Dog pose for pregnant women. How to do the knee-elbow position correctly during pregnancy

In a pregnant woman, due to the fact that the uterus greatly increases in size, all the organs that are located in the abdominal area change, they can shift, be compressed, and stagnation occurs because of this. This does not indicate pathological processes, but the woman experiences discomfort and severe pain. The uterus can put pressure on vessels - the aorta, vena cava, which significantly increases the load on the heart area. Because of this, the woman suffers from constant dizziness and lacks oxygen. When the uterus grows, it begins to put pressure on the kidneys, making it difficult for a pregnant woman to go to the toilet. In this situation, a knee-elbow position is necessary.

The impact of the knee-elbow position on the body of a pregnant woman

In order to perform this exercise, you need to purchase a small pillow; it is placed under the upper body. You can perform this exercise even in the last stage of pregnancy; to do this, you need to lower your knees to the floor, then lower your whole body onto your arms, they should be bent at the elbow joints. Thus, the load is redistributed, the uterus begins to rise up and down, while the kidneys, ureter, urinary system and other organs located in the abdominal cavity, as well as large vessels, are released from its pressure.

After the knee-elbow position, blood circulation in the organs improves. This treatment method should be used by all pregnant women in the second trimester, first performed for half an hour three times a day. Then, for the effect to be noticeable, you need to lower your shoulders below your pelvis and raise your buttocks above your head. Please note, in order not to harm yourself and the baby, you need to choose a position that is comfortable for you and use a pillow.

Benefits during pregnancy from the knee-elbow body position

1. Excellent prevention of toxicosis in the second trimester, this way you can protect yourself from stagnation in the renal system and improve the outflow of urine.

2. Blood circulation in the renal system can be restored, so the woman will not suffer from hypertension and high blood pressure.

3. Getting rid of edema, an excellent preventive measure for dropsy.

4. The bladder empties better, the woman is protected from the inflammatory process, this is an excellent prevention of cystitis.

5. Due to the fact that the ureters are restored using the knee-elbow position, the woman is protected from infectious diseases.

6. It is recommended to use this position in case of pathological processes in blood vessels, if a woman suffers from varicose veins - in the pelvis, limbs, rectum.

How does the knee-elbow position affect the fetus?

With its help, blood circulation in the arteries of the uterus is restored, the baby receives a sufficient amount of blood, he does not suffer from a lack of oxygen, and the mother has an established metabolism. Gynecologists have noticed that with the help of position it is possible to restore the child’s cardiac function and improve it. It becomes easier for a woman to breathe, her cardiac function improves, and the functioning of her abdominal organs improves.

With the help of the knee-elbow position, you can normalize the musculoskeletal system, get rid of unpleasant sensations in the lumbar region, sacrum, due to a weakened muscular system and ligaments. Doctors recommend performing these exercises just before childbirth, especially when the fetus has a cephalic presentation. Some obstetricians are confident that with this position it is possible to correct transverse pelvic presentation, due to which a woman needs to have a caesarean section.

This method does not require the use of special medications, so it can be used in the first or third trimester; no side effects were noticed from it. It is also recommended to perform the position for preventive purposes; with its help you can improve the health of a pregnant woman.

You need to do the exercise as much as possible from the second trimester, this way you can protect yourself from toxicosis, while medications will not be needed.

Knee-elbow position for breech presentation of the fetus

The norm is when the baby’s head is turned towards the birth canal, then the birth will take place without problems. But often the baby can turn his pelvis, such childbirth is impossible, only surgical intervention is needed.

Gynecologists are convinced that the baby turns into the correct position before the 35th week, some a few days before labor. In this situation, it is very important to help the child take the correct position; this can be done using the knee-elbow position.

Technique for performing the knee-elbow position

1. The surface must be stable.

2. Place your knees on the floor.

3. Body weight should be transferred to the arms.

5. Efficiency will increase if your shoulders and head are lowered lower than your buttocks.

6. Place your forehead on a pillow, you can stretch it under your arms and under your chest, so your rest will be comfortable.

