Benefits for families with many children Benefits for large families

The minimum pension in Moscow has increased. The amount of payments and allowances for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the disabled, large families, orphans and other preferential categories of citizens also increased.

In 2017, the city authorities decided on an unprecedented increase in payments and benefits to Muscovites. The minimum pension was set at 17,500 rubles. City payments to veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War have doubled. Benefits for families with many children and low-income families and other preferential categories of citizens have increased significantly. In addition, it was decided to increase the number of recipients of spa treatment from 120,000 to 200,000 people, and provide utility bill benefits to more than four million citizens.

In addition, it was in 2017 that the expansion of the list of social services and benefits for Muscovites in need of help was announced. Over 3.8 million residents of the city received the right to free travel. Increased benefits and payments to Muscovites will begin to accrue from the beginning of this year. In 2018, all citizens who have the right to benefits and social services will be able to fully realize it.

In total, more than 430 billion rubles are planned for social support for Moscow residents in 2018 (in 2017, more than 390 billion were allocated for this). An important achievement in the field of social services has been the transfer of services to electronic form. Already 26 public services in the field of social protection can be obtained without leaving home, and nine of them are available exclusively online. In the future, the list of electronic services will continue to grow.

What assistance is provided to pensioners

Moscow allowances for pensions from January 1, 2018 increased by three thousand rubles. Thus, the minimum pension has increased from 14,500 to 17,500 rubles per month. The increase will affect about 1.4 million pensioners. For another 43,000 unemployed citizens of retirement age, the city surcharge is charged for the first time. Monthly payments to veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers, labor veterans, people affected by political repression, and holders of a number of state awards have doubled. The annual cash "gifts" to families-anniversaries have also increased: the amount of payment to Muscovites who have been married for 50 years will now amount to 20 thousand rubles. Payments on the occasion of the 55th anniversary of married life, the 60th anniversary and so on have doubled and even more. In addition, more than 110,000 single non-working pensioners aged 70-80 years old can take advantage of the relief on paying contributions for major repairs.

But not only material support is important, but also the formation of active and useful leisure for the older generation. Last year, the City of Longevity program was launched in the capital. Thanks to her, older citizens can attend a variety of hobby groups, dance groups, excursions, play sports and gain new knowledge. Today, more than 500 schools for retirees are open, where they teach the basics of a healthy lifestyle, safety, self-defense, and learn to cope with chronic diseases, such as diabetes. They are already visited by about 60 thousand people.

On November 1, 2017, another educational project, the Silver University, was launched in the city. Classes are organized with the participation of the Moscow City Pedagogical University and are held both on the basis of educational institutions and territorial social service centers. The lecturers of the Moscow State Pedagogical University, school teachers, students-volunteers and other involved specialists conduct lessons at the university. Here you can learn the basics of computer, financial, legal literacy, learn foreign languages, get a job as a nanny and landscapers of urban areas. So far, there are almost three times as many people wishing to enter the university as there are study places. Therefore, the project will be expanded in the new year.

For disabled elderly people who, for health reasons, cannot leave their apartment, there is a "Sanatorium at home" in Moscow. If one of the patients needs urgent help, employees of the Mobile Social Service, which was created at the city social protection centers, are ready to come to the rescue. Social workers will bring groceries, call a doctor or help take medication. Nursing services are also provided to guests of the home "sanatorium". The program participants are over five thousand people, including pensioners, veterans and invalids of the Great Patriotic War.

What will support large and low-income families

Since 2018, payments to families with children in need of assistance have increased several times. First of all, it concerns low-income citizens. For them, benefits for a child under three years old will be 10 thousand rubles, and for a child over three years old - four thousand rubles (before that there were two to three thousand rubles, depending on the age of the child). For single mothers and families where one of the parents evades child support, payments for a child up to three years old will increase from three to five thousand to 15 thousand rubles a month.

In addition to material assistance, more than 10,000 children from low-income families will receive vouchers to camps and sanatoriums, as well as free school meals. In addition, in the social protection centers you can get food and grocery certificates, as well as certificates for the purchase of clothing, shoes and children's goods and certificates for the provision of durable goods, which can be used in the capital's stores.

Since this year, monthly compensation payments have doubled due to the rising cost of living (up to 1,200 rubles for families with three or four children and up to 1,500 for families with five or more) and payments for the purchase of children's goods. In addition, large families will continue to be provided with free public transport (for children and one of the parents), free parking and places in kindergarten, meals at school, concessions for visiting museums, sports and cultural events, as well as free tickets to the zoo.

