Natural mineral diamond: structure, physical and chemical properties. Diamond Message

Diamond is perhaps the most popular, most precious stone in the world. A diamond is a cut diamond. Usually it is colorless or has weak yellow, brown, gray, green, sometimes pink shades, rarely black. There are about 1000 varieties of gem diamonds.

Diamond is a symbol of firmness, courage, innocence. This stone gives the owner firmness and courage, protects the members of his body. It was believed that the diamond gives and preserves the sharpness of hearing, protects from sadness and witchcraft, evil spirits. If some sorcerer wants to bewitch the owner of the diamond, then all the grief and failure will be transferred to him. A wild beast will not attack a person who wears a diamond. The stone can cure sleepwalking.

The diamond must be acquired freely, without coercion and violence, then it will have great power. The stone will lose its power due to the sinfulness, intemperance of the person who wears it. Diamonds, which are inherited from mother to daughter, from father to son, have great power. If you bought them, they will not start “working” for you right away. They need to be "tamed".

Diamonds with a greenish tint enhance a woman's ability to bear children, help the normal course of pregnancy and facilitate childbirth. They heal sclerosis, apoplexy, prevent the formation of stones, soothe migraine, save from lightning strikes and the evil eye.

A diamond with internal spots is considered the most unlucky and fatal stone.

Diamond is associated with the energy of the Sun and is used as a heart tonic. According to the beliefs of the ancients, this stone effectively rejuvenates and provides spiritual development. If you wear a ring with a diamond in gold on the ring finger of your right hand, it will allow you to feel the subtle impact of energy on your body. You can't wear other people's diamond rings.

It is believed that the name "diamond" comes from the Greek word adamas - irresistible, indestructible. Cut diamonds are called brilliants. This name comes from the French word brilliant, which means "sparkling" in Russian.

Diamond consists of approximately 96-99.8% carbon, 0.2-0.3% are impurities of chemical elements such as nitrogen, oxygen, aluminum, boron, silicon, manganese, copper, iron, nickel, titanium, zinc and etc. Colorless diamonds are rare. Most often they have some kind of shade. In nature, there are diamonds that are brightly colored in yellow, orange, green, blue, blue, pink, brown, gray and black.

To indicate the color of a diamond, there is the following gradation, which includes 12 colors:
yater - bluish white;
river - perfectly transparent bluish-white;
vissedton tone - pure white, less transparent;
wisselton - white;
top crystal - with a slight shade of yellow;
crystal - with a slightly more noticeable shade of yellow;
verp light - with a very slight shade of brown;
top cape - slightly yellowish;
cape - yellowish;
light yellow - light yellow;
light brown - light brown;
yellow - yellow.

The brilliance of a diamond is so characteristic that it is called diamond.

Composition. A mineral, a crystalline polymorphic modification of native carbon, surpassing all minerals in brilliance, beauty and hardness.

Diamond consists of pure carbon (up to 99.8%), but usually contains small impurities of various chemical elements that are part of the crystal structure or inclusions of other minerals.

Place of Birth. Industrial deposits are associated with kimberlites and placers. Main foreign producing countries: South Africa, Congo (Zaire), Botswana, Namibia. In the Russian Federation, deposits in Yakutia, in the Urals.

Applications. Diamond is used in industry as an abrasive material, and also, of course, in jewelry.

But, without a cut, a diamond does not look very attractive. The surface of the crystals extracted from the earth in most cases is rough and covered with a translucent fissured gray crust.

Only after polishing and cutting a diamond into a diamond, a person saw that "this is the light of the sun, thickened in the earth and cooled by time, it plays with all the colors of the rainbow, but remains transparent, like a drop." This is how the Russian writer A.I. Kuprin. Noble metals served either as decoration or for magical purposes, for example, as amulets (amulets).

Features of education. It is assumed that diamond crystallizes as one of the first minerals during the cooling of the mantle silicate melt at a depth of 150-200 km at a pressure of 5000 MPa, and then is carried to the Earth's surface as a result of explosive processes accompanying the formation of kimberlite pipes, 15-20% of which contain diamond.

