A simple conspiracy to love a guy. Circle magic spells

In this article:

A conspiracy to love is done by the weak, not by the loving.

A love plot seems to most ordinary people to be a harmless act, even a game that should not be taken seriously. However, experience proves that not everything is so good in conspiracies, or rather, there is a lot of bad, dangerous and even terrible in them.

Of course, during the performance of the ritual, the heavens above you will not open up, but it will definitely have negative consequences, and first of all for its customer or author, if it is one and the same person. Big problems grow out of even the most harmless conspiracies that are not endowed with special power. Why? Because it's all magic.

Reading Rules

  • The words are spoken very quietly, almost in a whisper.
  • The rite of passage for love has a strong energy, so they have the same effect on a guy and a girl, on those who believe in magic, and not.
  • The author's belief in what he is doing and a clear presentation of the result can increase efficiency.
  • Words should be read not once, but 3,6,9,12 and so on times, in the absence of clear instructions on the number of readings, if only this number is divisible by 3.
  • If the plot does not specify the conditions for reading, then it should be performed as follows. Get up at dawn. Do not eat or drink anything. Wash yourself 4 times with dew or spring water (you can use church water). Bow towards the north, then west, south and east. Turn your face to the sunrise and read the prayer: “Nicholas the Pleasant, God's helper. You are in the field, in the house, on the road, on the road, in heaven, on earth - everywhere. Intercede for me, save me from all evil. After that, you can read the plot.
  • Daytime and morning slanders are read to the east, evening and night conspiracies - to the west.
  • The preliminary prayer to the angel of the day on which you are reading the plot can increase the strength.
  • In the room in which you are going to read the words, there should be three images: the Savior, the Virgin, St. Nicholas (can be replaced by the healer Panteleimon).
  • In the absence of special instructions, a conspiracy for a woman should be read on women's day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday, and for a man on a "men's" day - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday.
  • In no case do not read the rites on Sunday - this is a church day.
  • Having finished reading the plot, pour the water, if any, into the ground, where no one will step on it. Rinse the rest of the items used in the ritual with running water, saying:

    “Not a ladle (a glass, a basin, a vase) of mine, but a servant of God (name) from illnesses, ailments, commotion, fears, troubles, a prize, an evil conversation, let it be clean. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen".

    After washing your hands up to the elbows, clean the room, ventilate it and say a prayer of thanks.

Such ways of working have a beneficial effect on the general background of a woman.

First rite

This love plot is read at dawn, on the growing moon. If you cannot get a girl or a guy, he will help you attract the attention of the person of interest. Ideally, it is better to read the plot on the street, but if you live in a huge metropolis, you can do this in a room by an open window.

“I conjure that (the name of the object) becomes one with (your name) in the same way that Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth, so that thoughts (name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues. And let the high spirit (your name) circle over the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make it so that (name of object) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (your name).”

Repeat the plot 12 times, 12 days in a row. After a short period of time, after you read the plot on the twelfth day, the object of your sympathy will begin to think about you, pay attention to you, and want to be near you.


This conspiracy to love a man is very strong. The rules for reading the plot are similar to the previous case. The main thing is that it is better to read the plot from memory, but it is also possible from a sheet of paper, where the text is not printed, but written by hand. In no case do not read conspiracies from the monitor! Pronounce words should be clear, fast, without errors - this is important.
In the morning, in an empty room, with the phone and other distracting mechanisms and devices turned off, say:

“Just as a person cannot live without water and food, so God’s servant (name) cannot live day or night without God’s servant (name) of his other half.”

It is always preferable to read the plot from memory

Third (from photo)

If you have a photo of the person you are interested in, you can make a fairly effective love spell.

The positive aspect of the ritual is that there is no need to concentrate on the image of the person on whom the conspiracy is being made, because you have it in the form of a photograph.

When reading the plot, fill your words with love, desire, the power of positive emotions.

Let them penetrate the image and thoughts of the object of your affection, causing reciprocal feelings.

“Love in the heart (name) I call, I will kindle the fire of passion in my soul! Go love in the heart (name) and stay there forever! Let your beloved eyes flare with hot fire, to me (name), so that he reaches out to me and strives to unite with me, with all his heart, with all his soul. I so want and he will be with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

This plot is read in the evening or at night in front of a photo of a guy, placed between two lit candles, preferably lit in a church. The plot is read nine times in a row for seven days on the growing moon.

Prayers and conspiracies for love.

Sometimes a loving woman is ready to do anything to get a man back. If a loved one left or a quarrel arose between a couple, and conversations and attempts to reconcile do not help, desperate women decide to return their beloved by the power of magic.

Conspiracy and prayer for the return of a former man, boyfriend

Before turning to higher powers, one should understand the full responsibility of this decision. By returning a man with a conspiracy or a love spell, you change the destined fate. For the rest of your life, you will be responsible for this act.

Important: Magicians warn - do not do love spells if you are not sure of your desire or just want to take revenge on the one who left you. If you think this activity is a harmless prank, you are very mistaken.

There are many rituals that promise to return the faded love, the departed man. Many of them require a thing of the chosen one or his photograph.

Conspiracy to return a loved one:

  • For the ceremony you will need a glass of water, one candle, a photo of a loved one
  • Light a candle first, hold a glass of water with one hand and a photograph with the other
  • Collect your thoughts, wish with all your heart the fulfillment of your desire. Then say the words of the conspiracy

Conspiracy to return a man

After the ritual, water from the glass cannot be poured out. Make the man (guy) drink it. You can spray your chosen one.

