Congratulations on your leather wedding in prose. Congratulations on a Leather wedding (3 years) in prose 3 years of wedding, funny congratulations in prose

A leather wedding is only the third anniversary of the wedding, not yet an anniversary, but a very significant step in the life of the spouses. Relationships continue to develop rapidly, which is why it is important to show flexibility and elasticity in time for the benefit of the family. The most necessary words will be spoken on this day, and we will help you choose the best wish for your wedding anniversary - 3 years.

From the wife: congratulations with love to the husband

We once didn’t know each other at all,
Just by dreaming, fate will suddenly happen.
Here we are, happily married for 3 years,
Having fulfilled the dream, we can enjoy.
I congratulate us on our leather wedding,
A solemn date - such an anniversary!
I wish us a bright, rich life,
My incredibly wonderful man!

Happy leather wedding, my beloved husband!
The skin may have already grown in.
How we need each other
After all, they couldn’t live apart for a day!
May our life remain beautiful
The fire will not go out over the years,
Well, today, on the most wonderful holiday,
Our conversation is only about joy!

Let it be as if the skin is elastic,
We'll build our love
And everything will be so unusual
Don't pour salt into the wound.
My beloved husband, congratulations,
Only three years have passed
And I'm still burning
From a full cup - from love.
Passion and understanding are with us,
And every day is like a new day
I love you for your understanding
And I’m not too lazy to love you.
Your soul is like a poet's dream,
There is a flame of feelings of great love in her,
After winter, summer will fly by,
But we will be together forever.

My dear - the one and only! I hasten to congratulate you on the third anniversary of our marital relationship! Even if you say that our 3 years are not sugar at all, I still claim that you are my sweet honey! But you listen and don’t argue, which means it’s the pure truth. It passed instantly, without salt, without much bitterness! Let everything be even better from now on! I promise not to oversalt the borscht and always add sugar to my tea! And I ask only one thing from you - love, love, love!

To the wife from her husband: congratulations on your admiration

A wedding anniversary - 3 years will be an excellent occasion to express your feelings to your beloved wife.

Three years together, I'm in heaven
And the feeling only gets stronger,
Let's build a strong family,
Trusting in faith.
And our anniversary to everyone,
It just confirms
That your passion and my passion,
It increases over the years.
Three years, as if alone,
I didn't seem to notice
There's a holiday ahead of us,
We will meet him with honor.

Leather wedding - three years now,
Let me kiss you, wife,
And please with the kindest word,
So that you can understand me.
Let the wounds heal quickly,
What if I harmed you?
And feelings sparkle,
Let's prove that we have a lot of strength.
Let's replace sadness with delight, happiness,
Three years is a holiday for us,
Three years, each of them is different,
And we feel happiness now.

You and I are made from the same skin,
For three years they are considered a legitimate family,
I confess to you, I don’t hide my feelings,
How deeply and honestly I love you!
Friend, wife, beloved to me,
Here I am still, like in a fairy-tale dream,
May happiness never end with you,
How the dream continues with magic!

To my beloved wife - my congratulations on your recognition for your work and patience in your marriage! I will scream for everyone to hear, because you are the best! Love like crazy!
I wish you, my love, not to get tired at work and at home, I wish you to be fiery and joyful in communicating with me! I promise that I will do everything for this! 3 years is a short period of time, I didn’t have time - I’ll definitely do it! Applications for special work (especially for children) are accepted out of turn and are taken under personal control! Happy leather wedding to you, my unrivaled one!

Funny: leather humor

A celebration without jokes loses some zest and friendly atmosphere. On the day of a leather wedding, we offer the following funny congratulations for people with a sense of humor.

Let the furniture be made of leather
Or dear wood,
The car will also be the newest,
And the kitchen is pure gold!
And if there is no harmony in the family,
It won’t matter right away!
Let love come to you with a reward,
Happy leather wedding to you!

Three years together is very cool,
There is something to put in the family archive:
You have already learned how to break dishes,
“Cool compliments” to say.
Anything can happen, but if you break up,
Hurry to see each other again quickly.
After all, you are afraid to breathe without each other.
What does it mean? Everything will be okay!

The family has been living for three years
And it grows from great feelings.
Wealth multiplies every year,
He creates his own peace and harmony with love.

Supervision in business, subtle calculation,
No extra expenses - money counts.
In love it’s quite the opposite:
Excess of affection, madness, generosity.

So continue your flight,
Without reducing your previous heights.
And let at least another century pass,
Love saves you from adversity.

And on your joint anniversary
There is no better and kinder couple!

