Good morning wishes for dad. Good morning wishes to the father of my children Good morning to the father of my children

I squint my eyes from the bright sunlight, as if someone is playing with sunbeams on my face. In an attempt to escape from the annoying rays, I bury my nose in Gerard’s soft shoulder. He frowns with displeasure, turns to me and reluctantly opens his eyes. A sly smile spreads across his face.

Good morning, Bandit.

Good morning, mi... Wait, what?

“Good morning, daddy.” I heard it behind me, and looking over my shoulder, I noticed our little princess, who had previously been playing with a folding mirror. (what a little asshole)

Bandit jumped to her feet and immediately jumped into our bed, bursting into happy laughter (it seems that someone's knee hit the target, and I will remain impotent for the rest of my life)
- Darling, it’s still so early, why are you here?

Well, my alarm clock went off long enough that I decided I should come in and wake you up. But, dad, you slept so well that I wanted to wait until you woke up on your own. Here.

This little miracle will someday drive me to the grave with his speeches and antics. She is 9 years old and expresses her thoughts better than Gerard during his graduation speech at school. (you have no idea how ashamed I was for this idiot)

If your alarm clock rang a long time ago, what time is it now?

Your watch shows that it is 8:15.

How many? What the heck?

Holy shit, Frank, I have a project!

Don't swear in front of your child!

I'm the first to go to the bath!

Everyone knows what it's like when all family members run from one part of the apartment in search of a tie, tights or school bag. Everyone is screaming, hysterical, throwing socks at the father. (I’ll remind her of this) When everything happens at a run, in a hurry. When Gerard doesn't notice you with a huge mug of milk in his hand.

Frankie, I'm sorry.

While I was bent over the bathtub, trying to wash the sticky white (from the milk, of course) stain from my shirt, my butt was attacked by Way’s strong hands. (I don’t mind, but we fucking overslept)

Of course, I understand everything, now is spring - the time of love, hormones are rushing into your head, but hold your little hands (and not only your little hands) and get ready.

Well, I'm sorry actually.


By 8:45 everyone was already in the car. Bandit was quietly humming a song about rabbits, Jer was fiddling with his keys, and I just turned to the window with a dissatisfied expression.
Perhaps there is a God after all, because we got to school in about three minutes, without hitting a battalion of pedestrians and without showing off our driving skills, as Gerard usually likes to do.

Run, sweetie. And try not to hit girls or pick up boys. The teachers don't like it.

Okay, dad. – Quickly kissing us on the cheek, she runs away to the building of the institution.

Hands folded at his sides and an eyebrow that will soon cross the orbit of his forehead, these are the things that in Gerard can only mean one thing:

Way, you're worried.

I know, but now...

And now they pressed me in the car and brazenly pawed me under the school doors (Poor children and their psyche), covering my neck with something reminiscent of kisses.

He left my painful neck and licked his lips. This look also does not bode well.

Well, Bandit is at school now and no one will bother us. If only you knew how much I want to continue what I started (believe me, I not only know, but I also feel). - He pulls me by the collar of my shirt for another kiss and whispers as quietly as he can:

Let's go home.

What about the project?

You are the only project I am willing to work on again and again.


Dear dad, good morning! I hope your day goes 100%. I wish you a positive and active morning, an effective working day and a serene evening. I know how strong and courageous you are to me. I believe that this day will also become the basis for you to discover pleasant emotions and implement your plans. Remember that the day will only go well if the morning is greeted accordingly, so quickly open your eyes, stretch, do exercises and enjoy a fresh, healthy breakfast. May your day truly please you and not disappoint you even in the slightest subtleties. You deserve only success, so look with confidence at the future tasks that are already waiting for you to complete them and be able to brag to your friends and family about the successes you have achieved. I support you in everything!


Beloved daddy, the morning of this day has already arrived. It's time to get up and get ready to actively do things. I believe that everything will work out more than successfully for you. In addition, your mother has already prepared a delicious breakfast for you, and your child, the heir, is waiting for the moment to wish not only good morning, but also success at work. Remember that you are my best and it is largely thanks to you that our family exists. A morning at home, spent with loved ones, is the best foundation for the entire next day. After such a morning, any heights can be conquered. This is due to the attention and manifestation of care, sincere love from loved ones, whom no one will ever replace. Don’t waste wonderful moments: stretch in a snow-white bed, ventilate the room, do a little exercise and get down to active activities.


