Congratulations to the newlyweds in Belarusian. Happy birthday greetings in Belarusian

One can imagine that a person is a gigantic laboratory in which each emotion represents a certain chemical reaction. As a result of these reactions, a person experiences certain emotions.

When a person gets pleasure from any things: he enjoys doing what he loves, being close to people dear to him, or simply eating something tasty inside, his body produces certain hormones. With a sufficient concentration of these hormones in the blood, they are able to give a feeling of pleasure and happiness.

Five hormones of happiness

Hormones are organic substances that have biological activity and are secreted into the blood by endocrine glands. It is impossible to answer in one word what the hormone of joy is called, because scientists secrete only five of these substances:

  • endorphins;
  • oxytocin;
  • serotonin;
  • dopamine;
  • adrenalin.

They differ from each other in their properties, but they have one wonderful function in common - all five are responsible for raising the mood, giving a person joyful feelings. We will analyze each mood hormone separately.


Endorphins are a group of compounds that are formed by the neurons of the brain (namely the pituitary gland) and have a direct impact on human emotions.

These hormones are similar in structure to narcotic drugs, such as morphine. Therefore, they have some analgesic effect and are able to reduce the pain threshold. That is why, when a person is sick, he becomes a little better if there are close people next to him who take care of him.

Endorphin helps the body not to lose composure in stressful situations, to remain calm and not to lose hope for the best.
This hormone is released when a person is kissed or hugged by someone he likes, whom he loves

Despite the fact that many believe that the hormone of happiness is endorphin, it plays a far from primary role in obtaining positive emotions. For the most part, this role belongs to oxytocin and serotonin.


The second name of the hormone of happiness is serotonin, because it gives a person joy and harmony in the soul, helps to believe in oneself, and also get a feeling of happiness and pleasure from something. It is not for nothing that many antidepressants have a mechanism of action that increases the production of serotonin.

Serotonin will be released in the right amounts only if several conditions are met:

  • having enough sunlight. In the winter months, many notice a decline in strength, a decrease in efficiency and a depressive mood. Everyone is looking forward to the appearance of the sun, and with the advent of spring they feel a surge of strength and energy. This is due to the lack of ultraviolet radiation, which is simply indispensable for the synthesis of serotonin in the body;
  • the body also produces serotonin only when there is enough tryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor to serotonin. You can get tryptophan from food, namely from protein. The required amount of protein consumed is 1.2 g per kilogram of weight. If there is enough tryptophan in the body, then the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin (sleep hormone) will be normal. It turns out that by eating a sufficient amount of tryptophan, a person provides himself with a healthy sleep at night and a positive, even mood during the day;
  • In addition to tryptophan, for the correct synthesis of serotonin, glucose is also needed, which stimulates the release of insulin into the blood. One of the main functions of insulin is to transport tryptophan to brain cells for the synthesis of serotonin.

Serotonin gives a person confidence in himself and his abilities, as well as joy, a sense of pleasure and happiness.


Oxytocin is one of the most important hormones in the body. This substance is responsible for the formation of such emotions as affection and trust. Moreover, this process begins immediately at the time of the birth of the baby. Oxytocin is like a trigger for contractions. When a woman goes into labor, oxytocin is released. It is this hormone of happiness that regulates the frequency and intensity of contractions, and also helps the woman in labor to endure such torments in anticipation of meeting the baby.

Especially a lot of oxytocin is released when the baby is first applied to the breast, and he begins to suck it, looking into his mother's eyes. Due to the huge amount of the hormone in the blood, the woman who gave birth experiences incredible feelings and then talks about childbirth: “The moment when my child was attached to me is indescribable. I cried with happiness and did not remember at all the severe pain that I experienced a few minutes ago!” It is thanks to oxytocin that the newly-made mother becomes attached to the child, feels how love for him grows in her every day. Oxytocin helps the father to become attached to the child, and to everyone who is next to him regularly.

Oxytocin also helps adults bond with each other for years, stay faithful throughout their lives.

Oxytocin also helps a person to clearly distinguish between “us” and “strangers”, staying closer to some and avoiding others.