All Moscow families with children receive material support from the city. In addition to the federal allowance, Muscovite parents receive a one-time payment of another 5,500 rubles for the first, 14,500 for the second and subsequent children. And if triplets are born, then the family receives 50 thousand rubles. In addition, young families who have a child are encouraged in the capital. If both parents are under 30 years old, they will be paid five times the subsistence minimum (seven times for the second, 10 times for the third and subsequent). An excellent help for families with small children traditionally remain dairy kitchens operating at the capital's clinics.

Thanks to social support, every year in Moscow there are more families with many children. Now the city provides financial assistance to more than 125 thousand large families in which more than 315 thousand minor children are brought up. For comparison, in 2011 there were only 73,000 such families.

What social guarantees can people with disabilities count on?

From January 1, 2018, the allowance for parents raising children with disabilities will be 12,000 rubles (instead of 6,000). Also, a new allowance is being introduced for these families - an annual payment for the purchase of a school uniform (10 thousand rubles). More than 1.1 million disabled people in Moscow, families raising children with disabilities, and participants in the liquidation of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant are provided with 50 percent benefits on utility bills.

Since January 2016, due to changes in federal legislation, people have been forced to pay in full for water, electricity and heating, which they spent in excess of the norms. However, the city authorities restored the benefits, now the townspeople again pay only 50 percent of the bill for the entire communal apartment, regardless of consumption standards. In addition to the traditional material support for people with disabilities (fare for travel, housing and communal services, rehabilitation facilities, and so on), the capital is actively adapting the city's infrastructure for them.

Since 2014, more than 25,000 social certificates worth more than 110 million rubles have been issued to disabled people in Moscow. Thanks to them, Muscovites in need of help were able to purchase electric multifunctional medical beds, bedside tables, steps and boards for the bath, chairs for the bath and shower, as well as other necessary goods. In 2016 alone, almost 270,000 people received technical rehabilitation equipment and prosthetic and orthopedic products, and more than 55,000 disabled Muscovites were assisted in rehabilitation. Tens of thousands of citizens with disabilities will continue to receive sanatorium treatment at the expense of the city budget.

How to help orphans and their guardians

The city continues to support those who take children left without parents into their families. In 2017, the amount of payments to foster parents, guardian families, trustees and foster carers was increased by 10 percent in the capital. Their size now ranges from 16,500 to 28,390 rubles, depending on the age of the children, their number in one family and their state of health. Also, Moscow social services provide training and support for foster families. There are 57 schools for foster parents and 54 organizations that provide support to families raising orphans in the capital.

For the past four years, Moscow families that have adopted at least five orphans, of which three children are over 10 years old and (or) disabled, have been receiving housing under a gratuitous use agreement. After 10 years, foster parents who conscientiously and continuously performed the duties of raising orphans are provided with an apartment under a social tenancy agreement or in ownership.

At present, 92 percent of all orphans are being raised in families, and only 8 percent are in social institutions. Eight years ago, the ratio was 74 percent to 26 percent. In 2018, all social work aimed at supporting orphans and finding suitable families, guardians and foster carers for them will continue.

The social policy of the state has been aimed at improving the demographic situation for a whole decade. In this regard, the program to stimulate large families is not curtailed even in a crisis, and maternity capital payments were extended by a personal decree of the president. A large family in 2017: what changes have occurred in the area of ​​state support, read in this article. There was no increase in payments or additional benefits, because the country is in crisis, but all the old privileges were preserved in full.

Maternity capital, what's next?

As you know, maternity capital is paid not only for the second offspring, but also for each subsequent one. Therefore, for large families, such a payment is extremely important. This program was supposed to be curtailed back in 2016, but by decree of the head of state it was extended until 2018. What will happen next is not yet known. But many officials propose to abolish this payment, arguing that the budget will save from 450 to 500 billion rubles annually.

But for families with many children, the proposal of the Belgorod parliamentarians, which is being actively discussed by legislators, will seem more interesting. They offer to pay families with many children (recall that in Russia a family with three or more offspring is considered a large family) one and a half million rubles at a time, but only for the birth of a third and subsequent children. You can spend this rather big amount:

  • for the purchase of housing;
  • mother's car
  • children's education;
  • other important family needs.

So far, this project is being considered by the relevant commission, but there is still time. After all, the effect of maternity capital for the second child covers both 2017 and 2018.