7. Can be used to position a fitball.

You need to get up in this position in the morning, at lunch, and in the evening. If there is a need, then much more often. You need to stand in it for up to half an hour, pay attention to how you feel.

Contraindications of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy

This pose is absolutely safe, it has no contraindications, and with its help you can alleviate your condition without taking special medications. Just note that the exercise must be performed correctly, the head should be located lower than the buttocks. If your stomach does not allow you to fully perform the exercise, you begin to feel a rush of blood, the pain is throbbing, you need to use a pillow.

Thus, the knee-elbow position is the best method for improving the condition of organs during pregnancy, when they suffer from congestion, poor circulation, especially useful for the intestines, kidneys, urinary tract, and also the muscular system, helps relax them, relieves pain and tension . It is important not to forget to do it regularly.

Pregnancy is one of the most crucial periods in the life of every representative of the fairer sex. A period that is often accompanied not only by the joy of waiting for the imminent birth of a real miracle, but also, unfortunately, by all sorts of sores and diseases that come from nowhere. That’s when the pregnant woman’s card contains prescriptions not only for medications, but also for incomprehensible body positions. One of the most commonly prescribed is the knee-elbow one.

Doctors call it knee-elbow, but among the people it is simply and crudely called “cancer.” It is often recommended to expectant mothers in order to relieve various types of congestion in the. The fact is that during pregnancy the ureters are constantly pinched and it simply becomes difficult for urine to get into the bladder. As a rule, doctors recommend taking this position once or twice a day for 20-30 minutes, somewhere after the 20th week.

Taking the knee-elbow position is not at all difficult: you need to stand on all fours, and it is desirable that your butt is higher than your head. In order for this to happen, you need to lower your head and shoulders as low as possible, but so that you feel comfortable in this position.

To make it easier, you can place a pillow under your chest.

In the knee-elbow position, muscles relax and noticeably decrease. In this position during pregnancy, the load of the uterus on the kidneys is also greatly reduced, and, accordingly, the risk of edema is reduced. In addition, this position helps pregnant women who suffer from hemorrhoids: in the knee-elbow position, the pressure that the uterus exerts on the lower intestine is relieved.

It is also useful to stand in such a simple position because usually during pregnancy the uterus compresses large vessels, because of this the oxygen supply to the fetus is significantly deteriorated - its heart rate is disturbed during auscultation, and the knee-elbow position relieves the uterine arteries and the inferior hollow vein. This improves oxygenation of the fetus.

The knee-elbow position during pregnancy also relieves pressure on the spine and abdominal cavity and, most importantly, helps and, as it were, tells the baby how to take the correct position before childbirth.

Another undoubted advantage of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy is the prevention of gestosis.

All the advantages of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy can be felt already in the second and third trimester, when the tummy takes on an impressive size and sometimes it seems that there is simply nowhere to put it. Then it becomes easier to breathe, and the spine is unloaded, and much more blood flows to all organs.

Especially for- Maria Dulina

The knee-elbow position during pregnancy significantly alleviates unpleasant symptoms and improves well-being. This method is easy to perform, does not take much time and is safe for the child.

Why do doctors prescribe this pose?

For expectant mothers, this measure can be prescribed from the 20th week of pregnancy. With its help, the load on internal organs and the spine is reduced. There is also a high probability that the baby will accept the necessary presentation - head down.

The knee-elbow position during pregnancy is done every day for 15–30 minutes

A short stay in the knee-elbow position significantly reduces the risk of pregnancy complications. Why it is useful to do this exercise:

  • Prevention and treatment of edema, cystitis and pyelonephritis due to reduced load on internal organs. The process of urination is facilitated.
  • Blood supply to the pelvic organs improves.
  • Intestinal function improves, constipation and flatulence go away.
  • Reducing the risk of gestosis.
  • Normalization of blood pressure.
  • Relaxation of muscles, removal of stress from the spine and ligaments and, as a result, relief of back pain and their prevention.

Useful for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. This position also helps the baby - placental and uterine blood circulation improves, he receives more oxygen. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of his heart.

How to perform the knee-elbow position correctly?