Scientists argue that if you know the level of oxytocin in the blood of a person, you can confidently conclude how loyal and attached to "his" people.


Dopamine is the pleasure hormone. It is thanks to dopamine that a person has a desire to do those things that bring him a sense of satisfaction. With a sufficient concentration of dopamine in the blood, a person is fond of any sport or any other hobby that he likes. This is the positive side of dopamine. However, it also has a downside. It is because of dopamine that a person feels a wild craving for drugs and other bad habits, having tried it once or several times.

The main functions of dopamine:

  • controls the change of cycles of sleep and wakefulness;
  • responsible for the formation of sexual desire;
  • promotes pleasure while eating delicious food.

In the body, this hormone of happiness is produced precisely at the moment when a person receives pleasure. The intensity and duration of the received emotion depends on the level of dopamine.


Adrenaline is the main assistant of a person in a critical situation. It is he who, in case of danger, makes a person forget about food or sleep and mobilize all forces for salvation. Adrenaline causes a rapid heartbeat, sharpening of hearing and vision, increases the speed and clarity of reactions, as well as thought processes.

This hormone pushes a person to engage in any extreme sports, gives a feeling of drive and inspiration.

Ways to increase the level of hormones of happiness in the blood

The more the endocrine system produces these hormones, the more pleasant feelings a person will experience. And, conversely, with a lack of these hormones in the blood comes fatigue, depression and apathy.

However, there are several ways to increase the content of hormones of happiness in the blood. All it takes is a little change in your lifestyle.

  • review your diet;
  • add a little more sport to your life;
  • pick up some good habits.

All this will be discussed in more detail below.


First of all, you need to pay attention to your daily diet. Then be sure to study the composition of some foods to identify which ones you need to eat more often and where the hormone of happiness is contained. If necessary, you should add to it some products that can improve mood, namely:

  • Everyone knows the pleasant sensation that you get from a piece of chocolate melting on your tongue. The fact is that chocolate contains a substance called phenylethylamine, which promotes the production of endorphins.

In addition, chocolate is one of the richest foods in magnesium, and magnesium is known for its calming properties. It also contains a huge amount of tryptophan, the useful purpose of which was mentioned earlier.

Chocolate also contains substances such as caffeine and theobromine, which have the ability to increase performance and mood.

Thus, the happiness hormone itself is absent in chocolate, but it contains a lot of components, without which the synthesis of happiness hormones is simply impossible. Just 40 grams of chocolate dessert is enough to charge you with vivacity and positive for the whole day.

This explains the large number of people who cannot live a day without sweets. Such people claim that they are addicted to sweets, as, for example, smokers are addicted to tobacco. There is no scientific confirmation of chocolate addiction, but practice claims that it is possible.

Therefore, chocolate boldly takes the first place in the list of products that everyone needs to include in the diet to get harmony and tranquility, because hormone happiness in chocolate will help with this.

  • Second place should be given to hot spices. Like cayenne pepper and chili. Possessing a burning and rich taste, they actively contribute to the fact that the hormone of happiness is released into the blood in sufficient quantities.
  • You can also find the hormone of joy in bananas. Bananas are fruits of happiness. And not because they have a positive yellow color. And because they contain in their composition the alkaloid harman - a substance that can cause a feeling of euphoria. In addition, bananas promote the production of serotonin.
  • This can also be attributed citrus fruits - tangerines, oranges and other fruits that can also cheer you up ( pineapple and persimmon).

Such a hormone of happiness as serotonin is contained in large quantities in nuts (peanuts, cashews, almonds) and fish caviar (red and black).

Physical exercise

To increase the hormones of pleasure and happiness in the body, you need to include a little sport in your life. Sports are an effective way to cheer yourself up and recharge your batteries. Regular physical activity helps to ensure that the hormone of happiness is released in the required amount. Particularly good for stimulating the production of joy hormones are group activities or team games. As a rule, in those who go in for sports alone, the hormone of pleasure is released in the blood in a smaller amount than those who work in pairs or in a team.

