A project about a dandelion for an early age group. Presentation - Project "Our favorite dandelions

Synopsis of OOD on cognitive development in the second group of early age

Target: Introduce children to a wild plant - dandelion.
1. Introduce children to a wild plant - dandelion, about its structure, method of care;
2. Replenish passive vocabulary, activate children's speech;
3. To educate children in curiosity, respect for plants, love for their native land;
4. Continue to develop fine motor skills of the hands;
5. To form the ability of children to perform the application using ready-made parts.
Equipment: Video "Dandelion life cycle"; visual aid "Dandelion"; a drawn picture on whatman paper “Polyanka”, adhesive tape, dandelion flowers from colored paper.
Lesson progress:
Educator: Children, look, they sent us a package, let's see what's in it.
Children: Let's!
Educator: Kids, this is a flash drive with a video, let's see what kind of video they sent us.
Children: Let's!
The teacher turns on the video “Dandelion Life Cycle” on the TV.
Educator: What do you think the video shows.
Children: Flower.
Educator: That's right, this is a flower, it's called a dandelion, and you and I looked at how it grows. Now let's see what it is?

The teacher invites the children to consider a visual aid that depicts a dandelion.
Educator: Children, look, this is a flower, this is a stem, these are leaves, and this is a spine. Dandelion is a wild plant, nature takes care of it, when the sun shines brightly, the dandelion begins to grow, and the rain waters it. Kids, let's pretend that we are dandelions and play?
Children: Let's!
Finger game "Dandelion"
Our yellow flowers
Children sit on their haunches, hands clasped in the castle.
The petals are unfolding.
Children stand up, spread their arms and fingers to the side, their wrists are connected - “the bud has opened”.
The wind breathes a little
The petals sway.
Shake the "flower" from side to side
Our yellow flowers
Close the petals.
They connect the fingers of the hands - again the "bud".
shake their heads,
Shake the “bud” left and right
They fall asleep quietly.
They squat down, with closed joined palms, put them in fists - "the flowers are sleeping."
In the early morning all the flowers
The petals will bloom again.
Children stand up, spread their fingers to the sides, open the “bud”.
Educator: Well done boys! And let's remember what we know a poem about a dandelion.
Children, together with the teacher, recite the poem "Dandelion"
Poem "Dandelion"
Dropped the sun
Golden beam.
The dandelion has grown
First, young.
He has wonderful
Golden color.
He is a big sun
Small portrait.
Educator: Children, dandelions grow in a clearing, and let's make our own clearing of dandelions.
Children: Let's!
The teacher takes the prepared materials for the application, and together with the children begins to carry it out.

Educator: What good fellows you are! What flowers grow in our meadow? What waters dandelions? What do dandelions have? Well done, now let's go play further.

The project "Dandelion-yellow sarafan" was developed in the MBDOU "Kindergarten 2 "Fairy Tale" of the Chuvash Republic, Yadrin, by the educator Elena Pavlovna Sudakova under the guidance of the head of the preschool educational institution Karpova T.E. and Art. preschool teacher Barchenkova O.M. The project "Dandelion-yellow sarafan" was developed in the MBDOU "Kindergarten 2 "Fairy Tale" of the Chuvash Republic, Yadrin, by the educator Elena Pavlovna Sudakova under the guidance of the head of the preschool educational institution Karpova T.E. and Art. preschool teacher Barchenkova O.M. The project provides for purposeful work to consolidate knowledge about the world of colors of the native land with preschool children of the middle group. Short term project for a month. The project provides for purposeful work to consolidate knowledge about the world of colors of the native land with preschool children of the middle group. Short term project for a month. The project was developed taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, the subject environment of the preschool educational institution. The project was developed taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, the subject environment of the preschool educational institution. The project exceeds the standard educational level of preschoolers. The preschool educational institution has created conditions for the development of the project - "Winter Garden", visual material in the method room, groups, presentations for preschoolers ... The project exceeds the standard educational level of preschoolers. The preschool educational institution has created conditions for the development of the project - "Winter Garden", visual material in the method room, groups, presentations for preschoolers ...