Congratulations in prose (in your own words)

Congratulations without rhyme on your wedding anniversary, without template phrases for 3 years from the date of marriage are presented below.

Congratulations to the most loving guys on their leather wedding anniversary! We wish you to live as a single organism all your life, until old age. You can do it without a doubt!

Congratulations on passing the 3 year mark. We wish your life together to be as strong and strong as the symbol of your anniversary - skin. Let only good people come to your home, let only bright thoughts surround you. We wish you not to lose mutual understanding and maintain your love. We wish you to live in mutual support and prosperity. So that the family aura is always soulful and alive, and happiness is long-lasting and every second.

Our dear friends, we sincerely welcome you to your leather wedding! Let in many long years, when you become the owners of the golden title, the same boundless love, happiness, care, support and warmth that reigns in your family today will soar in your home!

Congratulations to the dear married couple on their leather wedding! Live harmoniously and in harmony, love each other madly. We wish the beautiful wife to preserve the warmth of the hearth, and the well-done husband to protect his innermost things, his family! Let there always be a full cup in the house, and for you I wish you health and patience. Happy third anniversary!

You can easily find heartfelt congratulations on your wedding anniversary (1-5 years) on our portal Only the best wishes for you! Give joy to your loved ones.

    The gift has been purchased, the problem with finding outfits has been solved - everything is ready to go to your wedding anniversary, but you, as always, have forgotten about the wishes, which would be best to say in your own words, and not read a poem copied from the Internet from a piece of paper.

    How to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary: ​​speech in prose

    Regardless of the date that the married couple celebrates, congratulations on their wedding anniversary in prose, spoken from the bottom of their hearts, with wishes for long and happy family years, will sound best.

    Congratulations for a young family (under 10 years old)

    How to congratulate a young couple on their wedding anniversary in prose? The portal has prepared the warmest words for you. And also here you will find congratulations on your wedding anniversary to your husband, wife, parents or friends.

    The first year of life is the most difficult and most important, and you survived it as a young but very strong family. Therefore, I would like to wish you not to lose this connection with each other throughout the long and happy family years. And let's celebrate this year properly!

    Our dear (names)! Behind you is a journey of 5 years. You lived them together, side by side, shoulder to shoulder, overcoming all obstacles. Life presented various surprises, but you proudly survived them all. And you still have a long road ahead, which will bring many joyful moments. And if it gets hard, support each other and boldly move on.

    We will not count the years, because it is not their quantity that is important, but their quality. You respect, appreciate and love each other. Because of this, every year of your marriage is like the first. Let it always be like this, let your feelings only grow stronger every day and fill your life with happiness.

    Please accept congratulations on your wedding anniversary. May your union prosper for many, many years. Support each other in all endeavors, because love is not about admiring each other, but about looking in the same direction. And let all sorrows, troubles and adversity pass you by.

    Congratulations for adult couples (10-25 years old)

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in your own words for an adult couple with more than a dozen years behind them should contain words about patience, respect and how important it is to preserve tender feelings.

    A wedding anniversary is a family birthday. Your family is a wonderful role model. It’s worth looking up to you, because not everyone manages to find such a balance in a relationship or achieve harmony in a couple. We wish you to always have enough strength to maintain this idyll.

    Family life is daily chores, worries, problems. And behind the wall of all this, feelings may begin to fade. I congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish that your flame of love does not go out, that each of you maintains this flame and appreciates the word “We”, because it is the most important thing in marriage. Create your own happiness, every day throughout your life, hand in hand, strive only forward.

    Remember the day of your wedding, the beginning of your family life. How did you see yourself as a spouse, what goals did you set, what did you want to achieve, what did you dream about? Think about what has come true and what remains in your thoughts. You have lived together for 15 years, but there is still a lot of time ahead, so there is an opportunity to work on your mistakes. You already have experience behind you, analyze what needs to be corrected and what to leave and continue in the same spirit. Let your love help you find the right solutions.

    Happy holiday, dear (names)! Let today be filled with the same number of smiles, kisses and congratulations as 20 years ago. Then you sealed your already strong relationship by marriage. And they were not mistaken, because they lived happily all these years. May your home continue to be filled with an endless river of love, respect, mutual understanding, tenderness and fidelity. Every morning when you wake up, smile at each other, filling the day ahead with light.

    Congratulations for older couples (from 25 years of marriage)

    How to congratulate a married couple who have been together for about half a century on their wedding anniversary in your own words? They have come a long way, despite worries and disagreements, they have walked it together. Congratulate them on their anniversary of marriage from the bottom of your heart.