Fitness and aerobics, running and dancing, horse riding and cycling also help relieve stress. But the main thing is that the chosen sport is to your liking.

Good Habits

  • Have sex regularly with a loved man. It is not only pleasant, but also useful. And it is useful both physically and emotionally. During lovemaking, and especially when reaching orgasm, the hormone of pleasure is released in large quantities. A person realizes that he is loved and attractive. And he has someone who loves him and whom he loves. Also, a person experiences feelings when hugging or kissing with a beloved partner.
  • You need to learn how to live your emotions.. Any - positive and negative. Retaining emotions within oneself is harmful to a person. That is why child psychologists recommend that parents let their children cry if something upsets them. First let him cry, saying that you understand his feelings and why he is upset. Then you need to help the child understand what he feels, because it is difficult for a small child to do this as quickly and easily as adults. After the child has cried, lived through his negative emotion, he should be reassured and explained how to avoid such situations in the future. So the child will not only learn from childhood to understand his feelings and share them with adults, but will not accumulate negativity in himself.

Adults also need to give vent to bad emotions. They should not accumulate inside and burden a person. You should learn to forgive, even if the offender never asked for forgiveness. The main thing is to forgive him inside yourself and move on.

If some kind of misfortune happened in the past, it is necessary to live this pain and accept it, learn to live with it and move on. You can't get stuck in the past.

Restrained positive emotions are just as harmful as negative ones. Therefore, you must not be ashamed of your emotions and rejoice sincerely. Want to sing loud? So, you need to sing loudly. Want to jump for joy? So you don't have to stay in one place! The release of emotions makes room for new impressions and feelings, which are very important for successful movement forward.

  • It is also important to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. In a dream, all organs and systems of the body are restored in order to work with renewed vigor tomorrow. Thanks to this, in the morning, a rested body is open to new emotions and achievements, full of strength and energy.
  • Another good habit is to regularly drink enough drinking water. Lack of fluid in the body is fraught with many unpleasant consequences. Here are the most harmless of them - drowsiness, fatigue and apathy. Of course, in this state, the production of hormones of happiness is simply impossible. Eight glasses of water is enough for an adult to feel much better.

Many people know the amazing effect of such a product as chocolate: it is worth eating a piece, as the world around blooms with new colors, problems become less, and joys more. Such a reaction is associated not only with the sweet tooth's addiction to their favorite delicacy.

Chocolate contains a complex of useful substances that in a certain way affect the biochemical processes in the brain.

Of course, sweet treats also have contraindications, and first of all, this is obesity, since the product is very high in calories. But, for example, dark chocolate, contains little or no refined sugar, which means it is safe for diabetics who cannot have a lot of sweets, and for those who are overweight.

It is also interesting that it is almost impossible to overeat dark chocolate: having a pronounced taste, it quickly saturates and “bores”, and therefore There are almost no side effects from eating too much., which cannot be said, for example, about alcohol or coffee. Their overabundance immediately affects health.

What is the name of the "happy hormone" found in chocolate?

There is an opinion that chocolate contains the so-called hormone of happiness. This is not entirely true.

Firstly, cocoa beans, from which chocolate is prepared, have specific taste and aroma of cocoa butter. They already give pleasure in themselves, acting on the sense of smell and taste buds.

Secondly, chocolate does not contain the hormone of joy, but an amino acid called tryptophan. This amino acid is also found in meat, chicken eggs, mushrooms, cheese and other dairy products. Tryptophan just stimulates the production of the hormone of happiness in the brain.

Thirdly, in addition to tryptophan, there are many other substances in the delicacy beloved by everyone, which favorably and rather quickly affect well-being.

  1. Caffeine. Quickly invigorates and tones, and physical strength. Helps to respond quickly in difficult situations, reduces fatigue, eliminates drowsiness.
  2. Theobromine. An alkaloid similar in action to caffeine, but milder.
  3. Phenylethylamine. This chemical compound is a natural neurotransmitter that is synthesized in the body, such as dopamine.
  4. Cannabinoids. These are substances that can be called stimulants of the psycho-physical state. They are found even in marijuana, but they cannot cause any dependence, since they are contained in cocoa beans in small quantities.
  5. Catechins, flavonoids and phenols. These are antioxidants that improve the state of the body as a whole, produce endorphins and serotonin, slow down the aging process in the body, and protect it from stress at all levels.
  6. Natural flavors. They are similar in action to valproic acid, a drug used in the treatment of epilepsy. These cocoa butter flavors have a sedative effect, relieve excessive excitability.