The purpose of the project: Development of cognitive activity of children of middle preschool age to the world of plants. Enriching the knowledge of preschoolers about the plant - "Dandelion" Raising a caring attitude towards nature in children and a desire to take care of plants. Project tasks. To develop in children knowledge about flowering plants of their native land, about the relationship between natural phenomena and plants. To form ideas that flowers are living beings and its role in the life of humans, animals, insects. To develop the ability to distinguish between the stages of development of a dandelion in appearance. Activate the attention and memory of children, develop logical thinking; learn to compare, analyze, establish the simplest cause-and-effect relationships, make generalizations. Cultivate a humane attitude towards nature. To teach children to be a protector, helper of all living things in nature, to instill in him a sense of responsibility: “I am strong, but the dandelion is weak”, “I will be kind!”.

Flowers growing on the territory of the preschool educational institution, the Yadrinsky district and the republic. The structure, functions and significance of parts of plants (root, stem, leaves, flowers and experiments with them on the factor of environmental influence on plants). Factors of inanimate nature (water, light, heat, soil) and their influence on plants. Characteristic features of the seasons and their influence on plant life. The idea of ​​the mechanism of adaptation, of natural selection. Research objects.

MKDOU "Rybnikovsky kindergarten" Goldfish "

Project in the second group of early age 2-3 years

Project creator: ...……

Educator: Kuzmina E.A.

With. Rybnikovskoe, 2016

Relevance .

Ecological education, first of all, education of humanity, kindness, responsible attitude to nature, people who live nearby and descendants who need to leave the earth suitable for a full life. Respect for nature should be the norm for people of all ages. A child needs to be taught from an early age that loving nature means doing good. Most of today's children rarely communicate with nature. Environmental education begins with familiarity with the objects of the immediate environment that the child encounters every day. Our kindergarten is located in a unique natural area. We have lakes, gardens, meadows nearby. In our village you can find interesting natural objects for observation - trees, grasses, insects, birds. Work on the environmental education of preschool children is very relevant today.

The conducted project determined the goals and objectives aimed at the environmental education of preschool children.

Objective of the project:

    Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschoolers, environmentally competent behavior in nature.

    The study by children of an object of nature (dandelion).

    Creation of conditions for the development of cognitive and creative abilities of children.

    Instilling a love for the world of plants.

Project objectives:

    to acquaint children with living and non-living nature, educating, conscious, careful attitude towards it. Expand the horizons of children;

    educate respect for the dandelion;

    introduce the structure of a dandelion;

    develop observation, speech of the child;

    to form to see the beauty of a flowering meadow, to cause a desire to convey the beauty of what he saw in collective, individual work.

    to form the ability to draw a dandelion using non-traditional techniques.

Project type: short-term, group, research project with elements of creativity for children 2-3 years old.

Project participants: teachers, children, parents.

Integration of educational areas :

    cognitive development;

    speech development;

    artistic and aesthetic development;

    socio-communicative development;

    physical development.

Planned result.

    Conscious, correct attitude of children to plants.

    The desire of children to perform original creative work.

    Development of cognitive activity of children.

    Assimilation by children of the necessary knowledge on the topic: "Growth and development of plants."


Stage 1 - preparatory.

The activity of the teacher:

    Studying methodological literature on the topic.

    Defines the goals and objectives of the project.

    Prepare a natural object for children's activities

    Search work on the selection of illustrative material on the topic: riddles, sayings, poems, songs.

    Watching children.

Children's activities:

    Look at the illustrations, look at the pictures.

    Listening to music.

    Observation of living and non-living objects of nature.

    Prepare material for creative activity.

Parent activities:

    They are watching the children. Take part in the survey.

Stage 2 - forming:

The activities of the educator:

    Organizes conversations, developing games, observations.

    Reading fiction (riddles, poems, nursery rhymes, songs).

    Provides assistance in the implementation of activities.

Children's activities:

    Play with didactic material.

    With the help of the educator, they choose games.

    Consider illustrations, books, games.

    Repeat after the teacher actions, words and phrases of poems.

Parent activities:

    Preparation of a memo: "Environmental education of preschoolers."

    Consultation for parents at the information stand - "How to introduce children to the outside world."

Stage 3 - final.

The activities of the educator:

    Replenishes children's knowledge about the medicinal flower - dandelion.

    Brings up love and respect for nature, flowers.

    Replenishment of methodological literature.

Children's activities:

    They actively play with an interactive folder - a lapbook about a dandelion, which has become the final joint work - a teacher and children.