Diamonds are also found in deep-seated eclogites and some deeply metamorphosed garnet gneisses. Small diamonds have been found in significant quantities in meteorites, as well as in giant meteorite craters, where remelted rocks contain significant amounts of fine-grained diamond.

The sizes of crystals vary from microscopic to very large, the mass of the largest Cullinan diamond, found in 1905 in South Africa, is 3106 carats (0.621 kg).

Physical Properties

a) On the Mohs scale, the relative hardness of diamond is 10, the absolute hardness is 1000 times higher than the hardness of quartz and 150 times that of corundum, the highest among both natural and artificial materials,
b) conchoidal fracture,
c) The density of pure diamond is 3.511 g/cm3,
d) Shine is strong, from diamond to fat,
e) High refractive index (from 2.417 to 2.421) and strong dispersion (0.0574) cause bright brilliance and multi-colored "play" of faceted gem diamonds, called brilliants.
e) Semiconductor.

Diamond can be colorless, translucent or colored in various shades of yellow, brown, red, blue, green, black, gray.

The color distribution is often uneven, patchy or zonal. Under the action of X-ray, cathode and ultraviolet rays, most diamonds begin to glow (luminesce) in blue, green, pink, and other colors.

Diamond sticks to certain fatty mixtures, which is the basis for the most widely used fatty method for extracting diamonds in processing plants. In air, diamond burns at 85 o C with the formation of CO2; in vacuum at a temperature above 150 oC it transforms into graphite.

Medicinal properties

Even in ancient times, people realized that a diamond cures its owner of mental disorders: various phobias, depression, nervous breakdowns. Lithotherapists say that the stone corrects the human nervous system and sets it up for a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, they recommend using this ability of the stone to get rid of alcoholism, uncontrolled drinking, smoking, and even for the treatment of drug addiction. In addition, the diamond is considered an excellent antipyretic, a remedy for the treatment of pneumonia, bronchitis, prostate, hepatitis, various infections and diseases of the joints.

The exact time of discovery of the diamond has not yet been established. The thing is that the appearance of raw minerals is quite trivial and does not attract much attention. The first mention of Indian stones dates back to the 3rd millennium BC, but they began to be used in jewelry only about 500 years ago, after the masters mastered the methods of diamond cutting.

In Russia, Catherine II had a special love for them; during her reign, the concept of a diamond came into use as a synonym for wealth and luxury.

The name of the mineral in different languages ​​has a similar sound and meaning. The Arabs called it "almas", that is, "the hardest", the Greeks - "adamas", which means "invincible". The Russian word "diamond" was introduced into circulation in the middle of the 15th century by the traveler Afanasy Nikitin in the book "Journey Beyond the Three Seas".

Physical and chemical properties of diamond

Diamonds are transparent, colorless minerals, rarely have pink and yellow hues, have a bright luster and high light refraction.

The mineral consists of carbon atoms equidistant from each other at a distance of 0.15 nanometers. Atoms form a cubic crystal lattice, which provides diamond with the highest hardness on the Mohs scale - 10 units. However, due to perfect cleavage, crystals are very fragile, and the erroneous identification of the concepts of hardness and brittleness often entailed the destruction of valuable stones.

So the collection of diamonds of the French duke Charles the Bold, who waged an internecine war with the king, was destroyed. The mercenaries of Louis XI, wanting to check the authenticity of the stones with a hammer, turned them into powder.

Formation and deposits of diamond

It's hard to believe, but diamond and graphite are practically twin brothers. Both are pure carbon. In order for graphite to crystallize, special conditions are necessary: ​​a pressure of 45,000–60,000 atmospheres and a temperature of 900–1300 ° C, which are provided at a depth of 80–150 km underground. Together with volcanic magma, stones are ejected from the bowels of the earth, thus forming primary deposits -.