Serotonin is needed not only for. This is the most important neurotransmitter, without which even normal interaction between the neurons of the brain and the muscles of the body is impossible. And since serotonin is constantly consumed, especially in stressful situations, it is necessary to periodically replenish its reserves in the body.

What kind is better to use?

Chocolate comes in several forms. They differ in the percentage of cocoa beans in it:

  1. white does not include masses of cocoa beans at all: it contains only cocoa butter, so its action as an antidepressant can be attributed mainly to the placebo effect;
  2. lactic has about 65% grated cocoa beans;
  3. dark or black chocolate has a rich taste and contains up to 75% cocoa mass;
  4. bitter may include up to 99% cocoa beans.

Until recently, it was believed that the more cocoa beans in chocolate, the faster and better it works on the mood. This is true. But, rather, in the event that a person eats such a product not because he needs it, but because he himself prefers it.

If milk chocolate is a priority, then it will bring much more pleasure than the unloved dark or bitter.

This is due to the fact that tryptophan, which is responsible for mood, is absorbed and acts far from immediately. Otherwise, an eaten egg or cutlet would also have an instant effect as antidepressants.

All stimulating substances in the complex act faster on the neuropsychic state. AND a special role belongs to the aroma of cocoa butter: olfactory receptors are also primarily involved in the mechanism of improving mood.

Studies have shown that chocolate improves mood faster, the more depressed the person was before he consumed the treat. In an even mood, such a noticeable effect is not observed.

7 more useful products

Chocolate is far from the only factor in improving mood. There are other antidepressant products, too. They must be in the diet of every person, since the supply of hormones responsible for a good mood tend to run out.

  1. Natural yogurt. It contains the amino acid tyrosine, which, like tryptophan, increases serotonin levels. In addition, milk proteins, together with serotonin, calm the nervous system.
  2. Whole grain cereals. The whole complex of B vitamins, minerals support a stable and calm state of the nervous system.
  3. Citrus. The high content of vitamin C, as well as fructose, cheer up and relieve stress.
  4. Almond nut. Vitamins E, group B, zinc and magnesium are required to maintain good spirits and tone.
  5. Oily sea fish. Vitamins B6 and B12, as well as fatty acids, are great for fighting stress and relieving feelings of anxiety. Salmon is especially rich in these anti-stress substances. Read more about the brain in a separate article.
  6. Broccoli. The amino acids in its composition and folic acid are a real salvation for those who are familiar with panic attacks. It relieves anxiety, improves the psycho-emotional state and.
  7. Seeds and nuts. A tablespoon of sunflower seeds or 40 g of any nuts have an antidepressant effect. Vitamins E, group B, folic acid help the production of dopamine, which is responsible for the feeling of happiness.

You can enhance the effect of food that helps to be in a good mood. Simple rules can become a habit and can be a good help to chocolate and other foods in maintaining high spirits.

  1. Hobby, hobby. You don't have to spend a lot of time on it. People are usually very happy even just knowing that certain days and hours will be devoted to their favorite work.
  2. Walk. The abundance of details of the outside world distracts from pressing problems. And the combination of walking with looking at pictures of nature or just passers-by sometimes creates real miracles with the mood.
  3. Physical activity. This is not about sports, but about any physical action: putting things in their places, washing floors or dishes, dancing, just walking or even kneading anti-stress toys with your hands noticeably relax and ultimately bring peace.
  4. Dream. The amount of sleep hormone melatonin produced during a night's rest is directly proportional to the amount of serotonin produced in the brain.
  5. Cold shower. This method can be used, of course, only if health is in order. Cold water, splashing with strong thin streams, activates all skin receptors, from which an instant impulse goes to the brain. There is a physical and mental reboot of the body and improves mood.
  6. Animals. Communication, and especially with animals, sometimes gives positive emotions no less than communication with people. And in some cases, only contact with the natural world can pull a person out of a depressive state.
  7. Care. Emotions of depression are well replaced by a state of satisfaction and even joy when a person takes care of others. Giving love and attention is the easiest way to get positive emotional nourishment.