The system of incentive payments and benefits for large families in 2017

For large families in 2017, benefits and financial payments are provided. There were no changes and increases in them, but at least they were not frozen or suspended. The difference between financial payments and benefits is that payments are certain amounts of money received by guardians or parents one-time or monthly. And benefits are compensation by the state of part of the costs or other non-material assistance.

Benefits and payments to large families in 2017:

  1. Preferential loan for the improvement of housing conditions without a down payment.
  2. Permanent residence in one region (at least 12 years) and seniority (at least 10 years) of parents with many children allow them to receive a subsidy from the state, which compensates for 10% of the amount of purchased housing.
  3. Monthly free visits by all offspring of a large family to one cultural and entertainment institution (museum, park of culture and recreation, exhibition, gallery, etc.). Parents or guardians accompany their children free of charge.
  4. Cash compensation for 50% payment of utility tariffs.
  5. Free medicines are prescribed by a doctor in case of illness of any minor (under 18 years old) offspring from a large family.
  6. For children from a large family, all sections and circles that have the status of a preschool educational institution (additional educational institution) are free.
  7. Any child who has two or more sisters or brothers in the family has the right to a 50% discount on studying at an extrabudgetary place in any university.
  8. Guardians or parents (mum and dad) can take advantage of the additional 5 days to the main leave at the place of work.
  9. Preferential travel on public municipal transport (tram, trolley bus, metro and bus). The type of benefit depends on the region of residence.
  10. The offspring of large families with more than two sisters or brothers are determined in preschool educational institutions (nurseries and kindergartens) without observing the general queue.
  11. Allowance for the birth of the third and subsequent offspring (depending on the region).
  12. Payment for the rise in price of the consumer basket. 600 rubles are issued for one offspring (if the family has up to 5 children) and 750 rubles (if 5 or more).
  13. A fixed amount issued monthly to pay for mobile communications.
  14. 750 rubles per month for one offspring up to 16 years old inclusive (up to 23 if studying at a university). This benefit applies to families with 10 or more children.
  15. 10,000 rubles to the mother's monthly pension (for a mother of 10 or more children).
  16. 10,000 rubles for Family Day and 15 Knowledge Day annually (for families with 10 or more children).
  17. Partial or full compensation of transport tax (depending on the region).
  18. Land plots, subsidies and benefits for organizing and running a farm.
  19. Double tax deduction from the official salary for the birth of a third child (a significant amount of the salary is not taxed).

Such measures are aimed by the state at maintaining a decent life for large families and increasing the demographic situation in the state.

Family Building Benefits

One of the main problems for a large family in 2017, as before, is the availability of their own housing (a separate house). The state foresaw this moment, and after the birth of the third offspring, allocates a land plot outside the city, intended for building a house. To get it, you need to fulfill some conditions:

  1. This area must be located outside the city limits.
  2. The total area of ​​the allotment does not exceed 1,500 square meters.
  3. Full legal ownership can only be formalized after the construction of the property. Up to this point, the land is considered leased. This measure is used to exclude scams related to the resale of land.
  4. The rent during construction is equal to 0.3% per annum of the appraised value of the received land. This measure can also stimulate the speedy construction.
  5. The site is issued to parents whose marriage is officially registered, and they are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  6. Families with many children who have already received land under any other program of the state do not have the right to apply for a plot issued after the birth of a third child.

Thanks to these benefits and payments, families with many children are not in distress even during the economic crisis.

It is worthy to bring up, to give a good education, to provide everything necessary for even one child - in our time, the task is not an easy one. But if there are three or more of them in a family (namely, such a family can be called large), the task becomes more complicated many times: more responsibility, worries and costs. So the benefits and allowances that the state provides to large families are quite justified and vital, especially given the economic situation in the country, which has significantly reduced the purchasing power of child benefits.

In 2018 in general large considered to be the family in which raising three or more children(including adopted children, as well as stepdaughters and stepsons) under the age of 18 years. If one of the children is studying in a higher educational institution of any type on a full-time basis or is serving in the army, then in most regions, until they reach the age of 23, the status of a large family is retained. This is documented by obtaining a certificate of the established form. At the same time, in many regions it is necessary to annually confirm the status of a large family by providing the necessary package of documents to social services.

In 2017, the Institute of Demography, Migration and Regional Development prepared the concept of the long-awaited federal law "On the status of a large family" and submitted it for consideration. Vladimir Putin May 10, 2017.

The bill provides for a wide range of additional support for large families (allowances, benefits and compensation), which is proposed to be provided at the federal level, due to which the social status of parents raising three or more children should fundamentally change and increase.