Scientists also know minerals of meteorite origin, which are formed during the collision of a cosmic body with the Earth's surface. The temperature at the moment of impact reaches 3000 °C, and the pressure is up to 100 GPa; under these conditions, diamond-bearing impact rock is formed. "Unearthly" stones were found in the Grand Canyon in the United States in fragments of a meteorite that fell about 30 thousand years ago. Yakutia also has its own similar deposit - the Popigai astrobleme, which was formed 35 million years ago.

The development of impactites is unprofitable due to the small size of the crystals, therefore, industrial production is carried out by traditional methods at "terrestrial" deposits, which are found on almost all continents, and the largest are located in South America (Brazil), Russia (Yakutia), Africa (Botswana, Angola).

At the moment, the recognized monopolist in the market is an American company that controls 75% of the world's diamond production and turnover. All over the world, Russian-made stones are highly valued and in great demand. The main diamond miner in Russia is Alrosa, which mines 95% of the country's diamonds.

Natural Fancy Diamonds Company

In addition to high-quality colorless stones, with a good combination of circumstances, it is sometimes possible to get fancy bright yellow, bright pink and blue diamonds, which make up only 1% of the total. Red stones are even rarer - the Rio Tinto diamond mining company has only a few of them in its tender a year. The most valuable among colored diamonds are purple stones - they are so unique that their price often exceeds $ 1 million per carat.

deserve special attention. Being for a long time actually a waste product from the extraction of classically colorless stones, today black diamonds, and, as a result, diamonds set their own trend in jewelry. Jewelry with black diamonds is often the choice of those who want to stand out from the crowd and do not like to be led by generally accepted canons and rules.

artificial diamonds

Scientific experiments on the creation of artificial diamonds began in 1797, but the first mineral grown in a laboratory, and the method for obtaining it, was patented by the American company General Electric only in 1956. Since then, technology has advanced so far that today many artificially grown stones are completely indistinguishable from natural ones without special equipment and extensive experience, and the usual methods of recognizing fakes do not always work.

However, the saturation of the market with such stones is restrained by the law of supply and demand, since the fall in prices for polished diamonds is unprofitable for either the miners of natural or the producers of artificial stones.

Known analogues of natural diamonds

It is worth mentioning the most common stones that are used in jewelry instead of diamonds. Firstly, these are well-known, synthesized for the first time at the Russian Institute of Lebedev Physical Institute. Secondly, these are moissanites, which are especially difficult to distinguish from a real gem without having the knowledge necessary for this.

In addition, relatively recently, ASHA diamonds have appeared, the surface of which is covered with a layer of carbon atoms. (of which the natural mineral is composed), which actually makes such a stone a composite material and at the same time gives it more brilliance and “fire” compared to the same cubic zirkonia.

Separately, it is worth mentioning VDVT (high pressure, high temperature) diamonds. This method was developed in the 1950s and in fact the resulting stones are completely natural. The essence of the method is not difficult to understand, if we recall the conditions for the formation of a stone. In nature, a diamond is formed under the influence of colossal pressure and temperature over a certain period of time. Sometimes such stones hit the surface ahead of time, representing, in fact, a “semi-finished product”. And in order to turn it into a beautiful sparkling diamond, which will later be cut and inlaid, the stone is repeatedly exposed to high pressure and high temperature, similar to natural ones, but already in the laboratory. Such a diamond remains completely natural, but as if “modified” by people.

Visual comparison of a real diamond (in the center) with its analogues: 1 - cubic zirconia (cubic zirconia), 2 - moissanite, 3 - ASHA diamond, 4 - lab grown diamond

The magical and healing properties of diamond

Yogis with the help of a diamond treat mental illness, heart, kidneys, cleanse the liver. Warriors wore diamond rings, believing that it would give them strength of mind and make them invincible. In addition, the stone brings happiness to the owner and protects against bad habits and deeds.

Who suits diamond and diamond

A diamond, like a diamond, is a stone of the bold and decisive. He demands a respectful attitude towards himself and can be useless in the hands of a weak, insecure person.

