning to apply the acquired skills in your professional activities.

Decide for yourself what results you want to achieve in . On a piece of paper, write down your goals, and with them the efforts you need to put in. In this case, goals must be taken into account both for the near future and long-term.

By the way, about teachers. Teach your child to communicate well and productively with them. Let him at least pretend that he likes the subject of this. This will flatter the teacher and subsequently, perhaps, save him from unforeseen circumstances during the lessons (in case, for example, he did not have time to complete his homework).

Classmates are also a factor that determines school performance. If the company is good, not only will it not interfere with the child’s studies, but it will also help. Mutual assistance has not yet been canceled.

In addition, the life of the school itself should not be discounted. An active student is remembered not only by teachers, but is also encouraged by the director. Successful participation in Olympiads and similar events is an opportunity to receive all kinds of certificates, which can play a big positive role when entering an institute/university. Convince your child that school is not boring, and maybe your child will thank you later.

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In the media, more and more often you can hear about a decrease in the level of education - both higher and secondary, about the low quality of the knowledge acquired by university graduates, even prestigious ones. Graduates themselves also often complain about the lack of knowledge for work, and this also applies to those who did not skip classes and showed good results during the session.


The quality of knowledge is determined by its depth and relevance after graduation. If, as a rule, nothing can be done about the demand - the market either needs, say, lawyers, or does not need it, then anyone can work with the depth of knowledge. In addition, the quality of knowledge depends on two parties - the teacher and the learner. If the quality of knowledge of the first is low, the second will be the same. The quality of knowledge of the student who does not make efforts to learn will also be low.

Improving the quality of knowledge is a constant work. Our memory has a habit of repressing information that we do not use for a long time. This is especially true. You can have fundamental linguistic skills, but not use a foreign language for several years and ultimately be unable to properly communicate in a foreign language in a store. Vocabulary is forgotten, and then... To avoid this, and even vice versa - to expand your vocabulary, you need to use a foreign language to the maximum. Moreover, now it is not so difficult: in almost any large bookstore you can buy books in foreign languages, you can also listen to music and chat on forums. Some people do not allow themselves to “throw away” a foreign language from their career - they are engaged in home translations for translation agencies and private clients, i.e. improve the quality of knowledge actually for a fee.

Over time, any knowledge is forgotten, especially that gained “through force.” It is known that it is easier for a person to remember what aroused his emotions. Therefore, it can be extremely difficult to remember a boring lecture or information from an overly dry and complexly written textbook. The way out of this situation is to make the process of studying a particular subject interesting. This can be done by both the teacher and the teacher himself, although here, of course, everything depends more on the former. A literature lesson at school can be diversified by showing a film based on the work being studied, or a history lesson by going to a museum.

One of the big problems of young specialists is the inability to apply the knowledge acquired at the university in practice. Russian education is fundamental, it includes studying a large amount of theoretical material and devotes little time to practice. Some employers solve the problem of employees’ inability to cope with certain tasks by organizing trainings in which they will provide the required minimum knowledge in a simple and accessible form, and then require them to demonstrate how this knowledge can be applied. Not all trainings are quite effective, but the model itself of such an increase in the quality of specialists’ knowledge can be called successful.

Self-education, of course, plays a special role in improving the quality of knowledge. Nothing prevents a student or young specialist from buying and reading books and magazines in their specialty, attending seminars, and exchanging knowledge on the Internet. However, not everyone engages in self-education; it requires quite strong motivation. You can start with motivation - someone who has firm goals and strives to achieve certain results will most likely not be deterred by certain difficulties and will be able to constantly improve their knowledge and develop the skills necessary for their career.

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Any parent wants their child to study well. But our expectations do not always coincide with reality. Sometimes children fail in several subjects or refuse to go to school altogether.


To improve a child’s academic performance, you must first arouse his interest in the subject. Of course, a lot depends on the teacher, his ability to present knowledge and structure a lesson. But parents also have no less responsibility. Incomprehensible topics should be explained to the child and difficult questions should be considered together.

Of course, people's brains process information differently. Some students memorize all the material with, while some have to study an additional few hours a day. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Give your child time to go for a walk and watch his favorite cartoon.

That's why it's so important to follow the regime. It is better to plan it together with the child, so that he understands that he himself is responsible for its compliance. In general, it is better to develop independence skills from the beginning. There is no need to sit with your child while preparing homework. Let him do everything himself, and you stay nearby, but mind your own business. If your child has any questions, you can help him solve them.

When preparing your homework, prioritize difficult-to-understand lessons. As long as the child is not tired, it is easier for him to perceive information. Tasks that seem easy can be done later.

If possible, hire a tutor. Additional activities will help your child master the material faster. In addition, often studying with another person changes your understanding of the subject in general. After all, teachers have different methods.

If your child categorically refuses to go to school, perhaps the problem is not only in academic performance. Talk to the class teacher, find out from your classmates whether the child may have problems, try to find the cause of the conflict and solutions.

The main thing is to listen to your little student, love him no matter what, be a loyal friend and reliable assistant.