A conspiracy to love a man at a distance: white magic

There is white and black magic. There are different opinions about the difference between these two species:

  • Some magicians, sorcerers, healers argue that there is no difference between these two concepts, they say, black and white magic go hand in hand with each other
  • Others say that white magic is carried out when you turn to light forces, and black magic to dark ones.
  • Still others are sure that white magic is when you accomplish what you want with the aim of causing good, black magic is the other way around.

As mentioned above, in order to carry out many rituals, you need to have a thing of a loved one. If you do not have things belonging to him, and the person himself is far away, you need to resort to special conspiracies.

A conspiracy to love a man with whom there is no physical contact is considered difficult. Only energy power is used, there is no way to treat a loved one with enchanted food or water, toss an object to him.

Conspiracy with a thread

To perform this ritual, strictly observe the following rules:

  1. Eat nothing all day, just drink water
  2. Read the plot with the curtains closed
    3. Keep your thoughts close to your loved one.

You will need:

  • 3 candles
  • strong thread (length from hand to elbow)


  1. When the time comes, arrange the candles in a triangle, light them. You need to sit in the center of the formed triangle, turning to the candle
  2. Tie a weak knot, saying: “I will tie a tight knot, (name) I will tie to myself. He will be attached to me, only to be with me! Until the knot is untied, his passion will not subside! .
  3. Then tie the knot tightly
  4. Do this three times with each candle.
  5. At the end, extinguish the candles, quickly go to bed
  6. Put the thread under the pillow

Important: Keep the thread at all times, checking the strength of the knots. If at least one of them is untied, the conspiracy will lose its effect.

Prayer for a guy to call or write: white magic

To make a loved one call, hold your mobile between your palms and say the words of the conspiracy.

Conspiracy to call from a loved one

How to return a beloved man, boyfriend? Read a conspiracy, a prayer at home

Some take conspiracies lightly. They think it's just a prank. If you do not believe in what you say and what you ask, the conspiracy will not work. You need to sincerely set yourself up for the fulfillment of desire.

The power of words and the power of thought is great. The words we speak don't fly away. A signal is sent to the Universe, and all the events in your life begin to turn in the direction you need. However, it is worth repeating that this only works with those who believe in realization.

Some women (girls) prefer to seek help from magicians, clairvoyants, psychics. For the most part, love spell services cost a lot of money, and no one guarantees a positive result.

You should not resort to extreme measures without trying to achieve a result in honest ways. First, try to understand yourself:

  • A woman should think and understand why the man left
  • A loving woman knows the ways to approach her man, it is worth trying to return him in these ways.
  • You always need to monitor your appearance, as well as strive for spiritual development.
  • If a man is ready for a conversation, you should sincerely talk and understand why everything happened this way. Perhaps together you will find a solution
  • Take a closer look at the man. Maybe this person is simply not your destiny, and life itself takes him away

Important: If you are a believer, ask God and the Saints for help. Sincere prayer will always be answered.

The strongest prayer for the love of a man, a guy

Nicholas the Pleasant is famous for his miracles, he reconciles the warring. He will help to find love and renew relationships.

Ask for help from Nicholas the Wonderworker with faith and a desire to build a serious relationship with a person. If you want to be with a man for fun and temporary entertainment, don't wait for help.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker:

“With a heart weary of love, I turn to you, Wonderworker Nikolai. Do not be angry with me for a sinful request, but unite the destinies of your servants (name the names: yours and your beloved) forever and ever. Send me a miracle in the form of mutual love and reject all demonic vices. Ask the Lord God for a blessing and call us husband and wife. May your will be done. Amen."

Pray and you will be rewarded

Prayer to the Matrona for a guy

The old woman Matrona during her lifetime became famous for her healing help and worldly miracles. She said that everyone should come to her for help, and after her death, she would hear everyone, help everyone. More than one woman begged Matronushka for the return of her husband to the family, for love and family happiness.

“I appeal to you with a prayer, Blessed Old Lady Matrona of Moscow. You heal the sick and heal sinful souls. Help me find mutual love in the person of a servant of God (the name of the beloved). I promise you that I will become a faithful wife and will not sin with sore betrayal. May your will be done. Amen."

If life without a loved one has become unbearable, think well what forces to turn to - to the forces of good or evil. Remember that magic is a serious matter, you will have to answer for it sooner or later. We advise you to have pure thoughts and good intentions.

Video: Strong prayer for love

This conspiracy to meet your love and meet your betrothed will help speed up the meeting with your future husband. This is a rite of white magic and is completely safe, it will only help you speed up the time of meeting with your soul mate, and it’s up to you two to get married right away or wait a little. This rite - a love spell to meet true love already helped my friend meet a guy and in 2 weeks they will have a wedding. As soon as you do this love spell yourself and read the plot, fate will send you your betrothed, who is destined to become your husband. For the ceremony, take any small roadside stone that fits in your hand and take it home. At home, rinse this stone seven times under running water while reading a special conspiracy for love:

This is the most powerful love spell to remove which is impossible and it is done in a cemetery and is called a black wedding love spell. Deciding to carry out rite of black magic for love And read a love spell in a graveyard, know that you forever bewitch a person to yourself. This should be done only if you yourself are ready to live the rest of your life with him and accept him with all his shortcomings, which can be recognized only by knowing the person well. You need to do the ritual not out of love at first sight, but clearly knowing your intentions to be with your loved one.