Diamond is the main zodiac stone that rules the whole circle. A talisman with it or with a cut diamond is primarily suitable for Aries, and secondly for Lions. Although it is not contraindicated for other signs.

Among the many precious stones, there is one that has unique properties and a history of origin that distinguish it from all others. Diamond is the most expensive gem in the world. But its value is not limited to its use in jewelry. What a diamond looks like, what its history and use are, will be discussed below. The development of science and modern technologies has revealed many wonderful properties of this stone, previously unfamiliar to people.


There is no gem in the world with a simpler composition than a diamond. A stone that costs a lot of money and a simple piece of coal are almost one hundred percent composed of the same element - carbon. However, the birth of a diamond is not an easy process.

The most generally accepted theory of its origin is magmatic. According to it, a diamond is formed from carbon atoms at a depth of more than 200 km from the earth's surface under the influence of an enormous pressure of 50,000 atmospheres. Small placers of crystals are brought to the surface by magma flows, where they remain in the so-called kimberlite pipes. In the photo below - an object called "Mir", the largest diamond-bearing pipe in Yakutia as of 1950.

There are also so-called secondary deposits on the banks of rivers in destroyed rocks.

In addition, there are diamonds brought to Earth from outer space by meteorites. Some scientists suggest that meteorites could directly cause the birth of gems as a result of hitting the Earth's surface with great speed.

A person who does not know what a diamond looks like is likely to pass by a nondescript small pebble with a matte or rough surface. It is in this form that it is found in rocks.

Structure and properties

As mentioned above, diamond is mostly pure carbon. The specific structure of the atoms of this element determines the amazing properties of the gem.

The crystal lattice has the shape of a cube, at each vertex of which there is a carbon atom. In addition, there are four additional atoms in the center, which is the reason for the high density of the mineral.

Diamond is a precious stone, which at the same time is also the hardest. According to the conditional Mohs scale, it has the maximum value among all the minerals selected for comparison.

The gem has the property of luminescence when charged particles enter it. Thus, the stone serves as an indicator that can be used to determine the presence of radioactive substances. This produces flashes of light and electrical impulses.

Diamond is completely immune to the effects of the strongest acids. However, it can be oxidized in alkaline solutions of soda or saltpeter.

Diamond is a gem that can be set on fire with a normal magnifying glass. Ignition temperature - from 700 degrees.


Diamond mining is a very costly and time-consuming undertaking. Until the 19th century, precious stones were mined mainly in secondary deposits formed as a result of the destruction of rocks, where diamonds were hidden. River sand was raked in with shovels and sieved in special sieves.

Larger reserves are still stored in primary rocks, in the so-called kimberlite pipes.

They reach the deposits in two stages. Explosives go deep into the ground for 600 m, and then they lay mines to reach the goal.

The mined ore is transported to factories, where it is washed and crushed. It is required to sift and select about a hundred tons of rock to find 1 carat gemstones. Then there is a rejection using water and X-rays, and the rough diamonds are sent to the cutters.

Place of Birth

A person who read the fascinating adventure novel "The Diamond Thieves" as a child already knows that in the 19th century diamonds were mined in South Africa. South Africa is still one of the top five countries in the production of these gems.

However, diamond mining areas are scattered all over the world. One of the major deposits is Fukauma. Thanks to this, Angola ranks fifth in the world in this indicator.

However, the leader among all countries in terms of the number of diamond mines is Botswana. Industrial development began here in the middle of the last century.

The northern states do not lag behind the African countries. Canada annually produces diamonds worth one and a half billion dollars. The country's main deposit is Ekati.

Every inhabitant of Russia has heard about the famous Yakut diamonds. In addition, large deposits are located in the Arkhangelsk and Perm regions. In total, the Russian Federation develops diamond products worth $2 billion every year.

Once upon a time there were many deposits in Australia. However, most of them are exhausted. But very rare pink stones are mined in the Argyle mine.

technical diamond

Not every gem is suitable for jewelry use. Stones with defects, impurities, inclusions are considered technical.