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The psychological state is a subtle substance: it is far from always possible to influence the state of happiness. But the biochemical processes in the brain that occur when eating food that is good for mood are quite understandable and controllable. And such an effective way as eating chocolate is deservedly popular and loved by many.

Everyone has heard about hormones, but very few people have been able to thoroughly understand how they work.

However, this topic is very interesting, because the invisible subtle connections between the soul and body, food and mood, stress and insomnia, are caused precisely by processes at the hormonal level. Therefore, the temptation to take control of the situation and learn to consciously control the level of certain hormones is very great.

5 hormones of happiness, joy and pleasure: what are they called, types

Hormones are chemical compounds that are produced by living organisms and can be obtained synthetically. In the human body, they are created by the endocrine glands, carried with the bloodstream and act on target organs, which are different for each hormone.

The pharmacological industry produces some hormones in the form of drugs, as well as preparations containing substances necessary for the body to create this or that hormone on its own.

The same compounds are found in some foods. But “happy pills” still do not exist, because pharmacy hormones act too rough and cause a lot of side effects, but certain foods really allow you to improve your mood gently and without any special consequences.

There are only 5 hormones of happiness and joy, these are:

  • Dopamine - the hormone of joy and satisfaction. It is developed when a person receives any positive experience in his mind. If you enjoy looking at a clean room after cleaning, a pleasant touch from a loved one, or you feel satisfied when you finally finish a report, then dopamine is released at this moment.
  • Serotonin - a hormone of self-confidence and satisfaction. If dopamine is a storm of positive emotions, then serotonin is a quiet joy. By the way, these two hormones suppress each other. And this means that people who like to rejoice violently are usually not very confident in themselves, and those who have high self-esteem are less likely to allow themselves to have fun from the heart.
  • Adrenalin - helps to mobilize in a stressful situation and open hidden reserves. With the release of adrenaline, the heart beats faster, vision and hearing become sharper, the reaction becomes faster, even thoughts fly at the speed of light. Thanks to all this, there is a feeling of a surge of strength and inspiration.
  • endorphins - hormones that are produced in response to stress, and like adrenaline help to mobilize, endorphins help to remain calm and hope for the best in any situation. It is believed that these hormones are actively produced at the moment of tactile contact with a person who is pleasant. For example, during a friendly hug, handshake or kiss.
  • Oxytocin - a hormone of affection and trust. However, recent research has shown that tenderness caused by oxytocin does not extend to everyone. Under the influence of this hormone, a person is more reverent towards those whom he considers “his own”, and as a result, he is inclined to zealously protect them from “strangers”. Oxytocin plays an important role at the time of birth and in the initial formation of the relationship between mother and child.

It is believed that not only the hormonal background affects the mood, but vice versa, emotions affect the hormonal background.

Female hormones of joy, happiness, pleasure and love: a list

In women, male sex hormones are present in the body, and in men, female ones, so the division into male and female hormones is conditional. Below, we list those hormones that are most associated with joy and love in women.

  • Estrogen - is considered the most significant female sex hormone. This hormone makes a woman attractive in the eyes of men. Thanks to estrogen, the figure looks feminine, the skin becomes more elastic, and the hair is thick and shiny. According to statistics, estrogen levels are higher in natural blondes.
  • Testosterone - This is a male hormone, since it is produced in large quantities in the representatives of the stronger sex. However, for women, testosterone plays a very important role. If it were not for testosterone, then women would probably have little interest in relationships with members of the opposite sex. This hormone of activity and determination turns a timid girl into a conqueror, and encourages women to take the initiative in personal relationships.
  • Oxytocin - this hormone has already been mentioned above, since it is significant for both women and men. But in the fair sex, the level of oxytocin is still higher. This hormone gives rise to tenderness, affection, the need to care, and other qualities that are considered more feminine than masculine. It is also known that in women, oxytocin is produced at the time of stress. Therefore, if after a quarrel you feel the desire to take care of loved ones and cook something delicious, then this is not weakness of character, this is oxytocin.