Having decided on a cemetery love spell, buy a red church candle in advance. A love spell on cemetery land is performed both during the day and at night in the time interval from 18 o'clock to 6 in the morning under any moon. Arriving at the cemetery, light a candle and walking along the cemetery ground between the graves with a burning candle, read the plot - a love spell. You need to read so many times until the candle burns out to the end, so take the smallest one. After the love spell on the way home, do not talk to anyone, this also applies to phone calls! Also, for three days, do not meet with your loved one on whom a love spell was made in a cemetery. The rite is considered completed after two of its repetitions: nine and forty days after the first time. Conspiracy - a love spell in the cemetery to be read:

A good way to bring a loved one home after a quarrel and awaken a feeling of love in him will help this strong conspiracy - a prayer for return. This conspiracy is also customary to read if your husband left you, or the guy left you. I have read this several times conspiracy - a prayer for the return of love and feelings for a young man who left me while studying at the institute, and always the conspiracy worked for 2-4 days, forcing the sweetheart to come to me. What needs to be done to return a person after a quarrel. In the church, buy any candle, put it near the icon of the Mother of God and be sure to light it (in some churches, candles are not lit, but are burned only during the service, such a church is not suitable). Looking at the fire of the candle, say words of a conspiracy to return a person and return to him love feelings:

Today I will tell you about some of the strongest droughts that can be used without harm to both of you. Prisuhi (prisushki - whispers of love) about which we will tell the Magin have been tested by me more than once and have always allowed me to quickly dry a guy or an unmarried man. But proven whisper - dry on a beloved man or a guy you like will allow you to dry it to yourself for up to 1 month, and dry will begin to act the next day. This is very convenient to to dry a person and get to know him better. If you are suitable for each other, you can use a strong love spell and, after reading the plot, bewitch your loved one to yourself. If you are too different, after a month you will part as friends and, if you wish, you will simply maintain a good relationship. Read prisushki and love whispers Maginya started at school so that the boy I liked drew attention to me. Now the relevance of using the strongest dryness has not lost its attractiveness due to the very fast action and the always expected result. The next day after drying, the beloved himself shows interest in me, showing me clear and not ambiguous signs of attention.

If your husband likes to walk away from you or you have doubts about his fidelity, develop them with the help of magic. Every time a loved one leaves the house, tell him after a whisper on her husband's fidelity that will allow him to speak from betrayal:

Go where you went, you'll always come back.

From me you go like a gelding,
In my house you will be a stallion.
As I say, so be it.


Be sure, after these magic words, the husband will be faithful to you like a dog and will always return home to your family.

How to quickly and profitably marry a rich groom? A conspiracy to create a family, read as a prayer in the church at the icon of the Virgin, is the most powerful and fastest love spell in terms of effectiveness so that a guy or a man gets married. If you already have a beloved boyfriend or adult man, make this easy but very effective love spell at home that will help you marry your loved one. For marriage, use this love spell recommended by a Siberian healer and be sure you will not miss a wedding this year. Open the front door in a house or apartment and read the marriage plot, it helps even a girl with a child get married. The words of a love spell to speed up the wedding and quick marriage forcing a loved one to quickly marry you:

We decided to bewitch a person on our own, so it’s best to use a strong love spell that will work instantly and which cannot be removed. The action of the Siberian love spell instantly and acting through the subconscious of a person will very quickly make him feel love attraction and a strong craving for you. With the help of magic and the action of a love spell, his consciousness will constantly think only about his beloved, and not finding peace from the action of a love spell, a person will be forced to turn to you himself. You will immediately notice the manifestations of his love for you, which will be expressed by constant signs of attention, he will constantly call you on the phone and leave messages.

Before embarking on this really strong love spell, once again answer yourself the question: are you ready for such a long relationship with this person. Having done Siberian love spell that can not be removed, you will instantly and forever connect the fate of a person with your life, and the bewitched will never be able to leave you and make a lapel. Remember: "you are responsible for those whom you have tamed." It is easy to leave a bewitched man or woman, but the person on whom the love spell is made will only suffer and eternal loneliness and the desire to see his soul mate who bewitched him to herself. If you are ready for such an act, the magician will tell how to make an instant love spell.

There are moments in people's lives when love ends and feelings between loving hearts cool down. At such moments, the other is very sad and hurt, because his feelings are still "attached to his soulmate", his heart is "torn to pieces", and the soul does not find peace. At such a moment, there is a feeling as if "the earth diverges under your feet" and it seems that life is over ... But in fact, this is only the beginning of a new path! How to stop loving a former love and forget a loved one after breaking up continuing a happy life? There are several options and all methods are successful, the main thing is not to sit with a pillow in an armful, mourning unhappy love, but to act! How? You can visit a psychologist and "brainwash" to start a new life, and he will "go through the forest" along a different path. Maginya, in such a situation, and there were several of them, uses the help of white magic by reading a conspiracy that helps to permanently erase a person from your memory and forgetting the former to live on and enjoy life.