    We would like to congratulate you on your wedding day and wish you to continue to preserve the love and tenderness that has been with you all these years. So that you continue to find compromises in all controversial situations, as you did before. And so that your children are happy and create families as strong as yours.

    As the proverb says: “Living life is not a field to cross.” You learned about this firsthand. Over the years, you have experienced both joyful events and difficulties. The cheerful wedding celebration has already been forgotten, the children have grown up, and everyday life, it seems, will not be eclipsed by anything. Your anniversary is the best opportunity to breathe out and remember the joyful moments, the happy moments you have lived. You can remember quite a lot: the feeling of falling in love when you just started dating, the wedding day and the cries of “Bitter!”, the anticipation of the baby and his birthday - unique and elusive moments. Let all this help you understand that family life is full of happy days. Appreciate the present and love each other.

    On your wedding anniversary, 35 years have passed since then, I would like to wish you to remain as cheerful. The years you have lived have not been easy, you have raised wonderful children, and grandchildren are on the way, who will not go unnoticed by you. And no matter what difficulties you encountered in life, your family, like a small army, fought with them and defeated them with common strength. There are probably enough challenges in your life, so we wish you long, healthy, calm and peaceful family years.

    A selection of small universal congratulations

    Short congratulations on your wedding anniversary, a couple of lines in prose, spoken from the heart - your “magic wand” for the holiday..

    We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary and wish you all the best. Health to you and your children. Love to surround your whole family, happiness so that your faces always shine with smiles, and prosperity. Always remain loved and loving.

    Today you are newlyweds again. Your family is still young, and they have a long road ahead to their golden wedding. Let the falling stars illuminate your path and fulfill all your desires. Peace, warmth and light to your union, be happy!

    On your wedding anniversary, I wish you more unforgettable happy days, dreams come true, promises fulfilled and radiant smiles on the faces of all members of your family.

    Happy holiday to your young family. May your home become an abode of goodness, may your children be always protected by angels, and may your feelings be filled with a bottomless source. Love and appreciate each other.

    Now, having prepared beautiful congratulatory words, you can go on a visit. And don't forget to stock up