Male hormones of joy, happiness, pleasure and love: a list

  • Testosterone is a male sex hormone that plays a leading role. It is he who makes men determined and courageous. It is believed that the higher the level of testosterone, the more attractive a man looks in the eyes of the opposite sex.
  • Dihydrotesterone - a male hormone that occurs during the breakdown of testosterone and is necessary in order for new testosterone to be produced. Dihydrotesterone is interesting in that it is associated with male alopecia, or in other words, earlier male pattern baldness. From this we can conclude that the earlier a man began to go bald, the higher his testosterone level.
  • Oxytocin is no less important for men than for women. In the representatives of the stronger sex, the maximum amount of oxytocin is produced in the moments after physical intimacy. Oxytocin makes a man loving and attached. Men with high levels of oxytocin are very devoted and will never allow themselves hobbies on the side.

What foods contain happiness hormones: a list

For women, the "hormone of happiness" often becomes precisely estrogen, because with its deficiency, sexual desire decreases, depression sets in, and even appearance deteriorates: the skin does not look so fresh, and hair and nails become dry and brittle. You can try to make up for estrogen deficiency with the help of such foods:

  • Flax seeds
  • Peas and beans
  • Bran
  • apricots

But note that excess estrogen is also sometimes undesirable. In particular, this hormone can interfere with weight loss in the lower abdomen and thighs. Therefore, if you have such a problem, then the reason may lie in the use of coffee in large quantities. But if you're not in danger of having too much estrogen, take a look at our guide on how to choose a delicious brand-rated coffee.

By the way, in the last days of the menstrual cycle, all the fair sex tend to experience a deficiency of female hormones, and some of them have a bad mood on these days. And you can try to raise it with products from the list above, as well as herbs that contain phytoestrogens, these are:

  • Sage
  • Licorice
  • Linden blossom
  • Chamomile
  • Hop

The hormone of happiness in chocolate and banana: what is the name?

Chocolate and bananas contribute to the production of the hormone of joy in the body serotonin . But to say that serotonin comes directly from them would be wrong, these products are simply rich in substances necessary for the production of the hormone. Moreover, there are other foods in which tryptophan (a substance from which serotonin is quickly synthesized) is much higher than in chocolate, and even more so in bananas. Therefore, the legend that there are “hormones of happiness” in chocolate and bananas is only half true.

From what and how is the hormone of happiness serotonin produced?

Serotonin is produced from the amino acid tryptophan. Interestingly, tryptophan-rich foods are usually classified as delicacies.

How to train the brain to produce more of the hormone of happiness and joy serotonin?

Entire books have been written about how serotonin and our other hormones work. We suggest you pay attention to two of them. The author of the first is American Loretta Breuning, the second was written by Asya Kazantseva, a Russian science journalist and biologist by education.

They are valuable because they give an understanding of what hormones are for and how they work. Loretta Breuning argues that serotonin is a hormone of self-worth, and its levels are high in those who occupy a high social status. And in her book and on the net there are a lot of recommendations on how to quickly increase the level of serotonin, for example:

  • Exercise and enjoy physical activity
  • Eating nuts, chocolate, bananas, and other foods rich in pryptophan
  • Engage in auto-training and daily praise yourself out loud, as well as be proud of your social status, whatever it may be

All these methods work and can help in a moment of despondency, but they give a short-term effect. And in order for the brain to learn to produce more serotonin on an ongoing basis, you really need to occupy the desired social status. Oh, and it would not be superfluous to mention that a person constantly wants more, and therefore you need to constantly move forward.

From what and how is the hormone of happiness endorphin produced?