However, dubious measures are proposed to finance additional expenses for supporting large families - including by introducing childbirth tax(for childless citizens and parents with one child).

Now large families in certain regions of the Russian Federation are provided with the following additional measures of social support:

  • monthly cash payment at the birth of the 3rd and subsequent children up to 3 years;

Regional maternity capital established in addition to the federal. The procedure for obtaining it and the package of documents is approximately the same as for the one paid in the pension fund of the Russian Federation. However, for issuing a regional certificate, you must contact the district department of social protection (OSZN) or the territorial multifunctional center (MFC).

How to get the status of a large family

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 431 dated May 5, 1992, the criteria for which a family is large and the signs of their need for additional social support are determined by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account the cultural and national characteristics of the peoples living in this territory, as well as based on the economic and socio-demographic development of each region (territory, republic, etc.).

In most regions, a family is assigned the status of a large family if it meets the following criteria:

  • the family has three or more natural or adopted children;
  • family members are jointly registered on the territory of a given region (krai, republic, AO, etc.);
  • the age of children does not exceed 18 years;

    If there are children between the ages of 18 and 23, the status of a large family is retained only if they study full-time in educational institutions or do military service.

This category of families is annually registered by local bodies of social protection of the population. When registering a family in this organization, they are provided with various types of social assistance: benefits, subsidies, financial assistance and other measures of federal and regional support for families with 3 or more children.

When obtaining the status of a mother with many children (father), children are not taken into account:

  • located in full state. provision in orphanages and other similar institutions involved in the upbringing of children;
  • whose parents have been deprived of parental rights.

After registration in the above body, one of the parents (guardians) is issued large family certificate confirming this status in a specific subject of the Russian Federation. The procedure for issuing, as well as the form of this document, is established by the territorial body of social protection.

Where to get a certificate of a large family

For the period of validity of the status of a large family in many regions, a certificate of a mother with many children (father) is issued. To obtain it, you must contact the relevant territorial social service or the Multifunctional Center (if the regional MFC accepts documents for this service) and provide the following list of documents:

  • parents' passport, with a mark of residence;
  • birth certificates of children;
  • certificates of residence in the region;
  • certificate of paternity (if any);
  • certificate for children over 16 years of age about their studies;
  • if there are children from previous marriages or born before marriage, additionally provided:
    • evidence:
      • about marriage;
      • about the death of the other parent;
      • about divorce;
    • court decisions:
      • on the transfer to the upbringing of one parent of this child;
      • on the recognition of the second parent as missing;
    • documents on the upbringing of the child (children) in this family;
    • certificate of force 25 on the inclusion in the birth certificate of information about the father of the child (from the registry office);
  • 3×4 cm photographs of both parents;
  • when contacted by a guardian or adoptive parent:
  • a decision from the guardianship authority to establish guardianship for these children (child);
  • court order or adoption certificate.

The certificate confirms the status of a large family during the period of validity specified in it. Usually this period is 1 year. To further receive the entitlement benefits, it is necessary to annually submit a package of documents to the relevant social service. The license will be renewed until:

  • reaching the age of majority;
  • graduation from an educational institution;
  • end of military service;
  • reaching the age of 23.

What payments are due at the birth of a third child in 2018

Since the status of a large family is determined differently in each subject of the Russian Federation, the list of benefits for this category of those in need differs depending on the social and economic level of development of a particular region.

At the birth of a third or subsequent child, parents can receive the following payments:

  1. Are common, relying on the birth of any (according to the number of born) child:
    • allowance for child care up to 1.5 years;
    • monthly allowance for a child up to 16 (18) years;
    • maternal capital;
  2. Additional(address for large families):
    • lump-sum (regional) payment at the birth of the third or subsequent children;
    • regional maternal (family) capital;
    • monthly cash payment in case of the birth after December 31, 2012 of the third child or subsequent children until the child reaches the age of three years.

Maternity capital for 3 children

On the basis of federal law No. 256-FZ of December 29, 2006, maternity capital can be obtained from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, which is issued to a woman at the birth of her second child. However, a certificate for receiving this benefit is sometimes provided in the event of the birth of a third or subsequent child, provided that this benefit was not issued for previous children.

Many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as one of the measures of social support for large families, issue regional family capital provided to the mother once after the birth of the 3rd or subsequent child. The certificate is issued in the district department of social protection of the population(OSZN) at the place of residence of the woman applying for it. The amount of this maternity capital, the procedure for its receipt and the direction of implementation are established respectively in each region providing the above compensation.