    On this happiest and brightest day of your life, on your wedding anniversary, I want to wish you inexhaustible faith in each other! Let all everyday and material problems not get in your way! May your home always be filled with only mutual understanding, unquenchable love and boundless happiness! Let your love become even stronger, more reliable and stronger every day! I wish you that your hearts always beat in the same rhythm so that each of you always knows about the experiences and feelings of the other! I wish you to support and love each other, despite any vicissitudes of fate! You are made for each other! Happiness to you and sincere love! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! The moment you connected two lives into one, two of the most beautiful roses bloomed on earth, and two stars began to shine brighter in the sky. And even though roses have not only fragrant buds, but also sharp thorns, and the stars are sometimes so far away, you walk through life together, guided by a great feeling of all-conquering, selfless love. So may there always be a high and clear starry sky above you, and may beautiful and fragrant flowers bloom for you in the gardens every spring! Cherish each other! Take care of love, and it will protect you, it will drive away all the clouds from the family horizon! Happiness and love to you! Our precious anniversaries! In an age of particularly precarious family boats, you manage to resolutely overcome all the obstacles and other nonsense that undermine the joint life of two loving people who once created a family. Let the secret of the strength of your relationship be inherited and lead to the creation of a powerful and happy dynasty. Let wedding anniversaries become the most beloved and frequent holidays where people know how to love and teach fidelity by their own example. We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you health and prosperity! Dear newlyweds! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary. You are so elegant and happy today – just like on your wedding day. And your eyes also shine with love, and your hearts beat in unison. Over the years you have lived together, you have become an ideal couple, beautiful and harmonious. And you managed to create a real family in which your wonderful children are growing up. Be happy, may heaven protect your union. Let love and tenderness fill your home with joy, warmth and comfort. We wish you mutual understanding, may your home be a full cup, may there always be good weather and the sound of children's laughter. Advice and love to you. Bitterly! Dear comrades, former newlyweds, and now celebrants of the day! On this festive day for you and exciting for us, allow me to congratulate your family on your next wedding anniversary, wish your family happy days, a bright future and further prosperity. But most importantly: let this speech be the last official text in your life! Let it be filled with lyrics: the iridescent singing of birds, the most delicate smell of flowers, a light breeze and other attributes that are pleasant for you and useful for the family. And may this joyful stream never dry up! Our dear anniversaries!
    We congratulate you on your next wedding anniversary. Every anniversary is a big holiday, because on this day your family was born. On this day, the union of your hearts was solemnly sealed with signatures. We know you as a happy married couple who lived a long life in love and harmony, as wonderful, rich in heart and soul, amazing people. Despite all the hardships that you had to endure in this life, you persevered, retained love, youth and loyalty to each other, and raised beautiful children! Today all the words, all the wishes are only for you - the best couple in the world! We wish you to remain the same cheerful optimists for many years to come! Let your home always be warm from smiles and kind words. Health, prosperity, happiness, and, of course, love! Today is your family's anniversary. Looking at your joyful faces, you are once again convinced that happiness exists and happy marriages are not a phantom, but an exceptional reality. Exceptional because there is simply no other family like this and there cannot be. You have become so comfortable with each other that sometimes it seems that it cannot be otherwise.
    The words “we”, “together” in relation to you are given a special meaning. Your union is an indivisible whole that cannot be shaken or split. Perhaps your family well-being has a recipe that only you know. Or maybe it’s all about boundless love and willingness to accept and understand your loved one as anyone, faith in him.
    I would like to wish you new wedding anniversaries, health and prosperity. A wedding anniversary is a reason to feel like newlyweds again. Today, look at your wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day! And you will understand that your feelings have not faded away since that day, but have become deeper and stronger! Let mutual understanding, respect and, of course, Her Majesty - Love always reign in your family! On this wonderful holiday - your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you with all my heart! I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, to be one whole, to understand each other perfectly and to support each other in everything! A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to reminisce! I strongly recommend that you remember together your first meeting, your first date, your first kiss, your wedding day, your first child’s birthday – you never know how many memorable dates have happened over the years! These memories will put you in a romantic mood, stir up your feelings again, and give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life together... I wish you that there will be as many such memorable events as possible, that your family will be strong and happy, and that your love will be fiery and strong ! Dear (names)! As popular wisdom says: “living life is not crossing a field”! Over the years of living together, you have already become convinced that she was right, because you had to experience not only joyful events, but also difficult moments. Your noisy and cheerful wedding is left far behind, like your carefree youth, growing children require a lot of attention and cause a lot of trouble, everyday life becomes boring with its monotony - and it seems that life consists entirely of worries and worries... Your wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to remember many wonderful moments that happened to you. Remember your dates, your wedding, remember the time when you were expecting your first child, and the day he was born - you never know there were many wonderful moments. Let these memories help you understand that your life consists not only of gray everyday life, but also regularly pleases you with happy events. Appreciate what you have and always be happy! On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share in half not only happy moments, but also all the difficulties of family life. We wish to always support each other in everything, to overcome obstacles together and achieve our goals, and to share all everyday chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!

    The lucky number is three. Happy Leather Anniversary. I wish you to remain a reliable support for each other, the only love and support in everything. May your family be happy and successful. We wish you well-being, great opportunities, good health and prosperity.

    Congratulations on making it past the 3 year mark. I wish your family life to be as strong and durable as the symbol of your anniversary, namely the skin. Let only good people knock on your house, let only pure thoughts surround you. I wish you not to lose mutual understanding and take care of your love. I wish you to live in support and prosperity. Let the family atmosphere always be warm and lively, and happiness long lasting and constant.

    Congratulations, my dears, on your wedding anniversary! Your young family has been successfully existing for 3 years, and today you are celebrating a leather wedding! I would like to wish you that your friendly family will be strong, reliable and resilient! I wish you good health, mutual love, tenderness, kindness and prosperity. Be happy, healthy and loved.

    Congratulations, three-year-old spouses. Today is your leather wedding and I sincerely want to wish you a long, strong and durable relationship, like genuine leather, as well as trust, mutual respect, understanding and constant compromise in any life issues. Happiness to your family and peace, as well as health, prosperity and happy holidays.

    Three years is a wonderful anniversary! I wish you to always love each other with every cell of your soul! Let your little world forever give you comfort, joy and warmth! I wish your wonderful family prosperity, happiness and harmony!

    Congratulations on your leather wedding, 3 years of family happiness and joyful life. I wish you never get tired of each other, love deeply and strive for success, I wish you happy holidays and bright impressions, high prosperity and mutual understanding, home comfort and all earthly blessings.

    Congratulations on your leather wedding. Happy 3 years of marriage - this is not an anniversary, but still a significant date and may this day always be full of joy and warm words for your family. I wish that your feelings always remain strong, durable and of high quality, like genuine leather! But seriously - health, prosperity, prosperity, peace, comfort, festive moments of fun and mutual understanding for your wonderful family.

    You have lived together for three happy years, so I wish you that the fire of love in your hearts will only burn stronger every year! May your family always have prosperity, trust, understanding and great happiness!