    Repeat the words of poems about flowers, about a dandelion. Learning by heart.

    With interest, they observe the plants in the d / s area, in clearings, meadows.

Parent activities:

    Increasing the activity of parents in the environmental education of children.

Conclusion at the end of the project:

In the course of working on the project, the children replenished their knowledge about medicinal plants.

I believe that there are positive results in the work done: the children, observing the growth of plants, reasoned, drew their own conclusions, learned to protect nature. They developed a desire to communicate with nature and reflect their impressions through various activities.During independent games with didactic material, children replenished and replenished their knowledge about the world around them, wildlife, and flowers.

The result of our creative activity was the work "Dandelions in a glass".

Also, together with the children, at the end of the implementation of this project, they made a folder - a power line book "Dandelion", in which they placed fairy tales, stories, poems, riddles, games, walks, observations, etc.

I believe that the project has achieved its goal.

Project implementation

"Wears a dandelion - a yellow sarafan"

in the second group of early age 2-3 years

Excursions in nature : observation of the dandelion from the appearance to the maturation of the seeds.

Di. "Name the parts of the plant", "Find by description", "What does our plant need?",

Board games: "Fold the flower", "Flowerbed", "What flower is superfluous".

Conducting experiments : "Why does a dandelion need a root, a flower?".

Examination of paintings and illustrations, listening to songs on the theme of the project.

Situational conversation about colors: "Flowers", "Herbs".

Conversations on topics: "What is a herbarium?", "Medicinal plants", "Dandelion. What is useful?"


Speech development

Reading thin. literature: E. Serova "Dandelion", V. Danko "Dandelion", T. Sobakina "If I Pick a Flower".

Memorizing a poem by Z. Alexandrova "Dandelion".

Reading the story of M. Prishvin "Golden Meadow".

Riddles about flowers.


Social and communicative development

Creation of the herbarium "Dandelions", collection of dandelion seeds


Artistic and aesthetic development

Drawing : Drawing a dandelion with an unconventional method (sticking with a crumpled napkin / paper).

Drawing + application : "Wears a dandelion little white dress."


Physical development

Physical minutes: "Dandelions", "Field of Dandelions"

Breathing exercises: "We inhale the aromas of nature."

Gymnastics for the eyes: "A flower speaks to a flower."

Finger games: "Sun".

Outdoor games: "Find a Dandelion", "Bees and Dandelions"


Compiled by: E.A. Kuzmina

Tatiana Petrova

View project:

cognitive and creative.

Direction project:

Information- cognitive and creative.

Type project:

Short (weekly).

Members project:

Children of the second group early age, educator, music director, parents.


Ecological education of children early age begins with introducing them to the objects of the immediate environment that children encounter daily. An important role in this is assigned to research, practical activities in natural conditions.

This work is very relevant today. Ability to listen and hear, look and see, to examine and admire is not given from birth in finished form, does not develop by itself, but is brought up thanks to the adults around the child - educators, parents. Baby with early years, it is necessary to explain the rules of conduct in nature: do not break branches and flowers, do not offend insects, etc. An adult needs to show by his example love for his native nature, the ability to notice the unusual in a seemingly ordinary object, subject.

The the project defines the goal, tasks aimed at a more detailed acquaintance of children early age with spring flower dandelion.

Integration of educational regions:

« cognitive development» , "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".


introduce children with characteristic features of the appearance of a spring flower - dandelion.


1. Expand and replenish children's knowledge about the flower - dandelion.

3. Fix on the example of a flower colors - yellow and green.

4. To form the ability to observe colors.

5. Replenish and enrich the vocabulary of children.

6. Encourage children to reflect in drawing and modeling their impressions of observing flowers.

Planned result:

1. Children will have knowledge about the first spring flowers - dandelions.

2. An exhibition of children's works on the topic was organized in the art corner project.

Preparatory stage:

Selection of illustrations, poems, games on the topic project.

main stage:

Implementation activities project:

1. Examination of illustrations from the series "Spring".

2. Observations for dandelions in the yard familiarity with their structure.

3. Showing the teacher weaving a wreath from dandelions.

4. Games for the development of visual perception, logical thinking "Collect a picture", "What changed?".

5. Reading poems by Serova E. « Dandelion» , Vysotskaya O. « Dandelion» .

6. Conducting OOD drawing in an unconventional way (crumpled paper) on the topic " dandelions flowers, as if the sun is yellow».