  • Endorphins are produced in the brain, and mainly during sleep, so proper sleep is the key to a sufficient amount of this hormone.
  • Endorphins are able to accumulate in the body and be released when there is an urgent need. Usually, endorphin is released in parallel with adrenaline.
  • The action of this hormone is impressive: endorphin allows you not to feel pain and think clearly even with a serious injury, nature has provided this mechanism to ensure a person's survival in a critical situation.

How to train the brain to produce more of the hormone of happiness and joy - endorphin?

  • Trying to increase the level of endorphin, perhaps, is not worth it, its effect is too deafening, and the body expends too much energy, working at the limit. Opium has an effect similar to natural endorphin on the same receptors, but there is no need to talk about its destructive effect.

How is the hormone of love and happiness produced in the body oxytocin?

Oxytocin is produced in the hypothalamus - it is believed that this part of the brain was formed in the course of evolution the earliest and it is she who is responsible for deep motivation and primordial instincts. The hormone oxytocin itself also has a long history, not only in humans, but also in all other mammals. Oxytocin is responsible for attachment to a group, and causes a feeling of satisfaction when an individual is in a circle of individuals like him.

  • Tactile contact with a person who is pleasant dramatically raises the level of oxytocin.
  • In adults of both sexes, the maximum level of oxytocin is reached during intimacy.
  • It is believed that oxytocin stimulates a person to become attached to members of his group and be loyal to them. But this is so only while the indicators of oxytocin are at an average level.
  • If the level of oxytocin goes off scale, then a person may neglect the interests of the group for the sake of more important goals. Only family members and especially children can be more important. The same situation is observed in nature, the female can leave the pride if she has lost a cub, representatives of both sexes leave their groups to find a partner and have cubs.

What is the maximum level of dopamine required for happiness, and how is it produced?

Dopamine is produced at the moment when a person is looking forward to receiving a reward and helps him become more active and in a good mood to achieve his goal. In the days of hunting and gathering, dopamine played an important role in survival, noticing something special, our ancestors rushed to this object, and often found food in this way. However, the key feature of dopamine is that when the goal is achieved, the pleasure does not last long, and the desire to experience positive emotions again pushes us to new achievements.

What hormone of happiness is produced during sex, kissing, from chocolate, banana, sun, after a workout?

  • During sex, the production of three “happiness hormones” at once is stimulated: dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, so intimacy causes such a storm of emotions.
  • However, just kissing produces the same hormones. And their number depends on how desirable and pleasant the kiss will be.
  • Chocolate stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin, in addition, it has invigorating caffeine and a large amount of carbohydrates that give a quick burst of energy. Therefore, chocolate is an excellent remedy for blues and sadness.
  • Under the influence of sunlight and when eating bananas, serotonin is more actively synthesized in the human body.
  • Regular exercise stimulates the production of serotonin, as well as oxytocin and dopamine in moderation. But if the role is about important competitions, then other hormones can come into play - adrenaline and endorphin, which help to ignore obstacles on the way to the goal. And when you win, huge amounts of dopamine and oxytocin are thrown out.

How to increase, raise the level of hormones of happiness in the body: tips

To keep your happiness hormones high, try to follow these tips:

  • Choose foods high in tryptophan: nuts, seafood, cheeses, rabbit and veal meat, halva and seeds. If you eat something from this instead of a bun, then this will positively affect both the figure and the mood.
  • Do not protect yourself from physical activity. Unfortunately, physical inactivity is a common problem in modern society.
  • "Enemy number one" for the "happiness hormones" is cortisol, the stress hormone. Cortisol is also very important, because the feeling of discomfort when it is released keeps us moving forward. But if there is too much stress and cortisol, then this is already a problem that requires attention.
  • Learn how hormones work. It is unlikely that you will learn to consciously manage this complex system, but by understanding how hormones work, you can discover the true motives of certain actions and stop worrying about trifles.