    Happy leather wedding to you! May the next years of your union, like the three previous ones, be full of love, mutual understanding and tolerance for each other. Wishing you family happiness, comfort and spiritual harmony!

    It’s been 3 years since you became a family that sets an example, walks hand in hand along the road of life, bringing love, understanding, warmth and happiness. May your eyes always sparkle, smiles shine and peace reign. Happy leather wedding!

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

    And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together.

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose are good.

    I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on your life's journey. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and faithful love.

    And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home.

    Congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary.

    A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a unit of society. In any case, it’s a piece of the world, its own little world. Not a little world, but the world.

    I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of this
    A universe full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

    Today is a big holiday not only for

    We remember well
    Wedding; When
    You connected

    We wish
    We wish you well-being, goodness, love and again we say “Bitter!”

    Good congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

    Dear Parents. Today is your birthday - the birthday of your union. And I also celebrate this day with joy, because... If it weren’t for him, then I wouldn’t have seen this light. I congratulate you.

    I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect each other, love each other, because this is what the words were said on this day; “I pronounce you husband and wife,” and then there was repeated: “Bitter!” Well, let's not break tradition - to parents: “Bitter!”

    Good congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary.

    Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of your love in your soul, and your happy home is full of this love. Live also amicably and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

    Happy Anniversary

    Funny congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary.

    I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we still read the same gentle light of love as many years ago. And may the years continue to pass you by from all the hardships and quarrels, and may the family become stronger and stronger and the freshness of feelings is always present in you.

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

    The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling like yours can conquer the years!
    Congratulations on this touching victory!
    May your love conquer all the adversities of life again and again!
    Peace, warmth and happiness!

    Cool congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

    So much has changed during this time: morals, customs, fashion, power... And only your family hearth is still unshakable!
    Congratulations on the anniversary of this hearth!
    I would like to wish that the fire in it never goes out and always warms your hearts!

    Happy wedding anniversary, good congratulations in prose.

    With age, a person changes - some for the better, others for the worse. But people's attitudes change over time. Yours, in my opinion, if they change, it’s only for the better. I would like to wish you that this process continues in the future!
    Happy anniversary to you!

    Good congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

    Between two people, like between two electrodes, a certain field is formed. Yours is obviously positive. I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of this wonderful phenomenon!
    Let no anomalies of life be able to disturb it!

    Happy Anniversary

    Sincere congratulations on your wedding anniversary in prose.

    You have been together for so many years that it is already difficult for me to perceive you separately. They will say something about one, I immediately remember about the other, the other will do something, I immediately think about the first. May this touching unity last for many, many more years, because it is truly wonderful! male
    Comment text Of course, every family - strong and happy, always has one special day of the year that they remember, sometimes they prepare for it even more than for their birthday (which is often not very popular because it reminds us of age) or
    New Year (although this is certainly the most family holiday). Of course it's a wedding anniversary.
    1 year - calico. The honeymoon has already ended and everyday life has begun, in which the newlyweds have successfully overcome all difficulties. Gifts: made of chintz, cotton, silk, nylon. These materials symbolize youth and purity. 2 years - paper (or glass). The title suggests that relationships are fragile, but flexible. Wedding with origami, paper decorations, usually outdoors. The ideal gift is a book.

    3 years - leather. Relationships are already strong, but can change like skin. On this day they give gifts made of leather (can be leatherette): bags, purses, folders, belts, exclusive handmade leather. 4 years - linen (silk). Gifts made of linen and silk - tablecloths, towels, bed linen and something symbolizing the close interweaving of relationships, a gift consisting of braided ropes. The relationship has become so serious and strong that the spouses simply cannot be separated. 5 years - wooden. Little anniversary:) A sea of ​​fantasy in wooden gifts - boxes, candlesticks, household items. The family will be strong because wooden utensils cannot be broken. 6 years - cast iron. It is not an easy task to give away cast iron products. We can say that the relationship was formed like reinforced concrete. 7 years - copper. Copper is durable (but not yet a noble metal). On this day, spouses exchange copper coins (and these are hard to find these days) as a pledge of future happiness, and their friends, relatives and acquaintances give copper products and jewelry. 8 years - tin. They give shiny tin dishes and other kitchen utensils. 9 years - earthenware. An unlimited selection of gifts made of earthenware, porcelain, crystal and glass.