7. Carrying out OOD for modeling « Sun on a leg» (plasticineography).

The final stage:

Summing up the results of activities carried out as part of the implementation project.

Related publications:

Synopsis of an integrated drawing lesson for the group of the GKP "Dandelion - yellow sarafan" Purpose: to continue to form an idea of ​​the season - spring; enrich children's understanding of plants and its structure (stem, leaves,.

The origins of children's abilities and gifts are at their fingertips. The more confidence in the movements of the child's hand, the more subtle the interaction.

Spring has come. Yellow fluffy lumps of dandelions bloomed on our site. The kids really liked them, but it was a pity to tear them.

Presentation course Children of the middle group, teachers, parents are invited to the group with musical accompaniment (Russian folk music sounds).

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Cartoon project "Tale about a dandelion" for children of primary preschool age

The material is intended for kindergarten teachers who work in depth on the problems of artistic and aesthetic education of preschoolers. It will be especially useful for teachers who are interested in using animation in working with children. It can be used by teachers of additional education.

Cartoon project "Tale about a dandelion"

(short-term (1 month), for children of the second younger group, May 2016)

Project stage:

First, posing the problem

The activity of the teacher:

education of preschoolers by means of artistic and aesthetic activities (productive, animated) contributes to the emancipation of children, the development of their emotional sphere, creative abilities.
Project product:
preparation of a series of creative works, creation of a small cartoon based on them (“The Tale of the Dandelion”).

Children's activities:

Get in trouble.

Project stage:

The second is the discussion of the problem, the adoption of tasks

The activity of the teacher:

The teacher introduces into the game (plot) situation:
reads a letter from a dandelion flower, who asks to get to know him better and create a little cartoon fairy tale about him
Issue discussed:

To create a cartoon, you need to learn more about this flower, prepare drawings depicting a dandelion.
Clarifies the problem and formulates tasks:
the teacher will talk about the dandelion, the children will perform work in different techniques with the image of a dandelion; the teacher will combine children's work into a small cartoon fairy tale.

Children's activities:

Get used to the game situation.
Accept tasks:
you need to find out interesting features about the dandelion flower, tell your parents about them, and make images of it using different techniques.
Planning activities: we will listen to the teacher's stories about the dandelion, poems about it, look at the drawings, photographs on the TV screen, and independently complete its images.
Allocate responsibilities: the teacher will introduce the dandelion (class in the natural world, walks), show drawings, photographs on the TV screen (free activity), organize practical activities to create a series of productive works on the topic (drawing classes, applications, free activity); children will learn the proposed knowledge and skills under the guidance of a teacher, trying to reflect new knowledge in creative products (a dandelion can be yellow, fragrant, or it can be white, fluffy; its parachutes scatter from the wind so that next year dandelions grow in a new place).

Project stage:

Third - work on the project

The activity of the teacher:

Organizes activities by conducting mini-classes in free activities, organizing independent play activities for children. Helps in organizing activities based on the results obtained.
Organizes work:
The teacher introduces the children to the dandelion flower: the children look at illustrations, photographs, listen to the teacher's stories, poems about dandelions, depict him by coloring the finished forms with colored pencils, drawing with paints, sticking the finished forms on paper.
Provides practical assistance(of necessity).

Children's activities:

Looking for solutions to problems:
learn the necessary knowledge, reflect new knowledge about the flower in creative works.

Project stage:

Fourth - presentation

The activity of the teacher:

Preparing for the presentation, conducts it:
The teacher uses a series of children's works to create a cartoon fairy tale "The Tale of a Dandelion", a joint viewing of the cartoon is organized (with a preliminary reading of poems, games and game tasks on the topic), its discussion (like it or not, why).

Children's activities:

Activity product(cartoon "The Tale of the Dandelion") prepare for the presentation, present it: in a themed activity.

Project stage:

Fifth - posing a new problem

The activity of the teacher:

Creates a situation of the need to search for new information:
the acquired knowledge and skills will be needed to create new cartoons (plasticine, with voice accompaniment)

Children's activities:

Accept a new problem and prepare to seek new information.

Cartoon "The Tale of the Dandelion" watch here