Dad - you are the best man for me, an example in everything. I know how strong your character is. That’s why I hasten to say good morning and wish you good moments from the very beginning of the day. Let the sun always sparkle in your soul, and let bad weather never appear. I believe that even the slightest shortcomings of the day, which every person may have, will not put their character to the test. You will definitely show your strength, confidence and optimism. May the morning that you can spend next to your family give you an increased desire to accomplish various feats. I wish you to spend your morning in a special way and feel attention, care, and then successfully complete all your planned tasks. May your day be one of the best and lay an even stronger foundation for a bright future. Good morning, the best man, my dear dad.


Dad - you are our hero, the basis of a strong family. Mom and I are already waiting for that wonderful moment when you wake up and can open your eyes and meet the day. Wake up quickly, because in the kitchen there is already freshly prepared hot coffee and a fresh newspaper. Let your breakfast with your loved ones not only replenish your physical energy, but also give you an additional incentive for an active and successful day. I believe that everything will work out for you today as planned. Without a doubt, the stars and planets today are positioned exactly as needed for you. In order for the day to pass brightly and unusually, everything has already been provided by the world, by higher powers. May your day give you many pleasant emotions that will be felt from the very beginning. I hasten to congratulate you not only on a good and cheerful morning, but also on a bright, eventful day.



Dad, you've been sleeping too long already. Open your eyes and look at the time: great things await you, an active and important day. There is no need to hesitate. In addition, you need to take time to communicate with your loved ones, taste a delicious breakfast with freshly prepared coffee, the aroma of which is already heard throughout the apartment, and not just in the kitchen. Mom and I wish you success and hope that your soul will be warmed in the morning with your family. Regardless of what today's weather turns out to be, may the bright sun always burn in your soul, illuminating your face and heart. Let you feel what good morning really means. We believe that everything will definitely work out as it should for you, and part of this will be due to a decent morning spent with your loved ones. Hurry to get the most pleasant, positive emotions.


Our beloved sleepyhead, get out of bed as soon as possible. Plunge into the morning and then into an active day. You will definitely succeed. Your loved ones have already done their best and prepared a delicious, nutritious breakfast. You will definitely find your favorite dishes, drinks and sweets in the kitchen. Let such a sign of attention warm your soul and set you up for a wave of positivity. We hope that the morning will become the basis of a successful and happy day, which will gradually, smoothly turn into the evening. We are sure that you deserve the best and will definitely brag about your own achievements at dinner. We wish you to feel the atmosphere of a wonderful morning, which, of course, always puts you in a working mood. Use your own opportunity to spend your day in a special way and be as active as possible. Remain an example for your family who care about you.


Dad, the morning is already hoping for your attention, and your loved ones are looking forward to the opportunity to wish you good morning and a good day, to inspire with words and attention. Take the chance to not only relax in bed, but also have time to hear important words spoken from the heart with a manifestation of true care. May your day go as you planned, and may all opportunities be used only to achieve success. We wish you only the most pleasant and best emotions, achievement of your goals and completion of planned activities. Only in this case will there be an opportunity for you to get the most pleasant impressions and feel like a hero again. We, your loved ones, will definitely keep our fingers crossed for you. In the meantime, hurry to the kitchen, where melodious music is playing and coffee exudes an exquisite aroma.


Dad, the time has come to wake up and meet a new day, which promises to be as worthy as your previous best days of life. Thank God that you can see the light of the sun and take a breath, feel positive and get into an active work mood. Receive the gift of a delicious and healthy breakfast, a fresh shower and the opportunity to listen to your favorite music. In such simple things you can find a lot of energy in order to later successfully prove yourself in your work and prove to everyone again that you deserve respect and success. A new day, which was presented to you by the whole universe and a breakfast prepared by loved ones, attention and a nice morning conversation - this is what you already need to take advantage of. Don’t lose the opportunity to quickly discover wonderful moments for yourself, because you will definitely be able to relax in bed in the evening after you are satisfied that you managed to do everything.