Adopting this position is not difficult even for women in late pregnancy. Follow these steps step by step:

  1. Get down on all fours.
  2. Rest your elbows on the floor.
  3. Lower your shoulders, place your head on the floor or your palms.

You need to be in this position for 15 minutes. Monitor your feelings - do not continue if you feel pain, dizziness, or nausea. To make the procedure more comfortable, you can place pillows under your knees and elbows. If staying in this position does not cause discomfort, the execution time can be extended to half an hour.

When a woman is carrying a baby in her womb, she is constantly under the control of doctors. Gynecologists and obstetricians, monitoring the course of pregnancy, can prescribe the patient not only medications, but also instructions regarding the necessary positions of the body. For example, recently pregnant women are increasingly faced with the concept of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy. According to experts, this position is extremely useful for expectant mothers. What exactly is its benefit, and how to position the body correctly, we will tell you further.

The position, referred to in obstetrics as the knee-elbow position, is one of the available methods from the arsenal of therapeutic agents designed to alleviate and improve the condition of pregnancy. This method is completely safe.

Indications for use

The knee-elbow position of the body is recommended for pregnant patients, as a rule, after the 20th week of pregnancy. This position, which is demonstrated in the photo and video below, can alleviate a woman’s condition if pregnancy is not proceeding according to norms or if any disorders are observed. In addition, it helps the baby to take the correct position in terms of childbirth.

Considering that the body of the expectant mother experiences changes throughout the entire 9 months of pregnancy, we can assume a change in the functioning of vital systems. By influencing nearby organs, the uterus and the fetus in it cause certain disorders that entail unpleasant sensations and even adverse consequences.

For example, the bladder is unable to function fully, causing a frequent urge to defecate, and sometimes involuntary urination. In some cases, improper functioning of the bladder provokes fluid retention in the body, which can lead to swelling and, as a result, the development of prerequisites for gestosis.

In addition, the intestines are pinched, some vessels of the circulatory system are pinched, and the musculoskeletal system is “loaded.” Another situation in which it is recommended to take a knee-elbow position for pregnant women is (, oblique, transverse).

The knee-elbow position allows you to reduce discomfort and stress on internal systems and organs, and also increases the likelihood that if the position is incorrect, the fetus will be able to roll over before birth.

If you do this pose correctly and regularly (as described in the video below), you can create conditions under which the muscles of the uterus will be relaxed. This will allow the uterus to be at rest more often, which will have a beneficial effect on pregnancy.

Why doctors recommend the knee-elbow position, we figured it out. Now we should explain how to properly begin performing a special exercise.

Obstetricians advise taking the knee-elbow position starting from the 20th week. This specific relaxation exercise should be done several times during the day. Taking this position is not only useful, but also safe, so the number of repetitions can be determined by the pregnant woman herself.

To take the knee-elbow position does not require excessive effort. The step-by-step technique for performing the exercise, which is taught in the video instructions, is as follows:

  • Get on all fours and then lower yourself onto your elbows;
  • Lower your shoulders and head so that your pelvis is above their level;
  • Focus on your own feelings so that you do not experience discomfort, pain, or dizziness.

To make it comfortable to stay in this position for 15 minutes, you can use two pillows, placing one under your knees and the other between your arms under your chest, as shown in the video instructions.

You will be able to notice the beneficial effect of the exercise on the first day. As a result of a 15-minute stay in the knee-elbow position, the pregnant woman notices the unloading of the lumbar region, the release of tension in the lower abdomen, the elimination of uterine tone, and an improvement in overall well-being.

For the baby in the womb, the knee-elbow position is also beneficial. During this exercise, the oxygen supply to the fetus improves, which, in turn, affects the heart rate and development of the baby as a whole.

Due to the rapid growth of the uterus and displacement of internal organs, discomfort and pain may occur associated with bloating, constipation, frequent urination, swelling and other problems. To cope with them, experts suggest taking the knee-elbow position during pregnancy - a position that helps to quickly eliminate congestion in the abdominal organs. Typically, this position is recommended for those expectant mothers whose pregnancy exceeds the 20 week mark. But it will be useful in the early stages.