They also differ in smaller sizes, irregular shape, which does not allow turning a nugget into a sparkling diamond.


Diamond is a stone that cannot be worked with any other material. The hardest metal will not even be able to leave a scratch on a precious stone. Only discs covered with diamond dust can cut a noble mineral and turn it into a diamond.

The hardness of the mineral is a quality indispensable for construction work. Diamond drills, cutting discs, abrasive grinding wheels allow you to process concrete and the hardest natural stones without damaging their structure.

A rapid leap in the development of electronics has further increased the demand for diamonds.

Their unique optical properties make them indispensable in the manufacture of high-precision devices and microcircuits.

Stones are widely used in medicine. To cause as little damage to human tissues as possible, the thickness of the scalpel should be minimal. In addition, the use of medical lasers, where diamond crystals are used, has broad prospects.

The gem's inertness and resistance to acids make it an excellent material for making containers used in chemical experiments.

Repeating nature

The rapid development of technology and industry requires more and more diamonds. Also, the demand for diamonds used in the manufacture of jewelry never falls. However, natural deposits of gems are depleted every year. The only way out is the production of synthetic stones.

There are two main ways in which you can get an artificial diamond. The first repeats the conditions under which a stone is formed in nature. In special chambers capable of withstanding extreme parameters, high temperatures and pressures of 50,000 atmospheres are recreated. In this case, graphite reacts with the metal that serves as a catalyst and is deposited on a fine diamond crystal, which is the basis for the future synthetic stone. The growing process takes up to 10 days in the laboratory.

The second well-known method is the precipitation method.

In a hermetically sealed chamber, air is completely pumped out and hydrogen and methane vapors are heated by microwave radiation. Carbon is released from methane and deposited on the base. This method is indispensable in the manufacture of equipment and tools with several layers.

However, artificial diamond is not so easy to obtain, all these methods are quite expensive.

Different kinds

There are many varieties of this precious mineral. When a person imagines what a diamond looks like, a colorless stone immediately comes to mind. However, nature painted the noble gem in a variety of colors.

The most common diamonds have yellowish tints. The more pronounced the color, the more expensive the stone.

Boron particles can give the diamond a blue tint. Such gems are very rare and cost fabulous money.

Often stones are colored artificially.

Green minerals are associated primarily with emeralds. However, under the influence of radiation, diamonds are also painted in this color.

By exposing a common yellow gem to high heat and pressure, a blue stone can be obtained. Such diamonds are highly valued and sell quickly at auctions.

The most expensive and rare are red stones. In nature, they are found in only one deposit in Australia.

diamond and diamond

One of the main advantages of precious stones in jewelry is the play of light, brilliance. Rough diamonds are quite plain at first glance. To turn a rough, nondescript pebble into a luxurious diamond, you need to give it into the hands of a cutter.

It is after processing that all the beauty of the gem is revealed. There are several ways to cut. It all depends on the shape of the original sample.

For round stones, a brilliant cut is used. The stepped method is typical for rectangular samples. The method, when the faces converge from the base to the top, is called a rose. In any case, the goal of the cutter is to process the diamond in such a way that the light entering the diamond does not go out and plays with all the colors of the rainbow on its faces.

How not to run into a fake

The high cost of gemstones attracts scammers of all sorts. Collectors are concerned about the question of how to distinguish a diamond from a skillfully made fake. Using simple methods, the authenticity of a gem can be determined at home.

A diamond strongly scatters light. If a bright beam of light directed through a stone retains its intensity, then it is a fake. Also, natural stone glows in ultraviolet radiation.

Diamond is practically indelible. You should carefully consider its edges through a magnifying glass. If they are erased, smoothed, then the authenticity of the stone is doubtful. Of course, there should be no scratches, cracks.

A clear fake is easy to identify by simply running a felt-tip pen or marker along the edge of the gemstone. On the original, the line is even, with clearly defined boundaries. Blurry edges, broken lines - all these are signs of a fake.

Diamond has high thermal conductivity properties. If you breathe on it, then there will be no traces of fogging on it.