    Dear spouses, our 10th anniversary is approaching! 10 years - tin. There is another name for this anniversary - Day
    Rose. On this day, the couple invite everyone who was at the wedding to visit. The husband always gives his wife a bouquet of beautiful, lush roses. Relationships are no longer afraid of any thorns. As a gift - aluminum products (tin is hard to find). Congratulations! On the day of your anniversary, we would really like to make sure that your memory never leaves you. A memory for you to remember those days when you saw each other for the first time, when you first gave each other a kiss, when all your closest people gathered around you and loudly shouted “bitter” to you!
    Many years of marriage to you!
    Living life is not a field to cross
    Living life is not a field to cross. In family life there are not only bright and joyful events, not only bright and sparkling colors, but also gray everyday life. The noisy, cheerful wedding is far behind, a growing child requires constant attention and time, everyday life gradually begins to depress. We wish you to go through difficult parts of life hand in hand, support each other, and take equal part in family troubles. You can’t pull a thread between a husband and wife “You can’t pull a thread between a husband and wife.” This is what folk proverbs have been saying about family relationships since ancient times. And indeed it is. If a husband and wife always support each other, share their concerns, protect each other, the family becomes strong, like a granite rock, and nothing can ever destroy or break it. May your family remain as strong, happy and loving. We wish you and your children health and happiness! The husband is the head, the wife is the soul
    A Russian folk proverb says: “The husband is the head, the wife is the soul.” Your family has been living according to this folk wisdom for twenty years now. His wife is her gentle, kind, loving soul.

    She managed to raise and raise children to be smart, kind, and caring. There is always harmony in her family, an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding. Well, the husband is the head of everything. He provides for his family, and he managed to pass on his skills and experience in many matters to his sons; you can always turn to him for help and advice. Be happy, healthy and live in love and harmony for many, many more years!