Dad, it's a beautiful day. The morning is already waiting for you to wake up. It wants to warm you with its advance, despite the fact that the weather may not be pleasant. The most important thing is the opportunity to feel the warmth and sunshine in your soul, to appreciate the wonderful moments that will definitely pass today. May your day bring joy in all important matters and numerous nuances and may it pass on light waves. We wish you good morning and a wonderful day, the opportunity to realize all your plans and the protection of higher powers. Thank God that you can feel life again and take a step towards your goals. Let your life sparkle with new colors that promise to become rainbow and special. Use every opportunity to make our wishes come true, because they convey the love of loved ones and sincere feelings.


The alarm clock has already rung, waking up with a wonderful ringing. The sun illuminates your room and strives to penetrate your soul. Don't keep your eyes closed, open them and go towards your day. Let everything go as you plan. Morning gives you a chance to tune in to the positive thanks to the attention of dear people, the existing comfort, and many opportunities to spend time. Dad, take advantage of all the blessings of fate, because they are ready to unfold today. Higher powers and the universe will definitely give you many chances to move forward. The most important thing is to move towards achieving your goals. A good morning will definitely help ensure that everything goes well and according to pre-made plans. Therefore, do not waste time and the opportunity to fully enjoy the coming morning, which you need to spend with your loved ones.


I hasten to wish you good morning and a wonderful day. Let the sun in your soul warm you and motivate you to achieve your goals. I am confident that in every case there will be a wonderful chance for active advancement in life. Dad, please accept as a sign of attention not only kind words spoken from the heart, but also a delicious breakfast prepared with care. I believe that the minutes spent with your family before starting tasks and work will definitely be as valuable as a night's sleep. Take a refreshing shower, drink a cup of coffee and eat some chocolate to feel the bright side of life. Everything will turn out to be much easier than it was initially imagined. Use the morning to set yourself up positively for the whole day, until the evening, which will also delight you with the comfort of home.

Good morning wishes - have a nice day:

Surely, there were times in your family when you did not see your dad for days, when he left for work early in the morning and returned when you were already asleep. You not only did not see each other, but you practically did not even communicate. But now there are telephones, there is interactive communication. Why don't you wish good morning to your beloved daddy through a message? It will be so nice. His beloved daughter remembers him and takes care of him. Choose the most beautiful and tender good morning wish right on our website and send it to your beloved father to please him and motivate him to finish all his work as early as possible in order to spend time with his loving family. Our site will definitely help you choose the best wishes that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Sometimes the morning is clear, sometimes it’s rainy,
Maybe a little sad, maybe a little happy,
Dear daddy, get up quickly,
Definitely get your dose of positivity.
May the sea give you success in all your endeavors,
Let the right thought hit your head at the right time,
Let everything that exists for today be accomplished,
Let the mischievous sparkle in your eyes sparkle all day long!

My beloved daddy, I wish you good morning,
You are the best in the world - I know that for sure,
Wake up quickly, there are already things waiting for you,
By the way, my mother had already served breakfast on the table.
The pleasant coolness will knock on the window,
Let nothing bad happen to you.
Good morning dear, wake up quickly
I wish you success, positivity, smile!

Wake up, daddy, stop sleeping already,
It's time to get up and greet the dawn.
I understand that I’m still too lazy to get out of bed,
But the sea will bring positivity to everyone this day.
Look, the weather outside is just superb,
All adversities and sorrows will be nothing.
The nightingale, look, is already frolicking outside the window,
Definitely something joyful will happen soon!

I wish my dear daddy a good morning,
Wake up quickly, you are our hero man,
Our house feels pleasantly cool,
There is no doubt that you have a reason to smile.
May this day bring a lot of positive things,
Any little thing dads, let it make you smile pleasantly,
May everything be easy and simple for you today,
May luck smile on you in all your endeavors!

I wish my dear dad a good morning,
Let wonderful impulses inspire your soul,
Let luck come to you at full speed,
Let all the best happen today.
Stop sleeping, daddy, all the importance of things is flying away,
To the person who is now sleeping sweetly,
Hurry up, darling, get up already,
Hurry up for a hot, delicious breakfast!

Dear daddy, I wish you good morning,
I repeat all the positive notes,
The aromatic coffee is already cooling in the kitchen,
A ray of sunshine has been warming us all for a long time.
It’s not in vain that your face lights up with a smile,
The dawn has been shining brightly for us for a long time,
The weather in the house is just super, daddy get up,
Gobble up the most delicious breakfast in the world!