The authenticity of the gem can be determined by lowering it into an acidic solution. A real stone will endure this test without any consequences.


Connoisseurs do not need to be told what a diamond looks like - first uncut, and then cut. The mystical play of light in the facets of a diamond fascinates, it is impossible to look away from the stone. In the past, this phenomenon caused a whole series of signs and superstitions.

The ancient Egyptians believed that the gem was able to save its owner from poisons. It is also a talisman that protects the owner from the effects of black magic.

For business to be successful, a combination of diamond and gold is required. A ring with a stone on the middle finger brings good luck in the game. Men who want to attract the attention of the opposite sex are simply required to wear an amulet with a diamond on their little finger.

Diamond is a precious stone in the full sense of the word. If the cost of other gems can fluctuate depending on the vagaries of fashion, then the demand for diamonds is consistently high. And the unique physical properties of the mineral make it indispensable for modern technologies.

Diamond is not only a popular stone, but also the most precious of all minerals on Earth. He has always been considered and continues to be considered a symbol of firmness, the personification of courage and a certain innocence. Its name comes from the Greek word "adamas", which is translated into Russian as "indestructible", "irresistible". There are about 1000 types of various diamonds on Earth, including jewelry ones. What does a diamond look like, what properties does it have, and how is it mined?

How is a diamond different from a diamond?

Nothing. Many people mistakenly believe that diamonds and diamonds are different gemstones. Moreover, some of them even argue with each other about which of these stones is the most expensive. Note that all disputes between people regarding diamonds and diamonds are empty talk.

The fact is that a diamond (a photo of the mineral is presented in the article) and a diamond are the same stone. The only difference between them is that a diamond is a primary source mineral, and a diamond is an already processed and faceted diamond. In general, the word "diamond" is French. Translated into Russian, it means "sparkling".

natural diamond

What does a diamond look like in its original form? Without a special cut, this mineral will look extremely unattractive, since the surface mined from the bowels of the Earth is rough in most cases. In addition, it is covered with a translucent gray crust with various cracks.

Only professional polishing and cutting of a diamond will turn it into a real diamond, playing with all the colors of the rainbow in the sun. In this case, the diamond itself in most cases will remain transparent, like a drop of water. A true diamond, dipped in a container of water, will become completely invisible.

Diamond. Description of the mineral

From a scientific point of view, diamonds are minerals representing the cubic allotropic form of carbon. Under normal conditions, this mineral is able to exist indefinitely for a long period. If a diamond is placed in an inert gas or in a vacuum at elevated temperatures, it will eventually turn into graphite. The main distinguishing features of diamonds are:

  • very high (among other minerals) hardness;
  • the highest thermal conductivity among all existing solids;
  • dispersion;
  • high refractive index;
  • low friction coefficient for metal in air;
  • dielectric properties.

The diamond described in this article, due to its extreme hardness, has exceptional wear resistance to abrasion. Moreover, these minerals have the highest (in comparison with other mineral stones) elasticity and the lowest compression ratio.

It is worth noting that one of the most important properties of diamond is its so-called luminescence. In other words, these precious stones, under the influence of ultraviolet, cathodic or X-rays, begin to glow and shine in various colors, i.e. luminesce.

More about the color and luminescence of diamond

Diamond is a stone that usually does not have any color shades. But sometimes these minerals still have mild brown, yellowish, greenish or pinkish hues. Very rare in nature. As for jewelry options, most colored gem diamonds are brown or yellow.

Shades depend on the concentration of the defect in the structure of these stones. Color can also be present in colorless diamonds. Experts note that often minerals in which it is not possible to fix the presence of a structural defect with a spectrophotometer, from time to time shine in one shade or another, playing with them in the sun. This is the effect of luminescence.

jewelry diamonds

As a rule, the share of mined gem diamonds in our country is no more than 25%. Naturally, in alluvial deposits of this mineral, such diamonds are much more common than in primary ones. Jewelry diamond is a durable gemstone that does not have any inclusions and cracks.