Yes, I independently made a strong love spell on my husband and forever bewitched him to me. I was able to force the beloved man with the help of magic to return from his mistress to the family. Now my husband and I are together again and everything is fine with us. So my story of how I bewitched my husband. The husband left the family after more than 9 years of family life, when the son went to first grade. Once, after work, he came home and said that he had found another and he would have nothing more with me ... He packed his things that very evening and went to her ... For a week I lived like in a dream, did not know how to live without him, how could he do this ... At work, one woman said that with what to "kill" like that, you need to bewitch your husband to yourself or order a love spell from sorcerers. The thought firmly stuck in my head and all day at work I only thought about my husband’s love spell:

A simple fortune-telling "when I get married" exactly told me at what age I will meet my love and successfully marry, revealing the wedding date to me. True online divination by the date of my birth did not disappoint my expectations by indicating the year of my marriage, like those girls who, like me, guessed in this way when they found out the date of their marriage. Having independently figured out a simple fortune-telling, I managed to tell fortunes using numerology and get the answer that I so desired. Only after two years did I believe in fortune-telling that could tell about the future and predict the date of meeting my future husband, because it really happened.

Years passed, but I never met the “prince on a white horse,” they told me, I began to look for a way to find out what year I would get married and found several ways to tell fortunes. I was interested in one question: what kind of fortune-telling is able to correctly answer my curiosity and open a happy year for me of my marriage. I tried several methods and, as expected, wrote down the results of divination in my Magini diary. Strange as it may seem, but in two predictions, the date of my marriage - the wedding fell on the same year, which made me very happy, because it was next year.

A conspiracy for the universal and mutual love of a woman which needs to be returned and strongly fall in love with yourself is done independently with the help of a simple white love spell and reading a conspiracy for love. To fall in love with a woman, girl or girlfriend and to make her obedient and submissive, her photograph is needed. The photo must be on paper in order to hold love spell for love her photo from the phone taken secretly and printed on a printer will do. More conspiracy to love a beloved woman in order for her to fall in love strongly, she demands to purchase a yellow church candle in the church. How the ceremony is done: Put a photo of a woman on the windowsill and light a church candle, start read a conspiracy to kindle love from a loved one :

This strong love spell read by the wife will be able to quarrel with her husband and his mistress and make the husband quarrel with his rival and return to his wife, and this will help to make a love spell on the castle. Simple spell cast on lock and key from memory and easy rite with reading a conspiracy to love a husband will affect the beloved man as soon as you finish rite of magic and close the lock. After this conspiracy, the husband will never be able to cheat on his wife in his life and will remain faithful to her, loving her very much until the last day of his life. For this ceremony, as you may have guessed, you need a new lock with keys, the lock should be with a darling (barn), but not necessarily large, a small one like for a mailbox is quite suitable. Generally in white and black magic, conspiracies and love spells on the castle are very common, but this love plot - a love spell on a beloved husband is considered the fastest and strongest. If needed urgently bewitch a man or return a husband from a rival (lover) this ardent conspiracy for strong love read on the lock and key is the most powerful and surest magical way to quickly get what you want . Open the lock with the key and read words of a magic spell - a conspiracy to love :

How to bewitch a loved one forever: a man or a guy at a distance from him if there is a photograph of him. Make a strong love spell on your own from a photo very simple and you can easily make a love spell right at home being at any distance from a loved one. A love spell for a man based on a photograph for life can bind a man to her. From the moment the love spell takes effect, a man will forever remain faithful to his chosen one and will never be able to change, this desire will not even arise in his head! Remember love spell on photo which is described below is very strong and cannot be removed! If you are not at least a little unsure of your feelings, choose another love spell whose effect is imposed for a certain period. This strongest love spell is done for a loved one to seduce a husband And using magic to fall in love and marry a person whom you love but he does not marry.

For a love spell, take a new needle, a red thread and a photo of the person on whom eternal love spell . A pictogram (a five-pointed star in a circle) is scratched out with a needle at each corner of the photo, the photo is twisted into a tube with the image inside and fixed with a red thread for 3 circles around the photo and tied with 7 knots. Having completed the preparatory rite of passage on a scroll is read strong conspiracy - a love spell for eternal love :

How to bewitch a husband to yourself and fall in love with him forever with the help of magic and to make a love spell at home, I will now teach you. This strong conspiracy - love spell on husband's love must self read wife who wants to make her husband love her more than life itself. The love spell is so strong that even after the divorce of the spouses, it will make the ex-husband himself return to his wife as soon as the ceremony is completed. Love spell for love and a husband's respect for his wife should be read in a glass of water. The following are 2 options for the action of the ceremony from which you choose the one that suits your situation:

  1. If you want to seduce a husband who has cooled down with feelings for his wife or began to walk, you need to make sure that the husband drinks the charmed water.
  2. If needed return the ex-husband with the help of a love spell and fall in love with yourself again , a glass of charmed water is placed in your bedroom on a saucer and covered with a white piece of cloth or a scarf without a pattern.

The consequences of a love spell made on her husband come the very next day. The husband every day will be strongly drawn to his family, awakening in him the desire to be close to his wife.