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Unfortunately, in most Russian educational institutions the quality of education leaves much to be desired. The problem, according to experts, lies not only in the character and habits of modern youth, but also in the level of literacy of the teaching staff.


Naturally, it starts with . And the level of preparation largely depends on it. After all, everyone knows that students can know some subjects better and others worse. And here it’s not about abilities and talents, but about the interest, exactingness and responsibility of the teacher. Nowadays, most students at pedagogical universities do not want to go to college after graduation. Therefore, to improve the quality of education, you need to pay attention first of all to the key figure in the school - the teacher.

Speaking about the quality of education, we must remember that the most effective way to improve it is the interest of both children and teachers in the educational process. Various interschool and interuniversity Olympiads, conferences, and seminars can identify talented teachers, schoolchildren and students.

Doesn't your son or daughter's diary show high scores? Why is your child not doing as well as you would like? Find out what's wrong and help fix the situation!

14:44 23.01.2013

There are some children whom no one ever forces to study. Diligent schoolchildren themselves diligently sit through their evenings with textbooks - in order to answer the highest mark and be the best. All mothers and fathers dream of such sons and daughters. Alas, according to statistics, there are hardly three such diligent students for the entire stream. In addition, psychologists assure that excessive diligence is not always good: perfectionism, which manifests itself like this in childhood, will greatly interfere in the future. Therefore, if your tomboy does not like to study too much, do not rush to get upset and blame him for his lack of diligence. It is parents (and not teachers and friends) who can instill a love of knowledge and find an incentive for their son or daughter to study better.

Ideally, of course, you need to systematically monitor your child’s progress. But sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that you simply cannot comprehend the immensity: either there is an emergency at work, then there are problems with the health of your parents, or there is a crisis in your relationship with your husband. You look back - it’s already April, there’s nothing left until the end of the school year, and in your beloved child’s diary there are exactly the grades that you would least like to see there. Let's be honest: if all the subjects are running, then, most likely, it will hardly be possible to significantly change the marks on the report card. The best thing you can do is to talk to your child like an adult, without unnecessary emotions, setting him up for serious work in the future. Ask: why do you think your studies have become worse this school year? How can I help you next year? You definitely need to end the conversation on a positive note, so that your child can see that you believe in his strengths and abilities. And right now, after the conversation, it’s worth starting to study extra, think through a program for the summer, and hire a tutor. The results will come later, most likely not this quarter.

Well, when there is a “puncture” in just one or two items, there is something to fight for! Moreover, if the child himself is eager to correct the situation.

Why is he a bad student?

Before holding a debriefing, analyze the reasons for failure. Sometimes they are very far from the school process.

Health. Does your baby read by holding the book too close to his eyes? Make an appointment with an ophthalmologist! Perhaps the reason that he “moved out” at school was precisely his poor eyesight. Ask the teacher to move him to the first desk. If he is pale, eats poorly and gets tired quickly, it is necessary to find out the reasons for this condition, consult a pediatrician and get tested. Sometimes it is enough to undergo a course of treatment for helminths to improve your health and improve your grades at school.

Family situation. We all know very well that conflicts at home have a negative impact on children. The child is worried about quarrels between mom and dad, and this distracts him from his studies. If you and your husband have a difficult relationship, try to prevent your child from being present during your emotional showdowns, much less participating in them.

Relationships with classmates. How often does your child tell you how his relationships with peers are going? Maybe your son is bullied by his classmates during recess, and that’s why he can’t concentrate in class? Or does he have no friends at all, and this upsets him? Talk to your son or daughter, find out what the microclimate is like in their school community. At a meeting with the class teacher, be interested not only in grades, but also in your child’s behavior and his relationships with the guys from the class.

Overloaded schedule. Sometimes, wanting to raise their beloved child to be a child prodigy, adults load him with so many additional activities that the child simply does not have the strength to diligently complete school assignments. If your son (daughter) does not have time for games and rest, it is worth giving up, at least for a while, the additional load.

Ordinary laziness. This is probably the most common reason for bad grades to appear in the diary. It seems like nothing is stopping you from doing your homework, but you really want to watch TV, play computer games, or just lie on the bed! It is important what example the parents set for the child. If you and your husband spend all your free time in front of the TV, then naturally your child copies your habits! Maybe you should change yourself a little? For example, should we all spend Sunday outdoors together or go to a museum?..

Alas, often only radical measures can help in such a situation. A ban on television and computers on weekdays is a very effective remedy (primarily for elementary school students). Let your son or daughter be offended at first, but gradually he (she) will get used to the fact that electronic entertainment is only on weekends. Or strictly dosed in time: no more than half an hour a day.

Course for improvement!

How to make a child want to learn? You can talk for a long time about what heights a diligent student will reach in the future, what prospects will open up for him. It is unlikely that such speeches will have an immediate effect: after all, all this will happen someday, not now. Nevertheless, we need to talk about this. And not in the abstract, but by giving specific examples. If you study, you will enter a university, you will get a specialty, you will be able to buy an apartment, a car, provide for your children, and help your parents. This simple logical chain should be fixed in the child’s mind, even if now the child does not attach sufficient importance to your words. And in order for him to see the immediate benefit of his diligence, it is worth coming up with a good incentive. Promise your student some kind of prize for good grades on the report card, focusing on his age and interests.