To obtain a certificate for regional family capital, you must provide the following list of documents confirming the right to this allowance:

  • the applicant's passport with a registration page in this subject of the Russian Federation;
  • evidence:
    • about the birth of all children;
    • on the conclusion or dissolution of marriage;
    • on the establishment of paternity;
  • additional documents approved for individual regions.

EDV up to 3 years for large families

Based on Presidential Decree No. 606 dated May 7, 2012, since 2013, in regions with low birth rates, families with many children at the birth of the 3rd and subsequent children are entitled to monthly cash payment(EDV) for each such child. The amount of which is set depending on the subsistence minimum for children in each subject of the Russian Federation.

In 2017, in 42 regions of the country, families with the appearance of a third or subsequent child are provided with this payment. One of the parents of this family can apply to the social security department for obtaining the EDV by providing a full package of required documents. OSZN will check all the information of the applicant, if they meet all the requirements, they will assign benefits from birth baby until his third birthday. However, in order to continuously receive this payment during these 3 years, it is necessary update once a year changing information (on income, residence, etc.).

Basic condition for payment: total income of all family members per each should be below the average established in their area of ​​residence. The subsidy is valid until the child reaches 3 years of age.

You can learn more about the EDV for the third and subsequent child born (adopted) after December 31, 2012 on the corresponding page of this site.

Benefits for mothers with many children

Since 1992, by decree No. 431 of May 5, 1992, the following targeted compensations have been introduced for social support of large families:

  • reimbursement of 30% of payment for housing and communal services or for purchased fuel for houses without central heating;
  • for children under 6 years of age, free receipt of medicines prescribed by a doctor's prescription;
  • free travel for schoolchildren in city, suburban and district public transport (bus, trolleybus, metro, tram, etc.);
  • priority admission to kindergartens, nurseries and other preschool institutions;
  • free meals for students of schools, lyceums, gymnasiums and vocational schools;
  • free provision to students of schools of sports uniforms and a set installed in this educational institution, a school uniform or children's clothing replacing it for attending classes;
  • free admission to exhibitions, cultural parks and museums once a month;
  • priority provision of garden plots;
  • allocation of land plots to those wishing to organize a farm with partial or full exemption from land tax or rent;
  • provision of an interest-free loan or material assistance to reimburse the costs associated with the development of the above economy;
  • full or percentage exemption from the registration fee of individual entrepreneurs;
  • assist in the provision of interest-free or soft loans and loans for the purchase of building materials, as well as for the construction of residential premises.

Obtaining a land plot for large families

From paragraph 6 of Art. 39.5 of the "Land Code of the Russian Federation" it follows that families with three or more children are provided with a land plot free of charge. The procedure for obtaining it is established by regional state authorities.

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a large family applying for land is required to be registered as needing better housing conditions. Issued plots can be used for:

  • running a personal subsidiary or farm;
  • gardening and horticulture;
  • animal husbandry;
  • construction of a cottage or residential building.

The provided land area must contain the following mandatory information:

  • address;
  • square;
  • cadastral number;
  • type of use.

Plots are issued to large families in the order of priority of application. One of the parents (adoptive parent), having filled out the relevant application, must provide the following set of basic documents:

  • a copy of the applicant's passport;
  • information about the composition of the family;
  • copies of certificates:
    • about the birth of all children;
    • about marriage, divorce, or establishing paternity.

This list of documents is not exhaustive, therefore, in some regions it may differ from the one presented.

This land is provided to a large family in common ownership for each member in equal shares. State. registration of ownership is carried out at the expense of the applicant's personal funds.

Where to get gifts for large families for the New Year

Low-income families with many children are provided with various types of material assistance. The frequency, criteria of need and the type of assistance provided (food, medicine, clothing, cash, etc.) is determined by the regional body of social protection of the population. Typically, cash payments are made annually or semi-annually. However, in addition to financial support for this category of family, gifts are given for the holidays, usually for the New Year and Mother's Day.

To receive such gifts, you need to contact the district Center for social assistance to families and children. However, this requires in advance:

  • get the status of a large family by registering with this institution;
  • Re-register child benefits annually with updated income information.

After the above conditions are met, in order for the family to receive the gifts they are entitled to directly, the following documents must be submitted to this center:

  • statement;
  • applicant's passport;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • certificate of receipt of monthly child allowance;

    If the family does not receive child allowance for children under 16 (18) years old, then it is necessary to provide income certificates to obtain the status of a low-income large family.