A conspiracy to restore the love feelings of a husband and wife will help restore love to spouses and make the feelings between husband and wife resume and flare up with renewed vigor. This conspiracy - a prayer that returns love to the husband and wife can be read by both the husband and the wife, if one of the spouses has cooled off in a relationship or has begun to cheat and meet with a rival (lover) or rival (lover). This white sinless magic harmless and harmless for both spouses takes place in the church doesn't harm anyone . For restoration of love feelings I need a wedding photo that shows a husband and wife. Photos of spouses whose feelings have cooled must be brought to church (in a bag, side pocket or daddy, it doesn’t matter). The photo will not be harmed unless you rumple it yourself. Immediately after reading the prayer conspiracy, which helps to return and restore relations between spouses, the photo can be returned to its place in a frame or photo album. Conspiracy - a prayer that returns past feelings between husband and wife for the love of spouses as I said earlier, it is read in the church and you must have a wedding photo with you. Buy 2 candles (price and color are not important) and put the candles near the Matrona icon and read magic words for the renewal of love and the restoration of feelings between husband and wife :

Conspiracies and prayers for reconciliation allow you to return the relationship of another person with the help of white magic and even reconcile the lovers of the spouses who are after a divorce and improve relations in the family with the help of white magic. How to make peace with a person? This helps effective and powerful conspiracy to reconcile warring triggered even after parting and breaking off all relationships. When it seems that there is no way back and the relationship between people is already completely broken after reading in front of the icon conspiracy to reconcile can be done very quickly and easily return love and build relationships . Also conspiracy to reconcile helps to make peace after a strong quarrel with a friend (girlfriend) with whom you became an enemy. For a person to forgive and work magic to reconcile evil hearts needs an icon of St. Irina who helps people make peace . It can be a small icon bought in an icon shop or an icon in a church. Rite to help reconcile simple and you can do it yourself without special training. Rewrite the text of the prayer - a conspiracy to persuade a person to reconciliation on a piece of paper or memorize it and start the ceremony. Light any church candle and say conspiracy words - prayers for reconciliation :

Semik or Green Christmastide (Trinity) is the most favorable day for a love spell and a love spell that is read independently. In the old days, on this day, girls and unmarried women read love plot to strongly and forever to bewitch your beloved boyfriend or man and with the help of magic force him to marry himself. Made rite of love for green Christmas time helped to quickly marry the one you love and fall in love with your husband so much so that he could not live without a wife, and even more so he never cheated. It's very easy to do love spell does not require special skills and magic items. If you don’t know when Green Christmas time is celebrated, I answer, green holidays are celebrated on (spirit day) and therefore a love spell made on this day has simply tremendous power. So, how to make a love spell on Green Christmas time . On the day of the holiday, you need to cut a branch from a birch on which there are green leaves, the size of the branch does not matter, the very fact of the plant and the birch itself is important. Bringing a birch branch home, you need to drop a few of your tears on it, for this, think about something sad. As soon as tears drip onto birch leaves, quickly read over the branch love spell words :

Few people know how to bewitch a loved one with prayer meanwhile love prayers very common in white magic. White love spell prayer for love this is the fastest and most powerful way to get mutual love from a person and build relationships with him. White prayer love spell which you need to read on your own at home while sitting in bed before going to bed and in the morning while you still do not get out of bed. This Old Slavonic love spell - a prayer for love and early marriage very quickly affect the feelings of a beloved guy or man to whom you have love feelings and he will reciprocate. text strong love spell prayers you can also read on your husband whose feelings have cooled off for you or you suspect him of strong treason love prayer for love will provide the necessary assistance without side effects. This rite of magic without candles, holy water and photos, just read during the week love spell words - prayers :

The strongest love spell contains magic for love - this is a rite for church candles twisted together in which you need to read a love plot. This one is called the strongest love spell - "black wedding" , and the ceremony is independently performed on twisted candles bought in the church - this instant binary spell . It is almost impossible to remove such a love spell, only real strong magicians and sorcerers who know secrets of black magic and black love spells , and there are only a few of them. Not recommended make love to oneself loved one with the help of black magic, if your feelings for him are not so strong and you have at least a little doubt answering your question: "Are you ready to live with him all your life." a conspiracy for ardent love is done on twisted church candles . Almost all witches and sorcerers are called love spell on twisted (twisted together) candles - "black wedding" . On Friday, you need to buy 2 church candles of the same color and size in the church, it is best to take the cheapest and thinnest ones, it is easier to work with them during the love spell. Love spell on church candles can be read on any day of the week and on any phase of the moon. Strong love spell equally effective and full moon and waning or waxing moon . To twist candles together, you need to warm them up a little by holding them in your hands and feeding them with your energy. At the moment when you start twisting the candles together, say spell text :

This a strong conspiracy on the husband’s love for his wife should be read by the wife on her own so that the husband loves her more than life, obeys her advice and respects his wife more than his mother. The conspiracy is done on a glass of drinking water, and you need to drink your husband with the charmed water. After the wife reads a conspiracy that causes love in a husband, respect and obedience to his wife , a beloved man who has drunk the charmed water "takes his head" will stop drinking and walking with friends, but will always rush to his wife, stop listening to the opinion of friends and relatives (mother-in-law and father-in-law) and begin to seek advice from his wife and respect her opinion more than others . The consequences of this love spellto the love and obedience of a husband to his wife expressed as follows, the husband will be very strongly drawn to home to his family and every day his love for his wife will become stronger and stronger. You will notice a change in your husband's behavior instantly as soon as he drinks the charmed water. Want to using magic to make the husband obey his wife, read the conspiracy to subjugate the husband to the will of his wife . For the ceremony, pour into a glass of drinking water and say over it words of a conspiracy for the love and respect of a husband :