Experts say that when cutting jewelry diamonds, one can observe the greatest brilliance and maximum play of this stone. Their cutting completely eliminates all existing natural defects, however, in this case, about half of the original mass of the mineral is lost. When cutting diamonds, a special diamond shape is used, as well as wing, cabochon and step cutting.

Diamond. Chemical composition

What does a diamond look like in terms of its chemical properties? This mineral is approximately 99.8% carbon. The remaining 0.2% are impurities of various chemical elements:

  • nitrogen;
  • aluminum;
  • oxygen;
  • silicon;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • nickel;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • titanium, etc.

Diamond. Physical Properties

As mentioned above, the diamond, the photo of which we presented to you, can be either colorless (transparent in water) or colored through luminescence in certain shades of colors. In this case, most often the color is distributed unevenly, zonal or spotty. We repeat that it is under the influence of various light rays that the vast majority of diamonds begin to glow with all sorts of color shades.

Scientists have discovered that these minerals have a unique ability to stick to certain fat mixtures. This made it possible to create and subsequently apply the well-known fatty method for extracting diamonds at various processing plants.

Diamond. Medicinal properties

This valuable mineral has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. People cured them of such mental disorders as:

  • phobias;
  • nervous breakdowns;
  • depression;
  • neuroses;
  • unfounded fears.

Lithotherapists claim that, for example, a gem diamond is able to correct a person's nervous system, setting his state to positive. It is believed that this mineral helps in the fight against smoking, drunkenness, alcoholism, drug addiction.

Behind the scenes, diamonds are excellent antipyretics. Traditional healers generally recommend using a diamond as an additional remedy for the main treatment of the following ailments:

  • hepatitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • various infections;
  • joint disease.

Diamond. Esoteric and magical properties

So, we know what a diamond looks like in terms of its physical and chemical properties. Now we will find out how esoteric specialists speak of him. They are sure that this mineral is not only the most valuable in the whole world, but also the most dangerous for humans. However, this does not mean that it will only harm its owner. A careful and careful attitude to your stone will awaken positive energy in it towards its owner.

From time immemorial, people believed and continue to believe that diamonds bring courage, perseverance, fortitude, determination, etc. to their owners. Esotericists agree with this. Jewelry with these minerals, in their opinion, really protects people from alcoholism and drug addiction, protects from the evil eye, relieves sorrows, removes certain magical spells.

But not everything is as sweet and smooth as it might seem at first glance. Esotericists remind that since ancient times diamonds have been considered the stones of kings, high priests and nobility. Jewelry with diamonds has always served faithfully to high-ranking personalities. Unfortunately, a proud diamond can in some cases be completely indifferent to ordinary middle-class people.

Diamond and astrology

Diamond is a stone that is the first in the zodiac circle. This mineral has exceptional energy, which in its power cannot be compared with the energy of other minerals. From an astrological point of view, diamonds reflect the entire zodiac, being the unofficial leaders among other minerals.

According to astrologers, every person born under the constellation Aries should have this mineral. The fact is that its magical power is able to tame the anger, irritability and temper of its owner. Of course, diamonds are not contraindicated for other signs of the zodiac.

with diamonds

If you want to use faceted diamond jewelry as talismans and amulets, it is recommended to wear them as rings on the ring finger of the left hand, as pendants around the neck or as earrings. In this case, the stone must necessarily touch your skin. A talisman with a diamond will only work if the intentions of its owner are moral and honest. It is forbidden to wear jewelry with diamonds as talismans and amulets to murderers, swindlers, thieves, repeat offenders, swindlers, dishonest people, etc.

How are diamonds mined?

Diamond mining is a serious and labor-intensive business, since this mineral is one of the first to crystallize during the cooling of the mantle silicate melt located in the bowels of the Earth at a depth of up to 200 km. In this case, the pressure exerted on the crystallization processes is 5000 MPa. Then, under the action of explosive processes that accompany the formation (20% of them are contained in diamond), the mineral is carried to the surface of the Earth, from where it is subsequently mined.