    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary

    Congratulations on
    Wedding anniversary in prose
    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
    I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity.
    May your path in life be clean and bright, and may your children delight you with their chirping!
    And the main thing is that you love each other and appreciate every minute you live together. Congratulations on the wedding anniversary of parents
    You have lived together for so many years
    And we quarreled more than once,
    Overcame all doubts
    And you are a mountain for each other.
    We wish you on your wedding anniversary,
    And continue to live and not get sick,
    Love and enjoy life
    And get younger year by year! Happy Anniversary
    Wedding prose
    I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on your life's journey. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and faithful love. And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home. Congratulations on
    Wedding anniversary original
    A strong, reliable family, as mentioned earlier, is a unit of society. In any case, it’s a piece of the world, its own little world. Not a little world, but the world. I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of this
    A universe full of love, kindness and mutual understanding! Congratulations on
    Weddings are beautiful
    Today is a big holiday not only for
    Your family, but for all of us,
    Your family and friends. Today is the Anniversary
    We remember well
    Wedding; When
    You connected
    Your hearts exchanging rings.
    It seems that nothing has changed since then: You are also young and beautiful. We admire
    Your family and we believe that your entire future life will be just as romantic and happy!
    We wish
    We wish you well-being, goodness, love and again we say “Bitter!” Happy wedding anniversary to parents
    Dear Parents. Today is your birthday - the birthday of your union. And I also celebrate this day with joy, because... If it weren’t for him, then I wouldn’t have seen this light. I congratulate you. I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect each other, love each other, because this is what the words were said on this day; “I pronounce you husband and wife,” and then there was repeated: “Bitter!” Well, let's not break tradition - to parents: “Bitter!” Happy Anniversary
    Friends' weddings
    Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of your love in your soul, and your happy home is full of this love. Live also amicably and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home. Happy wedding anniversary wishes for husband
    Glad that I was once a husband
    Because it's not needed
    Believe me, no one else.
    I feel good where we are
    Where are you and me together? Congratulations on your fourth wedding anniversary
    We sincerely congratulate you on your four years of marriage!
    Live cheerfully and amicably, love each other the same way, tenderly and passionately, have everything you need in life. Let the fire of holy love remain for years, until the golden wedding! Happy Anniversary
    Weddings from colleagues
    My wishes are simple, good health for many years to come, warmth and tenderness for loving hearts. May there always be peace and prosperity in your home. I wish you great happiness and eternal love, may the rains and inclement weather pass you by, and may the nightingales sing to your soul. SMS congratulations on your wedding anniversary
    It's nice to live life with a good person who understands the meaning of the words: respect, care, patience, attention, justice and love!
    Happy holiday! Congratulations to my husband on
    Wedding anniversary
    Darling, today is our wedding anniversary, I want to wish you joy, happiness, prosperity!
    So that our family does not know troubles and grief, so that bad weather does not touch us!
    May this special day bring you good mood and joy!
    I love and appreciate you! Congratulations on your 8th wedding anniversary
    Our dear, good relatives. May your life be happy and vibrant, may you live in harmony and joy, because where there is fun there is joy, and where there is joy there is happiness. Be as happy together as you have been these past 8 years. Happy Anniversary
    Weddings warm
    I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we still read the same gentle light of love as many years ago. And may the years continue to pass you by from all the hardships and quarrels, and may the family become stronger and stronger and the freshness of feelings is always present in you. Congratulations on your 15th wedding anniversary
    Fate presented
    An invaluable reward for you!
    You managed to preserve it with dignity.
    It's been fifteen years now
    You are next to each other,
    You are firmly connected by a mutual thread of love!
    With a glass wedding
    We congratulate you!
    In our complex life, everything is fragile, like glass,
    And we wish your family happy,
    The glass wedding has been replaced by silver!
    Well, then there’s gold, the path is joyful and close.
    Walk along it, multiplying your feelings!
    You glow with happiness, like splashes in the sun. We wish you success, crazy passions, madness! Happy wedding anniversary to wife from husband
    I'm very glad that you and I are together,
    And happy with you all the years!
    You were once my bride
    And for many years - a wonderful wife!
    I feel good with you, darling,
    And I can’t imagine any other fate!
    Filled with joy, love every moment,
    And I’ve been so used to them for a long time!
    May your wishes always come true,
    There won't be many trials in life,
    Good luck, joy, success and goodness,
    I wish you many years to come! Congratulations to a friend on her chintz wedding anniversary
    I wish to continue to be loved,
    Not knowing sorrow and falsehood,
    Follow the right path! Congratulations in verse on the fifth wedding anniversary
    Five of the best years are behind us,
    There are happy years ahead,
    Where, meeting the dawn every day,
    It will be as if you got married just yesterday.
    Holding hands, looking into each other's eyes,
    We wish to carry love to the end.
    Let the road be easy for two,
    And their hearts are filled with joy! Congratulations on your 2nd wedding anniversary
    Our dear children, another small anniversary of your happy family life has arrived. How well and amicably you live, and for us, your parents, our souls rejoice when we look at you. May your happiness never end, peace and goodness to you. Congratulations on your 14th wedding anniversary
    You are together in goodness and harmony
    Fourteen wonderful years.
    Children were born and give you happiness,
    Your smiles are a bright light. we wish
    You still have about a century to live
    Infinitely great love!
    Let time be the most talented healer,
    Makes life golden! Congratulations in verse on the fifth wedding anniversary
    It doesn't happen that suddenly
    Grew: a tree and a fruit,
    It takes work and time, careful
    Everyone needs an approach to business.
    You've been together for 5 years
    They say that it is a “wooden” term. Measure the distance of earthly roads. Congratulations on
    Short wedding anniversary
    Dear guests!
    On this festive day, we have gathered to congratulate our heroes of the occasion on their anniversary!
    Happiness to you, success and prosperity to your family! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary in verse
    I’m ready to sing praises out of happiness,
    Congratulations to my beloved wife today,
    I carry my love in my arms,
    And I sing about life together again!
    I am grateful to all my fate,
    We live with you not much, and not little,
    We've been going through life together for twenty years!
    And we rejoice together tirelessly!
    I wish you, my wife,
    Health and comfort in our home,
    So that you are happier every day,
    And may your dream always come true! SMS congratulations on the 3rd wedding anniversary
    I don't know what to write
    I want to kiss you,
    You've been with me for 3 years now,
    I do not need anything else! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary 20 years
    Congratulations to my beloved wife on
    Darling, how long have I waited for this day!
    This is the most wonderful day because today is yours
    I am very happy that I have you and wrote poems for you!
    Just don’t judge too harshly, because I wrote for the first time. (But no one has such verses):
    To my beloved wife on her birthday,
    I would like to sincerely wish you: Health and comfort in your home
    What else can I dream of?!
    There is less wastage in the kitchen,

    Congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary

    A wedding anniversary is a reason to feel like newlyweds again. Today, look at your wedding photos, remember how beautiful and happy you were on your wedding day!
    And you will understand that your feelings have not faded away since that day, but have become deeper and stronger!
    Let mutual understanding, respect and, of course, Her Majesty - Love always reign in your family!
    5 years have passed since your wedding!
    And today, congratulating you on this date, we are pleased to state the fact that love still shines in your eyes, that you look at each other with extraordinary tenderness!
    Over the past years, there have undoubtedly been not only joys and sorrows in your family, but they have only united you and made you stronger. May many carefree, clear days await you in the future!
    Love each other the same way, let the family only become stronger!
    Today, dear (names), we are very pleased to congratulate you on your wedding anniversary.
    You have been together for 10 years, and we see that your family is friendly and strong!
    You managed to preserve love and tenderness, learned to find compromises and resolve conflicts - and this is worth a lot. We wish you to continue to live in love and harmony, not to be separated for a long time, to share all your sorrows and joys in half!
    And, just like on your wedding day, today we are happy to tell you – BITTER!
    On this wonderful holiday - your wedding anniversary - I congratulate you with all my heart!
    I am very glad to see you happy and loving, I am glad that you have a strong family, and that you have wonderful children growing up. I wish you to continue to live in harmony with each other, to be one whole, to understand each other perfectly and to support each other in everything!
    A wedding anniversary is a great occasion to reminisce!
    I strongly recommend that you remember together your first meeting, your first date, your first kiss, your wedding day, your first child’s birthday – you never know how many memorable dates have happened over the years!
    These memories will put you in a romantic mood, stir up your feelings again, and give you the opportunity to relive the happiest events of your life together... I wish you that there will be as many such memorable events as possible, that your family will be strong and happy, and that your love will be fiery and strong !
    Only 3 years have passed since your wedding, but how many events have happened during this time in your life!
    You have your own home, a car, a wonderful baby was born, your family’s wealth has increased... We wish you to continue in the same spirit, let everything that brings you pleasure grow rapidly: let your son grow, let your income grow, let him grow your love!
    Dear (names)!
    As popular wisdom says: “living life is not crossing a field”!
    Over the years of living together, you have already become convinced that she was right, because you had to experience not only joyful events, but also difficult moments. Your noisy and cheerful wedding is left far behind, like your carefree youth, growing children require a lot of attention and cause a lot of trouble, everyday life becomes boring with its monotony - and it seems that life consists entirely of worries and worries... Your wedding anniversary is an excellent occasion to remember many wonderful moments that happened to you. Remember your dates, your wedding, remember the time when you were expecting your first child, and the day he was born - you never know there were many wonderful moments. Let these memories help you understand that your life consists not only of gray everyday life, but also regularly pleases you with happy events.

    Appreciate what you have and always be happy!
    On your wedding anniversary, we wish you to share in half not only happy moments, but also all the difficulties of family life.

    We wish to always support each other in everything, to overcome obstacles together and achieve our goals, and to share all everyday chores. Take care, appreciate, love each other and be happy together!
    Five years have flown by so quickly and almost imperceptibly since your wedding day!
    The good news is that during this “five-year period” you have realized many of your plans.
    You have equipped a cozy home, strengthened your income, strengthened your family and given birth to two wonderful children!
    Your home is cozy and hospitable, it’s always a pleasure to come to visit you - let it continue to be so!
    We wish that your love only grows stronger, your prosperity grows, and your children delight you with their successes!
    We sincerely congratulate you on your wedding anniversary!
    We are very glad that over the past five years you have managed to do a lot: increase your family income, buy a car, furnish a home, give birth to a child... You are great, but your baby is bored alone, and therefore we wish you a speedy addition to the family!
    Be happy, be healthy and love each other deeply!
    Other texts of congratulations in prose on your wedding anniversary
    1Humorous stories and jokes from life
    Our society has many distinctive traditions, rituals and long-standing customs. We love holidays and celebrate them especially magnificently when the event coincides with family anniversaries. Every year they live together, it is customary for a married couple to celebrate a certain anniversary, which has its own name, signs and traditions. For example, for each anniversary, spouses are given certain gifts that symbolize a particular holiday. Incredibly beautiful wedding anniversary congratulations remain an invariable attribute for every anniversary. Our site has extremely useful information for those who find it difficult to give congratulatory speeches and poems. A huge and varied catalog of all kinds of congratulations is divided into sections, each of which corresponds to a specific holiday event. It will be very easy for you to navigate the site; you will be able to choose the perfect wish for almost any holiday, including an original wedding anniversary greeting for a loving couple. It should be noted that the assortment of the collection of congratulations is regularly updated with original works. Therefore, do not worry that your congratulations have already been heard. You are sure to make the most lasting impression and provide a lot of pleasant experiences. On the anniversary of family life, each pair of spouses will be truly pleased to hear sincere words of joy for their strong union with wishes for goodness and prosperity. Consider our incredibly touching wedding anniversary congratulations, here you can choose a wonderful wish suitable for SMS congratulations if you are far from the anniversary, and an ideal congratulation as a bright addition to the main gift for a married couple.