How to make a demonic love spell on a needle and through demons forever bewitch your loved one Maginya knew from childhood, but she recently used this love spell with the help of black power. I did not randomly choose demonic love spell - NDB , after all the consequences of this love spell made through demons come instantly and bewitched having lost his head strongly and forever falls in love with the object of his passion, having fallen in love with him for life. After a demonic love spell, a bewitched man will never be able to cheat on his wife, will love only her, forgive her everything that she does, never saying a word against the will of his wife. Many people say about such men “henpecked”, but a woman next to such a husband is very comfortable, because he doesn’t need anyone else except his wife, even the mother-in-law (his mother) immediately fades into the background, having lost all her power of influencing her son (bewitched man ). Strong demonic love spells through a black matchmaker can do to any moon, but a prerequisite for do a demonic spell on your own you need to wait until midnight, after midnight the demons, having received the power, will make a strong love spell in one night and immediately with the onset of the morning, the bewitched man will feel a strong attraction to his beloved. To demonic love spell turned out, in the room where it will be held ritual for love with the help of demons there should be no church attributes (icons, lamps, crosses ...), church attributes are also removed from oneself (cross, palm, icon ...), if there are mirrors in the room, cover them with a thick cloth. The nbd love spell has tremendous power, and its power lies in the words of the conspiracy to hell. So, read a love spell - a spell of devils is needed 13 times . Insert a needle into a church candle from the side opposite to the wick and light it from the side of the needle. How the fire of a candle flares up read 13 times strong demonic love spell on a loved one :

All strong prayers for the return of the husband to the family they will make the husband understand that he loves his wife and quickly return home to his wife and children. Prayers for the return of a husband women also read in the case when the husband left for his mistress or if the husband filed for divorce. Orthodox prayer for reconciliation and return of husband in Russian, he will quickly reason with his beloved and make him return to his wife again, loving her with former strength. How to quickly return a husband to the family with prayers quickly and without consequences ask me in the letters of a woman whose husbands left the family and went to another woman - a rival, forgetting about their children. Prayer is like a conspiracy to return a loved one very quickly gives the expected effect, and if the ritual of white magic is performed correctly, then in 3 days you can return your husband with a prayer and make it so that he will forever love only his wife and will never cheat on her with another woman, much less leave the family.

Every woman dreams of happiness in her personal life, that her beloved is always there, so that you can share all the moments in life with him, drown in his arms and just enjoy your feelings. But life is quite insidious, and very often our desires remain dreams, especially when it comes to love. There is an opinion that people pay for love with loneliness.

Happiness is necessary for every woman

In part, it is true, because finding true love, and even mutual, is sometimes very difficult. And if love is completely unrequited, then such feelings are regarded not so much as happiness, but as a struggle and suffering for a loved one. A conspiracy to love a guy will help get rid of loneliness and attract into the life of a girl exactly the person who is constantly present in her thoughts, heart dreams.

Love conspiracies for a guy have been used by girls since ancient times, and these little secrets of women helped guys pay attention and fall in love with those who will make them happy in the future, with whom it will be possible to build happy relationships and even create families.

Love spell rules

We follow the rules

In order for a love conspiracy to work in the desired direction, it is necessary not only to carry out all the actions according to the plan of the conspiracy itself, but also to have a strong enough love energy and faith that words and actions will help the young man feel strong feelings in his heart. If a girl is not sure of her feelings, or she is simply passionate about a young man, but does not experience serious feelings, then a love plot should still be abandoned. Such a conspiracy will not bring happiness to either her or him, and the consequences can be the most frightening.

Here, for example, time will pass, the girl will lose attraction to the young man and switch to another object. And the young man will suffer from the feelings evoked in him with the help of a conspiracy, not understand what is happening to him, die of longing. And most importantly, it must be remembered that love pushes a person to the most rash acts, and where is the guarantee that the young man will also not resort to magic in order to return his beloved.

The power of a love spell

The power of the conspiracy is in your faith

A conspiracy for a guy is a certain set of words in the prescribed manner that cannot be changed, because each word has a certain power and energy, and the relationship between words is very important.

You should also refuse to conduct a love spell or a love spell if there is no faith in the power of such rituals. Only strong faith makes the words of the conspiracy effective, and the result will not be long in coming. And unbelief will give rise to even more uncertainty and confusion of relationships, feelings and even desires.
Particular attention should be paid to the girl on her health when she speaks to a young man for love.

On this day and for some time before it, she should not feel unwell, let alone get sick, and also a few days before the ceremony, she should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages. Ailments and the impact on the body of alcohol weaken the energy of a person, which means that the power of the conspiracy is lost.

If a girl decides to use a conspiracy in relation to her desired object, then it is very important to focus on a positive perception of future relationships. To do this, it is necessary to more often imagine future happiness with a young man, harmony in relationships, mutual understanding and strong love with him.

When to conduct a love plot

Time for the ritual

A strong conspiracy to love a guy is carried out in the first days of the new moon, when the moon begins to grow, building up feelings, energies and desires with it.
Many magicians recommend talking to a young man for love on Monday, which is considered an easy day that does not have much power. Women's days are also ideal for women's conspiracies - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.

A conspiracy to love a guy sometimes has to be repeated periodically several times. There is nothing wrong with this, speak to your loved one until obvious results are visible.

Conspiracies for love

Specific examples of conspiracies

At sunrise or at sunset, a girl needs to bite her tongue and say the words:

“I bite myself, I call on God’s servant (name). So that he misses me a lot, he didn’t know any sleep or rest - he missed me so much. Neither in summer, nor in winter, nor on a dark night, nor on a bright day.