Geologists say that these stones can also be found in the deep rocks of the Earth, called eclogites. It is curious that small diamonds were once found in meteorites in quite large quantities. Diamond mining was also carried out in giant meteorite craters, where highly melted rocks contain a significant amount of fine-grained minerals. In general, industrial deposits of these stones are directly related to placers and kimberlites. The main diamond-producing countries and regions are:

  • Congo (Zaire);
  • Republic of South Africa;
  • Namibia;
  • Botswana;
  • Ural;
  • Yakutia.

Diamonds of Yakutia - the national treasure of Russia

Their second name is Yakut diamonds. At present, the cutting factories of Yakutia are in fact the undisputed leaders in the production of these minerals throughout the world. Experts and jewelers say that the reason is the high quality of diamonds located in the bowels of the Yakut lands. It's hard to believe, but today even South African diamonds have already lost their status as the best diamonds in the world.

Diamonds of Yakutia, unlike their direct and more eminent competitors, can boast of the rarest purity in the world: the absence of cracks and all kinds of abundant inclusions on their surfaces allows Yakut diamonds to “play” fabulously and divinely in the sun, skillfully refracting the rays of light. However, despite their obvious advantages, these stones are not widely used in our country.

The quality of diamonds mined in Russia, of course, should not be questioned. Apparently, this is all to blame for the remnants of the Soviet worldview, according to which diamonds are of exceptional value only in the country's defense industry. Currently, up to 80% of all diamonds mined in Russia are exported to elite European and Western jewelry stores.

"Minerals of diamonds" report will briefly tell you about the precious stone. A message on the topic "Diamond" will help prepare for the lesson and deepen your knowledge in this area.

Diamond message. "Diamond" report

Diamond is the world's most popular gemstone. As a rule, it is colorless. There are cases when the diamond has weak brown, gray, yellow, green, pink hues. The rarest is the black diamond. In total, there are 1000 varieties of gem-type diamonds in the world.

Diamond Composition

This mineral belongs to the crystalline polymorphic modification of native carbon. It surpasses all minerals in beauty, brilliance and hardness. It consists of 99.8% pure carbon, and the rest is made up of impurities of chemical elements that are included in the crystal structure.

Physical properties of diamond

  • Hardness. It is the hardest of natural and artificial materials.
  • Conchoidal fracture.
  • High density.
  • Strong shine.
  • Strong dispersion and refractive index, which are responsible for the bright brilliance, multi-colored "play" of gem diamonds.
  • Semiconductor.

Without access to oxygen, diamond burning occurs when the temperature rises to 1800- 2000 degrees Celsius, and the substance turns into graphite. Melting occurs at the level of 3700- 4000 degrees Celsius, but it is very difficult to achieve such temperatures in laboratories.

How is a diamond formed?

Scientists suggest that diamond is one of the first minerals to crystallize when the silicate mantle melt cools. This happens at a great depth - 150-200 km. After the diamond is brought closer to the surface of the Earth due to explosive processes inside the planet. You can also find diamonds in deep rocks: garnet deeply metamorphosed gneisses and eclogites. Small diamonds have been found in significant quantities in meteorites and giant meteorite craters.

Gemstone sizes range from microscopic to large. The weight of the largest diamond, named "Cullinan" was 0.621 kg. It was found in South Africa in 1905.

Place of Birth

Diamond deposits are associated with placers and kimberlites. The main deposits are located in such countries as Botswana, Namibia, South Africa, Congo. In smaller quantities, they are mined in the Urals and Yakutia (Russian Federation).

Where is diamond used?

Diamond acts as an abrasive material in industry and in jewelry. But for jewelry it is necessary to cut it, because the surface of freshly mined crystals is rough and covered with a cracked translucent gray crust.

We hope that the report on the topic "Diamond" helped you prepare for the lesson, and you learned a lot of useful information about the properties and applications of the gemstone. And you can leave your message about the diamond through the comment form below.