For example, a trip to the sea, buying a new mobile phone, some adult benefits - extra pocket money, the ability to plan your own day off, etc. Discuss together what he would like. Such motivation will force him to devote himself to his studies - after all, a well-deserved reward awaits him! Just remember that you must definitely keep your word, otherwise the child will feel deceived and will never believe in your promises again! Be sure to visit the school and talk to the teacher. This will make it easier for you to understand the reasons for low performance, and at the same time you will become familiar with the requirements for the level of knowledge. Sometimes the teacher gets the false impression that parents do not monitor their son or daughter’s studies at all. Show that this is not so. Find out from the teacher how you, as a mother, can help your child. To correct a bad grade, it is often enough to prepare an essay or report. If you have a test coming up, you should put all your work aside and devote a few days to studying.

Don’t forget that all children are different: one needs half an hour to prepare for lessons, while another spends three hours poring over textbooks. But often the reason for sitting for such a long time on homework is simple disorganization. Just started solving a math problem - I stared at the pictures in the textbook, just started learning a poem - got carried away with gutting my fountain pen... In this case, you will have to monitor the completion of the lessons for some time. Take a chair and sit down at your student’s desk: watch how he studies, and at the right moment call him to order.

Work out his daily routine with your child. Let him clearly know which hours are allocated for playing and which for studying. You can beautifully design a piece of paper with the regime and hang it in a visible place - let him check it all the time. Use the game moment to interest your child in the results of his studies. For example, hang a poster on the wall that lists all the subjects your child studies at school. Opposite the lessons in which he has good grades, attach an image of a funny sun, a smiling face or a heart. And opposite those that are limping are a cloud, a dragon or a pirate. If the child is older, draw up a progress chart together in the subject that worries you. You'll see how happy your offspring will be when the curve creeps up!

Non-standard methods

You, like no one else, know the personality traits of your child and can figure out for yourself which “button” to press so that the child (teenager) gets excited about studying. Take advantage of the experience of our readers.

Alexandra, 28, from Kyiv, says: “I asked my husband to go to school for a meeting. For my son, this was a real test; he literally burned with shame when his dad, whom he respects so much and whom he wants to be like, listened to unpleasant words about his studies. And you know, a miracle happened! From that day on, my Valik became an exemplary student!

After all, he’s most afraid that dad will be disappointed in him.” “My daughter did not have a good relationship with the teacher, and she gave her bad grades, rather out of harm, even my intercession did not help,” writes 32-year-old Anna from Simferopol. “Then I told my daughter: you must study the subject in such a way that your unloved teacher simply does not have a reason to find fault with you!” And Lada began to cram English: it seems to me that she took it as a challenge. And yet she achieved her goal! Now she has a high score in this subject!”

Here’s what 35-year-old Alena from Kharkov advises: “My sixth-grader son’s history was lame. In order to somehow interest Artyom, we began going to the history museum on weekends, and then signed up for a local history club, where we studied the history of our native land. Gradually, my son’s attitude towards the subject changed: he himself began to prepare additional material for the lessons, which greatly surprised the teacher. Needless to say, he no longer brought anything below ten!”

Find your own, interesting and non-standard approach that will work to improve academic performance.

Prohibited tricks

In pursuit of grades on your report card, avoid making common parenting mistakes. Explain that it is not only and not so much the grade that is important, but strong knowledge. There is no need to “knock out” the highest score from your child at any cost. Otherwise, you risk developing a purely formal approach: to achieve 12 at any cost, even with tears and whining. Or develop the perfectionism complex discussed above.

You shouldn’t do your child’s homework yourself - write essays, draw or sketch. Your baby may develop an inferiority complex: he will be confident in his inability to independently cope with the task perfectly. If you see that your son or daughter doesn’t have time to do his homework on his own, help him, but don’t do all the work for him.

And it is absolutely unacceptable to scold and call a child stupid and incompetent. This will lead to the exact opposite result: the baby will completely lose faith in his own abilities or, on the contrary, will become a poor student at home, out of spite. Interesting, finding incentive, helping, convincing is the only sure way to improve grades and knowledge.

Three ways to improve your performance

You shouldn’t give up and register your student as a bad student. These methods will definitely help fix the situation!

1 Tutor. Contact a specialist: a professional will be able to fill in the gaps in your student’s knowledge. And perhaps he will be the one who will find the right approach to the baby.

2 Lessons with a teacher for an additional fee. The school teacher knows both the program and your child's abilities well. He will focus on the material that your son or daughter has not mastered.

3 Profile circle. Here the child will be able to learn a lot of interesting things and fall in love with the subject. Moreover, in the informal atmosphere of a circle, the material is always absorbed more easily.

We thank psychologist and psychotherapist Tatyana Mikheenko for her help in preparing the material .