I wish my dear dad a good morning,
I drink aromatic coffee with it in one gulp,
Let the smile on your face sparkle brighter,
Let more positive things happen today!
Dad, dear, dear, you are the best in the world,
Enjoy this bright morning to the fullest!
May luck accompany you in all matters,
Let him always rush after you at full speed!

Daddy, my love, it's time to get up,
Your affairs are already tired of waiting for you,
Our Sonya, man, wake up quickly,
Quickly plunge into the daytime atmosphere.
You should take a cool shower in the morning,
Let the coolness shake off the remnants of sleep,
I wish you a great mood for the whole day,
Let no shadow of sadness fall on your face.

I almost force him out of bed,
This aromatic coffee has probably already cooled down,
And the delicious breakfast probably froze too.
Let the pleasant coolness help you wake up,
It's time to plunge into the business atmosphere,
Come on, dad, get up from this bed as quickly as possible,
Say hello to the new day as cheerfully as possible!

I want to quickly tell my beloved daddy,
The morning has come, it's time to get up.
The birds outside the window are already dancing in circles,
A cheerful, positive day is already upon us.
Dad, important things await you today,
Let worries and sorrows all go away from you,
Quickly consume this aromatic coffee,
Let's get out of bed before evening!

I wish my beloved dad a good morning,
I understand perfectly well how he doesn’t want to get up,
But such a wonderful day is already coming to us,
He will bring us a lot of joy.
Take a cool shower, dad, you're in the morning,
Let this day be interesting, like a game,
The whole sky is already smiling at you,
Mom has been calling you for breakfast for half an hour.

My beloved dad, I wish you good morning,
I kiss you tenderly, hug you tightly,
I still want to wish you a successful day,
You can only get joy from aromatic coffee.
Dawn has already arrived and wakes you up with its smile,
Come on, get up, my dear, quickly,
Everything you have planned for today is to do it all,
I wish you to quickly overcome the rest of your sleep!

The main purpose of this article is to wish the father of the children good morning, only the best parting words from a sincere heart and soul!

May the day bring good luck, a bag of miracles to boot, new meetings without fuss, and dreams come true!

Good morning! The morning must be good and pleasant so that the whole day goes like clockwork and all matters are resolved successfully. That's what I wish for you! Good morning, and don’t be sleepy, but kind and cheerful, with an excellent appetite for breakfast.

May you meet only positively minded people all day today, because the successful completion of the day’s distance depends on who else but them.

Let today turn from ordinary to special! I love you, hug and kiss you tenderly!

Bright events, happy moments, joy in life, smiles, love! Good morning!

My love, good morning! Charge yourself with positivity and celebrate this day!

Have a nice day, good news and happy events.

It’s so good to just open your eyes and know that you exist! Good morning!

I wish you the best morning and a joyful awakening. May the dawn bring many victories and optimism!

May this day bring joy and pleasure, so that you, without bothering at all, reach unprecedented heights!

Good morning, friend! A new day has arrived. And new is always unexpected, but let this unexpected be only positive.

Beloved, have a nice day, you are in my heart and thoughts forever! I love you and miss you now!

May all your affairs be easily resolved and the sun smile all day long!

The beginning of a new day is the beginning of new opportunities, and something unusual. Let's start your day! Good morning!

May your heart be filled with the melody of a kind and loving universe this morning!

The symbiosis of our pure love and your excellent smile creates today with a clear and magical morning.

Good morning my joy, let a cup of coffee warm you up.

Waking up every morning is the main wealth in life.

Hurry up, wake up, stretch and go drink coffee. Good morning to you

Good new morning, my beloved little man! With your awakening, let the world outside your window joyfully awaken and sparkle with new wonderful colors.

Sun, open your eyes. The night has passed, giving way to a new day! Wake up with Good morning!

This is a warm morning for you! And it will be the start for achieving all your goals and conquering peaks...

With love and tenderness I wish you good morning and a wonderful day!

But it really is a good morning. After all, after I open my eyes, I remember you and I want to get up and conquer the world!

Good morning. But it really is a good morning. After all, after you open your eyes, you want to get up and conquer the world. The day is just beginning.

This morning will be beautiful, like a rainbow, bright and positive!

I want this magnificent day to give you as many happy moments as there are beautiful stars in the night sky.

May this early morning bring us good luck, happiness and a great boost of energy for the whole day!