Helping to keep the body in good shape, improving blood circulation in the pelvis, stimulating the work of muscles and ligaments, the knee-elbow position prepares a woman for the upcoming birth throughout pregnancy.

This position is recommended for expectant mothers suffering from other disorders. In the pose on all fours, there is no excess pressure on the kidneys and bladder, urine begins to be excreted better, blood circulation in all pelvic organs improves, which reduces the risk of inflammation and congestion.

Doctors also advise resorting to this exercise to prevent toxicosis in the second half of pregnancy. This condition is preceded by metabolic disorders in the expectant mother, problems with the kidneys and liver, and other unpleasant symptoms. The knee-elbow position normalizes the condition of the main internal organs and systems, preventing the development of this pathology.

It is recommended that all women take this position in the second half of pregnancy, even in the absence of any complaints. In this situation, the pose will be a preventive measure that will help prevent the possible development of complications and discomfort caused by excess pressure from the constantly enlarging uterus on nearby organs. The knee-elbow position also removes excess stress from the muscles and ligaments, making the expectant mother feel better in the later stages of pregnancy.

Indications and contraindications

The knee-elbow position is indicated for the following conditions:

  • exacerbation of osteochondrosis - constrained movements, pain in the lumbar region;
  • impaired urine outflow - edema, cystitis, pyelonephritis, etc.;
  • disorders in the functioning of the digestive tract - flatulence, etc.;
  • limbs and rectum;
  • development of gestosis;
  • disorders of uteroplacental circulation, pathologies;
  • disorders of the heart and blood vessels.

This pose has virtually no contraindications, so with its help every woman can improve her well-being without taking any medications.

Benefits during pregnancy

So, what are the advantages of the knee-elbow position practiced by expectant mothers during pregnancy:

  • excellent prevention of toxicosis, starting from the 2nd trimester, as it helps prevent congestion in the kidneys and improve urine flow;
  • restoration of circulatory processes in the renal system, against the background of which the risk of arterial hypertension and surges in blood pressure, which are fraught with gestosis, is reduced;
  • combating swelling, preventing the development of dropsy;
  • timely emptying of the bladder as an excellent prevention of cystitis and other pathologies of the urinary system;
  • normalization of the condition of varicose veins, which can bother a woman on the legs, pelvic area and rectum, due to improved blood circulation in the vessels;
  • Relieving stress from the spine, ligaments and muscles.

How does this affect the fetus?

Correctly adopted knee-elbow position during pregnancy normalizes blood circulation in the uterine artery, which has a beneficial effect on the saturation of the child with oxygen and nutrients. Experts noted that if a woman systematically performs this exercise, the cardiac function of the fetus improves, and the expectant mother herself becomes able to breathe easier, and the functioning of her internal organs is restored.

This situation may also affect. If the baby is in the uterus in an incorrect or breech position, which can negatively affect the birth process and become a direct indication for implementation, the knee-elbow position, regularly taken by the expectant mother, can correct this situation, and the baby will turn head down.

Execution technique

The knee-elbow pose will be useful for the expectant mother if it is performed not only according to all the rules, but also systematically.

  1. Place your knees on the floor.
  2. Transfer your body weight to your forearms.
  3. Bend your elbows, while your stomach should hang down.
  4. It is advisable to lower your shoulders and head below the level of your buttocks - in this case, the effectiveness of the exercise will be higher.
  5. Place your forehead on a previously prepared pillow to add a little comfort.

The surface for performing the exercise should be as stable and hard as possible - ideally doing this on the floor.

You can get up in this position every morning and evening. If desired, you can perform the exercise more often. You need to stay in this position for at least 30 minutes, but it is important to monitor your well-being.

Correctly performed by the expectant mother, the knee-elbow position in the second half of pregnancy can improve the condition of the internal organs, protect them from congestion, circulatory disorders, which is most beneficial for the kidneys, bladder, intestines, muscles, and helps relieve discomfort and pain. The main thing is to do this exercise regularly.