The poetry on your website is extremely, extremely beautiful, and so on and so forth, excellent. Marina is studying in Minsk. Extremely well made. Only one day on November 27 from 10:00 to 16:00 you have the opportunity to book a rental or purchase a dress with a % discount in the Beauty Hall. Well, they were extremely helpful. At first, there were only questions about the language, Marina recalls. But here's the trouble - a very small font, and why there are no dividing lines between the verses and everything is combined into one long - long verse, please make separators between the verses. Anger manifested itself when the wedding was already over: “They were hurt that we spoke Belarusian. The font is really small and there are no divisions between the verses, but the verses are amazing. Tomorrow is the wedding of a friend - you helped me tremendously. I have a wedding soon. We avoided a conflict, but we were shocked that this could happen. This is what we wanted and did. Questions remain: where did we rest and what kind of people surrounded us. Vssh is extremely well written and clearly written. What does the bnf and the opposition have to do with it. It seems to me that the blame for everything is ignorance and lack of education. Maybe they took our words as some kind of propaganda. Maybe we have an opposition, they wanted to show that they know what the bnf is. But we didn’t even close to saying that this is our language and everyone should speak it. Svetlanagost, all of a sudden such a pazhadne: the cab was sluggish. Many friends are also Belarusian-speaking people. All in all, your website is great. And if at times you don’t have a rose, you don’t have a paasobku. The inhabitants of Osipovichi, Marina and Vitaly, who spoke at the wedding during the usual division of the loaf in the Belarusian language, they say that they asked not to name their own names, that they were the only ones. When a friend invited her to marry that they would also congratulate the young - Belarusian, and she and her husband decided, she bought a postcard in Belarusian. And they did not expect a negative reaction from the rest of the guests to their Belarusian-speaking congratulations, freedom, the radio reports. The young people are convinced that they had no other goals, not counting how to congratulate the young. Kab hatsel dy muggle.

wedding congratulations, congratulations on the wedding, congratulations on the wedding, congratulations on the wedding day Bright holiday, wedding celebration. The beautiful bride is worried, the groom is a little embarrassed, the guests are having fun, music and dancing are interspersed with toasts and wedding congratulations. With the latter, one should be very careful, because a rash word can cause a scandal and overshadow the celebration.

What should not be said in congratulations?
Congratulations on the wedding should be thoughtful and in no case offend the dignity of any of the guests, especially the newlyweds themselves and their next of kin. It is clear that, having heard from a tipsy guest “beat her more often, it will be sweeter to love”, the bride and all her relatives will be offended, and the groom may not keep a strong word, when wishing the bride “female happiness at any cost”, seeing in it a hint that that he won't be the only one. Therefore, wedding congratulations should be solemn, emphasizing this special moment of the officially recognized unity of souls and hearts and, at the same time, very tender. In congratulations on the wedding should not be affected:

Religious feelings. It is clear that it is impossible to take into account the religious views of all guests, but the faith of at least close relatives should not be offended.
Nuances that cannot be changed. For example, you should not wish for three children to a couple who cannot have them at all. It is better to wish the newlyweds patience and mutual support in congratulating them on their wedding.
Disadvantages of the appearance of the bride or groom. We are all not perfect, is it worth saying that “if such a beauty as Marina fell in love with you ...” and emphasizing that the groom is clearly losing in appearance? However, the weak half of humanity, as a rule, is more affected by such congratulations on the wedding day.
Age mismatch. A big age difference, especially if the bride is older, should not be mentioned at all, even in poetic comparisons and turns.
Financial situation. It does not matter who in this pair comes from a wealthy family, and who is an ordinary employee. Today they are both rich in their love, so do not overshadow the holiday with hints that the Prince will marry Cinderella, and one of them has gone from rags to riches. Congratulations on the wedding should generally bypass this nuance.

I am not an artist to write...
Well, it happens. But, looking at us, you will see a great many gentle, lyrical, touching, solemn congratulations on your wedding day, which will bring great pleasure to the newlyweds, make you think about the future of even inveterate bachelors and remind the parents of the bride and groom that their feelings are also not yet faded away. Non-standard rhymes, unexpected comparisons, bright emotions and a feeling of special solemnity - this is the mood that will accompany the fun to the very end. Humor lovers will appreciate playful wishes and good parting words, and a wedding celebration with them will be remembered as a bright start to a happy family life.