This morning will be good and pleasant, so that the whole day goes like clockwork and all matters are resolved successfully.

Congratulations on a very good and wonderful morning!

The sun has already risen. This day will definitely be eventful and successful thanks to the power of love that is embedded in these lines. Nature froze waiting for you to say good morning!

I wish my beloved a good day! Everything will be great for you today!

I hope you got enough sleep today and feel cheerful, cheerful and energetic! Well, if not, then I still wish you to be in an excellent mood today and successfully solve all your problems.

The energy of this morning is unique, cheer up with strong tea and start this day! We'll see you soon!

Let the rays of this morning sun slide across your face, warming your heart with the charm of life and the brightness of the rainbow.

I am sending you a charge of vivacity, a lot of good mood, I kiss you very, very tightly, my beloved ray of sunshine!

This morning I woke up, stretched sweetly, remembered you, smiled and decided to wish you a good day! A sea of ​​smiles! The whole world is for you!

My favorite character! I wish you to avoid all sorrows today!

Good morning. I wish you an incredible boost of energy and a great mood for the whole day, pleasant surprises in the morning and joy.

Beloved, may luck follow you like a shadow all day today!

Congratulations on a wonderful morning! May everything you could ever dream of appear in your life today.

Good morning! Amazing luck covers you headlong, and happy fate with the generosity of a talented magician opens up a fan of tempting prospects for you

My soul, I want this day to bring only positive thoughts and great news!

May your day be successful today, and may your work not be rushed!

Through the thin canvas of times, we will meet again, in a new today. Good morning!

Look how the rain washed the city for you, how it illuminated it with sunlight! May this morning be truly good for you!

I wish you a good day, my beloved! Let all your dreams come true, work, but don’t forget to relax.

I wish you positivity, meetings, communication, creativity. In general, you understand me - have a wonderful day!

The morning can only be good, because it is the birth of dawn!

I congratulate you on the beginning of a new cool day! Everything will be cool and everything will work out!

Let the weather outside your window make you happy, and it’s time for you to get to work!

I wish you a successful and good start to the day, and then smiles and joy!

Good day! Oh, how empty and boring my life is without your presence. I want to be with you as soon as possible.

My precious, wake up, a delicious breakfast awaits you. Good morning, smile at the new day!

Good morning! I wish you a wonderful mood, a delicious breakfast and incredible inspiration for the whole day!

No one knows what the new day will bring, but I am sure that it will be successful and happy for you, good morning.

I wish you a sweet and pleasant awakening! Good morning to you!

Sunshine, wake up, morning has come! Smile quickly now the sun can hide in the sky, because you give much more light and warmth!

Wake up, smile and fill yourself with love.

The first awakening ray of sunshine will kiss you tenderly on the lips. I sent him to you to wish you good morning.

A new day awaits you, my love, so it’s time to leave your warm bed and go conquer the world!

Good morning my darling. You feel the sunbeams kissing your lips, cheeks, ruffling your hair and whispering tender words in your ear. What a pity it's not me. So let's wake up and come, I miss you. Good morning.

Good morning, friend! And look what it is! I wish to absorb all its revitalizing freshness and carry it through this whole day.

I hope good luck will accompany you today and everything planned will come true.

Think only positively, live cheerfully, actively! Don't mope over trifles, and I'll give you something.

May the day be successful, may sadness and laziness disappear. And may you be lucky in business and may good luck await you everywhere!

Hello! Wake up yourself and awaken your conscience, and it will remind you of my number! Call.

Good morning! - I wish you a life without despondency, in love with madness and passion, in a career of profit and power.

Clear skies, a cheerful smile and a pleasant awakening to you! Let this morning be one of thousands of the kindest and most joyful!

Let this cool morning be a great start to a successful and fruitful day!

This morning and this day, full of smiles and pleasant surprises, awaits you.

We will definitely meet today! In the meantime, wake up and go to work!

May your life be better this morning than it was yesterday! Best good morning to you!!!

I wish you that your day is filled with joy and many successes!

Good morning! My beloved, you know that I miss you madly, I am very sad and want to cry, without you the world is not dear to me and nothing is interesting to me.

You make my morning brighter. All sunrises are sweeter with you. Love you! Good morning, my life!

Good morning wishes for the father of children - This morning I wish you a great idea and bright inspiration.