This plot is read at dawn 7 times during the week. It is necessary to stand facing the east, it is better if the window is open in the room. It is very important to be alone in the room, and so that no one interrupts the reading of the plot:

“A person cannot be without water and food, and the servant of God (the name of the guy) cannot live and be neither day nor night without me, the servant of God (his name) of his other half.”

A strong conspiracy to love a guy from a photo

Using the power of magic

A photograph of a loved one must be spoken late in the evening. Put a photo of a young man between two candles on the table. Candles are desirable to take church, consecrated. The conspiracy is pronounced clearly and unhurriedly:

“In the heart (boyfriend’s name) I call for love, I kindle fire and strong passions in his soul! Go love in the heart of (guy's name) and settle there forever and ever! With a hot flame, his feelings for me (his name) will flare up, he will stretch and strive for me, wishing to unite his life with me! With all your gut, heart and soul! As I wish, so be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

The plot is read 9 times during the week.

You can make a guy fall in love with you with simple magic. There are many proven spells that will provide a quick effect. He can't take his eyes off you. Each plot will require a ritual that must be performed in its entirety as indicated in the manual. Only a combination of all the elements of the ritual will give the right and quick effect - the love of the one you dream of. Do not think that only a young girl can pronounce such a conspiracy. There is no age limit for magic. At any age, you need to strive for love, look for it and be happy. You can do it, because the forces are on your side. A man, boyfriend, friend or even your own husband will be crazy about you.

Enchant by all the rules

What is needed for happiness? Love, of course. Sometimes it's not easy to find it. And it happens even worse - you found your love, but only without reciprocity. Fall in love with you simply, quickly and forever can the one you want. To do this, you need to carry out the ritual according to all the rules. There is no need to use strong love spells that will destroy a man. In order for your relationship to be safe for both, and for the family to be happy, you need to put protection against side effects.

Advanced practitioners work in this way. They line up to get help. You can do everything at home. To fall in love with any man, you need to perform a ritual, learn a conspiracy by heart. This is called "bewitch by all the rules." Practitioners advise updating the result, but not more often than once every 10 years. The desired love will come to your house.

Side effect protection

It is very important to protect your loved one from the side effect of any love spell. It's about draining his life energy. In the old days, witches used this method - they tied a man to themselves, and they themselves took his strength for their rituals and practices. He believed that he was in love, but quickly faded away. Such a love fever led to the death of a man, and the sorceress was looking for a new victim for herself. They were all young, healthy and strong. Today, few people practice love spells from this point of view. But out of ignorance, you can harm your loved one. The guy will love you, but his health will deteriorate, the will to live may disappear, cravings for alcohol and drugs appear. So that all this does not happen, and he falls in love with you - be sure to put protection immediately before the ritual. For this you will need:

  • the most recent photo of a person, where he is alone;
  • black thread;
  • Holy water.

Tie the photo with a thread criss-cross, say:

“Hitro, unstoppable hurricane, sent to refute the present in the name of the future! I call on your Great power by the law of eternal Unity. Turn into a fiery wind for those who harm (name) - sweep away and destroy - all evil, black - will, desire and actions that are directed to (name) - Return to the source! Burn - leaving no life! By the might of Abraz, so be it!!!”

Repeat three times, and on the third, pour holy water over the cross of threads. So the energy will not go out of your loved one. After that, you can safely fall in love with any man.

The most powerful love spells

Any guy or man can be yours. In order for it to work, you need to consider:

  • Falling in love with a complete stranger will not work.
  • You need to do exactly as the ritual suggests.
  • Learn the plot by heart. Just reading a plot on a piece of paper is not an option for magical work. Make an effort to learn.
  • Do not perform the ritual if you feel unwell, you are sick.

Otherwise, a whole world of possibilities opens up before you. Fall in love and fall in love with a man under the power of each.

There must be a channel between you and the object of love spell

Conspiracy for candles

For this ritual, you will need one black candle, the other white. You can buy them in an esoteric store, where they always sell thin candles of different colors. On a white one, you need to scratch your name with a knife, and on a black one - the name of your lover. Hold the candles in your hand until they become soft. Then they need to be twisted into a spiral so that two wicks can be lit at the same time.

  • Light the matches in your left hand.
  • As soon as they light up, say a conspiracy:

“In the heart (boyfriend’s name) I call for love, I kindle fire and strong passions in his soul! Go love in the heart of (guy's name) and settle there forever and ever! With a hot flame, his feelings for me (his name) will flare up, he will stretch and strive for me, wishing to unite his life with me! With all your gut, heart and soul! As I wish, so be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Repeat three times.
  • Candles should burn out, and collect all the wax.
  • Keep the wax in a red bag where no one will find it.

So you will always be together. The guy will love you quickly, this effective tool will attract love into your life.

Holy water conspiracy

You need holy water from the church. You have to follow her on your own. Cross yourself before starting the ritual with holy water. To make everything work out, do it on the growing moon - together with her, the guy's love is growing. Get on your knees, looking out the window, say:

“I will go out, the servant of God, (name), in the canopy, then in the open field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord! Lord and Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos! And I ask: pull the violent winds, and scatter my anguish-grit from a white body, from a zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my sadness to the sweetheart (name of the chosen one) in his clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, on a zealous heart. So that for daytime sadness and night longing, and so that he could neither eat nor sleep, and all would think about the servant of God, (his name), and so that everyone would walk and fank like a white swan, and would think of me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong as iron, and expensive as gold. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

This conspiracy is pronounced only once. At the end, whisper the name of your loved one and imagine him. Say mentally kind, affectionate words. Very soon you will realize that the guy is showing interest. This means it worked.

The needle is a very small but very useful instrument in rituals.

Hex on the needle

Buy a new needle. You will need to pay in change from your wallet, and if you get change, take it to the crossroads.

This needle must be new, nothing can be sewn with it. In order to make a conspiracy, you need to have access to the man's personal belongings. Great option if this is your husband. He may move away from you, but this conspiracy will bring him back, and he will give you all his love.

Prick the index finger of your left hand until it bleeds. On the needle, say:

“I will get up at dawn and go out into a clean field and look at the clear sky - and a sharp arrow flies across the sky. So fly you, a sharp arrow in a zealous heart, into hot blood, into the eyes of a clear servant of God (the name of the beloved). So that she would dry up for me, the servant of God (her name), and yearn always and everywhere. My will is firm, my word will be fulfilled.

Now, hide this needle in his personal belongings. If this is your boyfriend and you come to his house - also a good option. The needle should lie there unnoticed so that it is not thrown away for the first 13 days. If it lies in this place, then everything worked out. Now your man. This is a good way to fall in love with a person.

Love ritual by photo

It is believed that the most powerful rituals are carried out according to the photo. This is a clear image that has absorbed a small part of the human soul. You will need a single photo. It must be new, no older than one year. Such a photograph best preserves the memory of the energy of the one who is depicted in it. The guy should be without dark glasses, eyes are visible.

  • Take a photo in your left hand, and a church candle in your right.
  • Drip wax on the guy's face, repeating to yourself:

“I conjure that (the name of the object) becomes one with (your name) in the same way that Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth, so that thoughts (name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues. And let the high spirit (your name) circle over the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make it so that (name of object) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (your name).”

No more than 9 drops per photo. This is a strong love spell that will last 7 years. If you want to update, then exactly after 7 years, perform this ritual again. Very soon, signs of attention from the guy will follow, interest on his part.

This is a stronger option, it will require you to spend energy

Enchant by photo

There is another option for a love spell on the photo. You can not spend if you are not alone at home. Taken at night for a single photo.

  • Poke the photo with a needle in the area of ​​​​the heart. The needle must be new, not used for its intended purpose.
  • Say three times:

“Love in the heart (name) I call, I will kindle the fire of passion in my soul! Go love in the heart (name) and stay there forever! Let your beloved eyes flare with hot fire, to me (name), so that he reaches out to me and strives to unite with me, with all his heart, with all his soul. I so want and he will be with me. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

  • Now, with the same needle, prick the ring finger of the left hand. The needle is still inserted in the photo.
  • When a drop of blood appears at the end of the needle, quickly drag it through the photo so that all the blood is smeared from the tip.

The needle must be taken to the crossroads, and left there. Very soon, your beloved will come to you or call you.

For return love

The worst love is unrequited. She haunts, eats the heart and soul from the inside. In order not to torment yourself with this pain of love, just get reciprocal feelings. This conspiracy will help you in this way: all your feelings will be reflected and transferred to your beloved. He will feel the same. So your love will be mutual. It is done on a photo or a personal item.

The candle must burn out completely.

You need to put a thing or photo on the table, a black candle is placed on it. On the candle you need to cut out the name of your lover with a knife. When the candle is lit, start saying:

“I ask the Lord by a miracle to let my feelings and thoughts come into contact with the heavenly cloud so that it accepts my aspirations, and my heart will show the way for him to meet with the one for whom I suffer. With feelings and words, I call on the power of the Lord to pour rain from a cloud on my beloved (name) so that the water, touching him, gives him a desire and a way, a desire to meet me and a way to me. May the heavenly cloud find its way, guided by the power of the Lord, to where (name) is now, and drops of heavenly moisture will revive its heart, and its soul will receive the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me, and I thank Him for His help. Amen"

The text is repeated until the candle burns out. You may see strange, frightening things. The wick spins, the candle flares up, then almost goes out. It may go out and then light up again. There is no need to be afraid, nothing threatens you. It only means that dense energy has concentrated around you. It is she who makes the candle behave so unusually.

When you finish the repetitions, then take everything that took part in the ritual to the crossroads of 4 roads. There it must be left and gone. Don't look back, you might be scared by what you see.

Before you make a conspiracy, think well

You need to think seriously. This is not just entertainment for those who have nothing to do. Such magic generates a connection stronger than that of other couples. You will be energetically connected. To fall in love with a person and always be with him - that's what a magical contract will require of you. Throwing it away after a year or 5 years, 10 years is a serious mistake. Such magic is created so that people can be together all their lives. It is suitable for those who desire it. To avoid disappointment later, take a closer look at your lover.

  • Is he the one?
  • Are you ready to spend your whole life with him?
  • Enter his family, make it yours?
  • You will not give up this decision in a month?

If you answered yes to all the questions, then go ahead. You have an ideal opportunity to fall in love with a man who will become yours forever. If you are in doubt, then wait. A person may show himself from a not very good side, you will be disappointed and want to leave him. What should he do? He will love you with that very mystical love, he will be firmly attached. Without you, his life will be empty. Do not condemn a person to suffering if you are not ready to be with him.
